HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL LAP SIDINGFlorida Product Approval Cemplank°Lap Siding • For use inside HVHZ: o Cemplank Lap Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation shall be in accordance with the Miami -Dade County Florida NOA 20- 0730.06. Consult the Cemplank product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. For use outside of HVHZ, o Cemplank Lap Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation shall be in accordance with CAE Engineering Reports No.:2001-10.2.1, 2001-10.2.2, 2001-10.2.3. Consult the Cemplank product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. Cemplank@ South Lap Siding ea. e INSTALLATION REQU I REMENTS - PRIMED AND FACTORY BUILT COLORTREATED PRODUCTS NOVEMBER 2016 CEDAR • BEADED CEDAR • BEADED SMOOTH IMPORTANT: FAILURE TO INSTALL AND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND THE MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY, AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, VIOLATE LOCAL BUILDING CODES, AND VOID THE PRODUCT ONLY WARRANTY. STORAGE & HANDLING: A CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS' Store flat and keep dry and covered prior OUTDOORS equipped with a HardieBladea saw INDOORS to installation. installing product wet or 1. Position cutting station sothatmnd blade and vacuum dust extraction 1. NEVERcutwith powersaws indoors saturated may result in shrinkage at butt will blow dust away from user and c, Good: Circular saw with a 2. Cutonlyusing score and snap, orshears (manual, ki others in working area. HardieBlade saw blade joints. Carry product on edge. Protect (forlowto electric or pneumatic). an edges d corners from breaka e. 2. Use one ofthe following methods: moderate cutting volume) g a g a. Best: i. Score and snap ii. Shears 3. Position cutting station in well -ventilated area Cemboard is not responsible for damage (manual,electricorpneumatic)` 'Shears and score/snap methods maynot caused by improper storage and b.Better: Dust reducingcircular saw be suitable for products thickerthan1/tin. -NEVER dry sweep -Use wet suppression orVacu urn handling of the product. NIOSH-approved respirators can be used in conjunction with above vetting practices to further reduce dust _ exposures. Additional exposure information is available 1 atwwwjameshardie.cwmtohelp you determinethemostappropriatecutting methodforyourjobrequirements. lfconcemstill exists aboutexposurelevels oryou do not complywith the above practices, you should always consulta qualified industrial hygienistorcontact the manufacturerforfurtherinformaton. so mim GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • Cemplank® lap siding can be installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24 in. o.c. or directly to minimum 7/16 in. thick OSB sheathing. See general fastening requirements. Irregularities in framing and sheathing can mirrorthrough the finished application. - Information on installing Cemboard products over foam can be located in JH Tech Bulletin 19 at www. lamehardie.com - Awater-resistive barrieris required in accordance with local building code requirements. The water -resistive barriermustbe appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local building code requirements. Cemboard will assume no responsibility for water infiltration. James Hardie does manufacture HardieWrapo Weather Barrier, a non -woven non -perforated housewrap', which complies with building code requirements. When installing Cemboard products all clearance details in figs. 3-14 must be followed. Adjacentfinished grade mustslope awayfrom the building in accordancewith local building codes -typicallya minimum of in. in theftrst 10ft.- Do not use Cemplank lap siding in fascia or trim applications. Do notinstall Cemboard products, such that they may remain in contactwith standingwater. o bl w ii Cemplank lap siding maybe installed on flat vertical wall applications only. • For larger projects, including commercial and multi -family projects, where the span of the wall is significant in length, the designerand/or architect should take into consideration the coefficient of thermal expansion and moisture movement of the product in their design. These values can be found in theTechnical Bulletin "Expansion Characteristics of Cemboard® Siding Products" at www.JamesHardie.com. • DO NOT use stain,oil/alkyd base paint, orpowdercoatingonCemboard°Products. INSTALLATION: JOINT TREATMENT One or more of the following joint 91 Figure 2 Place fastener between 3/4 options are required by code (as referenced stud in. & 1" from 2018 IRC R703.10.2) top of plank A. Joint Flashing (Cemboard recommended) B. Caulking' (Caulking is notrecommended;e Nail3/Sin. from for Factory Built Color for aesthetic reasons as the Caulking and Factory barrier \ edgeof plank joint Built Color will weather flashing differently. For the same reason, do not caulk nail heads on HardieZone" Cemplanl'siding Factory Built Color products.} C. "H" jointercover install planks in moderate contact at buttjoints 'Referto Caulking section in these instructions. ' Foradditional information on HardieWrapaWeather Barrier, consult Cemboard at 1-866-4Hardie or www.hardiewrap.com Figure 1 ou e a Single Wall Construction Construction water -resistive barrier let4n bracing / plywood or 24 in, o.c. max. OSB sheathing I water -resistive barrier Z fastener Installa 11/4 in.starterstripto ensure a consistent plank angle leave appropriate gap between planks and trim, then caulk. — •DANGER: Do notbreathe dust Filbercamentis not a health hmrd when handled orstarad in its original, unaltered condition. The hazard associated willecamentarisee, from crystaline si Ica present In the dustgenevated by activities such as cutfing, rebating, chilling, from this product. Respirable routing, sawing, crushing. oratherwiseabrad'miltimmenl,andwhendeaningup. dlsposmgoformovingthedot Virmdoing anyoftheseactivideslnamannerthatgeneratesdust (1)folow.1amei Hardeinstructions mdbestpracticesto reduceorlimkdhereleaseofdust(2)wamodnerslnthe amatoavoldmedust(3)whenusing mechanical saworhighspeedoutdngtoob,workoutdoorsanduse dustcodectionequipment;and(4)HnoothardusIcofbdsareava Iable,weara Crystalline Silica Dustcauses NIOSH-approved dust mask orrespiratm(e.g„the N95dust mask). damagetolungs and respiratory Refer to the product Safety Data Sheet before use. Do not handle product until all safety precauttons have been mad and undmtood. Wash hands and face thorough"flar handling. If exposed to dustor ooncarrmd, get medical advice. 0 shortness system through prolonged of breath or other health concems develop after exposure to do[ from the product seek medical aftention. Dispose of product In accordance with local, state and national regulations. 0 them ane no applicable regulations, ckpose of In a secure landfill, or In away that will not expose others to dust Or repeated inhalation. WARNING: This product contains a cherrdcal known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more Infomratlon go to www.P65Wamings.ca.gov/product For more information contact James Hardie Building Products, Inc., 231 S. LaSalle St., Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60604 USA 1-888 JHARDIE www.jameshardie.com www.jhsafesite.com CEM1610-P11411116 South CLEARANCE AND FLASHING REQUIREMENTS Figure 3 Figure 4 RooftoWall Horizontal Flashing Figure? Deck to Wall ing Figure 12 Drip Edge Z-FI Min. % in. I Do not caull Figure 5 Figure 6 Kickout Flashing Slabs, Path, Steps to Siding code x4 in. Figure8 Figure 9 Figure 10 GroundtoSiding Gutterto Siding Sheltered Areas 6 in. n: Figure 13 Figure 14 Block Penetration Valley/Shingle Extension 1 in. Figure 11 Mortar/Masonry -Flashing FASTENER REQUIREMENTS **(Please refer to the applicable ESR report online to determine which fastener meets yourwind load design criteria) Blind Nailing is the preferred method of installation for CemplanV lap siding products. Face nailing should only be used where required by code for high wind areas and must not be used in conjunction with Blind nailing (Please see JH Tech bulletin 17 for exemption when doing a repair). Pin -backed corners may be done for aesthetic purposes Only. Pin -backs shall be done with finish nails only, and are not a substitute for blind or face nailing. BLIND NAILING Nails - Wood Framing - Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x 0.221 in. HD x 2 in. long) - 11 ga. roofing nail (0.121 in. shank x 0.371 in. HD x 1.25 in. long) Screws - Steel Framing - Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1114 in. long x 0.375 in. HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails - Steel Framing - ET & F Panelfast' nails or equivalent (0.10 in. shank x 0.313 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. long) Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4 in. into metal framing. OSB minimum 7/16 in. -11 ga. roofing nail (0.121 in. shankx 0.371 in. HD x 1.75 in. long) Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 15/8 in. long x 0.375 in. HD). FACE NAILING Nails - Wood Framing - 6d (0.113 in. shankx 0.267 in. HD x 2 in. long) - Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x 0.221 in. HD x 2 in. long) Screws - Steel Framing - Ribbed Bugle -head or equivalent (No. 8-18 x 1-5/8 in. long x 0.323 in. HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails - Steel Framing • ET & F pin orequivalent (0.10 in. shank x 0.25 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. long) Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4 in. into metal framing. OSB minimum 7/16 in. - Siding nail (0.09 in. shank 0.221 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. long)* 24 ink 24" stud`y .-� O.C. max. Stud O.C. ma x Ul + Figure 15 Figure 16 Minimum overlap 1 for Both Face 1 and Blind Nailing t 3/4in.-1 in, — J I Blind Nad ] 1 O e j1/4in. �I O face nail } min.11 9— overlap t 1 } 1 water -resistive ` 'vYa'er Resistive barrier 1 1/4" min. Barrier Overlap 1/4 in. min. overlap Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after installation of each course for ColorPluso products. * When face nailing to OSB, planks must be no greater than 91/4 in. wide and fasteners must be 12 in. o.c. or less. **Alsosee General Fastening Requirements; and when considering alternativefastening options referto-rechnical Bulletin USTB 17-FasteningTiipsforCemplanli'Lap Siding. rF1011AlnJ37rd 1111R Figure 13 Figure 14 Block Penetration Valley/Shingle Extension 1 in. Figure 11 Mortar/Masonry -Flashing FASTENER REQUIREMENTS **(Please refer to the applicable ESR report online to determine which fastener meets yourwind load design criteria) Blind Nailing is the preferred method of installation for CemplanV lap siding products. Face nailing should only be used where required by code for high wind areas and must not be used in conjunction with Blind nailing (Please see JH Tech bulletin 17 for exemption when doing a repair). Pin -backed corners may be done for aesthetic purposes Only. Pin -backs shall be done with finish nails only, and are not a substitute for blind or face nailing. BLIND NAILING Nails - Wood Framing - Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x 0.221 in. HD x 2 in. long) - 11 ga. roofing nail (0.121 in. shank x 0.371 in. HD x 1.25 in. long) Screws - Steel Framing - Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1114 in. long x 0.375 in. HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails - Steel Framing - ET & F Panelfast' nails or equivalent (0.10 in. shank x 0.313 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. long) Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4 in. into metal framing. OSB minimum 7/16 in. -11 ga. roofing nail (0.121 in. shankx 0.371 in. HD x 1.75 in. long) Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 15/8 in. long x 0.375 in. HD). FACE NAILING Nails - Wood Framing - 6d (0.113 in. shankx 0.267 in. HD x 2 in. long) - Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x 0.221 in. HD x 2 in. long) Screws - Steel Framing - Ribbed Bugle -head or equivalent (No. 8-18 x 1-5/8 in. long x 0.323 in. HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails - Steel Framing • ET & F pin orequivalent (0.10 in. shank x 0.25 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. long) Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4 in. into metal framing. OSB minimum 7/16 in. - Siding nail (0.09 in. shank 0.221 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. long)* 24 ink 24" stud`y .-� O.C. max. Stud O.C. ma x Ul + Figure 15 Figure 16 Minimum overlap 1 for Both Face 1 and Blind Nailing t 3/4in.-1 in, — J I Blind Nad ] 1 O e j1/4in. �I O face nail } min.11 9— overlap t 1 } 1 water -resistive ` 'vYa'er Resistive barrier 1 1/4" min. Barrier Overlap 1/4 in. min. overlap Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after installation of each course for ColorPluso products. * When face nailing to OSB, planks must be no greater than 91/4 in. wide and fasteners must be 12 in. o.c. or less. **Alsosee General Fastening Requirements; and when considering alternativefastening options referto-rechnical Bulletin USTB 17-FasteningTiipsforCemplanli'Lap Siding. rF1011AlnJ37rd 1111R