HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAYOUTwl H7.CHELLE Ft- MILLER, CLERK OF THF- CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4975460 OR BOOK 4750 PAGE 2667, Recorded 01f05f2022 03.Oe:20 2M Permit ~#a. Sta,e of Flarldo counY of SL Lu& NOT€CE pF COMMENCEMENT Tax FoliO Na. 3415-705-0113-LKK)-2 Tne undersigned hereby t+es notim ;hat ArrPffl*Wnent will he made to certain real property, and in WPonUdo with Empt& TSB, Fiarlda Sta"es, theiallawing IrformaftriIsprouidW -in thhNa6oeafcanmucemwA. Legal ItesulPthon of ProPRrly: (and S1r*w address II iivzUabb'e - .OLEANDE-a EN ES R K 1 LOT 1.12 f _22 W COR 1376-2430- 411 &1- 4124-923) i2encr3lde=ipsionof Itnp•oveme,I: Installation of hunic$ne shutters Om mer infe maU.-an cc LPssee if the ixssae [ceivac A fcr the JnryrGvemoct 7Jar!Ye Areth nay hJf31nit3„J,r _ .. Adcrus 6944 Bronte CIR Por' St L;,fCie FL N4952 --- _ Interest Inpraperq: as=r Na" ahei address of fee s1 rp'e ut;ahvldgr jiff kme t ffcae Owner listed aha e�: cantraetcds Narna: Ex2!6rj Shutter 5iorvjgq: . lorQnuorfddress:.$F^,A .4:;W VLfhitrnorn Dr_.Pnil St I ,jinje 349L94 PhoneYumhen 774-871-19i5 SUFOy [i appii-�hlp, a Copy ul LI-e oaymen', bond is attached): Am-uuni of tend: $_ Na,neand ado. sa phimmoumhei- Lender Harem Pbom Awniber_ t ardor's a]dn m: Persons withlnt thv 9tak4 of Rand& eeslplreted by' 4wnar Upon Wbum ruYoes or *her dadumena may he served as pToulded by Setiien x' a-ts(l) N17- Flwlds Staknhea= NEme!-- _ PbOrL•t;�nLc�: Add:rEw — in atldiem to himself or hcrzor, Owner dzhiIVWes of to rac*" 2L tapy Of the UtAOr'$ Noticj� as pra,Aded nn 5eJian 113,13t1) jh�. Horida Staum. Phone number of pungrkmem0tyde*naied by DWW: E'xplr-Aitn,date dnoUceofcarrmRnrm rrt=(!%eexpiration niatemay nabrrbororythe gapiplrthnofcof-tmietlenand $nalp;ygrw,t10the cirmrgrwr,but vAlhe1yearframthe dateofrr ygsir.:emadMerantdata4Wc'cA9edj wARNING To awwrlt; ANY RVMr kTS MADE 9V TH E CWNER AFTERTNE E%PMA110N V T'IE NOTICE OF COfWMENCF.IAEPF ARE CONSMERZI) IIAMCi ER PAYFrSEFJTS UNMR CKWI-ER713,f'ARTL5WnON 713.13• FLORI41A S7A1Lffg, ANU CA+N RFSLILTIlk YDIJR PAYP.m 7WILEi 4M IPAPROME#dE M TO Y4k1R PROPERTT.A NO= OF OOMUMCEMEN7 MUST It RE[U90 W ANn POS1#D ON THE 103 SITE RPM SHE Fier INSPECTION. IF YOU IIIiENDTOOSTAINRNM OWC3,03NSULT Wrrfi YOUR LENDER OR ANAT] URfakY IJLKXLE COMMENCING WORK OR RL�ROING YOUR hUrIll OF 0GLMWFNOEfd1ENT. Under pvnalty cd pmjuty, I ded care that I have teed fhe fofeorj rAN-m of cgrv--. Dement ■nd that the fwu Loafed therein arc trur to the best of fnyk�awledge the ($Igrw7tU�+�OWr'lf tK tR59 ar saLe ee'S AfitJyoA2ed Ofiar/Llbedmr ParLnerjMmeper (5JpnatorLrs j1t1e/pFpGe] STATE OF FL' Od COUNTY Or '] The�fa n¢f snewandha'� WJMVdbsiff=Metrymeansofu5y,whyskalpraa�or4'on enotaraa#wnt" lloisaersnnallykvawntornearhbsw+ uoatl { as ideL•�dtl[aL'an, y Sharman PUBLIC NOTARY RI19L.IC [NOTARIAL SEAL] STATE (W FLOI3WA �nrt5iF G4i'E✓IIQ�E NOTARY PU3LIC,Std"r. of Florldd ..-5 r-tfpfiasW',2JF 2