HomeMy WebLinkAboutWendy Hart - 344 Palm AveB3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E s s e n c C- o f P e r f e c t i o n 1676 West 31 PL., Hialeah FL, 33012 - Off. 786.773-5871/5889 - Fax. 786.615-5801 December 9, 2021 Project No. 21-0613 Wendy Hart 344 Palms Ave Fort Pierce, Florida Attn. Ms. Wendy Hart RE: Report of Geotechnical exploration for an existing property Located: 344 Palms Ave, Fort Pierce, Florida Dear Ms. Hart: In accordance with your request, we have completed the subsurface exploration and geotechnical evaluation for an existing property in Fort Pierce, Florida. Enclosed are two (2) copies of the report that includes our findings and construction considerations. B3 Material Testing Engineering, LLC (133 MTE) appreciates the opportunity to be of service during this phase of the project. If there are any questions or comments you may have regarding the content of this report, or if you may need of any further service, please contact us at your convenience. If there are any questions regarding the information submitted herein, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely yours, rragrr—rr rrr B3 Material Testin E" e ' Fib No, Dario A. Herrero WTATV OF ,%�4 Florida Reg. 67796,--<" .•' �: :` Laft19 DH/AD/bm-WendyHart -,'ZONAL ! Page116 B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E s s e n c � o f P c r f e c t i o n 1676 West 31 PL., Hialeah FL, 33012 - Off. 786.773-5871/5889 - Fax. 786.615-5801 December 9, 2021 INTRODUCTION B3 Material Testing Engineering LLC. (B3 MTE) conducted a subsurface investigation at the above referenced project. The investigation was performed on December 7, 2021, authorized by Ms. Wendy Hart. The purpose of the investigation was to obtain information concerning the sub -surface condition to provide site preparation and foundation design alternatives for support of the proposed construction. To achieve the desired objective two (2) standard penetration test borings tests were performed. The approximate boring locations are indicated on the attached Boring Location Plan. We have also attached the boring logs, which include the types of materials encountered, results of the field tests and measured groundwater depths. SCOPE The scope of services included a reconnaissance of the site, geotechnical investigation, field and engineering analysis and evaluation of the data. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION The project consists of an existing property in Fort Pierce, Florida. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES The soil borings were performed on December 7, 2021, with a truck mounted drilling rig and were advanced using hollow stem auger drilling methods. A total of two (2) soil borings tests were performed to a depth of 25 feet. Representative soil samples were obtained employing split spoon sampling procedures in accordance with ASTM Specification D-1586. Samples obtained in the field were returned to our laboratory for further examination and testing. A two (2) foot long two (2) inches O.D. Split Spoon Sampler was driven into the ground by successive blows with 140 lb. Hammer dropping thirty (30) inches. The soil sampler was driven two (2) feet at a time or at every change in soil characteristics, then extracted for visual examination and classification of the retained soil samples. The number of blows required for a one (1) foot penetration of the sampler is designated as "N" (known as the standard penetration resistance value). The "N" value provides an indication of the relative density of non -cohesive soils and the consistency of cohesive soils. Page216 B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E s s e n c e o f h C- r f e c_ L i o n 1676 West 31 PL., Hialeah FL, 33012 - Off. 786.773-5871/5889 - Fax. 786.615-5801 December 9, 2021 Suitable corrections are applied to this number to include the effects of soil overburden pressure and other factors. A general evaluation of soils is made from the established correlation between "N" and the relative density or consistency of soils. This dynamic method of soil testing has been widely accepted by foundation engineers and architects to conservatively evaluate the bearing capacity of soils. A continuous drilling and sampling procedure was used therefore, the samples were taken at intervals of two (2) feet. SOIL AND GROUND WATER CONDITIONS Specific soil conditions encountered in the borings are indicated on the soil boring logs included with this report. The stratification of the profile components as shown on the boring logs represents the subsurface conditions at the actual boring locations. Variations may occur within a short distance from the borings. Lines of demarcation represent the approximate boundary between the type of material encountered, but the transition may be gradual, or not clearly define. The existing surface consists of 0' to 2' brown fine to medium sand, between 2' to 3' dark brown fine to medium sand with root, between 3' to 6' olive brown fine sand, between 6' to 10' brown fine to medium sand, between 10' to 16' gray fine to medium sand with shell fragment and 16' to 25' lime rock with light gray fine to medium sand. Fluctuations in the amount of water accumulated and in the hydrostatic water table can be anticipated depending upon variations in precipitation and surface runoff. The types of foundation material encountered have been visually classified and are described in detail in the boring logs. The results of the field penetration tests are presented in the boring logs in numerical and graphic forms. Groundwater was measure immediately at the completion of each soil boring and was found at an average of approximately eight (8) feet eight (8) inches, below the existing surface (see logs). Design engineers must verify existing ground elevations as well as FEMA Flood and County highest and lowest groundwater elevation for their design. Surface flooding may result under hurricane conditions and should be taken into consideration in the design of the project. Specialty groundwater and water proofing contractors shall be consulted for all work below the groundwater level. Fluctuation in the observed ground water level should be expected due to seasonal climatic changes rainfall variation, surface water run-off and other, specific factors related to the site in question. Dewatering for foundations shall be considered. Page316 B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E s s F r-n c e., o f P e r -F e c t i o n 1676 West 31 PL., Hialeah FL, 33012 - Off. 786.773-5871/5889 - Fax. 786.615-5801 December 9, 2021 91_nF111 FO UNDA TION RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the sub -surface conditions encountered B3 Material Testing Engineering LLC., has evaluated a few foundation systems for providing additional support to the existing structure. Based on our understanding of the proposed structure and our field boring logs; it is evident that deep foundation system is needed to support the proposed structure and slabs without detrimental settlement. Existing land elevation was not provided to B3 MTE; therefore, the proposed pile length is based on the existing ground elevation at the time of drilling. Push pier length will need to be adjusted accordingly based on proposed final designs. Pile special consideration in the analysis was given to the following: 1. The presence of a layer soft material of varied thickness, which makes the site less appropriate for construction using regular spread footings and single column pads at the existing grade. 2. Length to width ratio of the proposed structure with special emphasis on differential settlement. Given the above, the following foundation system was selected. PUSH PIERS Push Piers is a feasible alternative. The capacity of these piles is essentially developed in tip bearing. The analysis for this foundation system consisted of determining a pile capacity for specific pile size and depth of installation. See Table I below: TABLE Size Allowable Allowable (Dia.) Proposed Bearing (in) Length Capacity 2 7/8 15 Feet or refusal 5 Tons A minimum of three (3) indicator piles should initially be driven (installed) at strategic locations to verify the suggested pile length. The entire pile driving operation should be monitored and performed in accordance with the relevant local and state requirements. The proposed length is based on the existing surface at the time of drilling. Page416 B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING c o f P r f e c t i o n 1676 West 31 PL., Hialeah FL, 33012 - Off. 786.773-5871/5889 - Fax. 786.615-5801 August 2, 2021 LIMITATIONS OF STUDY The exploration and evaluation of the foundation conditions reported herein are considered sufficient in detail and scope to form a reasonable basis for the foundation design. The recommendations submitted for the proposed construction are based on the available subsurface information and the preliminary design details furnished by the client. Any revisions to the plans for the proposed structure from those enumerated in this report should be brought to the attention of the soil engineer, so that he might determine if changes in the foundation recommendations are required. If deviations from the noted subsurface conditions are encountered during construction, they should also be brought to the attention of the soil engineer, so that he can review the changed conditions ad revise these recommendations, if warranted. GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the indicated locations and from any other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect any variations that may occur between borings or across the site. Any statements which appear in this report or on the boring logs regarding odors, color, unusual or suspicious items or conditions are strictly for the information of the client. In addition, the sails samples cannot be relied on to accurately reflect the strata variations that usually exist between sampling locations. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, it will be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations of the report. In addition, it is recommended that B3 Material Testing Engineering, LLC. be retained to perform construction observation and thereby provide a complete professional geotechnical engineering service through the observational method. For environmental due to diligence, a phase I and/or phase II Environmental Site Assessments is recommended. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Ms. Wendy Hart for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed, and the conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing by B3 MTE geotechnical engineer. Also, note that B3 Material Testing Engineering, LLC. is not responsible for any claims, damages, or liability associated with any other party's interpretation of this report's subsurface data or reuse of the report's' subsurface data or engineering analyses without the express written authorization of B3 Material Testing Engineering, LLC. B3 Material Testing Engineering, LLC. appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you at this phase of you project. Please feel free to contact us if there are any questions or comments pertaining to this report. Page516 B3 MATERIAL TESTING ENGINEERING E s s F n c C, o f P C- r f e c t i o n 1676 West 31 PL., Hialeah FL, 33012 - Off. 786.773-5871/5889 - Fax. 786.615-5801 SOIL BORING LOGS Page 616 133 MATERIAL TESTING EMGIN EERI NG P c_ r r ca c i o i 1676 WEST 31st Place, Hialeah, Florida 33012/Off: 786-773-5871/ Fax: 786-773-5889 BORING LOG 11 PROJECT NO. 21•0613 IFSOIL Date I Tuesday, December 7, 2021 Existing property PROJECT 344 Palms Ave, Fort Pierce, Florida Location: IRefer to the map site Wendy Hart CLIENT 344 Palms Ave B-1 Fort Pierce, Florida LATITUDE 27.378922°1 LONGITUDE 1 -80.318830° Driller AL Helper FM n' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION z° j 3 Z z "N" an Ou ai o U > z p z 8 0 20 Curve 40 SO A 0' - 2' Brown fine to medium sand. 1 15 s 16 16 2' - 3' Dark brown fine to medium sand with root. 12 2 13 12 24 16 5 T - 6' Olive brown fine sand. is 3 16 12 24 10 10 4 18 is is 36 6' - 10' Brown fine to medium sand. 10 1 - 5 18 11 2 3 lf] 11 1-0 6 16 13 23 12 16 10' - 16' Gray fine to medium sand with shell fragment and lime rock. 7 15 12 32 • 20 21 8 18 24 26 52 15 +M 2e 28 9 17 30 59 31 30 10 20 30 61 10 2'0 16' - 25' Lime rock with light gray fine to medium sand. 29 11 17 30 3a 31 62 3U 12 17 30 60 40 End of boring @ 25' 31 25 32 13 8 29 14 I A../ oa, r. 15 w . 30 Water Level (w): 8'- 8" Kespecuun suDmltte0 In Sample Type: Split Spoon (SS) Boring performed on: 12107121 - F'Igr}dar�e�pE� b Asa mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publications of statements, cor ctuvons de'P{fdp}-t, leeeryaA pending our written approval •��'a:�aaaljl��, 133 MATERIAL TESTING ENGIN EEFZI NG 1676 WEST 31st Place, Hialeah, Florida 33012/Off: 786-773-5871/ Fax: 786-773-5889 SOIL BORING LOG Date Tuesday, December 7, 2021 PROJECT NO. 21-0613 Existing property PROJECT 344 Palms Ave, Fort Pierce, Florida Location: Refer to the map site Wendy Hart CLIENT B-2 1344 Palms Ave L Fort Pierce, Florida LATITUDE 27.378794° 1 LONGITUDE 1 -80.318878° Driller AL Helper FM n w MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Z° Z 3 Z Z "N" U Curve Z 0 U 0 20 40 60 1 17 9 18 D' - 2' Brown fine to medium sand. 19 19 2 22 20 31 • 2' - 6' Olive brown fine sand. 10 9 5 3 20 8 15 a 10 4 21 9 11 11 22 6' - 10' Brown fine sand. 10 10 5 18 a 16 20 6 lb 19 19 37 10' - 15' Gray fine sand with shell fragment. 19 29 7 19 31 60 41 32 15 8 19 29 60 40 30 9 39 19 29 58 28 n 2 15'- 25' Lime rack with light gray fine to medium sand. 10 20 27 26 53 26 29 11 17 29 58 39 29 12 21 31 61 25 End of boring @ 25' 31 33 13 20 33 14 B �. �¢ (� "• Y." 15 s } Respectfully submitted by w Water Level ( w): 8' - 8" . Sample Type: Split Spoon (SS) Boring performed on: 12107/21 Ulm m�oab,,' % .Y ! ais L11Qu H 'FF61lyf.�� gee �' Asa mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publications of statements, e dws n pg�ryf�fR our reports pending our written approval. ffffff Is reserved I g i 1 B 1 1 e y i