HomeMy WebLinkAboutNaranja Ave 164, Permit AppAIIAPPLICABTE INTO MUST BE COMPTETED FOR APPTICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number; s,t; Luclit! Plonning and Development Services Building and Cade Regulatian Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: 1772) 462-7553 Fax: {772l' 462-1578 Address 1 er-) Building Permit Application Commercial F lll Residential CBDG Funding Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: I -L qK3 Lot Block No Project Name: ^^A -L\s,kJ(h"Q-LJ r"/La ks-' PROPOSED I MPROVEMENT LOCATION : DETAILED DESCR]PTION OF WORK: I -T- New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CONSTRUCTION IN FORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply; *Mechanical * Gas Tank * Gas Piping _ Shutters _ Electric __ Plurnbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator *WindowslDoors Pond { V-pit n Totat Sq. Ft of Construction t?cr->Sq. Ft. of First Floor; Cost of Construction: 5 lt7loo -Utilities: _Sewer _Septic Building Height: CONTRACTOR: NA Name: QWr dAddress: City Statei[:L--Address zip code: 5LC S fu-L p2* Phone No. E-Zip Code Mai Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed abovel State: {.'::-L-' Fax: phone ruo "1-I l" .f [l {_('q-( ?- | €4- F-l".C-Sn*6 ts I f c-e- t. E-Mai lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required, lf yalue of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. C t' C.ot*.-**"€e=x A OWNER/LESSEE: State or County iicense Ca-. C.Cl j '{ 3Q Q _ Roof PERMIT APPLlcArloN FoR: K'f .f Db+ DE$lGI{fUEN$lltl[ER: _ Not,ApBlicable Namer oneph t-it .r. lip: ,{d rlr ess: Slatc: MORTfiAGf COMFANY: * Not Applicable F{arne: Address: State: lip:Phorre: City: r[f SlklPLE TITLE HOTDER: _ Not Applicablc Name: Citv ';,; n .Phone: Adtlrers: SSItlnlN€ CSMPAI{Y: _f{ot Applicable Narne: Address: City: lip: _ Phone: i r:r'rtiiy tirai no i,rork or rnrtallarion h.,rs conimencerl prii.rr (o tirr il;1u;rlc. of ;r perrnit. in trCcr:iC:rrce,,',rtir thu tp;.rro,,,i:ci pirn:, thr: ilc,rida BL:iliiirr1,, (rici.t:. ani 5r,.l.irrr,, ClLrnty Arnr;tdrrrcrrt:,. . ,- . .rt *.-. ., .j " ' ', :r:', : .:: ' :: j::' . : :"- l i":' iy 'l'l :-ri:llirl!r(r r "'r ltillr ":..,1.-.':t {. ,:ri- 1 1;:".11 ;;'; .:. i''1-; :rlrC'': l"i t:11 ri.i1:l.'r "itlr'' ''liii' -or-fiLrildt,r ;.;:, .:;ii:iir.ablr )anri suhrcriheri ii)i! r' -, I ) irr"rsor.iAllV Knr:,,,;n _r' W/ OR Froduced ldentification lypr:ldr:nirf icaiion Frorlucrri i)I {or Irlrvliclrl Prc:,c11tr.or. . - . (.i;tlirir.' NoI.iritilirL)n ttjrr Name of person making staterneflt. o; Noilry Publir- StaI* {llrn l r-rission day of STATE OF FLORI CCIUruTY CF \l'i',''l,r-i( \ beforc irri: oi .rt L Li)y i\,'lANGfl0Vt: REViEW i'l f:\i lir Vt I FRONT COUNTER ZONIIJG R[Vli:!V SUPERVISOR REVITW PLAhIS RIVIEW VEGETATION ftEVrtw SfA TUftTLE ftrvrEW ilAl i. I1[Ci rt'ri-i] !.);l:. ! i - {-0f\,1i)i. I:i-r'li SU PPLEM ENTAL CONSTR U CTION LI [N LAW I N FORN/1A-I-ION : WARNING TO OWNe R: Your failure to Record a f{oticc of Commencement may result in be rc.cordcdy0urACr:mniencerlenl milst 0n the first inspecti*n. lf or wot k