HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrocksmith Subcontractor Agreements PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING r. DE ELOMENT SERVICES Building Code Compliance Division • surt.nTnG PERNITr # E� I SUB.-CONTRACTOR AGREF1%IEN DEC 13 c ST. Lucie County, P�_-rynitting Coastal Plumbing Services, Inc. }rave agrcect Lo be (Cut'n�any NamelTndividual Name) the Plumhing _Sub-contractor for Bents Bespoke Builders, LL (Type of Tm&) (Primary contraaur) For the project located at 3000 S Brocksmith Road Fort Pierce, FL 34945 — (1�rcrject$trrx-t Addr€ss or Property�fax ll)#) It is underslood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above Inen(iaimd ptojw-, the Building and Code regulation Division of St. Lucie County will he advised pursuant to [lie filing of a Change of Sub-cnnlraCtor ice- C ClOR SIC ATtIR Wifirrl RE(Qoalifirr) (',hfls Rogers rRl: 1tiA11R PRINT NAME { GF ##142842 C'QU1 rY CTRTIFIC 1TIUN NUM HER COUNTY CERrIFICATION NUhIP.F.R State nF Florida-C'aipur9.or3klmrl� - titxtr of F'larl$a,C=ount'�3f 'f hr fbregoirig insfrunkent was sigma Wore me MIS day of The fo rmaing Instru"WO*us signed before mC this _d13'Of C. V.,Whoif person.11y�knan�n11as prodIKrd a _ who is prrxnnxlly lrnaa'n 2�nr has produced�i as idel�lili�atiun. ps idenlifiCatinn. ST.40%I1' ST IMP 54gnature of Nataq Public !signature of Nolan Puti is — Priut Notak of Itiomry PkkMk Pri r3i Name of Notar, Public . y RM NgWrr p OM ubk Stabs at Florida aF1 �30 MyCOYCARVAgLGO 1R.el�iged 11 1fY2016 .4 F FRMIT E# 1SSiJE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & +ode Compliance Division ICOUNTY • r - BUILDING PERMIT FsT,wicie EI ED SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I ZGZ2 ounty, Pert►kWl"g have agreed to be CampSatiy 1V el divid+�!'�1arne) e # lr� - — _Sub, fir (Type of Trade) 4Prirnary Contract For the project Imated at 1 I�,�- — ` - — (Project Street Address or Property Tax It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our panicipation with the above rnentiorled project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. h��CIOPNATLRE 3 ualifierI — —— 51"H COTtifR, CT4 lifirrl — — F]!iti hl PRINT NAW, �r C-DUA TY CrLRTkFlt AT10N NLNIBER CouNTY CERTUICATION NUMBER S>tste of Florida,County of --� .{+ Stair of k1oeLdi,{'aroty*f The fo reguipg iawkimeik t w as BiXimd bitkrt one this 4 day of The foregoinZ i Sty LW"eRI.Mls signed be-Fore me this _day of by 20 try_+ t { 7 ►T e r a who is ptn"FuLiLy knawqt'61 Lo prodneel a who i.%pe8oufl o x u r his prodoucd sL asidentiri-OhI , asidenli'lealioe- ..F � STAB" Sr4XiP SiKai�t 'Yo—prry PF41it Sigaafirre or Nola Ik — — — - grim�ame of ti olar}Fuhtic P1'ial�Iar56e uC'Yo1arV Fu iIr rt}I ICI. JOSE FRESNILLO Evft 4 ii# J0.1d '�State car florida-Notary Public Ftevisrrl I �+r �• £or,trn4s.S10n 4 GG 272747 My Commission I xpires �F� �0Gamber 22, 2t72 PERMIT# ;S UE OATE PLANNING &. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compfiance Division ,COUNTY BUILDING: PERMITI VED SUB-CONTRACfOR AGREEMENT ST, Lucie County, Permitting LIL1I11 7c � _hale'e agreed to be (Comm Nam ndlvldual ame) the _Sub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Cotrirac ) For the project located at (Prof cct Street Address or Noperty Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our-participation with the above mentioned project, the funding and Code kegulation Division of St_ Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. _[} "ilitiCT01x STG iATLRE(Qualifier) iUB-CON3R {Qua�iliee} - - p�yT Pl#.-NT NAME �} COUNTY rERTIRCATION NUMBER C01INTrY CERTWICATION NUMB Stair of Florida.County nr1 L�CL State of Florida,County of i The foregoing instrumeof w*a signrd before mt IWAI dq or The Impo+ag instrrmentt Was Signed before otie this g dry of who is Personally knows or has produced it _ _ who i8 pemo kdown�or kms prAuce4 a as ideOh$C9ltiom 25 WeHOCa VAMP SiVmmure oFNotary PubUt S41D%ture of Not blie fri-It N OlUt OfNDlMrpPOW' MintN_aNcofNo-tarI,Public 14rw1$ I+ l� �r , ;Y4441111 J�?SE FFiENiLL'� L►omm.1094 7€� S S Stare of F►o r i da-N o ra ry Punfi c Commission g GG Z727 7 ReYiscd i111lrf.'fll5 My Commission �Ypire9 December Z2,2022 ".lfw ItiFif Qfi (r� } • ,,r�Y•Y' P r-,%q—WG&DK 5 TER & (Do&e unuxe erupt S�. LucieCounkY, perinitting. DAVIDSON INSULA`PION & ACOUSTICS, ZNC. ha =o bP- LIZ TO on Point kwadd at h 1j 111darvaynd An it tha z is acyWage oflawn abave 1471..«-'+.e57 � the 3300011 and We v Divisic3l of5 We cbmwy,+AU be adhoisad i —,L-.Mt Wing of a Mega of nb-=nwr iac�, 40 W � 10 1 � IS,f�rr ' Lww h eme ��p�F �s�t= Tu cMtsus boom weAb �rlx ss p .or ly has prommd g —ar b= . s is • SIA2wd � Czsx a R akary JIMMMV 01MA Y P�u3 t 1" ��xa�'4 p,RONANDERSOkV ? T F. 4 WA issian#GG 97 526 Comrn � MM PERMIT# iSSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SE1 I FS Building & Code Compliance Division :CD BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONT rAC'TOR AGREEMENT [SEC 1Lucie Co+� ,f ,4-v LLB L_ L have agrcc�d to be (Company Namdindividual Name) the Sub-contractor for j 'rl rJPk.,1 L_ C t- L 4 (Type of Trade) (Primary Contactor) For the project located at -d F— l e- ' FL e-r (PTnject Strect Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, 1f there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulaticn Division of t_ Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the fiIing of a Change of Sub-contractor ce" CO17 R STG :kT4 R, . { nalifierM l:l! {'{)Iti l l kC:COR SqCNATTRE QuAirier) Air PRINT NA.NTr PRINT NANIF � COUNTY CERT[F[C.%TT0NNkFMBER CO4'tiT�"{=EFt'I'IFC:.4 {asLklip.RSt914of FloridA,C'ountrofk 4taie orYlorida,County of � The foregoing instrument was sigacd bcFure me this °�day of The forcguior instrument was signed 4x-forr me thi% day of who is personally known LAr kas produced a who is personally known or has prod used A As idenrifMauoo" as ideotificxl ion, _ ST kkTP SigoatureofYotary tur, N01Ar4 f lir {f y� �Ik 1 { �1 \ %i ,ry Y.� — i5lYlfiJ hAREN S. L IEU EN L a 4" �` 4+ IUTida-HOUBrV PUt)Lin Pr ul Name o[Nato ry Bob* � Print lamr of Notary Public =r +� Comm,ssi0rk # GG 207484 M.r COMMis3 yy19n ExPiFeti '4d.kg15*44h LI na ll, 2022 F. KWW