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Project umlma r J013: wrightsoftDate, Jul 23,2021 Entire Norse QUICK CALC , INC. 3'? Sr LUCIE LAND. FORT PIERCE.F_34514 Plo-e M4 7995 talc 772-466-G 6 Errol CIA CK(�A ;$@A }L.GOM • n to rma ! FRADE RESIDENCE For'. 3000 BROOK M ITH ROAD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34945 R L C -f E—D- vntes DEC 13 2021 ST. Lucie County, Penrlttking Design Infr r Weather; Fork Pierce, FL, U Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 'I= Outside db 90 'F Inside db 74 °F Inside db 75 'F Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 7 Daily range fat Reative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr1lb Heating Summary Sensible Coaling Equipment Load Sizing tn.cture 19315 Btrlh Structure 18955 Btuh Ducts 46-4 Btuh Ducts 7832 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent {0 cfm) 0 Btuh `none) (none) Huri7idification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 24779 Btuh Use manufacturer's data r, Ratelswing multiplier 0,95 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 25A48 Btuh Method simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 3811 Btuh Ducts 2142 Btuh central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heating r Cooling (none) Area (ftq 1626 1626 Equipment latent load 5953 Btuh Volume (1`1:21) 13008 13008 Air changes/hour 0.38 0-20 Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 31401 Btuh Equiv A F (cfm) 82 43 Req- total capacity 8t 0_70 S HR 3.0 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Make Carrier Trade Trade CARRIER Model Cond CA16NA03700 OBO AHRI ref Coil FX4DN6037L AHRI ref 202024448 Efficiency 1DO EFF Efficiency 13.5 EER. 16 SEER Heating input 6.7 kW Sensible coaling 24640 Btuh Heating output 22790 Btuh Latent cooling 10560 Btuh Temperature rise 18 OF Total cooling 35200 Btuh Actuala,irflow 1173 cfm Actual air flow 1173 cfm Air flow factor 0.047 cfmlBtuh Air flow factor 0-044 ctm(Btuh Static pressure 1.00 in H2O Static pressure 1-00 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.8 Calculations approved by AC CA to meek all requirements of Manual J $th Ed. wriyFrtsoft. 2021-Jul-23 16:57:23 .+� .. ...... Right-Suite@ Uni4eraal 2021 21.0.02 RSL mol Pape 1 .-rmets.Wrigh[S4 lR KVACIFRADE RES-RROCKSMI71-I.rup Cale_ MJ6 Frond oopr faces- W wrightsoft R ig h WO Works h ee t Jab: Entire House Date: Jul 23,2021 QUICK ALC r INC. 317 ST LVCIE LAPS, FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-46&6M FAQ€ 7724W,6795 Email. QVICKCALC&9AU-COM 1 RLuTi name EnUm Haase RATH 2 Exposed wall 168.0 it 18.9 ft 3 Room height 8.0 ft $_13 fi heat--cool 4 Room dimensions 10.0 x $.0 ft 5 Room area 19M.0 1112 86_fl ft2 Ty Carwtniction LLualue 0r NTM RYC2 {fv" Load Area (Rz) Load number {Btu! ft-'F� {8tihfft'} Cr PbVrMW 01} �Muh) or perimeter (ft) (9tuh) Hp�i kwggl Gross WKS MW Cod Gross PUF+S Heat Cool 6 Yx+ 93b.4gCs 0.143 n 4.00 2.19 248 2 977 534 64 60 240 131 2¢gQrg.#kH6e 0,650 n M20 14.99 4 0 73 60 4 0 73 60 131'4.dq� 0.143 a 4.00 2.19 424 362 1450 792 80 62 249 136 2 gtaztq dr fain 0.650 a 1&2f) 31.52 24 437 756 0 0 0 0 11 2 jazwg.delor-B 0.650 a 1&213 3271x 1$ 1 325 585 16 1 325 585 2 da=.dr low-* 0.650 a 1&2q 32'-74 20 1 366 659 0 0 0 0 1+ 13Vr4CGs CL143 s 4100 2-19 248 219 677 471.� 0 0 0 0 2 glimEiiig,clr lcw-e 0-e5o a 1&20 14,99 9 9 1" 135 a a a 0 2 gLBzkg,Car l wr a 0.650 3 18.20 14.90 21) 20 364 NO 0 0 0 0 t�A�g Q143 w 4.M 2-19 424 323 129t 707 0 0 4) 0 2 fqlapirg.clr Im-L 0.650 w 1&2t} 32.42 60 c 10A2 1945 0 0 b 0 2 daeina.clr lcw-c Q65O w 1&2t} 32-78 41 2 743 1337 4) 0 4) 0 161-19w Q049 - 1.37 2_45 1626 1G2G 2261 N64 so 80 110 195 F 22Aaph 1,356 - 30.G2 0-00 1626 1139 133a8 0 80 1$ 614 0 6 QAEJ excursion 597 .�i Erivelqm lassrgain 10779 12841 1691 1064 12 ia} Irifiltrabun 2535 715 272 77 b) Room tientilation 0 0 0 C 13 ntemal gains: ::' :I' 230 0 0 0 f; rw"al(lines 6 to 13) M15 18955 F 1131 Lass aAamal load 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 G 0 Redistribution 0 0 165 61 14 Subtotal M15 15965 211i} 1192 15 Duct loads 29 41% &M 7FL32 zags 41% s9s 493 TU#al kl m Lad 24779 20728 2717 1613; Juf regrINM(elm) 1173 1173 129 74 Calc Ltlat ions apprcNed by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed_ 2rr2i-JuF2316.57.24 ' Rrghl-Suite&universal Z021 21.0.02 ROU08101 pag&1 TnetS%WrighkaoR FNACT RADE RES-SROCKSWTH.rup Calc=h1,19 Front Door faces: loll wri *ww RightJ@ Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Jul 23, 2021 By: QUICK CALCS, INC. $17$T P-MIE LANE. FORT ell ROE,FL 34M PFbne=7724$6-Ei799 Fax:T72-46"796 Err*il. QWOICCALC$@AQL.❑QM 1 Room name FMTRY LAUNDRY 2 Eked wA &0 rl 5.11 ft 3 Room heigH &0 R heaUccd 6A ft heeUcod 4 Room d mereyprq &.0 x 5.0 R 13.0 x 5.0 ft 5 Room area 30.0 IF 65.0 ft' Ty Cvr7.1wim tj-%gke Or HTM Area (R,} Load Area V) Load rvrnl�er ( yryl�-'F� (Bkuh1lk') or perimeter (R} (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) {Btuh) Heat Cod Grohs N?FVS Heat pPl Gnass WP!S Het fir�pl 6 13,Wms O.143 r` 4-00 2-19 40 40 160 as 4Q 44)i 160 $$ 2 glw.irg, dr lower 0.650 r� 18.20 14.99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 1ocs 0.143 t 4-00 2:19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p -G 2 glazirg, dr laws CLEM 18.2G 31.52 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 4 2 0azing, dr lower 0-550 c 18.20 32.76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 gla7inq, CIr Iowa 0-650 0 10.20 32.7E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vpr laNAKs 0.10 4.130 7-1 a il o a o 0 0 0 0 20wing, dr low-e 0-650 18.20 14.99 il a o 0 0 0 0 0 2giazirg, drlow-e 0-6w 18.24 14.99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t3A-4ocS a.143 e. 4.00 2.19 il a 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 31az:rwj, clr low-c G.650 18.20 32.42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 fl&7 rnn. cIr IUw-o G.650 10.20 32.76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C I$e-lgad 0.049 1.37 2.45 30 30 41 74 65 f $6 s59 F 22Artph 1,358 :38.02 O.Oo 30 5 190 0 as 5 M C i E c)AED ocur51O^. -8 45 EnvAope ImEdgein 391 153 439 202 .12 a) Wilkration 75 21 75 21 b) Room ventilation 0 0 ❑ 0 1:3 Iiltemal gains: Occupants^Z 230 0 0 0 C Applianceaiother 0 7CG Suntotal(lines B to 13) 467 174 615 S43 Less ertemd load 0 ❑ G C Less transfer 0 0 G C Redietritxnion -467 -174 M5 61 14 Subtotal 0 68G 9R= 15 Duct toads 28% 41% 0 G 2pl.t. --10h 192 40 Total room load 0 0 8T2 1392 Air required(dm) 0 0 41 1: Calculations ACCA to meet all reciuirements of Manual J Sth Ed. Aw- wriantmoY't 2021-Juk2316:57:24 Rlgmi-&Aaik Unlyeravi 21)21 71-0-02 RSWal01 P 2 ...mnelaMrightscA WAC%FRA DE RES-9ftOCKSUITRwo Calc=Wa Fronl Door Faces- W wrightsof# Right-.1 Worksheet Job; Entire House Gate_ Jul23. 2021 QUICK CALLS, INC. 3'7 5T LUC I E LANE,FORT PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone- 772-9&099 Fix-772-466-6790 Erreil: ❑LIIGKCALCS@A.OL.CCM 1 Roumnam BEDROOM KrrCHEN 2 Evwood wall 26.0 ft 26.0 ft 3 from heft" 6.0 !C heab'cod 8.0 ft heaVoDp l 4 Ro3n amwisicm 114 x 13.6 ft 1.0 x 356.0 ft 5 Row&ea 160.0 fr 358.0 f? TY ArBtWlm U-,dlct Cr HTM Area qt3) Coal A- (ft3) Load rummer (tabdaWt - FI .BtuhKt3) qr penme#er (ft) (61.uh) or pEdimeter (ft) (Bwh) HP.a- cool GfasS hUP;S Hleat Cod Gross WR!$ Hea1 cod 6 �W JIV43CS 0.143 n 4.00 2.19 1b4 104 416 228 0 0 0 0 L-G 2 0azirg. dr lower 4-650 n 18.20 14,93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 13AAms fl.'143 a 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 2m 1{4 656 356 2 glexing, clr 6mv-e 0.650 a 18.20 31.52 0 0 0 0 24 3 437 756 11 2 glazing, dr kyn 0,650 a 18.20 32.713 0 0 0 4 0 r% 0 4 2 glazinq, drkw-e 0.650 a 10.20 32.76 0 0 0 0 20 1 .3E6 G69 13Ar4ocS 0.143 b 4.00 2.1g 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 4 2glazing,drkY� 0.6m V. 1e-20 14,99 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 G 2 glazing,a krw-0 (1.650 3 18.20 14.99 0 0 0 0 4 C 4 0 Y+ 1 ak4uus 0.M w 4.CO 2.19 104 59 355 196 0 0 Q 0 2 glazing,ck km-e Cam w 181X 32.42 15 1 273 42& 0 C 0 0 2 dlMh.df 10v-e 0.650 w M$ o 32.T8 Q 4 0 4 0 C 0 0 C 168-19ad 0.040 1-37 2.4¢ 168 1� 232 r14 358 358 491 877 22ftipl7 1.3SfS - 36-02 0.00 169 26 9s99 r 36S 26 909 0 I 5 f I i I 6 c)AED excursion 105 -209 En, ,e lossrgaln 2256 1427 2939 2442 12 a} hfiftraticm 392 111 392 fit b} F 05M waritilation 0 0 0 0 13 Intemal gains. Occupants Q 230 0 0 0 0 Appliannesiother 100D 2l Subtotal(lines 5 to 13) 2g59 1 45 Leas eAsmal load 0 Q 0 0 L9SS transfar 0 0 0 0 Redistribul.bn 0 0 137 51 141 9umotal 2S69 2538 3468 4604 1 Duct kinds &1% 41% 752 1049 2a% 41% 901 1902 LTdtd mom load 3411 368G 4450 $50fi Ai requued{elms 162 157 211 265 alcLiletions apy(oved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Mar)ual J 8th Ed. vlolh*�oft 2021-Jut-23 16:57-2A Righ"U t V Universal 2021 21.0.02 RSLPM141 Page 3 rmets4Wr1ght5olt HVAGI.FRADE RES-BROCKSMI TH.rup Gslc=MJS Front 0oor hf%eS. w wtsaft' Right-J@ Worksheet joy; Jul 23, 2021 Entire House Dy_ QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST LUCIE LAIN€,FORT PIERCE.FL 34046 MiyiCe 772.466-6799 Fax 772-466-6796 Email: OUICICCALC$@AQL.G4M 1 Raao rwne FOYER UVNG M BATH 2 Eapeeed wall 73.0 FL 2e.0 fi 3 Roamhgi &0 ft heaYccd 8.0 ft hwlcp l 4 Roam dr wksionS 29.E x 15.0 ft 1.0 x 168.0 ft 5 Roorn area 414.0 ft' 168.0 ft3 Ty Construction U•telue Of HTM Area (fN) ID&d Ar9a OC) Load number (9tuhjt3-°F) (StuIi+R') or perimeter (ft) {srun7 or periffiel K (ft) ;Duh) KP-M Cad Gross NiP1S Heat Cod Gross NMS 'ice Cool 6 1�4Ar4ots 0.1431 n 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t} 2 grazlrg, ell lotiv 0.850 n 18.20 14,99 4 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 1315r4= 0.143 a 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 136 136 543 290 2 rg,drkw-e 0.656 a 18.2D 31.E2 0 0 0 0 G 0 C 0 r 11 2 wig,dr kr x-e 0.050 a 18.20 M76 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 2#aziq,dr k -e 0.650 a 18.2D M743 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 D lak 4€r* 0.143 S 4-CO 2-19 0 D 0 0 T2 03 252 188 2 jeaing.ck by-e 0.660 s 1d270 14-99 4 0 0 0 a 9 164 135 2 dwire eir krx-e 0.650 a 18,20 14,99 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 V�r ia4-kr~5 0.143 w 4.CO 2-19 1134 113 453 16 0 0 0 U 2 gidtlr�dr lcw-E 0.6 w 11$.2� ' 42 30 2 5ds 0 0 0 Q 2 ul=ira dr lam 0.€EO w 1ELZ 3276 41 2 743 1337 0 0 0 0 C 168.19pd 0-045 1,37 245 414 41+4 5M 1014 168 166 230 412 F 22moh 1-358 WD2 0.00 414 23 975 4 1fM4 243 999 0 I I � r 13 c)AEDax4rsicn 803 54 Iiealg n 3164 4375 2180 932 12 a) IrAhraEgn 347 98 392 111 b) Roan wlllallon 0 0 0 0 13 Intemal gffm occupants @ 2K C 0 0 0 Appliance-2cther 900 0 &blcA l(lines 6 to 13) 3531 53T3 2572 tp Less eAemal IOW 0 0 0 0 Lass transfer 0 01 0 0 Radistritwtim 0 0 0 Cr 14 subtotal 3531 5373 2572 1042 15 Duct IaQd_g 28% 41%1 999 2220 25% 41% 728 431 Total room toed 4531 7533 33GO 1470 Air required(cfm) 215 333 156 65 Wcolations approved by ACCA to meet aIJ reg urrements of Manual J 8th Ed. YV rfclF�ts ft =1,JUI-23 16.57:24 Right-SORV Uniwrsel 2021 21.0.02 RSL08101 PV19C 4 ---rmatskWrightgort I-VAG%FRADE RES-BROCKSMn'H.rup Calc --M.S Frnnl PPOr faces 4Y wrightsoft Right-J 1 ork heet J04: Date: Jul 23, 2021 Entire House Date: QUICK CALLS, INC. 317 ST LUCIE LANE. FORT PIERCE,FL$4946 PW*: 772-4%6799 Fax:77240M79G Email:COLACKCALCS@AOL.0 C'.! 1 Rppn name M wic 2 M w1r, 1 2 Egpsed wa1I D f l 5.0 ft 3 Room revA &0 R V*aucool 8.0 ft wa fcoal 4 Room Wbomions 7.4 x 5.0 n 7.0 x 5.0 ft 5 Room area 35,0 it} 35.0 ft, Ty C`.�n U-MAUB Or HTM Area M2) Load Area (ft') LOM rewbbr (at"M-T) (Bluwft2) cr perimeter ;R} iNun) of pkximetef (ft) futulr) Hit Ccd C4ms MRS Hag Cool Gross NVRS Heat Gad 6 1�f lak40(% 0-143 n 4-00 2-19 D D 0 0 0 0 i 0 L 2 Wlr,,,,dr 0.850 n 18-211 11,19 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 13A-40cs 0-143 a 4-Oa 219 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 gta¢irg dr Icaw-e 0.65L` a 18-20 3M 57 0 D 0 4 0 0 0 0 11 2 gla2irj},dr Icw-e 0.GW e 1 S-2a 32.7$ 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 olwirKL dr law-e 0.550 a 1 d-2a �2.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1� 11V40rs 0-t43 s d-Oa 219 0 D 0 0 44 40 190 88 2 glazing,dr low$ 0-65G a 18-2¢ 1499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 glazing, dr low-9 0-OW r, 10,2e 1499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y 13 s G.1d3 w 4.00 2.1$ 0 b 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 glazing, dr low-B 0-65a w 18.20 32.42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 glazinq. dr low-9 0ASO w 16.20 32.79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16-1 Bad G..049 1.37 2.4 M 35 48 86 35 35 48 S6 F 22 -Lph 1.356 3B.O2 0.00 35 0 0 0 35 5 1S0 0 i i 8 c}A D excwslon 5 -20 Envelope Ioss+gain 48 70 3g8 153 12 a) 11iltration 0 0 75 21 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 D 13 Intam-dl gains: Occupants 230 0 0 0 0 AppliancEsother 250 2SO Subtotal(liner,8 to 1$) 48 474 424 Less eNtemal load 0 0 0 G Less transfer 0 0 G G Redistntxrtan 0 0 G G 14 Submal 48 320 474 424 15 Duct W& 2n 41'.,� 14 132 MY. 41' 134 175 Total rpm toad 62 453 609 599 Air required(cka) 3 20 29 26 CaIC ulations approved by ACCA to meet Al requirements of Manual J 8th Ed, wriyl�Tsoft 2D21-Jul-23 1fy57�1-1 F. Right-Suites U"iyersal 2021 21.0.02 RMS101 posx,5 ....'rn&S'Ninghtsott FMACSFRADE RIF$-gROCKSMITRrup Calc=MJ9 Front Door faces: w wrlghtsof# Right48 Worksheet Jab: Entire House : Jul2a 2021 By: QUICK CALLS, INC. 317STLUCIE LANE,FORT PIERCE,FL349d6Phane:772dee-67gg F?ix77Z.460-67gg Email: OUICKCALCS@AOL.CDM 1 Roomrvrne MASTER BEDROOM 2 Ewall 34.1) ft 3 Room NAglYg E1.0 Ft haaucaot 4 Rorahamansions 1.t} x 272.0 Ft 5 Room area 272.0 f t' Ty Construction U- ke - Or HTM Alga (it'J Load Area k- number (Btuhtftl°F) (BtutuYtI or perlmeter (R) (61.uh) or parirneie., Hleat Cad Grass NlP1S Heal Cool GfW3 wfpf5 HM God G 4}' 13A-km5 0.143J. n 4.00 219 -D 4 0 0 I—C 2 glazing, glrkmLe a 6541 n 1$.2U 14.99 U 4 0 0 13A4ws 1},143 a 4.00 2.19 U 0 0 0 2 glazing,clr lave 4-650 a 18.20 9.52 0 0 0 0 9 9 2 glazing,clr lave G.550 a 18.20 32.761 0 0 0 0 2 da inn.clr lave 0.550 a 18.4 32,76 0 0 0 0 1M-40cr. flAQ s 4.0D 219 136 116 464 254 2 dLEiir%dr kw-e 0.650 a 18,24 14.99 0 0 0 0 24azig,drkw-e 0.650 s 182D 14-39 20 20 364 3r00 13A4crts 0.143 w 4.Ld 219 136 121 484 286 2 glazing,dr k 6-e fl.650 w 18.20 3242 15 T 273 486 2dmEkm,crk6—e 0.0% w 18.21D 32.78 0 0 0 4 C 161�19aa 0.06 1.37 245 272 M 3713 666 F 22A-tph 1,358 38.02 QOO 272 34 12913 0 r 6 C)ASD epvxsion 02 ErmA3pe lcsslgain 22L2 2033 12 a} Frfiltration 513 145 by Room Yentilation g U 13 fterral gains: OCCtKwo 230 C U ApMlames+other 3w Sribtotal{lines 6 to 13) 3705 2478 Lees etemal load 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 Redistribution 9 0 14 Subtotal 3765 2478 15 dud loads 28% 41% 10G5 1024 T*Wl room load 4837 35M Ar requir4d(em) 229 153 Calculations appruved b AC;rA to meet all requirement5 of Manua! J 8th Ed. -k- ' 2021-dul-2318:57:24 Af R�ht--1;u le0 LYniwersal 2a21 21-0-02 RSLg6101 Pape 6 ...mnelslW rightscA HYAMFRADE RES-SROC3 5m iTH.rup "C=MJ3 Front Door face. ',. Duct System Summary JDb: rightsoft Date: Jul 23,2021 EnVre House By: QUII K CALCS, INC. 317 STLUCNE LANE, FART PIERCE. FL M946 Phone: 77246&6799 FIK.777 P,7W Email:QUICKCALCS@P.CLCOM Project • • x For. FRADE RESIDENCE M BROCK MITH ROAD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34945 Heating Cooling Ex#emal static pressure 1-00 in H2O 1-00 in H2O Pressure fosses 0 in H2O 0 in H2O Available static pressure 1-00 in H D 1M in H2O Supply J return available pressure 0-5001 0.500 in H2O 0,500 f O.r.,O0 in H2O Lowest frictionrate 1.♦IGG WlWt 'I.0O0 irvioalt Act Uel air fkw 1173 cfm 1173 cfm Total effective length (TEL) 174 ft Supply - Table Design Htg CIg Designs Diarn HxW Duct Actual Ftg,Egv Name (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) PR (in) (in) Matt Ln (ft) Ln (ft) Trunk BATH h 2717 129 74 1.O00 6-0 0x0 V1Fx 10,9 115.0 st3 BEDROOM h 3411 162 157 1.OW 8-01 ONO V1Fx 6.5 115.0 st3 FOYERILIVING c 3796 107 166 1.0O0 8-0 0x0 V1Fx 30.7 115.0 st2 FOYERJUVINC—A c 3796 107 166 1-OW 8-0 Ox0 VIFx 27.9 115.0 st2 KITCHEN c 3753 105 142 1,000 8.0 0x0 VIFx 28.5 115.0 st1 KITCMWA 3253 105 142 1,000 8.0 0x0 VIFx 21-3 115.0 st1 LAUNDRY C 1392 41 61 1.000 &0 Ox0 VIER 4.2 115,0 st3 •BATH h 3300 156 65 1.000 &D Ox 0 VIFx 26.9 116,0 s11 Iu wic 1 h 608 29 26 1.000 5.0 Ox 0 VIFx 38.0 135.0 s14 •11111C 2 c 453 3 20 1.000 5.0 Ox 0 VIFx 6-8 135-0 st4 11 s Ft REDROCM h 4830 229 153 1.000 8.0 Ox O VIFx 27-2 115,0 st2 Supply Trunk Detail Table Trunk Htg CIg Design Vew Diam H x W Don't Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FR {PM) fin} On} Material Trunk st4 Peek AVF 32 46 1,00-D 235 6.0 O x 0 Vin[Flx st2 st2 Peak AVF 475 532 1.000 677 12-0 O x 0 VinIFIx st1 Peak AVF 367 349 1.000 673 10,0 0 x 0 VInIFIx st3 Peak AVF 331 292 1.000 603 10.0 0 x 0 VinIFIx W rightsoft° 2{}21z.Iul-23 0:57-37 Right-500D Universal 2021 21.0.02 R5U08141 1 .-noels WMghtan!HVArWRADE RES-BRQCKSMrTRrup Cale=M,Ig Front Dwrfaoas: Return Branch Detail Table Grille Htg CIP TEL Design Veloc Diam H x VV StudfJoist Duct Name Size (in) (cfm) (Um) (ft) FR (fpm) (n) (in) Opening (in) Matt Trunk rb1 Ox 0 1173 1173 O Q 0 O Ox 0 Vli=x _ wrightsoft 2d21-Jul-23 1fi_57:27 Right-SuitcG Wv*mal 2021 21.0.02 RSWO101 p 2 JCCK ...rmetR%Wrightgq!HWG)FRADE RES•6ROCKSMITKrup Cslc=MA Front Door faces: w