HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHUTTERS QUOTATIONEXPERT k&j EP 155 o� INCLUDE5 MAT€RLALS, LABM, T4XES. FEES AND PERMIT -SHUTTERS BEET ALL BUILDING CODES- QUOTES ARE VALID FOk30 DAYS. FIVE YEA I? WARRANTY FOR PARTS AND LABOR- SHUTTERS MUST BE #d JUNTAINED PROPERLY SEE MAINTENANCE IN PCRMATION). .f APPROVE THE QUANTITIES, DIMENSIONS, COLORS AND PRODUCT TYPES. HOA APPROVAL IS OWNFRS RESPONSIsILLTY_ PU RC HAS ER TOTAL CUCK TO PAY NOW OEPOSET + arx BALANCE MICHELLE R- MTLLER, CLERK OF THE CIR(=1 ' COUR7 - SAIWT LUCIE COUNTY FILE 4 4953014 OR 8002C 4735 PAGE 773, Recorded 1 /09/2021 10:16- 7 AM Permit Na- NQTlCE OF COMMENCEMENT Tau Folio No- 33 11-all-00 0-O00- State of Florida COumyof 5t. Lude The underslgrred herebyglves r14tice that improvernent wl' be madu tv certain real property, and s(o accordance % th Omptvr713, Florlaa Statutes, the ftkuwing infnrmatlan Is provided in this Natfce of t:ommencerrssnt Legal DawiRlVlan of Prop6rty! hand street address If available); Gtnoral detcriptifln of Improvement: Owner k%form ation or Lressre Enfarmatson if the Lessgit conlracted far the Improvement; Nar,e Address 9 14f}f1N II 811"l# Lucia, Inleren in proper:}r: 0ynaC Name and address of fee simple tkiEholder (if dlPrefant `ram owner I ist,ed above): rnrdTadw's Name' 03 CaniractorMIJTCSs: 5 _ PfeaneNum�er` f�/ S^ Surety (if appl Icabie, a COPY of the payment bond is ate the dj' Arnraunt of bond; $ -- Name tnd address; Pt?ore numb@r Leader N Dme: Phone Nurr tpen Lenders addrew — — PerSanswithin She State of flortda desrgnAted by 04vnEr upon Whom nDUCOS ar other ¢ncuments may J,e served as provldod by Senior. 713.13(11 la)7., F1ar4:bL Statutes: Name Pharce Number: Addrassr — - . In acUtion to hi ms e(f or herself, Owner designates -_ LEenur's Notice as proceed Jrt Secdcn 711;?(1) (b), Elarida StatvM- Fhone nu tuber of pe rzm or enrlty des'gn ated by ourmr- to rece'sve a t Opy Of the Expiration date of notrce of commencement; (the explratirih date may not be befofe *Kf! [nrnpletlan of construction and Brv. ar payment to the mnttartar, but wall be 1 year fram the dare, of reootding unless a different dale is spedfied) WAR NINCi TO OWNER: ANY PAYMEWS MADE BY THE DINNER AMR THE EXPIRAT;ON OF THE NOTIL� Of Cd141MErNOEMENT ARE CONSIDERED 4UPROAE41 RAYMENTS UNDER CHART-- R 715, PART I, SECrlON 7L 13, i=LORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESU4 IN YOUR PArFNG . 4iICE FOR ,MPROVEMEN7S TO YOUR FIRCH lY. ANOTICE OF CDMM ENCEMENT Must Be ReapRDE✓ rAND Posno oN nieMpg snE BEFORET14E FIRST 1N5PEMOP4, IF YOU INT1 NV 100ETAW FiN&NIGNr% MNSULT Wrri F YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WC)PK OR RECOKDI-%YO�JF#NUnCF 6F COMMENd:MA NT- under penalty art perjury, I declare that I have read the fare®aing nadce of cormmrsncerrent and ;hat tF.e farm stated theraln are tree to the best of my kr.c6y4dge and bedef, of Own er a r Lessee, o. Ownr 's Or Lessee's Authorised Officer/Director/Rang r{Mahage r {Blgnatcr�s Ti;r%eOffleej STA7 E UI` FiWDA Th f yr F log fnstrlxmect was acknawiedged befart me by rrreans of E�4car presence ar ❑ n Cm rra#ari7at, on thls - day of 20 , IV a1w� who N person ally known ;a Ine or has produced - f L as identification. �phl NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA L �Ae G G251mg I EMires 911 ZM022 NOTARY F'UBLhC, State of Florida