HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOF TILE ADHESIVES11119121, 11:22 AM Florida Building Code Online k Professional rmr��c Bps Home Log in User Registration Mot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications contact Us BCIS Site Map LinkS Search U r Product Approval USER: Public User Product A proyal M n > Product ur ARpkcatFon Search > Agpllcaiion U5t > Application Detail • - 4 FL # FL6332-R9 Applica Ion Type Revision Code V rsion 2020 Applica ion Status Approved Produ Manufacturer ICP Adhesives & Sealants, Inc. Addre /Phone/Email 12505 NW 44th Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 (888) 774-1419 Ext201 rylipelkonen@icpadhesives.com Signature Technical Representative Addre /Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Addre /Phone/Email Categ ry Subcategory Compliance Method Riku Ylipelkonen rylipelkonen@icpadhesives.com Roofing Roof Tile Adhesives Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect Ora Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Floridi i Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen Evalui tfon Report Florid License PE-59166 Quallt e Assurance Entity UL LLC Quallt f Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/21/2024 Vaiida ed By John W. Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received of Independence Standard and Year (of Standard) ice of Product Standards By Sectidns from the Code Standard SSTD 11 IME 1997 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D https:Ilwww.floridabuilding.org,'prlpr_app_dU.aspx2param=wGEVXQwtDquanCtKft6f%2fM%2b3ax6XpXuonHOZ5Ef-Mrw%3d 1/2 11/19/21. 11:22 AM Florida Building Code Online Date Date Date Date L 6332. FBC Approval Model, Number or Name POLYSEf AH-160 D9/29/2020 10/04/2020 10/11/2020 12/15/2020 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVN2: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +n/a/-178 Other: 1.) The design pressure limitation in this application refers to hip and ridge tiles in one configuration. Refer to Table 2 of E for all hip and ridge the limitations. 2.) Field tiles are tleslg ed based on overturning moment resistance. Refer to Table of ER for field tile limitations. 3.) Refer to ER Sections 5 for other Limitations of Use. Description Dual Component expanding polyurethane roof the adhesive Installation Instructions Verified By: Robert Nientren PE-59166 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F16132 Rg AE 2020 09 29 FINAL ER POLYSET AH160 FL6332-R9.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Neal Comart Us :: 26D1 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee K 32322 Phone: 850i82-1824 le State of Florida is an WEED employe,. Copvdaht 2002-2013 State of Florica.:: privacy, Stetement :v Accesobillo Statement :: Balund Statemen inch law, email addresses am public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records mquesq do not send electronic ; entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.225(1), mutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide Me Department with an email address If they have one. The emads may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please e Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine it you are a Ilcense, under Chapter 455, ES., please click here . Product Approval Accepb: ®U®F";;�® Credit Card Safe 2/2 R] NEMO I etc. Certificate of Authorization #32455 353 Christian Street, Unit #13 Oxford, CT 06478 (203)262-9245 ENGINEE EVALUATE TEST CONSULT EVALUATION•• ICP Adhesives an Sealants, Inc. Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R9 12505 NW 441h S1 eet FL6332-R9 Coral Springs, FL 3065 Date of Issuance: 08/08/2008 (888) 774-1419 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction mat rials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of thF product under the Florida Building Code. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: PO SET• AH-160 LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPIL ANcE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the roduct(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEMO ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: I he Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEMO Ietc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors a d shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 10. Prepared by: � iY; sry.11M �6t�? Robert J.M. hiller inen, P.E. y • The facsimile sealappearingwas authorized by Robert Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1983 `'!y��,,?;; ,'�..•" Nieminen. P.E. on 09/29/2020. This does not serve as an electronically signed document. CERTIFICATION OF IND ENDENCE: 1. NEMO ETC, U. does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing pri ducts it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC, LL is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Niemin n, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the eval liation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Niemin n, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. S. This is a buildii ig code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on whi h this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for I hat purpose. 02018, NEMO ETC, LLC ONEMID I etc. ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: Product egory: Roofing Sub -Cates rv: Roof Tile Adhesives Compliant Statement: POLYSETO AH-160, as produced by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc., has demonstrated compliancIll with the following sections of the 7u' Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the 4andards set forth herein. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. Sections 1504.2.1.1 Entity ERD (TST ERD (TST ICC-ES (E NEMO (' NEMO (' PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI (TST PRI ITST PRI ITST PRI ITST PRI (TST FRI(TST PRI (TST PRI ITST PRI (TST PRI (TST UL LLC (I UL, LLC. Pro a Standard Year Overturning resistance SSTD 11 1997 Examination Reference Date a) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 P39740.02.12 02/20/2012 a) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 P39740.11.13-R1 01/02/2015 396) 20121BC Compliance ESR-1709 12/01/2018 (CER 1592) HVHZcompliance 17-0322.03 04/27/2017 D49) Tensile Adhesion (ridge metal) 41-ECM-20-SSCRT-01 09/29/2020 D49) Tensile Adhesion 4p-ICP-20-SSLAP-01 09/29/2020 3) Static Uplift—SSTD 11 ECM-001-02-01 09/21/2001 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 PFI-006-02-01 05/09/2005 3) Static Uplift—SSTD 11 PFI-006-02-02 05/09/2005 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 PFI-007-02-01 10/11/200S 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 PFI-008-02-04 02/21/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 PFI-009-02-03 02/21/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 TGRI-001-02-03 10/30/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 TGRI-001-02-03 10/30/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 PFPI-010-02-01 12/07/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD11 PFPI-011-02-01 12/07/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD11 PFPI-012-02-01 12/07/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 PFPI-013-02-01 12/07/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 PFPI-014-02-01 12/07/2006 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 ECM-003-02-01 06/13/2008 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 ECM-004-02-01 06/13/2008 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 ECM-005-02-01 06/13/2008 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 ECM-006-02-01 06/13/2008 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 ECM-007-02-01 06/13/2008 3) Static Uplift —SSTD 11 ECM-008-02-01 06/13/2008 9625) Quality Assurance Service Confirmation 02/07/2018 i 9625) Quality Assurance Florida SCIS Current AH-160 is a two -component expanding polyurethane roof tile adhesive that is mixed and dispensed from a system provided by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. The components are available in refillable tanks or cylinders. NEMO ETC, LLC I Evaluation Report 02768.03.06.R9 Certycate OfAuthorizatio p314SS 7"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION rl,,;:.: n POLYSET' AH-160 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 2 of 10 ONEMOIetc. 5.1 This is a bi 01cling code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record foi any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design gui lance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evalu ition Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i.e., Broward and Miami -Dade 5.3 This Eval+tion Report pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordancle with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evalu Lion Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to FBC 2505 or R902 for requirements and limit Lions regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic Insulation. 5.5 This Evalt 3tion Report does not include evaluation of roof edge termination. 5.6 POLYS AH-160 may be used with flat, law and high profile tiles having a current Florida Statewide Product Approval r approved on a local -level by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.7 Field tiles, meeting the limitations of FBC 1609.5.3, using POLYSETe AM-260 are limited to projects having an Aerodyne nic Uplift Moment (M,), determined in accordance with Table 2HB, 2HC, 2HD, 2GB, 2GC or2GD of FRSA/TRI Florida Hi Fh Wind Concrete and Clay Roof rile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition or FBC 1609.5.3, not greater than the fallowing kilowable Overturning Moment values. Refer to Section 10 and ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. published installatio i instructions for Adhesive Paddy Placement details. TABLE 1: FIELD TiLEs IN POLYSETe AH-160 ALLOWABLE OVERTURNING MOMENT PERFORMANCE DATA (MARGINS OF SAFETY ALREADY APPLIED) Tile (FBC 1609..3) Adhesive Paddy Placement (Section 10) Mlovnible Placement Overturning Type Pr file Detail Paddy Details Moment ft #1 Independent; Single Paddy, Medium (20-inch, —30 gram) 60 Clay or Flat +#2 Independent; Single Paddy, Large (WO -inch, -45 gram) 112 Concrete fo�p #3 Interdependent; Two Paddy (4x4-inch on underlayment, 2x4-inch at the overlap) 54 #1 Independent; Single Paddy, Medium (20-inch, -30 gram) 39 #2 Independent; Single Paddy, Large (2x10-inch, -54 gram) 67 Clay or Med! im Interdependent; Two Paddy 14x4-inch on underlayment, 2x4-inch at tile Concrete #3 overlap) 58 Clay High #3 Independent; Single Paddy, Large (2x1D-inch, `45 gram) 134 #1 Independent; Single Paddy, Medium (20-inch, `30 gram) 65 Clay or High #2 Independent; Single Paddy, Large (WO -inch, -63 ram) 109 #3 Interdependent; Two Paddy (4x4-inch on underlayment, W-inch at tile Concrete overlap) 40 Clay Barr 1 #4 2x10-inch x -35 gram for pans; 2 @1 WO -inch x -17 gram for cap 147 Concrete Barr 1 #4 2x10-inch x -35 gram for pans; 2 @1 WO -inch x -17 gram for rap 107 Clay Cap top 2x #5 Independent: Continuous Paddy (`34 gram/ft) 135 strin er Concrete Cap top 2x #5 Inde Independent: Continuous Paddy p y 1- 34 gram/ft) Il6 strin er Clay Cap top 2x #6 Interdependent: 105 strin er Head: One (1) #10 x 2%" screw; Overlap: 1 x 6 inch (-10.5 gram) Concrete Cap top 2x #6 Interdependent: 76 strin er Head: One (1) #10 x 2%" screw; Overlap: 1 x 6 inch (`10.5 ram) NEMO ETC, LLC Certificate ofAurhoruatio R32055 7T- EDITION (20201 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION POLYSET' AH-160 Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R9 FL6332-R9 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 3 of 20 ONEMOletc. 5.7.1 Data in Ta le 1 relates to installation over a TWO-PLY underlayment system, as detailed in the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Con rete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, using a hot -asphalt -applied, ASTM D6380, Class M cap sh t (commonly called a'30/90 system'). Alternate underlayment systems are those having a current Florida Statewide Product Approval and/or approved on a local -le 1 by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, listed specifically for use with POLYSETO AH-160. 5.7.2 Tile roof systems using tile types or profiles other than those listed above acquiring acceptance for use with POLYS AH-160 shall be tested in accordance with SSTD 11 or Testing Application Standard TAS 201. For the interdependent multi -paddy method, an additional 2-to-1 margin above that specified in SSTD 11 or Testing Application Standard TAS 101 shall be applied in determining the 'allowable overturning moment'. 5.8 Hip and r dge tiles using POLYSETO AH-160 are limited to projects having hip/ridge design pressure requirements, Table 1A of FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition or the applicablf design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3, not greater than the folloA ing values. Refer to ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. published installation instructions for Adhesive Paddy Placement details. TABLE 2: HIP & RIDGE TILES IN POLYSETO AH-160 ALLOWABLE UPLIFT RESISTANCE PERFORMANCE DATA (MARGINS OF SAFETYAUIEADYAPPUED) Placement Alimable Tile Substrate Detail Attachment Details Design (Section 10) Pressure (pan Clay 2x PT ridge board #5 Independent: Continuous Paddy (^34 116 ram/ft) Concrete 2 x! ridge board #5 Independent: Continuous Paddy (- 34 107 9PT ram/ft) Clay 2 PT ridge board #6 Interdependent: Head: One (1) #10 x 2%" 90 screw; Overlap: 1 x 6 inch ("10.5 gram) Concrete 2 PT ridge board #6 Interdependent: Head: One (1) #10 x 2%" 56 screw; Overlap: 1 x 6 inch (^10.5 ram) Clay or Ei st Coast Metals "Trim Lock'"" (FL5374): #5 Independent: Continuous Paddy (`34 Concrete al iminum, Galvalume• orstainless steel gram/ft) 173 Cla or Y E IF t Coast Metals "Trim Lock'" Plus" 374): aluminum, Galvalume or #5 Independent: Continuous Paddy (` 34 Concrete st inlesssteel gram/ft) 178 Clay Ri ged Systems "Top Notch" (FL8095) #5 Independent: Continuous Paddy (` 32 125 gram/ft) Concrete Ri ged Systems "Top Notch" (FL8095) #5 Independent: Continuous Paddy (^' 32 146 gram/ft) NEMO ETC, LLC I Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R9 Certificate of Authorization 32455 7'" EDITION (2020) FK NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6332-R9 POLYSET- AH-160 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 4 of 10 NNEMO I etc. POLYSETO AN-160 and the tile roof assembly shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers' current published instructions, but not less than the requirements of FBC 1S07.3 and the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete r nd Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, subject to the limitations in Section S. Installatio I of POLYSETO AH-160 shall be performed by applicators that hold a valid Qualified Applicator Card presented by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. Underlayi Lent shall hold current Florida Product Approval for use with tile roofing systems. The underlayment Product proval shall specify allowable use with POLYSETO AH-160. The underlayment Product Approval shall specify at achment methods for the underlayment system to resist wind uplift design loads in accordance with Table SA of FW kMI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition or the critical (highest) esign pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. Hip and ri ge boards or hip/ridge metal shall be installed in accordance with the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay I aof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition. Proprietary hip and ridge metal shall be installed in accordance with the anufacturer's Florida Product Approval. As requirtd by product. UL, LLC. Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this (414) 248-6409; Karen. buchman IT0uLcom NENIO ETC, LLC I Evaluation Report 02769.03.06.1119 CertipoateofAuMonzaBon 32455 7- EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6332-R9 POLYSET- AH-160 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 5 of 20 10.1 1 DETAIL #21 Independent, Medium Paddy: Nail through plassio cement Paddy (Beneath rile) (when requind) UndedaymwtIt ° 1 ° v� 7in.' in. N Bata,-', "pG°ne1 ° Eaw Course_ Eaw Flat/Low Profile Tile ONEMOletc. Nailthrough plastic cement (when required) Paddy (Bemerth Tile) Underlayment r In 2In. Battensoptlonal 101. 2In. Eavo Closure E,ve Course Fasela Medium Profile Tile Nail through plastic cemem Paddy (Beneat h Tile) (when required( i Underlaymam r •� r71n`21n. Battens optional Eavocourse Fascia Woopho)e 10 in. 2 in. Eave closer* Drip edge High Profile Tile NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R9 Certy'iroreofAuthariradnn 32455 7"' EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6332-R9 POLYSETe AH-160 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 6 of 10 10.2 10 in. Baum, r, ptional Eay. COUrW ` Ewe Closure Independent, Large Paddy: :emend_ Paddy (Beneath Tile)) Flat/Low Profile Tile 10 in.■ 2 in.wide Battens optional i r Erie Course 10 in.. _2in. ONEMO I etc. Nall through plastic cement (when required) .-- Paddy(Beneath l 0 i\ 2 in.wid Battens optional 11V EmeClosuro Eave Course- Payola Medium Profile Tile Paddy (Beneath Tile) High ProfOeTile \ Weephole Eave closure Drip edge NEMO ETC, LLC I Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R9 Certificate of Authorization a 2455 7- EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL6332-R9 POLVSETe AH-160 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 7 of 10 10.3 DETAIL N3: Interdependent, Two Paddy: Nail through plastic cement Paddy(between tiles) (when required) mum optiatwl ° I Paddy (under tilel v . 4x4in i 2x4in. Eave Closma Flat/LOW Profile Tile NNEMICIletc. Nail through plastic content single paddy under the (w hen required' Paddy (between ties) Battens Paddy (under tile) optional 1 Single paddy on top of the \ 4 V4x4in. y j'2. 4in. Slnale oaddv on \ -- 10in. in. Eave closure Eave Course j " Fascia Medium Profile Tile Nall through plastk ce Single paddy undertile (when required) Paddy Ibelw n tiles) In. en Eave Course Fauna hole �a�ftqcll' fum Nioinin. 7 Drip High Profile Tile NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R9 Certificate efAuthoritotion 32455 77" EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVHI EVALUATION FL6332-R9 POLYSETe AN-160 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 8 of 10 10.4 I DETAIL p4E Two Piece Barrel (Cap & Pan) Tile: 10.5 11 Istace enough adhesive to achieve 65 to 20 in contact with the Pan tile. 21 rum Cover.."rite dawn. wce adno.— Ia m. to 1 Inch In "in ward. edge of cwar Eric. neuu cover Ile. Ensure 20 to 25 &A. in, contact sea e race sIM Of corer nN. Uitdedayment 1� imirenhownl Fluid. steep Remove top portion of the eave course cover tile. Abut to second course of pan tiles. Ensure eave end of pan and cover tiles are flush at save line. Two Piece Barrel -High Profile Tile DETAIL N4: Hip and Ridge (independent placement): A bed fICI ilk avg. ao aseW has f0 I ma) be sppid sous' de veld 1'a earth bip"* fie., a heed of ICE' PMstISM'I W tn. hp.* board ca rAb4ed be sppi i din Ilr cnmm ul 0r less runs, lase m yN.ImM t.ctvu (lass" NNEMO I etc. wt., mare `ern.... NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R9 Certii icaut of Authorization 32055 7TM EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION F1,6332-119 POLVSETe AH-160 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 9 of 10 NMEMO I etc. 10.6 I DETAIL #6: �Iip and Ridge (interdependent placement): 1" X 6" Bead of ICP Polyset®AH-160 roof tile adhesive x 2-1/2" Screw Code Approved Fastener Adhere starter tile with a 2" x 7" Paddy placed 3" down from head of tile END OF EVALUATION REPORT - NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R9 Cerfy7mte of Authorization #32 5 7r" EDITION (2020) FSC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL6332-R9 POLYSET' AH-160 Revision 9: 09/29/2020 Page 10 of 10