HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrocksmith Notice of Commencement MZCHELLE R- MILLER, Clr.EIRK OF THE C=RCUIT COLMrr •- SAINT T.UCIE COUNTY FILE # 4956751 OR $pCFK 4726 ]PAGE 452 , RecorGlact 11/24/2021 10 : 17 : MB AM id 'TD SCE_OF GQMME. NCEMENT Pefknir No, tax FOSIO T2o_ .� � . � -v C7� C7 C')d)— StSLe bf Florid$ Ccunty of St Lure Tfie u45dersigred hereby gives notice thwt ImpFPvu rngnt wi4 be Fria-de tc"MWri ry l property.and in Q=Fda nWvAth Chaptcr 71A,Flarlda Stztutex, tb,3fa:Iow,reInfnrrrraftanIs¢m+_AdndInthIsNotiMofCammenae Qnr_ Le�r I[Fes�iptdory erF opertyr:Sind xtL-Qat,-.Li4yrrs 1�aycLllahle�� _ H _fer.Et .SI- — i 0 � 0 6AHYral demL7TpUcVn d7 Im prrovarnaf t- �l Owncr frrlr atl ^or c inForxlJa ki ort iF fhe Less Lti ao L5 card for[he rrnprrivelnek%1i _ N arnc �r �• r�r� ,address _Y . - , rotor ut In Prw-rh+L �. - - - --- -- -- name arriad&sPssoS Tee sLmP'iattdc,of¢er{Lfi;Mfvmo tf umfDr.'nar11.stodabavQ}- a 40 ,y {-y r r L C�MTWAWAddTAF4L z, h S:LJLs �J}�'- i ii- - #3° r*honeNumharG 7-7_ -a.rt�r..3 v1{ $LgatY�If applieebre,a LopV of the Rayme nt h g nd Is attachod):Amount of burl d:S ._. ry NamGikkid add ress: Phonenumb.er; L Lgmderfilamd;.,,,'� P - 'tt ' Lender's addrrss"��� Li Parrdnawikhtn tha stptg of Varlda dr Tgnated byeCvnlcruponvdibm notices or alher dowmeltks may be served wt provided bySevdarr 7134f2t (a)7.,Frodda5hatutL ,' 4 . , . NaaaSe:_ _ --Fhanc 1-1 I n ad d b on to hlnlsclf or he+self,own a r CiacigrLatcs of __T,�_�Su receive 3 COPV of#YW Urnor's Woven a.s pmvlded in Section 7.13,23[S�(b),Florida SkALetes- _ V'n ona numtn r of person ur enilly deer$fravad"O%Xmer, E'p!raunn dote Of ri=c of comm"cegtYani: [the vxpirdllnn cLate Fyjay not b4 Before the aarnpLedon oT q=Astrnlatlen and 1`h+37 payers FA to The _ L tnntrackpr,but will ha 1 yr r tram Sher deal of faGGfdinx LJnlwpr i di[}rent date is spec@ed) WaRrJiNG70UWNEELA4YPAVMENTSR40knFaY THE OWN ERnflaRIHELxrIWyTiONUFTHEN4'T10EOrrn eMenrCtr,n=tr-rARECoNsibERfli - _ IMP ROPER PAYMENTS UNIOER a-ENTER 713,PART I,SrCTION 72A.13,FLORMASSATLlTES,ANb CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAVIreG TWICE FpR - IMFROVEPdRTSTOYQLJRPROPER TY.A Nb(tGE OF Wrj1 METNCEF6jVtrr r ldL B.ER rE♦�R O L) o dE AN PsTED ON T.I IE J DB SWE 13EF-ORE THI=R RST INSP6LTT13N.IF YOU INITE F3IU PliTAINFSNANONG,ODNSULTWrrHVOURL.EWOrk URANkTiORtJEV BEFORE COMM EWPNGWORIenR RECORDING VnuIih14TICE Or-cM)M&4 KCEMENT. Un�inr ury.I derlere vhAL L taw rYid tKe TOraguing nntim of=mmen me t:enei rlwt the iaLis stared therein am Lr to Id—hest of my nd pnll¢f- yW Ourrs,T nr Lessee,tr QrWni f5 OT l spa's Jklrkhoshxad OS'f Cj'D IT2c Vf �' rFII nT/Mena PAT LJ Ta F. nt �51g1yatnnfsTtic{OfFoL`S 's .*00739 + Jim,is. = 'The fareacin lnstrumentwas mcknowleUEed b rr afnm Ln thL {x s da,oF,_ ij iLt 3Rr-�. �ThrV AilaVll N-NNY OY rL C" o as _ L for 1 NuLno of Forson Type of auL11 orlty(eLe.pirleier,trustee] Party or,behalf uF wharn Hnrurn;mrw way exexx ted - [�.q.L�{� .t. PeC915 Yr911y krtiaurn_4 r arod+.rced[drntircJtioik . (S4patLLl'e of Notary PV hug- fate oK F1otFd35 [AHfYt<TVp$•or ygrnp C_ rnrnL SlunAA W rnp of Nodry Public] Type of rd6rkWTnatlorr y rod ueed D L IiL nL{RRrIn THAN nlll l )IL'4TL%.tin"xp{rJILrLLC'r Lw%Uf.%m*tiu.LLJ mr uN Diie tally SiQg{ned 1•'1Sy b The Honorable�5le Michelle R- Miller h nirvgrA)hiFhMI%AioH'Rr{l)Rnrnewnirh,%V6 1L,IJNRn10 MIIIarII.1Rn Del : 2021.11.24 14:18:Ul -05:Vb I MI IMi ILx Ul M M:LLh1LiIIL l%LUHR uklftilxrI ULULRt Heagon• Elect£anicall Certified Co 111It 69r)Wr Y,%I.Nr kl&,c rk.V',kkQlirLll N L . - 1� F A.nratinn• 9r1i Cnnt-h Tnriian Rilr�v n+"_ Ft1xt RiaMrp. Fr. '7d4 cc . y RI CEIVE%) DEC 13 2021 Q4 W ST. Lur-ie County r�ar;Y�ikking Electronically Certified Official Record DOCUMENT INFORMATION Agency Name: Clerk of the Circuit Court, t_ Lucie County, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court: The Honorable Michelle R. Miller Date Issued: 11/ 41 021 10:18:00 AM Unique Reference Number; BAA- ABIBBA CAFIBJ-B C BBB-1EJF G HFB-JBDAI- Instrument Number; 4956751 Requesting Party Code: 20181106205819 Requesting Party Reference: HALLN STLUCIECLER1 . OM CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Sections 90.955(1) and 90.90 {1}, Florida Statutes, and Federal Rules of Evidence 901(a). 901(b)(7), and 90 (1): the attached document is electronically certified by The Hcncrable Michelle R. Miller. St. Lucie County Clerk of the Circuit Court, to be a true and correct copy of an official record or document authorized by law to be recorded or filed and actually recorded or filed in the office of the S t_ Lucie Clerk of the Circuit curt_ The document may have redactions as required by law, HOW TO VERIFY THIS,DOCUMENT r This document contains a Unique Reference Number for identification purposes and a tamper- evident seal to indicate if the document has been tampered with. To view the tamper-evident seal and verify the certifer's digital signature, open this document with Adobe Reader software. You can also verify this document by scanning the QR code or visiting littps_/1VeHfy_ lerkeccrtify.cor'n,+ erifylmage _ "he web address shown above contains an embedded link to the verification page for this particular document_