HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appAll APP 77N 8 OPOPLETED WR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date; Permit Number- L' PlOnn ng Grrd I)-OMOPM-ent SLrvfces Building Permit Application Building and Code Rtgufotiorr Division 2300 hfrrginja A verru�, Fort Prefte FL 34.9.82 Phone: (772) 462-1558 Pax: (772) 462-1578 F IT APPLICATION FOR. XPOSED IMPROVEMENT L Address: ProPertY Tax ID #; Site Plan Narnet Project Name.- COrrmercial Residential CBDG Funding )CATION:l , DTTAILED D,ESCRIPTION OF WORK. 0 v Lot No.;. 81ock No, New Electrical MOer " Second Electrical deter 7(Affidavit required CONSTRUCTION JFORMATION: Additi al work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply- Zeehanical Gas Ta rik — Gas Piping _ Shutters _ Windows/1)Dors Pond — Electric _ Plumbing , Sprinklers : Generator Roof _ - Pitch Total Sq . Ft of Co n str uct� 5. Ft. of First Floor: Cost.0f Construction: Utilities - OWN rN -a irn e Addr City: Zip Code Phone No Sewer _ Septic Mail, i , Phony Fill in fee sirnpleTitle HOIder on next page (if different E-Mail from the Owner listed above etato or COunty Lices+ If val u e Of co nstru it 1 on is 2SOO or more, a RECOR DED Notre of Co rrrme n cernent is req u i r-ed. If Value of HAVC is $7,5DO or more, a RECORDEC) Nobce of Co rn me n ce rn ent 1s requJired. Building Height- _ 0 SUPPLEMENTAL CO j N —ER /Ek1 � Ner�e• NSTRUCTION LIEN LAW jN — FORMJ4.# - _ — — �110t Ap�I iC� bl e — Addre,5s: Ov: zip- Phone -.State: FEE SIMPLE TI-rLF W0i1E � N�� A li Name-_ pp cab7c- Address' - city, ZIP, Phone: wn 1 uOkuall1t CO I PAW - Name: IVOt Applicable citr; zip. -Phone; State, --._ B01LD)I B+�IA11; - Nan rr _t Appric��h, Address'. - _ Citv -.... � CT01t AFFI I T: A.iiPk*rman rs hereby rnad t akxlipr7 r � ��i� Th�t'1.0 w�fk4r Ir'Ist�1J�t� his C�.r*1 �� I Ddo i h P � ._ m fxed P-rrar to the a� uanre �' rk and rngaliat•8r� as Irkd,Lr, 5t, i_u[�e 4rrtV m ak � rro rlPre%vrrtat iar� ��# as ran: i n � per r�'Mrk wa I I a ut ho r" t � '# !Itructure, PIeacp omld r *tea b4 � OnM10 ers As5orF n r+�les. �r wa r �lid e� 'rrn ut r*oad�� tc u �t� he �� �, ct s� r U t r YDuf HOMOCwnars Asset is rl " a nd r ve na rti� that m4V rest rift or F u a n �+Ptic1erat.+o ri of s he gr-In firlit of � i-S wquested pe#m�, � do h d rOvie w bv �vour detd to r any festnctacms wvh' meY ap�y} �uc h ir' eccorderrce with the&P%Wovrd plans, !fir �f�r�i �uiidirlg Coaes and gt, a that w�jl..n all re rt rfi rm th.2 word �t� lrt m�rfdrn€�t�. pr at appire-at worrs are exrkmol f eurn unde fgDI n f Nt pan[ urren f r �' iAa`4r stru Ct ures, SWrrR+rn rrE Y PpW,, M*M alo EtItpe MS, � ��ol�. fe�,c"s. walls,.ii�#r 3cr�n rOO+*rS arid ac[esso �S�s :o arfoj.�. WARNING T� �1>��I E �#: Your f��1 �r� #0 Record � �Iotice of co� mencEm� � �' ��-r��o�rx �� I ,�� r r Pf'GvL' r ert CS to your p rapertV . A Notice �f �� m men �e nne �� �t��t b r P�1+irti� twice tor Lu efie CO rtty a rid P t �, the j , t e before t n� + resr It rn ended In the public records i)F Si wi# 14nder or an attorne he fir irrsipear,o �. If you intend t-0 Obtain finarlcfrxB� #nsu1� - — y� before cQrnmar cmjLV q or r din f i frlFT1 F1C �T'1 j1t_ der js epplrCalble STATE OF FOR I DA. COUPE x woCi1 lOF affir d a and subw#ibpd nefurg me of 'phis div ci try Yss�a: prey r��r n r+line latafix k+an Lp, fifk Narng Of VtrsOn making $wart. wrir Pr:rWnarlY,KrjoWrj 0R prDduced IdQn#If+�.��rvn T�fp nrrNCetvn prpduced to re D—W.k .31 Ole u1 r11)FI I mass lO �R�� [seal] REVIEWS FRONT ZONING t UNTER iREvIEW DATE REIf t l -6ATE— COMPLETED - �+� F kSW YAR20CH SY41114 an AID Public I SUPERVISOR I PLANS VEGETATicll 5EA TURTLE AN����E RMEW REVIEW REVIEW RE�IrE REVr EW - �.� L — — 1 Certificate of Product Ratminas A H R1 C ertified Ref ere nc.& N u mber : 20305.5$93 Date; 01.26-2022 Model Status- Active Did AHRI Deference Number : Product ; Water -to -Air and Sdne4o.-Ai r Mode[ Mumberr ; WSVC-13030".2 Rra nd Name . H YU ROTECH Rated as falI-aws in accordance with t-he ila#esteditI.0n of ANS11A4PWASHR,AVISO 13254-1 Water�sourcy I1oaf pumps—Tes1;ing and Tatinq for puftrmance --- Parl 1; Water -to -air and Brine-l"ir heat Pumps and subject to rating accura-gy by AMRJ�sponsorad, indepondent third party testing' Full Load Palk Load ll Part Load2 Part Loads Air Fkyw Ri'lle - Cooling: 930 Air Flog Rate - Heating: WLHP(Water-Loop Heat Purnpa) Ming Capaoily (Bt,uh) 20000 00 Cooling EER Rating (Stuh tt) 113XV13.00 Cooling Flt,id Flour Rate Jgpm) 7,6() He-iliting Crapacily (B�ih) 30000!30000 :-eating GOP (watl{watt) 4,=4.30 Headng Fiuld Flown Rate (gprn) 7.50 GWHP (Ground Wear-Heiat Purnps) Cooli rng Capacitor {Btuh) 298W298 Cooling E ER Ralliog (Btu l iatt) t 8-001113.00 Cooling F1urd Flow Rate fgpm) 7.50 Hooting Capacity (Otuh) 25600�25600 Haatlrw� Cop (wal stt) 3-15U3.150 He-ati" Fluid Flow Rate (9prn) 7-50 I n door B I O weir Meted` FS n Type = PSC Sold In? . USA, Cailada Where rating shcms wAluerwelue,, th& first value is at minimum wcitge, the 15ecofl(j value fs as 230V for a dLral wail sy%ierfi. t'Aalive' f,Ic4e4 S[Atu5 are Shom 11'ral an AHRI matron PrNra-rn Parlieiparil Is rurrently produaAng AND (ling or Bering I'm idle: OR new n, di?ls [hat are tong MArkete4 Sul ar%s no! yet teng pmduoi�d.'ProdLpim Stopped' Model Status are those nat as AHRI Certif.DW Frogrem Parlicipahl. is no honer on duaing BUT is still seilling of Offering fur egle, Reti 1!iat are a m WA in ir-acra an ins r-9{st-a- Dig, Pey puishedrafiis shown. @Kwig with th yr i-e. WASI r it na DIACEAI M E R AH RI doe& not endorse the producVs) IhsteO Orl this Certificato and maWe!% no reorresenta#ions, wa rrantles or guarant"s as to. a nd assu mes no rMO MNI itp fnr, the product(s) JIVed on this Certificate- AHRI expres.9iyr disclaims all II$hllliy rOa damages oT Orly kind ari:5fng out of the use or Wr?4�rmance of the product(s), cw the urwuth-Drized attetatlon of data listed vn this Certikati;- Certifle4 r##t op are valid Dniyr for mo6efr. and c0ltflguratlons Ilsled In the directory at www.ahrldFf�r.tcr- ,i,rr_, TERMS AND CONDITIONS Th is Certiseme, and 4ts conten tS are proprietary p,rtiducts af.AFtR I. lids Certific,age $hall drily he used for I ndlwldual, persona] and cOrIndQntial reference rmrRases- The contents off this 0erMPf lt;&te may nok In "016 OT in P01rtr W re-prOdUced; i�apled; p ISserninated entered rntO a WrrFpvatef data base; -or otherwise utlllzed- in any farm -or A7annor or by any + eapi3, except for the kiser'r, i ndlvidual, pe rs nai aM d currfldential referegoe- C ERTI FICATE V ERI FICATI DN The InFormation for the modcl cited on this certificate can he verified at waww-ahrIII lff-c#ory.urg, click Qn `VerifX Certlflea IP.' link .Pnd -unt43r me AHRI t:eFtifiad Reference NUmber and the dat-e on which the ceriftate was issued, *hick Is il$W aft . ano the Certin-cate No_ which I$ IW4t d at bovam rrignt, INEOMi Ir nd itioni gig, Heating, and Refry ge ration I -I stit i-ge CERTIFICATE NO.: A&M AlIN-CONQlTrow INC.L, dl EATINO, & REFW&ERATION INSTITUTE 4ws make life berit r,