HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR AFPUCAMN TO$E ACCEPTED Date: Fe rnit N umt?e r: %_-'i L I I L � _- Building Permit AppliCation s 'y Pfanning and Deiwk)prrwnt sar++m 5 CnYdiaY W adtr RcV uiodorr Orvrsicn Corn me uJal Resid a ntia I ,7XV Vjr!0rr7i(r Avenue, Ford Pwrrr FL 34!982 Ph,Drw. M21462-1553 Fax,(772)462-=57 E CBDG Fu nd i rpg ?ERMIT APPLIC-ATION MR: - P.ROPOSED 1 M PROVEPA E NT LOCAT I ON Address: x f Property Tax Si to PJa rr Name: _' r r q E; Bkxi No. 131fUJea Name: ` DETA1--ED DESCRIPTION OF WORK - New E lectrice I Ml ter Second Ueetrrcal ML!,.te r_ [Af,(davit re-4ui red) CONSTPUcf oN INFORMATONk. Additicnaf wo rk to be performed under this permit-chark aft that aPphy, _Mecha n ics I _43as Ta rLk _Gas Piping _Shutt-ers �ind�ws�Dsxtrs _P+orr� Electric _ Plnrnbin.� _Sonklers _Generator P.?DDf Pitch Total ,- Ft of CwArurtion_ _ Sq. FL of i iFst Flow: Cost of rkstruction- , - ijtiElt9[ts= Sept Bu M ing Height__ OWNER/LESSEE. CONTRACTOR.: Name rcLLZ n la_ Oaf lix3rl Na me_ -'FY a0' Zi p Code; LL Fe_x_ City;%+ � -T LLr_j4 —.State: Ir�_ ['h rre Na. i t E- zo C•c]de= q q_S,- Fax:Mail t Ebe IIi&V n . r Lea, Phone No-1-IT-79 S - an _ Pf Il rn fee slmp[e Title Holder on next page jif d If#e rent E-Mo it R•q 14 Z ti rr-s from the bwmkr listed above) State or County 1jcense If valve of construcUon iS 2500 yr more, a RECORDED R13tice of Comr.n.-errt enz is requlred,If va lee¢E HA VC is S7, 00 or more, a RFCORDE D tdo rcr �f Com meocemer:t F,req udred_ SUPPLEMENTAL•CONSTRUCTIO N LIEN LAW INF0RMATION' ' DE5t61N EN NEER: N at Ap p!icab le MORTGAGE COMPANY; N of Applicable Natr e: Name, Address; Address: uty, tat : — City: Staff Zip- _ Phonc! Zip:= Pao FIFE SIMPLE TrILE HOLDER: Not Applicabli2 - BONDING COMPANY; Not AppIie-abie Name- Tame= Address: Address: _ City- City: Zip. mone: Zip; OWN NTRAGTOR AFFIDVM.App3icatfon is her-uLv rnAe to obun a permit to do the work and frlska'alatiM as Lndiicated_ I certify that nu work or inskaklakion Ek%oommenced prior to the Issuance of a pe7nl4, St. Lucie Cqurrty rail no re frr nlation that 1-5 ril- a p it wOl authorize the pereri it holder to buf{d the subject raruc.#ure which can icts w kim with anj appble Ho w mecn-Crs CMa ioh fuIe6,bylaws aw and cmwe an s that may testiq o6r prohibit such structu re. Please wrisu t with y Dur L-Lflmeowrters Assodatlon ance review you r dew far any�estrktivns whkh m;ay;appEyr- In van:4dervfio i of the granting of thcs requested permit,I:dio'hereby aKrcu the L 1 will, In al respecu, perform the work in amordanre with the approvud Wan5,thc,Flixida.0ud1¢Ing todes and St_Lucie C"rrty Arn- rOdrr«cnt5- The folli2ywl!n8 buiiding peimFt app3ications are exempt from urWergolnU o full ooncu:i-reric}review: roam additions} NcessDryr structures,swimming pony,fences,wWls,sins,screen rooms and accessory uses Lo another rkotl derixia1 use WARNING TO OWNER;Your fail u re to-Rerardallotj cm of Comtne nee rrM nt may re:FLult in p a y I M tw iCes. 1`13r im pro,rements to you r p ro pe rty- A N oti�:e uf Co m memer+'eat M List be recorded i n the publ is re0ords of-St. Lucie Cuu my and po ed -vo the jobsite before the fi rst i nspection. 1f you intend to obtain fina ncing,con suit with '.o.rtder ar a n attorn cy befare acimme acing work or rE?.00td i ng your Koti-Ce of C4Dmme noerrment. U14d 'Wil i Si n�of owned Lene-eJCA3ntracEor as A&& n[for o' neir SrtTyATNE7OrF,+FLORIDA 'r i Swcirn to(c•r affirm and b&albed before me of Pkfy+51ra1 presence ar Onlinc AEuwr=[0tiori this.fL L .dayC4 20.74 by — Nance of parson making stat,wwnt, Personally K"wri OR Produced Identification -L'VpL-of identification Produced iS4 awre of NDtary Public-State of F106dls1 Comrralssion fRFINF.CIA I MY ixl�r��SEON aGG�SdS D[.I'1FF3:Afmf 12, REVIEWS FRONT ZD N I PIG SUP;ERVISO R PLANS VET FEATLON SEA TURTLE MA N-:3 RGVc COU NTER REVI E'W RF-VII�W REVEEW FkE '1 1 ' REVIEW REVI EW CtiATE RECEIVED � DATE MPLETED #tew 5S