HomeMy WebLinkAboutParagon Electric Subagreement Signature  EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  This document has important legal consequences; consultation with an attorney is encouraged with re‐ spect to its use or modification. This document should be adapted to the particular circumstances of the  contemplated Project and the controlling Laws and Regulations.  CONSTRUCTION SUBCONTRACT  Prepared By                                          Endorsed By                  EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Copyright© 2018  National Society of Professional Engineers  1420 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314‐2794  (703) 684‐2882  www.nspe.org  American Council of Engineering Companies  1015 15th Street N.W., Washington, DC 20005  (202) 347‐7474  www.acec.org  American Society of Civil Engineers  1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191‐4400  (800) 548‐2723  www.asce.org  The copyright for this EJCDC document is owned jointly by the three sponsoring organizations listed  above. The National Society of Professional Engineers is the Copyright Administrator for the EJCDC docu‐ ments; please direct all inquiries regarding EJCDC copyrights to NSPE.  NOTE: EJCDC publications may be purchased at www.ejcdc.org, or from any of the sponsoring organiza‐ tions above.      EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  TOC Page 1 of 2  CONSTRUCTION SUBCONTRACT  TABLE OF CONTENTS  Page  Article 1— Preliminary Matters .................................................................................................................... 1  1.01 Prime Contract .............................................................................................................................. 1  1.02 Scope of Subcontract Work .......................................................................................................... 1  1.03 Subcontract Documents ................................................................................................................ 1  1.04 Independent Contractor ............................................................................................................... 2  Article 2— Obligations of the Prime Contract .............................................................................................. 2  2.01 Incorporation of Prime Contract Obligations ............................................................................... 2  2.02 Precedence of Subcontract ........................................................................................................... 2  Article 3— Subcontract Times ...................................................................................................................... 2  3.01 Subcontract Times ........................................................................................................................ 2  3.02 Time of the Essence ...................................................................................................................... 2  3.03 Damages for Late Completion ...................................................................................................... 2  Article 4— Subcontract Price ........................................................................................................................ 3  4.01 Payment Obligation ...................................................................................................................... 3  Article 5— Payment Procedures ................................................................................................................... 4  5.01 Progress Payments ........................................................................................................................ 4  Article 6— Final Payment and Completion ................................................................................................... 5  6.01 Final Payment ................................................................................................................................ 5  6.02 Final Lien Waivers ......................................................................................................................... 5  6.03 Warranty of Title ........................................................................................................................... 5  6.04 Waiver of Claims ........................................................................................................................... 6  Article 7— Sub‐Subcontractors ..................................................................................................................... 6  7.01 Subcontractor’s Responsibility ...................................................................................................... 6  7.02 No Third‐Party Relationships ........................................................................................................ 6  Article 8— Performance of the Subcontract Work ....................................................................................... 6  8.01 Subcontractor’s Obligations .......................................................................................................... 6  8.02 Verification of Existing Conditions ................................................................................................ 6  8.03 Supervision .................................................................................................................................... 7    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  TOC Page 2 of 2  8.04 Coordination with Other Subcontractors; Other Work at the Site ............................................... 7  8.05 Prosecution of the Subcontract Work .......................................................................................... 7  8.06 Correction and Warranties ........................................................................................................... 8  Article 9— Changes to the Subcontract ........................................................................................................ 9  9.01 Changes ......................................................................................................................................... 9  Article 10— Bonds, Insurance, and Indemnification .................................................................................. 10  10.01 Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and Other Bonds ........................................................... 10  10.02 Insurance—General Provisions ............................................................................................... 11  10.03 Subcontractor’s Insurance ...................................................................................................... 12  10.04 Indemnification ....................................................................................................................... 16  Article 11— Suspension and Termination .................................................................................................. 17  11.01 Contractor May Suspend Work ............................................................................................... 17  11.02 Contractor May Terminate for Cause ..................................................................................... 18  11.03 Termination of Contractor or Rejection of Subcontract by Owner ........................................ 19  11.04 Contractor May Terminate for Convenience .......................................................................... 19  11.05 Subcontractor May Stop Work or Terminate ......................................................................... 19  Article 12— Claims and Dispute Resolution ............................................................................................... 20  12.01 Claims ...................................................................................................................................... 20  12.02 Dispute Resolution .................................................................................................................. 20  Article 13— Subcontract Documents.......................................................................................................... 21  13.01 Subcontract Contents ............................................................................................................. 21  Article 14— Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................... 22  14.01 Terms ...................................................................................................................................... 22  14.02 Assignment of Subcontract ..................................................................................................... 22  14.03 Successors and Assigns ........................................................................................................... 22  14.04 Severability .............................................................................................................................. 22  Article 15— Subcontractor’s Representations and Certifications .............................................................. 22  15.01 Subcontractor’s Representations ........................................................................................... 22  15.02 Subcontractor’s Certifications................................................................................................. 23      EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 1 of 25  CONSTRUCTION SUBCONTRACT  This is a Construction Subcontract (Subcontract) between Centroid Diversified, LLC (Contractor) and  Paragon Electric of Vero, Inc (Subcontractor). This Subcontract is effective as of October 19th, 2021.  Prime Contract: Contractor has entered into a contract (Prime Contract) dated October 19th, 2021 with St  Lucie County BOCC (Owner).  Contractor and Subcontractor further agree as follows:  ARTICLE 1—PRELIMINARY MATTERS  1.01 Prime Contract  A. The Prime Contract requires Contractor to perform and furnish construction labor, materials,  equipment, and services (“Prime Contract Work”) in connection with the Project described  therein. The Prime Contract (excluding compensation and other confidential information) is  incorporated in this Subcontract by reference. Portions of the Prime Contract are attached as  Exhibit 1 to this Subcontract; Subcontractor may review other non‐confidential portions upon  request. The Project described in the Prime Contract is summarized as follows:  This project proposes to construct a precast concrete 12’ diameter repump station with  duplex submersible wastewater pumps/motors including electric control panel; valves;  fittings; flow meter; site work; standby generator/automatic transfer switch  (installation only); and restoration as shown and described on the contract plans  complete, tested and ready for operation as required by FDEP and St. Lucie County  Regulations. Construction to be done to minimize interruption of existing utility  operations.  1.02 Scope of Subcontract Work  A. Contractor hereby retains Subcontractor to provide construction labor, materials, equipment,  and services under this Subcontract described as follows:  Electrical supply and installation in accordance with the requirements of the Prime  Contract and the quote dated 06/15/2021. (“Subcontract Work”).  B. The Subcontract Work is a part of the Prime Contract Work. Except as otherwise stated in this  Subcontract, the provisions of the Prime Contract that apply to the performance and quality  of the Prime Contract Work apply to the Subcontract Work.  C. The express terms of this Paragraph 1.02 govern in establishing the Subcontract scope of  work. The divisions and sections of the Prime Contract’s Specifications and the identifications  and organization of the Prime Contract’s drawings do not control or limit Contractor in  dividing the Work among subcontractors or suppliers, or delineating the work to be  performed by, or obligations of any specific trade, including Subcontractor.  1.03 Subcontract Documents  A. The Subcontract Documents are identified in Article 14 of this Subcontract.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 2 of 25  1.04 Independent Contractor  A. Subcontractor is an independent contractor, and is not an employee or partner of, or a joint‐ venturer with Contractor, and has no contractual relationship or privity with Owner or  Owner’s engineers or consultants.  ARTICLE 2—OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRIME CONTRACT  2.01 Incorporation of Prime Contract Obligations  A. The Subcontractor is bound to the Contractor under the Subcontract to the same extent that  the Contractor is bound to the Owner under the Prime Contract, and Subcontractor shall  comply with all requirements, terms, and conditions of the Prime Contract that relate in any  way to the performance and completion of the Subcontract Work.  B. The obligation of the Subcontractor to comply with the requirements, terms, and conditions  of the Prime Contract does not provide any rights, benefits, or third‐party beneficiary standing  to the Subcontractor with respect to the Prime Contract.  2.02 Precedence of Subcontract  A. If a provision of this Subcontract conflicts with a provision of the Prime Contract, the terms of  this Subcontract govern, unless under controlling laws the conflicted provision of the Prime  Contract cannot be waived.  ARTICLE 3—SUBCONTRACT TIMES  3.01 Subcontract Times  A. The Subcontract Work will be completed in full within 180 days after notice to commence  work at the site.  B. Subcontractor shall provide all required submittals on a timely basis, and shall provide  sufficient labor and materials to comply with the Contractor’s progress schedule and avoid  delaying the progress of Contractor’s work under the Prime Contract. Subcontractor shall  make modifications in the performance and completion of the Subcontract Work as necessary  to comply with modifications, if any, in the Contractor’s progress schedule.  C. The time for completion of the Subcontract Work, as set forth in Paragraph 3.01.A, and  compliance with the Contractor’s progress schedule, as set forth in Paragraph 3.01.B, all as  duly modified under this Subcontract, together will be referred to as “Subcontract Times.”  3.02 Time of the Essence  A. Subcontractor’s obligation to comply with the Subcontract Times is of the essence of the  Subcontract.  3.03 Damages for Late Completion  A. Subcontractor and Contractor recognize that Contractor will suffer financial loss if the  Subcontract Work is not completed within the Subcontract Times.  B. The damages resulting to the Contractor may include liquidated damages, special damages,  and other damages (if any) assessed by the Owner, actual damages claimed by the Owner as    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 3 of 25  a result of the delay, and the Contractor’s costs for extended general conditions, field  overhead, and home office overhead.  C. As a result of the losses, costs, and damages recognized in Paragraphs 3.03.A. and B., if  Subcontractor fails to complete the Subcontract Work within the Subcontract Times, and  without limiting any additional remedies available to Contractor, Subcontractor shall pay  Contractor for losses, costs, and damages incurred by Contractor for Subcontractor’s failure  to comply with the Subcontract Times, including the share attributable to Subcontractor of  delay damages and costs imposed on or levied against Contractor. Contractor has the right to  set off any such amounts against payments due Subcontractor under this Subcontract.  ARTICLE 4—SUBCONTRACT PRICE  4.01 Payment Obligation  A. Contractor shall pay Subcontractor for completion of the Subcontract Work in accordance  with the Subcontract Documents an amount equal to the sum of the amounts determined  pursuant to the following paragraphs (Subcontract Price).  B. For all Subcontract Work other than Unit Price Work, a lump sum of: $129,928.00  1. Cash Allowances: All specific cash allowances are included in the above price and include  the cost to Subcontractor (less any applicable trade discounts) of materials and  equipment required by the cash allowances to be delivered at the site, and all applicable  taxes. Subcontractor’s costs for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation,  overhead, profit, and other expenses contemplated for the cash allowances have been  included in the Subcontract Price, and no demand for additional payment on account of  any of the foregoing will be valid.  C. For all Unit Price Work, an amount equal to the sum of the established unit price for each  separately identified item of Unit Price Work multiplied by the actual quantity of that item:  Unit Price Subcontract Work  Item  No. Description Unit Estimated  Quantity Unit Price Extended Price                                Total of all Extended Prices (Unit Price Subcontract Work) $  The extended prices for Unit Price Work set forth as of the Subcontract Date are based on  estimated quantities. Estimated quantities are not guaranteed, and determinations of actual  quantities will be verified by the Contractor and will be subject to any applicable procedures  for measurement and verification under the Prime Contract.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 4 of 25  ARTICLE 5—PAYMENT PROCEDURES  5.01 Progress Payments  A. Applications for Payments  1. Ten days prior to the date established in the Prime Contract for submission by the  Contractor of the Contractor’s application for each progress payment (but not more often  than once a month), Subcontractor shall submit to Contractor for review a draft progress  payment application covering the Subcontract Work completed as of the date of the  progress payment application. The amount requested under each progress payment  application will be calculated in accordance with Article 4, and: (a) for lump sum work by  determining the percentage of the Subcontract Work completed as of the date of the  progress payment application; (b) for unit price work by applying unit prices to units  provided; (c) subject to subtraction to account for amounts previously paid.  Subcontractor’s progress payments will be subject to the retainage provisions of the  Prime Contract, or to retainage of 5% percent, whichever is greater.  2. Each Subcontractor progress payment application must be accompanied by supporting  documentation required by the Prime Contract to be attached to the Contractor’s  progress payment submission. The Subcontract progress payment application must also  be accompanied by required lien waivers; a bill of sale, invoice, or other documentation  warranting that Owner has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all  liens; and for stored material and equipment, evidence that the materials and equipment  are covered by appropriate property insurance or other arrangements to protect Owner’s  interest therein. All such supporting documentation must be satisfactory to Contractor  and Owner.  3. Beginning with Subcontractor’s second progress payment application, each  Subcontractor progress payment application must include a Subcontractor’s affidavit  stating that all previous progress payments received on account of the Subcontract Work  have been paid to persons and entities providing labor, equipment, materials and services  on account of amounts received on behalf of said sub‐subcontractors, suppliers, and  vendors from prior progress payment applications. Each Subcontractor’s affidavit must  list all sub‐subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors having contracts with Subcontractor to  provide said labor, equipment, material, and services on the Project including the amount  of each contract, the amount paid to date and the amount due or to become due to each  sub‐subcontractor, supplier, and vendor. Each progress payment application must also  include lien waivers executed by each sub‐subcontractor, supplier, and vendor listed on  the Subcontractor’s affidavit.  B. Review of Applications  1. Within five days after receipt of each draft progress payment application submitted by  Subcontractor, Contractor will return the draft progress payment application with  corrections (if any). Subcontractor will submit a final progress payment application,  incorporating all resolved corrections, together with all supporting documentation, within  three days thereafter.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 5 of 25  2. Contractor may withhold amounts requested in one or more payment applications from  the Subcontractor in whole or part if one or more of the following occurs:  a. The Subcontract Work is defective, or completed Subcontract Work has been  damaged, requiring correction or replacement;  b. The Subcontract Price has been reduced by change orders;  c. The Contractor has been required to correct defective Subcontract Work or complete  Subcontract Work;  d. Claims have been made against Contractor on account of Subcontractor’s  performance or furnishing of the Subcontract Work;  e. Liens have been filed in connection with the Subcontract Work, except where  Subcontractor has delivered a specific bond satisfactory to Contractor and Owner to  secure the satisfaction and discharge of such liens;  f. The Owner has exercised a set‐off against payments to Contractor attributable to  Subcontractor’s activities or performance of the Subcontract Work; or  g. The Subcontractor has defaulted under the terms of the Subcontract.  C. Payment: Contractor shall pay Subcontractor any amounts due to Subcontractor under a  payment application for Subcontract Work within ten days after Contractor’s receipt from the  Owner of payment for such Subcontract Work.  ARTICLE 6—FINAL PAYMENT AND COMPLETION  6.01 Final Payment  A. Upon final completion of obligations under the Subcontract, including acceptance by Owner  (or its representative) of the Subcontract Work as part of the Work under the Prime Contract,  and submission and acceptance of all close‐out documents required under the Subcontract,  Subcontractor shall submit to Contractor an application for final payment and release of  retainage, if any.  B. Final payment becomes due 10 days after Contractor’s receipt of payment from the Owner of  amounts requested on behalf of Subcontractor. Contractor’s receipt of payment of retainage  withheld by Owner from amounts due to Contractor for the Subcontract Work is an express  condition precedent to Contractor’s obligation to pay such retainage to Subcontractor.  6.02 Final Lien Waivers  A. Upon the request of Contractor, Subcontractor shall submit, as part of the application for final  payment, a final waiver of lien and sworn statement indicating all sub‐subcontractors,  suppliers, and vendors, their contract amounts, and the final amounts paid to each sub‐ subcontractor, supplier, and vendor.  6.03 Warranty of Title  A. Subcontractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Subcontract Work, materials, and  equipment furnished under the Subcontract will pass to Owner free and clear of all liens and  other title defects, and all patent, licensing, copyright, or royalty obligations.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 6 of 25  6.04 Waiver of Claims  A. Final payment by Contractor to Subcontractor constitutes:  1. A waiver of all claims by Contractor against Subcontractor, except claims arising from  unsettled liens, from defective Subcontract Work appearing after final inspection, from  failure to comply with the Subcontract Documents or the terms of any special guarantees  specified therein, or from Subcontractor’s continuing obligations under the Prime  Contract; and  2. A waiver of all claims by Subcontractor against Contractor other than those previously  made in accordance with the requirements herein that remain unsettled.  ARTICLE 7—SUB‐SUBCONTRACTORS  7.01 Subcontractor’s Responsibility  A. Subcontractor shall be fully responsible to Contractor for all acts and omissions of the sub‐ subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the  Subcontract Work, just as Subcontractor is responsible for Subcontractor’s own acts and  omissions.  7.02 No Third‐Party Relationships  A. Nothing in the Subcontract Documents creates for the benefit of any such sub‐subcontractor,  supplier, or other individual or entity any contractual relationship between Contractor,  Owner, or Owner’s engineers or consultants and any such sub‐subcontractor, supplier, or  other individual or entity.  B. Nothing in the Subcontract Documents creates any obligation on the part of Contractor,  Owner, or Engineer to pay or to see to the payment of any money due any such sub‐ subcontractor, supplier, or other individual or entity, except as may otherwise be required by  laws and regulations.  ARTICLE 8—PERFORMANCE OF THE SUBCONTRACT WORK  8.01 Subcontractor’s Obligations  A. Subcontractor shall provide all material, equipment, services, and labor necessary for the  completion of the Subcontract Work.  B. All materials and equipment must be as specified in the Subcontract Documents and be of  good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Subcontract Documents.  Subcontractor shall provide Contractor with such information and test results required under  the Prime Contract to verify the quality of the materials and equipment furnished under the  Subcontract Documents.  8.02 Verification of Existing Conditions  A. The dimensions, locations, and limits of the Subcontract Work are shown or indicated in the  Subcontract Documents.  B. The Contractor has used reasonable efforts to verify the accuracy of dimensions, locations,  and limits in the Subcontract Documents, but takes no responsibility for the verification of  information concerning actual conditions affecting the Subcontract Work. Subcontractor has    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 7 of 25  an independent obligation to verify actual conditions, including but not limited to dimensions,  locations, and limits, prior to ordering equipment and materials and performing the  Subcontract Work, and shall be responsible for all costs and expenses resulting from the  failure to verify such information.  8.03 Supervision  A. At all times during the progress of the Subcontract Work, Subcontractor shall assign an  authorized representative to provide competent, on‐site supervision. Such representative  must not be replaced without written notice to Contractor except under extraordinary  circumstances.  B. Subcontractor shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the work of sub‐ subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the  Subcontract Work under a direct or indirect contract with Subcontractor.  C. Subcontractor shall supervise, inspect, and direct the Subcontract Work competently and  efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be  necessary to perform the Subcontract Work in accordance with the Subcontract Documents.  8.04 Coordination with Other Subcontractors; Other Work at the Site  A. Subcontractor shall cooperate with other subcontractors and coordinate its Subcontract  Work and schedule with other subcontractors on the Project. Subcontractor shall attend  coordination meetings and endeavor to resolve all conflicts with other subcontractors  without the intervention of Contractor. If a conflict cannot be resolved without the  intervention of Contractor, the decision of Contractor regarding resolution of the conflict will  be final.  B. Subcontractor shall not damage, delay, or interfere with the work of other subcontractors or  of Contractor, Owner, or others working at the site, shall be responsible for the cost of  damage, delay, or interference caused by the operations of Subcontractor to the work of  others.  8.05 Prosecution of the Subcontract Work  A. Clean‐up: On not less than a daily basis, Subcontractor shall be responsible for cleaning up  and removing all debris and waste resulting from the Subcontract Work, to avoid interference  with the work and progress of others at the site. If Subcontractor fails to clean up and remove  waste and debris in accordance with this provision, Contractor may provide for clean‐up and  removal of waste and debris at Subcontractor’s expense.  B. Hoisting and Lifting: Subcontractor shall provide all hoisting and lifting required for the  Subcontract Work, unless Contractor has otherwise expressly agreed to provide hoisting,  lifting, or both.  C. Temporary Utility Services and Temporary Facilities: Subcontractor shall at its expense provide  temporary utility services and temporary facilities needed for the performance of the  Subcontract Work, except those temporary utility services and temporary facilities that  Contractor has expressly agreed to provide at its expense.  D. Safety and Protection  1. Subcontractor shall perform the Subcontract Work in a safe manner, taking full  responsibility for the prevention of harm or injury to its workforce, and taking all    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 8 of 25  reasonable steps necessary to protect from harm, injury, or damage all persons, property,  structures, materials, and equipment at or adjacent to the Subcontractor’s work areas.  2. Subcontractor shall comply with the safety programs of the Owner and Contractor, when  Subcontractor has been made aware of such requirements in writing.  3. Subcontractor shall coordinate the safety of its employees, Subcontractor’s lower‐tier  subcontractors, and Subcontractor’s suppliers with Contractor’s safety representative,  and shall comply with all applicable OSHA and other laws and regulations related to safety  and protection. Subcontractor shall ensure that its employees and the on‐site employees  of Subcontractor’s lower‐tier subcontractors and suppliers are properly trained and  understand (a) Owner’s, Contractor’s, and Subcontractor’s safety requirements, and  (b) applicable safety laws and regulations. Subcontractor is responsible for furnishing to  Contractor and others as applicable all required material safety data sheets.  4. Subcontractor shall report promptly to Contractor all injuries, accidents, and damage that  occurs during the performance of the Subcontract Work, and all failures or near‐miss  events that could have resulted in serious injury, even if no serious injury actually  occurred.  E. Labor: Subcontractor shall comply with applicable labor and jurisdictional requirements to  prevent strikes and other work stoppages and slowdowns that would interfere with the  Subcontract Work and the work of others. Subcontractor shall be responsible for delays  resulting from Subcontractor’s violation of this provision.  F. Communications with Owner and Engineer: Subcontractor shall communicate with Owner,  Owner’s engineers, and Owner’s other representatives solely through Contractor, with the  following limited exceptions: (1) in the case of an emergency, Subcontractor may  communicate directly with any entity or individual in the interests of safety and protection of  property, (2) Subcontractor may directly request Owner to provide information about  amounts paid to Contractor on account of Subcontract Work performed, and  (3) Subcontractor may directly request Owner to provide Subcontractor with a copy of any  payment bond furnished by Contractor.  8.06 Correction and Warranties  A. Subcontractor warrants and guarantees to Contractor that all Subcontract Work will be in  accordance with the Subcontract Documents and will not be defective. Subcontractor’s  warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by abuse,  modification, or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than Subcontractor  and its sub‐subcontractors, suppliers, or any other individual or entity for whom  Subcontractor is responsible; or normal wear and tear under normal usage.  B. Subcontractor’s obligation to perform and complete the Subcontract Work in accordance  with the Subcontract Documents will be absolute and Subcontractor shall be fully responsible  for the Subcontract Work under the Subcontract to the same extent that Contractor is  responsible for the Subcontract Work to the Owner under the Prime Contract.  C. Subcontractor shall correct the Subcontract Work to the same extent that Contractor is  required to correct the Prime Contract Work (including the Subcontract Work) under the  Prime Contract. Subcontractor shall correct Subcontract Work whether or not installed or  completed. If the Subcontract Work has been rejected, Subcontractor shall remove such    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 9 of 25  rejected Subcontract Work from the Project at the direction of Contractor, and replace it with  Subcontract Work that is not defective.  D. For a period of one year after substantial completion of the Prime Contract Work, and for any  additional period beyond one year as required under the Prime Contract for correction by the  Contractor of the Prime Contract Work, and promptly after receipt of written notice,  Subcontractor shall correct all defective Subcontract Work as directed by Contractor.  Subcontractor shall indemnify Contractor, Owner, Owner’s engineers and consultants, for all  claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of  engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other  dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to any such correction or removal (including  but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others).  E. All such correction obligations are in addition to the warranty, guarantee, and contractual  duties established above and elsewhere in the Subcontract Documents.  F. The obligations under this Paragraph 8.06 will survive completion of the Subcontract Work  and, when the Prime Contract is complete and ready for final payment by Owner, Contractor  may assign its rights under this Paragraph 8.06 to Owner upon agreement between Owner  and Contractor and notice to Subcontractor.  ARTICLE 9—CHANGES TO THE SUBCONTRACT  9.01 Changes  A. Without invalidating the Subcontract, Contractor may, at any time or from time to time, order  changes to the Subcontract Work including additions, deletions, or revisions in the  Subcontract Work. Subcontractor shall promptly proceed with the Subcontract Work as  changed. All changed Subcontract Work will be performed under the applicable conditions of  the Subcontract Documents. Subcontractor shall not perform any changes to the Subcontract  Work that would increase the Subcontract Price or Subcontract Times without express written  authority from Contractor.  B. Subcontractor shall deliver notice of each request for a change in compensation or time within  7 days of the associated directive to perform changed Subcontract Work, and not later than  2 days before Prime Contract requirements relative to submitting claims and change  proposals.  C. Changes in the Subcontract Price for changed Subcontract Work will be made on the basis of  either a mutually acceptable lump sum price, or under unit prices consistent with the unit  prices set forth in the Subcontract as of the Subcontract Date. To the extent the changed  Subcontract Work has no predetermined costs or unit prices under the original Subcontract,  and the parties do not agree to a lump sum for the changed Subcontract Work, the amount  of the request for changed compensation will be based upon Subcontractor’s cost of labor  (consistent with any applicable rates negotiated under the original Subcontract), plus the  direct costs of sub‐subcontracts, materials and equipment to be consumed or incorporated  in the changed Subcontract Work, plus overhead and profit consistent with the price  negotiated for the original Subcontract Work and subject to approval by Contractor.  D. To the extent that a change to the Subcontract Work resulted from a revision of the Prime  Contract, the compensation to Subcontractor for such changed Subcontract Work will be  limited to the amount collected by Contractor from Owner on behalf of Subcontractor for    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 10 of 25  such change in the Subcontract Work. In the event that the revision results in a deduction of  the Subcontract Price, the deduction will be based upon the share of the deduction assessed  against Contractor under the Prime Contract that is attributable to the change in Subcontract  Work.  ARTICLE 10—BONDS, INSURANCE, AND INDEMNIFICATION  10.01 Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and Other Bonds  A. If expressly listed as Subcontract Documents in Article 13, or expressly required of  Subcontractor elsewhere in the Subcontract Documents, Subcontractor shall at its expense  furnish a performance bond and a payment bond, each in an amount equal to or greater than  the Subcontract Price, as security for the faithful performance and payment of all of  Subcontractor’s obligations under the Subcontract Documents. If the Subcontract Documents  as of the Subcontract Date do not require performance and payment bonds, but Contractor  subsequently instructs Subcontractor to furnish such bonds, Subcontractor shall do so at  Contractor’s expense.  B. The performance and payment bonds must remain in effect until not less than the longer of:  (1) one year after the date when final payment becomes due from Contractor; or  (2) completion of the correction period specified in this Subcontract, except as provided  otherwise by applicable laws or regulations. Subcontractor shall also furnish such other bonds  as are required by the Subcontract Documents. The performance bond will be issued on  EJCDC® C‐610 Performance Bond (2018). The Payment Bond will be issued on the  EJCDC® C‐615 Payment Bond (2018). Terms of these bonds apply except as expressly provided  otherwise by laws or regulations.  C. If the Prime Contract requires that Contractor furnish a Warranty Bond, then Subcontractor  shall furnish a Warranty Bond with respect to the Subcontract Work, under the same  requirements. The bond will be issued using EJCDC® C‐612, Warranty Bond (2018).  D. All bonds must be executed by such sureties as are named in “Companies Holding Certificates  of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring  Companies” as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Financial Management Service,  Surety Bond Branch, U.S. Department of the Treasury. A bond signed by an agent or attorney‐ in‐fact must be accompanied by a certified copy of that individual’s authority to bind the  surety. The evidence of authority must show that it is effective on the date the agent or  attorney‐in‐fact signed the accompanying bond.  E. Subcontractor shall obtain the required bonds from surety companies that are duly licensed  or authorized in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located to issue bonds in the required  amounts.  F. If the surety on a bond furnished by Subcontractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent,  or its right to do business is terminated in any state or jurisdiction where any part of the  Project is located, or the surety ceases to meet the requirements above, then Subcontractor  shall promptly notify Contractor and shall, within 20 days after the event giving rise to such  notification, furnish another bond and surety, both of which must comply with the bond and  surety requirements above.  G. If the Subcontract requires Subcontractor to provide its own performance bond and payment  bond, as described in Paragraphs 10.01.A. through D., the Contractor may, at its sole    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 11 of 25  discretion, provide such bonds for the Subcontractor, either as individual instruments or as a  part of Contractor’s bonding. In such case Subcontractor shall be responsible to Contractor  for a proportionate share of Contractor’s bond costs, computed as the percentage of the total  Subcontract Price relative to the total bonded Contract Price, and the Subcontract Price will  be adjusted accordingly.  H. As an alternative to requiring Subcontractor to provide or contribute to the cost of  performance bonds or payment bonds as described in this Paragraph 10.01, the Contractor  may, at its sole discretion, waive such requirements for this Subcontract, and the Subcontract  Price will be adjusted accordingly.  I. If Subcontractor has failed to obtain a required bond, Contractor may exclude the  Subcontractor from the site and exercise Contractor’s termination rights under Article 11.  J. Upon request, Contractor shall provide a copy of the payment bond to any sub‐subcontractor,  supplier, or other person or entity claiming to have furnished labor or materials used in the  performance of the Subcontract Work.  10.02 Insurance—General Provisions  A. Subcontractor shall obtain and maintain insurance as required in this Article and in any  Subcontract exhibit or supplementary Subcontract Document regarding insurance.  B. All insurance required by the Subcontract to be purchased and maintained by Subcontractor  must be obtained from insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized, in the state  or jurisdiction in which the Project is located, to issue insurance policies for the required limits  and coverages. Unless a different standard is indicated elsewhere in the Subcontract  Documents, all companies that provide insurance policies required under this Subcontract  must have an A.M. Best rating of A‐VII or better.  C. Subcontractor shall deliver to Contractor, with copies to each named insured and additional  insured (as identified here or elsewhere in the Subcontract Documents), certificates of  insurance establishing that Subcontractor has obtained and is maintaining the policies,  coverages, and endorsements required by the Subcontract. Upon request by Contractor or  any other insured, Subcontractor shall also furnish other evidence of such required insurance,  including but not limited to copies of policies and endorsements, and documentation of  applicable self‐insured retentions and deductibles. Subcontractor may block out (redact) any  confidential premium or pricing information contained in any policy or endorsement  furnished under this provision.  D. Failure of Contractor to demand such certificates or other evidence of the Subcontractor’s full  compliance with these insurance requirements, or failure of Contractor to identify a  deficiency in compliance from the evidence provided, will not be construed as a waiver of the  Subcontractor’s obligation to obtain and maintain such insurance.  E. If Subcontractor does not purchase or maintain all of the insurance required of it by this  Subcontract, the Subcontractor shall notify Contractor in writing of such failure to purchase  prior to the start of the Subcontract Work, or of such failure to maintain prior to any change  in the required coverage.  F. If Subcontractor has failed to obtain and maintain required insurance, Contractor may exclude  the Subcontractor from the site and exercise Contractor’s termination rights under Article 11.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 12 of 25  G. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy, if Subcontractor has failed to obtain required  insurance, Contractor may elect to obtain equivalent insurance to protect Contractor’s  interests at the expense of Subcontractor, and the Subcontract Price will be adjusted  accordingly.  H. Contractor does not represent that insurance coverage and limits established in this  Subcontract necessarily will be adequate to protect Subcontractor or Subcontractor’s  interests.  I. The insurance and insurance limits required herein will not be deemed as a limitation on  Subcontractor’s liability under the indemnities granted to Contractor and other individuals  and entities in the Subcontract Documents.  10.03 Subcontractor’s Insurance  A. Workers’ Compensation: Subcontractor shall purchase and maintain workers’ compensation  and employer’s liability insurance for:  1. claims under workers’ compensation, disability benefits, and other similar employee  benefit acts.  2. United States Longshoreman and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (if applicable) and  Jones Act coverage (if applicable).  3. claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of  Subcontractor’s employees (by stop‐gap endorsement in monopolist worker’s  compensation states).  4. Foreign voluntary worker compensation (if applicable).  Workers’ Compensation and Related Policies Policy limits of not  less than:  Workers’ Compensation   State Statutory  Applicable Federal (e.g., Longshoreman’s) Statutory  Foreign voluntary workers’ compensation (employer’s  responsibility coverage), if applicable  Statutory  Jones Act (if applicable)  Bodily injury by accident—each accident $  Bodily injury by disease—aggregate $  Employer’s Liability  Each accident $  Each employee $  Policy limit $500,000  Stop‐gap Liability Coverage  For work performed in monopolistic states, stop‐gap liability  coverage must be endorsed to either the worker’s  compensation or commercial general liability policy with a  minimum limit of:  $    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 13 of 25  B. Commercial General Liability—Claims Covered: Subcontractor shall purchase and maintain  commercial general liability insurance, covering all operations by or on behalf of  Subcontractor, on an occurrence basis, against:  1. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person  other than Subcontractor’s employees;  2. Claims for damages insured by reasonably available personal injury liability coverage; and  3. Damages because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherever located,  including loss of use resulting therefrom.  C. Commercial General Liability—Form and Content: Subcontractor’s commercial liability policy  must be written on a 1996 (or later) ISO commercial general liability form (occurrence form)  and include the following coverages and endorsements:  1. Products and completed operations coverage:  a. Such insurance must remain in effect for three years after final payment.  b. Subcontractor shall furnish Contractor and each other additional insured (as  identified in this Article or elsewhere in the Subcontract Documents) evidence of  continuation of such insurance at final payment and three years thereafter.  2. Blanket contractual liability coverage, including but not limited to coverage of  Subcontractor’s contractual indemnity obligations under the Subcontract Documents.  3. Severability of interest.  4. Underground, explosion, and collapse coverage.  5. Personal injury coverage.  6. Additional insured endorsements that include both ongoing operations and products and  completed operations coverage through ISO Endorsements CG 20 10 10 01 and  CG 20 37 10 01 (together); or their equivalent if Subcontractor demonstrates that the  specified endorsements are not commercially available.  7. For design professional additional insureds, ISO Endorsement CG 20 32 07 04, “Additional  Insured—Engineers, Architects or Surveyors Not Engaged by the Named Insured” or its  equivalent.  8. If governing law invalidates or restricts the use of a specified additional insurance  endorsement, then Subcontractor will furnish an endorsement that is compliant with  governing law while providing reasonable protection of the interests of the additional  insureds.  D. Commercial General Liability—Excluded Content: The commercial general liability insurance  policy, including its coverages, endorsements, and incorporated provisions, must not include  any of the following:  1. Any modification of the standard definition of “insured contract” (except to delete the  railroad protective liability exclusion if Subcontractor is required to indemnify a railroad  or others with respect to Work within 50 feet of railroad property).  2. Any exclusion for water intrusion or water damage.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 14 of 25  3. Any provisions resulting in the erosion of insurance limits by defense costs other than  those already incorporated in ISO form CG 00 01.  4. Any exclusion of coverage relating to earth subsidence or movement.  5. Any exclusion for the insured’s vicarious liability, strict liability, or statutory liability (other  than worker’s compensation).  6. Any limitation or exclusion based on the nature of Subcontractor’s work.  7. Any professional liability exclusion broader in effect than the most recent edition of ISO  form CG 22 79.  Commercial General Liability Policy limits of not  less than:  General Aggregate $2,000,000  Products—Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000  Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000  Bodily Injury and Property Damage—Each Occurrence $1,000,000  E. Automobile Liability: Subcontractor shall purchase and maintain automobile liability  insurance against claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or  property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle. The  automobile liability policy must be written on an occurrence basis.  Automobile Liability Policy limits of not  less than:  Bodily Injury  Each Person $  Each Accident $  Property Damage  Each Accident $  [or]  Combined Single Limit  Combined Single Limit (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) $1,000,000  F. Umbrella or Excess Liability: Subcontractor shall purchase and maintain umbrella or excess  liability insurance written over the underlying employer’s liability, commercial general  liability, and automobile liability insurance described in the paragraphs above. The coverage  afforded must be at least as broad as that of each and every one of the underlying policies.  Excess or Umbrella Liability Policy limits of not  less than:  Each Occurrence $  General Aggregate $  G. Subcontractor’s Pollution Liability Insurance: Subcontractor shall purchase and maintain a  policy covering third‐party injury and property damage claims, including clean‐up costs, as a  result of pollution conditions arising from Subcontractor’s operations and completed    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 15 of 25  operations. The completed operations coverage must remain in effect for no less than three  years after final completion.  Contractor’s Pollution Liability Policy limits of not  less than:  Each Occurrence/Claim $  General Aggregate $  H. Additional Insureds: The Subcontractor’s commercial general liability, automobile liability,  employer’s liability, umbrella or excess, and pollution liability policies must include and list as  additional insureds Contractor, Owner, and Owner’s engineers, architects, and consultants,  and any individuals or entities identified as additional insureds elsewhere in the Subcontract  Documents; include coverage for the respective officers, directors, members, partners,  employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors of each and any of all such additional  insureds; and the insurance afforded to these additional insureds must provide primary  coverage for all claims covered thereby (including as applicable those arising from both  ongoing and completed operations) on a non‐contributory basis. Subcontractor shall obtain  all necessary endorsements to support these requirements.  I. Subcontractor’s Professional Liability Insurance: If Subcontractor will provide or furnish  professional services under this Subcontract, through a delegation of professional design  services or otherwise, then Subcontractor shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining  applicable professional liability insurance. This insurance must cover negligent acts, errors, or  omissions in the performance of professional design or related services by the insured or  others for whom the insured is legally liable. The insurance must be maintained throughout  the duration of the Subcontract and for a minimum of two years after Substantial Completion  of the Project. The retroactive date on the policy must pre‐date the commencement of  furnishing services on the Project.  J. General provisions: The policies of insurance required by this Paragraph 10.03 must:  1. include at least the specific coverages provided in this Subcontract.  2. be written for not less than the limits of liability expressly provided in this Subcontract,  including any Subcontract exhibit or supplementary Subcontract Document specifying  insurance policy limits, or if no such express insurance limits are set forth in the  Subcontract, then for not less than the limits required of Contractor by Owner in the  Prime Contract, for the corresponding types of insurance. If laws or regulations require a  higher limit, then Subcontractor shall meet such legal requirement.  3. contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled,  materially changed or renewal refused until at least 10 days prior written notice has been  given to Subcontractor. Within three days of receipt of any such written notice,  Subcontractor shall provide a copy of the notice to Contractor and each other insured  under the policy.  4. remain in effect at least until final payment (and longer if expressly required herein) and  at all times thereafter when Subcontractor may be correcting, removing, or replacing  defective Subcontract Work as a warranty or correction obligation, or otherwise, or  returning to the site to conduct other tasks arising from the Subcontract Documents.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 16 of 25  5. be appropriate for the Subcontract Work being performed and provide protection from  claims that may arise out of or result from Subcontractor’s performance of the  Subcontract Work and Subcontractor’s other obligations under the Subcontract  Documents, whether it is to be performed by Subcontractor, any lower‐tier subcontractor  or supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any  of the Subcontract Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable.  K. Subcontractor waives all rights against Owner, Contractor, and all individuals or entities  identified in the Prime Contract’s Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insureds or  additional insureds under the builder’s risk, installation floater, or other forms of property  insurance, and against the Owner’s engineers and consultants, and their consultants, and the  officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors of  each and any of them, for all losses and damages caused by, arising out of, relating to, or  resulting from any of the perils or causes of loss covered by such builder’s risk, installation  floater, or other form of property insurance applicable to the work under the Prime Contract;  and Contractor waives all rights against Subcontractor for all such losses and damages caused  by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from any of the perils or causes of loss covered by  such builder’s risk, installation floater, or other form of property insurance applicable to the  work under the Prime Contract.  L. If Contractor is responsible under the Prime Contract and any builder’s risk or other property  insurance policy for the payment of a deductible, or an amount within a deductible, and the  need to pay such deductible or amount within a deductible is attributable in whole or part to  the actions or inactions of Subcontractor, its sub‐subcontractors, employees, agents, or  others for which Subcontractor is responsible, then Subcontractor shall pay its attributable  share of such deductible.  M. Upon request the Contractor shall provide to Subcontractor a copy of any builder’s risk,  installation floater, or other property insurance policy applicable to the work under the Prime  Contract. Contractor may block out (redact) any confidential premium or pricing information  contained in any such policy. Subcontractor may elect to obtain other insurance at its  expense, if it concludes that its interests are not insured under such policy.  N. Other Required Insurance: N/A.  10.04 Indemnification  A. To the fullest extent permitted by laws and regulations, Subcontractor shall indemnify and  hold harmless Contractor, Owner, and Owner’s engineers and consultants, and the officers,  directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors of each  and any of them, from and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not  limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and  all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to the  performance of the Subcontract Work, provided that any such claim, cost, loss, or damage is  attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of  tangible property (other than the Subcontract Work itself), including the loss of use resulting  therefrom, but only to the extent caused by any negligent act or omission of Subcontractor,  any lower tier subcontractor, supplier, or any individual or entity directly or indirectly  employed by any of them to perform any of the Subcontract Work or anyone for whose acts  any of them may be liable.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 17 of 25  B. In addition to the indemnification obligations in the preceding paragraph, Subcontractor shall  indemnify Contractor for all economic costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, for any  claim against Contractor as a result of and to the extent caused by Subcontractor’s breach of  any obligation under the Subcontract.  C. In any and all claims against Contractor, Owner, or Owner’s engineers or consultants, or any  of their officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or  subcontractors by any employee (or the survivor or personal representative of such  employee) of Subcontractor, any lower tier subcontractor, any supplier, or any individual or  entity directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Subcontract Work,  or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under  Paragraph 10.04.A. must not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type  of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for Subcontractor, lower‐tier  subcontractor, supplier, or other individual or entity under workers’ compensation acts,  disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts.  D. With respect to the Subcontract Work, the breach of obligations under the Subcontract, and  any negligent act or omission of Subcontractor, any lower tier subcontractor, supplier, or any  individual or entity directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the  Subcontract Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, and to the fullest  extent permitted by law, Subcontractor assumes the same or corresponding responsibilities  as Contractor for indemnity obligations set forth in the Prime Contract.  ARTICLE 11—SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION  11.01 Contractor May Suspend Work  A. In the event that Owner suspends the work of Contractor under the Prime Contract,  Contractor may suspend the performance of the Subcontract or any portion thereof for a  period of not more than 90 consecutive days, by giving notice in writing to Subcontractor of  such suspension. Subcontractor shall resume the Subcontract Work when instructed by  Contractor to do so. Subcontractor shall be granted an adjustment in the Subcontract Price  or an extension of the Subcontract Times, or both, directly attributable to any such suspension  only to the extent that Contractor receives an adjustment of the Prime Contract price or the  Prime Contract time for the Subcontractor’s proportionate share of work under the Prime  Contract.  B. Contractor may suspend the Subcontract Work for a period of not more than 90 days, or to  the extent permitted by the progress schedule or any express provision of the Subcontract  Documents, for Contractor’s own purposes.  C. Contractor may suspend the work of Subcontractor with all costs and liability for any delay in  the Subcontract Work and others to be assessed against the Subcontractor for the following  Subcontract violations until the Subcontractor demonstrates it has cured the violations as  follows:  1. Subcontractor fails to comply with the Owner’s or Contractor’s safety program;  2. Subcontractor or its employees are in violation of OSHA or state or local safety laws or  regulations;    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 18 of 25  3. Subcontractor has installed defective Subcontract Work that is not in compliance with the  Subcontract Documents and has failed to cure the defective Subcontract Work;  4. Subcontractor has violated any laws or regulations applicable to the performance of the  Subcontract Work; and  5. Subcontractor has failed to pay a supplier or lower‐tier subcontractor pursuant to  Subcontractor’s legal or contractual obligations.  D. If Subcontractor fails to comply with the progress schedule, causing delay to the Subcontract  Work or the Prime Contract work, after three days’ notice by Contractor and failure of  Subcontractor to demonstrate that it has implemented procedures to comply with the  schedule through measures such as providing supplemental labor, materials, and tools, then  Contractor may implement its own procedures to meet the schedule, by providing  supplemental labor, materials, tools, or taking other measures, through its own or other  forces, and Contractor may assess the cost of such supplemental procedures against the  Subcontract.  11.02 Contractor May Terminate for Cause  A. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events will justify termination for cause:  1. Subcontractor’s persistent failure to perform the Subcontract Work in accordance with  the Subcontract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient  skilled workers, suitable materials, or equipment, or failure to adhere to the Subcontract  progress schedule);  2. Subcontractor’s disregard of laws or regulations of any public body having jurisdiction;  3. Subcontractor’s repeated disregard of the authority of Contractor; or  4. Subcontractor’s failure to perform or otherwise to comply with a material term of the  Subcontract.  B. If one or more of the events identified in the preceding paragraph occur, Contractor may,  after giving Subcontractor 7 days written notice of its intent to terminate the services of  Subcontractor, or in the event the Subcontractor provided a performance bond covering the  Subcontract the Contractor may provide notice to the Subcontractor and surety in accordance  with the requirements of the applicable performance bond of its intent to terminate the  services of Subcontractor to preserve Contractor’s rights under the performance bond. Upon  termination of the Subcontract, Contractor may:  1. exclude Subcontractor from the site, and take possession of the Subcontract Work;  2. incorporate in the Subcontract Work all materials and equipment stored at the site, or for  which Contractor has paid Subcontractor but which are stored elsewhere; and  3. complete the Subcontract Work as Contractor may deem expedient.  C. If Contractor proceeds as provided in Paragraph 11.02.B., Subcontractor shall not be entitled  to receive any further payment until the Subcontract Work is completed. If the unpaid balance  of the Subcontract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not  limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and  all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) sustained by Contractor arising out  of or relating to completing the Subcontract Work, such excess will be paid to Subcontractor.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 19 of 25  If such claims, costs, losses, and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Subcontractor shall  pay the difference to Contractor. When exercising any rights or remedies under this  paragraph, Contractor shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Subcontract  Work performed.  D. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 11.02.A. and 11.02.B., Subcontractor’s services will not be  terminated if Subcontractor begins within four days of receipt of notice of intent to terminate  to correct its failure to perform and proceeds diligently to cure such failure within no more  than 14 days of receipt of said notice. If the Subcontractor fails to cure within 14 days of  receipt of said notice, the Subcontract will be deemed terminated in accordance with  provisions 11.02.A through 11.02.C upon two days’ notice by the Contractor following the  14‐day period.  E. Where Subcontractor’s services have been so terminated by Contractor, the termination will  not affect any rights or remedies of Contractor against Subcontractor then existing or which  may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of money due Subcontractor by Contractor  will not release Subcontractor from liability.  F. If and to the extent that Subcontractor has provided a performance bond, the termination  procedures of that bond will supersede the procedures in this Paragraph 11.02.  11.03 Termination of Contractor or Rejection of Subcontract by Owner  A. The Contractor may terminate the Subcontract at any time, if the Prime Contract is  terminated by the Owner, or if Owner rejects the Subcontract in accordance with the terms  of the Prime Contract, the Contractor may terminate the Subcontract without penalty.  B. In the event of a termination pursuant to Paragraph 11.03, the costs and expenses to be paid  to Subcontractor resulting from a termination under this provision must be limited to the  costs and expenses recovered by Contractor from Owner on Subcontractor’s behalf.  11.04 Contractor May Terminate for Convenience  A. Upon 7 days written notice to Subcontractor, Contractor may, without cause and without  prejudice to any other right or remedy of Contractor, terminate the Subcontract. In such case,  Subcontractor shall be paid for (without duplication of any items):  1. Completed and acceptable Subcontract Work executed in accordance with the  Subcontract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and  reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Subcontract Work;  2. Expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and  furnishing labor, materials, or equipment as required by the Subcontract in connection  with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such  expenses; and  3. Reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination.  B. Subcontractor shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other  economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination.  11.05 Subcontractor May Stop Work or Terminate  A. If, through no act or fault of Subcontractor, Contractor after receipt of payment from Owner  fails to make payment due Subcontractor, for more than 30 days after payment is due, then    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 20 of 25  Subcontractor may, upon 7 days written notice to Contractor, and provided Contractor does  not remedy such failure within 7 days thereafter, terminate the Subcontract and recover  payment from Contractor subject to the terms of this Subcontract.  B. As an alternative to terminating the Subcontract and without prejudice to any other right or  remedy, if a payment owed to Subcontractor is more than 30 days past due, then  Subcontractor may, 7 days after written notice to Contractor, stop the Subcontract Work until  payment is made of all such amounts due Subcontractor, including interest thereon at an  annual rate of five percent per annum, or if applicable at the rate prescribed by law, without  penalty.  C. If the Contractor suspends the Subcontractor’s work for more than 120 days, the  Subcontractor may upon 7 days’ written notice terminate the Subcontract and recover the  amounts due the Subcontractor for Subcontract Work completed as of the date of  termination, including retainage withheld from the Subcontractor to date and interest  thereon at an annual rate of five percent per annum, or if applicable at the rate prescribed by  law, without penalty.  ARTICLE 12—CLAIMS AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION  12.01 Claims  A. As a condition precedent to any consideration, pursuit, or recovery by Subcontractor of any  change proposal, request, demand, or claim (collectively referred to as “Claim”) seeking an  increase in Subcontract Price, Subcontract Time, or both, Subcontractor shall provide notice  of any such Claim to Contractor no less than 30 days after the event giving rise to the Claim,  and for Claims related in any way to the Owner or Prime Contract, within five days.  B. Subcontractor’s recovery of additional cost, time, or both cost and time for any Claim  attributable to the Owner will be limited to the proportionate recovery by Contractor against  Owner for such Claim. Subcontractor will cooperate and assist Contractor in pursuing any  Claim by Contractor against Owner on behalf of Subcontractor, including the timely  preparation and delivery of supporting documentation.  C. If the pursuit of any Claim by Contractor against Owner on Subcontractor’s behalf requires  the expenditure by Contractor of legal or consulting fees, or results in litigation, arbitration,  or any dispute resolution procedures, Subcontractor agrees to pay for a proportionate share  of attorneys’ fees, consultant fees, and litigation, arbitration, and other resolution costs  incurred by Contractor in pursuing the claim on behalf of Subcontractor, based upon the  amount claimed by Subcontractor as compared to the total value of the claim pursued by the  Contractor.  D. Except as provided by applicable lien, bond, or prompt payment laws, Subcontractor shall not  make any direct claims against Owner for compensation or additional compensation for  performance of the Subcontract Work.  12.02 Dispute Resolution  A. Either Contractor or Subcontractor may request mediation of any dispute between Contractor  and Subcontractor in connection with this Subcontract that has not been settled to their  mutual satisfaction within the applicable notice or cure periods provided in this Subcontract,  or that Contractor has not pursued against Owner as described above. The mediation will be    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 21 of 25  governed by the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration  Association in effect as of the Subcontract Date. The request for mediation must be submitted  in writing to the American Arbitration Association and the other party to this Subcontract.  B. Contractor and Subcontractor shall participate in the mediation process in good faith. The  process must be concluded within 60 days of filing of the request. The date of termination of  the mediation must be determined by application of the mediation rules referenced above.  C. If the dispute is not resolved by mediation, each party to this Subcontract shall be barred from  further action to assert its claim after 30 days after termination of the mediation unless,  within that time period, Contractor or Subcontractor:  1. elects in writing to invoke any dispute resolution procedure expressly provided for in a  Subcontract exhibit or elsewhere in the Subcontract Documents; or  2. agrees with the other party to submit the dispute to another dispute resolution process;  or  3. gives written notice to the other party of the intent to submit the claim to a court of  competent jurisdiction.  D. If Contractor is engaged in an arbitration with Owner that relates, in whole or in part, to a  dispute between Contractor and Subcontractor, then Contractor shall have the sole and  exclusive discretion to join Subcontractor as a party to the Contractor‐Owner arbitration.  Subcontractor consents to the jurisdiction of any such arbitration proceeding to which it is  joined pursuant to this provision.  ARTICLE 13—SUBCONTRACT DOCUMENTS  13.01 Subcontract Contents  A. The Subcontract Documents consist of the following:  1. This Subcontract.  2. Prime Contract, with the exception of confidential terms. The following portions of the  Prime Contract are attached as Exhibit A:  a. General Conditions.  b. Special Conditions.  c. Specifications, Sections 01200 through 02920 as applicable to Electrical Scope  d. Construction Plans for North County Service Area Submersible Repump Station.  3. Subcontract scope of Subcontract Work dated 06/15/2021.  4. Requirements for Subcontractor’s insurance—limits, deductibles, special endorsements,  etc.  5. The following which may be delivered or issued on or after the Subcontract Date and are  not attached hereto:  a. Notice to Proceed.  b. Work Change Directives.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 22 of 25  c. Change Orders.  d. Field Orders.  B. The documents listed in the paragraph above are attached to this Subcontract (except as  expressly noted otherwise above).  C. There are no Subcontract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 14. The  Subcontract supersedes prior negotiations, representations, and agreements regarding the  Subcontract Work, whether written or oral.  D. The Subcontract Documents may only be amended, modified, or supplemented by written  agreement of Contractor and Subcontractor.  ARTICLE 14—MISCELLANEOUS  14.01 Terms  Terms used in this Subcontract will have the meanings stated here, or in the Prime Contract’s  General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions.  14.02 Assignment of Subcontract  No assignment by Subcontractor of any rights under or interests in the Subcontract will be binding  on Contractor without Contractor’s written consent; and, specifically but without limitation,  payments that may become due and money that is due may not be assigned by Subcontractor  without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by  law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no  assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the  Subcontract Documents.  14.03 Successors and Assigns  Contractor and Subcontractor each binds itself, its successors, assigns, and legal representatives  to the other party hereto, its successors, assigns, and legal representatives in respect to all  covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Subcontract Documents.  14.04 Severability  Any provision or part of the Subcontract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any  law or regulation will be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions must continue to be valid  and binding upon Contractor and Subcontractor, which agree that the Subcontract Documents  will be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable  provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision.  ARTICLE 15—SUBCONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS  15.01 Subcontractor’s Representations  A. In order to induce Contractor to enter into this Subcontract, Subcontractor makes the  following representations:  1. Subcontractor has examined and carefully studied the Subcontract Documents, and any  data and reference items identified in the Subcontract Documents, including but not  limited to initial schedules identified by Contractor.    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 23 of 25  2. Subcontractor has visited the site, conducted a thorough visual examination of the site  and adjacent areas, and become familiar with the general, local, and site conditions that  may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Subcontract Work.  3. Subcontractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all laws and regulations that may affect  cost, progress, and performance of the Subcontract Work.  4. Subcontractor has carefully studied the reports of explorations and tests of subsurface  conditions at or adjacent to the site and drawings of physical conditions relating to  existing surface or subsurface structures at the site that have been identified by the Prime  Contract or Subcontract, especially with respect to technical data in such reports and  drawings.  5. Subcontractor has carefully studied reports and drawings of hazardous environmental  conditions, if any, at or adjacent to the site that have been identified in the Prime Contract  or Subcontract, especially with respect to technical data in such reports and drawings.  6. Subcontractor has considered the information known to Subcontractor itself; information  commonly known to contractors and subcontractors doing business in the locality of the  site; information and observations obtained from visits to the site; the Subcontract  Documents; and the site‐related reports and drawings, if any, identified in the Prime  Contract or Subcontract, with respect to the effect of such information, observations, and  documents on (a) the cost, progress, and performance of the Subcontract Work; (b) the  means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed  by Subcontractor; and (c) Subcontractor’s safety precautions and programs.  7. Based on the information and observations referred to in the preceding paragraphs,  Subcontractor agrees that no further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests,  studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Subcontract Work at the  Subcontract Price, within the Subcontract Times, and in accordance with the other terms  and conditions of the Subcontract.  8. Subcontractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner,  Contractor, other subcontractors, and others at the site that relates to the Subcontract  Work as indicated in the Subcontract Documents.  9. Subcontractor has given Contractor written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or  discrepancies that Subcontractor has discovered in the Subcontract Documents, and of  discrepancies between Site conditions and the Contract Documents, and the written  resolution thereof by Contractor is acceptable to Subcontractor.  10. The Subcontract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding  of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Subcontract Work.  11. Subcontractor’s entry into this Subcontract constitutes an incontrovertible  representation by Subcontractor that without exception all prices in the Subcontract are  premised upon performing and furnishing the Subcontract Work required by the  Subcontract Documents.  15.02 Subcontractor’s Certifications  A. Subcontractor certifies that it has not engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive  practices in competing for or in executing the Subcontract. For the purposes of this paragraph:    EJCDC® C‐523, Construction Subcontract.  Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,  and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.  Page 24 of 25  1. “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value  likely to influence the action of a public official in the bidding process or in the Subcontract  execution;  2. “fraudulent practice” means an intentional misrepresentation of facts made (a) to  influence the bidding process or the execution of the Subcontract to the detriment of  Owner or Contractor, (b) to establish bid or Subcontract prices at artificial non‐ competitive levels, or (c) to deprive Owner or Contractor of the benefits of free and open  competition;  3. “collusive practice” means a scheme or arrangement between two or more Bidders, with  or without the knowledge of Owner or Contractor, a purpose of which is to establish bid  prices at artificial, non‐competitive levels; and  4. “coercive practice” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons  or their property to influence their participation in the bidding process or affect the  execution of the Subcontract.     Appendix A- Attached and Requirements 1. Prime Contract a. General Conditions b. Special Conditions c. Specification Sections 01200 through 02920 (with respect to electrical scope) d. Construction Plans for North County Service Area Submersible Repump Station 2. Subcontract Scope of Work 3. Insurance Requirements: a. General Liability $1,000,000/$2,000,000 b. Automobile $1,000,000 c. Worker’s Compensation Statutory Requirements d. Additional Insured: i. St Lucie County BOCC, 2300 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ii. Centroid Diversified, LLC, 254 NE Surfside Ave., Port St Lucie, FL 34983 e. Special Comments: i. “St. Lucie County, its officers, agents and employees are named as additional insured's with respect to the work performed under this contract for the North County Service Area Wastewater Repump Station, St. Lucie County Bid No. 21-053.” SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS Article Title 1.0 Definitions 2.0 Preliminary Matters 3.0 Correlation, Interpretation, and Intent of Contract Documents 4.0 Availability of Lands: Subsurface Conditions; Reference Points 5.0 Public Records 6.0 Contractor Responsibility 7.0 Subcontractors 8.0 County's Responsibilities 9.0 Consultant's Status During Construction 10.0 Changes in the Work 11.0 Change of Contract Price 12.0 Delays and Extensions of Time 13.0 Guarantee; Tests and Inspections 14.0 Payments and Completions 15.0 Suspension of Work and Termination 16.0 Miscellaneous 17.0 Public Entity Crimes 18.0 Punchlist Procedures 19.0 Reduction of Retainage Procedures 20.0 Audit 21.0 Indemnity 22.0 Indemnity of Florida East Coast Railroad Company and Insurance Requirements- If Applicable 23.0 Inspection 24.0 Public Construction Bond 25.0 Insurance 26.0 Non-Discrimination 27.0 Verification of Employment Status 28.0 Products or Materials with Recycled Content 29.0 Florida Produced Lumber 30.0 Asbestos-Free Materials 31.0 Dispute Resolution 32.0 Mediation GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.0 Definitions. Wherever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Documents, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated which shall be applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: 1.1 Acceptance: By the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER of the Work as being fully complete in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 Addenda: Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of bids, which modify or interpret the Contract Documents, Drawings and Specifications, by additions, deletions, clarifications or corrections. 1.3 Application for Payment: The form furnished by the COUNTY or the form accepted by the Consultant which is to be used by the CONTRACTOR in requesting progress payments and an affidavit of the CONTRACTOR that progress payments theretofore received from the COUNTY on account of the Work have been applied by the CONTRACTOR to discharge in full all of the CONTRACTOR'S obligations stated in prior Applications for Payment. 1.4 Approval: Accept as satisfactory. 1.5 Bid: The offer or proposal of the Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. 1.6 Bid Documents - Includes the Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, and proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 1.7 Bidder: Any person, firm or corporation submitting a Bid for the Work directly to the County. 1.8 Bonds: Bid, performance and payment bonds and other instruments of security, furnished by the CONTRACTOR and his surety in accordance with the Contract Documents and in accordance with the law of the place of the project and approved by the County Attorney. 1.9 Change Order: A written order to the CONTRACTOR executed on behalf of the COUNTY authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time issued after execution of the Contract. 1.10 County: St. Lucie County, its Board of County Commissioners, or Owner”. 1.11 County’s Representative: The person or persons designated by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. This may include the CONSULTANT. 1.12 Consultant: The person, firm or corporation named as such in the Contract Documents that acts as the County’s authorized agent within the scope of work entrusted to them by the County. 1.13 Consultant’s Representative: An authorized representative of the Consultant assigned to observe the work performed and materials furnished by the CONTRACTOR. 1.14 Contract: The written agreement between the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR covering the Work to be performed; the Contract Documents are attached to and made a part of the Contract. Also designated as the Agreement. 1.15 Contract Documents: The Contract, Addenda, Instructions to Bidders, CONTRACTOR'S Bid, the Bonds, the Notice of Award, these General Conditions, the Supplementary Conditions, Special Conditions, the Specifications, Drawings, Modifications, and the Notice to Proceed. 1.16 Contract Price: The total moneys payable to the CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents. 1.17 Contract Time: The number of calendar days stated in the Contract for the completion of the Work. 1.18 Contractor: The individual, partnership, corporation, joint-venture, or other legal entity with whom the COUNTY has entered into the Contract. 1.19 Day: A calendar day of twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. 1.20 Defective WORK - WORK that is unsatisfactory, faulty, or deficient; or that does not conform to the Contract Documents; or that does not meet the requirements of any inspection, reference standard, test, or approval referred to in the Contract Documents; or WORK that has been damaged prior to the CONSULTANT'S recommendation of final payment. 1.21 Drawings: The drawings which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by the CONSULTANT and are referred to in the Contract Documents. Shop Drawing are not Drawings as so defined. 1.22 Effective Date of the Contract - The date indicated in the Contract, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Contract is signed by the last of the two parties to sign the Contract. 1.23 Field Order: A written order issued by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or by the CONSULTANT which clarifies or interprets the Contract Documents in accordance with paragraph 9.3 or orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 10.2. 1.24 Laws and Regulations; Laws or Regulations - Laws, rules, codes, regulations, ordinances and/or orders promulgated by a lawfully constituted body authorized to issue such Laws and Regulations. 1.25 Modification: (a) A written amendment of the Contract Documents signed by both parties, (b) a Change Order, 8 a written clarification or interpretation issued by the CONSULTANT in accordance with paragraph 9.3 or (d) a written order for a minor change or alteration in the Work issued by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or by the CONSULTANT pursuant to paragraph 10.2. A Modification may only be issued after execution of the Contract. 1.26 Notice of Award: The written notice by COUNTY to the apparent successful Bidder stating that upon compliance with the conditions precedent to be fulfilled by him within the time specified, COUNTY will execute and deliver the Contract to him. 1.27 Notice to Proceed: A written notice given by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER to the CONTRACTOR (with a copy to CONSULTANT) fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which CONTRACTOR shall start to perform his obligations under the Contract Documents. 1.28 Partial Utilization - Placing a portion of the WORK in service for the purpose for which it is intended (or a related purpose) before reaching Substantial Completion for all the WORK. 1.29 Project: The entire construction to be performed as provided in the Contract Documents. 1.30 Project Manager: The individual who is authorized to act on behalf of the COUNTY or CONTRACTOR. 1.31 Project Representative: (also Construction Observer, Resident Inspector, or Construction Inspector) One or more authorized representatives of the COUNTY assigned to observe the Work performed and materials furnished by the CONTRACTOR, or such other persons as may from time to time be appointed by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER as his representative(s). Nothing contained in these General Conditions shall be construed to grant to the Project Representatives the right or authority to modify, alter, revoke, enlarge, or relax the provisions of the Contract Documents in any manner, nor to approve or accept any portion of the completed work, or issue instructions contrary to the Plans and Specifications or the requirements of regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. 1.32 Samples: Physical examples which illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and establish standards by which the Work will be judged. 1.33 Shop Drawings: All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, brochures, schedules and other data which are prepared by the CONTRACTOR, a Subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor and which illustrate the equipment, material or some portion of the Work and as required by the Contract Documents. Shop Drawings are not part of the Contract Documents and failure of the CONSULTANT or the COUNTY or any of his representatives to take exception to any product, material, system or installation depicted on Shop Drawings that are not in conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents shall not constitute a Field Order or Change Order or any other Modification of the Contract Documents, and shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from complying with any portion of the Contract Documents. 1.34 Special Conditions: When included as a part of the Contract Documents, Special Conditions refer only to the Work under this Contract. Special Conditions take precedent over the General Conditions. 1.35 Specifications: Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work. 1.36 Sub-Bidder - One who submits a Bid to a BIDDER. 1.37 Subcontractor: An individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any other subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. 1.38 Substantial Completion: For purposes of this Contract, and for compliance of those procedures, duties and obligations as set forth in Florida Statutes §218.70 and §218.735, the term Substantial Completion shall be as follows, in lieu of any other definition: “Substantial Completion” is defined as that point where St. Lucie County is able to enjoy beneficial occupancy of the Work and where the Work has achieved that level of completion such that St. Lucie County is able to utilize the entire Project for its intended purposes, including but not limited to the completion of all specified systems and items relating to life safety and regulatory use, with the exception of incidental or incomplete items except where a lack of completion of such incidental or incomplete items of Work will adversely affect the complete operation of other areas of the Work. Additional conditions (if any) needed to achieve Substantial Completion of the Work and which are project specific are as set forth in attached Technical Specifications. 1.39 Successful Bidder - The lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive BIDDER to whom COUNTY (on basis of COUNTY’S evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. 1.40 Supplier: Any person or organization who supplies materials or equipment for the Work, including that fabricated to a special design, but who does not perform labor at the site. 1.41 Supplementary General Conditions - The part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions 1.42 Surety: The corporate body which is bound with the CONTRACTOR and which engages to be responsible for the CONTRACTOR and his acceptable performance of the Work. 1.43 Underground Facilities: All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities which have been installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials; electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal, traffic or other control systems or water. 1.44 Unit Price Work - WORK to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. 1.45 Utilities - All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities which have been installed underground or above ground to furnish any of the following services or materials: electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, water supply or distribution, sewage and drainage removal, traffic or other control systems. 1.46 Work: Any and all obligations, duties and responsibilities necessary to the successful completion of the Project assigned to or undertaken by CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents, including all labor, materials, equipment and other incidentals, and the furnished thereof. 1.47 Work Change Directive - A written directive to CONTRACTOR, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Contract and signed by the COUNTY and recommended by the CONSULTANT, ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the WORK, or which references an emergency or unforeseen physical conditions under which the WORK is to be performed. A Work Change Directive may not change the Contract Price or the Contract Time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Time. 1.48 Written Amendment - A written amendment of the Contract Documents, signed by the COUNTY and CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective Date of the Contract and normally dealing with the non- engineering or non-technical rather than strictly WORK-related aspects of the Contract Documents. 1.49 Written Notice: The term "Notice" as used herein shall mean and include all written notices, demands, instructions, claims, approvals, and disapprovals required to obtain compliance with Contract requirements. 2.0 Preliminary Matters. 2.1 Award: The award of the Contract, if it is awarded, will be to the lowest qualified, responsible Bidder. No Notice of Award will be given until the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER has concluded such investigations as he deems necessary to establish the responsibility, qualification and financial ability of the Bidders to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to the satisfaction of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER within the time prescribed. The COUNTY reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder who does not pass such investigation to the COUNTY'S satisfaction. In analyzing Bids, the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER may take into consideration alternates and unit prices, if requested by the Bid forms. 2.2 Execution of Contract: At least three counterparts of the Contract and such other Contract Documents, including bonds, will be executed and delivered by CONTRACTOR to the Purchasing Department within 30 calendar days of receipt. 2.3 Forfeiture of Bid Security: Failure of the successful Bidder to execute and deliver the Contract and deliver the required Bonds and Insurance Certificates or other documentation as stipulated in paragraph 2.2 or in the Instructions to Bidders - Section 00100, shall be just cause for the COUNTY to annul the Notice of Award and declare the Bid and any security therefore forfeited. 2.4 Contractor’s Pre-Start Representation: CONTRACTOR represents that he has familiarized himself with, and assumes full responsibility for having familiarized himself with, the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may in any manner affect performance of the Work, and represents that he has correlated his study and observations with the requirements of the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR also represents that he has studied all surveys and investigation reports of subsurface and latent physical conditions referred to in the Specifications and made such additional surveys and investigations as he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and that he has correlated the results of all such data with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 2.5 Commencement of Contract Time: The Contract Time will commence to run on the date identified in the written notification by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER in the form of the Notice to Proceed. 2.6 Starting the Project: CONTRACTOR shall start to perform his obligations under the Contract Documents on the date when the Contract Time commences to run. No Work shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run, except with the written consent of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. 2.7 Before Starting Construction: Before undertaking each part of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. He shall at once report in writing to the CONSULTANT any conflict, error or discrepancy which he may discover; however, he shall not be liable to the COUNTY or the CONSULTANT for his failure to discover any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Drawings or Specifications, unless Contractor had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. Work which is considered to be normal to the construction industry and should have been anticipated by the CONTRACTOR will not be eligible for reimbursement by change order. 2.8 Schedule of Completion: CONTRACTOR shall submit to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, together with the executed Contract and other required documents, an estimated progress schedule with earnings indicating the starting and completion dates of the various stages of the Work, and a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing Submissions. No payments shall be made by COUNTY to CONTRACTOR until the estimated progress schedule has been reviewed and approved by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. See paragraphs 6.27 through 6.32. The CONSULTANT shall review and return this schedule or require revisions thereto within 14 days of its submittal. Said progress schedule shall be updated by CONTRACTOR on a monthly basis. 2.9 Pre-Construction Conference: A pre-construction conference will be held, prior to any work being performed and prior to the commencement of the Contract Time, to review the above schedules, to establish procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submissions and for processing Applications for Payment, and to establish a working understanding between the parties as to the Project. Present at the conference will be the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or his representative, CONSULTANT, Resident Project Representatives, CONTRACTOR and his Superintendent, and appropriate parties such as private utilities as deemed necessary. 2.10 Qualification of Subcontractors, Materialmen and Suppliers: Within ten working days after bid opening, the CONTRACTOR will (if required) submit to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER and the CONSULTANT for acceptance a list of the names of Subcontractors and such other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish principal items of materials or equipment) proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of the Subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as specified in the Contract Documents. Within thirty working days after receiving the list, the CONSULTANT will notify the CONTRACTOR in writing if either the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or the CONSULTANT, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any Subcontractor, person or organization on such list. The failure of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or the CONSULTANT to make objection to any Subcontractor, person or organization on the list within thirty days of receipt shall constitute an acceptance of such Subcontractor, person or organization. Acceptance of any such Subcontractor, person or organization shall not constitute a waiver of any right of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or the CONSULTANT to reject defective Work, material or equipment, or Work, material or equipment not in conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.3.0. 3.0 Correlation, Interpretation and Intent of Contract Documents: 3.1 Contract Documents Modifications: It is the intent of the Specifications and Drawings to describe a complete Project to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents comprise the entire Contract between the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR. They may be altered only by a Modification. 3.2 Conflicts, Errors or Discrepancies: The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. If CONTRACTOR finds a conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, he shall call it to the CONSULTANT'S attention in writing at once and before proceeding with the Work affected thereby; however, he shall not be liable to the COUNTY or CONSULTANT for his failure to discover any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Specifications or Drawings, unless CONTRACTOR had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. 3.3 Furnish and Install: The words "furnish", "furnish and install", and "provide" or words with similar meaning shall be interpreted, unless otherwise specifically stated, to mean "furnish and install complete in place and ready for service". 3.4 Miscellaneous Items: Miscellaneous items and accessories which are not specifically mentioned, but which are essential to produce a complete and properly operating installation, or usable structure or plant, providing the indicated function, shall be furnished and installed without change in the Contract Price. Such miscellaneous items and accessories shall be of the same quality standards, including material, style, finish, strength, class, weight and other applicable characteristics, as specified for the major component of which the miscellaneous item or accessory is an essential part, and shall be approved by the CONSULTANT before installation. The above requirements are not intended to include major components not covered by or inferable from the Drawings and Specifications. 3.5 Trades Work: The Work of all trades under this Contract shall be coordinated by the CONTRACTOR in such a manner as to obtain the best workmanship possible for the entire Project, and all components of the Work shall be installed or erected in accordance with the best practices of the particular trade. 3.6 Manufacturer’s Literature: Manufacturer's literature, when referenced, shall be dated and numbered and is intended to establish the minimum requirements acceptable. Whenever reference is given to codes, or standard specifications or other data published by regulating agencies or accepted organizations, including but not limited to National Electrical Code, applicable State Building Code, Federal Specifications, ASTM Specifications, various institute specifications, and the like, it shall be understood that such reference is to the latest edition, including addenda in effect on the date of Bid. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification, manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the contract documents) shall be effective to change the duties and responsibilities of the COUNTY, CONTRACTOR, or CONSULTANT, or any of their consultants, agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents, nor shall it be effective to assign to the CONSULTANT, or any of the CONSULTANT'S consultants, agents or employees, any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of these General Conditions. 3.7 Brand Names: Brand names where used in the technical specifications, are intended to denote the standard of quality required for the particular material or product. The term "equal" or "equivalent", when used in connection with brand names, shall be interpreted to mean a material or product that is similar and equal in type, quality, size, capacity, composition, finish, color and other applicable characteristics to the material or product specified by trade name, and that is suitable for the same use and capable of performing the same function, in the opinion of the CONSULTANT, as the material or product so specified. Determination of whether an item is "equal" or "equivalent" shall be solely at the discretion of the CONSULTANT with the concurrence of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. Proposed equivalent items must be approved by CONSULTANT before they are purchased or incorporated in the Work. Failure of the CONSULTANT or the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER to find an item "equal" or "equivalent" shall not entitle the CONTRACTOR to a change in contract price. Approval of an item as "equal" or "equivalent" shall entitle the COUNTY to a credit if use of the approved item results in a savings in material and/or labor cost to the CONTRACTOR. (When a brand name, catalog number, model number, or other identification, is used without the phrase "or equal", the CONTRACTOR shall use the brand specified.) 4.0 Availability of Lands: Subsurface Conditions; Reference Points. 4.1 Availability of Lands: The COUNTY will furnish, as indicated in Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be done, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands, which are designated for the use of the CONTRACTOR. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by the COUNTY, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. Other access to such lands or rights-of-way for the CONTRACTOR'S convenience shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR will provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.2 Not used - Reserved. 4.3 Subsurface Conditions: The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that he has investigated prior to bidding and satisfied himself as to the conditions affecting the Work, including but not restricted to those bearing upon transportation, disposal, handling and storage of materials, availability of labor, water, electric power, roads and uncertainties of weather, river stages, tides, water tables or similar physical conditions at the site, the conformation and conditions of the ground, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during prosecution of the Work. The CONTRACTOR further acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the character, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be encountered insofar as this information is reasonably ascertainable from an inspection of the site, including all exploratory work done on behalf of the COUNTY on the site or any contiguous site, as well as from information presented by the Drawings and Specifications made a part of this Contract, or any other information made available to him prior to receipt of Bids. Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to acquaint himself with the available information will not relieve him from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the Work. The COUNTY and CONSULTANT assume no responsibility for any conclusions or interpretations made by the CONTRACTOR on the basis of the information made available by the COUNTY or CONSULTANT. 4.4 Differing Site Conditions: 4.4.1 The CONTRACTOR shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER in writing of: subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those indicated in this contract, or unknown physical conditions at the site; of an unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in this contract. The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if he finds that such conditions do materially so differ and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether or not changed as a result of such conditions, an equitable adjustment shall be made and the contract modified in writing accordingly. 4.4.2 No claim of the CONTRACTOR under this clause shall be allowed unless the CONTRACTOR has given the notice required in 4.4.1 above; provided, however, the time prescribed therefore may be extended by the COUNTY. 4.4.3 No claim by the CONTRACTOR for an equitable adjustment hereunder shall be allowed if asserted after final payment under this contract. 4.5 Physical Conditions - Underground Facilities: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to COUNTY or CONSULTANT by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Special Conditions: 4.5.1 COUNTY and CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and, 4.5.2 CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility for reviewing and checking all such information and data, for locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, for coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof as provided in paragraph 6.19 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work, the cost of all of which will be considered as having been included in the Contract Price. No additional compensation will be allowed the Contractor because of the existence of utility lines, which are not shown on drawings. 4.5.3 If an Underground Facility is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before performing any Work affected thereby (except in an emergency as permitted by paragraph 6.21) identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give written notice thereof to that owner and to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER and CONSULTANT. 4.6 Existing Structures: The plans show the locations of all known surface and subsurface structures. However, the COUNTY and CONSULTANT assume no responsibility for failure to show any or all of these structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation for extra work or for increasing the pay quantities in any manner whatsoever, unless the obstruction encountered is such as to necessitate changes in the lines or grades, or requires the building of special work, provisions for which are not made in the Plans and Proposal in which case the provisions in these Specifications for extra work shall apply. 5.0 Public Records: The Contractor shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the Contractor in conjunction with this Contract. 6.0 Contractor Responsibility. 6.1 The Contractor is an independent contractor and is not an employee or agent of the County. Nothing in this Contract shall be interpreted to establish any relationship other than that of an independent contractor, between the County and the Contractor, its employees, agents, subcontractors, or assigns, during or after the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall take the whole responsibility for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and production of the Work. 6.2 The Contractor shall bear all losses resulting to him, or its, on account of the amount or character of the Work, or because of the nature of the ground beneath, in or on which the Work is done is different from what was assumed or expected, or because of bad weather, or because of errors or omissions in his or its bid on the Contract price, or except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents because of any other causes whatsoever. Execution of this Contract by the Contractor is a representation that the Contractor has visited the site, has conducted a sufficient investigation of the surface and sub- surface conditions in order to submit its bid, has become familiar with the local conditions under which the Work is to be performed, and correlated personal observations with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6.3 The Contractor shall protect the entire Work, all materials under the Contract and the County's property (including machinery and equipment) in, or on, or adjacent to the site of the Work until final completion and Work, from the action of the elements, acts of other contractors, or except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, and from any other causes whatsoever; should any damage occur by reason of any of the foregoing, the Contractor shall repair at his, or its, own expenses to the satisfaction of the County or its Project Manager. Neither the County nor its officers, employees or agents assume any responsibility for collection of indemnities or damages from any person or persons causing injury to the Work of the Contractor. 6.4 At his or its expense, the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions (including without limitation) the furnishing of guards, fences, warnings signs, walks, flags, cables and lights for the safety of and the prevention of injury, loss and damage to persons and property (including without limitation) in the term persons, members of the public, the County and its employees and agents, the Project Manager and his employees, Contractor's employees, his or its subcontractors and their respective employees, other contractors, their sub-contractors and respective employees, on, about or adjacent to the premises where said Work is being performed, and shall comply with all applicable provisions of safety laws, rules, ordinances, regulations and orders of duly constituted public authorities and building codes. 6.5 The Contractor assumes all risk of loss, damage and destruction to all of his or its materials, tools appliances and property of every description and that of his or its subcontractors and of their respective employees or agents, and injury to or death of the Contractor, his or its employees, subcontractors or their respective employees or agents, including legal fees, court costs or other legal expenses, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract. 6.6 Supervision and Superintendence: The CONTRACTOR will supervise and direct the Work. He will be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. The CONTRACTOR will employ and maintain on the Work a qualified supervisor or superintendent who shall have been designated in writing by the CONTRACTOR as the CONTRACTOR'S representative at the site. The supervisor shall have full authority to act on behalf of the CONTRACTOR and all communications given to the supervisor shall be as binding as if given to the CONTRACTOR. The supervisor shall be present on the site at all times as required to perform adequate supervision and coordination of the Work. (Copies of written communications given to the Superintendent shall be mailed to the Contractor's home office.) 6.7 Labor, Materials and Equipment: The CONTRACTOR will provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey and lay out the Work and perform construction as required by the Contract Documents. He will at all times maintain good discipline and order at the site. Except in connection with the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours, and CONTRACTOR will not permit overtime work or the performance of Work on Saturday, Sunday or any legal holiday, observed by St. Lucie County, without the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER'S written consent. 6.8 Materials and Equipment: The CONTRACTOR will furnish all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water and sanitary facilities and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the execution, testing, initial operation and completion of the Work. All material stored on the job site shall remain the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR until incorporated into the work. The COUNTY will not reimburse the CONTRACTOR for materials lost, stolen, or damaged while stored on the job site. 6.9 Condition of Materials: All materials and equipment will be new. When special makes or grades of material which are normally packaged by the supplier or manufacturer are specified or approved, such materials shall be delivered to the site in their original packages or container with seals unbroken and labels intact. 6.10 Installation / Assembly: All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator or processors, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 6.11 Materials, Equipment, Products, and Substitutions: Materials, equipment and products incorporated in the Work must be approved for use before being purchased by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CONSULTANT and the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER a list of proposed materials, equipment or products, together with such samples as may be necessary for him to determine their acceptability and obtain his approval, within ninety calendar days after award of Contract unless otherwise stipulated in the Special Conditions. No request for payment for "or equal" equipment will be approved until this list has been received and approved by the CONSULTANT. 6.11.1 Whenever a material, article or piece of equipment is identified on the Drawings or Specifications by reference to brand name or catalogue number, it shall be understood that this is referenced for the purpose of defining the performance or other salient requirements, and that other products of equal capacities, quality and function may be considered. The CONTRACTOR may request the substitution of a material, article, or piece of equipment of equal substance and function for those referred to in the Contract Documents by reference to brand name or catalogue number, and if, in the opinion of the CONSULTANT and COUNTY, such material, article, or piece of equipment is of equal substance and function to that specified, the CONSULTANT with concurrence of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER may approve its substitution and use by the CONTRACTOR. Incidental changes or extra component parts required to accommodate the substitute will be made by the CONTRACTOR without an increase in the Contract Price or Contract Time. The CONTRACTOR shall reimburse the COUNTY for charges of the CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT'S consultants for evaluating each proposed substitution. These costs shall include transportation to operating installation at factories, etc. 6.11.2 No substitute shall be ordered or installed without the written approval of the CONSULTANT with the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER'S concurrence. 6.11.3 Delay caused by obtaining approvals for substitute materials will not be considered justifiable grounds for an extension of construction time. 6.11.4 Should any work or materials, equipment or products not conform with requirements of the Drawings and Specifications or become damaged during the progress of the Work, such Work or materials shall be removed and replaced, together with any work disarranged by such alterations, at any time before completion and acceptance of the Project. All such work shall be done at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. 6.11.5 No materials or supplies for the Work shall be purchased by the CONTRACTOR or by any Subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the Seller. The CONTRACTOR warrants that he has good title to all materials and supplies used by him in the Work. 6.12 Concerning Subcontractors: The CONTRACTOR will not employ any Subcontractor, other person or organization of the types referred to in paragraph 2.10 (whether initially or as a substitute) against whom the COUNTY or the CONSULTANT may have reasonable objection, nor will the CONTRACTOR be required to employ any Subcontractor against whom he has reasonable objection. The CONTRACTOR will not make any substitution for any Subcontractor who has been accepted by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER and the CONSULTANT, unless the CONSULTANT determines that there is good cause for doing so. 6.13 Responsibility: The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of his Subcontractors and of persons and organizations directly or indirectly employed by them and of persons and organizations for whose acts any of them may be liable to the same extent that he is responsible for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between COUNTY or CONSULTANT and any Subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of COUNTY or CONSULTANT to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any Subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. COUNTY or CONSULTANT may furnish to any Subcontractor or other person or organization, to the extent practicable, evidence of amounts paid to CONTRACTOR on account of specific Work done in accordance with the schedule of values. 6.14 Division of Work: The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control the CONTRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.15 Terms and Conditions: The CONTRACTOR agrees to bind specifically every Subcontractor to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of the COUNTY. 6.16 Agreement: All Work performed for the CONTRACTOR by a Subcontractor shall be pursuant to any appropriate agreement between the CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor. 6.17 Responsibility: The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the coordination of the trades, Subcontractors and materialmen engaged upon His Work. 6.17.1 The CONTRACTOR shall cause appropriate provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts relative to the Work to bind Subcontractors to the CONTRACTOR by the terms of these General Conditions and other Contract Documents insofar as applicable to the Work of Subcontractors, and to give the CONTRACTOR the same power as regards terminating any subcontract that the COUNTY may exercise over the CONTRACTOR under any provisions of the Contract Documents. 6.17.2 The COUNTY or CONSULTANT will not undertake to settle any differences between the CONTRACTOR and his Subcontractors or between Subcontractors. 6.17.3 If in the opinion of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or CONSULTANT, any Subcontractor on the Project proves to be incompetent or otherwise unsatisfactory, he shall be replaced if and when directed in writing. 6.18 Patent, Fees and Royalties: The CONTRACTOR will pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use of any invention, design, process or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. He will indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY and CONSULTANT and anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising out of any infringement of such rights during or after completion of the Work, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringement of such rights. 6.19 Patent Rights: The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for determining the application of patent rights and royalties on materials, appliances, articles or systems prior to bidding. However, he shall not be responsible for such determination on systems, which do not involve purchase by him of materials, appliances and articles. 6.20 Permits: The CONTRACTOR will secure and pay for all construction permits and licenses and will pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, which are applicable at the time of his Bid. The COUNTY shall assist the CONTRACTOR, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. The CONTRACTOR will also pay all public utility charges. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining dewatering permits as required. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for complying with the South Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, United States Environmental Protection Agency and any other regulatory agency requirements including financial responsibility (fines, etc.). 6.21 Laws and Regulations: The CONTRACTOR will give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to the Work. If the CONTRACTOR observes that the Specifications or Drawings are at variance therewith, he will give the CONSULTANT prompt written notice thereof, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by an appropriate Modification. If the CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the CONSULTANT, he will bear all costs arising therefrom; however, it shall not be his primary responsibility to make certain that the Drawings and Specifications are in accordance with such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. 6.22 Taxes: Cost of all sales and other taxes for which the CONTRACTOR is liable under the Contract shall be included in the Contract Price stated by the CONTRACTOR. 6.23 Record Drawings: The CONTRACTOR will keep one record copy of all Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, Modifications, and Shop Drawings at the site in good order and annotated to show all changes made during the construction process. These shall be available to the CONSULTANT and shall be delivered to him for the COUNTY upon completion of the project. It shall be used for this purpose only. Final acceptance of the project will be withheld until approval of the documents is made by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. 6.24 Safety and Protection: The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. He will take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and will provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 6.24.1 All employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby, 6.24.2 All the Work and all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, and 6.24.3 Other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. 6.25 Superintendent: The CONTRACTOR will designate a responsible member of his organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be the CONTRACTOR'S superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by the CONTRACTOR to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. 6.26 Emergencies: In emergencies affecting the safety of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, the CONTRACTOR, without special instruction or authorization from the CONSULTANT or the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, is obligated to act, at his discretion, to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. If the CONTRACTOR believes that additional work done by him in an emergency which arose from causes beyond his control entitles him to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, he may make a claim therefore as provided in Articles 11 and 12. 6.27 Shop Drawings and Samples: After checking and verifying all field measurements, the CONTRACTOR will submit to the CONSULTANT and the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER for review, in accordance with the accepted schedule of Shop Drawing submissions (see paragraph 2.8) copies (or at the CONSULTANT'S option, one reproducible copy) of all Shop Drawings, which shall have been checked by and stamped with the approval of the CONTRACTOR. The data shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to dimensions, design criteria, materials of construction and the like to enable the CONSULTANT to review the information as required. 6.28 Samples: The CONTRACTOR will also submit to the CONSULTANT for review, with such promptness as to cause no delay in Work, all samples required by the Contract Documents. All samples will have been checked by and stamped with the approval of the CONTRACTOR, identified clearly as to material, manufacturer, any pertinent catalog numbers and the use for which intended. 6.29 Deviations: At the time of each submission, the CONTRACTOR will in writing call the CONSULTANT'S attention to any deviations that the Shop Drawings or sample may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6.30 Conformance Review: The CONSULTANT will review with reasonable promptness Shop Drawings and samples, but his review shall be only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. The review of a separate item as such will not indicate review of the assembly in which the item functions. The CONTRACTOR will make any corrections required by the CONSULTANT and will return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and resubmit new samples until the review is satisfactory to the CONSULTANT. The CONTRACTOR shall direct specific attention in writing or on resubmitted Shop Drawings to revisions other than the corrections called for by the CONSULTANT on previous submissions. The CONTRACTOR'S stamp of approval on any Shop Drawings or sample shall constitute a representation to the COUNTY and the CONSULTANT that the CONTRACTOR has either determined and verified all quantities, dimensions, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue numbers and similar data or he assumes full responsibility for doing so, and that he has reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or sample with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. Shop Drawings submitted without the CONTRACTOR'S stamp or specific written indication will be returned without action. Shop Drawings and submittal data will be reviewed two times, thereafter all further review time will be charged to the CONTRACTOR. 6.31 Approval: No work requiring a Shop Drawing or sample submission shall be commenced until the submission has been reviewed and approved by the CONSULTANT. A copy of each Shop Drawing and each approved sample shall be kept in good order by the CONTRACTOR at the site and shall be available to the CONSULTANT. 6.32 Specific Deviations: The CONSULTANT'S review of Shop Drawings or samples shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from his responsibility for any deviations from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless the CONTRACTOR has in writing called the CONSULTANT'S attention to such deviation at the time of submission and the CONSULTANT has given written approval to the specific deviation, nor shall any review by the CONSULTANT relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings. 6.33 Site Clean Up: The CONTRACTOR shall clean up behind the Work as much as is reasonably possible as the Work progresses. Upon completion of the Work, and before acceptance of and final payment for the Project by the COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR shall remove all his surplus and discarded materials, excavated material and rubbish from the roadways, sidewalks, parking areas, lawns and all adjacent property; shall clean his portion of Work involved in any building under this Contract, so that no further cleaning by the COUNTY is necessary prior to his occupancy; shall restore all property, both public and private, which has been disturbed or damaged during the prosecution of the Work; and shall leave the whole in a neat and presentable condition. 6.34 Building Clean-up: Clean-up operations shall consistently be carried on by the CONTRACTOR at all times to keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials and rubbish. Upon completion of the Work he shall remove all rubbish, tools, scaffolding, surplus materials, etc., from the building and shall leave his work "broom clean", or its equivalent, unless more exactly specified elsewhere in the Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall do the following special cleaning for all trades upon completion of the Work: 6.34.1 Remove putty stains and paint from and wash and polish all glass. Do not scratch or otherwise damage glass. 6.34.2 Remove all marks, stains, fingerprints and other soil and dirt from painted, stained and decorated work. 6.34.3 Remove all temporary protections and clean and polish floors. 6.34.4 Clean and polish all hardware for all trades; this shall include removal of all stains, dust, dirt, paint, etc. 6.35 General: In case of dispute, the COUNTY may remove the rubbish and charge the cost to the CONTRACTOR. 6.36 Public Convenience and Safety: The CONTRACTOR shall, at all times, conduct the Work in such a manner as to insure the least practicable obstruction to public travel. The convenience of the general public and of the residents along and adjacent to the area of the Work shall be provided for in a satisfactory manner, consistent with the operation and local conditions. "Street Closed" signs shall be placed immediately adjacent to the Work, in a conspicuous position, at such locations as traffic demands. At any time that streets are required to be closed, Contractor shall obtain approval to close the street from the appropriate regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. The CONTRACTOR shall notify law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and parties operating emergency vehicles before the street is closed and again as soon as it is opened. Approval from the Board of County Commissioners shall be coordinated through the office of the Director of the Public Works Department including notification of the news media and affected property owners. Access to fire hydrants and other fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided and maintained at all times. Traffic paths shall be maintained for local traffic. 6.37 Sanitary Provisions: The CONTRACTOR shall furnish necessary toilet conveniences, secluded from public observation, for use of all personnel on the Work, whether or not in his employ. They shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and shall comply with the requirements and regulations of the Public Authorities having jurisdiction. He shall commit no public nuisance. Temporary sanitary facilities shall be removed upon completion of the Work and the premises shall be left clean. 6.38 Indemnification: To the extent of the insurance requirements set forth in the Contract, the CONTRACTOR will indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY and the CONSULTANT and their agents and employees and interested third parties from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses direct, indirect or consequential, including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court costs arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than Work itself)including the loss of use resulting therefrom and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. 6.39 Claims: In any and all claims against the COUNTY or the CONSULTANT or any of their agents or employees, by any employee of the CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under paragraph 6.38 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor under worker's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 6.40 Obligation: The obligations of the CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.38 shall not extend to the liability of the CONSULTANT’S negligent acts, errors or omissions or those of his employees or agents. 6.41 Responsibility for Connecting to Existing Work: It shall be the express responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to connect his Work to each part of the existing work or work previously installed as required by the Drawings and Specifications to provide a complete installation. 6.42 Work in Street, Highway and Other Rights-Of-Way: Excavation, grading, fill, storm drainage, paving and any other construction or installations in rights-of-way of streets, highways, public carrier lines, utility lines (either aerial, surface or subsurface), etc., shall be done in accordance with requirements of these Specifications and authorities having jurisdiction. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for obtaining all permits necessary for the work. Upon completion of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall present to CONSULTANT certificates, in triplicate, from the proper authorities stating that the Work has been done in accordance with their requirements. 6.42.1 The COUNTY will cooperate with the CONTRACTOR in obtaining action from any utilities or public authorities involved in the above requirements. 6.43 Cooperation with Governmental Departments, Public Utilities, Etc.: The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for making all necessary arrangements with governmental departments, public utilities, public carriers, service companies and corporations owning or controlling roadways, railways, water, sewer, gas, electrical, cable television, telephone, and telegraph facilities such as pavements, tracks, piping, wires, cables, conduits, poles, guys, etc., including incidental structures connected therewith, that are encountered in the Work in order that such items may be properly shored, supported and protected, or the CONTRACTOR may relocate them with Utility Owner's approval, if he so desires. The CONTRACTOR shall give all proper notices, shall comply with requirements of such parties in the performance of his Work, shall permit entrance of such parties on the Project in order that they may perform their necessary work, and shall pay all charges and fees made by such parties for this work. 6.43.1 The CONTRACTOR'S attention is called to the fact that there may be delays on the Project due to work to be done by governmental departments, public utilities, and others in repairing or moving poles, conduits, etc. The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the above parties, in every way possible, so that the construction can be completed in the least possible time. 6.43.2 The CONTRACTOR shall have made himself familiar with all codes, laws, ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged in the Work, or materials and equipment used in or upon the Work, or in any way affect the conduct of the Work, and no plea of misunderstanding will be considered on account of his ignorance thereof. 6.44 Use of Premises: CONTRACTOR shall confine his apparatus, storage of materials, and operations of his workmen to limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits, and directions of the COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE, and shall not unnecessarily encumber any part of the site. 6.44.1 CONTRACTOR shall not overload or permit any part of any structure to be loaded with such weight as will endanger its safety, nor shall he subject any part of the Work to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. 6.44.2 CONTRACTOR shall enforce the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER'S instructions in connection with signs, advertisements, fires and smoking. 6.44.3 CONTRACTOR shall arrange and cooperate with COUNTY in routing and parking of automobiles of his employees, Subcontractors and other personnel, and in routing material delivery trucks and other vehicles to the Project site. 6.45 Protection of Existing Property Improvements: Any existing surface or subsurface improvements, such as pavements, curbs, sidewalks, pipes or utilities, footings, or structures (including portions thereof), trees and shrubbery, not indicated on the Drawings or noted in the Specifications as being removed or altered shall be protected from damage during construction of the Project. Any such improvements damaged during construction of the Project, whether or not such improvements appear on the drawings, shall be restored to a condition equal, or better, to that existing at time of award of Contract. Such restoration or repair shall be at the sole expense of the Contractor, and no claim for an increase in the Contract Price shall be allowed. 6.46 Temporary Heat: The CONTRACTOR shall provide heat, fuel and services as necessary to protect all work and materials, within all habitable areas of permanent building construction, for all contracts against injury from dampness and cold until final acceptance of all work and materials for the Project, unless building is fully occupied by the COUNTY prior to such acceptance, in which case the COUNTY shall assume all expenses of heating from date of full occupancy. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by Special Conditions, the permanent heating system shall not be used to provide temporary heat. CONTRACTOR'S proposed methods of heating shall be submitted for approval. 7.0 Subcontractors. 7.1 The COUNTY may perform additional work related to the Project by itself, or it may let other direct contracts therefore which shall contain General Conditions similar to these. The CONTRACTOR will afford the other contractors who are parties to such direct contracts (or the COUNTY, if it is performing the additional work himself), reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his Work with theirs. 7.2 In the event Contractor requires the services of any contractor or professional associate in connection with the Work to be performed under this Contract, the Contractor shall secure the written approval of the County Project Manager before engaging such contractor or professional associate. 7.3 If any part of the CONTRACTOR'S work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any such other CONTRACTOR (or the COUNTY), the CONTRACTOR will promptly report to the COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE in writing any defects or deficiencies in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. 7.4 The CONTRACTOR will do all cutting, fitting, and patching of his Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by such other work. The CONTRACTOR will not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of the CONSULTANT and of the other contractors whose work will be affected. 7.5 If the performance of additional work by other contractors or the COUNTY is not noted in the Contract Documents prior to the execution of the Contract, written notice thereof shall be given to the CONTRACTOR prior to starting any such additional work. If the CONTRACTOR believes that the performance of such additional work by the COUNTY or others involves him in additional expense or entitles him to an extension of the Contract Time, he may make a claim therefore as provided in Articles 11 and 12. 7.6 Where practicable, the CONTRACTOR shall build around the work of other separate Contractors. 7.7 Cooperation is required in the use of site facilities and in the detailed execution of the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate his operations with those of any other CONTRACTORS for the best interest of the Work in order to prevent delay in the execution thereof. 7.8 The CONTRACTOR shall keep himself informed of the progress of the work of other Contractors. Should lack of progress or defective workmanship on the part of other Contractors interfere with his operations, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE immediately. Lack of such notice to the COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE will be construed as acceptance by the CONTRACTOR of the status of the work of other Contractors as being satisfactory for proper coordination of his own Work. 7.9 CONTRACTOR shall give notices of the progress of his work so as to allow other contractors adequate opportunity to properly direct and coordinate their work. All such notices shall be submitted to the COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE with copies to other Contractors on the Project Site sufficiently ahead of job progress to permit adequate time for the other Contractors to coordinate their work. 8.0 County’s Responsibilities. 8.1 The COUNTY will issue all communications to the CONTRACTOR through the CONSULTANT, COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE (Project Manager). 8.2 In case of termination of the employment of the CONSULTANT, the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER will appoint an engineer against whom the CONTRACTOR makes no reasonable objection, whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former CONSULTANT. Any dispute in connection with such appointment shall be subject to arbitration, if mutually agreeable. 8.3 The COUNTY will furnish the data required of it under the Contract Documents promptly and shall make payments to the CONTRACTOR promptly after they are due as provided in Article 14. 8.4 COUNTY'S duties in respect of providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in Section 4.0 and the Special Conditions. Paragraph 4.2 refers to CONSULTANT'S identifying and making available to CONTRACTOR copies of surveys and investigation reports of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting performance of the Work which have been relied upon by CONSULTANT in preparing the Drawings and Specifications. 8.5 In connection with the COUNTY'S right to stop Work or suspend Work, see paragraph 15.1. Paragraph 15.4 deals with the COUNTY'S right to terminate services of the CONTRACTOR under certain circumstances. 8.6 The COUNTY shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portions of the Work, notwithstanding the fact that the time for completing the entire Work or any portion thereof may not have expired; but such taking possession and use shall not be deemed an acceptance of any Work not completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. If such prior use increases the cost of or delays the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to such extra compensation or extension of time or both, except by prior agreement, as the CONSULTANT may determine. See paragraph 14.7. 8.7 COUNTY'S responsibility in respect of certain inspections, tests and approvals is set forth in paragraphs 9.5, 9.6, and 13.3 through 13.8. 9.0 Consultant’s Status During Construction. 9.1 County's Representative: The CONSULTANT (if specifically designated), or a specifically designated employee of the COUNTY, shall act as the COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of the CONSULTANT as one of the COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVES during construction are set forth in Articles 1 through 17 of these General Conditions and shall not be extended without written consent of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER and the CONSULTANT. 9.1.1 The CONSULTANT'S decision with the consent of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER in matters relating to aesthetics, shall be final, if within the terms of the Contract Documents. 9.1.2 Except as may be otherwise provided in the Contract or elsewhere in the Contract Documents, all claims, counter-claims, disputes and other matters in question between the COUNTY and the Contractor arising out of or relating to the Contract or the breach thereof will be decided in a court of competent jurisdiction with the State in which the COUNTY is located. 9.2 Visits to Site: The CONSULTANT will make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. He will not be required to make continuous on-site observations to check the quality or quantity of the Work. His efforts will be directed toward ascertaining on behalf of the COUNTY that the completed Project will conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. On the basis of his on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional, he will keep the COUNTY informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard the COUNTY against defects and deficiencies in the Work. 9.3 Clarifications and Interpretations: The CONSULTANT will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as he may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the overall intent of the Contract Documents. If the CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification and interpretation entitles him to an increase in the Contract Price or extension of Contract Time, he may make a claim therefore as provided in Articles 11 and 12. 9.4 Measurement of Quantities: All Work completed under the Contract will be measured by the CONSULTANT'S or COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE or PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE according to the United States Standard Measures. All linear surface measurements will be made horizontally or vertically as required by the item measured. 9.5 Rejecting Defective Work: The CONSULTANT, COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE or PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which is "defective" (which term is hereinafter used to describe Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or defective, or does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, test or approval referred to in the Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to final acceptance). They will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as they may individually or severally deem necessary, whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. 9.6 Correction of Defective Work: Upon presentation of a Defective Work Notice to the Contractor's Representative from the COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE, the contractor shall have fourteen days to begin corrective action and repairs. If the Contractor believes that the necessary corrective action should not begin at the end of that fourteen (14) day period, he shall submit to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, with a copy to the COUNTY'S CONSULTANT, a schedule for review with an explanation for not wanting to comply with the fourteen (14) day requirement. The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER shall determine if the Contractor's request is valid, and shall reply to the Contractor. If the Contractor refuses to comply with the fourteen (14) day requirement (or an agreed upon schedule), the COUNTY has the right to do either (or more) of the following: The COUNTY has the right to correct any work so performed by the CONTRACTOR and deduct the expenses for doing so from the final payment due the CONTRACTOR, or The COUNTY will hold back final payment due CONTRACTOR until such time as the work is completed to the satisfaction of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER and in compliance with the County's specifications. The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER shall have the sole discretion to determine if the work is satisfactory and in compliance with specifications. The remedies contained herein are not exclusive and the OWNER reserves the right to pursue any and all other remedies it deems applicable. 9.7 Shop Drawings: In connection with the CONSULTANT'S responsibility as to Shop Drawings and samples, see paragraphs 6.22 through 6.27, inclusive. 9.8 Change Orders: In connection with the CONSULTANT'S responsibility for Change Orders, see Articles 10, 11 and 12. 9.9 Payments: In connection with the CONSULTANT'S responsibilities in respect to Application for Payment, etc., see Article 14. 10.0 Changes in the Work. 10.1 Without invalidating the Contract, the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work. Upon request of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, or at the request of the CONSULTANT with the concurrence of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, the CONSULTANT shall issue a Request for Proposal to the CONTRACTOR detailing the proposed additions, deletions or revisions to the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a binding proposal to the CONSULTANT for the items requested. This proposal shall include any increases or decreases in Contract Time or Contract Price and shall include any additional modifications required by virtue of the requested change, whether or not such additional modifications were specifically identified in the Request for Proposal. The CONSULTANT shall review the Proposal and submit it together with his comments to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER shall then instruct the CONSULTANT to 1) modify the Request for Proposal, or 2) instruct the CONSULTANT to withdraw the Request for Proposal, or 3) arrange for a Change Order to be issued, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 10 and 11 of these General Conditions, covering the additions, deletions or revisions covered by the Proposal. 10.2 The CONSULTANT with the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER'S approval may authorize minor changes or alterations in the Work not involving extra cost and not inconsistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order. If the CONTRACTOR believes that any minor change or alterations authorized by the CONSULTANT entitles him to an increase in the Contract Price or extension of Contract Time, he shall treat the Field Order as a Request for Proposal and issue a Proposal for the changes in Contract Price and Contract Time prior to proceeding with the Work covered in the Field Order. The procedures outlined in paragraph 10.1 shall then be followed. Acceptance of the Final Payment by the CONTRACTOR shall constitute acknowledgment by the CONTRACTOR that all payments due for modifications required under Field Orders have been incorporated into the Final Payment. 10.3 Additional Work performed by the CONTRACTOR without authorization of a Change Order will not entitle him to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.26. 10.4 The COUNTY will execute appropriate Change Orders prepared by the CONSULTANT covering changes in the Work to be performed as provided in paragraphs 10.1 and 10.2, and Work performed in an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.21. 10.5 It is the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to notify his surety of any changes affecting the general scope of the Work or change in the Contract Price and the amount of the applicable bonds shall be adjusted accordingly. The CONTRACTOR will furnish proof of such adjustment to the COUNTY. 11.0 Change of Contract Price 11.1 The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation payable to the CONTRACTOR for performing the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by the CONTRACTOR shall be at his expense without changing the Contract Price. 11.2 The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER may, at any time, without notice to the sureties, by Field Order pursuant to a Proposal from the Contractor or by properly executed Change Order, make any change in the Work within the general scope of the contract, including but not limited to changes: 11.2.1 In the specifications (including drawings and designs); 11.2.2 In the method or manner of performance of the work; 11.2.3 In the COUNTY-furnished facilities, equipment, materials, services or site; or 11.2.4 Directing acceleration in the performance of the work. 11.2.5 Any other written order or an oral order (which terms as used in this paragraph shall include direction, instruction, interpretation or determination) from the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, which causes any such change shall be treated as a Field Order under this clause, provided that the CONTRACTOR shall follow the procedures outlined in paragraph 10.2. Except as herein provided, no order, statement, or conduct of the COUNTY shall be treated as a change under this clause or entitle the Contractor to an equitable adjustment hereunder. If any change under this clause causes an increase or decrease in the CONTRACTOR'S cost of, or the time required for, the performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether or not changed by any order, an equitable adjustment shall be made and the contract modified in writing accordingly: Provided, however, that except for the claims based on defective specifications, no claim for any Change Order under paragraph 11.2(b) above shall be allowed for any costs incurred more than 20 days before the CONTRACTOR gives written notice as therein required: And provided further, that in the case of defective specifications for which the COUNTY is responsible, the equitable adjustment shall include any increased cost reasonably incurred by the CONTRACTOR in attempting to comply with such defective specifications. No claim by the CONTRACTOR for an equitable adjustment hereunder shall be allowed if asserted after final payment under this contract. Change Orders involving a decrease in Contract Price or an increase in Contract Price of less than $50,000.00 or less may be executed by the County Administrator, provided that the total Contract Price including all increases and decreases does not exceed the project budget previously approved by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County. Change Orders involving a change in Contract Price, of more than $50,000.00 shall be executed by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County. 11.3 The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract Price shall be determined in one of the following ways: 11.3.1 Where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of unit prices to the quantities of the items involved. Should the quantity of Work be significantly increased or decreased from that stipulated in the Contract Documents, the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER or the CONTRACTOR may request adjustment of the unit price(s) by negotiation. 11.3.2 By negotiated lump sum. 11.3.3 The actual cost for labor, direct overhead, materials, supplies, equipment, and other services necessary to complete the work plus a fixed amount to be agreed upon, but not to exceed 15% of the other costs, to cover administrative costs and profit. 11.4 The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by the CONTRACTOR in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER such costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project, shall include only the following items and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph 11.5: 11.4.1 Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work under schedules of job for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include, but not be limited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, worker's compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. Such employees shall include superintendents and foremen at the site. The expenses of performing work after regular working hours on Sunday or legal holidays shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. 11.4.2 Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and manufacturers' field services required in connection therewith. All cash discounts shall accrue to CONTRACTOR unless the COUNTY deposits funds with CONTRACTOR with which to make payments, in which case the cash discounts shall accrue to the COUNTY. All trade discounts, rebates and refunds, and all returns from sale of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to the COUNTY, and CONTRACTOR shall make provisions so that they may be obtained. 11.4.3 Payments made by CONTRACTOR to the Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, CONTRACTOR shall obtain competitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to him and shall deliver such Bids to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER who will then determine with the advice of Consultant, which Bids will be accepted. If a subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of Work Plus a Fee, the Cost of the Work shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5. All subcontracts shall be subject to the other provisions of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable. 11.4.4 Costs of special consultants (including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, lawyers and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. 11.4.5 Supplemental costs including the following: The proportion of necessary transportation, traveling and subsistence expenses of CONTRACTOR'S employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, office and temporary facilities at the site and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost less market value of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of CONTRACTOR. Rentals of all construction equipment and machinery and the parts thereof whether rented from CONTRACTOR or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER with the advice of CONSULTANT, and the costs of transportation, loading, unloading, installation, dismantling and removal thereof - All in accordance with terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. Sales, use or similar taxes related to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by any governmental authority. Deposits lost for causes other than CONTRACTOR'S negligence, royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. Costs for permits and licenses must be shown as a separate item. Losses, damages and expenses, not compensated by insurance or otherwise, sustained by CONTRACTOR in connection with the execution of, and to, the Work, provided they have resulted from causes other than the negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Sub-contractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. No such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining CONTRACTOR'S Fee. If, however, any such loss or damage requires reconstruction and CONTRACTOR is placed in charge thereof, he shall be paid for his services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 11.6.2. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone service at the site, expressage and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. Cost of premiums for additional Bonds and Insurance be required because of changes in the Work. 11.5 The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following: 11.5.1 Payroll costs and other compensation of CONTRACTOR'S officers, executives, principals (of partnership and sole proprietorships), general managers, engineer, architects, estimators, lawyers, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expediters, timekeepers, Clerks and other personnel employed by CONTRACTOR whether at the site or in his principal or a branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the schedule referred to in subparagraph 11.4.1 - all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the CONTRACTOR'S Fee. 11.5.2 Expenses of CONTRACTOR'S principal and branch offices other than his office at the site. 11.5.3 Any part of CONTRACTOR'S capital expenses, including interest on CONTRACTOR'S capital employed for the Work and charges against CONTRACTOR for delinquent payments. 11.5.4 Cost of premiums for all bonds and for all insurance policies whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except as otherwise provided in subparagraph 11.5.5 Costs due to the negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to, the correction of defective work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. 11.5.6 Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in paragraph 11.4. 11.6 The CONTRACTOR'S Fee which shall be allowed to CONTRACTOR for his administrative expenses, general overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 11.6.1 A mutually acceptable firm fixed price; or if none can be agreed upon, 11.6.2 A mutually acceptable fixed fee based on the estimate of the various portions of the Cost of the Work. 11.6.3 In no case shall the CONTRACTOR'S Fee exceed 15% of the cost of the additional work being performed. 11.7 The amount of credit to be allowed by CONTRACTOR to the COUNTY for any such change, which results in a net decrease in cost, will be the amount of the actual net decrease. When both additions and credits are involved in any one change, the net shall be computed to include overhead and profit, identified separately, for both additions and credits. 11.8 Whenever the cost of any Work is to be determined pursuant to paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5, CONTRACTOR will submit in form prescribed by CONSULTANT an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data. 11.9 Allowances: It is understood that the CONTRACTOR has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be done by such materialmen, suppliers or Subcontractors and for such sums within the limit of the allowances as the CONSULTANT may approve. Upon final payment, the Contract Price shall be adjusted as required and an appropriate Change Order issued. The CONTRACTOR agrees that the original Contract Price includes such sums as he deems proper for costs and profit on account of cash allowances. No demand for additional cost or profit in connection therewith will be allowed. 11.9.1 These allowances shall cover the cost to the CONTRACTOR, less any applicable trade discount, of the materials and equipment required by the allowance delivered at the site, and all applicable taxes. 11.9.2 The CONTRACTOR'S costs for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the original allowance shall be included in the Contract Price and not in the allowance. 11.9.3 Whenever the cost, as described in 11.9.1 above, is more than or less than the allowance, the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly by Change Order. The amount of the Change Order will recognize changes, if any, in handling costs on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses, except that whenever unit price allowances are stipulated for brick, the Change Order will not include any cost as described in 11.5 above. 12.0 Delays and Extension of Time. 12.1 All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. 12.2 As the CONTRACTOR'S only remedy for delay, the COUNTY may grant an extension of the contract time, when a controlling item of work is delayed by any factors contemplated or not contemplated at the time of the bid. Such extension of time may be allowed for delays occurring during the contract time period or authorized extension of the contract time. 12.3 All claims for extension of time shall be made in writing to the CONSULTANT. Claims for delay due to inclement weather shall be made by the 10th day of the month following the month of the delay. All other claims shall be made no more than twenty (20) days after the commencement of the delay. Claims made beyond these time limits shall be null and void. Requests for extension of time shall be fully documented and shall include copies of daily logs, letters, shipping orders, delivery tickets, and other supporting information. In case of a continuing cause of delay only one (1) claim is necessary. Normal working weeks are based on a five (5) day week. 12.4 The right is reserved by the COUNTY to have other work performed by other contractors and to permit public utility companies and others to do work during the construction, and within the limits of, or adjacent to the project. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct his operations and cooperate with such other parties so that interference with such other work will be reduced to a minimum. Should a difference of opinion arise as to the rights of the CONTRACTOR and others working within the limits of, or adjacent to the project, the CONSULTANT will decide as to the relative priority of all concerned. 12.5 All authorized extensions of time shall be done by Change Order. 13.0 Guaranty: Tests and Inspection. 13.1 Guaranty: The CONTRACTOR shall guarantee all materials and equipment furnished and Work performed for a period of one (1) year from the date when final payment becomes due. The CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees for a period of one (1) year from the date when final payment becomes due that the completed system is free from all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship and the CONTRACTOR shall promptly make such corrections as may be necessary by reason of such defects including the repairs of any damage to other parts of the system resulting from such defects. The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. In the event that the CONTRACTOR should fail to make such repairs, adjustments, or the Work that may be made necessary by such defects, the COUNTY may do so and charge the CONTRACTOR the cost thereby incurred. The Public Construction BOND shall remain in full force and effect through the guarantee period. Express warranties are set forth in the Special Conditions, or in the Technical Specifications. 13.2 Access to Work: CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT'S representatives, other representatives of the COUNTY, testing agencies and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspecting and testing. CONTRACTOR shall provide proper and safe conditions for such access. 13.3 Tests and Inspections: Other than as provided for in paragraph 13.5, COUNTY shall pay for all tests, except that any test not meeting specification requirements shall be charged to the CONTRACTOR and deducted from any monies due him. 13.3.1 An independent Testing Laboratory shall be selected by the COUNTY to provide testing services as directed by the CONSULTANT. All inspections, tests or approvals required by Laws or Regulations of any authority having jurisdiction shall be performed by organizations acceptable to those authorities having jurisdiction. 13.3.2 The Testing Laboratory shall mail copies of all test reports independently to the COUNTY, CONSULTANT, and the CONTRACTOR. 13.4 CONTRACTOR shall give CONSULTANT and the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals. 13.5 If Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any Work (or part thereof) to specifically be inspected, tested or approved independently of the requirements of the COUNTY, CONSULTANT, and the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility therefore, pay all costs in connection therewith and furnish CONSULTANT and the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER the required certificates of inspection, testing or approval. CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspection or testing required in connection with the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER'S or CONSULTANT'S acceptance of a Supplier or materials or equipment proposed to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials or equipment submitted for approval prior to CONTRACTOR'S purchase thereof, for incorporation in the Work. 13.6 If any Work (including the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered without written concurrence of the Project Representative, it must, if requested by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, be uncovered for observation. Such uncovering shall be at CONTRACTOR'S expense. 13.7 Neither observations by CONSULTANT nor inspections, tests or approvals by others, including the Project Representative, COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE or COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, shall relieve CONTRACTOR from CONTRACTOR'S obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 13.8 County's Project Representative (Inspector): A County Project Representative will be assigned to all projects. 13.8.1 The Project Representative shall inspect all construction and materials, and shall inspect preparation, fabrication or manufacture of components, and materials and supplies. 13.8.2 The Project Representative is not authorized to revoke, alter or waive any requirements of the specifications, but is authorized and expected to call to the attention of CONSULTANT and/or Contractor any failure of work or materials to conform to the Drawings and Specifications. Inspectors shall have no authority to permit deviation from or to modify any of the provisions of the Drawings or Specifications without the written permission or instruction of the COUNTY with the concurrence of the CONSULTANT, or to delay the Contractor by failure to observe the materials and work with reasonable promptness. 13.8.3 The Project Representative shall have the authority to reject materials or suspend the work until questions of issue can be resolved to the County's satisfaction. 13.8.4 The Project Representative shall in no case neither act as foreman, give advice or perform other duties for the Contractor nor interfere with the management of the work. 14.0 Payments and Completions. 14.1 The County shall make payments on account of the Contract as follows: Once each month progress payments shall be made during the process of construction in amounts not to exceed ninety percent (90%) of the amount due on the Contract on the basis of Work completed as certified by the Contractor and approved by the County’s designated employee or Agent, as set forth above, Pursuant to Sections 218.72 (7) and (8), Florida Statutes, payment application (Attachment A) or payment requests must be made in the form provided for in the Bid Documents and shall be fully executed and notarized. Contractor shall submit a proper payment application to the County’s Project Manager by the 25th day of each month. The application shall be for the dollar amount of the Work complete on the last day preceding the submission of the application. If an Agent must approve the payment request or invoice prior to submission to the County, then Payment to the Contractor shall be due within 25 business days after the date on which the payment request or invoice is stamped as received as provided in Section 218.74(1), Florida Statutes. The Contractor may send the County an overdue notice and if the payment request or invoice is not rejected within four (4) business days after delivery of the overdue notice, the payment or invoice is deemed accepted, except for any portion deemed fraudulent or misleading. If no Agent is required to approve the payment request or invoice prior to submission to the County, then payment is due within 20 business days after the date on which payment request or invoice is stamped as received in accordance with Section 218.74(1), Florida Statutes. The County may reject the payment request or invoice in writing within 20 business days after the date on which the payment request or invoice is stamped as received as provided in Section 218.74(1), Florida Statutes, which shall specify the deficiency and the action necessary to correct the deficiency and to make the payment request or invoice proper. Payment of a corrected payment request or invoice, or rejection thereof, shall be made 10 business days after the date the corrected payment request or invoice is stamped as received as provided in Section 218.74(1), Florida Statutes. All applications for payment submitted by the Contractor shall reference the County’s Contract number. The parties agree that any payments withheld as liquidated damages or for any other reason allowed by this Contract, shall not be governed by the Florida Prompt Payment Act, Sections 217.70-80, Florida Statutes. If a dispute between the County and the Contractor cannot be resolved by the procedure in this subsection, then the dispute must be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure set forth in Subsection 32 of this Contract. If the County disputes a portion of the payment request or invoice, then the undisputed portion shall be paid timely in accordance with this subsection. As a part of this Contract, if the Contractor receives payment then the Contractor must remit undisputed payment due to subcontractors and suppliers within 10 days after contractor’s receipt of payment. A subcontractor who receives payment must remit undisputed payment due to those subcontractors and suppliers within 7 days after subcontractor’s receipt of payment. Prior to final payment, a consultant evaluation form must be completed by the County’s Project Manager. Additionally, all Releases of Liens must be submitted and, if applicable, a written certification of the project engineer that the project has been completed per plans and specs must be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for final acceptance. Prior to final payment or any progress payment, the County may require that a Consent of Surety be provided. 14.2 Contractor's Warranty of Title: The CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work and equipment covered by an Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will have passed to the COUNTY prior to the making of the Application for Payment, free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances (hereafter in these General Conditions referred to as "Liens"); and that no work or equipment covered by an Application for Payment will have been acquired by the CONTRACTOR or by any other person performing the Work at the site or furnishing equipment for the Project, subject to an agreement under which an interest therein or encumbrance thereon is retained by the seller or otherwise imposed by the CONTRACTOR or such other person. 14.3 Approval of Payments: The CONSULTANT'S approval of any payment requested in an Application for Payment shall constitute a representation by him to the COUNTY, based on the CONSULTANT'S on-site observations of the Work in progress as an experienced and qualified design professional and on his review of the Application for Payment and the supporting data, that the Work has progressed to the point indicated; that, to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning Project upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents and any qualifications stated in his approval); and that the CONTRACTOR is entitled to payment of the amount approved. However, by approving any such payment the CONSULTANT shall not thereby be deemed to have represented that he made exhaustive or continuous on-site observations to check the quality or the quantity of the Work, or that he has reviewed the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction or that he has made any examination to ascertain how or for what purpose the CONTRACTOR has used the money paid or to be paid to him on account of the Contract Price, or that title to any Work or equipment has passed to the COUNTY free and clear of any Liens. 14.4 The CONTRACTOR shall make the following certification on each request for payment: "I hereby certify that the labor and materials listed on this request for payment have been used in the construction of this work or that all equipment included in this request for payment and not yet incorporated into the construction are now on the site or stored at an approved location; and payment received from the last request for payment has been used to make payments to all first tier subcontractors and suppliers except as listed below." 14.5 The CONSULTANT'S approval of final payment shall constitute an additional representation by him to the COUNTY that the conditions precedent to the CONTRACTOR'S being entitled to final payment as set forth in paragraph 14.11 have been fulfilled. 14.6 The CONSULTANT may refuse to approve the whole or any part of any payment if, in his opinion, he is unable to make such representations to the COUNTY. He may also refuse to approve any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspection or tests, nullify any such payment previously approved, to such extent as may be necessary in his opinion to protect the COUNTY from loss because: 14.6.1 The Work is defective, or complete Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement, 14.6.2 The Work for which payment is requested cannot be verified, 14.6.3 Claims or Liens have been filed or there is reasonable evidence indicating the probable filing thereof, 14.6.4 The Contract Price has been reduced because of Modifications, 14.6.5 The COUNTY has been required to correct defective Work or complete the Work in accordance with paragraph 9.6, 14.6.6 Of unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work, including failure to clean up as required by paragraphs 6.33, 6.34 and 6.36, 14.6.7 Of persistent failure to cooperate with other Contractors on the Project and persistent failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, 14.6.8 Of liquidated damages payable by the CONTRACTOR, or 14.6.9 Of any other violation of, or failure to comply with, the provisions of the Contract Documents. 14.7 Prior to Substantial Completion, the COUNTY, with the approval of the CONSULTANT and with the concurrence of the CONTRACTOR, may use any completed or substantially completed portion of the Work. Such use shall not constitute an acceptance of such portions of the Work. 14.8 The COUNTY shall have the right to enter the premises for the purpose of doing work not covered by the Contract Documents. This provision shall not be construed as relieving the CONTRACTOR of the sole responsibility for the care and protection of the Work, or the restoration of any damaged Work except such as may be caused by agent or employees of the COUNTY. 14.9 Upon completion and acceptance of the Work the CONSULTANT shall issue a certificate attached to the final payment request that the Work has been accepted by him under the conditions of the Contract Documents. The entire balance found to be due the CONTRACTOR, including the retained percentages, but except such sums as may be lawfully retained by the COUNTY, shall be paid to the CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) days of completion and acceptance of the Work. 14.10 The CONTRACTOR will indemnify and save the COUNTY or the COUNTY'S agents harmless from all claims growing out of the lawful demands of Subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen, and furnishers of machines and parts thereof, equipment, tools, and all supplies, incurred in the furtherance of the performance of the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall, at the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER'S request, furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature designated above have been paid, discharged, or waived. If the CONTRACTOR fails to do so the COUNTY may, after having notified the CONTRACTOR, either pay unpaid bills or withhold from the CONTRACTOR'S pay from the CONTRACTOR'S unpaid compensation a sum of money deemed reasonably sufficient to pay any and all such lawful claims until satisfactory evidence is furnished that all liabilities have been fully discharged whereupon payment to the CONTRACTOR shall be resumed in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents, but in no event shall the provisions of this sentence be construed to impose any obligations upon the COUNTY to either the CONTRACTOR, his Surety, or any third party. In paying any unpaid bills of the CONTRACTOR, any payment so made by the COUNTY shall be considered as a payment made under the Contract Documents by the COUNTY to the CONTRACTOR and the COUNTY shall not be liable to the CONTRACTOR for any such payments made in good faith. 14.11 Acceptance of Final Payment as Release: The acceptance by the CONTRACTOR of final payment shall be and shall operate as a release to the COUNTY of all claims and all liability to the CONTRACTOR other than claims in stated amounts as may be specifically excepted by the CONTRACTOR for all things done or furnished in connection with this Work and for every act and neglect of the COUNTY and others relating to or arising out of this Work. Any payment, however, final or otherwise, shall not release the CONTRACTOR or his sureties from any obligations under the Contract Documents or the Public Construction Bond and Payment Bonds. 15.0 Suspension of Work and Termination. 15.1 County May Suspend Work: The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER may, at any time and without cause, suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety days by notice in writing to the CONTRACTOR and the CONSULTANT which shall fix the date on which Work shall be resumed. The CONTRACTOR will resume the Work on the date so fixed. The CONTRACTOR will be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, directly attributable to any suspension if he makes a claim therefore as provided in Articles 11 and 12. 15.2 County May Stop Work: The COUNTY or his REPRESENTATIVE may stop the Work or any portion thereof when it has been determined that the Contractor is not complying with the Drawings or Specifications or the intent thereof. The Stop Work order may be verbal and the CONTRACTOR shall cease work immediately except for leaving the Work area in a safe and acceptable condition. A verbal Stop Work order will be confirmed in writing. The CONTRACTOR will not be allowed an increase in the contract price or an extension of the Contract time during the Stop Work period. A Start Work order may be verbal and will be confirmed in writing. 15.3 Work During Inclement Weather: No work shall be done under these Specifications except by permission of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER when the weather is unfit for good and careful work to be performed. Should the severity of the weather continue, the CONTRACTOR, upon the direction of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, shall suspend all work until instructed to resume operations by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER and the CONTRACT Time shall be extended to cover the duration of the order. Work damaged during periods of suspension due to inclement weather shall be repaired and/or replaced by the CONTRACTOR. Any compensation for repairs or replacements shall be subject to approval of the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. 15.4 County May Terminate: If the CONTRACTOR is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent, or if he makes a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a trustee or receiver is appointed for the CONTRACTOR or for any of his property, or if he files a petition to take advantage of any debtor's act, or to reorganize under the bankruptcy or similar laws, or if he fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable materials or equipment, or if he fails to make prompt payments to Subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment or he disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public body having jurisdiction, or if he disregards the authority of the CONSULTANT, or if he otherwise violates any provision of the CONTRACT Documents, then the COUNTY may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the CONTRACTOR and his surety seven days' written notice, terminate the services of the CONTRACTOR and take possession of the Project and of all materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery thereon owned by the CONTRACTOR, and finish the Work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such case the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the direct and indirect costs of completing the Project, including compensation for additional professional services, such excess shall be paid to the CONTRACTOR. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, the CONTRACTOR or the Surety will pay the difference to the COUNTY. Such costs incurred by the COUNTY will be determined by the CONSULTANT and incorporated in a Change Order. 15.5 Where the CONTRACTOR'S services have been so terminated by the COUNTY, said terminations shall not affect any rights of the COUNTY against the CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys by the COUNTY due the CONTRACTOR will not release the CONTRACTOR from liability. 15.6 Upon seven days written notice to the CONTRACTOR and the CONSULTANT, the COUNTY may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the Project and terminate the Contract. In such case, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid for all Work executed and any expense sustained plus a reasonable profit. 15.7 Removal of Equipment: In the case of termination of this Contract before completion, for any cause whatever, the CONTRACTOR, if notified to do so by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER, shall promptly remove any part or all of this equipment and supplies from the property of the COUNTY. Should the CONTRACTOR not remove such equipment and supplies, the COUNTY shall have the right to remove them at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. Equipment and supplies shall not be construed to include such items for which the CONTRACTOR has been paid in whole or in part. 15.8 Contractor May Stop Work or Terminate: If, through no act or fault of the CONTRACTOR, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety days by the COUNTY, or under an order of court or other public authority as a result of actions by others not under the control of the CONTRACTOR, or the CONSULTANT fails to act on any Application for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted, or the COUNTY fails to pay the CONTRACTOR any sum approved by the CONSULTANT or awarded by arbitrators within thirty days of its approval and presentation, then the CONTRACTOR may, upon seven days written notice to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER and the CONSULTANT, terminate the Contract and recover from the COUNTY payment for all Work executed and any expense sustained plus a reasonable profit. In addition and in lieu of terminating the Contract, if the CONSULTANT has failed to act on an Application for Payment or the COUNTY has failed to make any payment as aforesaid, the CONTRACTOR may upon twenty-one (21) days’ notice to the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER and the CONSULTANT stop the Work until he has been paid all amounts then due. 15.9 County Furnished Equipment: In case the COUNTY furnishes equipment to the CONTRACTOR to install, but fails to deliver it to the CONTRACTOR as required by SPECIAL CONDITIONS, and in case such failure causes the CONTRACTOR additional expense or need for extension of time, the CONTRACTOR may make such claims upon the COUNTY and obtain adjustments as provided herein. 15.10 Liquidated Damages: It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract. In the event the construction of the Work is not completed within the time herein specified the County will suffer damages, the amount of which is difficult if not impossible to ascertain. It is agreed, therefore, that from the compensation otherwise to be paid to the Contractor, the County may retain the sum of $500.00 per calendar day for each day thereafter, Sundays and holidays included, that the Work remains uncompleted. This sum shall represent liquidated damages which the County will have sustained per calendar day from the inconvenience and expense caused to the County by the delay in the completion of the Work. This sum is not a penalty, being the liquidated damages, the County will have sustained in event of such default by the Contractor. The County reserves the right to additionally recover direct job site expenses incurred during the period of any delay. The Contractor shall be liable for liquidated damages even if the Contract is terminated by the County for cause or if the Contractor abandons the Work. The liability of the Contractor and its surety or sureties for damages provided by this Article is joint and several. 16.0 Miscellaneous 16.1 Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice it shall be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. 16.2 All Specifications, Drawings and copies thereof furnished by the CONSULTANT shall remain his property. They shall not be used on another Project, and, with the exception of those sets which have been signed in connection with the execution of the Contract, shall be returned to him on request upon completion of the Project. 16.3 The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions, Special Conditions and Supplemental Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder, and, in particular but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR and those in the Special Conditions and the rights and remedies available to them which are otherwise imposed or available by law, by special guarantee or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. All representations, warranties and guarantees made in the Contract Documents will survive final payment and termination or completion of the Contract. 16.4 Should the COUNTY or the CONTRACTOR suffer injury or damage to its person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other or of any of his employees or agents or others for whose acts he is legally liable, claim shall be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. 16.5 The Contract Documents shall be governed by the law of the State of Florida. 16.6 Before the Contractor disposes of any existing improvements or equipment which is to be removed as a portion of the work, and for which disposition is not specifically provided for elsewhere in these Specifications, he will contact the COUNTY and determine if the removal items are to be salvaged. Items to be salvaged by the COUNTY will be neatly stockpiled or stored in a neat and acceptable manner at the construction site easily accessible to the COUNTY. Equipment and materials which will not be salvaged by the COUNTY shall become the property of the Contractor to be removed from the site and disposed of in an acceptable manner. 17.0 Public Entity Crimes. Any person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to the County, may not submit a bid on a contract to the County for the construction or repair of a building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to the County, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under contract with the County, and may not transact business with the County in excess of $10,000.00 for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted list. The County will not intentionally award publicly-funded contracts to any contractor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in U.S.C. Section 1324a(e) [Section 274A9e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (AINA@)]. The County shall consider the employment by any contractor of unauthorized aliens a violation of Section 274A(e) of the INA. Such a violation by the Recipient of the employment provisions contained in Section 274A(e) of the INA shall be grounds for unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the County. 18.0 Punchlist Procedures Further to Section 218.735(7), Florida Statutes, Punchlist procedures to render the Work complete, satisfactory and acceptable are established as follows: There shall be the development of a single checklist of items required to render complete, satisfactory, and acceptable, the construction services purchased by the County. Within five (5) days of Substantial Completion of the construction services purchased as defined in the Contract, Contractor shall schedule a walkthrough with St. Lucie County (“Initial Walkthrough” a/k/a “IW”). The purpose of the IW is to develop a preliminary checklist (“Checklist”) of items to be performed by the Contractor, based upon observations made jointly between the Contractor and St. Lucie County during the IW. The IW is to occur within ten (10) days of Substantial Completion of the Work as defined by the Contract, again predicated upon the Contractor’s timely initiation of a request for the IW. At its option, St. Lucie County may conduct the IW with its Field Inspector. Contractor shall endeavor to address and complete as many items as possible noted on the Checklist either during the IW itself, or thereafter for a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of the IW. No later than fifteen (15) days following the scheduled IW, Contractor shall again initiate and request a second walkthrough of the Project with St. Lucie County. The purpose of this second walkthrough is to identify which items remain to be performed from the IW Checklist and to supplement that list as necessary (based, for example, upon work which may have been damaged as a result of the Contractor’s performance of completion of items contained on the IW Checklist) and for the purpose of developing a joint single Final Punchlist. The intent of this section is for St. Lucie County and the Contractor to cooperate to develop a single Final Punchlist to be completed no later than thirty (30) days from the date of reaching Substantial Completion of the construction services purchase as defined in the Contract. The Final Punchlist shall be delivered to the Contractor within five (5) days of its development. In no event may the Contractor request payment of final retainage under Section 218.735(7)(d), Florida Statutes, until the Contractor considers the Final Punchlist to be 100% complete. Contractor agrees to complete the single Final Punchlist items within thirty (30) days of the date of its issuance by St. Lucie County. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that no item contained on the Final Punchlist shall be considered a warranty item until such time as (a) the Final Punchlist is 100% complete, and (b) St. Lucie County has been able to operate or utilize the affected punchlist item for an additional period of fifteen (15) days. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that St. Lucie County may, at its option, during performance of the Work and prior to Substantial Completion, issue lists of identified non-conforming or corrective work for the Contractor to address. The intent of any such St. Lucie County generated lists prior to Substantial Completion is to attempt to streamline the punchlist process upon achieving Substantial Completion, and to allow for the Contractor to address needed areas of corrective work as they may be observed by St. Lucie County during performance of the Work. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that St. Lucie County shall determine whether an item on the Final Punchlist is completed and shall calculate 150% of the value of the completion of the item to withhold if an item is incomplete. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that in calculating 150% of the amount which may be withheld by St. Lucie County as to any Final Punchlist item for which a good faith basis exists as to it being complete, as provided for by Section 218.735(7)(d), Florida Statutes, St. Lucie County may include within such percentage calculation its total costs for completing such item of work, including its administrative costs as well as costs to address other services needed or areas of work which may be affected in order to achieve full completion of the Final Punchlist item. Such percentage shall in no event relate to the schedule of value associated with such Work activity, but rather total costs are based upon the value (i.e. cost) of completing such Work activity based upon market conditions at the time of Final Punchlist completion. 19.0 Reduction of Retainage Procedures Contractor may request a reduction of retainage as provided for by Section 218.735(7)(8), Florida Statute. The term “Fifty Percent Completion” as contained in Section 218.735(7)(8)(b), Florida Statute shall be defined as follows, in lieu of any other definition: “Fifty Percent Completion” of the Work is defined as that point in time where 50% of the overall value of Work items incorporated and which will remain in place subsequent to final completion of the Work have been completed, based upon the schedule of values contained in the Contract. As such, and by way of example, the value of Contractors mobilization, general conditions, supervision or like items which do not involve permanent incorporation of Work do not apply to the determination of “Fifty Percent Completion” of the Work for purposes of establishing entitlement to a reduction of retainage. 20.0 Audit: The Contractor agrees that the County or any of its duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after expenditure of funds under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor involving transactions related to this Contract. The Contractor agrees that payment(s) made under this Contract shall be subject to reduction for amounts charged thereto which are found on the basis of audit examination not to constitute allowable costs under this Contract. The Contractor shall refund by check payable to the County the amount of such reduction of payments. All required records shall be maintained until an audit is completed and all questions arising therefrom are resolved, or three (3) years after completion of the project and issuance of the final certificate, whichever is sooner. 21.0 Indemnity: 21.1 Contractor agrees to pay on behalf of, protect, defend, reimburse, indemnify and hold the County, its agents, employees, elected officers and representatives and each of them, (hereinafter collectively and for the purposes of this paragraph, referred to as "County"), free and harmless at all times from and against any and all claims, liability, expenses, losses, costs, fines and damages, including attorney's fees, and causes of action of every kind and character against County by reason of any damage to property or the environment, or bodily injury (including death) incurred or sustained by any party hereto, or of any party acquiring any interest hereunder, any agent or employee of any party hereto or of any party acquiring an interest hereunder, and any third or other party whomsoever, or any governmental agency, arising out of or in incident to or in connection with Contractor's performance under this Contract, the condition of the premises, Contractor's acts, or omissions or operations hereunder, or the performance, non-performance or purported performance of the Contractor of any breach of the terms of this Contract to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the Contractor and persons employed or utilized by the Contractor. 21.2 Contractor further agrees to pay on behalf of and hold harmless and indemnify County for any fines, citations, court judgments, insurance claims, restoration costs or other liability resulting from its activities on the project, whether or not Contractor was negligent or even knowledgeable of any events precipitating a claim or arising as a result of any situation involving Contractor's activities to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the Contractor and persons employed or utilized by the Contractor. 21.3 Said indemnification by Contractor shall be extended to include all deliverers, suppliers, furnishers of material or anyone acting for, on behalf of, or at the request of Contractor. Contractor recognizes the broad nature of this indemnification and hold harmless clause and voluntarily makes this covenant. This indemnification and hold harmless survives acceptance of the Work. This clause of the Contract will extend beyond the term of the Agreement for a period of ten (10) years after the date of the acceptance of the Work by the County. 22.0 Indemnity of Florida East Coast Railroad Company and Insurance Requirements-If Applicable: 22.1 If the Work performed under this Contract requires a permit from Florida East Coast Railway Company (“FEC”), the Contractor by execution and delivery hereof, agrees that it shall and will at all times hereafter, defend and save harmless FEC from and against all judgments, and all loss, claims, damages, costs, charges, and expenses (“Costs”) which it may suffer, sustain, or in any wise be subjected to on account of or occasioned by the operations of the Contractor, or any of the subcontractors, or both, whether directly or indirectly under, or pursuant to, this construction contract, including any such Costs arising from the death, bodily injury of, as follows: 22.1.1 Of any person, including without limitation upon the generality of the foregoing description, employees and officers of Florida East Coast Railway Company, employees and officers of material men, employees and officers of the Contractor, employees and officers of all subcontractors, and from loss, damage, injury and loss of use of any real or personal property (a) in which Florida East Coast Railway Company has any ownership interest, and (b) personal property in the custody of Florida East Coast Railway Company under any transportation contracts; including without limitation upon the generality of the two (2) foregoing enumerations, all railroad equipment commonly described as rolling stock and the contents of the same. 22.1.2 In furtherance of its obligation to indemnify, defend and save harmless, Contractor shall procure and keep in effect comprehensive general liability insurance in the limits of $2,000,000.00 each occurrence for bodily injury or death and $2,000,000.00 property damage each occurrence, covering all obligations of Contractor to indemnify the Railway by Contractual Assumed Liability Endorsement. Alternatively, Contractor may procure and keep in effect during the life of this construction contract, as aforesaid Railroad Protective Liability Policies insuring the Railway directly as insured against losses and damages with the limits specified in this paragraph. In addition to the above, Contractor shall, at its cost and expenses, maintain a Workman’s Compensation Insurance Policy as required in the State of Florida. All such insurance, directly or indirectly for the benefit of the Railway, shall be in a form satisfactory to Railway’s Manager of Insurance and issued by a casualty company/insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Florida that has a “Best’s” rating of A or A+ and a financial category size of Class XII or higher. 23.0 Inspection: The project will be inspected by the Project Manager and will be rejected if it is not in conformity with the Contract provisions. Rejected Work will be immediately corrected by the Contractor. When the Work is substantially completed, the Contractor shall notify the County in writing that the Work shall be ready for final inspection on a definite date, at least three (3) calendar days thereafter, which shall be stated in such notice. 24.0 Public Construction Bond 24.1 The Contractor shall, upon execution and return of this Contract to the County, furnish to the County a public construction bond using the attached for or incorporating all of the terms and conditions set forth in the form and covering the faithful performance of this Contract and the payment of all obligations arising hereunder in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract amount. The liability of the Contractor and its surety or sureties for the faithful performance of this Contract and the payment of all obligations arising hereunder is joint and several. The Contractor shall record the public construction in the Official Records for St. Lucie County and provide the County with a copy of the recorded bond. 24.2 The public construction required hereunder shall meet the following minimum standards: 24.2.1 The surety issuing the bond must be licensed to do business in the State of Florida, hold a certificate of authorization to write surety s in the State, hold a currently valid certificate of authority issued by the United States Department of the Treasury, and otherwise be in compliance with the provisions of the Florida Insurance Code. 24.2.2 The attorney-in-fact must provide a certified copy of his or her power of attorney to sign the bond. 24.2.3 The name, address and telephone number of the surety and its agent must be listed on the bond. 24.2.4 For contracts up to $499,999.99 the surety shall have twice the minimum surplus and capital required by the Florida Insurance Code at the time the bid is issued for the Work, otherwise the surety shall have the following minimum ratings: Contract Amount Best Key Rating $500,000 to $2,499,999.99 Class XII A- or better Over $2,500,000.00 Class XIV or better 24.2.5 The Bond shall specifically incorporate and acknowledge the Surety’s responsibility for liquidated damages. 25.0 Insurance. 25.1 Contractor’s Insurance: The CONTRACTOR shall provide the COUNTY with insurance certificates, as set forth in the Contract, certifying that all required insurance is in force; and such insurance certificates shall include provisions that the insurance shall not be canceled, allowed to expire or be materially changed without giving the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER advance notice by registered mail. 25.1.1 The Contractor shall maintain all insurance during the life of this Contract as set forth in the Contract. 25.2 Cancellation and Re-Insurance: See Section 28 for details. 25.3 Commercial General Liability: The Contractor shall maintain and, prior to commencement of this contract, provide the County with evidence of commercial general liability insurance to include: 25.3.1 Premises/operations, products/ completed operations, (including XCU hazards) and personal and advertising injury for limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence; 25.3.2 Fire damage for limits of not less than $100,000 per occurrence; 25.3.3 Medical payments for limits not less than $5,000 per person and 25.3.4 A general, per contract/project, aggregate limit of not less than $2,000,000. The policy shall also provide the County will be given a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation or non- renewal and include County as an additional insured. 25.4 Business Automobile Liability: The Contractor shall maintain and, prior to commencement of this contract, provide the County with evidence of business automobile liability insurance to include: 25.4.1 Coverage for any automobile for limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit (bodily injury & property damage) per accident and 25.4.2 Personal Injury Protection (Florida no-fault) with full statutory limits. The policy shall also provide the County will be given a thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or non-renewal and include County as an additional insured. 25.5 Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability: The Contractor shall maintain and, prior to commence of this contract, provide the County with evidence of workers’ compensation insurance providing Florida statutory (F.S. 440) limits to cover all employees and include Employers Liability coverage with limits of not less than $500,000 for accidents or disease. The policy shall also provide the County will be given a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation or non-renewal. 26.0 Non Discrimination: Contractor covenants and agrees that Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment to be employed in the performance of the Contract with respect to hiring, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of age, sex or physical handicaps (except where based on a bonafide occupational qualification); or because of marital status, race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry. 27.0 Verification of Employment Status: The County will not intentionally award contracts to any contractor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA"). The County shall consider the employment by the Contractor of unauthorized aliens a violation of 8 U.S.C. Section 1324a(e) [Section 274A(e) of the INA]. The Contractor agrees that such violation by the Contractor shall be grounds for the unilateral cancellation of this Contract by the County. 28.0 Products or Material with Recycled Content: Contractor is required to procure products or materials with recycled content with respect to Work performed or products supplied under the contract when those products or materials are available at reasonable prices. A decision to not procure such items must be based on a determination that such procurement: 28.1 Is not available within a reasonable period of time; or 28.2 Fails to meet the performance standards set forth in the applicable specifications or fails to meet the reasonable performance standards of the agency. Contractor shall provide the County with a written Statement indicating what recycled products were used or supplied. If a decision was made not to use recycled products, Contractor shall provide County with a written statement indicating the basis for the decision using the above criteria. 29. Florida Produced Lumber: Where applicable Contractor agrees to comply with the provisions of Section 255.20, Florida Statutes, and as may be amended from time to time. 30. Asbestos-Free Materials: Contractor shall not use any asbestos or asbestos-based fiber materials in the Work performed under this Contract. 31. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes relating to interpretation of the terms of this Contract or a question of fact or arising under this Contract shall be resolved through good faith efforts upon the part of the Contractor and the County or its Project Manager. At all times, the Contractor shall carry on the work and maintain its progress schedule in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and the determination of the County or its representatives, pending a final resolution of the dispute, including, if necessary, any determination by a Court of competent jurisdiction. Any dispute which is not resolved by mutual agreement shall be decided by the County Administrator who shall reduce the decision to writing. The decision of the County shall be final and conclusive unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be fraudulent, capricious, arbitrary, so grossly erroneous as to necessarily imply bad faith, or not be supported by substantial evidence. 32. Mediation: Prior to initiating any litigation concerning this Contract, the parties agree to submit the disputed issue or issues to a mediator for non-binding mediation. The parties shall agree on a mediator chosen from a list of certified mediators available from the Clerk of Court for St. Lucie County. The fee of the mediator shall be shared equally by the parties. To the extent allowed by law, the mediation process shall be confidential and the results of the mediation or any testimony or argument introduced at the mediation shall not be admissible as evidence in any subsequent proceeding concerning the disputed issue. *END OF SECTION* SECTION 00800 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1.0 Scope: Construct a precast concrete 12’ diameter repump station with duplex submersible wastewater pumps/motors including electric control panel; valves; fittings; flow meter; site work; standby generator/automatic transfer switch (installation only); and restoration as shown and described on the contract plans complete, tested and ready for operation as required by FDEP and St. Lucie County regulations. Construction to be done to minimize interruption of existing utility operations. All construction and material shall be per St. Lucie County Latest Standards 2.0 Work Schedules and Overtime: 2.1 No work shall be done between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays observed by St. Lucie County, in any case without the written approval or permission of the Project Manager. 2.2 The normal work shift for County Inspectors shall begin at 8:00 A.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Any inspections performed before or after the normal work shift, or on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays shall be considered overtime and shall be paid for by the Contractor. If permission is obtained from the County's Project Manager to work between 5:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M., the Contractor shall bear all expenses for Inspection. Such overtime inspection expenses will be recovered by deductions from periodic partial payments. 3.0 Modifications to the General Conditions, Section 00700: Whenever the term ENGINEER is used it shall be construed to refer to: Earl H. Masteller, PE, BCEE, President Masteller & Moler, Inc. 1655 27th Avenue, Ste. 2 Vero Beach, FL 32960 Telephone: ( 772 ) 567-5300 Email: mastmolr@bellsouth.net The Owner's Project Manager for this project shall be: Raymond Murankus, Project Manager 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Telephone: ( 772 ) 462- 1175 Email: murankusr@stlucieco.org 4.0 Responsibility of Contractor: The contractor shall be responsible to maintain the construction site, detour route, and sufficient advance warning signs, lights, etc., to provide a safe work area and detour. The specification and plans intended to provide a minimum requirement. The contractor shall evaluate the entire area and may choose to place additional traffic control devices. * END OF SECTION* SECTION 01200 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL Description The standards set forth in this document are intended to provide a basis for design and construction. Applicable state and environmental laws and regulations should be considered concurrently with this text. If any conflicts exist between the standards, the more stringent shall apply. Any variation from standards is to be approved in advance by the St. Lucie County Utilities Director or his designated representative hereinafter known as SLCU. It is intended that the requirements of this section shall be applicable in all cases where the facilities being constructed or to be constructed shall be owned and/or operated and maintained by St. Lucie County Utilities. These requirements shall also be applicable to those portions of facilities that will lie within public rights-of-way of St. Lucie County Utility's jurisdiction. No construction shall start prior to a pre-construction conference. The pre-construction conference shall be attended by the Design Engineer, the Contractor, a SLCU Representative, representatives of agencies having jurisdiction over parts of the work. No changes shall be made on approved plans without specific concurrence of SLCU. SLCU will enforce the approved construction plans to a level equal to that of the minimum standards, plus any additional requirements of the Engineer shown on the plans with SLCU’s concurrence. Reasonable effort will be made to ascertain that the plans and specifications equal or exceed these minimum standards. Construction will be enforced to at least these minimum standards. The Contractor shall contact the Engineer of Record, the appropriate governmental jurisdictional agency and all utility companies at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of construction for coordination of any utilities. No pollution or erosion caused by the construction will be allowed in the stormwater drainage system. The Contractor shall install any devices necessary to prevent pollution or erosion. The cost of pollution and erosion control shall be incidental to the cost of construction. The Contractor shall maintain traffic at all times where work is in progress. Traffic control, barricades, etc. shall be in accordance with applicable Florida Department of Transportation and OHSA standards. If any conflict exists between the standards, the more stringent governs, as determined by the Engineer of Record. The Contractor shall repair or replace any damage caused by construction activity. All horizontal and vertical survey control points shall be protected and undisturbed. In the event that a control point is disturbed or destroyed the point shall be re-established by a registered Florida land surveyor at the expense of the Contractor. RECORD DRAWINGS General As-built plans shall be provided by the Contractor and shall be comprised of a reproducible mylar copy and three (3) blackline copies of a certified survey. The blackline copies shall bear the original signature and seal of the surveyor who performed the as-built survey. The as-builts shall be submitted after the completion of construction or as otherwise indicated herein, prior to submittal to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The as-built survey shall be prepared in plan format by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Florida, and shall comply with applicable provisions of the Florida Administrative Code and Chapter 472 of the Florida Statutes. The as-built drawing shall be at the same scale and reference the same baseline as the drawings prepared by the Engineer of Record. The horizontal and vertical location of the mains and appurtenances shall be accurately depicted to scale and shall be identified relative to the baseline and relative to readily identifiable permanent reference points existing after the completion of the construction. Locations shall be shown for all fittings, valves, hydrants, manholes, sample points, air releases, etc., both horizontal and vertical, and the location of the main at each baseline station as shown on the plans (100 feet maximum) both horizontal and vertical. Underground facilities (i.e. drainage, gas, electric, telephone, etc.) crossing the mains shall be accurately shown both horizontally and vertically and shall identify size, type, facility, material, and clearance. All information shall be based upon measurements and observations made in the field by the surveyor certifying the survey, or by personnel under his employment, direction and supervision. The cost for preparing and maintaining the as-built plans shall be incidental to the construction cost. See Section 2040 “Record Drawings / As-built Drawings” for more details. *END OF SECTION * SECTION 01210 INSPECTORS AUTHORITY GENERAL SLCU Inspectors may inspect all construction and materials and may also inspect preparation, fabrication or manufacture of components, materials and supplies. The Inspector is not authorized to revoke, alter or waive any requirements of the specifications, but is authorized and expected to call the attention of the Contractor any failure of work or materials to conform to the plans or specifications. The Inspector shall have the authority to reject materials or suspend the work until questions of issue can be referred to and decided upon by the District Director or his designated representative. The Inspector shall in no case act as foreman or perform other duties for the Contractor nor interfere with the management of the work. Advice which the Inspector may give shall in no way be construed as binding to the District or releasing the Contractor from performing according to the intent of the plans and minimum District Standards. All work that has been rejected or condemned shall be repaired, or if it cannot be satisfactorily repaired, shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense. Materials not conforming to the requirements of the specifications shall be removed immediately from the site of work and replaced with satisfactory material by the Contractor at his expense. The District shall have the right to require additional inspections, certifications and/or testing to confirm that the deficient work has been corrected. Inspections shall be scheduled for regular working hours only, except for nights when service disruptions are involved. Scheduled inspections are required for jack and bores and pipe slippage through same, directional bores, setting of wet wells, lift station start ups with manufacturer’s representative present, and any time an existing District facility is to be connected (i.e. manhole tie-in and water or wastewater taps). Work will not be scheduled for weekends or holidays. When progress of the project requires the periodic pressure of a District Representative during non- normal working hours, for the convenience of the Contractor, the Contractor shall accept the financial responsibility for the overtime hours (at overtime rates) with a minimum of four hours, including travel time. This shall include work done on holidays, weekends, or other non-scheduled work hours. The District should be provided with at least two (2) full working days’ notice for scheduled inspections. Inspectors may make unscheduled visits as needed to inspect such items as materials on site and clearances between conflicting lines. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to schedule inspections and their qualified representative shall be present at all scheduled tests and inspections. A scheduled inspection will be canceled if the representative is not present. The Contractor shall pre-test all required test all required tests to minimize failures. The Contractor’s professional land surveyor registered in the state of Florida shall prepare accurate record drawings which shall be submitted to the district two days before a gravity line inspection to verify adequacy of slopes. END OF SECTION SECTION 01220 AUDIO-VISUAL DOCUMENTATION GENERAL Description Prior to commencing of the work, the contractor shall have a continuous color audio-video recording taken along the entire length of the project to serve as a record of preconstruction conditions. Approval No construction shall begin prior to review and acceptance of the recording covering the construction area by the Engineer. The Engineer shall have the authority to reject all or any portion of a video not conforming to specifications and order that it be redone at no additional charge. The Contractor shall reschedule unacceptable coverage within five (5) days after being notified. The Engineer shall designate those areas, if any, to be omitted from or added to the audio-video coverage. Audio-video recordings shall not be made more than thirty (30) days prior to beginning of construction of any area. All audio-video recordings and written records shall become the property of the Owner. The recordings shall be delivered to the Owner as soon as possible after recording. Quality Assurance The Contractor shall engage the services of a professional electrographer. The color audio-video recordings shall be prepared by a responsible commercial firm known to be skilled and regularly engaged in the business of preconstruction color audio-video documentation. PRODUCTS General All equipment, accessories, materials, and labor to perform this service shall be furnished by the Contractor. Quality The total audio-video system shall reproduce bright, sharp, clear pictures with accurate colors and shall have minimal distortion, tearing, rolls, or other imperfections. The audio portion of the recording shall reproduce the commentary of the camera operator with proper volume and clarity and be free from distortion and interruptions. Camera The color video camera used in the recording system shall have a horizontal resolution of 300 lines at center, a luminance signal-to-noise ratio of 45dB, and a minimum illumination requirement of 25 foot candles. Media Audio-video media shall be Digital Video Disc (DVD). EXECUTION Videotaping Procedures Each audio-visual recording shall begin with the current date, project name, and municipality, and be followed by the general location; i.e., name of street, house address, viewing side, and direction of progress. The audio track shall consist of an original live recording. The recording shall contain the narrative commentary. All video recordings must, by electronic means, display continuously and simultaneously generate, with the actual recording, transparent digital information to include the date and time of recording, and station numbers, if shown on the Drawings. The date information shall contain the month, day, and year. The time information shall contain the hour, minute, and second. Additional information shall be displayed periodically. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, project name, contract number, name of street, house address, direction of travel, and the viewing side. The transparent information shall appear on the screen. All video recordings shall be done during times of good visibility. No recording shall be done during precipitation, mist, or fog. The recording shall be done only when sufficient sunlight is present to properly illuminate the subjects of recording and to produce bright, sharp video recordings of those subjects. The rate of speed in the general direction of travel of the vehicle used during recording shall not exceed 44 feet per minute. Panning, zoom-in, and zoom-out rates shall be sufficiently controlled to maintain a clear view of the object. Recording coverage shall include all surface features located within the zone of influence of construction supported by appropriate audio coverage. Such coverage shall include, but not be limited to, existing driveways, sidewalks, curbs, pavements, ditches, mailboxes, landscaping, culverts, fences, signs, and headwalls within the area covered. When conventional wheeled vehicles are used, the distance from the camera lens to the ground shall not be more than twelve (12) feet. In some instances, audio-video recording coverage may be required in areas not accessible by conventional wheeled vehicles. Such coverage shall be obtained by walking or special conveyance approved by the Engineer. * END OF SECTION * SECTION 02010 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT GENERAL Requirements Included Comply with requirements stated in General and Special Conditions of the Contract and in Specifications for administrative procedures in closing out the work. Related requirements in other parts of the Contract Documents: Fiscal provisions, legal submittals, and additional administrative requirements; General Conditions of the Documents: Paragraph 6.23 – Record Documents Paragraph 9 – Payment Schedule Paragraph 12 – Substantial Completion Paragraph 13.1 – Guarantee of Work Paragraph 14.11 – Final Inspection Substantial Completion When Contractor considers his work is substantially complete, he shall submit to Engineer: 1. A written notice that the work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially complete. 2. A list of items to be completed or corrected. Within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice, Engineer will make an inspection to determine the status of completion. Should Engineer determine that the work is not substantially complete: 1. Engineer will promptly notify the Contractor, in writing, giving the reasons. 2. Contractor shall remedy the deficiencies in the work, and shall send a second written notice of substantial completion to Engineer 3. Engineer will re-inspect the work When Engineer concurs that the work is substantially complete, he will: 1. Prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion, accompanied by a list of items to be completed or corrected 2. Submit the Certificate to Owner and Contractor for their written acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them in the certificate. Final Inspection When Contractor considers the work is complete, he shall submit written certification that: 1. Contract Documents have been reviewed 2. Work has been inspected for compliance with Contract Documents 3. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Documents 4. Work is completed and ready for final inspection Engineer will make an inspection to verify the status of completion with reasonable promptness after receipt of such certification. Should Engineer consider that the work is incomplete or defective: 1. Engineer will promptly notify the Contractor, in writing, listing the incomplete or defective work. 2. Contractor shall take immediate steps to remedy the stated deficiencies, and send a second written certification to Engineer that the work is complete. 3. Engineer will re-inspect the work When Engineer finds that the work is acceptable under the Contract Documents, he shall request the Contractor to make closeout submittals. Re-Inspection Fees Should the Engineer perform re-inspection due to failure of the work to comply with the claims of status of completion made by the Contractor, Contractor will compensate Engineer/Owner for such additional services. Additional Services Should Engineer be required to provide representation at the site for the administration of the Contract for Construction, more than thirty days after the specified Date of Substantial Completion of the work, Contractor will compensate Engineer for such additional services. Contractor’s Closeout Submittals To Engineer 1. Evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities; 2. Project Record Documents; 3. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens: Refer to requirements of General and Supplementary Conditions; 4. One (1) Year Maintenance Bond; Final Adjustment Of Accounts Submit a final statement of accounting to Engineer. Statement shall reflect all adjustments to the Contract Sum: 1. The original Contract Sum 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: a. Previous change orders b. Allowances c. Unit prices d. Deductions for uncorrected work e. Deductions for liquidated damages f. Deductions for re-inspection payments g. Other adjustments 3. Total Contract sum, as adjusted 4. Previous payments 5. Sum remaining due Engineer will prepare a final change order, reflecting approved adjustments to the Contract sum which were not previously made by change order. Final Application For Payment Contractor shall submit the final Application for Payment in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Conditions of the Contract. END OF SECTION SECTION 02030 PREVENTION, CONTROL, AND ABATEMENT OF EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION GENERAL The work specified in this item shall conform to Section 104 of the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (Latest Edition), except as modified herein. Scope This Section covers erosion control and the treatment of dewatering water and stormwater runoff from the construction site and work area. The pollution control measures shall prevent turbid or otherwise polluted waters from being discharged from the construction site or work area, to undeveloped portions of the site or off-site. The OWNER considers pollution from dewatering water and stormwater runoff from a construction site or work area to be a very serious offense. The CONTRACTOR is solely responsible for preventing pollution caused by dewatering water and stormwater runoff from the construction site or work area. The pollution control measures specified herein represent minimum standards to be adhered to by the CONTRACTOR throughout the Project’s construction. The OWNER reserves the right to require the CONTRACTOR to employ additional pollution control measures, when in the sole opinion of the OWNER, they are warranted. If site specific conditions require additional erosion and stormwater pollution control measures during any phase of construction or operation to prevent erosion or to control sediment or other pollution, beyond those specified in the Drawings or herein, implement additional best management practices as necessary, in accordance with Chapter 4, “Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sedimentation Control” of the Florida Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector’s Manual, and other references as may be required by regulatory permits. (http://www.dep.state.fl.us./water/nonpoint/docs/erosion/erosion-inspectors-manual.pdf ) The OWNER may terminate this Contract if the CONTRACTOR fails to comply with this Section. Alternatively, the OWNER may halt the CONTRACTOR’s operations until the CONTRACTOR is in full compliance with this Section. If the OWNER halts the CONTRACTOR’s work as a result of its failure to comply with this Section, the Construction Contract time clock will continue to run. In addition to these Specifications, comply with Chapter 4 - “Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sedimentation Control” and Chapter 5 – “Best Management Practices for Dewatering” of the Florida Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector’s Manual. In the event of a conflict between the referenced Chapters and these Specifications, the more stringent requirement shall prevail. Some Permits To Be Obtained By The Contractor The OWNER has/will have obtained certain permits for this project and they are/are to be listed in paragraph GC.20.1 (when obtained). Per paragraph GC-6.20 of the Supplementary Conditions, the CONTRACTOR shall apply for, obtain, and pay for all other required permits, licenses, sampling, and tests. Permits the CONTRACTOR may need to secure may include but not be limited to: 1. Long-term and/or short-term dewatering permit as required by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Generally, only the short-term permit is required. Contact SFWMD at 800-432-2045 to determine which permit is required and the associated statutory requirements; 2. SFWMD Mining/Dewatering Permit (RC-1A, RC-1W, RC-1G) For all DEWATERING Water Uses for Mining or Construction Permit (Form 0445) (required); 3. The State of Florida Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge From Large and Small Construction Activities (required). Contact the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) at (866) 336-6312 (toll free) or (850) 245-7522 or www.dep.state.fl.us/water/stormwater/npdes/ 4. FDEP’s Uncontaminated Groundwater Release Permit (required if dewatering occurs). This permit requires water quality testing by a State certified laboratory. Provide copies of all permits to the OWNER and ENGINEER and comply with all conditions contained in all permits at no extra cost to the OWNER. If there is a conflict between any permit requirement and these Specifications, the more stringent specification or requirement shall govern. In addition to paying for all permit fees, CONTRACTOR shall also pay for all water quality sampling and laboratory tests required by any permit. GENERAL Do not begin any other construction work until the pollution control and treatment system has been constructed in accordance with approved plans and permits and approved for use by the OWNER and applicable permitting authorities. From time to time, the OWNER or ENGINEER will inspect the pollution control and treatment system and may take effluent samples for analysis by a testing laboratory selected and paid for by the OWNER. If at any time, the OWNER or ENGINEER determines that the pollution control and treatment system is not in compliance with the approved system, the OWNER or ENGINEER will shut the portion of the project down that is not in compliance, and it shall remain shut-down until the pollution control and treatment system is properly constructed or repaired, and complies with the approved pollution control and treatment system plans and specifications. Schedule construction to minimize erosion and stormwater runoff from the construction site. Implement erosion control measures on disturbed areas as soon as practicable in portions of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased, but in no case more than seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. In addition to other temporary erosion control measures that may be implemented, application of polyacrylamide is required on all such disturbed areas within seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased, unless final landscaping has been installed. Polyacrylamide application shall be as specified herein. Inspect each pollution control system at least once per day and after each rainfall event. Clean and maintain each pollution control system as required by its manufacturer or the OWNER, until the system is no longer needed. If a water quality violation occurs, immediately cease all work contributing to the water quality violation and correct the problem. Discharge shall not violate State or local water quality standards in the receiving waters, nor cause injury to the public health or to public or private property, nor to the Work completed or in progress. The receiving point for water from construction operations shall be approved by the applicable owner, regulatory agency, and the ENGINEER. Promptly repair all damage at no cost to the OWNER. Submittals A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of the proposed pollution control and treatment systems in accordance with Section 6.27 of the General Conditions. B. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. State Certified Erosion Control Specialty Subcontractor Is Required For Installation, And Maintenance State Certified Erosion Control Specialty Subcontractor is Required for Installation and Maintenance: Installation and maintenance of all erosion and stormwater pollution control devices, shall be by a State Certified erosion control subcontractor who specializes in the installation and maintenance of such devices. After installation, this specialty subcontractor shall maintain the erosion and stormwater pollution control devices until in the ENGINEER’s sole opinion, the devices are no longer necessary (such time not to extend past the date the OWNER formally accepts the project as complete). Before beginning construction, submit to St. Lucie County for review and approval, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), prepared by the certified erosion control subcontractor. Construction shall not begin until the SWPPP has been approved by St. Lucie County. Submit the approved SWPPP to the ENGINEER before beginning construction. Include in the SWPPP, the “Contractor’s Affidavit Regarding Erosion Control and Treatment of Dewatering Water and Stormwater From the Construction Site” (located at the end of this Section). “Pollution” And Certain Uncontestable Pollution Events Defined With respect to this Section and as may be further defined in the following paragraphs, “pollution” is the presence in off-site waters of any substances, contaminants, or manmade or human-induced impairment of off-site waters or alteration of the chemical, physical, biological, or radiological integrity of off-site water in quantities or at levels which are or may be potentially harmful or injurious to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property. Pollutants to be removed include but are not limited to, sediment and suspended solids, solid and sanitary wastes, phosphorus, nitrogen, pesticides, oil and grease, concrete truck washout, stucco mixer washout, curb machine washout, washout from other construction equipment, construction chemicals, and construction debris. 1. When the Discharge is Directly into an Existing Water Body, Pollution Occurs When . . . An existing water body (including ditches and canals) is defined to be polluted by the CONTRACTOR’s operations when at any time, the turbidity of the water immediately downstream of the CONTRACTOR’s discharge point(s) is at least 29 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) higher than the turbidity of the background water upstream of the discharge point(s). [See Fla. Administrative Code 62-302.530] Exception: When the discharge is directly into or through an outfall discharging into “Outstanding Florida Waters,” designated by Florida Statute 403.061(27), the turbidity of the discharged water cannot exceed the turbidity of the immediate receiving water. The ENGINEER or OWNER shall determine the locations where the turbidity is measured. 2. When the Discharge is Not Directly into an Existing Water Body, Pollution Occurs When . . . In some instances, dewatering water or stormwater runoff from the construction site or work area may reach a water body indirectly, such as after traveling through pipes or by overland flow. Before construction commences, the Contractor will measure background levels of total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity, in the immediate vicinity of the discharge water’s ultimate discharge point into the receiving water body. If the discharge water’s TSS and turbidity measurements exceed these pre-construction background values by 20 percent for TSS and 29 NTUs for turbidity, then the discharge from the CONTRACTOR’s operations is defined to be polluted. 3. Pollution Always Occurs When . . . The discharge from a construction site or work area is defined to be polluted whenever the pH of the discharge is less than 6.5 or greater than 8.5, or whenever any of the following is present in the discharge water: (1) Hazardous waste or hazardous materials in any quantity, (2) Any petroleum product or by-product in any quantity, (3) Any chemical in any quantity, or (4) Concentrated pollutants. Above paragraphs do not in any way, limit the types of conditions in which pollution may be determined to occur. Penalties For Noncompliance With This Section In addition to the OWNER’s specific remedies, if erosion or pollution is caused by dewatering water or stormwater runoff from the construction site, the OWNER will immediately report the violations to the St. Lucie County Code Enforcement Board, SFWMD, FDEP, North St. Lucie Water Control District (or other F. S. Chapter 298 Drainage District, as appropriate), and other pertinent regulatory or enforcement agencies. MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION General Polyacrylamide: As required above, place polyacrylamide (PAM) on bare ground to reduce the potential for erosion. PAM may also be used in water bodies to remove turbidity. Use the anionic form of polyacrylamide that does not stick to fish gills. For PAM information and its proper application, contact Applied Polymer Systems, Inc., (678) 494-5998, www.siltstop.com. Staked Silt Fences: 1. General: Use silt fences to control runoff from the construction site where the soil has been disturbed. 2. Installation: Install per the manufacture’s recommendations and as specified herein. In general, install the silt fence in a manner that allows it to stop the water long enough for the sediment to settle while the water passes through the silt fence fabric. All supporting posts shall be on the down- slope side of the fencing. Place the bottom of the fabric 6-inches minimum, under compacted soil to prevent the flow of sediment underneath the fence. Place silt fences away from the toe of slopes. Otherwise, install in accordance with FDOT Index No. 102. 3. Product: All material shall be new and unused. Use FDOT Types II through IV silt fences where large sediment loads are anticipated, where slopes are 1:2 (vertical: horizontal) or steeper, or as directed by the ENGINEER; otherwise use FDOT Type III silt fence. (a) For FDOT Type III Silt Fence - ACF Environmental, Catalog No. 360800000, Florida DOT Silt Fence. U.S. Sieve = 30, tensile strength = 120 pounds. The heavy-duty filter fabric shall be pre-attached to 48-inch long stakes on 6-foot centers. (1-800- 448-3636). (b) For FDOT Type IV Silt Fence, modify the above Catalog No. 360800000 to comply with FDOT Index No. 102. (c) Or equivalent. Turbidity Barriers: 1. General: Use turbidity barriers to control sediment contamination of rivers, lakes, ponds, canals, etc. 2. Installation: Install per the manufacturer’s recommendations and per FDOT Index No. 103 unless directed otherwise by the ENGINEER. 3. Product: All material shall be new and unused. The turbidity barrier shall be a pervious barrier and the fabric color shall be yellow. a. Parker Systems, Inc. (1-866-472-7537), model Type II or Type I b. Or equivalent. Sedimentation Control From Dewatering or Pumping Operations Using Filter Bags: 1. Remove silt, sediment, and other particles from dewatering or pumping applications using a filter bag. The bag shall be manufactured using a polypropylene non-woven geotextile and sewn by a double-needle machine, using a high strength nylon thread. The bag shall have a fill spout large enough to accommodate a 4-inch pump discharge hose. Straps shall be attached to the bag to secure the hose and prevent pumped water from escaping without being filtered. 2. Installation: Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Use as many filter bags as required, at no additional cost to the OWNER. Legally dispose of the bags offsite, at no cost to the OWNER. If the bags are placed on aggregate to facilitate filtration efficiency, do not use limerock aggregate. 3. Product: The filter bag shall be supplied with lifting straps. a. “DIRTBAG 53 or 55 as applicable,” supplied by ACF Environmental, Inc. (1-800-448-3636). b. “DANDY DEWATERING BAG” supplied by Dandy Products, Inc. (1-800-591-2284). c. Or equivalent. Curb Inlet Protection: 1. Filter stormwater before it enters curb inlets. 2. Installation: Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Use as many of the specified filtration devices as required, at no additional cost to the OWNER. 3. Product: All materials shall be new and unused. The length of the curb inlet filtration device shall be at least 2-feet longer than the curb inlet opening. a. “GUTTERBUDDY,” supplied by ACF Environmental, Inc. (1-800-448-3636). b. Or equivalent. Catch Basin Protection: 1. Filter stormwater before it enters catch basins (drop inlets). The filter “sack” shall be manufactured from woven polypropylene geotextile and sewn by a doubleneedle machine, using a high strength nylon thread. The sack shall be manufactured to fit the opening of the catch basin or drop inlet and it shall have the following features: two dump straps attached at the bottom to facilitate emptying; lifting loops as an integral part of the system to be used to lift the sack from the basin; and a colored restraint chord approximately halfway up the sack to keep the sides away from the catch basin walls. The colored restraint chord shall also serve as a visual means of indicating when the sack should be emptied. 2. Installation: Install in each catch basin in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Use as many of the specified filtration devices as required, at no additional cost to the OWNER. 3. Product: All materials shall be new and unused. a. “SILTSACK” (regular flow), supplied by ACF Environmental, Inc. (1-800-448-3636). b. “FloGuard+PLUS,” supplied by Kristar Enterprises, Inc. (1-800-579-8819). c. Or equivalent. Construction Site Egress Driveways: Minimize the transport of sediment and soil from the construction site or work area by vehicle wheels. Construct a crushed rock driving surface at the vehicle exit point(s). Provide an area large enough to remove the sediment and soil from vehicle wheels before the vehicle leaves the construction site or work area. Provide wash-down stations as required to wash vehicle tires and retain all washwater on-site. Do not use limerock. Rock and Stone for Erosion Control and Pollution Control and Treatment: 1. Crushed Limerock: Crushed limerock shall not be used under any circumstance. 2. Acceptable Material: FDOT #4 non-calcareous aggregate (usually granite), washed and meeting the requirements of FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Section 901. Hay Bales: Hay bales shall not be used. EXECUTION Design, construct, and maintain the pollution control and treatment system to minimize erosion and capture and remove pollutants from the construction site and from all other areas disturbed by construction activities. Apply polyacrylamide only as directed by the polyacrylamide manufacturer/supplier. [Remainder of this page intentionally left blank.] CONTRACTOR’S AFFIDAVIT REGARDING POLLUTION This sworn statement is submitted to St. Lucie County for North County Service Area Wastewater Submersible Repump Station STATE OF COUNTY OF Personally before me the undersigned authority, appeared , who upon oath duly administered, stated as follows: 1. This sworn statement is submitted by the CONTRACTOR whose business address is and (if applicable) its Federal Identification No.(FEIN) is 2. My name is and my relationship to the entity named above is . (If signing as Owner’s Agent, attach Letter of Authorization to Sign from Owner) 3. I understand and agrees that in addition to complying with the terms and conditions of the Stormwater Management System Permit issued by St. Lucie County, Contractor is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the following as applicable to the site: (a) State of Florida Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge From Large and Small Construction Activities (for projects one acre or larger), (b) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (regardless of project size), (c) St. Johns RiverWater Management District permit(s) (regardless of project size), (d) Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit(s) (regardless of project size), (e) All other permits required for this project not specifically listed herein, and (e) All Codes and Ordinances of St. Lucie County. 4. I understand and agrees that “pollution” as defined by Florida Statutes Chapter 403.031(7) includes: “...the presence in the outdoor atmosphere or waters of the state of any substances, contaminants, noise, or manmade or human-induced impairment of air or waters or alteration of the chemical, physical, biological, or radiological integrity of air or water in quantities or at levels which are or may be potentially harmful or injurious to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property or which unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property, including outdoor recreation unless authorized by applicable law.” 5. I understand and agrees that in addition to the definition set forth in Item 4 above, “pollution” is also defined by Florida Administrative Code 62-302.530 and as may be further defined in the St. Lucie County permit(s). 6. I understand that St. Lucie County requires the design, installation, and maintenance of proper erosion control measures at all times during construction until complete stabilization is achieved at the project site. Contractor understands that this requirement is for this project regardless of the project size. 7. I understand that there are civil and criminal penalties for pollution listed in Florida Statutes Ch. 403.141 and Ch. 403.161 and that there are other penalties listed in St. Lucie County’s permits, including but not limited to, St. Lucie County issuing a Cease and Desist Order for the project. Contractor understands that it may be liable for these and other penalties if offsite pollution occurs as a result of activities associated with the Project. 8. Transfer of Ownership or County Issued Permits: (a) Transfer of Interest in Real Property: Within twenty-one (21) days of any transfer of ownership or control of the real property at which the permitted activity, facility, or system is located or authorized, the Contractor shall notify in writing, both the St. Lucie County Engineering Division and the St. Lucie County Stormwater Division of the transfer. Contractor shall provide the name, mailing address, and telephone number of the transferee and a copy of the instrument effectuating the transfer. Said notification is in addition to notifying the County Attorney’s Office as required by County Code. (b) Transfer of a County Permit. To transfer a County issued permit, Contractor must provide (1) the information required in Item 8(a); (2) a written statement from the proposed transferee that it will be bound by all terms and conditions of the permit; and (3) a new “Contractor’s Affidavit” form properly executed by the transferee. Upon proper receipt of these items the County shall transfer the permit to the transferee. (c) Contractor is encouraged to request a permit transfer prior to the sale or legal transfer of the real property at which a permitted facility, system, or activity is located or authorized. However, the transfer shall not be effective prior to the sale or legal transfer. (d) An “Illicit Discharge Sign” must be present at the site at the time of transfer. Replacement or additional signs may be obtained from the St. Lucie County Public Works Department at a cost of $30.00 per sign. Under penalty of perjury, Contractor declares that it has read the foregoing affidavit and the facts stated in it are true. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT Contractor: Authorized Signature: (If signing as Owner’s Agent, attach Letter of Authorization to Sign from Owner) Printed Name: Date: The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ day of _____________, 20___ by ________________________________________, who is personally known to me or has produced ___________________________________as identification and who did take oath. Notary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission expires: *END OF SECTION* SECTION 02040 RECORD DRAWINGS / AS-BUILT DRAWINGS GENERAL Maintain, prepare and provide the ENGINEER with record documents as specified below, except where otherwise specified or modified within the scope of work provided in the specific project contract documents. The Contractor and/or Developer shall be responsible for, and required to provide, Record Drawings as outlined in this section. Maintenance of Record Documents: 1. Maintain in CONTRACTOR's field office in clean, dry, legible condition complete sets of the following project documents: Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, approved Shop Drawings, samples, photographs, Change Orders, other modifications of Contract Documents, test records, survey data, Field Orders, and all other documents pertinent to CONTRACTOR'S Work. 2. Provide files and racks for proper storage and easy access. 3. Make documents available at all times for inspection by ENGINEER and OWNER. 4. Do not use record documents for any other purpose and do not remove them from the field office. 5. Label each document "RECORD DRAWING" in 2-inch high printed letters. 6. Keep record documents current at all times. 7. No work shall be permanently concealed until the required record data has been obtained. Record / As-Built Drawings During the construction operation, the CONTRACTOR shall maintain records of all deviations from the approved Project Plans and Specifications and shall prepare therefrom “RECORD” drawings showing correctly and accurately all changes and deviations from the work made during construction to reflect the work as it was actually constructed. The Record/As-Built survey shall be performed and subsequent plans prepared by a Professional Surveyor and Mapper, registered in the state of Florida and certified to the standards set forth in Chapter 472, Florida Statutes and Chapter 5J-17.050 Florida Administrative Code (Florida Minimum Technical Standards). Field measurements of vertical or horizontal dimensions of constructed improvements shall be obtained so that the constructed facility can be delineated in such a way that the location of the construction may be compared with the construction plans. Clearly shown by symbols, notations, or delineations, those constructed improvements located by the survey. All vertical information (elevations) provided on the Record Drawings shall be referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) unless otherwise specified by the Project Engineer. The horizontal information provided on the Record Drawings shall be referenced to the State of Florida, State Plane Coordinate System, Florida East Zone as established by Global Positioning System (GPS) which meets or exceeds Third Order Class I Accuracy Standards according to current publication of the Federal Geodetic Control Committee (FGCC) procedures. All Record/As-Built drawings shall be prepared in digital format (ACAD Ver.2009 later) and shall utilize the digital design drawings as prepared by the Project Engineer as a base for the Record/As-Built drawings. It is the responsibility of the Surveyor to request these files from the Contractor or Project Owner in order to produce the Record/As-Built drawing set. ALL improvements proposed to be constructed as shown on the approved construction plans shall be field measured upon completion and shown on the Record/As-Built survey. Any improvements that appear in both plan and profile views shall show the Record/As- Built information in both views. The following items are required to be shown on all St. Lucie County project Record/As- Built drawings submitted to the County: A. DRAINAGE: 1. Right-of-way Swale/Drainage – All culvert inverts, elevations and station offsets; inlet grate and bottom elevations; swale beginning and end bottom elevations; and highs and lows along top of bank. Size of swale. 2. Pipe Culvert/PVC Sleeves – All inverts, pipe size, stations and offsets. 3. Outfalls – All pipe inverts, pipe size, elevations and station offsets, weir box elevations, weir elevation, bleeder elevation and sizes. 4. Roadway/Off Site Drainage – All inverts, elevations and station offsets; manhole top elevation; grate top elevations. 5. Retention Ponds – Provide perimeter elevations, grade breaks, depths and calculated pond areas at control elevation and grade breaks above and below water surface. Show as-built of typical cross section as shown on design plan. B. ROADWAY: 1. Stations and offsets related to controlling baseline and elevations of all structures, side street and major driveway radius returns (edge of pavement), bends and/or change in direction of roadway alignment, minimum of 1000’ intervals along roadway alignment. 2. Elevations along Profile Grade Line (PGL), of all edge of pavements on each side of Profile Grade Line (PGL), at medians at the high/low and PVI points along Profile Grade Line (PGL). 3. All final Elevations to be plotted on PGL AND Plan & Profile sheets as applicable. 4. Elevations of edge of pavement and flow line at curb inlets and on the adjacent edge of pavement at curb inlets. C. FORCE MAINS: 1. Show size and type of material used to construct mains. 2. Show horizontal location and elevation of all tees, crosses, bends, terminal ends, valves, and air release valves, etc., by distances from known reference points. 3. Show location, size and type of material of all sleeves and casing pipes. 4. Elevation and horizontal location of all storm sewers, gravity sewers including laterals, force mains, water mains, etc. which are crossed; including clearance dimension at all conflicts or crossings. 5. Top of pipe elevation and horizontal location of all force main stub-outs. 6. Horizontal location of all services at the property lines. 7. Horizontal and vertical location of pipe including size of all mains and ground elevation shall be obtained at one-hundred (100) foot intervals. Contractor shall place temporary PVC stand pipes (tell-tales) at each of the one-hundred (100) foot intervals and at all fittings and conflicts/crossings to facilitate the record drawing survey. The tell-tale pipes shall be constructed of 2-inch PVC pipe, shall be placed on the top of the pipes to be surveyed, and shall be removed by the Contractor after completion of the field survey by the “As-Built” Professional Surveyor. 8. Dedicated easement locations, identified by O.R. Book and Page Number. D. GRAVITY SEWER: 1. Manholes: Elevation of top rim, bottom elevation and invert of each influent and effluent line. 2. Show distance between manholes center-to-center and horizontal location by baseline station and offset. 3. Show material size and type used to construct sewer mains. 4. Show length (center of manhole to end of stub) distances from known reference points or baseline offsets, and elevation of stub-outs. 5. Show which services have twenty (20) foot length of DIP at water main crossings. 6. Show station and offset location of sanitary services' at property line. Particular care in dimensioning needed in special situations, i.e., cul-de-sacs and locations where services are not perpendicular to wye. 7. Show invert elevation of sanitary service at property line. 8. Any and all necessary dedicated easement locations, identified by O.R. Book and Page Number. E. PUMP / LIFT STATION: Record Drawings shall show elevations for the top and bottom and diameter of wet well along with invert of effluent line. Record Drawings should also indicate the make, model number, horsepower, impeller and condition point of pumps selected and installed, shape of wet well, location of control panel, location of pump out connection, float level settings, any deviation from the plans, and serial number(s) of the pump(s). Survey Control Install/re-establish: It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to hire a Professional Surveyor and Mapper as defined per Chapter 472, Florida Statutes, to replace any horizontal and vertical control shown on the engineering plans that was destroyed during construction. New roadway alignment control points (survey baseline or controlling line and all points as indicated on the plans or control sheet) upon final roadway completion. Include all intersections and side streets. State plane coordinates and elevations for all control points. If shown on plans or not: Any Public Land Corner or Governmental Survey Control point(s),vertical control (bench marks), property corners destroyed and/or disturbed during the scope of the project shall be properly re-established as per standards as set forth within Florida Statutes, Administrative code and Minimum Technical Standards for that type of survey. All said surveying mentioned above shall be performed under the direct supervision of a registered Professional Surveyor and Mapper in the state of Florida and certified accordingly. Said Governmental agency(s) shall be notified in writing of disturbance and re-establishments. Record/As-Builts Drawings Format - Submittal ENGINEER will supply the CONTRACTOR with the electronic file of the approved construction plans for the input of the As-Built (record) information. CONTRACTOR shall deliver five (5) certified sets of Record/As-Builts with Electronic Drawing files prepared in AutoCAD 2009 and PDF format or in current version as agreed by the ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR’s surveyor shall review, sign and seal As-Builts or Record drawing(s). Said drawing(s) shall clearly state type of survey, positional tolerances, adhere and be certified to by a registered Professional Surveyor and Mapper in the state of Florida, any standards set forth by Florida Statutes, Administrative code and Minimum Technical Standards for As-Built/Record surveys. All Record/As-Built drawings are subject to review and approval by County Surveyor. Accuracy The CONTRACTOR will be held responsible for the accuracy and completeness of Record Drawings and Electronic As-Builts and shall bear any costs incurred in finding utilities as a result of incorrect data furnished by the CONTRACTOR. Completion of Work Upon Substantial Completion of the Work, deliver Record Drawings/As-Built Drawings to ENGINEER. Final payment will not be made until satisfactory record documents are received and approved by ENGINEER. [Remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS Record As-Built Survey Checklist Lic. Name Date: Project Name: North County Service Area Wastewater Submersible Repump Station Project No.: Chapter 61G17-6 Minimum Technical Standards F.A.C. 61G17-6.003 General Survey, Map, and Report Content Requirements (1) REGULATORY OBJECTIVE: The public must be able to rely on the accuracy of measurements and maps produced by a surveyor and mapper. In meeting this objective, surveyors and mappers must achieve the following minimum standards of accuracy, completeness, and quality: (a) Accuracy of survey measurements based on the type of survey and expected use. (b) Measurements made in accordance with the United States standard, feet or meters. (c) Records of measurements maintained for each survey (check field notes.) (d) Measurement and computation records dated. (e) Measurement and computation records substantiate the survey map. (f) Measurement and computation records support accuracy statement (closure calculations or redundant measurements, if applicable.) (2) Other More Stringent Requirements: (a) Met more stringent requirements set by federal, state, or local governmental agencies. (3) Other Standards and/or Requirements that Apply to All Surveys, Maps, and/or Survey Products: (a) REGULATORY OBJECTIVE: In order to avoid misuse of a survey and map, the surveyor and mapper must adequately communicate the survey results to the public through a map, report, or report with an attached map. (b) Survey map or report identified the responsible surveyor and mapper and contain standard content. In meeting this objective, surveyors and mappers must meet the following minimum standards of accuracy, completeness, and quality: (c) Type survey stated on map and report: As-Built Survey Boundary Mean High Water Line Survey Survey Condominium Quantity Survey Survey Construction Layout Record Survey Survey Control Survey Specific or Special Purpose Survey Hydrographic Survey Topographic Survey (d) Name, certificate of authorization number, and street and mailing address of the business entity on the map and report. (e) Name and license number of the surveyor and mapper in responsible charge. (f) Name, license number, and street and mailing address of a surveyor and mapper practicing independent of any business entity on the map and report. (g) Survey date (date of data acquisition.) (h) Revision date for any graphic revisions (when survey date does not change.) (i) Map and report statement “Survey map and report or the copies thereof are not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and Mapper.” (j) Insurance statement in ¼” high letters “The survey depicted here is not covered by professional liability insurance” if there is no professional liability insurance. (k) Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. (l) All computed data or plotted features shown on survey maps supported by accurate survey measurements unless clearly stated otherwise. (m) Bearings, distances, coordinates, and elevations shown on a survey map shall be substantiated by survey measurements unless clearly stated otherwise. (n) Bearing reference (well established and monumented line) (o) A designated “north arrow” (p) Stated scale or graphic scale (q) Abbreviations in legend or notes. (r) Special conditions and any necessary deviation from the standards noted upon the map or report. (s) Responsibility for all mapped features stated on the map or report (t) Map or report clearly states the individual primarily responsible for the map or report when mapped features have been integrated with others. (u) Map Accuracy. (1) Vertical Feature Accuracy: (a) Vertical Control: Field-measured control for elevation information shown upon survey maps or reports shall be based on a level loop or closure to a second benchmark. (b) Closure in feet must be accurate to a standard of plus or minus .05 ft. times the square root of the distance in miles. (c) All surveys and maps or reports with elevation data shall indicate the datum and a description of the benchmark(s) upon which the survey is based. (d) Minor elevation data may be obtained on an assumed datum provided the base elevation of the datum is obviously different than the established datum. (2) Horizontal Feature Accuracy: (a) Horizontal Control: All surveys and maps or reports expressing or displaying features in a publicly published coordinate system shall indicate the coordinate datum and a description of the control points upon which the survey is based. (b) Minor coordinate data may be obtained and used on an assumed datum provided the numerical basis of the datum is obviously different than a publicly published datum. (c) The accuracy of control survey data shall be verified by redundant measurements or traverse closures. All control measurements shall achieve the following closures: Commercial/High Risk Linear: 1 foot in 10,000 feet; Suburban: Linear: 1 foot in 7,500 feet; Rural: Linear: 1 foot in 5,000 feet; (d) When statistical procedures are used to calculate survey accuracies, the maximum acceptable positional tolerance, based on the 95% confidence level, should meet the same equivalent relative distance standards as set forth in 61G17- 6.003(3)(p)(2.)(c) F.A.C. (e) Intended Display Scale: All maps or reports of surveys produced and delivered with digital coordinate files must contain a statement to the effect of: “This map is intended to be displayed at a scale of 1/_____ or smaller”. 61G17-6.004 Specific Survey, Map, and Report Requirements (1) As-Built/Record Survey: (a) Obtained field measurements of vertical or horizontal dimensions of constructed improvements so that the constructed facility can be delineated in such a way that the location of the construction may be compared with the construction plans. (b) Clearly shows by symbols, notations, or delineations, those constructed improvements located by the survey. (c) All maps prepared shall meet applicable minimum technical standards. (d) Vertical and horizontal accuracy of the measurements made shall be such that it may be determined whether the improvements were constructed consistent with planned locations. END OF SECTION SECTION 02050 CLEARING & GRUBBING GENERAL The work specified in this item shall conform to Section 110 of the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (Latest Edition), except as modified herein. Prior to any clearing and grubbing, the contractor will stake the right-of-way. Unimproved areas shall be cleared of trees, logs, stumps, brush, vegetation, rubbish and other perishable or objectionable matter within limits shown on the plans excepting for certain trees and shrubs shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer which are to remain undisturbed and protected. Stumps and roots between slope stakes in cuts and in embankments 3 feet or less in depth shall be removed to a depth of 18 inches below subgrade. No stumps, roots, or perishable matter of any description shall remain under concrete slabs or footing, including pavement and sidewalks. No trees shall be removed or relocated until the Engineer or his representative has marked all trees to be saved, after a review of the project site with the Contractor's representative. Where the final pavement or structural work will be close to existing trees, the Contractor shall exercise care in the vicinity of the trees. Further, the Contractor shall saw cut along the edge of the outside limits of the stabilization, structure subgrade or sidewalk to a minimum depth of 4 feet below the finish grade and paint with a commercial grade pruning paint the ends of all sawn roots. If directed by the Engineer or where shown on the drawings, work shall be done by hand in order to protect the trees. The Contractor shall exercise care when working in the vicinity of all trees to remain so as to not damage or remove major root structures. The Contractor shall not pull hair or major root structures. All severed roots shall be sawn clean and paint with pruning paint. Stumps, roots, etc., shall be completely removed and disposed of by the Contractor. Undesirable, dead, and/or damaged trees (as so designated by the Engineer) shall be removed. All trees to be removed shall be disposed of offsite; burning will be strictly prohibited. All trees or shrubs which are to remain shall be preserved and protected by the Contractor. Where the removal of valuable trees or shrubs specifically for transplanting is required, this work shall be done in cooperation with the Owner and at no additional expense to the Owner. All items to be removed shall be excavated to their full depth. All culverts removed from residential driveway entrances within the right-of-way shall become the property of the respective homeowner. Those homeowners not desiring the culverts may donate them to the County free of charge. The Contractor shall transport the culverts to the County's storage yard. All metal castings for catch basins, manholes, or other structures shall be carefully removed and stored in the County's Storage Yard if they are deemed salvageable by the Engineer. The excavated materials shall be removed from the job site and disposed in a location designated or approved by the Owner. Any culverts, structures or any material excavated or removed from the project site under clearing and grubbing deemed unsalvageable by the Engineer shall be disposed of in a legal manner by the Contractor. Where required, suitable material as approved by the Engineer shall then be backfilled and compacted to restore the original contour of the ground. The fill material shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with Section 02220 of these specifications. No additional payment will be made, nor will additional work, or change orders be authorized for work needed to remove, relocate, protect, or otherwise account for in the construction of the work depicted in the plans, for any feature, or item that would be apparent from a careful inspection of the site and review of the plans, even though such feature or item is not specifically called out in the plans. It is therefore essential the contractor make such inspection and review. END OF SECTION SECTION 02115 TREE PROTECTION AND TRIMMING GENERAL Description of Work Only those trees which are in the direct path of construction are to be removed. Contractor shall make every possible effort to save any tree of four-inch diameter or larger, including minor adjustment to the pipe routing. Changes pipe routing must be approved by the Engineer. Any tree which is not designated for removal but which will significantly interfere with construction shall be trimmed by a qualified tree surgeon. Contractor shall minimize tree removal and tree trimming operations to as great an extent as possible. Quality Assurance Engage a qualified tree surgeon to perform the following work: 1. Carefully remove branches from trees as required for new construction; all wounded trees shall be immediately treated. 2. Recommend procedures to compensate for loss of roots and perform initial pruning of branches and stimulation of root growth where removed to accommodate new construction. 3. Perform tree repair work for damages incurred by new construction. Job Conditions Provide temporary fencing, barricades, or guards to protect trees and other plants which are to remain from damage. PRODUCTS Materials Tree Pruning Compound: Waterproof, antiseptic, elastic, and free of kerosene, coal tar, Creosote, and other substances harmful to plants. Pruned or damaged trees shall be treated with the following: 1. Pine trees (all species): A mixture of twelve percent (12%) Benzene Hexachloride (BHC) emulsifiable concentrate shall be mixed at the rate of one (1) pint BHC per gallon of #2 fuel oil. Spray damaged area liberally. Spray the rest of the tree from ground level to a height of six feet (6’). Spraying of damaged trees shall be completed within five (5) days after injury occurs. 2. Hardwood (all species except pine): An application of asphalt-type tree pruning paint shall be applied to the damaged area. The paint shall be applied in sufficient quantity so as to form an airtight seal. Spraying or painting of the damaged trees shall be performed within twenty-four (24) hours after the injury occurs. In case of damage to “specimen” hardwoods, the inspecting Engineer may require the Contractor to retain a skilled and licensed tree surgeon to properly treat the damaged tree. No compensation shall be made to the Contractor for treating damaged trees. EXECUTION Protect tree root system from damage due to noxious materials in solution caused by run-off or spoilage during mixing and placement of construction materials, or drainage from stored materials. Protect root systems from flooding, erosion, or excessive wetting resulting from dewatering operations. Repair And Replacement Of Trees B. Repair trees damaged by construction operations, in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Make repairs promptly after damage occurs to prevent progressive deterioration of damaged trees. C. Remove and replace dead and damaged trees which are determined by the tree surgeon to be incapable of restoration to normal growth pattern. D. If trees over six inches in caliper measurement (taken 12 inches above grade) are required to be replaced, provide new trees of six inches caliper size, and of the species selected by the Engineer. Disposal Removal from Owner’s property: Remove excess excavation, displaced trees, and trimmings, and dispose of off the Owner’s property in a manner approved by local agencies. *END OF SECTION* SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK GENERAL Description This section includes the materials and installation standards and contractor response utilities associated with furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required for clearing, grubbing and filling of undeveloped rights-of-way or corridors, as necessary to provide access for pipeline construction. All clearing work shall be done for the full width of the corridor areas or right-of-way shown on the drawings. Unless otherwise specified, all work shall comply with the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. PRODUCTS Materials: Fill material shall be clean granular fine earth, rock or sand, free of vegetation or organic material. Excess material from other areas of the project may be used, with the approval of the Engineer. EXECUTION Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping: Remove existing vegetation including trees, roots and stumps from the corridor areas. Prevent damage to trees or other items outside of the corridor area. All vegetation material removed shall be disposed of by the Contractor. General Excavation: Unsuitable material shall be removed from the corridor area only as necessary for access and pipeline construction. Excavation and backfill for utility pipelines shall not be included in this item, but shall be performed as specified in Section 02220. Filling and Grading: Future roadway elevations shall be shown on the drawings when available from construction plans on file with SLCU or proposed by others. These elevations shall be used as guides for the filling and grading of the corridor. All filling and grading work shall be done to provide corridor access and suitable conditions in preparation for utility pipeline construction. Compaction: Compaction methods and requirements shall be as specified by the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, for work within a right-of- way. *END OF SECTION* SECTION 02220 UTILITY EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING & COMPACTING GENERAL Description The provisions set forth in this section shall be applicable to all underground water and wastewater piping installations. This section includes materials, installation standards, and Contractor responsibilities associated with the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to properly perform utility excavation backfilling and compacting for all utility pipelines as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. All excavations shall be properly shored, sheeted and braced or cut back at the proper slope to provide safe working conditions, to prevent shifting of material, to prevent damage to structures or other work, and to avoid delay to the work, all in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the State of Florida Trench Safety Act, and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. In all cases where a conflict exists in the requirements of OSHA, the Florida Trench Safety Act, and these specifications, the requirements of the state agency shall prevail. Submittals Contractor shall obtain necessary permits for any required dewatering activity in accordance with the applicable governmental agencies. These permits must be submitted to SLCU and Engineer of Record prior to construction. PRODUCTS Materials: Fill and backfill material shall be clean, fine earth, rock or sand, free of vegetation. Material may be from onsite excavation and may be imported. Imported material provided by the Contractor will be at no additional expense, unless specifically stated. Suitable: Suitable materials for fills shall be classified as A-1, A-3 or A-2-4 in accordance with AASHTO Designation M-145 and shall be free from vegetation and organic material. Not more than 12 percent by weight of fill material shall pass the No. 200 sieve. The Contractor shall furnish all additional fill material required. Suitable Material to be Placed in Water: Suitable material for fills to be placed in water shall be classified as A-1 or A-3 in accordance with AASHTO Designation M-145. Unsuitable: Unsuitable materials are classified as A-2-5, A-2-6, A-2-7, A-4, A-5, A-5, A-7 and A-8 in accordance with AASHTO Designation M 145 or soils which cannot be compacted to specified percentage of maximum density. EXECUTION Excavation: The maximum amount of open trench permitted in any one location shall be the length necessary to accommodate the amount of pipe installed in a single day. All trenches shall be fully backfilled at the end of each day. Barricades and warning lights meeting OSHA requirements shall be provided and maintained. Trench Dimensions: The minimum width of the trench shall be equal to the outside diameter of the pipe, plus the minimum necessary to obtain proper utility main excavation backfill and compaction requirements; the maximum width of trench, measured at the top of the pipe, shall not exceed the outside pipe diameter plus two feet, unless otherwise shown on the drawing details or approved by the Engineer. Trench Grade: Standard trench grade shall be defined as the bottom surface of the utility to be constructed or placed within the trench. Trench grade for utilities in rock or other non-cushioning material shall be defined as six inches below the outside of the bottom of the utility, which six inches shall be backfilled with extra utility bedding material. Excavation below trench grade that is done in error shall be backfilled to trench grade with granular material and compacted. Utility Bedding: The bottom of the trench shall be shaped to provide a firm bedding for the utility pipe. The utility shall be firmly bedded in undisturbed firm soil, or hand-shaped unyielding material. The bedding shall be shaped so that the pipe will be in continuous contact therewith for its full length and shall provide a minimum bottom segment support for the pipe equal to springline of the pipe or one-half of the outside diameter of the barrel. Special bedding may be required, due to depth of cover, impact loadings, or other conditions. Unsuitable Material Below Trench Grade: Soil unsuitable for a proper foundation encountered at or below trench grade, such as muck or other deleterious material, shall be removed for the full width of the trench and to the depth required to reach suitable foundation material, unless special design considerations receive prior approval from SLCU or Engineer of Record. Backfilling below trench grade shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of "Backfill" with material as specified in this section. Extra Utility-Bedding Material: When rock or other non-cushioning material is encountered at trench grade, excavation shall be extended to six inches below the outside of the bottom of the utility, and a cushion of granular material rock shall be provided. Utility-bedding material shall be installed as specified in this section. Sheeting and Bracing: In order to prevent damage to property, injury to persons, erosion, cave-ins, or excessive trench widths, adequate sheeting and bracing shall be provided, as required within these specifications, in accordance with accepted standard practice. When the situation arises, sheeting and bracing shall be used as necessary to protect the integrity of the road shoulder. Sheeting shall be removed when the trench has been backfilled to at least one-half its depth, or when removal would not endanger the construction of adjacent structures. When required, to eliminate excessive trench width or other damage, sheeting, bracing, or shoring shall be left in place and the top cut off at an elevation of 5.0 feet below finished grade or 1.0 foot above the top of the pipe, whichever is less, unless otherwise directed. All sheeting and bracing will be in accordance with OSHA, and the Florida Trench Safety Act. Excavated Material: Suitable material to be used for backfill shall be neatly and safely deposited at the sides of the trenches where space is available. Whenever possible, excavated material near a roadway should be deposited on the right-of-way side of the trench away from the travelway. Where stockpiling of excavated material is required, the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the sites to be used and shall maintain the operation to provide for natural drainage and not present an unsightly appearance. Also, the contractor is responsible for transporting the material to and from the stockpile material. All sites shall be restored after fill is removed. No excavated material shall be placed within roadside swales for longer than that day’s work. Excess Fill Material: Clean excess fill shall be the property of SLCU, should they request same. Otherwise, it will be the property of the contractors to remove from the site. If requested by SLCU, the Contractor shall deliver and stockpile this material to areas designated by SLCU. Resale of excavated material on the project site will not be permitted. Material Disposal: Unsuitable fill material or cleared and grubbed material resulting from the utility installation shall be removed from the work site and disposed of at location(s) secured by the Contractor, and in accordance with the agency having jurisdiction. Borrow: Should there be insufficient satisfactory material from the excavations to meet the requirements for fill material, borrow shall be obtained from pits secured by the Contractor. All borrow shall meet the provisions of these specifications. Rock Excavation: Rock excavation shall be defined as excavation of any hard, natural substance which cannot be removed by a one cubic yard bucket and requires the use of explosives and/or special impact tools such as jackhammers, sledges, chisels, or similar devices specifically designed for use in cutting or breaking rock. Dewatering: Utilities shall be laid "in the dry", unless otherwise approved in writing by SLCU and the Engineer of Record. All dewatering activities are to be performed by the Contractor. Trench excavations may be dewatered by using one or more of the following methods: well point system; sumps with pumps or other method(s) as approved by the Engineer. Dewatering systems shall be utilized in accordance with good standard practice and must be efficient enough to lower the water level in advance of the excavation and maintain it continuously to keep the trench bottom and sides firm and dry. If the material encountered at trench grade is suitable for the passage of water without destroying the sides or utility foundation of the trench, sumps may be provided at intervals at the side of the main trench excavation, with pumps used to lower the water level by taking their suction from said sumps. Discharge from dewatering shall be disposed of in such a manner that it will not interfere with normal drainage of the area in which the work is being performed, create a public nuisance, or form ponding. All discharge shall be in accordance with any SFWMD issued permits. The operations shall not cause injury to any portion of the work completed, or in progress, or to the surface of streets, or to private property. The proposed dewatering method(s) and schedule shall be approved by the Engineer of Record and necessary regulatory agencies prior to construction. Additionally, where private property will be involved, advance permission shall be obtained by the Contractor. Obstructions: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to acquaint himself with existing conditions and to locate structures and utilities along the proposed utility alignment in order to avoid conflicts. Where actual conflicts are unavoidable, work shall be coordinated with the facility owner and performed so as to cause as little interference as possible with the service rendered by the facility disturbed. All affected utilities shall be notified prior to excavation in their vicinity. Backfilling: General: Backfill material shall be clean earth fill composed of sand, clay and sand, sand and rock, crushed rock, or an approved combination thereof. Backfilling shall be divided into three (3) specified areas: First, from trench grade to a point 12 inches above the top of the utility, called initial backfill; second, from the top of the pipe zone to the bottom of the subgrade called final backfill; and third, from the bottom of the replacement base course to the replacement surface. Where encasements or other below grade concrete work have been installed, backfilling shall not proceed until the concrete has obtained sufficient strength to support the backfill load. Initial Backfill: Granular material shall be carefully placed and tamped around the lower half (springline) of the utility. Backfilling shall be carefully continued until the fill is 12 inches above the top of the utility in layers not exceeding 6 inches (uncompacted thickness), using the best available material from the excavation, if approved. The material shall be lowered to within two (2’) feet above the top of pipes before it is allowed to fall, unless the material is placed with approved devices that protect the pipes from impact. Initial backfill shall exclude stones, or rock fragments larger than one inch for either ductile iron. HDPE or PVC pipe. Compacting each lift shall be equal to 100% of maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-99. Final Backfill: The remainder of the trench, above initial backfill and below the subgrade, shall be backfilled and compacted in layers not exceeding 12 inches (uncompacted thickness), except that the last two lifts shall not exceed six inches (uncompacted thickness) per lift. Compaction of each lift shall be equal to 100% of maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-99. Shoulder Restoration: All shoulder restoration shall be in accordance with the applicable permit requirements of the agency having jurisdiction. In excavated locations outside a 2(horizontal) to 1(vertical) slope downward from the shoulder line or the back of the curb, backfill (initial and final) shall be compacted to a density equal to 95% of maximum density, as determined by AASHTO T-99, or to natural existing density of the adjacent undisturbed trench embankments, whichever is greater. Protective Concrete Slab: Protective concrete slabs shall be installed over the top of trenches, where required, to protect the installed utility against excessive loads, or when insufficient cover exists. Compacting: Compaction Methods: Specified compaction shall be accomplished using accepted standard methods (powered tampers, vibrators, etc.), with the exception that the first 12 inches of backfilling over the pipe shall be compacted by hand-operated tamping devices. Flooding or puddling with water to consolidate backfill is not acceptable, except where sugar sand is encountered and the operation has been approved by the Engineer of Record. Location of Density Tests: Density tests for determination of the specified densities shall be made every 1,000 feet parallel to roadways and at least one (1) test location under each perpendicular roadway cut. Reference the standard construction details for density test requirements for trenches at flexible pavement. Test backfill compaction at each specified location, at the finished backfill surface elevation and at a point 12 to 16 inches beneath the finished surface elevation. Density Tests: Density tests for determination of the above-specified compaction shall be made by a qualified testing laboratory. If any test results are unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall re-excavate, re-compact the backfill, and retest, at his expense until the desired compaction is obtained. Additional compaction tests shall be made to each side of an unsatisfactory test, as directed, to determine the extent of re-excavation and re-compaction necessary. Test results shall be made available to SLCU for their records. END OF SECTION SECTION 02320 TRENCHLESS INSTALLATION OF PRESSURE MAINS BY DIRECTIONAL BORING GENERAL Description Portions of the pressure mains shall be installed by the directional boring method within the limits indicated on the contract plans and as specified herein. Generally, as a minimum, the pressure main is to be located within the road right-of-way and shall be installed by directional boring. Piping not designated for installation by a specific method may be installed by open trench or directional boring as approved by the Engineer. This section includes materials, performance and installation standards, and Contractor responsibilities associated with the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to install, complete, required trenchless installation of pressure mains, as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. Experience The Contractor must demonstrate expertise in trenchless methods by providing a list of ten (10) utility references for whom similar work has been performed in the last two (2) years. The references should include a name and telephone number where contact can be made to verify the contractor's capability. The Contractor must provide documentation showing successful completion of the projects used for reference. Conventional trenching experience will not be considered applicable. All supervisory personnel must be adequately trained and will have at least four (4) years’ experience in directional boring. The Contractor will have to submit the names and resumes of all supervisory field personnel prior to construction. Submittals Submit technical data for equipment including clay slurry material, method of installation with working drawings, and proposed sequence of construction for approval by SLCU. Prior to approval for directional boring, the Contractor must submit the names of supervisory field personnel and historical information of directional boring experience. In addition, the Contractor must submit for approval name plate data for the drilling equipment, mobile spoils removal unit, and MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) information for the drilling slurry compounds. The Contractor is required to bring to the attention of SLCU any known design discrepancies with actual tunneling methods that the Contractor will be performing. This shall be stated no later than the pre- construction meeting. Pilot Bore The Contractor shall schedule the beginning of work with SLCU’s Inspector a minimum of three (3) days in advance. The drill path shall be accurately surveyed and plotted to create an “As-Built” drawing (same scale as the approved construction drawing). The Engineer-of-Record shall evaluate the As-Built data and confirm the compliance with the design parameters. The signed and sealed pilot bore As-Built drawing shall be submitted to the SLCU Inspector for review and approval. EXECUTION Installation Installation shall be in a trenchless manner producing continuous bores. No bores or pull backs will be conducted on Fridays or a day prior to a holiday. The tunneling system shall be remotely steerable and permit electronic monitoring of tunnel depth and location. Accurate placement of pipe within a ± 2-inch window is required both horizontally and vertically. Turning capability of 90-degrees in 40 feet is required. Continuous monitoring of the boring head is required, including across open water if necessary. The directional boring Contractor will be required to submit certification, by a Professional Engineer or Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Florida, that the directional boring has been performed in accordance to the construction drawings, and provide signed and sealed record drawings of the installation. Tunneling must be performed by a fluid-cutting process (high pressure-low volume) utilizing a liquid clay, i.e. bentonite. The clay lining will maintain tunnel stability and provide lubrication in order to reduce frictional drag while the pipe is being installed. In addition, the clay fluid must be totally inert and contain no environmental risk. The Contractor must also have a mobile vacuum spoils recovery vehicle on-site to remove the drilling spoils from the access pits. The spoils must then be transported from the job site and be properly disposed of. Under no circumstances will the drilling spoils be permitted to be disposed of into sanitary, storm, or other public or private drainage systems. Liquid clay type colloidal drilling fluid shall consist of at least ten percent (10%) of high-grade, carefully processed bentonite to consolidate cuttings of the soil, to seal the walls of the hole, and to furnish lubrication for subsequent removal of cuttings. The slurry, which is heavier than the surrounding material, shall be high in colloids of the bentonite type and shall deposit a thin filter cake of low permeability material on the walls of the bore. This shall allow only a small amount of the fluid to pass into the surrounding soil and shall also stabilize the bore. Mechanical, pneumatic, or water-jetting methods will be considered unacceptable. After an initial bore has been completed, the Contractor shall select the proper reamer type with the final hole opening to be a minimum of 1.5 times the outside diameter of the largest component system. The open borehole shall be stabilized by means of bentonite drilling slurry. The slurry shall be contained at the entry or the exit side of the bore in pits or holding tanks. The pipe sections shall be joined together in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. The ends of the pipe, gaskets, and couplings shall be inspected for cleanliness. Chipped, scratched, scraped, cracked or excessively deformed pipe or couplings shall be rejected. A tracer wire shall be taped to the pipe at 24-inch intervals and extended to nearest valve boxes (coil min. 3 feet of wire near the surface inside the valve box). The pipe shall be elevated to the approximate angle of entry and supported by roller arms or equivalent. Any field welding/fusion of HDPE pipe and fittings may be performed only by personnel certified through a pipe/fitting manufacturer approved training program. Upon completion of boring and pipe installation, the Contractor will clean the work site of all excess slurry or spoils within forty-eight (48) hours of completing installation of the utility. All pits will be restored to their original condition. Notify SLCU’s Representative immediately of any failed bore or humping/sagging of the roadway. Submit, for approval by SLCU’s Representative, a remediation plan showing how damage to the roadway or a failed operation will be remedied before proceeding with any further borings. Submit a bore log to SLCU’s Representative within seven (7) days of the completion of each successful or failed bore path. The bore log shall include all of the following: 1. Name of person collecting data, including title, position and company name. 2. The detection method used, bore diameter, utility diameter, drilling fluid composition, composition of any other materials used to fill the annular void between the bore and the utility diameter, or utilities placed out of service. 3. A plan view of the bore path showing depths and offset dimensions to an accuracy of within one (1) inch of the physically exposed beginning and end points of the bore and other exposed points along the path and indicate if the bore failed. Trace Wire All force main pipe shall be marked by the use of a continuous multi-strand wire, 10 gauge THHN, green in color for force mains, for the entire length of the pipe. All HHD operations will require trace wire that conforms to the following specification: Manufacturer - Copperhead Industries, LLC Part Number - 1245B-EHS-500 / 1245B-EHS-1000 / 1245-EHS-2500 Part Number Description: 12 (AWG), 45 (jacket mil), G (jacket color: B=Blue, G=Green, etc.) - EHS (extra high strength-hard drawn / 1150# breaking load strength) – 500 (wire length in feet) The trace wire shall be affixed to the HDD equipment as shown on the Details Sheet of the Plans. Where directional drilling lengths exceed 750 linear feet and/or HDPE pipe diameter exceed twelve inches (12”), a second length of trace wire shall be installed as shown on the Details Sheet of the Plans. Restoration of Paved, Improved and Unimproved Areas The shoulders, ditches, banks and slopes of roads and paralleled shall be restored to their former condition and properly sodded so that they shall not wash out before becoming consolidated. Restoration shall be as required by the jurisdictional authority and as specified within the Contract Documents. Road and parallel installations are to be continuously maintained until the completion of the work. No direct compensation shall be paid for Contractor's repair or maintenance of crossings and parallel installations. Restoration of Turf: Immediately after the utility work is completed, the Contractor shall begin sodding, or seeding and mulching operations on the front or back slopes. The Contractor shall begin sodding, or seeding and mulching on all other areas within one (1) week after the utility work is completed. The Contractor shall restore the R/W to the condition existing prior to the utility work. The Contractor shall maintain that portion of the R/W affected by the utility work until vegetation is established. END OF SECTION SECTION 02401 DEWATERING GENERAL Description The work to be performed under this section shall include furnishing all equipment and labor necessary to remove storm or subsurface waters from excavation areas in accordance with the requirements set forth and as shown on the drawings. Applicable Codes, Standards, And Specifications The dewatering of any excavation areas and the disposal of the water shall be in strict accordance with the latest revision of all local and state government rules and regulations. The Contractor shall obtain any required dewatering permit from the appropriate agencies prior to commencing dewatering operations Minimizing Siltation And Bank Erosion: During all dewatering or other operations involving the use and disposal of water, suitable means shall be provided by the Contractor to minimize soil erosion, siltation, and sedimentation of natural or artificial ditches, drainage channels, streams, lakes, or other waterways. The Engineer must approve such means proposed by the Contractor prior to any dewatering, pumping, or other water-involved operations in above areas. If required, in the opinion of the Engineer, methods such as stilling basins, baffles, siltation basins, matting, spread-disposal, recharge pits, etc., shall be used by the Contractor to minimize siltation and bank erosion, with said methods in full compliance with FDEP and SFWMD standards and requirements. Copies of all approved and applicable permits from Federal, State, and local agencies shall be in the possession of the Contractor prior to commencing any work. PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) EXECUTION Dewatering The Contractor shall provide adequate equipment for the removal of storm or subsurface waters which may accumulate in the excavation. If subsurface water is encountered, the Contractor shall utilize suitable equipment to adequately dewater the excavation so that it will be dry for work and pipe laying. A wellpoint system or other Engineer-approved dewatering method shall be utilized if necessary, to maintain the excavation in a dry condition for preparation of the trench bottom and for pipe laying. Wellpoint holes shall be plugged with concrete grout. Dewatering by trench pumping will not be permitted if migration of fine-grained, natural material from bottom, side walls, or bedding material will occur. In the event that satisfactory dewatering cannot be accomplished due to subsurface conditions or where dewatering could damage existing structures, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of wet trench construction procedure before commencing construction. Dewatering shall cease in a manner to allow the subsurface water to slowly return to normal levels. Disposal Water pumped from the trench or other excavation shall be disposed of in storm sewers having adequate capacity, canals, or suitable disposal pits. Contractor is responsible for acquiring all permits required to discharge the water and shall protect waterways from turbidity during the dewatering operation. In areas where adequate disposal sites are not available, partially backfilled trenches may be used for water disposal only when the Contractor’s plan for trench disposal is approved in writing by the Engineer. The Contractor’s plan shall include temporary culverts, barricades, and other protective measures to prevent damage to property or injury to any person or persons. No flooding of streets, roadways, driveways, or private property will be permitted. Engines driving dewatering pumps shall be equipped with residential type mufflers. END OF SECTION SECTION 02588 STORMWATER COMPONENT REPLACEMENT GENERAL In the event the Contractor removes and replaces any stormwater pipelines, mitered end sections, flumes, inlets, headwalls, manholes or other components, the Contractor shall use new components of the same size which comply with the related Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Latest Edition and subject to the approval of the Engineer. END OF SECTION SECTION 02610 RESTRAINED JOINTS, EARTHWORK AND BACKFILL RESTRAINED JOINTS Restrained joints shall be used on lines per the Table of the SLCUD Standards Drawing G-9. Section of piping having restrained joints or those requiring restrained joints shall be constructed using pipe and fittings with restrained "Locked-type" joints and the joints shall be capable of holding against withdrawal for line pressures up to 150 pounds per square inch (psi). The pipe fittings shall be as shown for restrained push-on joints or restrained mechanical joints on Page 416 in Section VI, in the Handbook of Cast Iron Pipe, 4th Edition. In all cases, restrained joints must be used per formula below, with thrust blocks, per contract drawings. Restrained pipe joints that achieve restraint by incorporating cutout sections installed in the bell of the pipe shall have a minimum wall thickness at the point of cutout that corresponds with the minimum specified wall thickness for the rest of the pipe. The minimum number of restrained joints required for resisting forces at fittings and changes in direction of pipe shall be determined from the length of restrained pipe on each side of fittings and changes in direction necessary to develop adequate resisting friction with the soil. Drawing and formula below are provided for the Contractor as a guideline. Where: L = 1.5PA (1-COS X) Fw L = Length of pipe on each side of fittings or change in direction P = 150 psi, unless otherwise noted A = Cross-sectional area in square inches based on outside diameter (O.D.) of pipe X = Angle of bend or change in direction in degrees f = Coefficient of friction = 0.4 (maximum) W = W (earth) +W (pipe) + W (water in pipe) W (earth) = (density of soil*) (depth of cover in feet) (O.D. in feet) * Maximum 12-lbs/cubic ft above maximum water table elevation and 60-lbs/cubic ft below maximum water table elevation. Bolts and nuts for restrained joints shall be 304 stainless steel. The Contractor shall also provide restrained joints in accordance with the above criteria wherever below ground fittings are on lines 12-inches in diameter or less. EARTHWORK AND BACKFILL Excavation for all utilities and/or house connections shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights, so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, driveways, curbs, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the SLCUD and/or Public Works. Foundation material used for pipe bedding, from a minimum 6-inch distance below the pipe invert to the bottom 12-inches above the top of the pipe, shall be bank run sand and gravel. All gravity sewer installation procedures must be in accordance with pipe manufacturer's recommendations. All mains shall be installed to have a minimum depth of 36-inches. Installation of gravity sewers shall be controlled by use of a laser to maintain proper grade. A maximum tolerance of “W” dip will be accepted in gravity sewer construction. 1. Trench - Trench width shall be kept to a minimum necessary for installation of the pipe and shall comply with current OSHA requirements. The trench bottom shall be graded uniformly to match the slope of the pipe. 2. Backfill - Only good quality backfill, free of stones, hardpan materials, roots, rocks, broken cement or other debris that might be damaging to the pipe shall be used. Backfill shall be placed in the trench in uniform lifts of 12-inches. 3. Compaction - All fill must be compacted by hand tamping from under the pipe us to the center line. Backfill shall be compacted in lifts up to the surface to achieve a minimum compaction of 98% of maximum density in roadways and shoulders. Easements shall be 95% density, in accordance with AASHTO Specifications T-180 and ASTM 0-2167. 4. Dewatering - Construction shall be accomplished in a dry trench. Well pointing may be required as necessary. All water entering excavations or other parts of the work shall be contained, collected and pumped to suitable places for disposal, as permitted by local and state regulation. 5. Sheeting - Sheeting and shoring shall be installed as may be necessary for the protection of the work, preservation of adjacent property and structures and the safety of employees. Sheeting and backing shall be uniform to OSHA requirements. Installation of force mains (sewer or reused water) shall be in accordance with latest AWWA Standard Specifications C- 600 and the installation specifications for water lines in the Water Distribution Section, irrespective of the type of pipe selected. A 2-inch wide magnetic 1.0. tape and tracer wire shall be placed continuously in the trench over all pipes per Detail M-13, 12-inches below grade. 1. Trench - Trench width shall be kept to a minimum necessary for pipe installation and shall comply with current OSHA requirements. The trench bottom shall be graded and alignment shall be parallel with roadway, where possible. 2. Backfill - Only good quality backfill, free of stones, roots, rocks, broken cement or other material that might be damaging to the pipe shall be used. Backfill must be put in the trench in lifts. 3. Compaction - All pipe must be compacted by hand tamping to the centerline, under the pipe. Backfill shall be compacted in lifts up to the surface to achieve a minimum compaction of 98% of maximum density in roadways, shoulders, and easements in accordance with AASHTO Specifications T-180 and ASTM 0-2167. 4. Dewatering - Construction shall be accomplished in a dry trench. Well pointing may be required, as necessary. All water entering excavations or other parts of the work shall be contained, collected and pumped to suitable places for disposal as permitted by the Local, State or Water Management District. 5. Sheeting - Sheeting and shoring shall be installed as may be necessary for the protection of the work, preservation of adjacent property and structures and the safety of employees. Sheeting and bracing shall be uniform to OSHA requirements. Specifications C-600 Series, irrespective of the type of pipe selected. All installation procedures must also be in conformance with pipe manufacturer's recommendations. Minimum depth of cover shall be 36-inches. A 2-inch wide magnetic 1.0. tape shall be placed continuously in the trench over all pipes, 12-inches below grade. Trace wire shall be wrapped on all pipes, per Detail M-13, valves, fittings, and all appurtenances. Allowable deflection of the pipe joints and curvature of PVC pipe shall not exceed the manufacturer's specifications. 1. Trench - Trench width shall be kept to a minimum necessary for pipe installation and shall comply with current OSHA requirements. The trench bottom shall be graded and alignment shall be parallel with roadway, where possible. 2. Backfill - Only good quality backfill, free of stones, roots, rocks, broken cement or other material that might be damaging to the pipe shall be used. Backfill must be put in the trench in lifts. 3. Compaction - All pipe must be compacted by hand tamping to the centerline, under the pipe. Backfill shall be compacted in lifts up to the surface to achieve a minimum compaction of 98% of maximum density in roadways, shoulders, and easements in accordance with AASHTO Specifications T-180 and ASTM 0-2167. 4. Dewatering - Construction shall be accomplished in a dry trench. Well pointing may be required, as necessary. All water entering excavations or other parts of the work shall be contained, collected and pumped to suitable places for disposal as permitted by the Local, State or Water Management District. 5. Sheeting - Sheeting and shoring shall be installed as may be necessary or the protection of the work, preservation of adjacent property and structures and the safety of employees. Sheeting and bracing shall be uniform to OSHA requirements. END OF SECTION SECTION 02620 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE GENERAL Description This section includes material and performance standards and Contractor responsibilities associated with the furnishing of all materials, equipment, labor and incidentals required to provide and install complete and make ready for operation all High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe as shown on the drawings or as specified herein. This specification governs the material, pipe, fittings, heat fusion and general construction practice for HDPE pipe. Related Sections: Section 02320, Trenchless Installation of Pressure Mains by Directional Boring. Quality and Workmanship The pipe and fitting manufacturer's production facilities shall be open for inspection by SLCU or designated agents. During inspection, the manufacturer shall demonstrate that he has facilities capable of manufacturing the pipe and fittings required by this specification, that a quality control program meeting the minimum requirements of D3035, and ASTM F-714 is in use, and that facilities for performing the tests required by this specification are in use. Incoming polyethylene materials shall be inspected for density, melt flow rate, and contamination. The final product shall be tested in accordance with AWWA C901 or C906. SLCU or the Engineer may request certification that the pipe produced is represented by the quality assurance data. Additionally, test results from the manufacturer's testing which show the pipe does not meet appropriate ASTM standards of manufacturers representation will be cause for rejection of the pipe represented by the testing. These tests may include density and thickness measurements from samples taken at selected locations within the pipe wall and thermal stability determinations according to ASTM D-3350, 10.1.9. SLCU or the Engineer may request certified lab data from the manufacturer to verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this specification or at his own expense may take random samples for testing by an independent laboratory. SLCU or the Engineer may request certified lab data to verify the physical properties of the compounded materials supplied under this specification, or have random samples tested by an independent laboratory. Such testing will be at expense of the party requiring verification testing. Requests for verification must be submitted in writing and mutually acceptable arrangements made. Polyethylene pipe and fittings may be rejected in whole or in part by the Engineer for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specification. Pipe Packaging, Handling, Storage The manufacturer shall package the pipe in a manner designed to deliver the pipe to the project neatly, intact, and without physical damage. The transportation carrier shall use appropriate method and intermittent checks to ensure the pipe is properly supported, stacked, and restrained during transport such that the pipe is not nicked, gouged, or physically damaged. PRODUCTS Material Materials used for the manufacture of polyethylene pipe and fittings shall be very high molecular weight, high density ethylene/hexene copolymer PE 3408 polyethylene resin meeting the listed physical property and pipe performance requirements: 1. The pipe shall be extruded from pre-compounded resin. In plant blending of resin is unacceptable. 2. The pipe shall meet all requirements of AWWA C906, latest revision. 3. The polyethylene pipe manufacturer shall provide certification that stress regression testing has been performed on the specific product. Said certification shall include a stress life curve per ASTM D-2837. The stress regression testing shall have been done in accordance with ASTM D-2837, and the manufacturer shall provide a product supplying a minimum Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB) of 1,600 psi, as determined in accordance with ASTM D-2837. 4. Further, the material shall be listed by PPI (the Plastics Pipe Institute, a division of the Society of the Plastics Industry) in PPI TR-4 with a 73 Degrees F hydrostatic design stress rating of 800 psi, and a 140 Degrees F hydrostatic design stress rating of 400 psi. The PPI Listing shall be in the name of the pipe manufacturer, and shall be based on ASTM D-2837 and PPI TR-3 testing and validation of samples of the pipe manufacturer's production pipe. 5. The manufacturer’s certification shall state that the pipe was manufactured from one (1) specific resin in compliance with these specifications. The certificate shall state the specific resin used, its source, and list its compliance to these specifications. Pipe Extrusion The pipe shall be extruded using a melt homogenizing/plasticating extruder and "appropriate" die. The extruder screw design should be customized for the HDPE being processed to minimize melt fracture of the molecular structure thus reducing the molecular weight and changing some physical properties from resin to pipe. The resin should be processed at its melt temperature of 500 Degrees Fahrenheit (F) to 525 Degrees F. The die will have an internally cooled mandrel and an externally cooled bushing. This die will cool the pipe to its solidification point such that it exits the die to specification size, shape, and wall thickness with a polished surface for smooth flow offering a Hazen Williams "C" factor of C=155. Pipe And Fittings Pipe: 1. Pipe supplied under this specification shall have a DI (Ductile Iron) OD unless otherwise specified. The Dimension Ratio (DR), and the pressure rating of the pipe supplied shall be as specified by the Engineer. Pipe shall be a minimum DR 11 for pressure pipe. 2. The pipe shall be produced with the nominal physical properties outlined in Part 2, and to the dimensions and tolerances specified in ASTM F-714. Additionally, the pipe shall be inspected per industry accepted manufacturer standards for: a. Diameter b. Wall Thickness c. Concentricity d. Quick Burst Pressure and Ductility e. Joint Length f. Straightness g. Quality h. Toe-In i. Overall Workmanship Inspection on Inside Diameter (ID) & Outside Diameter (OD) j. Print Line 3. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same specification from the same raw material. The pipe shall be homogenous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, voids, foreign inclusions, or other deleterious defects, and shall be identical in color, density, melt index and other physical properties throughout. Pipe Performance The pipe shall be in compliance with the physical and performance requirements of Materials of this specification. Specifically, the pipe will be extruded from resin meeting specifications of ASTM D-3350 with a cell classification of PE:355434C; and ASTM D-1248 pipe grade resin type III, Class C, Category 5, grade P34 polyethylene compound. The pipe shall exhibit the short term tensile and compressive physical properties listed in MATERIAL, and the pipe shall provide the long term endurance characteristics recognized by: the compressed pipe ring environmental stress crack resistance greater than 5000 hrs; the slow crack growth resistance greater than 32 days; the impact strength (toughness) greater than 144 in-lb/in notch; and rotary fatigue endurance at ± 1600 psi bending stress with Fo>100,000 cycles. Fittings The standard HDPE fittings shall be standard commercial products manufactured by injection molding or by extrusion and machining, or, shall be fabricated from PE pipe conforming to this specification. The fittings shall be fully pressure rated by the manufacturer to provide a working pressure equal to the pipe for 50 years’ service at 73.4 Degrees F with an included 2:1 safety factor. The fittings shall be manufactured from the same resin type, grade, and cell classification as the pipe itself. The manufacture of the fittings shall be in accordance with good commercial practice to provide fittings homogeneous throughout and free from cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, voids, or other injurious defects. The fitting shall be as uniform as commercially practicable in color, opacity, density and other physical properties. The minimum "quick-burst" strength of the fittings shall not be less than that of the pipe with which the fitting is to be used. Joining Sections of polyethylene pipe should be joined into continuous lengths on the job site above ground. The joining method shall be the butt fusion method and shall be performed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The butt fusion equipment used in the joining procedures shall be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer, including, but not limited to, temperature requirements of 500 Degrees F, alignment, and 150 psi interfacial fusion pressure. The inspection records of each joint joined on site will be required as part of the turnover package. Butt fusion joining shall be 100% efficient offering a joint weld strength equal to or greater than the tensile strength of the pipe. Socket fusion shall not be used. Extrusion welding or hot gas welding of HDPE shall not be used for pressure pipe applications, nor in fabrications where shear or structural strength is important. Flanges, unions, grooved-couplers, transition fittings and some mechanical couplers may be used to mechanically connect HDPE pipe without butt fusion. Connection method shall be approved by the Engineer. Refer to the manufacturer's recommendations. Pipe Marking During extrusion production, the HDPE pipe shall be continuously marked with durable printing following this format or an equal type format designating the same information: 1. Nominal Size and OD Base 10” DI 2. Dimension Ration SDR 11 3. Pressure Rating 160 psi 4. Type (Trade Name) 5. AWWA Designation AWWA C906 6. Material Classification PE3408 7. Certification Bases ASTM F714 8. Pipe Test Category C3 9. Plant P…for Pryor 10. Extruder Number #5 11. Date 24 JUN 06 12. Operator Number 55 13. Shift Letter A 14. Resin Supplier Code P 15. NSF – PW NSF – PW 16. Four, Co-extruded color stripes Green EXAMPLE: 10” DI SDR 11, 110 psi (Trade Name) PE 3408 ASTM F-714 NSF-pw C3 P5 24JUN06 55A P Permanent identification of piping service shall be provided by co-extruding four (4) equally spaced color stripes into the pipe outside surface. The striping material shall be the same as the pipe material, excepting color. Pipe Storage And Handling Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging of the pipe. If the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking shall be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The handling of the pipe shall be done in such a manner that it is not damaged by dragging over sharp objects or cut by chokers or lifting equipment. Sections of pipe having been discovered with cuts or gouges in excess of 10% of the wall thickness of the pipe shall be cut out and removed. The undamaged portions of the pipe shall be rejoined using the butt fusion joining method. Fused segments of pipe shall be handled so as to avoid damage to the pipe. When lifting fused sections of pipe, chains or cable type chokers are not acceptable. Nylon slings are preferred. Spreader bars are recommended when lifting long fused sections. Care must be exercised to avoid cutting or gouging the pipe. Trace Wire All force main pipe shall be marked by the use of a continuous multi-strand wire, 10 gauge THHN, green in color for force mains, for the entire length of the pipe. AII HHD operations will require trace wire that conforms to the following specification: Manufacturer - Copperhead Industries, LLC Part Number - 1245B-EHS-500 / 1245B-EHS-1000 / 1245-EHS-2500 Part Number Description: 12 (AWG), 45 (jacket mil), G (jacket color: B=Blue, G=Green, etc.) - EHS (extra high strength-hard drawn / 1150# breaking load strength) – 500 (wire length in feet) The trace wire shall be affixed to the HDD equipment as shown on the Details Sheet of the Plans. Where directional drilling lengths exceed 750 linear feet and/or HDPE pipe diameter exceed 12 inches, a second length of trace wire shall be installed as shown on the Details Sheet of the Plans. EXECUTION General All HDPE pipe shall be cut, fabricated, joined and installed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations. Joining, laying, and pulling of HDPE pipe shall be accomplished by personnel experienced working with HDPE pipe. HDPE infrastructure may be constructed by standard open trench procedures or trenchless directional boring methods. Open Trench Construction methods are stated herein this specification. Trenchless directional boring methods/procedures are stated within Section 02320, “Trenchless Installation of Pressure Mains by Directional Boring”. Laying Pipe Joints: 1. All HDPE to HDPE pipe joints shall be joined by heat fusion that produces homogeneous, sealed, leak-tight joints. 2. Restrained mechanical joint adapters shall be provided at tie-ins with valves, ductile iron fittings, and other pipe materials. Butt Fusion Testing: 1. Each butt fusion joint shall be inspected for joint integrity. 2. In addition, the first fusion of each day shall be destructively tested using the bent strap method. Pipe Deflection: When it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line in either the vertical or horizontal plane or where long radius curves are permitted, the amount of deflection shall not exceed 75% of that recommended by the manufacturer. Pipe Cutting: Cutting HDPE butt fusion connections to HDPE pipe, valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall be done in a neat, workmanlike manner without damaging the pipe. Ends shall be cut square and perpendicular to the pipe axis. Open Trench Installation Construction and installation shall be performed in compliance with the manufacturers Design Guidelines and Installation Guidelines, and this specification. Trench Construction: Trenching should be done in accordance with ASTM-D-2321 - Section 7. Embedment Material: Embedment materials should be Class I, Class II, or Class III materials as defined by ASTM-D-2321 - Section 6. The use of Class IV and Class V materials for embedment is not recommended and shall be done only with the approval of the Engineer. Bedding: Bedding of the pipe shall be performed in accordance with ASTM-D-2321 - Section 8. Compaction rates should be as specified in ASTM-2321. Deviation from the specified compaction rates should be done only with the approval of the Engineer. Haunching and Initial Backfill: Haunching and initial backfill shall be as specified in ASTM-D-2321 - Section 9 using Class I, Class II, or Class III materials. Materials used and compaction rates shall be as specified by the Engineer. Special Conditions: ASTM-D-2321 – Section 11.2, Minimum Cover for Load Application, Section 11.3, Use of Compaction Equipment, and Section 11.4, Removal of Trench Protection shall apply unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. Testing Hydrostatic Testing: 1. All testing shall comply with Section 02760, “Performance Testing of Pressure Pipelines” except as specified in this section. 2. All field tests shall be made in the presence of the District. All piping shall be tested in sections not to exceed 1,000 feet. 3. Hydrostatic testing shall consist of a combined pressure test and leakage test. Pressure shall be applied by a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the District. The pump, pipe connection, and all necessary apparatus shall be furnished by the Contractor and subject to the satisfaction of the District. 4. The maximum duration for any test, including initial pressurization, initial expansion, and time at test pressure, must not exceed eight hours. If the test is not completed due to leakage, equipment failure, etc., depressurize the test section and allow it to “relax” for a minimum of eight hours before bringing the test section up to test pressure again. 5. Monitored Make-Up Water Test: The test procedure consists of initial expansion and test phases. a. During the initial expansion phase, the test section is filled with water. Once the line is filled, make-up water is added at hourly intervals as required to maintain test pressure for three (3) hours. b. At the end of the initial expansion period, the addition of make-up water will cease. During the test phase the pipe will not have any water added to it for the following two (2) hours. The two (2) hours will be the actual leakage test. At the end of the two-hour period, measured make-up water will be added to the pipe to return it to the original test pressure. c. If the amount of make-up water exceeds calculated maximum allowable using the values listed in the table below, the section being tested will be considered to have a leak. The leak shall be found and fixed at the Contractors expense and that section of the line retested before continuing with subsequent leakage tests. Testing and repairs shall be repeated at the Contractor’s expense until the amount of make-up water is less than calculated maximum allowable using the values listed in the table below. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE FOR HDPE PIPE UNDER TEST PRESSURE (2-HOUR TEST)* Nominal Pipe Size (in) Allowances for Expansion (US Gal/100 Feet of Pipe) 2 0.12 3 0.15 4 0.25 6 0.60 8 1.0 10 1.3 12 2.3 14 2.8 16 3.3 18 4.3 24 8.9 30 12.6 36 18.0 42 24.0 48 27.0 *These allowances only apply to the test phase and not to the initial expansion phase. END OF SECTION SECTION 02622 WATER MAINS POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) AND FITTINGS GENERAL Scope This section covers polyvinyl chloride pipe and fittings for water mains. General Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe shall be allowed for use as potable water pipe where compatible with the specific conditions of the project. St. Lucie County Utilities Department (SLCU) may require the use of material other than polyvinyl chloride during construction permit review or by SLCU field personnel during construction if it is determined that polyvinyl chloride pipe is unsuitable for the particular application. The pipe shall be identified by its nominal pipe size, plastic pipe material code, SDR class, pressure rating, ASTM Designation, manufacturers’ name, production code, and the National Sanitation Foundation seal for potable water (NSF-pw). PVC Water Mains All pipe and fittings shall be clearly marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer, the batch number, the location of the plant, strength designation, and standards as applicable. Pipe Materials For Sizes 3” In Diameter And Smaller All pipe intended for conveying or transmitting potable water shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi. PVC pipe shall conform to the ASTM 2241, latest revision. Pipe shall be SDR 21 with a pressure rating of 200 psi. Joint design tested to the requirements of ASTM D 3139. Rubber rings shall conform to ASTM F 477 and D 1869. Pipe to be made to exceed the requirements of the material section of ASTM D 2241. PVC pipe shall be in accordance with SLCU Approved Manufacturers’ Products List or equal. The pipe shall be “blue” in color. No solvent weld joints are permitted. Pipe Materials For Sizes 4” Through 12” In Diameter All pipe and fittings intended for conveying or transmitting potable water shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi. PVC Water Main 4” to 12” diameter shall be dimensional ratio (DR)-18 manufactured to ductile iron pipe outside dimensions and in compliance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C900 (pressure Class 150). The pipe shall have an integral bell end and gasket seal with the joint in compliance with the requirements of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D3139. Pipe and fittings must be assembled with nontoxic lubricant. The pipe shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation for use as a potable water main. The pipe color shall be blue with "Water Main" permanently printed on three sides for the entire length of the pipe. Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be in accordance with SLCU Approved Manufacturer's Product List or equal. The pipe shall be identified by its nominal pipe size, plastic pipe material code, DR class, pressure rating, ASTM Designation, manufacturers’ name, code, and the National Sanitation Foundation seal for potable water (NSF-pw). Pipe Materials For Sizes 14” Through 20” In Diameter All pipe and fittings intended for conveying or transmitting potable water shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi. PVC Water Main 14” to 20” diameter shall be DR-18 manufactured to ductile iron pipe outside dimensions and in compliance with AWWA C905 (Pressure rating 235). The pipe shall have an integral bell end and gasket seal with the joint in compliance with the requirements of ASTM D3139. The pipe shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation for use as a potable water main. The pipe color shall be blue with "Water Main" permanently printed on three sides the entire length of the pipe. Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be in accordance with SLCU Approved Manufacturer's Product List or equal. The pipe shall be identified by its nominal pipe size, plastic pipe material code, DR class, pressure rating, ASTM Designation, manufacturers’ name, code, and the National Sanitation Foundation seal for potable water (NSF-pw). Connections Connections for pipe 2” or greater in diameter shall be rubber compression ring-type. Pipe shall be extruded with integral thickened wall bells without increase in dimension ration (DR). Rubber ring gaskets shall consist of synthetic compounds meeting the requirements of ASTM Designation D869 and suitable for the designated service. Joints Joints for PVC pressure pipe shall be bell and spigot push-on rubber gasket type only. No solvent weld or threaded joints will be permitted. Fusible polyvinylchloride pipe lengths shall be assembled in the field with butt-fused joints. The Contractor shall follow the pipe supplier’s written guidelines for this procedure. All fusion joints shall be completed as described in this specification. The SLCU's Engineer may consider other type joints for specific installation upon submission of specifications and approval. Restraint joints, when required, shall be in accordance with SLCPUD Approved Manufacturer's Product List or equal. Fittings All fittings shall be ductile iron mechanical joint and shall conform to AWWA Standard Specifications C110/A21.10-98 or C153/A 21.53-00, or latest revisions. Fittings shall be cement mortar lined and seal- coated in accordance with AWWA Standard Specifications C104/A21.4-95, or latest revision. Interior surfaces of fittings shall be cleaned and lined with a standard thickness cement-mortar lining applied in conformity with AWWA C104, Portland cement mortar. Cement mortar lining shall be surface sealed with a one mil thick asphaltic seal coating in accordance with AWWA C104. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent damage to the lining. If lining is damaged or found faulty at the delivery site, the damaged or unsatisfactory portions shall be repaired or replaced. The pressure rating shall be 350 psi. Joint restraint, when required, shall be in accordance with SLCU Approved Manufacturer's Product List or equal. Submittals Before starting installation of the PVC pipe and fittings, the Contractor shall submit complete detailed working drawings for approval by the SLCU's Engineer of record and SLCU. Such drawings shall show the piping layouts and contain schedules of all pipe, fittings, valves, expansion joints, hangers and supports, and other appurtenances. Where special fittings are required, they shall be shown in large detail with all necessary dimensions. The drawings submitted shall show flanged jointed sections placed so as to be removable without disturbance to the main pipe sections. Marking Number 10 stranded conductor copper trace wire shall be spiral wrapped or affixed to the top of the pipe. See trace wire Detail G-13 for specifications regarding installation. Trace wire is required over all pipes. A 2" wide magnetic 1.0. location tape is required over all pipes. Tape is to be installed 12" below proposed grade and additional tape shall be adhered directly on top of pipe if required by SLCU. Installation Unless otherwise noted on the drawings or in other sections of this specification, the pipe shall be handled and installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and with the applicable provisions of AWWA Standard Specifications C605-94, or latest revision. If a conflict exists between the manufacturer's instructions and the AWWA Standard Specifications, the manufacturer's instructions shall govern. The Contractor shall use every precaution during construction to protect the pipe against the entry of non-potable water, dirt, wood, small animals, and any other foreign material that would hinder the operation of the pipeline. Where the groundwater elevation is above the bottom of the trench, the Contractor shall provide suitable dewatering equipment. All piping shall be placed in a dry trench, unless the Engineer of Record and SLCU approves wet trench installation. Depth of Cover and Pipe Elevation: Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, or otherwise authorized by the SLCU, all pipe shall have a minimum depth of cover of 36 inches. Contractor shall determine top of pipe elevation and top of finished grade elevation for every two joints of pipe installed using a level. Pipe must have the minimum cover described above and must be within +/- 0.2 feet of the top of pipe elevation indicated on the drawings. Installed pipe, which does not meet these requirements, shall be reinstalled until it does meet these requirements. Contractor shall record top of pipe and top of ground elevations and the locations of where these elevations were determined and submit this information to Engineer or his representative. Engineer reserves the right to have Contractor excavate and check top of pipe and top of ground elevations to see if they conform to the aforementioned requirements. * END OF SECTION * SECTION 02630 FLOW METER GENERAL Scope There shall be furnished and installed one (1) electromagnetic flow meter. The flow meter shall be installed in the 12” force main pipeline as shown on the plans. The contractor shall furnish and install a 12” electromagnetic flow meter, 150 psi Class D flanged connections, NSF approved fusion bonded epoxy liner, 304 stainless steel flow tube and 316 ss electrodes, with remote mounted, AC powered "M" series microprocessor based signal converter featuring forward and reverse totalizers, rate-of-flow indicator, pulse & analog (4-20mA) outputs, includes internal grounding electrodes, (1) stainless steel grounding ring, and 50 ft. of submersible cable. Acceptable Manufacturers This specification covers the furnishing of McCrometer/Water Specialties equipment, or approved equal. The equipment specified in this section shall be McCrometer/Water Specialties 12” Model UM- O6-RS5 Ultra Map Electromagnetic Flow Meter. The equipment and material specified is deemed most suitable for the proposed force main system. The specifications and drawings detail McCrometer/Water Specialties equipment and represent the acceptable standard of quality for equipment, materials and methods of construction. Substitutions And “Or Equals”: To obtain approval to use unspecified products, bidders shall submit written requests at least ten (10) days before the bid date and hour. Requests received after this time will not be considered. Requests shall clearly describe the product for which approval is asked, including all data necessary to demonstrate acceptability. The following is a minimum of what is considered for substitute equipment: 1. Drawings, specifications, and product literature with adequate detail to determine that what is proposed shall meet the requirements of the plans and specifications. 2. A list of five (5) installations of the same type presently in service, including phone numbers and individuals to contact. 3. Evidence of technical capability to design and check out the complete substitute system, including modifications which will be required in structures, foundations, and equipment provided by others. 4. Evidence of financial responsibility adequate to complete the project and assure viability of equipment warranty. 5. A complete listing of changes which will be required in the contract plans and specifications to accommodate the substitute equipment. An addendum will be issued at least five (5) days before the bid date naming substitute suppliers that conform to the specifications and are approved to bid equipment for the project. Substitute bidders shall guarantee, in writing and signed by an officer of the company that the equipment offered will provide comparable or superior features, performance quality, and materials of construction as the equipment specified. Substitute equipment manufacturers shall modify their standard products as necessary to meet the provisions of the specifications. Contractor shall assume overall undivided responsibility for the functioning of the Substitute Equipment. The cost of any changes incidental to installation of the substitute equipment such as electrical wiring, relocation of piping, engineering design or supervision, as-built drawings, etc., shall be borne by the Contractor with no additional expense to the Owner. If after installation the substitute equipment does not perform in accordance with the specifications or other deficiencies are noted, the Owner will require the modification or replacement of such equipment to meet the specifications at no additional expense to the Owner. Warranty A written supplier’s warranty shall be provided for the equipment specified in this section. The warranty shall be for a minimum period of two (2) years from start-up or thirty-two (32) months from time of equipment shipment, whichever comes first. Such warranty shall cover all defects or failures of materials or workmanship which occur as the result of normal operation and service. Submittals Copies of all materials required to establish compliance with these specifications shall be submitted for review. Submittals shall include at least the following: 1. Certified general arrangement drawings showing all important details and materials of constructions dimensions, loads on supporting structures, and anchorage locations. 2. Pertinent catalog information and pump performance curves. 3. Written performance guarantee. Experience The equipment supplier shall have at least 10 years’ experience in the design, application, and supply of wastewater pumping equipment. Design Requirements The flow meter shall be capable of meeting the following performance criteria: Accuracy Plus or minus 0.5% of actual flow Repeatability ±.0008ft/s (±0.25mm/s) whichever is greater Head Loss 0 Pressure Range 150 PSI maximum working pressure Temperature Range Operating: -10° to 77°C (14° to 170° F) Storage: -15° to 77°C (5° to 170° F) Velocity Range .0 to 32 FPS Bidirectional Flow Forward and reverse flow indication and forward, reverse, net totalization Conductivity 5 µs/cm Liner UltraLiner NSF approved, fusion bonded epoxy Electrodes Type 316 stainless steel Power Supply AC: 90-265VAC/45-66 Hz (20W/25VA) DC: 10-35VDC (21W) Outputs Dual 4-20mA Outputs: Galvanically isolated and fully programmable for zero and full scale (0-21 mA) Four (4) separate digital programmable outputs: open collector transistor usable for pulse, frequency, or alarm settings. Volumetric Pulse Hardware Alarm Flow Rate (Frequency) Empty Pipe Directional Indication Range Indication High / Low Flow Alarms Empty Pipe Sensing Zero return when electrodes are uncovered Alarms Programmable alarm outputs Digital Totalizer M-Series restrictive based on pipe size. Cubic Meter, Cubic Centimeter, Mililiter, Liter, Cubic Decimeter, Decaliter, Hecaliter, Cubic Inches, American Gallons, Imperial Gallons, Cubic Feet, Standard Barrel, Oil Barrel, Cubic Yard, American Kilogallon, Imperial Kilogallon, Acre Feet, Megagallon, Imperial Megagallon Ratings Metering Tube: NEMA 6P/IP68 with remote converter (six foot depth continuous submersion) Electronics Enclosure: IP67 Certifications CE Certified (Converter only) Listed by CSA to 61010-1: Certified by CSA to UL 61010-1 & CSA C22.2 No.61010-1-04 ISO 9001: 2008 certified quality management system PRODUCTS Materials And Equipment Description: The flow meter shall be shop fabricated, fully assembled, and tested prior to shipment. Connections and mechanism supports shall be oriented as shown on the drawings. The valves, equipment, materials of construction and controls specified under this section supersede valves, equipment, materials of construction and controls specified elsewhere in the contract documents. INSTALLATION General The equipment shall be installed properly to provide a complete working system. Installation shall follow the supplier's recommendations. Manuals The equipment supplier shall furnish three (3) copies of Operation & Maintenance Manuals, which will be retained at the installation site to assist plant operators. The manual shall include the supplier's erection and assembly recommendations. Field Service The equipment supplier shall provide the service of a qualified representative for two (2) trips and two (2) days to inspect the meter installation, to assist in meter start-up and to train operators. END OF SECTION SECTION 02635 AIR-CUSHIONED LEVER & WEIGHT SWING CHECK VALVES GENERAL This section included specifications for 12” air-cushion lever & weight swing check valves. Manufacturer shall have a minimum of ten (10) years’ experience in the manufacture of air-cushioned swing check valves. Manufacturer shall have an ISO-9001 quality management system certified by an accredited body. When requested, manufacturer shall provide detailed product data and descriptive literature including dimensions, weight, head loss vs. flow, pressure rating, materials of construction and cross-sectional drawings clearly illustrating the individual components. PRODUCT Each 12” swing check valve shall conform to the design, materials of construction and testing required by AWWA C508 (latest revision) plus be supplied with an outside lever, adjustable counterweight and adjustable air-cushion chamber to minimize slam and hammer caused by rapid flow reversal. The valve flow area anyplace through the valve shall be no less than the area of the nominal inlet pipe size when the disc has swung no more than 25 degrees away from the seat. The swing check valve shall be NSF-61 certified for contact with drinking water and NSF-372 certified lead free. The standard valve shall have the same size flanged inlet and outlet connections faced, drilled and of the thickness required by ANSI/ASME B161.1 Class 125 or Class 250, as shown on plans or in the valve schedule. MATERIALS The valve body shall be made from cast iron conforming to ASTM A126 Class B with a bolted cover through which all internal parts can be removed for service. The body shall have a mechanically retained and replaceable Type 316 stainless steel seat ring. The hinge shaft shall be made from Type 303 stainless steel and be supported at both ends by non- corrosive, lead free bushings. The shaft shall be sealed where it passes through the body by compression packing retained by a packing gland, gland studs and nuts. Non-adjustable or O-ring shaft packing is not acceptable. A ductile iron disc arm shall be keyed to and suspended from the hinge shaft. A non-rotational, cast iron disc with replaceable Buna-N- rubber disc seat ring shall be attached to the disc arm by means of a center pin and nut providing 360-degree oscillation. The disc seat ring shall be retained by a Type 316 stainless steel follower ring and stainless steel screws. Valve closure shall be cushioned by the action of a bronze piston in a bronze cushion cylinder. The cushion chamber assembly shall be non-pivoting and be mounted to the side of the valve body on machined pads without the need for brackets. The amount of cushioning shall be adjustable. Pivoting and/or commercial pneumatic cylinders are not acceptable. Cover bolts, nuts and studs shall be zinc plated carbon steel. OPTIONS Specify when required: The hinge shaft shall be made from Type 316 stainless steel. Specify when required: The valve shall be supplied with Type 316 stainless steel cover fasteners and with external and exposed internal ferrous surfaces coated with minimum 6 mil NSF-61 certified 2-part epoxy. MANUFACTURER Cushioned swing check valves shall be VAG/GA industries Figure 250 (standard), as manufactured by VAG USA, LLC, 234 Clay Avenue, Mars, PA 16046, or approved equal. END OF SECTION SECTION 02640 UTILITY VALVES AND APPURTENANCES GENERAL Description This section includes materials and installation standards, and contractor responsibilities associated with the furnishing of all labor materials, equipment and incidentals required to properly place and install all utility valves and appurtenances for utility pipeline construction as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. Materials shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Gate Valves 2. Butterfly Valves 3. Plug Valves 4. Ball Valves 5. Check Valves 6. Corporation Stops 7. Curb Stops 8. Air Release Valves 9. Service Saddles 10. Locating Devices 11. Valve Boxes 12. Pipe Restraints 13. Tapping Sleeves Submittals Submit shop drawings of all equipment and appurtenances to be installed, showing required size, specific type and specified information for approval prior to ordering materials. Special tools, if required for normal operation and maintenance, shall be supplied with the materials at no additional cost to SLCU. PRODUCTS General All equipment and appurtenances shall be of the size shown on the Drawings and as far as possible all equipment of the same type shall be from one (1) manufacturer. All equipment and appurtenances shall have the name of the maker, the size and the working pressure for which they are designed cast in raised letters upon some appropriate part of the body. Valves shall open left (counterclockwise). Approved Pipe and Fittings: The valves tabulated below, within the size range indicated and for the applicable service, are approved for system construction: Valves Service Size Gate Water Distribution 4 inch thru 12 inch Butterfly Water Distribution 14 inch and above Gate Force and Low Pressure Mains 3 inch and above Ball Low Pressure Main 2 and 2 ½ inch Gate Valves (GV) Underground Service (General): Valves four-inches and larger shall be iron body, bronze mounted, conforming to AWWA C509, resilient seat, mechanical joints, nonrising stem-type, and shall be equipped with two-inch square cast iron wrench nuts. Above Ground Service (General): Valves shall be iron body, bronze mounted, resilient seat gate valves, conforming to AWWA C-509. Valves shall be OS&Y, rising stem type. Plug Valves (PV) Wastewater plug valves, where required, shall be cast or ductile iron or steel body, nonlubricated, eccentric-type, with resilient faced plugs, and capable of drip-tight shutoff at the rated pressure if applied at either port. Valve surfaces in contact with the plug face shall be 90 percent pure nickel. Operation of all valves 10” or larger, and smaller sizes in exposed locations which require handwheels or chainwheels, shall be by approved gear actuators, equipped with position indicator and stop, and shall be furnished by the valve manufacturer. Gear actuators for buried or submerged installations shall be furnished with sealed enclosures. Valves shall be equipped with 2" actuating nuts, cast iron handwheels, or chain operators, with galvanized steel chains, as appropriate for the installation and type of operator. Port areas of valves sized 3” through 20” shall be at least 75 percent of full pipe area. Valves shall be non-lubricated and rated for 150 psi pressure differential acting in either direction. At this differential the valve shall provide drip tight shutoff. The valves shall have a balanced plug to assure low torque and drip tight shutoff. Valves shall be equipped with resilient plug facings to provide drip tight shutoff without use of sealing lubrications. Even if small solids are trapped between the plug and seat, the resilient facing shall provide tight shutoff and prevent seat damage. Plug valves shall have heavy-duty upper and lower guide bearings capable of resisting corrosion and preventing binding. Bearings shall be stainless steel or bronze bushing. Air Release Valves – (Manual): All valves shall meet or exceed all applicable provisions of the latest revision of AWWA C512, Standard for Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves for Waterworks Service. Design pressure shall be 150 psi. Valve shall be operable for water temperatures of above freezing to 125°F. All valves shall consist of a float or a float assembly. Valves shall be identified properly in plates attached permanently on the valve body. The body and cover shall be cast-iron ASTM A126, Class B, or ASTM A48, Class 35. Valve interior and exterior shall have fusion bonded epoxy coating. Valves 3” and smaller shall have threaded ends. Valves 4” and larger shall have flanged ends. Threaded ends shall comply with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) B1.20.1. Flanges shall comply with ANSI B16.1, Class 125. All flanges shall be flat faced. The float shall be 304 or 316 stainless-steel. For valves with inlet sizes less than 4”, the float shall be able to withstand a collapse pressure of 1,000 psig. For inlet sizes 4” and larger, the float shall be capable of withstanding collapse pressures of 750 psig. Trim shall be 304 or 316 stainless-steel. Trim shall be EPDM for water service and Buna-N for wastewater service. The valve seat shall be easily removed and replaced in the field. Valves with inlet size 1” or larger shall have a minimum of 2½” NPT plugged drain/test ports, one near the bottom of the valve body and the other near the top. The plug shall be of bronze, ASTM B584, Alloy C83600. Combination Air Valves for Water Service: Combination air valves for water service shall consist of an air and vacuum valve with an air-release valve in a single-body double-orifice arrangement. Combination Air Valves for Wastewater Service: Combination air valves for sewage service shall have elongated cylindrical chambers. All valves shall provide the following: ½” clearance around the float in the chamber; Minimum size ½” isolation valve and quick disconnect couplings at the valve venting for backflushing; Blow-off port and valve at the bottom of the chamber; and inlet valve at the valve inlet. A back-flushing assemble shall be provided for all valves. The backflushing assemble shall consist of an inlet shutoff valve, a flush valve, a clear water inlet valve, rubber supply hose, quick disconnect couplings. Wire Port: Wire Port valve is included in these specifications under Valve Appurtenances. Service Saddles: Saddles for PVC or ductile iron pipe shall be double strap, stainless steel, or brass full circle type saddles, as applicable. Sealing gaskets shall be suitable for the applicable service and straps shall be corrosion resistant alloy steel. Tapping Sleeves: Tapping sleeves shall be full-body design with welded lugs and rated for 150 psi working pressure. Tapping sleeve outlet shall be flanged connection and have a brass test plug. The sleeve body, lugs, and outlet shall be chemically passivated 304 stainless-steel. Outlet flange, bolts, and nuts shall be 304 stainless-steel. The tapping sleeve shall have a full 360-degree gridded styrene- butadiene rubber (SBR) gasket with armors to bridge the gap between lugs. Valve Appurtenances Valve Boxes: Units shall be adjustable, cast iron, two-piece screw-type with minimum interior diameter of 5”, with covers cast with the applicable inscription in legible lettering on the top: "SEWER”. Boxes shall be suitable for the applicable surface loading and valve size. Extension pieces, if required, shall be the manufacturer's standard screw-type for use with the valve box. Extension Stem for Valve Operators: Where the depth of the operating nut is more than 42”, operating extensions shall be provided to bring the operating nut to a point 12” below finished grade. The extension shall be 300 series stainless steel. Extension stems shall have a stainless steel centering ring to stabilize the extension stem in the valve box. Valve boxes shall be provided with concrete base and valve nameplate with suitable anchors for casting in concrete. Nameplate shall be 3” diameter bronze disk with ⅛” high lettering. Information on disk shall be of specific valve type, size, direction and number of turns, etc. All sewer valves by a green Reflective Pavement Marker (RPM) at the edge of pavement. Meter Boxes: Non-Vehicular Traffic Rated: Meter boxes in turfed or landscaped areas shall be molded, one-piece UV-resistant composite construction compatible with AMR meter reading technologies. The box shall meet ANSI/SCTE 77 standards for Tier 8 load ratings. The meter box cover shall be slip resistant flush-solid design marked “SEWER”. The meter box shall be 12” deep and have a minimum dimension of 16” by 10-¾”. Non-Deliberate Traffic Rated: Meter boxes located near driveways, parking lots, or other areas subject to non-deliberate traffic shall have high-density polymer concrete lid and collar and glass fiber composite walls compatible with AMR meter reading technologies. The box shall meet ANSI/SCTE 77 standards for Tier 22 load ratings. The meter box cover shall be slip resistant flush- solid design marked “SEWER”. The meter box shall be 12” deep and have a minimum dimension of 25-¾” by 16-⅛”. Locating Devices: Locator Wire (Open Cut): Locator wire shall be installed on all buried piping. Locator wire shall be #10 AWG insulated stranded copper with 30 mil (min) protective jacket that matches the color coding of the pipe. Locator Wire (Directional Drill and Jack and Bore): Locator wire installed in directional drill and jack and bore installations shall be suitable for the service and have a minimum average tensile break load of 600 lbs. Locator wire shall have a 30 mil (min) protective jacket that matches the color coding of the pipe. Warning Tape: Warning tape shall be installed on all buried piping. Warning tape shall be 6” wide and made of polyethylene 4 mil thick (min). Warning tape shall be a bright, fade resistant color with the appropriate legend repeated continuously throughout the entire length. Warning tape for sewer pipe shall be green reading “CAUTION – BURIED SEWER LINE BELOW”. Electronic Marking System (EMS) Locators: An EMS locator shall be provided on all gravity sewer, and low pressure service connections directly above the pipe at the ROW or easement line. The marker shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and be capable of operating at a depth of 6’ below the ground surface. The markers shall have separate and unique frequencies for water service connections and for sewer service connections. The Contractor shall provide a portable electronic marker locator. The locator shall be a complete unit with all necessary equipment, operating manual and batteries. The locator shall be adjustable for the different frequencies required for water and low pressure mains (wastewater). The system must be compatible with SCLU’s existing system. Reflective Pavement Markers (RPM): Reflective Pavement Markers shall be durable, impact resistant, highly reflective markers used for longitudinal lines and gore markings on new and existing asphalt or concrete road surfaces. Markers shall contain a strong body with two-way lens. RPMs shall be applied using bitumen or epoxy adhesive. Pipe Restraints: All pressure pipe at fittings and for lengths specified within the Construction Drawings shall be restrained by appropriate restraint devices meeting requirements of UNI-B-13 for PVC pipe and Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association for ductile iron pipe, and be UL listed. Specific criteria in establishing required pipe restraint lengths is found within the Standard Construction Details. Shop drawings shall specify the particular system to be utilized and be approved by the SLCU or Engineer- of-Record. After an acceptable restraint device is approved, no substitutions will be allowed without resubmittal of shop drawings and written approval from the SLCU or Engineer-of-Record. EXECUTION INSTALLATION Valves and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with these Standards and, in general, with the manufacturer's recommendations for the applicable service. Valves: Valves shall be carefully inspected, opened wide, and then tightly closed, and all the various nuts and bolts thereon shall be tested for tightness. Special care shall be taken to prevent joint materials, stones or other substances from becoming lodged in the valve seat. Valves, unless otherwise required, shall be set with their stems vertically above the centerline of the pipe. Any valve that does not operate correctly shall be adjusted to operate properly or removed and replaced. Buried valves shall be installed vertically where depth of cover permits. Where depth of cover does not permit, side operators shall be used. Extension stems shall be provided on all buried valves when the operating nut is deeper than 42” below the final grade. Where extension stems are required within valve boxes, approved insert stem guides shall be provided. All valve locations to be marked by use of an RPM color coded per the application attached at pavement edge. Valve boxes shall be carefully centered over the operating nuts of underground valves to permit a valve wrench to be easily fitted to the nut. The tops of valve boxes shall be set to the required grade. The valve box shall not transmit surface loads directly to either the pipe or valve. Care shall be taken to prevent earth and other material from entering the valve boxes. Any valve box that becomes out of alignment or is not to grade shall be dug out and adjusted. Concrete pads will be provided around boxes with brass disc providing information as to valve type, size, direction and number of turns. Service Connections Service Connections (Water Main): Individual service taps shall not be placed closer than 18” apart. A minimum of 18” must be maintained from all water main joints and appurtenances. Individual service taps shall be constructed with double strap saddles and corporation stops. A corporation stop shall be placed at the saddle or fitting, with the service line extended 24" beyond the ROW line at the side property line, perpendicular to said line, and terminating with a curb stop and magnetic locating device, pending meter installation. Services shall not exceed 100’ in length to the meter with the meter generally placed at the property line, at an accessible location. Services shall have a minimum of 30” cover including through ditches. All services crossing under roadways shall be installed in a casing, unless otherwise approved by the governing agency, with not less than 36” between the pavement and the top of the casing. Service Connections (Low Pressure Main): Connection to low pressure mains will be made by use of a tapping sleeve and valve, and check valve, with the service line extended to the ROW line, perpendicular to said line, and terminating with a cap and electronic locating device. Schedule 80 PVC is only pipe acceptable to tap for threads. Services undercrossing roadways shall be installed by jack and bore, directional drill, or moled. Jetting will not be allowed. No open cutting of roads for service lines will be allowed unless specifically stated. The service line shall have a minimum cover of 30” with slight grade sloping away from the water main or low pressure main. The service shall be enclosed within a casing pipe. Casing pipe shall be either back iron or Schedule 80 PVC. Pipe Restraint: Shall be installed in accordance to the manufacturer's requirements for the pipe used and for lengths specified within the construction drawings and Standard Construction Details. During installation, each required joint to be restrained must be observed by SLCU, Engineer-of-Record or their appointed Field Representative before backfilling at that joint. END OF SECTION SECTION 02675 POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS GENERAL Description This section includes materials and performance standards, and Contractor responsibilities associated with the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to properly install, complete, and make ready for operation all potable water systems. All materials, fittings and appurtenances intended for use in pressure pipe systems shall be designed and constructed for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi unless the specified application dictates higher working pressure requirement. All construction material shall be first quality, not previously used. Damaged or faulty pipe and materials must be properly replaced. Standard pressure pipe fittings of size 4” inside diameter (ID) and larger shall be ductile iron fitted with mechanical joints. For sizes less than 4” ID, fittings shall be suitable to the pipe material and application and shall be approved by the District. Only bolts furnished by the manufacturer for mechanical joints are acceptable. Pipe gaskets shall be as supplied by the pipe manufacturer. Submittals Submit shop drawings of all materials for water mains, fittings, valves, hydrants and services to be installed for approval, prior to ordering material. Manufacturer and Fabricator Certification. PRODUCTS Water Mains General All pipe and fittings shall be clearly marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer, the batch number, the location of the plant, strength designation, and standards as applicable. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 1. PVC Water Main 4” to 12” diameter shall be dimensional ratio (DR)-18 manufactured to ductile iron pipe outside dimensions and in compliance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C900 (Pressure Class 150). The pipe shall have an integral bell end and gasket seal with the joint in compliance with the requirements of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D3139. Pipe and fittings must be assembled with nontoxic lubricant. The pipe shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation for use as a potable water main. The pipe color shall be blue with "Water Main" permanently printed on three sides for the entire length of the pipe. 2. PVC Water Main 14” to 20” diameter shall be DR-18 manufactured to ductile iron pipe outside dimensions and in compliance with A WW A C905 (Pressure rating 235). The pipe shall have an integral bell end and gasket seal with the joint in compliance with the requirements of ASTM D3139. The pipe shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation for use as a potable water main. The pipe color shall be blue with "Water Main" permanently printed on three (3) sides the entire length of the pipe. 3. Connections for pipe 2” or greater in diameter shall be rubber compression ring-type. Pipe shall be extruded with integral thickened wall bells without increase in dimension ration (DR). Rubber ring gaskets shall consist of synthetic compounds meeting the requirements of ASTM Designation D869 and suitable for the designated service. 4. Fittings: Ductile iron fittings shall be used on all PVC C900 & C905 mains. Fittings shall be as specified below. Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 1. Ductile iron pipe shall be a minimum Pressure Class 350 for pipe 4” through 12” and a minimum Pressure Class of 250 for pipe greater than 12”. SLCU reserves the right to require a different thickness class for unusual or non-standard laying conditions. 2. Ductile iron pipe shall conform to latest standards of ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 for the thickness design of ductile iron pipe and ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 for ductile iron pipe centrifugally cast in metal molds or sand-lined molds. Flanged end pipe shall be Special Thickness Class 53, minimum. 3. Ductile iron fittings shall conform to AWWA/ANSI C110/A21.10 or AWWA/ANSI C153/A21.53 for compact fittings, with a minimum pressure rating of 350 psi. 4. Joints: a. Push-On Joints: All buried for ductile iron pipe shall be push-on joint with ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) gaskets. Push-on joints shall conform to ANSI A21.11/AWWA C11. b. Flanged Joints: All above grade and exposed ductile iron pipe shall be flanged joint with 1/8” thick, cloth-inserted rubber gaskets. Bolt circle and bolt holes shall match those of ANSI B16.1 Class 125 flanges. The flanges shall be rated for a maximum working pressure of 250 psi. Threaded flanges shall be individually fitted and machine tightened on the pipe ends. Flange facing shall be smooth or with shallow serrations in accordance with AWWA C115. Hardware for flanged joints shall be 316 stainless-steel. 5. Lining and Coating: a. Cement Mortar Lining: Interior surfaces of ductile iron pipe and fitting shall be cleaned and lined with a standard thickness cement-mortar lining applied in conformity with AWWA C104, Portland cement mortar. Cement mortar lining shall be surface sealed with a one mil thick asphaltic seal coating in accordance with AWWA C104. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent damage to the lining. If lining is damaged or found faulty at the delivery site, the damaged or unsatisfactory portions shall be repaired or replaced. b. Where ductile iron pipe and fittings are to be below ground or installed in a casing pipe, they shall be coated with one mil of coal tar epoxy in accordance with AWWA/ANSI C151/A21.51 and polyethylene encased. Polyethylene encasement shall be eight mils thick and manufactured in accordance with ASTM D1238, Type I, Class C, Grade E1. c. Ductile iron pipe exposed to the atmosphere, in vaults, and all above ground applications shall be cleaned and given a zinc-rich primer coat at the place of manufacturer. After installation, above ground ductile iron pipe shall be cleaned, spot primed, and field coated with the Coating System for Exposed Metal. 6. Ductile iron pipe shall be required in the following circumstances: a. Water Main 24” in diameter and larger. b. Within 10’ of wastewater facilities or pipes. c. Within 15’ of buildings, canals or lakes. d. Crossings under wastewater or storm pipes in accordance with parallel/horizontal separation requirements. e. Crossings over wastewater or storm pipes in accordance with parallel/horizontal separation requirements. f. Carrier pipe for jack and bores (restrained joints). g. Aerial crossings. h. Ductile iron pipe may be mandated by SLCU in any instance of off-site or on-site construction where future abuse to the line is possible due to location or circumstances, extensive length under pavement, or in private property away from County rights-of-way. 7. Underground ductile iron pipe shall be color coded blue using 2”-wide adhesive marking tape permanently affixed to the top and each side of the pipe. For pipes less than 16” a single tape may be used along the top of the pipe. High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) See Section 02620, "High Density Polyethylene Pipe", of these specifications for requirements related to HDPE pipe. Service Connections, Blow-Offs And Sample Points Polyethylene Tubing Polyethylene tubing shall only be used for service connections, blow-offs, and bacteriological sample points. Polyethylene tubing shall conform to AWWA C901 subject to the following design criteria: Standard Code Designation PE3408, Pipe Class 200, and DR 9. Tubing shall bear identification markings, which shall remain legible during normal handling, storage, and installation, and which have been applied in a manner that will not reduce the strength of the product or otherwise damage the tubing. Marking on the tubing shall include the following and shall be applied at intervals of not more than 5’: Nominal size, material code designation, dimension ratio, pressure class, manufacturer's name or trademark and production record code, and seal (mark) of the testing agency that certified the suitability of the tubing material for potable water products. Joints for polyethylene tubing shall be of the compression type utilizing a totally confined grip seal and coupling nut. Stainless steel tube stiffener insert shall also be used for tubing services. All fittings and stops to be high quality water works brass. No PVC fittings or adapters will be permitted. Fittings shall be brass equipped with compression-type connectors. Valves And Appurtenances See Section 02640, "Utility Valves and Appurtenances", for requirements related to valves and appurtenances. Tapping Sleeves And Valves See Section 02640, "Utility Valves and Appurtenances", for requirements related to tapping sleeves and valves. Tapping sleeves shall not be used on HDPE pipe. Locating Devices See Section 02640, "Utility Valves and Appurtenances", for requirements related to locating devices. EXECUTION Existing Facilities Contractor is required to verify location of existing utility mains and valve configurations in all connection areas prior to beginning of construction in that area. Any discrepancies between the construction drawings and field conditions shall be brought to the attention of SLCU or its representative prior to construction in that area. It is the Contractor's responsibility to verify all existing utilities (telephone, gas, electric, cable, water, reclaimed water, and sewer services, etc.), whether shown in the construction drawings or not. The locations of all existing utilities indicated on the plans are shown for general informational purposes only. Any damage to existing utilities or services shall be repaired by the particular utility, or the Contractor, under direct authorization and supervision of the particular utility with all repair costs being incurred by the Contractor. Any discrepancies between the construction drawings and existing field conditions shall be brought to the attention of the SLCU or its representative prior to construction in that area. Installation General Requirements: 1. Piping and fittings shall be installed in accordance with these Standards and in general with the manufacturer's recommendations for the applicable service. 2. Piping shall be installed along straight line and grade between fittings, or other defined points, unless other definite lines of alignment deflection or grade change have been established. Modification to approved alignment or grade during construction shall receive prior approval from the Engineer and all resulting design conflict shall be resolved by the Engineer prior to proceeding. The standard minimum cover for utility mains shall be as follows: Mains 8” diameter & less 30 inches cover Mains 10” & 12” 36 inches cover Mains 14” diameter & more 48 inches cover Protective concrete slabs are required in accordance with the construction details when the cover is less than the standard minimums shown above. Where waterways, canals, ditches, or other cuts are crossed, protective concrete slabs are also required across and to 10’ each side of the bottom. Additionally, approved utility crossing signs may be required along the pipe alignment at each side of the canal, etc. Signs shall be approved by SLCU and Agency having jurisdiction over said waterway. 3. All pipe shall be laid to line in a clean, dry trench on line and grade with all valves and appurtenances plumb. Backfill shall be clean suitable fill. 4. Materials shall be cleaned and maintained clean, with all coatings protected from damage. The interior of the pipe shall be free of dirt and debris, and when work is not in progress, all open ends shall be plugged, with an approved device. 5. Pipe and fittings, or other items shall be inspected prior to installation and any items showing a fracture or other defect shall be rejected. Additionally, any pipe or fitting which has received a severe blow that may have caused an incipient fracture indicated beyond that visible, may be salvaged by cutting off the damaged section 12” past, providing the remaining pipe is sound. Discoloration of PVC due to exposure to the sun may result in pipe rejection. 6. Underground piping shall not be driven to grade by striking it. When the pipe has been properly bedded, enough compacted backfill shall be placed to hold the utility in correct alignment. If necessary, precaution shall be taken to prevent flotation. 7. Jointing shall be by the manufacturer's approved method and shall not require undue force to accomplish full satisfactory seating and assembly. Connections at structures shall be cut accurately and worked into place without forcing and shall align with the connecting point. Flanged joints shall be made up tight, but with care taken to prevent undue strain upon equipment or other items. Suitable flange filler rings shall be installed where required to provide suitable joints. The installation shall be permanently water tight, with no visible leakage at joints, connections with structures or other locations, under operational or testing conditions. Material that in jointing does not remain completely seated and/or watertight shall be rejected. 8. Underground pressure piping systems shall be securely anchored by acceptable means at all tees, plugs, caps, bends and valves, and at all other locations where unbalanced forces exist or as directed by the SCLU. Restrained joints shall be used in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Reference to the SLCU’s Standard Construction Details for requirements related to pipe restraints. 9. Every pipe joint that is required to be restrained shall be inspected by SLCU or its Engineer of Record prior to the Contractor backfilling the restrained joint. 10. Exposed systems shall be supported as necessary to hold the piping and appurtenances in a firm, substantial manner to the required lines and grades indicated, with no undue piping stresses transmitted to equipment or other items. Pipe aboveground outside of buildings shall be supported on concrete supports or pre-manufactured adjustable pipe supports. 11. Subaqueous pipe laying may be permitted where conditions make it impractical to lay pipe "in the dry", provided the Contractor submits his plans for laying pipe under water to SLCU and its Engineer of Record and obtains advance approval thereof. All subaqueous crossings shall be made in accordance with all approved permits. 12. Special Exterior Protection for Corrosion: Where other existing utilities are known to be cathodically protected, ductile iron pipe crossing said utility shall be protected for a distance of 20’ to each side, and when installed parallel to and within 10’ of, protection shall also be provided. Steel pipe shall not be installed in severe corrosion areas. 13. In case of conflict between various installation requirements the more stringent requirement shall apply. 14. All pipeline laying, testing, etc. shall be performed in the presence of the SLCU and its Engineer of Record or their designated representative. 15. Pipeline joint deflections shall be as stated within Uni-Bell Handbook of PVC Pipe or the manufacturer's maximum allowable deflection, whichever is less. Ductile Iron Pipe 1. Installation shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of AWWA Standard C600 and the manufacturer's recommendations. PVC Pipe (C900 & C905): 1. Installation shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of AWWA C-900, ASTM D-2774, AWWA Manual M23 and the manufacturer's recommendations. Lubrication used for pipe and fitting joints shall be nontoxic. Parallel/Horizontal Separation 1. Reference requirements in Section 01100, "Design Criteria", for horizontal and vertical separation requirements. Valves 1. All valves shall be placed according to plan unless relocation is mutually agreed to. Record or as built drawings shall reflect the actual location and size of all mains, hydrants, services and valves. Connecting Tapping Tees And Valves 1. An SLCU representative shall approve each location proposed for connection of the new system to the existing system before the tapping sleeve is installed. Tapping sleeves shall not be installed within 3’ of any joint or fitting. Before installation of tapping tee, the area to be tapped and the tapping tee shall be cleaned with potable water. After all sand, dirt and debris have been removed from the main, the tapping tee, the tapping valve and the area where the tapping tee is to be installed on the existing main shall be swabbed with a chlorine or bleach solution with at least 100 ppm of chlorine. 2. After the tapping tee is attached to the main, the gate valve shall be closed and tapping tee and gate valve assembly shall be pressured tested at 150 psi for a minimum of one (1) hour with water. An SCLU representative shall witness the pressure test. No visible leaks or loss of pressure shall be evident. After pressure testing, the main may be tapped. Only shell type cutters shall be used. The coupon from the hole that is cut shall be delivered to the SLCU representative. Location Devices For Water Pipe 1. Locate wire shall be laid and secured on top of pipe. Wire shall be continuous from valve box to valve box, wrapped two (2) times around each joint of pipe and extended inside the access port in the concrete collar at each valve box to enable location devices to be attached without digging up the valve box (see Standard Construction Details). 2. Service wire shall be laid in the trench with all services connected to the main wire and wrapped around the service piping or tubing. 3. An electronic marker system (EMS) locator ball shall be installed at each fitting and tap along the water main. Cleaning And Flushing 1. After its installation, the complete water system (including all mains, services, hydrants, blow- offs, air release valves and all other appurtenances) shall be thoroughly flushed or pigged to remove all foreign matter. Reference Section 02760, "Performance Testing of Pressure Pipelines", for additional requirements related to cleaning and flushing. 2. Water used for filling and cleaning shall be from an approved water source and at the Contractor's expense. Pressure Testing All mains shall be tested for leakage prior to placement into service. Reference Section 02760, "Performance Testing of Pressure Pipelines", for additional requirements related to pressure testing of piping. Disinfection And Bacteriological Testing After pressure testing, the complete water system shall be disinfected and bacteriologically cleared. Reference Section 02760, "Performance Testing of Pressure Pipelines", for additional requirements related to disinfection and bacteriological testing. END OF SECTION SECTION 02730 WASTEWATER FORCE MAINS GENERAL This Section includes materials and performance standards, and contractor responsibilities associated with the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to install and make ready for operation all wastewater force mains. All materials, fittings and appurtenances intended for use in pressure pipe systems shall be designed and constructed for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi unless the specified application dictates higher working pressure requirement. All construction material shall be first quality, not previously used. Damaged or faulty pipe and materials must be properly replaced. Standard pressure pipe fittings of size four-inch inside diameter (ID) and larger shall be ductile iron fitted with mechanical joints. For sizes less than 4” ID, fittings shall be suitable to the pipe material and application and shall be approved by SLCU. Only bolts furnished by the manufacturer for mechanical joints are acceptable. Pipe gaskets shall be as supplied by the pipe manufacturer. Related Sections Section 02320 – Trenchless Installation of Pressure Mains by Directional Boring Section 02640 – Utility Valves and Appurtenances Section 02760 – Performance Testing of Pressure Pipelines Submittals 1. Submit shop drawings of all materials for wastewater force mains, fittings, valves and services to be installed for approval, prior to ordering material. 2. Manufacturer and Fabricator Certification PRODUCTS Force Mains General All pipe and fittings shall be clearly marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer, the batch number, the location of the plant, strength designation, and standards as applicable. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) PVC Wastewater Main 4”–12” diameter shall be DR-18 manufactured to ductile iron pipe outside dimensions and in compliance with AWWA Standard C900 (Pressure Class 150). The pipe shall have an integral bell end and gasket seal with the joint in compliance with the requirements of ASTM D3139. The pipe color shall be green with “Force Main” permanently printed on three (3) sides for the entire length of the pipe. PVC wastewater main fourteen-inch to twenty-inch (14” – 20”) diameter shall be dimension ratio (DR)-21 manufactured to ductile iron pipe outside dimensions and in compliance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C905. The pipe shall have an integral bell end and gasket seal with the joint in compliance with the requirements of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D3139. The pipe color shall be green with “Force Main” permanently printed on three sides for the entire length of the pipe. Fittings: Ductile iron fittings shall be used on all PVC C900 and C905 mains. Ductile iron fittings shall conform to AWWA/ANSI C110/A21.10 or AWWA/ANSI C153/A21.53 for compact fittings, with a minimum pressure rating of 350 psi. All required polyethylene encasement shall comply with AWWA/ANSI C105-A21.5, “Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Iron Cast Piping for Water and other liquids.” Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings Ductile iron pipe shall be a minimum Pressure Class 350 for pipe 4” through 12” and a minimum Pressure Class of 250 for pipe greater than 12”. SLCU reserves the right to require a different thickness class for unusual or nonstandard laying conditions. Ductile iron pipe shall conform to latest standards of ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 for the thickness design of ductile iron pipe and ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 for ductile iron pipe centrifugally cast in metal molds or sand-lined molds. Flanged end pipe shall be Special Thickness Class 53, minimum. Ductile iron fittings shall conform to AWWA/ANSI C110/A21.10 or AWWA/ANSI C153/A21.53 for compact fittings, with a minimum pressure rating of 350 psi. Joints: 1. Push-On Joints: All buried for ductile iron pipe shall be push-on joint with ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) gaskets. Push-on joints shall conform to ANSI A21.11/AWWA C11. 2. Flanged Joints: All above grade and exposed ductile iron pipe shall be flanged joint with ⅛” thick, cloth-inserted rubber gaskets. Bolt circle and bolt holes shall match those of ANSI B16.1 Class 125 flanges. The flanges shall be rated for a maximum working pressure of 250 psi. Threaded flanges shall be individually fitted and machine tightened on the pipe ends. Flange facing shall be smooth or with shallow serrations in accordance with AWWA C115. Hardware for flanged joints shall be 316 stainless-steel. Lining and Coating: 1. Interior Lining: Ductile iron pipe and fittings in wastewater service shall be lined with an amine-cured novalac epoxy containing at least 20% by volume of ceramic quartz pigment. 2. Where ductile iron pipe and fittings are to be below ground or installed in a casing pipe they shall be coated with one mil of coal tar epoxy in accordance with accordance with AWWA/ANSI C151/A21.51 and polyethylene encased. Polyethylene encasement shall be eight mils thick and manufactured in accordance with ASTM D1238, Type I, Class C, Grade E1. 3. Ductile iron pipe exposed to the atmosphere, in vaults, and all above ground applications shall be cleaned and given a zinc-rich primer coat at the place of manufacturer. After installation above ground ductile iron pipe shall be cleaned, spot primed, and field coated with the Coating System for Exposed Metal. Ductile iron pipe shall be required in the following circumstances: 1. Interior Lining: Ductile iron pipe and fittings in wastewater service shall be lined with an amine-cured novalac epoxy containing at least 20% by volume of ceramic quartz pigment. 2. Where ductile iron pipe and fittings are to be below ground or installed in a casing pipe they shall be coated with one mil of coal tar epoxy in accordance with accordance with AWWA/ANSI C151/A21.51 and polyethylene encased. Polyethylene encasement shall be eight mils thick and manufactured in accordance with ASTM D1238, Type I, Class C, Grade E1. 3. Ductile iron pipe exposed to the atmosphere, in vaults, and all above ground applications shall be cleaned and given a zinc-rich primer coat at the place of manufacturer. After installation above ground ductile iron pipe shall be cleaned, spot primed, and field coated with the Coating System for Exposed Metal. High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) 1. Section 02620, “High Density Polyethylene Pipe, of these specifications for related to HDPE pipe. Trace Wire All force main pipe shall be marked by the use of a continuous multi-strand wire, 10 gauge THHN, green in color for force mains, for the entire length of the pipe. All HHD operations will require trace wire that conforms to the following specification: Manufacturer - Copperhead Industries, LLC Part Number - 1245B-EHS-500 / 1245B-EHS-1000 / 1245-EHS-2500 Part Number Description: 12 (AWG), 45 (jacket mil), G (jacket color: B=Blue, G=Green, etc.) - EHS (extra high strength-hard drawn / 1150# breaking load strength) – 500 (wire length in feet) The trace wire shall be affixed to the HDD equipment as shown on the Details Sheet of the Plans. Where directional drilling lengths exceed 750 linear feet and/or HDPE pipe diameter exceed 12”, a second length of trace wire shall be installed as shown on the Details Sheet of the Plans. Connections for Pressure Systems Tapping Tees and Valves: Tapping sleeves shall be split type epoxy coated iron body with flanged outlets for connecting to tapping valve. Finish to be fusion applied epoxy in accordance with AWWA C213. Tapping valves shall be gate valves with resilient seat type with flanged by mechanical joint connections meeting the requirements of Section 02640 and shall be compatible with connecting sleeve and specially designed for wet tapping installation. Valve shall be Mueller H-667, or approved equal. Tapping valves shall have a two-inch operating nut. Working pressure rating shall not be less than 200 psi. Gaskets between the flange faces of the tapping sleeve and tapping valve shall be 1/8” minimum thickness of neoprene rubber. An SCLU representative shall approve each location proposed for connection of the new system to the existing system before the tapping sleeve is installed. Tapping sleeves shall not be installed within 3’ of any joint or fitting. Before installation of tapping tee, the area to be tapped and the tapping tee shall be cleaned with potable water. After the tapping tee is attached to the main, the gate valve shall be closed and tapping tee and gate valve assembly shall be pressured tested at 150 psi for a minimum of one (1) hour with water. An SLCU representative shall witness the pressure test. No visible leaks or loss of pressure shall be evident. After pressure testing, the main may be tapped. Only shell type cutters shall be used. The coupon from the hole that is cut shall be delivered to the SLCU representative. Size on Size Taps: Taps may be made on the same size main only when the main to be tapped is AWWA C900, C905 or DIP. Low Pressure Force Main PVC pipe for low pressure mains must meet requirements as set forth in ASTM D2241, SDR-21, 200 psi, as a minimum for all low pressure mains. Pipe shall have push-on type joints with integral wall bell. Fittings shall be manufactured in one (1) piece of injection molded PVC meeting ASTM D-1784, class 200. Bell shall be gasketed joint conforming to ASTM D-3139 with gaskets conforming to ASTM F477. Push joint or mechanical joint ductile iron fittings meeting AWWA C153 shall be allowed as alternative when PVC sizes are not available. Service line material shall be the same as specified above for the low pressure main. Service line can either be solvent weld or rubber ring joint. Schedule 40 PVC fittings shall be used on all service lines. EXECUTION Existing Facilities Contractor is required to verify location of existing utility mains and valve configurations in all connection areas prior to beginning of construction in that area. Any discrepancies between the construction drawings and filed conditions shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer of Record prior to construction in that area. It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to verify all existing utilities (telephone, gas, electric, cable, water, reclaimed water, and sewer services, etc.), whether shown in the construction drawings or not. The locations of all existing utilities indicated on the plans are shown for general informational purposes only. Any damage to existing utilities or services shall be repaired by the particular utility, or the Contractor, under direct authorization and supervision of the particular utility with all repair costs being incurred by the Contractor. Any discrepancies between the construction drawings and existing field conditions shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer of Record or his representative prior to construction in that area. INSTALLATION General Requirements Piping and fittings shall be installed in accordance with these Standards and in general with the manufacturer's recommendations for the applicable service. Piping shall be installed along straight line and grade between fittings, or other defined points, unless other definite lines of alignment deflection or grade change have been established. Modification to approved alignment or grade during construction shall receive prior approval from the Engineer and all resulting design conflict shall be resolved by the Engineer prior to proceeding. The standard minimum cover for utility mains shall be as follows: Mains 8” diameter & less 30” cover Mains 10” & 12” 36” cover Mains 14” diameter & more 48” cover Low Pressure Mains 48” cover Protective concrete slabs are required in accordance with the construction details when the cover is less than the standard minimums shown above. Where waterways, canals, ditches, or other cuts are crossed, protective concrete slabs are also required across and to ten feet each side of the bottom. Additionally, approved utility crossing signs may be required along the pipe alignment at each side of the canal, etc. Signs shall be approved by SLCU and Agency having jurisdiction over said waterway. All pipe shall be laid to line in a clean, dry trench on line and grade with all valves and appurtenances plumb. Backfill shall be clean suitable fill. Materials shall be cleaned and maintained clean, with all coatings protected from damage. The interior of the pipe shall be free of dirt and debris, and when work is not in progress, all open ends shall be plugged, with an approved device. Pipe and fittings, or other items shall be inspected prior to installation and any items showing a fracture or other defect shall be rejected. Additionally, any pipe or fitting which has received a severe blow that may have caused an incipient fracture indicated beyond that visible, may be salvaged by cutting off the damaged section 12” past, providing the remaining pipe is sound. Discoloration of PVC due to exposure to the sun may result in pipe rejection. Underground piping shall not be driven to grade by striking it. When the pipe has been properly bedded, enough compacted backfill shall be placed to hold the utility in correct alignment. If necessary, precaution shall be taken to prevent flotation. Jointing shall be by the manufacturer's approved method and shall not require undue force to accomplish full satisfactory seating and assembly. Connections at structures shall be cut accurately and worked into place without forcing and shall align with the connecting point. Flanged joints shall be made up tight, but with care taken to prevent undue strain upon equipment or other items. Suitable flange filler rings shall be installed where required to provide suitable joints. The installation shall be permanently water tight, with no visible leakage at joints, connections with structures or other locations, under operational or testing conditions. Material that in jointing does not remain completely seated and/or watertight shall be rejected. Underground pressure piping systems shall be securely anchored by acceptable means at all tees, plugs, caps, bends and valves, and at all other locations where unbalanced forces exist or as directed by SLCU or Engineer-of-Record. Restrained joints shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Reference the SLCU’s Construction Standard Details for requirements related to pipe restraints. Acceptable pipe restraint devices are Uni-Flange, Mega-Lug, or approved equal restraining systems. Shop drawing shall specify the particular system to be utilized and no substitutions will be allowed after approval without resubmittal of shop drawings and written approval by SLCU. Every pipe joint that is required to be restrained shall be inspected by SCLU or Engineer-of-Record prior to the Contractor backfilling the restrained joint. Exposed systems shall be supported as necessary to hold the piping and appurtenances in a firm, substantial manner to the required lines and grades indicated, with no undue piping stresses transmitted to equipment or other items. Pipe aboveground outside of buildings shall be supported on concrete supports or pre-manufactured adjustable pipe supports. Subaqueous pipe laying may be permitted where conditions make it impractical to lay pipe "in the dry", provided the Contractor submits his plans for laying pipe under water to SLCU and Engineer-of-Record and obtains advance approval thereof. All subaqueous crossings shall be made in accordance with all approved permits. In case of conflict between various installation requirements the more stringent requirement shall apply. All pipeline laying, testing, etc. shall be performed in the presence of SLCU and/or Engineer-of-Record or their designated representative. Exposed systems shall be supported as necessary to hold the piping and appurtenances in a firm, substantial manner to the required lines and grades indicated, with no undue piping stresses transmitted to equipment or other items. Pipe above ground outside of buildings shall be supported on concrete supports or pre-manufactured adjustable pipe supports. Subaqueous pipe laying may be permitted where conditions make it impractical to lay pipe “in the dry”, provided the Contractor submits his plans for laying pipe under water to SLCU and/or Engineer and obtains advance approval thereof. All subaqueous crossings shall be made in accordance with all approved permits. Special Exterior Protection for Corrosion: Extra protection shall be provided for underground cast or ductile iron pipe and fittings within areas of severe corrosive conditions. This shall be accomplished by the installation of polyethylene encasement in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C105, through the area of concern. Soil test evaluation to determine the necessity for extra protection in suspect areas shall be as set forth in ANSI Standard A21.5. Additionally, where other existing utilities are known to be cathodically protected, cast or ductile iron pipe crossing said utility shall be protected for a distance of 20 feet to each side, and when installed parallel to and within ten feet of, protection shall also be provided. Steel pipe shall not be installed in severe corrosion areas. In case of conflict between various installation requirements the more stringent requirement shall apply. All pipeline laying, testing, etc. shall be performed in the presence of SLCU and/or Engineer of Record or their designated representative. Pipeline joint deflections shall be as stated within Uni-Bell Handbook of PVC Pipe or the manufacturer’s maximum allowable deflection, whichever is less. Ductile Iron Pipe: Installation shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of AWWA Standard C600 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (C900 & C905): Installation shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of AWWA C-900, ASTM D-2774, AWWA Manual M23 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Lubrication used for pipe and fitting joints shall be nontoxic. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (SDR-21): Installation shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of ASTM D-2774, Uni-Bell B-3 for PVC pressure wastewater pipe and with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Wherever there are conflicts in installation methods, the more stringent installation criteria shall apply. Parallel/Horizontal Separation: Horizontal separations between the force main and other buried utilities shall be no less than 6’ from OD to OD of the pipes. Preferably 10’ is requested where possible. Vertical separation should be 18” from OD to OD of the pipes. Minimum separation shall be 12” if 18” is not possible. If separation cannot meet the minimum requirements the Engineer of Record and SLCU shall be contacted requesting additional information prior to the installation of pipe at the conflict area. Valves: All valves shall be placed according to plan unless relocation is mutually agreed to. Record or as built drawings shall reflect the actual location and size of all mains, fittings, and valves. The appropriate color reflective pavement marker (RPM) shall be placed in the travelway of paved roads. The appropriate colored RPM will be placed on the top of all valve box covers. Connecting Tapping Tees and Valves SLCU representative shall approve each location proposed for connection of the new system to the existing system before the tapping sleeve is installed. Tapping sleeves shall not be installed within 3’ of any joint or fitting. Before installation of tapping tee, the area to be tapped and the tapping tee shall be cleaned with potable water. After the tapping tee is attached to the main, the gate valve shall be closed and tapping tee and gate valve assembly shall be pressured tested at 150 psi for a minimum of one (1) hour with water. SLCU and/or Engineer-of-record representative(s) shall witness the pressure test. No visible leaks or loss of pressure shall be evident. After pressure testing, the main may be tapped. Only shell type cutters shall be used. The coupon from the hole that is cut shall be delivered to the SLCU representative. Location Devices for Wastewater Force Mains Locate wire shall be laid and secured on top of pipe. Wire shall be continuous from valve box to valve box, wrapped two (2) times around each joint of pipe and extended inside the access port in the concrete collar at each valve box to enable location devices to be attached without digging up the valve box (see Standard Construction Details). An electronic marking system (EMS) locator ball shall be installed at each fitting and tap along the force main. Cleaning and Flushing After its installation, the complete force main system (including all mains, air release valves and all other appurtenances) shall be thoroughly flushed or pigged to remove all foreign matter. Reference Section 02760 for additional requirements related to cleaning and flushing. Pressure Testing All mains shall be tested for leakage prior to placement into service. Reference Section 02760, “Performance Testing of Pressure Pipelines”, for additional requirements related to pressure testing of piping. END OF SECTION SECTION 02732 WASTEWATER PUMPING STATION GENERAL Description of Section This section includes materials and installation standards, and Contractor responsibilities associated with the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to install, complete and make ready for operation a wastewater pumping station as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. The station shall be complete with pumps, motors, pipes, valves, and electrical work, including motor controls, structure, connections and all other needed appurtenances. The station shall be tested and ready for service prior to the sign off or acceptance by St. Lucie County Utilities Department (SLCU). These specifications are intended to give a general description of what is required, but do not cover all details, which will vary in accordance with the requirements of the equipment as offered. It is, however intended to cover the furnishing, shop testing, delivery and complete installation and field testing of all materials, equipment and appurtenances for the complete pumping units as herein specified, whether specifically mentioned in these specifications or not. Description of Systems The pump station shall be comprised of a concrete wet-well, at least two (2) submersible wastewater pumps and controls, discharge piping, standby generator (furnished by owner), and all appurtenances as specified herein or needed. The pump station will pump raw, unscreened, domestic wastewater into a force main. Qualification The pumps covered by these specifications are intended to be standard pumping equipment of proven ability as manufactured by a reputable manufacturer having extensive experience in the production of such pumps. The pumps furnished shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with the best practice and methods, and shall operate satisfactorily when installed. Pumps shall be manufactured in accordance with the Hydraulic Institute Standards. The control system shall have an established record of successful performance for similar service and be approved by SLCU. All equipment furnished under this specification shall be new, and shall be the standard product of manufacturers having a successful record of manufacturing and servicing the equipment and systems specified herein for a minimum of five (5) years. The pumps shall be furnished complete with controls and accessories required, and shall be as specified hereinafter. Three (3) phase electrical power will be required for this pumping station as well as 277/480 volt service. Tools & Spare Parts Any special tools required shall be provided. The manufacturer shall furnish a complete set of recommended spare parts necessary for the first three (3) years of operation of the pumping system, which shall include at least the following: 1. One (1) set of upper bearings for the pumps 2. One (1) set of lower bearings for the pumps 3. One (1) set of upper and lower shaft seals for the pumps 4. One (1) relay and phase monitor for each type supplied with the pump control panel. 5. Solids handling pumps (2 Impellers) 6. One (1) TCU001 Programed to the corresponding Frequency 7. Impeller puller. Spare parts shall be properly bound and labeled for easy identification without opening the packaging, and suitably protected for long-term storage. Warranty The Contractor and the equipment manufacturers shall warrant all equipment supplied under this section for a period of five (5) years. Warranty period shall commence on final date when SLCU accepts the project. The equipment shall be warranted to be free from defects in workmanship, design and materials. If any part of the equipment should fail during the warranty period, it shall be replaced in the machine(s) and the unit(s) restored to service at no expense to SLCU. The manufacturer’s warranty period shall run concurrently with the Contractor’s warranty period. No exception to the provision shall be allowed. Materials And Equipment The pumping units required under this section shall be complete, including pumps and motors with proper alignment and balancing of the individual units. All parts shall be so designed and proportioned as to have liberal strength, stability, and stiffness, and to be especially adapted for the work to be done. Ample room shall be provided for inspection, repairs, and adjustments. Each foundation plate for each pump shall be rigidly and accurately anchored into position. The same pump manufacturer shall furnish all necessary foundation bolts, plates, nuts, and washers for installation by the Contractor. Each foundation plate shall be ½” thick Type 316 stainless steel. Foundation bolts, nuts, washers, and spare parts shall be Type 316 stainless steel. Stainless steel nameplates giving the name of the manufacturer, head, speed, and all other pertinent data shall be attached to each pump and motor. Submittals A. A minimum of three (3) sets of shop drawings shall be submitted to SLCU and SLCU’s Engineer-of- Record for approval. B. Shop drawings will include information on wet well, pumps, valves, guide rail systems, pressure gauges, access covers, control panel, electrical schematics and any other requirements necessary to complete the pumping station installation. C. Data shall include drawings and descriptive information in sufficient detail to show the kind, size, arrangement, and operation of the component materials and devices; the external connections, anchorages, and support required; and dimensions needed for installations and correlation with other materials and equipment. All part numbers and catalog data required for ordering spares and replacements shall be provided. D. The acceptance of drawings returned marked “ACCEPTED” or “ACCEPTED AS NOTED” will not constitute a blanket approval of dimensions, quantities, and details of the materials, equipment, device or items shown and does not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for errors or deviations from the requirements. E. The submitted drawings and data shall be published by the manufacturer and shall include, but not limited to, the following: 1. Wet well information 2. Mechanical equipment 3. Electric Motors 4. Controls and Wiring Diagram 5. Pump curves at listed revolutions per minute (RPM). Family curves are not acceptable. F. Each pump shall be tested in the manufacturer’s shop to demonstrate the proper operation of all components. The testing shall determine overheating of bearings, motors or other components. PRODUCTS General Pumps, appurtenances and controls will be supplied by the same supplier. The use of stainless steel, minimum grade 316, nuts and bolts are requited on all parts exposed to wastewater or hydrogen sulfide gases. Wet Well A. Precast concrete wet wells shall conform to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C-478 – Latest Revision, Class II, Wall B, Type II Portland Cement. Steel reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A-615 and ASTM A-185, Latest revisions. Wet well structures shall have a minimum inside diameter of 6’. The minimum wall thickness shall be 12”. The entire wet well shall be designed to handle H-20 truck loading at any location of the wet well structure. B. Concrete: Type II Acid Resistant Portland cement conforming to ASTM C-150 shall be used for all built-in-place wet wells. Concrete for built-in-place and precast wet wells shall develop a minimum of 4,000 psi at 28 days. Maximum size of aggregate shall not exceed 1/5th the narrowest dimension between the sides of forms nor ¾ the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or wires. Slump shall be between 2” and 4”. The concrete proportions shall be developed using the same type of brand of cement, pozzolan, and admixture as well as the same type and gradation of aggregate. Accelerators containing calcium chloride shall not be used in precast concrete. C. Joints: Joints shall be assembled with a preformed flexible sealant meeting the requirements of Federal Specifications SS-S-00210 and overlaid with non-shrink, waterproof grout on the inside and outside of the wet well. Grout shall be non-shrinking waterproof cement mortar. D. The slab and the first ring of the precast wet well shall be cast monolithically. E. The interior of the wet well shall be furnished with an approved wet well lining material. F. All exterior surfaces of the wet well below finished grade shall receive two coats of an approved 100% solids coal tar epoxy (Bitumastic 50) in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (i.e. concrete, grout, etc., shall be thoroughly cured, cleaned and dry). The first coat shall be red with the final coat being black and each shall be minimum 16 mils D.F.T. G. Holes to accommodate pipe shall be precast into the section at the manufacturer’s plant. Corrosion protection of holes shall be a 0.125-inch thick cementitious material, Fosroc Epoxy Liner or approved equal. The material shall overlap the wet well wall liner. Holes for anchor bolts and other attachments can be pre-formed or drilled. After installation the joint shall be sealed to the liner using butyl caulking materials, Lap Sealant FR 500 by A-Lock Products, or approved equal. H. Any visible reinforcing wire, steel or honeycombs on precast structures shall be cause for rejection. I. Access Hatch: An aluminum access hatch as shown and described on the plans shall be provided by the pump supplier, shipped to the pre-cast manufacturer and cast into the structure. The access hatch shall be all aluminum construction and suitable for a live load of 300 psf with a maximum deflection of L/240. The cover shall be a reinforced diamond pattern checkered plate. Structural shapes and plates shall be at least ¼-inch thick. Each leaf shall be provided with two (2) hinges, torsion bars or other devices to assist with opening an automatic hold-open arm, a retractable handle, and a padlock hasp. The frame shall be provided with strap anchors bolted or welded to the exterior and shall be provided with a lifting chain hoof and guiderail support bracket. The access hatch channel drain shall be piped to drain into the wet well. All hardware shall be 316 stainless-steel. All aluminum surfaces to be in contact with concrete shall be coated with two coats of approved 100% solids coal tar epoxy (Bitumastic 50). Piping Systems A. Piping and fittings inside the wet well shall be HDPE with 316 stainless-steel hardware as required. B. Pipe and fittings inside the valve vault 4” in diameter and larger shall be ductile iron and coated with the approved coating system for Metal Inside Wet wells and Valve Vaults. Pipe and fittings inside the valve vault smaller than 4” in diameter shall be Schedule 80 PVC. C. Each discharge pipe shall be provided with a 4” diameter face pressure gauge, which shall be an oil-filled gauge. The gauges shall read in pounds per square inch and/or feet of water, with a range suitable for the required service and shall include isolation petcocks. Gauges shall be equipped with a stainless steel diaphragm to preclude wastewater from entering the mechanism. D. Piping shall be adequately restrained to prevent pipe movement through the wall of the wet well. Valve Vault A. Valve vault (or pit) shall be precast concrete and cast as one (1) integral structure with the bottom slab. The top slab may be cast independently. Dimensions, thickness and reinforcing shall be in accordance with the plans. Vault concrete shall be in accordance with Paragraph Wet Well-A and B. Valve vault shall be adjacent to the wet well with the hinges placed on side furthest from electrical panel. B. The access hatch shall be all-aluminum construction and suitable for a live load of 300 psf with a maximum deflection of L/240. The cover shall be a reinforced diamond pattern checkered plate. Structural shapes and plates shall be at least ¼-inch thick. Each leaf shall be provided with two (2) hinges, torsion bars, or other devices to assist with opening an automatic hold-open arm, a retractable handle, and a padlock hasp. The frame shall be provided with strap anchors bolted or welded to the exterior and shall be provided with a lifting chain hoof and guiderail support bracket. The access hatch channel drain shall be piped to drain into the wet well. All hardware shall be 316 stainless-steel. All aluminum surfaces to be in contact with concrete shall be coated with two (2) coats of an approved 100% solids coal tar epoxy (Bitumastic 50). Frame shall be mounted securely in the top slab, aligned above the valves in the manner necessary to maximize free and unobstructed access to the valves for operation and maintenance. C. Valve vault interior and exterior surfaces shall receive two (2) coats of an approved 100% solids coal tar epoxy (Bitumastic 50) in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (i.e. concrete, grout, etc., shall be thoroughly cured, cleaned and dry). The first coat shall be red with the final coat being black and each shall be minimum 16 mils D.F.T. D. All fittings within valve vaults shall have flange ends. E. A 4” drain with deep-seal "P" trap shall be installed between the valve vault and the wet well. F. Each discharge pipe shall be provided with a 4” diameter face pressure gauge, which shall be an oil-filled gauge. The gauges shall read in pounds per square inch and/or feet of water, with a range suitable for the required service and shall include isolation petcocks. Gauges shall be equipped with a stainless steel diaphragm to preclude wastewater from entering the mechanism. Pumps A. Furnish, two (2) ABS Model XFP 150J-CH2 submersible non-clog wastewater pump or approved equal. The pump shall be supplied with a mating cast iron 6” discharge connection and be capable of delivering the capacity/head conditions shown on the plans. The premium Efficiency motor shall be an integral part of the pump unit. The motor shall be 115 HP connected for operation on a 960 volt, 3 phase 60 hertz electrical supply service. Pumps shall be supplied with two (2) 2” schedule 40, 316 stainless steel guide rail system with an integrated 6” discharge elbow. Each pump unit shall be fitted with an assembly, for lifting the pump. The working load rating of the lifting system shall be a minimum of 50% greater than the pump weight. Each pump motor shall be equipped with power and control cable sized in accordance with NEC and CSA standards. B. The pump electrical conductor shall be continuous multiconductor copper cable (no splices), in compliance with industry standard for load and resistance against sewage. The conductor shall enter the pump through a heavy-duty entry assembly, which shall be provided with an internal grommet assembly to protect against leakage once secured and must have a strain relief assembly as part of the standard construction. The pump conductor shall be the length required to properly connect the pump and panel, but in no case shall be less than 40’. Each cable shall be supported by a stainless-steel Kellums or woven grip to prevent damage to the insulation. C. Pump Design: The heavy duty submersible wastewater pump(s) shall be capable of handling raw unscreened sewage, stormwater, and other similar solids-laden fluids without clogging. The pump shall be driven by a Premium Efficiency motor, providing the highest levels of operational reliability and energy efficiency. D. Guide Rail Base Assembly 1. There shall be no need for personnel to enter the wet well to remove or reinstall the pump(s). In a wet pit installation, the discharge base and elbow assembly shall be permanently installed in the wet well and connected to the discharge piping. In order to prevent binding or separation of the pump from the guide rail system, the pump(s) shall connect to the guide rail base automatically and firmly, guided by one (1) 2” guide pipe [two (2) 2” pipes optional] extending from the base elbow to the top of the station. Systems using guide cable in lieu of rigid guide bars or pipes shall not be considered acceptable. The sliding guide bracket shall be a separate part of the pumping unit, capable of being attached to standard 6” ANSI class 125 or metric DN150 pump flanges, so that the pump mounting is non-proprietary, and any pump with a standard discharge flange can be mounted on the base assembly. Base or bracket assemblies with proprietary or non-standard flange dimensions shall not be considered acceptable. 2. A field replaceable Nitrile (Buna-N) rubber profile gasket or O-ring shall accomplish positive sealing of the pump flange/guide rail bracket to the discharge elbow. Base assemblies which rely solely on metal to metal contact between the pump flange and discharge base elbow as a means of sealing are inherently leak prone, and shall not be considered equal. No portion of the pump shall bear directly on the floor of the sump. The guide rail system shall be available in an optional non-sparking version, approved by Factory Mutual for use in NEC Class 1, Division 1, Group C&D hazardous locations. E. Pump Construction: 1. Major pump components shall be of gray cast iron, EN-GJL-250 (ASTM A-48, Class 35B) with smooth surfaces devoid of porosity or other irregularities. All exposed fasteners shall be stainless steel 1.4401 (AISI type 316) construction. All metal surfaces coming into contact with the pumped media (other than the stainless steel components) shall be protected by a factory applied spray coating of high solids two-part epoxy paint finish on the exterior of the pump. The pump shall be equipped with an open lifting hoop suitable for attachment of standard chain fittings, or for hooking from the wet well surface. The hoop shall ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400-18 (ASTM A536; 60-40-18) with an option of stainless steel 1.4462, and shall be rated to lift a minimum of four times the pump weight. 2. Sealing design for the pump/motor assembly shall incorporate machined surfaces fitted with Nitrile (Buna-N) rubber O-rings. Sealing will be the result of controlled compression of rubber O-rings in two (2) planes of the sealing interface. Housing interfaces shall meet with metal to metal contact between machined surfaces, and sealing shall be accomplished without requiring a specific torque on the securing fasteners. Rectangular cross sectioned gaskets requiring specific torque limits to achieve compression shall not be considered equal. No secondary sealing compounds shall be required or used. F. Impeller: The ABS channel impeller shall be of gray cast iron, EN-GJL-250 (ASTM A-48, Class 35B). The impeller shall be of the double shrouded, non-clogging, two (2) vane design, meeting the Ten State Standards requirement for minimum solids passage size of 3”. The impeller shall be capable of passing a minimum of 3.1” x 3.9” oblong solids. The impeller shall have a slip fit onto the motor shaft and drive key, and shall be securely fastened to the shaft by a stainless steel bolt which is mechanically prevented from loosening by a positively engaged ratcheting washer assembly. The head of the impeller bolt shall be effectively recessed within the impeller bore or supporting washer to prevent disruption of the flow stream and loss of hydraulic efficiency. The impeller shall be dynamically balanced to the ISO 10816 standard to provide smooth vibration free operation. Impeller designs which do not meet the Ten State Standards requirement for 3” solids passage size, those that rely on retractable impeller designs to pass 3” solids, or those that rely on fins or pins protruding into the suction path to assist in the handling of fibrous material shall not be considered equal. G. Wear Ring System: A replaceable wear ring of cast iron EN-GJL-300 (ASTM A48, Class 40) shall be securely fitted into the pump casing (volute). As an option, casing and impeller wear rings constructed of stainless steel shall be available. The optional casing wear ring shall be stainless steel 1.4581 (AISI 318), and the optional impeller wear ring shall be stainless steel 1.4571 (AISI 316Ti). H. Pump Volute: The pump volute shall be single piece gray cast iron, EN-GJL-250 (ASTM A-48, Class 35B) non-concentric design with centerline discharge. Passages shall be smooth and large enough to pass any solids which may enter the impeller. Discharge size shall be as specified on the pump performance curve. The discharge flange design shall permit attachment to standard ANSI or metric flanges/appurtenances. The discharge flange shall be drilled to accept both 6” ANSI class 125 and metric DN150 (PN 10) metric flanged fittings. Proprietary or nonstandard flange dimensions shall not be considered acceptable. The suction flange shall be integrated into the volute and its bolt holes shall be drilled and threaded to accept standard 6” ANSI class 125 flanged fittings. The minimum, working pressure of the volute and pump assembly shall be 10 bar (145 psi). I. Premium Efficiency Motor 1. The Premium Efficiency motor shall meet efficiency standards in accordance with IEC 60034-30, level IE3 and NEMA Premium*. Motor rating tests shall be conducted in accordance with IEC 60034-2-1 requirements and shall be certified accurate and correct by a third-party certifying agency. A certificate shall be available upon request. *IE3 and NEMA Premium efficiency levels are equivalent, however the NEMA Premium standard is intended to cover dry installed motors only, not integrated submersible motors. 2. The Premium Efficiency motor shall be housed in a water tight gray cast iron, EN-GJL-250 (ASTM A-48, Class 358) enclosure capable of continuous submerged operation underwater to a depth of 20 meters (65 feet), and shall have an IP68 protection rating. The motor shall be of the squirrel-cage induction design, NEMA type 8, Premium Efficiency. The copper stator windings shall be insulated with moisture resistant Class H insulation material, rated for 180°C (356°F). The stator shall be press fitted into the stator housing. The use of bolts, pins or other fastening devices requiring penetration of the stator housing is unacceptable. The rotor bars and short circuit rings shall be made of cast aluminum. 3. The motor shall be designed for continuous duty. The maximum continuous temperature of the pumped liquid shall be 40°C (104°F), and intermittently up to 50°C (122°F). The motor shall be capable of handling up to fifteen (15) evenly spaced starts per hour without overheating. The service factor (as defined by the NEMA MG1 standard) shall be 1.3. The motor shall have a voltage tolerance of +/-10% from nominal, and a phase to phase voltage imbalance tolerance of 1%. The motor shall have a NEMA Class A temperature rise, providing cool operation under all operating conditions. The Premium Efficiency Motor shall be FM and CSA approved for use in NEC Class I, Division I, Groups C & D hazardous locations. The surface temperature rating shall be T3C. The motor shall meet the requirements of NEMA MG1 Part 30 and 31 for operation on PWM type Variable Frequency Drives. 4. The motor shall be capable of operating, completely submerged, partially submerged, or unsubmerged. For submerged (wet pit) applications, the motor shall be self-cooling via the process fluid surrounding the motor. For unsubmerged (dry pit) applications, an optional integrated glycol based cooling system shall be utilized to enhance heat transfer, and allow the motor to operate at full rated power continuously without the need for de-rating or reduced duty cycle. J. Thermal Protection: Each phase of the motor shall contain a normally closed bi-metallic temperature monitor switch imbedded in the motor windings. These thermal switches shall be connected in series and set to open at 140°C +/-5°C (284°F). They shall be connected to the control panel to provide a high stator temperature shutdown signal, and are used in conjunction with external motor overload protection. As an option, bi-metallic temperature switches shall be available for the upper and lower bearings to provide high bearing temperature warning signals. As an alternate option, RTD (PT100) type temperature measuring devices shall be available for the motor winding and bearings to provide actual temperature measurement at these locations. When. the RTD option is supplied for the motor winding, bi-metallic system must be connected to the control to provide positive shutdown of the motor in the event of an overheat condition. This is required in order to conform to FM and CSA rules for explosion proof equipment. K. Mechanical Seals: 1. Each pump shall be equipped with a triple seal system consisting of tandem mechanical shaft seals, plus a radial lip seal; providing three (3) complete levels of sealing between the pump wet end and the motor. The mechanical seal system shall consist of two (2) totally independent seal assemblies operating in a lubricant reservoir that hydro-dynamically lubricates the lapped seal faces at a constant rate. The mechanical seals shall be of non- proprietary, design, and shall be manufactured by a major independent manufacturer specializing in the design and manufacture of mechanical seals. The lower, primary seal unit, located between the pump and the lubricant chamber, shall contain one (1) stationary industrial duty solid silicon-carbide seal ring and one (1) rotating industrial duty solid silicon- carbide seal ring. The stationary ring of the primary seal shall be installed in a seal holding plate of gray cast iron EN-GJL-250 (ASTM A-48, Class 35B). The seal holding plate shall be equipped with swirl disruption ribs to prevent abrasive material from prematurely wearing the seal plate. The upper, secondary seal unit located between the lubricant chamber and the sensing chamber, shall contain one (1) stationary industrial duty solid silicon-carbide seal ring, and one (1) rotating industrial duty solid silicon-carbide seal ring. Each seal interface shall be held in contact by its own spring system. A radial lip seal shall be positioned above the sensing chamber, preventing any liquid which accumulates in the sensing chamber from entering the lower bearing and motor. The seals shall not require routine maintenance, or adjustment, and shall not be dependent on the direction of rotation for proper sealing. Each pump shall be provided with a lubricant chamber for the shaft sealing system which shall provide superior heat transfer and maximum seal cooling. The lubricant chamber shall be designed to prevent overfilling, and to provide lubricant expansion capacity. The drain and inspection plug shall have a positive anti-leak seal, and shall be easily accessible from the outside of the pump. The seal system shall not rely upon the pumped media for lubrication and shall not be damaged when the pump is run dry. Lubricant in the chamber shall be environmentally safe non-toxic material. 2. The following seal types shall not be considered equal: a. Seal systems with less than three (3) complete levels of sealing between the pump wet end and the motor. b. Seals of proprietary design, or seals manufactured by other than major independent seal manufacturing companies. c. Seals requiring set screws, pins, or other mechanical locking devices to hold the seal in place, conventional double mechanical seals containing either a common single or double spring acting between the upper and lower seal faces. d. Any system requiring a pressure differential to seat the seal and ensure sealing. L. Mechanical Seal Protection System: The primary mechanical seal shall be protected from interference by particles in the wastewater, including fibrous materials, by an active Seal Protection System integrated into the impeller. The back side of the impeller shall be equipped with a sinusoidal cutting ring, forming a close clearance cutting system with the lower submersible motor housing or seal plate. This sinusoidal cutting ring shall spin with the pump impeller providing a minimum of seventy-five (75) shearing actions per pump revolution. Large particles or fibrous material which attempt to lodge behind the impeller or wrap around the mechanical seal, shall be effectively sheared by the active cutting system into particles small enough to prevent interference with the mechanical seal. The Seal Protection System shall operate whenever the pump operates, and shall not require adjustment or maintenance in order to function. Submersible pump designs which do not incorporate an active cutting system to protect the primary mechanical seal shall not be considered acceptable for wastewater service. M. Seal Failure Early Warning System: 1. The integrity of the mechanical seal system shall be continuously monitored during pump operation and standby time. An electrical probe shall be provided in a sensing chamber positioned above the mechanical seals for detecting the presence of water contamination within the chamber. The sensing chamber shall be air filled, and shall have a drain / inspection plug with a positive anti-leak seal which is easily accessible from the outside of the pump. A solid-state relay mounted in the pump control panel or in a separate enclosure shall send a low voltage, low amperage signal to the probe, continuously monitoring the conductivity of the liquid in the sensing chamber. If sufficient water enters the sensing chamber through the mechanical seal system, the probe shall sense the increase in conductivity and signal the solid state relay in the control panel. The relay shall then energize a warning light on the control panel, or optionally, cause the pump shut down. This system shall provide an early warning of mechanical seal leakage, thereby preventing damage to the submersible pump, and allowing scheduled rather than emergency maintenance. Systems utilizing float switches or any other monitoring devices located in the stator housing rather than in a sensing chamber between the mechanical seals are not considered to be early warning systems, and shall not be considered equal or acceptable. 2. As an option, two (2) additional moisture sensing probes, one (1) in the electrical connection chamber, and one (1) in the motor chamber shall be available. These optional probes shall send separate signals to the control panel as described above, so that maintenance personnel are given an early warning of the presence of moisture in the respective sensing chambers. N. Shaft: The pump shaft and motor shaft shall be an integral, one-piece unit adequately designed to meet the maximum torque required at any normal start-up condition or operating point in the system. The shaft shall have a full shutoff head design safety factor of 1.7, and the maximum shaft deflection shall not exceed .05 mm (.002 inch) at the lower seal during normal pump operation. Each shaft shall be stainless steel 1.4021 (AISI 420) material, and shall have a polished finish with accurately machined shoulders to accommodate bearings, seals and impeller. As an option, the shaft shall be available in stainless steel 1.4462 (UNS S31803). Carbon steel, chrome plated, or multi piece welded shafts shall not be considered adequate or equal. O. Bearings: Each pump shaft shall rotate on high quality, permanently lubricated, greased bearings. The upper bearing shall be a cylindrical roller bearing and the lower bearings shall be a matched set of at least three (3) heavy duty bearings, two (2) angular contact ball bearings and one (1) cylindrical roller bearing. All three (3) lower bearings shall have identical outer race diameters to provide maximum bearing load capacity. Designs which utilize a roller bearing with a smaller outer diameter than the other bearings in the assembly do not provide maximum load capacity and shall not be considered equal. Bearings shall be of sufficient size and properly spaced to transfer all radial and axial loads to the pump housing and minimize shaft deflection. L-10 bearing life shall be a minimum of 100,000 hours at flows ranging from ½ of BEP flow to 1½ times BEP flow (BEP is best efficiency point). The bearings shall be manufactured by a major, internationally known manufacturer of high quality bearings, and shall be stamped with the manufacturer's name and size designation on the race. Generic or unbranded bearings from other than major bearing manufacturers shall not be considered acceptable. P. Power Cable: The power cables shall be sized according to NEC and CSA standards and shall be of sufficient length to reach the junction box without requiring splices. The outer jacket of the cable shall be oil, water, and UV resistant, and shall be capable of continuous submerged operation underwater to a depth of 65 feet. Q. Cable Entry/Junction Chamber: The cable entry design shall not require a specific torque to insure a watertight seal. The cable entry shall consist of cylindrical elastomer grommets, flanked by stainless steel washers. A cable cap incorporating a strain relief and bend radius limiter shall mount to the cable entry boss, compressing the grommet ID to the cable while the grommet OD seals against the bore of the cable entry. The junction chamber shall be isolated and sealed from the motor by means of sealing glands. Electrical connections between the power cables and motor leads shall be made via a compression or post type terminal board, allowing for easy disconnection and maintenance. R. Pump Level Controls: Pump level controls shall be suspended-type float switches with PVC or poly propylene body. Switches shall have an integral electrical cable with two (2) #19 American Wire Gage (AWG) stranded conductors. Switches shall be pilot duty, normally open or normally closed, as required for the application Access Stairs And Safety Railing The Contractor shall furnish and install access stairs with safety railing, and safety railing around the perimeter of the wet well top as shown on the Contract Plans. One (1) aluminum stairway from concrete access walkway to top of wet well slab. Stairway stringers shall be aluminum C12 x 7.41 channels with McNichols type Gal serrated stair treads, 12⅛” x 48” x 1⅜” aluminum with risers on nominal 8” centers. A safety railing system shall be provided on both sides of the access stairs and extend around the top outside perimeter of the wet well top. The safety railing shall be aluminum mill finish Hollander 1.5” diameter, 2-rail system with railing, posts and offset fittings of schedule 40 aluminum 6061-T6 as manufactured by Hollander, or approved equal. Railing system shall be 36” high with an aluminum kick plate. Access stairs, walkways, and railings shall comply with OSHA standards 29CFR1910.23 and 29CFR1910-24. Access Frames & Guides The pumping station shall be furnished with the necessary aluminum access frames, complete with hinged and hasp-equipped covers, stainless steel upper guide rail holder, power cable holder and level sensor cable holder. The frames shall be securely mounted above the pumps. Access covers shall have safety locking handles in open position. Access covers shall be of aluminum checkered plate with 316 stainless steel hinges and hardware. The access cover and frame shall be as sized on the Contract Plans. Lower guide rail holders shall be integral with the discharge connection. Guide rails shall be of Schedule 40, 2” welded 316 stainless steel pipe of the size indicated on the Contract Plans and of the length required by the pump manufacturer. A safety grate with 316 stainless steel hardware is required for all wet wells. Controls A. Control Panel Manufacturer 1. The panel manufacturer shall be experienced in the construction of lift station control panels for the approved pump manufacturers, shall have an Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved shop, and shall be able to provide both a UL 508 label for the panel itself and a UL label for the service rated. 2. The panel manufacturer shall warrant the panel for one (1) full year minimum from the date of start-up. 3. The panel manufacturer or qualified technical representative shall check-out and test the panel as part of the pump station start-up with the SLCU and SLCU’s Engineer-of-Record. B. Enclosure: The panel itself shall be 60” high x 60” wide x 14” deep NEMA 4X rated, mounted on 12” floor stands, constructed with the following features: 1. Constructed of 316 stainless -steel 14 gauge with a #3 polish on the exterior. 2. All external hardware shall be 316 stainless-steel with two (2) outer doors having continuous (piano) hinges, three-point latch with roller fitting top and bottom, and single handles with padlock fitting, and stainless steel external parts. 3. Drip shield to deflect water from the doors, closed cell neoprene gasket on the door. 4. Blank outer doors with dead front inner doors of ⅛” thick aluminum hinged both sides with the operator's controls mounted on or projecting through. 5. Stainless steel back mounting plate for heavy components. 6. Aluminum enclosure, ⅛” thick around the surge arrestor and surge capacitor with a ⅛” minimum lexan cover which will cover the ends of the arrestor and capacitor and the incoming line terminals. The object is to isolate the lightning arrestor and surge capacitor in case of failure and provide protection for the operator from the live terminals if the breaker is open. 7. The outer door is to have a 9" x 11" 316 stainless steel pocket for log book, tack welded to door. 8. Arms and latches shall hold both outer doors and inner doors in an open position; these must be sufficiently rigid and secure to hold doors open under windy weather conditions. 9. Sliding locking bar to allow only main or emergency breaker to be closed. Bar shall be aluminum with 316 stainless steel hardware. 10. All hardware shall be 316 stainless steel. C. Wiring 1. All wiring shall be copper THWN or approved equal, AWG 14 minimum. Color code wires as follows: Controls Ground Green Grounded Neutral White 120 Volt Power Black Control Red 24 Volt Control Blue Power 480Y/277 Phase A Brown Phase B Orange Phase C Yellow Neutral Gray Ground Green Different control wiring colors are acceptable if clearly identified. Power wiring shall be kept separate from control wiring, and shall be identified by phase. The high leg shall be the center terminal on the main breaker. 2. All wires shall be numbered with machine made plastic wrap around labels at both ends. 3. All external connection and internal connections, where shown on the drawings, shall be brought to the numbered terminals. 4. Wiring shall be enclosed in panduct or equivalent wireways and wiring between the doors and the panel shall be enclosed in a spiral wrap or approved equal with sufficient slack to allow full opening of the doors. 5. Wiring shall be secured with screw-on tabs, tabs with adhesives shall not be used. 6. All wiring shall be front accessible. 7. All conduit to be ultraviolet (UV) Resistant PVC Schedule 80 listed for electrical use. D. Component Mounting 1. All components shall be securely mounted with stainless steel hardware. Self-tapping screws are not acceptable. 2. All relay bases shall be front mounted with screw terminals, no soldered connections shall be used. All base terminals shall be numbered to correspond to relay numbers. Where plug- in components are not firmly secured in bases, hold down clamps shall be provided. 3. All internal equipment shall be arranged for bottom entry of motor power cables, level float switch cables, power feed, and remote alarm circuit. E. Identification 1. All components shall be identified in accordance with the schematic diagram, using permanent nametags on the panel of laminated micarta or approved equal. The permanent nametags shall be securely attached and, in a position, where they are clearly visible. 2. All operators' controls shall be provided with laminated micarta nametags attached with stainless steel screws, with minimum lettering height of 1/8”. 3. Provide a laminated as-built schematic drawing attached to the inside of the outer door - minimum size 11” x 17”. 4. Attach a separate laminated label showing the following details: PUMP MOTOR a. Brand a. Horsepower b. Catalog number b. Speed c. Impeller number and size c. Voltage d. Design head d. Full load amps e. G.P.M. e. Catalog number f. Serial numbers f. Serial numbers F. Controls 1. The pump controls shall be designed to alternate the lead pump each time the lead level switch calls for a pump to start. Control panel circuitry shall be 120 volt, single phase, 60Hz. Control wiring between the control panel and the wet well shall be 24 volts AC, intrinsically safe. A control power transformer (CPT) shall be provided and mounted in the control panel and sized to serve all continuous load. 2. Pump Station Control Description: The control system station shall operate the pumps as described below: a. On rising level with pumps initially off, the “Lead On” switch shall initiate the starting of the lead pump. If the level continues to rise, the “Lag On” level switch shall initiate the starting of the lag pump. A High-Level alarm switch shall provide backup for the “Lead On” and “Lag On” level switches and shall turn on all pumps. b. On falling level with pumps initially on, the “All Off” switch shall stop all pumps. A Low- Level alarm switch shall provide backup for the “All Off” level switch and shall stop both pumps. The Low-Level alarm shall continue to alarm until manually reset. G. Component Features 1. Main and Emergency Breaker a. The panel shall include circuit breaker sized as required for main power and emergency power disconnect. Breakers shall be mounted on the subpanel with handles through inner door and shall include a mechanical interlock on the handles to ensure that only one (1) breaker can be in the "ON" position at any one time. Circuit breaker ampacity voltage and interrupting capacity shall be as listed on the Drawings. Panel shall also include an externally mounted generator power receptacle pre-wired to the emergency breaker. 2. High Level Alarm System a. The panel shall include a vapor-proof red light mounted on the side of the enclosure for high level alarm visual indication and a weatherproof horn mounted on the underside of the panel box. The alarm light and horn shall be pre-wired to terminals to operate on a high-level control signal. An alarm silence push button labeled "Alarm Silence" shall be mounted on the outside of the enclosure and pre-wired to a relay which will silence the horn under all conditions, and automatically reset when high level condition is corrected. The high level light shall have a flasher to pulse the red external visual indicator light during a high level condition. Alarm system to automatically reset when the high level condition is corrected. The alarm light is to be designed and positioned to provide an unobstructed access for changing light bulb. 3. Elapsed Time Meters a. The panel shall include a non-resettable type elapsed time meter for each starter mounted on the inner door to record the accumulated running time of each pump. A totalizer to record running time of all pumps shall also be provided. 4. Convenience Receptacle a. The panel shall have a ground fault interrupter (GFI) type convenience receptacle mounted on the inner door to provide plug-in 120V power with ground fault protection. A circuit breaker sufficiently sized shall be provided with the convenience receptacle. 5. Phase and Voltage Monitor Relay a. The panel shall have a line voltage rated phase sequence and loss monitor relay. The monitor relay shall be the adjustable type to be field set for nominal available incoming voltage. The monitor relay will be pre-wired to take the control circuit out of service if a phase is reversed, one (1) or more phases are lost, or drops below nominal voltage or if all three (3) phases drop below nominal voltage. The unit will automatically restore when normal conditions are restored; phase monitor by-pass switch shall be required. Relay shall be the socket mounted type. 6. Seal Failure Indicator a. The panel shall have a seal failure (leak detector) indicator pilot light for each pump. These pilot lights shall be operated by moisture sensing monitors which are signaled by probes supplied in each pump. 7. Indicating Lights: The following indicating lights shall be provided for each pump: Function Color Pump Overload/High Temperature White Pump On Red Pump Off Green Pump Motor Moisture White The following additional local indicating lights shall be provided on the front of the panel: Function Color Control Power On White High-Level Alarm White Low-Level Alarm White All local indicating lights shall be LED-type lights. 8. Lightning Arrester/Surge Suppressor a. The panel shall have three-phase transient voltage lightning arrester / surge suppressor protection. The suppressors shall be pre-wired to the point of incoming line service. The suppressor shall be Atlantic Scientific or approved equal with voltage as required. 9. Hand-Off-Automatic (HOA) control switches shall provide means to operate each pump manually on automatically. When operated in the automatic mode, the control component shall provide means to automatically alternate the position of the "Lead" and "Lag" pumps after each pumping cycle. Operation of the pumps in the manual mode shall bypass all control circuits except pump motor overload shutdown. 10. Provide separate circuit breakers for each motor. 11. Provide a spare contact for each alarm. These contacts shall be terminated on a terminal strip for future use. 12. Automatic Dialer a. A Sensaphone 800 Remote Monitoring System shall be mounted inside a separate non- metalling NEMA 4X enclosure and with a "hard-wired" telephone access provided. The automatic dialer shall have been wired to receive the following alarm sources: i. High-Level Alarm ii. Low-Level Alarm iii. Pump High Temperature/Seal Failure iv. Phase Monitor 13. An open frame, across-the-line, NEMA rated, magnetic motor contactors with 120 volt, 60 Hz coils shall be furnished for each pump motor. Contacts and coil shall be easily replaceable without removing the contactor from its mounted position. 14. HOA switches shall be NEMA 4 watertight units. Indicator lamps shall be mounted in NEMA 4 modules. Lamps shall be easily replaceable from the front of the control compartment door without removing the lamp module from its mounted position. H. Main Power Disconnect 1. Shall include a circuit breaker sized as required for disconnecting main power to panel box and will be housed in separate enclosure mounted behind main panel box. Where required by the power company, an additional disconnect will be provided prior to the meter. Shop Painting Before exposure to weather and prior to shop painting, all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned, dry and free from all mill-scale, rust, grease, dirt and other foreign matter. All pumps and motors shall be shop primed with primer compatible with the field painting. All nameplates shall be properly protected during painting. Gears, bearing surfaces, and other similar surfaces obviously not to be painted shall be given a heavy shop coat of grease or other suitable rust-resistant coating. This coating shall be maintained as necessary to prevent corrosion during periods of storage and erection, and shall be satisfactory to SLCU up to the time of final acceptance test. Control Panels shall be made of stainless steel (316). Field Painting The primer and paint used in the shop shall be products of the same manufacturer as the field paint to assure compatibility. All nameplates shall be properly protected during painting. Pump Station Liners – General A protective liner for the concrete shall be installed in the pump station/wet wells as required by SLCU. After the pump station lining operation has been completed, the Contractor in the presence of the SLCU’s representative shall visually inspect the pump station. In addition, at SLCU request, the Contractor shall be required within one year to visually inspect the pump station. The Contractor shall redo any work that has become defective. Pump Station Liners - Material HDPE The pump station Liner shall be High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) with a minimum thickness of 4 mm. All HDPE liner sheets shall be extruded with a large number of anchoring studs, a minimum of 39 ft/2, manufactured during the extrusion process in one piece with the sheet so there is no welding and no mechanical finishing work to attach the studs to the sheet. The liner shall have a pull out of 112.5 lbs./anchoring stud. Flat liner sheet, non-anchored, used for overlapping joints, shall have a minimum thickness of 4 mm. All joints shall be sealed by means of thermal welding performed by certified welders. The lining shall have good impact resistance, shall be flexible, and shall have an elongation sufficient to bridge up to a 1/4-inch settling crack, without damage to the lining. The liner shall be able to bridge any expansion cracks that may occur. Lining shall be repairable at any time during the life of the structure. A certified fabricator shall custom fit the liner to the form work in order to protect the concrete surfaces from sewer gases. The interior surfaces to be protected shall include the walls, ceiling, and pipe entries. Upon request, the manufacturer shall provide written certification that the liner used meets or exceeds the requirement of this specification. Provide a five (5) year unlimited warranty on all workmanship and products. The work includes the surface preparation and application of the liner system, shall protect the structure for at least five (5) years from all leaks, and from failure due to corrosion from exposure to corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulfide. Pump Station Liners – Fiberglass The lift station liner shall meet all requirements of ASTM Specifications D-3753 for glass fiber reinforced polyester manholes or lift stations. See SLCU Approved Manufacturers' Products List. Fiberglass liners shall have a three (3) year warranty period. Standby Power Generator The Owner (SLCU) will purchase by State Contract a Tradewinds 400 KW diesel generator with 1050 gallon fuel tank which will be delivered to the project site. The generator and automatic transfer switch are contained in the same enclosure mounted on top of the diesel fuel belly tank and the unit weighs approximately six (6) tons. The plans show the location of the standby generator / transfer switch unit to be installed on an elevated concrete pad to be constructed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall follow the Contract Plans and installation instruction to be provided by Tradewinds Power Corporation and be required by this Contract to unload and install the generator / automatic transfer switch unit and provide the necessary conduit, wiring materials and engage a licensed Electrical Contractor to perform the electrical installation complete and in accordance with prevailing codes and licensing requirements. It is required that the Contractor's effort will result in a fully functional standby generator system certified by Tradewinds Power Corporation and approved for operation. Installation instructions are included in Appendix B. The approximate cost of the generator unit to be furnished by SLCU is $110,000.00. The bidder shall include overhead, profit and installation cost to install the generator unit and accessories items as described above and shown on the plans in the Repump Station lump sum bid. EXECUTION Pump Station Installation A. Installation of the wet well, valves, fittings, and piping hall be in accordance with the specifications set forth in other applicable sections of these Specifications. B. All installations shall be performed in such a manner so that components are plumb and true and aligned in such a manner that the station and generator are fully operable and functional and no additional maintenance or restorative action is required. All electrical installations shall be performed by a licensed Electrical Contractor in accordance with prevailing codes and licensing requirements and shall result in a fully functioning station installation meeting the full intent of these specifications and the drawings. C. Particular attention should be given to the following items by the Contractor during installation of the lift station. 1. Wet well shall be installed plumb. 2. Reaction plates and restraining rods must be secured to eliminate vibrations that may crack grout. 3. All guiderails shall be attached to access lid frame with approved bracket assemblies. Intermediate guiderail supports shall be provided per manufacturer's recommendations. Guiderails shall be stainless steel piping. 4. Lifting rings for the wet well shall be removed below the surface and grouted flush to avoid tripping hazards. 5. Concrete work to be of a professional quality with nonskid finish. 6. All discharge elbows shall be level and plumb to ensure all guiderails will work properly and that pumps can be removed easily and seat properly. 7. All adapter flanges shall be installed according to drawings to allow easy removal of valves. All bolts shall be torqued according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Inspections Inspections shall be coordinated with the SLCU, SLCU’s Engineer-of-Record, Contractor, and Contractor's manufacturer's representative for the station. The following items shall be the basis of acceptance: 1. The hydraulic performance of the pumps reasonably meet the design conditions at the discretion of SLCU. 2. The design amperage is not being exceeded. 3. The station is functioning as designed. 4. The station was built in accordance with these standards. 5. The pumps shall be pulled to the surface and put on the ground, then reinstalled on the guide rails and lowered in place by the manufacturer's representative prior to testing of the pumps. Start-Up The Engineer of Record and SLCU shall be notified 48 hours prior to start-up of the pump station. During start-up, the Contractor's manufacturer's representative shall be present at the job site. The pump station will have gone through a test prior to the startup to ensure the station is working properly. The manufacturer's representative shall be responsible for delivery of the following: 1. Three (3) parts manuals. 2. Three (3) station/pump operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals. 3. Three (3) complete set of electrical schematics. 4. Three (3) start-up reports, including all start-up parameters tested and their results and a pump performance certification signed by the representative certifying the pumps meet the specifications and are ready for operation by others. The pumps shall be tested in the presence of the Engineer of Record and a SLCU Representative at a minimum of three (3) points on the curve including the design and shutoff heads. Certified test results shall be provided upon completion of the testing. Failure to meet the specified pump requirements will result in replacement and re-testing of the pump at the contractor's expense. 5. Backflow assemblies shall be certified complete by a technician certified to do so. 6. Pump data and technical information concerning pump operation, maintenance, and repair shall be supplied at the time of completion of pump station construction. Parts lists, warranties, and all other pertinent information is also required. Warranty Pumps shall have a minimum five (5) year warranty covering 100% of all parts and labor. The warranty period shall commence at the time of final acceptance by SLCU of the last component of the pump station facility to be installed including FDEP clearance to place the system in operation. Service Pump suppliers shall have adequate repair/service facilities and parts inventory to ensure timely and efficient repair of all equipment supplied. The pump supplier shall provide a reference list of existing installations upon request. END OF SECTION SECTION 02760 PERFORMANCE TESTING OF PRESSURE PIPELINES GENERAL Description This section includes materials and performance standards, and Contractor responsibilities associated with the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to properly perform flushing and hydrostatic testing of all pressure mains and disinfection and bacteriological testing of all pressure water mains, as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. The following performance testing must be conducted: A. Water Main: Hydrostatic, Leakage and Bacteriological Testing B. Wastewater Force Main: Hydrostatic and Leakage Testing C. Low Pressure Main: Hydrostatic and Leakage Testing References A. ANSI / AWWA B300 -Standard for Hypochlorites. B. ANSI / AWWA B301 -Standard for Liquid Chlorine. C. ANSI / AWWA B303 -Standard for Sodium Chlorite. D. ANSI / AWWA C600 -Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe Installation, Testing. E. ANSI / AWWA C651 -Standard for Disinfecting Water Mains. F. ANSI / AWWA C900-Standard for PVC Pipe, 4"-12" for Water Distribution. Submittals A. Test Reports: Indicate results comparative to specified requirements. B. Certificate: Certify that cleanliness of water distribution system meets or exceeds specified requirements. Report Documents A. Disinfection report; record: (Water System Only) 1. Type and form of disinfectant used. 2. Date and time of disinfectant injection start and time of completion. 3. Test locations. 4. Initial and 24-hour disinfectant residuals (quantity in treated water) in parts per million (PPM) for each outlet tested. 5. Date and time of flushing start and completion. 6. Disinfectant residual after flushing in PPM for each outlet tested. B. Bacteriological report; record: (Water System Only) 1. Date issued, project name, and testing laboratory name, address, telephone number and State Certification Number. 2. Time and date of water sample collection. 3. Name of person collecting samples. 4. Test locations. 5. Initial and 24-hour disinfectant residuals in PPM for each outlet tested. 6. Coliform bacteria test results for each outlet tested. 7. Certification th.at water conforms, or fails to conform to bacterial standards of AWWA. 8. Bacteriologist's signature and authority. C. Hydrostatic Test Report: Record: 1. Time and Date of Testing. 2. Name of Person/Persons conducting test and present during test and Company name. 3. Test locations. 4. All pressure gauge locations w/pressure at time. 5. Allowable leakage per specifications. 6. Actual leakage during test with finishing time and pressure. Quality Assurance A. Perform work in accordance with all ANSI / AWWA standards. Regulatory Requirements A. Conform to applicable code or regulation for performing the work of this Section. B. The water system shall not be put into service until after the necessary bacteriological samples have been approved by the applicable regulatory agencies. PART 2 – PRODUCTS Vents and Drains For Aboveground Piping Vents shall be installed at high points of aboveground piping. Install drains on low points of aboveground piping. Provide a stainless-steel ball valve at each vent and drain point. Valves shall be ¾” for piping 3” and larger and ½” for piping smaller than 3”. Valves shall be rated for the pressure of the adjacent piping and shall be suitable use with the adjacent pipe material. Manual Air-Release Valves For Buried Piping Temporary manual air-release valves at test bulkheads shall be provided at test bulkheads for pipeline testing. Construct the pipe outlet in the same manner as for a permanent air valve and, after use, seal with a blind flange or restrained pipe cap or plug and coat the same as the adjacent pipe. Testing Fluids Potable water shall be used for testing of pipelines. Backflow prevention shall be provided between the source of potable water being used and the pipeline being tested. Potable water used for testing shall be metered by a flow meter supplied by SLCU. The Contractor shall pay all costs associated with the metering and use of potable water for testing. Testing Equipment Calibrated pressure gauges, pipes, bulkheads, pumps, compressors, chart recorders, and meters necessary to perform testing shall be supplied. Liquid Chlorine Liquid chlorine shall conform to ANSI/AWWA B301 and shall be applied in accordance with AWWA C651. Calcium Hypochlorite (Dry) Calcium hypochlorite shall conform to ANSI/ AWWA B300 and shall be applied in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) C651. Calcium hypochlorite intended for swimming pool chlorination shall not be used under any circumstances. Sodium Hypochlorite (Solution) Sodium hypochlorite shall conform to ANSI/ AWWA B300 and shall be applied in accordance with AWWA C651. Chlorine Residual Test Kit For measuring chlorine concentration, a medium-range, drop count, DPD drop dilution method kit shall be used in accordance with AWWA C651. The kits shall be maintained in good working order available for immediate test of residuals at point of sampling. PART 3 – EXECUTION HYDROSTATIC TESTING A. Testing Preparation 1. Pipes shall be in place, backfilled, and anchored before beginning pressure testing. 2. Pressure tests on exposed and aboveground piping shall be conducted after the piping has been installed and attached to the pipe supports, hangers, anchors, expansion joints, valves, and meters. 3. For buried piping, the pipe may be partially backfilled and the joints left exposed for inspection during an initial leakage test. However, perform the final pressure test after completely backfilling and compacting the trench. 4. Provide any temporary piping needed to carry the test fluid to the piping that is to be tested. After the test has been completed and demonstrated to comply with the SCLU Technical Specifications and Design Criteria, disconnect and remove temporary piping. Do not remove exposed vent and drain valves at high and low points in the tested piping; remove any temporary buried valves and cap the associated outlets. Plug taps or connections to the existing piping from which the test fluid was obtained. 5. Provide temporary drain lines needed to carry testing fluid away from the pipe being tested. Remove such temporary drain lines after completing the pressure testing. 6. The maximum length of test section for buried pipe shall be 2,500 feet. 7. A test plan for testing shall be submitted to SLCU and SCLU's Engineer-of-Record a minimum of ten (10) days before starting the test. 8. The SLCU and SLCU’s Engineer-of-Record shall be notified a minimum of (48) hours before starting the test. B. Cleaning 1. Before conducting hydrostatic tests the piping shall be pigged or flushed with water to remove dirt and debris. If flushing is used, a minimum velocity of at least three (3) fps shall be maintained for a period of time given by the following formula: ܶൌଶ௅ ଷ Where: T =flushing time (seconds) L =pipe length (feet) 2. All flushing times will be limited to off peak times of water system demand and consumption. No flushing shall take place without SLCU and/or SLCU’s Engineer-of-Record representatives present. 3. SLCU will provide meter assemblies for determination of the volume of water used for flushing. The contractor shall pay for all water used. C. Initial Pipeline Filling for Hydrostatic Testing The maximum rate of filling shall not cause the water velocity in the pipeline to exceed 1 fps. Filling may be facilitated by removing automatic air valves and releasing air manually. D. Testing New Pipe Which Connects to Existing Pipe Before testing new pipelines that are to be connected to existing pipelines, the new line shall be isolated from the existing line by test bulkheads, spectacle flanges, or blind flanges. After the new line has been successfully tested, remove test bulkheads or flanges and connect to the existing piping. E. Hydrostatic Testing of Aboveground or Exposed Piping 1. Open vents at high points of the piping system to purge air while the pipe is being filled with water. Venting during system filling may also be provided by temporarily loosening flanges. 2. Subject the piping system to the minimum test pressure (150 psi). Maintain the test pressure for a minimum of two (2) hours. Examine joints, fittings, valves, and connections for leaks. The piping system shall show zero (0) leakage or weeping. Correct leaks and retest until zero leakage is obtained. F. Hydrostatic Testing of Buried Piping 1. Where any section of the piping contains concrete thrust blocks or encasement, the pressure test shall not be performed until at least ten (10) days after the concrete has been placed. When testing mortar-lined pipe, fill the pipe to be tested with water and allow it to soak for at least (24) hours to absorb water before conducting the pressure test. 2. Apply and maintain the test pressure by a positive displacement hydraulic force pump. 3. Maintain the test pressure for the two (2) hours by restoring the pressure whenever it falls five (5) psi. 4. After the pressure test is reached, use a meter to measure the additional water added to maintain the pressure. This amount of water is the loss due to leakage in the piping system. The allowable leakage volume is defined by the following formulas: PVC Pipe: ܮൌܰܦܲ.ହ 7,400 Where: L =maximum allowable leakage (gallons) N =number of rubber-gasket joints in the tested line (where a pipe joins a pipe or a pipe joins a fitting) D = nominal diameter of pipe (inches) P =test gauge pressure (minimally 150 psig) Ductile Iron Pipe: ܮൌ ܵܦܲ.ହ 133,200 Where: L =maximum allowable leakage (gallons) S = length of pipe tested (feet) D = nominal diameter of pipe (inches) P =test gauge pressure (minimally 150 psig) HDPE Pipe: See Section 02620, “high Density Polyethylene Pressure Pipe”. 5. Repair and retest any pipes showing leakage rates greater than that allowed in the criteria above. G. Bulkhead and Test Facility Removal After a satisfactory test, the testing fluid, bulkheads and other test facilities shall be removed and the pipe coatings and linings restored. DISINFECTION (Water System Only) A. General Disinfection Procedure 1. Before disinfection, the Contractor shall inspect materials for quality. Only materials and equipment that are appropriate for the disinfection methods selected shall be used. The precautionary guidelines given in AWWA C651 and AWWA C652 shall be observed. 2. During construction, the preventative measures shall be taken in accordance with AWWA C651 to protect materials from contamination. 3. In accordance with AWWA C651 procedures, all newly constructed materials and existing materials which may have been contaminated during construction shall be disinfected. Documentation shall be provided that the required disinfection level (i.e., required chlorine residual and contact time) was successfully achieved. 4. In accordance with Rule 62-555.340 FAC, following disinfection the total chlorine residual in the water mains shall be reduced to 4 mg/L. The chlorine residual may be reduced via flushing with potable water or by a neutralizing agent that conforms to AWWA C651 and AWWA C652. 5. After the total chlorine residual has been reduced to 4 mg/L, bacteriological testing for water mains shall be conducted. Bacteriological sampling and testing shall be performed in accordance with Rule 62-555.340 FAC. 6. Residue from cleaning and other construction operations, as well as water from dewatering operations shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the St. Lucie County Department of Health. B. Continuous-Feed Method for Pipelines Continuous-feed disinfection shall be performed in accordance with AWWA C651. Potable water shall be introduced into the pipeline at a constant measured rate. Feed the chlorine solution into the same water at a measured rate. Proportion the two (2) rates so that the free chlorine concentration in the pipeline is maintained at a minimum concentration of 25 mg/L. Inject chlorine into the main at a point no greater than three (3) feet downstream of the start of the new water main. Using the appropriate test kits specified by AWWA C651, check the concentration at points downstream during the filling to ascertain that sufficient chlorine is being added. The water main shall be completely filled with chlorinated water. The chlorine contact time shall be at least (24) hours. The water shall be chlorinated so that after (24) hours the concentration of free chlorine residual in the water main shall be not less than 10-mg/L. C. Slug Method for Pipelines The slug method disinfection shall be performed in accordance with AWWA C651. Introduce the water in the pipeline at a constant measured rate. At a point no greater than three (3) feet downstream of the start of the new water main, feed the chlorine solution into the pipeline at a measured rate so that the free chlorine concentration created in the pipeline is 100 mg/L. Using the appropriate test kits specified by AWWA C651, check the concentration at points downstream during the filling to ascertain that sufficient chlorine is being added. Feed the chlorine for a sufficient period to develop a solid column or "slug" of chlorinated water that will, as it passes through the line, expose all interior surfaces to a concentration of at least 100 mg/L for at least three (3) hours. D. Disinfection of Valves, Blind Flanges, and Appurtenances During the period that the chlorine solution is in the pipeline or as the slug comes into contact with hydrants and valves, open and close valves at least three (3) times to obtain a chlorine residual at sample points and other pipeline appurtenances. Swab exposed faces of valves and blind flanges prior to bolting flanges in place with a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. E. Disinfection of Connections to Existing Pipelines Disinfect isolation valves, pipe, and appurtenances in accordance with AWWA C651, Section 4.7. Flush with potable water until discolored water, mud, and debris are eliminated. Swab interior of pipe and fittings with a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. After disinfection, flush with potable water again until water is free of chlorine odor. F. Confirmation of Residual 1. After the chlorine solution applied by the continuous feed method has been retained in the pipeline for (24) hours, confirm that a free chlorine residual of 10 mg/L minimum exists along the pipeline by sampling at air valves and other points of access, such as tapping valves. 2. With the slug method, confirm by sampling as the slug passes each access point and as it leaves the pipeline that the free chlorine concentration in the slug is at least 50 mg/L. If the free chlorine residual is less than 50 mg/L, the flow shall be stopped and the slug residual concentration shall be increased to 100 mg/L before disinfection may resume. G. Pipeline Flushing After confirming the free chlorine residual and sufficient contact time, flush the excess chlorine solution from the pipeline until the free chlorine concentration in the water leaving the pipe is not higher than 4 mg/L. H. Bacteriological Sampling and Testing 1. In accordance with Rule 62-555.340 Florida Administrative Code (FAC), the Contractor shall collect and deliver required samples to a certified laboratory and obtain a bacteriologic quality test to demonstrate the absence of coliform organisms in each separate section of the pipeline and in each structure after chlorination and refilling. Samples shall be delivered to a certified laboratory within six (6) hours of sampling. a. For water mains, collect at least one (1) set of samples from every 1,200 feet of the new water main, plus one (1) set from the end of the line and at least one (1) set from each branch. At each connection to an existing pipeline, take two (2) additional samples. 2. Chlorine residual samples shall be taken at the time bacteriological samples are taken. If the chlorine residual is greater than 4 mg/L, the bacteriological test shall be considered invalid and the residual shall be reduced to 4 mg/L and the bacteriological testing shall be performed until the required criteria are satisfied. I. Repetition of Procedure 1. If the initial chlorination fails to produce required and bacteriologic tests, the chlorination and testing shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. 2. If the water main is installed before satisfactory bacteriological results are achieved, a precautionary boil water notice must be issued if recommended by the water supplier or if recommended by the Department of Health's "Guidelines for the Issuance of Precautionary Boil Water Notices" in accordance with FAC Rule 62-555.340. END OF SECTION SECTION 02800 NON-PAVED ROADWAY / DRIVEWAY RESTORATION GENERAL Description of Work This item of work shall include all furnishing of materials, equipment, testing, labor, and all else necessary to restore all non-paved driveways, including sub-base course materials, for all dirt, marl, or shell driveways. All non-paved driveways shall be reconstructed to a minimum thickness of six (6") inches or in-kind, whichever is greater. Materials and Methods of Construction Materials and Methods of Construction shall conform to the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, and St. Lucie County Standards as applicable. END OF SECTION SECTION 02805 PAVEMENT, SIDEWALK, AND DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT GENERAL References A. Section numbers and Article numbers specified are those contained in the latest edition of the "Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction." B. All pavement, sidewalks and/or driveway restoration shall be completed in conformance with FDOT Standards. Where pavement, sidewalk and/or driveways are disturbed during the execution of this contract work, the thickness of the restored work shall be either equal to existing (i.e. in kind) or the minimum thickness required by the FDOT, whichever is greatest. C. Portions of the project work are in the limits of the rights-of-way owned by St. Lucie County (SLC). Work in the County’s right-of-way shall conform to the SLC Standards or FDOT. D. It is intended that the other specifications contained herein are to be applied as more specific. In the event of a conflict between St. Lucie County and any other provision of these specifications, the more restrictive provision shall apply. Restoration All surfaces, as described, shall be completed as soon as is reasonable. In no case shall the pavement or driveway replacement operation be unfinished for more than ten (10) calendar days after backfilling unless otherwise directed by SLCU or the Engineer. Replace all damaged or cut pavement due to Contractor's operations; restore all pavement outside of trench area that is damaged by the Contract at no expense to Owner. Guarantee All restored areas within the public right-of-way shall be guaranteed for one (1) year. In the event of settlement of paved areas more than ¼” below the undisturbed adjacent permanent pavement, the Contractor shall make the necessary repairs to restore the pavement level within ten (10) calendar days after notification by the Owner. The cost of such repairs shall be paid by the Contractor. PRODUCTS Baserock Limerock, shellrock, and local rock shall conform to FDOT specifications, Section 911. Asphaltic Concrete A. Prime and Tack Coats: Prime and tack coats shall be applied to the prepared baserock. Prime coat shall be cutback asphalt, Grade RC-70, MC-30, or MC-70, complying with FDOT Specifications, Articles 300-1 through 300-7, applied at the average rate of 0.15 gallons per square yard. Tack coat shall be emulsified asphalt, Grade RS-2, complying with FDOT Specifications, Articles 300-1 through 300-7 respectively, applied at the average rate of 0.10 gallons per square yard. The bituminous quantities are considered as average and are subject to some variation at the discretion of SCLU and at no additional cost. B. Patching: Patching of existing roads shall be per FDOT Standard Plans Index 125-001. C. Rock, Gravel, or Marl Replacement: Roads, streets, or driveways constructed of rock, gravel, or marl shall be restored to a condition equal to or better than prior to construction using the same material unless directed otherwise. Concrete Mix, Design, And Testing A. Comply with requirements of applicable FDOT Section 350 for concrete mix design, sampling and testing, and quality control, and as herein specified. B. Design the mix to produce standard weight concrete consisting of Portland cement, aggregate, air-entraining admixture and water to produce the following properties. 1. Compressive Strength - Class I, 3,000 psi. 2. Air Content: 3% to 6% C. Concrete placement slump shall not exceed plus or minus one inch (1”) from approved design slump. EXECUTION Pavement Replacement A. Replace pavement in accordance with the details shown on drawings. The baserock shall be placed and compacted in accordance with FDOT Specifications, Section 200. B. Application of the tack coat shall follow the application of the prime coat immediately prior to the placing of the wearing surface course. Edge Trim Trim edges of the existing pavement with a concrete saw or other approved method to provide a clean, straight edge. Pavement Markings Repaint, stripe, or otherwise mark pavement to match pre-existing conditions, using FDOT approved materials and procedures. Temporary Pavement A. Temporary pavement shall be installed as follows: 1. Residential Streets: In residential streets, the Contractor shall, after completion and acceptance of the backfill, construct a base course in accordance with the typical section meeting the requirements of the FDOT Specifications, Section 200, Articles 200-1 through 200-10. The top of the base course shall be constructed flush with the adjacent asphalt surface. Upon completion of the base construction, it shall be primed and sanded in accordance with FDOT Specifications, Section 300. Prime shall be applied at the rate of 0.50 gallon per square yard, or as directed by the Engineer. 2. Arterial Streets: In arterial streets, the Contractor shall, after completion and acceptance of the backfill, construct a base course in accordance with the typical section. Upon completion of the base course, the Contractor shall construct an asphaltic concrete surface course, Type II, in accordance with FDOT Specifications, Section 334. The top of the surface course shall be constructed flush with the adjacent asphalt surface. Thickness of the replaced course shall match the thickness of the existing surface course. Emergency Repairs And Procedures The Contractor shall provide the name and telephone number of at least two persons designated by the Contractor to receive notification of the need for emergency repairs. These persons shall be available for emergency notification on a 24-hour basis. The County will provide the name, or names, of its designee who will be charged with giving notice to the Contractor when the need for emergency repairs, or other actions, is necessary on work that has been performed by the Contractor. When so notified by the person so designated by the County that emergency repairs, or other actions, are necessary the Contractor will be given a reasonable time to respond to the situation. At the time of notification, the Contractor will give the time that he will be able to take action to rectify the emergency conditions. If this time is not satisfactory to the County, the County reserves the right to have the Road & Bridge Division make necessary repairs, or take other emergency actions as required to restore the pavement, or take other actions necessary. The County will invoice the Contractor for the actual time and materials used in executing the emergency repairs or actions. This amount will be based upon hourly rates and actual materials cost to the County. The labor rates will be supplied to the Contractor prior to beginning work under this Contract. If the Contractor does not pay the invoice as presented by the County, the County reserves the right to withhold that amount from the Contractor on the Final Pay for this Contract. Sidewalk, Concrete Driveway, Curb, And Combined Gutter Removal And Replacement A. Surface Preparation: 1. Remove loose material from the compacted sub-base surface immediately before placing concrete. 2. Proof-roll prepared sub-base surface to check for unstable areas and the need for additional compaction. Do not begin paving work until such conditions have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. Comply with requirements of FDOT Section 230. B. Do not place concrete until sub-base and forms have been checked for line and grade. Moisten if required to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes or other structures until they are completed to required finish elevation and alignment. All concrete driveways shall be FDOT Class 1 and a minimum of 6” thick with wire or fiber mesh reinforcement. All sidewalks shall be a minimum of 4” thick, shall be sawcut every 5’, and shall have an expansion joint every 30’. 1. Place concrete using methods which prevent segregation of the mix. Consolidate concrete along the face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Use only square-faced shovels for hand-spreading and consolidation. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocation of reinforcing, dowels, and joint devices. Do not use vibrators to push or move concrete in forms or chute. 2. Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between transverse joints, as far as possible. If interrupted for more than one-half hour, place a construction joint. 3. Curbs and Gutters: Automatic machine may be used for curb and gutter placement at Contractor's option. If machine placement is to be used, submit revised mix design and laboratory test results which meet or exceed the minimum herein specified. Machine placement must produce curbs and gutters to the required cross-section, lines, grades, finish, and jointing as specified for formed concrete. If results are not acceptable, remove and replace with formed concrete as specified. 4. Joints: Construct expansion, weakened-plane (contraction), and construction joints true-to- line with face perpendicular to surface of the concrete, unless otherwise indicated. Construct transverse joints at right angles to the centerline, unless otherwise indicated. When joining existing structures, place transverse joints to align with previously-placed joints, unless otherwise indicated. a. Weakened-Plane Joints: Provide weakened-plane (contraction) joints sectioning concrete into areas where required. Construct weakened-plane joints for a depth equal to at least one-quarter concrete thickness, by sawing within 24 hours of placement or formed during finishing operations. Place joints at intervals not to exceed 10’, if not otherwise indicated. b. Construction Joints: Place construction joints at the end of all pours and at locations where placement operations are stopped for a period of more than one-half hour, except where such pours terminate at expansion joints. Construction joints shall be as shown or, if not shown, use standard metal keyway-section form of appropriate height. c. Expansion Joints: (1) Provide premolded joint filler for expansion joints abutting concrete curbs, catch basin, manholes, inlets, structures, walks, and other fixed objects, unless otherwise indicated. (2) Locate expansion joints at 30’ o.c. for concrete walks, unless otherwise indicated. (3) Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint, and not less than one-half inch below finished surface where joint sealer is indicated. If no joint sealer, place top of joint filler flush with finished concrete surface. (4) Furnish joint fillers in one-piece lengths for the full width being placed, wherever possible. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint filler sections together. Pieces shorter than four inches shall not be used unless specifically shown as such. (5) Protect the top edge of the joint filler during concrete placement with a metal cap or other temporary material. Remove protection after concrete has been placed on both sides of joint. (6) Fillers and Sealants: Comply with the requirements of these specifications for preparation of joints, materials installations and performance, and as herein specified. Concrete Finishing A. After striking-off and consolidating concrete, smooth the surface by screening and floating. Use hand methods only where mechanical floating is not possible. Adjust the floating to compact the surface and produce a uniform texture. B. After floating, test surface for trueness with a 20 ft. straight edge. Variations exceeding one- third inch for any two (2) points within ten (10) feet shall not be acceptable. Distribute concrete as required to remove surface irregularities, and refloat repaired areas to provide a continuous smooth finish. C. Work edges of slabs, gutters, back top edge of curb, and formed joints with an edging tool, and round 10-½" radius, unless otherwise indicated. Eliminate any tool marks on concrete surface. D. After completion of floating and when excess moisture or surface sheen has disappeared, broom finish sidewalks by drawing a fine-hair broom across concrete surface, perpendicular to a line of pedestrian traffic. E. Do not remove forms for 24 hours after concrete has been placed. After form removal, clean ends of joints and point-up any minor honeycombed areas. END OF SECTION SECTION 02920 PERFORMANCE TURF GENERAL Description The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to establish a growing, healthy turf over all areas disturbed by his operations and any other areas on the plans indicated to receive turf. It is the intent of this specification that damaged areas are to be replaced in kind, with sod to be used for all maintained yard areas. The plans shall designate those areas to receive seed and those areas to receive sod. The plans shall also designate the type of seed/sod to be used in each area. Contractor shall take all steps practical to minimize the area required to be sodded or seeded. The work specified in this item shall conform to Section 570 of the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (Latest Edition), except as modified herein. Storage of Materials The Contractor shall provide space for storage of sod prior to placement in a manner that will not endanger or restrict pedestrian or vehicular traffic or interfere with other aspects of the work. PRODUCTS Sod A. Types: Sod shall be St. Augustine Floratam, Argentine Bahia, Centipede, or Bermuda, depending on type of existing sod in adjacent area to be matched. Sod shall be well matted with roots. Where sodding will adjoin, or be in sufficiently close proximity to private lawns, types of sod other than those listed above may be used if desired by the affected property owners and approved by the Engineer. Sod shall be delivered in commercial-size rectangles, preferably 12” x 24” or larger. B. Condition: The sod shall be sufficiently thick to secure a dense stand of live grass. The sod shall be live, fresh, and uninjured at the time of planting. It shall have a soil mat of sufficient thickness adhering firmly to the roots to withstand all necessary handling. It shall be reasonably free of weeds and other grasses. It shall be planted as soon as possible after being dug and shall be kept moist from the time it is planted. Seed A. General: All seed shall meet the requirements of the State Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and all applicable State laws. The seed shall have been harvested from the previous year’s crop. When a low percentage of grass seed or native seed germination causes the quality of the seed to fall below the minimum pure live seed percentage as specified below, the Contractor may elect, subject to the approval of the Engineer, to increase the rate of application sufficiently to obtain the minimum germination rate specified. No payment will be made for the added seed. B. Delivery and Storage: Each of the species or varieties of seed shall be furnished and delivered in separate labeled bags. During handling and storage, the seed shall be cared for in such a manner that it will be protected from damage by heat, moisture, rodents, and other causes. All permanent and temporary grass seed shall have been tested within a period of six (6) months of the date of planting. C. Purity and Germination: All permanent and temporary grass seed shall have a minimum percent of purity and germination as follows: 1. Argentine Bahia Grass Seed shall have a minimum pure seed content of 95 percent, with a minimum germination of 80 percent. 2. Pensacola Bahia Grass Seed shall have a minimum pure seed content of 95 percent, with a minimum active germination of 40 percent and a total germination of 80 percent, including firm seed. 3. Bermuda Grass Seed shall be of common variety with a minimum germination of 85 percent. 4. Annual Type Rye Grass Seed shall have a minimum pure seed content of 95 percent, with a minimum germination of 90 percent. Mulch The mulch material used shall normally be dry mulch. Dry mulch shall be straw or hay, consisting of oat, rye, of wheat straw, or of pangola, peanut, coastal Bermuda, or Bahia grass hay. Only deteriorated mulch which can readily be cut into the soil shall be used. Grassing Equipment A. Seed Spreader: The seed spreader shall be an approved mechanical hand spreader or other approved type of spreader. B. Equipment for Cutting Mulch into Soil: The mulching equipment shall be of a type capable of cutting the specified materials uniformly into the soil, and to the required depth. Harrows will not be allowed. C. Rollers: A cultipacker, traffic roller, or other suitable equipment will be required for rolling the grassed areas. EXECUTION General Construction Methods Seeding and mulching operations will not be permitted when wind velocities exceed 15 miles per hour. Seed shall be sown only when the soil is moist and in proper condition to induce growth. No seeding shall be done when the ground is frozen, unduly wet, or otherwise not in a tillable condition. Whenever a suitable length of right-of-way or adjacent area has been graded, it shall be made ready, when directed by the Engineer, and grassed in accordance with these specifications. Grassing shall be incorporated into the project at the earliest practical time in the lift of the contract. Sodding A. Preparation of Area to be Sodded: The ground which is to receive sod shall have been graded to proper elevations (2” below sodded grade) to match pre-construction conditions or proposed grades. All disturbed swales and ditches shall have been restored to their pre-construction condition or better. The pre-construction grade shall be maintained and the prepared soil shall be loose and reasonable smooth. It shall be reasonable free of large clods, roots, patches of existing grass, and other material which will interfere with the sod-laying operations or subsequent mowing and maintenance operations. B. Laying of Sod: Sod shall be installed in all areas so designated by Engineer. Sod shall be carefully placed so that each piece abuts flush to all surrounding sod, regardless of whether surrounding sod is new or existing. Where new sod is to be placed adjacent to existing sod, the new sod must be cut in to match the elevation of the existing sod. Uneven sod which might cause mowing problems will be rejected. New sod laid on top of existing sod will also be rejected. All sod placed on steep slopes (greater than 1:1) shall be pinned with a wooden pin to keep it in place. Do not use sod which has been cut for more than 48 hours. C. Rolling: Immediately after completion of the sod laying, the entire sodded area shall be rolled thoroughly with the equipment specified. At least two (2) trips over the entire area will be required. D. Watering: Newly-sodded areas are to be watered by Contractor as necessary to keep sod alive until the Contractor is closed out. Dead sod shall be replaced by Contractor prior to contract closeout. Seeding A. Sequence of Operations: The operations involved in the work shall proceed in the following sequence: preparation of the ground, seeding, spreading, and cutting in mulch. B. Preparation of Area to be Seeded: The ground over which the seed is to be sown shall be prepared by disk-harrowing and thoroughly pulverizing the soil to a suitable depth. The prepared soil shall be loose and reasonably smooth. It shall be reasonable free of large clods, roots, and other material which will interfere with the work or subsequent mowing and maintenance operations. C. Application of Seed: While the soil is still loose, the seed shall be scattered uniformly over the grassing area and immediately mixed into the seed bed to a depth of ½”. Unless other types of seed are called for, permanent-type grass seed shall be a mixture of 20 parts of Bermuda seed and 80 parts of Pensacola Bahia seed. Quick-growing type grass seed shall be a species which will provide an early ground cover during the particular season when planting is done and will not later compete with permanent grass. The separate types of seed used shall be thoroughly dry- mixed immediately before sowing. Seed which has become wet shall not be used. D. Mulching: When mulching is called for, approximately two inches, loose thickness, of the mulch material shall then be applied uniformly over the seeded area, and the mulch material cut into the soil with the equipment specified, so as to produce a loose mulched thickness of three to four inches. Care shall be exercised that the materials are not cut too deeply into the soil. No artificial watering of the mulch shall be done before it is applied. E. Rolling: Immediately after completion of the seeding, the entire grassed or mulched area shall be rolled thoroughly with the equipment specified. At least two (2) trips over the entire area will be required. F. Watering: Newly seeded areas are not to be watered to force the seed germination, but only to sustain grass growth. Water will only be used on vegetated areas when permitted by the Engineer. G. Operations on Steep Slopes: On steep slopes when mulching is called for, the mulch material may be anchored down in lieu of being cut into the soil by use of a machine. Anchoring may be done by either of the following methods: 1. Placing a layer of soil, approximately two inches thick by nine inches wide, along the upper limits of the mulch, and spotting soil piles over the rest of the area at a maximum spacing of four feet. 2. Spreading a string net over the mulch, using stakes driven flush with the top of the mulch, at six-foot centers, and stringing parallel and perpendicular, with diagonals in both directions. H. Maintenance: The Contractor shall, at his expense, maintain the planted areas in a satisfactory condition until final acceptance of the project. Such maintenance shall include the filling, leveling, and repairing of any washed or eroded areas, as may be necessary. The Engineer, at any time, may require replanting of any areas in which the establishment of the grass stand does not appear to be developing satisfactorily. If a planted area must be replanted due to the Contractor’s negligence, carelessness, or failure to provide routine maintenance of such areas, such replacement shall be at the Contractor’s expense. If replanting is necessary due to factors determined to be beyond the control of the Contractor, payment for replacement will be made under the appropriate contract pay items. END OF SECTION Paragon Electric of Vero, Inc. (772) 569-8961 • Fax (772) 299-5167 9120 16th Place • Vero Beach, Florida 32966 Quotation Date: 6/15/21 To: Centroid Diversified, LLC Attn: Jeff Watson Phone: 850 791 2038 Project: St. Lucie County North County Repump Station To provide and install electrical wiring per plans dated 4/7/2021 and addendum 1 to include: Switchgear to include 150KVA SS Transformer, SS 4X Disconnect Switch, MPZ Support rack for disconnect Connect to existing ATS Remove existing generator and 200 amp disconnect Conduit and wire for power and controls Install Pump Control Panel – furnished by others Install Auto Dialer – furnished by others Install pump leads and floats – furnished by others Connect generator and ATS – furnished and set by others Pole and light fixtures Mini Power Zone/ Panel, Stainless Steel Enclosure SS Junction boxes for power and control Time Clock Conduit for telephone line Excavation and backfill Wiring per NFPA 820 to wet well – Seal off fittings and compound Grounding Ground Testing Total Material and Labor $ 129,928.00 Notes: FPL Primary conduits and wire “provided and installed by FPL” as per notes on Sheet E-2 Generator and ATS furnished by others Generator set by others Concrete work Not included 061121 Centroid Diversified