HomeMy WebLinkAbout BP 47644-7307 ELYSSE CIRCLEST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT PERMIT NO. qy APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT inn I n(•ATInAI /AnnDrcc. / 6) ( CODE ; v 7 v APPLIC I rp ... 7 2Y SEWAGE PERMIT NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION r as No vote ROAD IMPACT: DISTRICT / ZONE FEE S/D _���I U�-Gt4 5! —_ MAP #_---, FLOOD ZONE ELEV LOT __ J7 BLOCK UNIT SEC TWP _ — RGE �(- PROPERTY TAX ID # 3 D & - YL' 00 3 V — 000 - -- ZONE -_ GMPP LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS ` X ZSt "- EST COSTe3o'�"°�s SET BACKS- FRONT 410 REAR /S t SIDE 4— SIDE SQ FT BUILDING: LIVING AREA 330 _ ACCESSORY s/t I ARCHITECT: NAME _ /v�..�PHONE ._.87f - ADDRESS I 7 �' ^�`�f"5�'� CITY ST ZIP 3 CONTRACT R: STATE REG/CERT # (2ge Z ° -7 c — COUNTY CERT # J NAME Imo.. 770L e- ALMA n) 01 a rJ ADDRESS e� / ell A-)o E CITY /-72'c�2c�� STATE �71 ZIP ��/ _PHONE OWNER OF NAME PROPERTY: ADDRESS z �4 5 S C L;,i2 PHONE _ CITY / ' STATE r 1 ZIP STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information co ined in a foregoing application is true and correct. ` 8 UCT 20 P 2 :10 9 Epp jcant 1 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7 day of Qz19 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required ❑ Yes ❑ No Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Amt. Pd My Commission expires: Date Pd Posted TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Jan Urso, Zoning Administrator Chris Bove, Env. Prin. Planner? October 18, 1988 SUBJECT: Review of Building Plan Pursuant to the River Code 2-Story Addition 7307 Elysse Circle, Port St. Lucie ST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT APPLICATION: St. Lucie Application No.: PR-88-2728 Application For: 2-Story Addition Development: Existing Single Family Residence Contractor: Don Determan, Inc. Owner: Dr. E.Z. Benemerito REVIEW: According to a site visit on October 18, 1988 there is a steep slope along the shoreline. The only shoreline vegetation is located at the top of the bank and along the slope. Toe proposed addition, although it would be within fifty (50) feetthe shoreline, will not be located in any area containing shoreline vegetation. CONCLUSION: The application may continue to be processed at this time. CJB/cjb plans) Attachment (application/set of 2 building p cc: Community Development Director Planning Administrator Environmental Planner III File: St. Lucie River irtre$exrw,-rIorJ LEFT tIDE ELEV. m2e� Igor --v►ze, r- - - - _ 1 r- - - - -_ 7 G-I I 'I! I I__. _ i �C-E IN �s.t,Ueh • I �/�' x emu- PA-rle.L5) 0 174 r - 'v!`k I I* w GDtJG,Gt�L• M?*O U COL, 00lye. 1051vr- rete slabs shall be 4 inches thick, 2500 psi. concrete w/6 x 101C) WWM. , over treated, compacted clean sand fill. L Note Tie 311 corners w/ corner bars 30" long each leg. PLAN ioR$��ER��' FOUNDAT1 . COLUMN AND DE -AM SCHEDULE F-1 4' - ' , x 4' -6— x 1' -0" f tg. w/# `S dia. to 6" o.c. bothways and bottom. t�.6 F-2 3'- " x 6'-6"x. 1'-0" ftg., w/# 5 dia%@ 6" o.c.both ways and bottom. F-� i'- " thick x 1'-4" wide integral ftg. w/2# 4 dia. cont,��/j x 1'-4" concrete block columns filled w/:000 Psi - concrete and (4)# 6 dia. vert. w/41 .3 dia. ties @ 1211 o.c. Cr-2 1 '' dia. concrete col Limn w/(4) # 6 dia. vert and # 3 dia ties L i2" o.c. B-1 1' " x P -4 " concrete beam w/(4) 41 6 dia. eontin. and #3 tie @ a" o.c. _ L+2 V - r" x 1'-6'-' deerconcrete bdam w/::, # 7 dia. x 10' long top (carry into 01. ) and 2 #f6 dia. bottom w/ #3 dia. ties 0 6" . c. Taper to 12" x 12" Q outer edge. 7 I � '0� l.rQo -,wpe- 2 I �I F2 xf "let' jai rI - j h I C1Yh), L 1 4 �, � i — 1 REAR ELV ..� i/ , I, a r-- Got,.- I F a#`'� ov FIRST FLOOR PLAN YP F1AI L DETAIL a P- Z,c 2 role-Ic-09- (9 -7'i a, G { PT t)e ro zx u er - - , , ! aCN-r i t.i✓ �tJpot� �'� - r I iiS.v DUI eT FL V - ... r r 2) 8 12r &d*TT,17 o ri tau S i r$ iowrp tv P B 1 �1�M E ❑ OIL, 4, _ v£ � t3.2 F,a.+ I i Moles FY r.-%,I, C,, 1-I?, r.` � t7t/ 0 1���Itt - _ I � vim( Mo r)eA- VI S ECON ' D FLOOR PLAN Date DeSc ior* )o rx 1,)&+crm oLn John M. Foster T1�T�T�Ir ���M�IIJ�M �'-��FP.�Nr cis . p P�r'�'M � <-ot,� �'►��� ! � T i � ` iI C�•'" WG G12p•I1J i3 sL 8oGa8 h►L Architect _ _-___.,.... w = =_ Q -7 M Jea n Each B�vl�varr I .. Jensen Beach, Florido 33457 N(i) 3 -38 878-5 a a BEFORE FINAL PROVAL Member Amricon Institute of Architects I-,, i" I T ' EI T TIC] KITCHEN LD i ' C f-",� � r IN A DM n, TO THE r QUIREVIENTS OF THIS Fee PERT;SIT, Ti ADDITIONAL RESTR-IC- Sheet 11 (X 2. h ) L L HIS PROPERTY THAT BE F UND IN TH PUBLIC RECORDS OF (ownission 1-66 Dote.8-5 -I( "V I mo` ►' } u my- �► r Ne 4 These , drawings and specifications as 1 ( instruments of service ore the property of the. architect whether the project for which they ore A I prepared be executed or not. They are pot to be �-I- GHA,0 peLlE� \ used on other projects except by agreement in .4.5 Pr 2 J writing. d ►NQ GZ I Copyright © 1988 - �3 John M. foster, Architect All rights resented Ft-Lj--++ VJ/ C?4 r44 rr~ j --- -� r 0 � LA.- POO I W4 eFA-40 Homw OVO 9 1 F*VP CAA X LOO, &9A_C4 . -) VW r- I I 10,21 P I (01 lr;�Fv W el 9_Sr-LzCr1-,.,e —li�ePi4^L 5wgiev- )4vf' TIUO' h�Te-l+ E_XW,?Y1Ki-,4 NC, I" IV TRUSS FRAMING PLANI I - Z -K 4- s,;nj 12 V.JA O+Jt,- 140p- T2? 7WO& PUMLIWIT, noP FL4+J -n p- Pr4A Tie* "v t! cz*n, wwj ep v &Jr, er I-XIC, Ft.Oof- 1019T Vet LT16061_ 97 TI MO T LL� iI Gott, coNT, _LJML E z IV4wrlw4l' KLA-Us MECHANICAL PLAN MECHMOCA'L EgUIPMENT LIST Exhaust Fan Nutone ii6def QT 8-0 CF14, -1.5 Smes, 0.50 Amp, 120V, w/ 136-AL-Ei_ e 5witch w/ light. 4 A/C Equipment A i r l4and'i I Lear CBS18-21, 450 CFM, 0.25 ESP, 14.6 mam tota I 9H sen's i 6-1 e.; - 15-. 3 erg. 120/240 V. 1)6 HP, 2.5 -KW e, c heat. Corms I g ft Lennox H518-141, 8.5 Amp, 240 V. with non -recycling relay and low voltage cutout. SEER = 9.1. Supply Grilles: Similar to Titus series 200, with opposed blade dappers, throws as ind'icated. Return Grille : Similar to Titus core 4, with filter mounting frame and I" throwaway filter. 7 iJ47rt_ e0o, Pr TIL-i M 0 C'4 P-Le lea 14 LI L_ C, 'J P1,AN I Tr, L6t-#TlVtJ T J FPoM �PVOY OY 14- LNG ID C TIL-M fLMFr 1141MOPPIFF2 ST" _EGAL. DESC.IPTION All of lot 14 of block C af, Rivers edge subdivision and . th portion of lot 13 lying South mod East of the following d e sc r11 i bo"d line: commencing at the common front corner of lots 13 and 1, rtat Northwesterly along the we tigh of way line of Elysse cire,!.�_ distance of 18.0 feet to the, P.441tv" thence run on a bearing of Sout h - 14 1w perpendicular to Ely circle to the St. Lucie rev *r-.- the point of termination of the ' t I also that portion a+ lot 13' block C of rivers edge subdiviSIX, I ying North and West of 0 -following described line: comm*pci3O,Q'. at the common front corner of 14 and 15, run South easterly &I,, the west right of way line of Ely%** circle a distance of 2.0 +t. to the F.O.B., thence run on a bearing 0+,9 49' - 14 W perpendicular to Elysse . circle to the St. Lucie River and the point of termination of the line. All of the above lying 'in block C of rivers edge subdivision as recorded in plat book 11 page .2.1- of the public records of St. Lucia, co., Florida. '% P_;�F-p 4 erg --tviploe, These drawings and specificotions as instruments of service are the property of the. architect whether the prc4ect for whichh-they ore prepared be executed or not. They are 0 lobe used on other projects except by og ert in writing: Copyright 0 19815 John 1V Foster, Arch All rights reserved