HomeMy WebLinkAboutLandscape planLandscape Notes: 1. All plants shall conform to established nursery grades and standards; to be Florida No. 1 or better, and shall be free ofdisease sand insects at the time of installation. 2. Trees shall be a minimum of (12) feet in height and have a caliper of two and one-half (2 %) inches at four and one half (4 ✓2) feet above the ground when installed. 3. All required trees, except palms, shall have a minimum of five (5) feet of clear trunk and a minimum five (5) foot canopy spread at the time of planting. 4. All palm trees shall have a minimum clear trunk of ten (10) feet when installed. Three palm trees are equal to one shade tree having a mature canopy spread of fifteen (15) feet. S. Shrubs shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches in height above grade immediately after planting. 6. Groundcovers, other than grass, shall be planted in a manner as to present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage within four (4) months after planting. 7. Turf grass shall be installed rising solid sod and shall be Bahia sod. 8. All landscape areas other than sod will be provided a mulch cover of at least three (3) inches. Cypress mulch shall not be used. 9. All landscaping within vehicular use areas shall be protected by a six inch non -mountable curb 10, All existing native vegetation found on the site and is not in direct conflict with the proposed building or parking areas shall be left undisturbed. A suitable protective barrier, constructed of metal, wood, safety fencing, or other durable material will be placed around the staked out locations of existing native vegetation. 11. No fill materials, construction materials, concrete, paint, chemicals, or other foreign materials shall be stored, deposited, or disposed of within any areas that have been staked or fenced off as being undisturbed native vegetation areas. 12. Existing understory shall be maintained in areas of undisturbed native vegetation. 13. All Category 1 exotic plant species will be eradicated from the site. 14. Conspicuous, durable barricades will be erected around each individual tree or areas of vegetation that are to be preserved In the event that any protective barricades are removed or altered and land clearing or construction work is being conducted on the site, all work at the site will be stopped until the barriers are restored and any necessary corrective actions taken to repair or replant any vegetation removed or damaged as a result of these encroachments. 15. An automatic irrigation system will be installed to provide 100% coverage to all landscaped areas. Landscape Data: Pursuant to 7.09.03 (E)(7), preserved native vegetation is proposed to meet the intent and requirements of Section 7.09.00(A), (B), and (C)(1), Landscape Requirements pursuant to 7.09.04 (A), Required Landscaping Adjacent to Public or Private Street or Road Right -Of -Way, and (B), Perimeter Landscaping Relating to Abutting Properties,are proposed to be met by preservation of existing native understory and trees along the north, east, and south perimeters. Landscape Requirement pursuant to 7.09.04 (C)(3), Parking and Other Vehicular Use Area Interior Landscaping is provided by planting canopy trees in each parking lot terminal island and preservation of existing trees. Interior Vehicular Use Area-1,335,000 Sq FtVUA/18 = 74, 166.66 Sq Ft Required/Provided. 74,166.66/180 = 412 Trees Required Littoral Zone Requirement of 50% shoreline coverage is proposed for the eastern half of wet detention pond, with final design provided at building permit submittal. 3000.58 LF Wet Detention Pond = 15,000.29 SF Littoral Zone Required The following trees are proposed, with final location and quantity provided at the time of building permit submittal, and shall be a minimum 12' High and a minimum caliper of 2.5" d.b.h. Acer rubrum - Red Maple Taxodium distichum - Bald Cypress Ilex cassine - Dahoon Holly Juniperus silicala - Southern Red Cedar Bursera simaruba - Gumbo Limbo Cordia sebestena - Orange Geiger Mitigation Data Mitigation for removal of native trees shall be provided pursuant to Section 6.00.05(D)(3)(b); more than 25% of habitat is being preserved, therefor no individual tree mitigation is required. Revision Area Landscape Data: Landscape Requirement pursuant to 7.09.04 (C)(3), Parking and Other Vehicular Use Area Interior Landscaping is provided by planting canopy trees in each parking lot terminal island and preservation of existing trees. Interior Vehicular Use Area-59,542 Sq Ft VUA/18 = 3,307.88 Sq Ft Required/Provided. 3,307.88/180 = 18Trees Required The following trees are proposed, with final location and quantity provided at the time of building permit submittal, and shall be a minimum 12' high and a minimum caliper of 2.5" d.b.h. Quercus virginiana - Live Oak ilex cassine - Dahoon Holly Cordia sebestena - Orange Geiger Toxodium distichum - Bald Cypress p D13H 51ZE 2.5" DBH 12' HT 2.5" DBH 1 2' HT 2.5" DBH 12-15' H 3" DBH I o,- 12' HT —R E V I S 1 0 N S— BY DATE LANDSCAPES MATERIAL it DATA ADDED Pi=R SITE PLAN REVISION DH G- 10-2 1 2 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL $ DATA ADDED PER SITE PLAN REVISION DH 7-28-2 1 U ESTEI�N PERIMETER ®UPPER WA11 PD PER STAFF AGREEMENT D.H I I 18 2 1 QTY G G 2 4 " Y a � p 'a a PLANT 5CNEDULF- TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT DBH SIZE QTY Cordia sebestena, Orange Geiger 45 gal 2.5" DBH i 2' HT 5 Bursera simaruba / Gumbo Limbo Field Groin, B*F3 2.5" DBH 12' HT x 5` 5pr 32 • Acer rubrum / Red Maple Field Grown, B&B 2.5" DBH 1 2` - 14' Ht 20 Jumperus 5iiicola / Southern Red Cedar Field Grown, B$B 2.5" DBH 12' - 14' Ht 3 Ilex ca551ne / Dahoon Holly 45 gal 2.5" DBH 1 2-1 5' H 38 Sabal palmetto / Cabbage Palm B * B 14' Ht 8 Taxodum ai5tichum / Bald Cypress 45 gal 3" DBH 10'- 12' HT 23 FACILITY LANDSCAPE DATE: 02-20-19 HORIZ. SCALE:1"=100 VERT. SCALE: N\A JOB No. q SHEET 1 0