HomeMy WebLinkAboutPHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMScope of Work: This set of plans details the installation of a 11,400W DC (Tier 1 - Grid Interactive Solar Photovoltaic System), consisting of 30 Hanwha Q Cell G8+380 Modules, with 30 SolarEdge S440 Power Optimizers, and 1 SE140OW Inverter. Modules to be Attached to Existing Standing Seam Metal Roof with S-5 PV Clamp System. Site Details: Property Owner Name: Detlev Tiszauer Property Address: 8591 Hidden Pines Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945, US AHJ: St. Lucie County Utility: Florida Power & Light Contractor Details: Contractor Company Name: Goldin Solar LLC Contractor Registered Address: 1115 US HWY 1 Vero Beach FL 32960 Solar Contractor License Number: CVC 56965 Qualifier Name and Contract Information: Daren Goldin - (305) 469-9790 Electrical Contractor License Number: EC13010538 Qualifier Name and Contact Information: Joe Cataldo - (772) 643-7552 Roofing Contractor License Number: CCC1331878 Qualifier Name and Contact Information: Carlos Gueits - (786) 277-6220 Table Of Contents Sheet I Description I REV. I REV Date G1 COVER PAGE 0 S1 CALCULATIONS 0 32 S-5 PV CLAMP SYSTEM - DETAIL 0 S3 SITE PLAN 0 E1 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM, CONDUCTOR AND CONDUIT SCHEDULE 0 E2 SYSTEM LABELING DETAIL 0 E3 SOLAR PANEL SPECIFICATION SHEET 0 E4 INVERTER SPECIFICATION 0 CODE TABLE & CERTIFICATIONS STRUCTURAL CODE: 2015 IBC/IEBC/IRC, FBC 2020 ELECTRICAL CODE: 2017 NEC, 2017 IEC, FBC 2020, FIRE SAFETY CODE: NFPA 70 & 70A & 855, FBC 2020, 2015 IEC CERTIFICATIONS INVERTER: UL1741SA OPTIMIZER: UL1703 ENERGY: UL1703 JUNCTION BOX: NEMA 4X (ROOF) I_ Location 8591 Hidden Pines Rd, Fort Pierce, Florida, 34945 F I I� 17 itwith respect to North American Elevation Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) Lat: 27.417129 Long-80.412252 I y;ty - ,C HIDDEN PINES RD HIDDEN PINES RD Standard: ASCElSEI7-16 - -- ---- Risk II Category: Soli Class: Yl►fnii Overlay 157 Vmph t _ n Gt J J DISCLAIMER: PLAN SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BY ENGINEER Wind Speed 157 Vmph 10-year MRI 87 Vmph 25-yeat MRI 10b Vmph 50-year MRI 118 Vmph 100-year MRI 129 Vmph Value provided is 3-second gust wind speeds at +3 it above ground for Exposure C Category, based on linear interpolation between contours. Wind speeds are interpolated in accotdance w.th the 7-16 Standard- Wutd speeds correspond to approximately a 7 . probability of exceedarice in 50 years (annual exceedance probability = 0.00143, MRI = 700 years) Site Is in a hurricane -prone region as defined In ASCE/SEl 7-16 Section 26-2. Glazed openings shall be protected against wind-borne debris as specified In Section 26-12.3. Data Source ASCEISEI 7-16. Fig_ 26.5-1 B and Figs. CC.2-1-GC.2-0, and Section 26 52 'Q a; cm rm OQ 1n in M I rp Z ' LL tJ a E Ov Orn v N O O Zn P Ln N O p O 41 r4 co V ```tuu t turrrri �•w m -►c a o.Z_ =1A;u o i— :Oz C2 0•. y� i4rrr*rrtuiP`�`�• 0 'tea z wmu Q 0 F z ~ Z r a�G w Z 0 Z Z D m w 0 2 Q Z La 0 EL Z a =o°, ozw0Z zv i a w o o u .LL,�„ v1ZUa Z V ZO�a ��2< Eciva>u Project Name: Tiszauer Residence Project Address: 8591 Hidden Pines, Fort Pierce, FL, 34945, USA Revision Number: REV 0 Date: 10/29/2021 Designed By: J.M.C. Reviewed by: T.J.M. Revision History Date: Remark Drawing Scale: N.T.S. Sheet Name: Title Page Sheet Number: G1 MecaWind v2396 c �:••. .t-_.:= .. _. www.meca.biz, C,py,;-„-r 021' Calculations Prepared by: Date: Oct 29, 2021 Basic Wind Parameters Wind Load Standard = ASCE 7-16 Exposure Category = C Wind Design Speed = 160.0 mph Risk. Category II Structure Type = Other Otber Structure Type = Solar Panels General Wind Settings IoolLF Include ASD Load Factor of 0.6 1. Pressures = True DynT_ype = Dynamic Type of Structure = Rigid Zg Altitude (Ground Elevation) above Sea Level = 17.DOD ft edict = Base Elevation of Structure = 0.000 ft Rsec. = Show the ease Reactions in the output False ..aFRSType = MWFRS Method Selected Ch 29 T.pographic Factor per Fig 26.8-1 Top. = Topographic Feature - lions Kzt = Topographic Factor = 1.000 Building Inputs hny Gap between Panel s Roof (-Y)= 0.500 ft hpy : Gap between Panel a Roof (+Y)= 0.500 ft Lp Panel Chord Length 6.030 ft Wp Panel Width = 3.380 ft Nrows Number of Rows - 1 Ncols Number of Columns = 1 sr Spacing Between Rows = 1.000 ft Sc : Spacing Between Columns= 1.000 ft Xstart: X distance to Corner = 5.000 ft Ystart: Y distance to Corner - 5.000 ft Expusurs Constants per Table 26. 11-1: Alpha: Table 26.11-1 Conat - 9.500 Zg: Table 26.tl-1 Const - 900.000 ft At: Table 26.11-1 Const 0.105 at: Table 26.11-1 Const 1.00I Am: Table 26.11-1 Const - 0.154 B.: Table 26.11-1 Cc = 0.650 C: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.200 Eps: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.200 Gust Factor Calculation: Guse Factor Category I Rigid Structures - Simplified N,ethod G1 For Rigid Structures (Nat. Freq.>1 Hz) use 0.85 - 0.85 Gust Factor Category II Rigid Structures - Complete Analysis � Z. = a - 6 Ht 15.000 ft I.. - Cc • (33 / zm) " 0.167 = 0.228 Lzm = L (Zm / 33) Epsilon 427.057 Q = 11 / 11 + 0.63 ' ((B +.lit) / Lzm)^0.63))^0.5 = 0.917 G2 = 0.925•((1+1.7•lzm•3.4•Q)/(1+1.7-3.4•lzm)) = 0.882 Gust Factor Used in Analysis G = Lessor ofG1 Or G2 = C.850 main Wind Force Resisting System (189FR9) Calculations for Solar Panels per Ch 29: LF - Load Factor based upon ASD Design = 0.60 hs = Overall height of structure = 23.229 ft h Mean Roof Height above grade = 23.229 ft Kh = 15 ft [4.572 ml< Z <Zg-->(2.011(2/291^(2/Alpha) ITable 26.30-1)= 0.931 Krt = Topographic Factor is 1 since no Topographic feature specified 1.000 Kd Wind Directionality Factor per Table 26.6-1 0.as qh = (0.00256 • Kh - Kzt • Kd • Ke • V^2) • LF = 31.09 psf Wind Loads on Solar Panels) Par Sac 29.4.4 h = Mean Roof Height 23.229 ft a = Width for Zone 2 and 3 determination (Per CSC Figure) = 7.500 ft h/2 = Width used to determine if Exposed: h / 2 = 11.615 ft hl Dist from Roof to Lower Panel Edge: Min(hny, hnp) 0.500 ft h2 Dist from Roof to Upper Panel Edge: Max(hny, hnp) = 0.500 ft dl limit = di limit for adjacent panels: 4 ft [1.2 m] = 4.000 ft hpt - Height of Parapet - 0. 000 ft w = Slope of panel relative to roof: ASIN((h2-hl)/Lp) = a.0 Deg Gao Alin = Minimum gap between Panels: Min(Sr, SC) = 12.0000 in The Gap Hin is at least 0.25 in [6.4 syal and so it is acceptable GaoMax - Maximum gap between Panels: Hax(Sr, So) = 1.000 ft _ The Gap_Nax can be no more than 1.1 ft [2.04 ml and so it is acceptable i.SLp - Distance from and considered exposed: 1.5 • Lp - 9.045 ft Li = Load Factor based upon ABD Design = 0.60 Slope = Roof Slope = 22.62 Ce9 A = Area of One Panel: Lp ' Wp = 20. 38 sq ft Ga Solar Panel Press Equalization Factor (Fig 29.4-61 = 0.676 The array sha11 be located 2'h2 41.000 ft) from ..of edge, a gable ridge, or a hip ridge. In;c'1 RRA.Ub R'nlb SS-H iF s-s-H 03 FF ED ".69's-1 11s loss a 541 i FFIm 149t1e'. n 115 .16 6 54 !, FF I- Z4 pe [.W.t S•!-SM.ti 1F-T� MIN 16 p 2". 115 13ecixy Solar Panel E-re Criteria: Due to complex solar arrays, the software does not automatically determine if a panel i exposed. The following criteria must be used by the designer to determine if a panel is considered 'Exposed'. If any one of these criteria are met then the panel is considered Exposed: 1) The distance to adjacent solar array or building edge 'dl' is > 4 ft [1.2 m) 21 The distance to adjacent panel 'd2' > 4 ft [1.2 ml Wind Pressures for Solar Panel(-) par Sac 29.4.4 All wind prassures include a load factor of 0.6 Zone Exposed Ge Ge GCp GCp_lfeg GCp_Pos p p Uplift Down Fig Uplift Down Uplift Down psf psf ______ _______ ______ _____ ______________ _______ _______ ---- I Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -1.495 0.463 -47.16 9.73 1 OH Yes 1,500 1.000 30.3-2C -1. 999 0.000 -63.04 0.00 1_OHS Yes 1.500 1. 000 30.3-2C -1. 999 0.000 -63.0-0 0.00 2e Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2c -1.495 0.463 -47.16 9.73 2e Oil Yea 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0.000 -63.04 0.00 2e OHS Yes 1.500 1. 011 30.. 3-2C -1. 999 1.000 -63. 04 0.00 2n Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.158 0.463 -68.07 9.73 2n OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -87.98 0.00 2n OHS Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -87, 98 0.00 2r Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.159 0.463 -68.07 9.73 2r OH Yes 1. 500 1. 000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.00a -87.98 0.00 2r OHS Yes 1.500 1. 000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -87. 98 0.00 3e Yes 1.500 1. 000 30.3-2C -2.158 0.463 -68.07 9.73 3e ON Yes 1.500 1.OD0 30.3-2C -3.100 0.000 -97.79 0.00 3e OHS Yes 1.500 1.000 30. 3_2C -3.100 0. 001 -97. 79 0.00 3r Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.940 0.463 -76.44 9.73 3r Oil Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -3.217 0.0a0-101.47 0.00 3r 0XS Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C _3.217 0.a00-101.47 0.00 1 No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -1.495 0.463 -31.44 9.73 1 OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -1. 999 a 000 -42.02 0.00 1_OHS No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0.000 -42.02 0.00 2e No 1. 000 1.000 30.3-2C -1.495 0.463 -31.44 9.73 2e ON 110 1. 000 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0.coo -42.02 0.00 2e OHS No 1. 000 1.000 30.3-2C -1. 999 0.000 -42.02 0.00 2n No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.158 0.463 -45.38 9.73 2n Ott No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2. 790 0.000 -58.66 0.00 2n OHS NO 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 1.000 -58.66 0.00 2r No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C _2.158 0.463 -45. 38 9.73 2r OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -58.66 0.00 2r OHS No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -58.66 0.00 3e No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.158 0.463 -45.38 9.73 3.31 Ho 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -3.100 0. 000 -65.19 0.00 3e OHS 11. 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -3.100 0.000 -fi5.19 0.00 3r No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2. 440 0.463 -51.29 9.73 3r ON No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -3.217 0.000 -67.65 0.00 3r-OHS No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -3.217 0.000 -fi7.65 0.00 Notes: Zone = Zone based upon 'GCP Fig' Exposed = Exposed panel per Eqn 29.4-6 Ge = Factor per Eqn 29.4-6 GCrn_nom= Nominal press cceff per Fig 29.4-7 GC-= Gp-Gc'Ge•GCrn non [Eqn 29.4-61 p = gh'GCrn (Eqn 29.4-5] Area = Area of Zone is based upon area of one panel: 20.36 sq ft + Pressures Acting TOWARD Surface - Pressures Acting AWAY from Surface Origin of X/Y system is at the geometric center of the building The array shall be located 21h2 (1.000 ft) from roof edge, a gable ridge, or a hip ridge. The roof shall be designed for both of the following: 1) The case where solar collectors are present. Solar panel loads applied simultaneously with roof wind pressures per normal roof design without those roof pressures applied to sections of the roof where solar panels are not covering roof. 2) Case where solar arrays have been removed. M.:h u:9e Ruv:u 919 ACD 1.5 Si4l N'ti N"T'sn FF lo1 14 p'S-.e its 13sl CD 410 as nerlrery 5•l41Mm �,�� PF iW Z6 pfiW 1f! 711 CF Z'a Sl 11Hw N-T ft Harl- "m n9.SxC. Im BIG CF no 1 M O=M Q M _ M 03 J Z2 it QaCO Oco 0 < w m U Q p w ✓ F Z 6 } N Z z om=w110 Z o F ✓ O m< Z 2 O Z Z w H w < < < N Z o_1- _ O FD(OZ cZ .i F- V ZKulO L< J Z O p O < U S w g,Z Z V Zi-- UQ �Q a00V Q>OU Project Name: Tiszauer Residence Project Address: 8591 Hidden Pines, Fort Pierce, FL, 34945, USA Revision Number: REV 0 Dale: 9/1912021 Designed By: J.M.C. Reviewed by: T.J.M. Revision History Date: Remark Drawing Scale: N.T.S. Sheet Name: Site Plan Sheet Number: S1 DISCLAIMER: PLAN SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BY ENGINEER fi S-5-N CLAMP PV%IT 2s KQ & cn amf xuwa ,j T137.6.317.621 WrAl 3& OTFRE" FOE .60 [40.64 P.Gnab Asseably Ot SCALE) PV%IT 2.0 MIDIRAB VEIDiT, 0254 Ibs (115 g] 1,57in it A. T-30 TIR% TRI FOR STANDING SEAM SPECIFIC MECHANICAL LOAD TEST INFORMATION AND CLAMP INSTALLATION INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: VVV.S-5.COM PV Ask 2A I L 1140 [40.64 EdgeGrab AssenLiy (IA SCALE) PWIT 2.0 EDGEGRAB VEIGHi: C26 tbs 1118 91 StaMoffa� wlaocu O 0 0 O 02.37 [60.23] N8-125x30SS Flanged Puttan head Sc- 0 FOR STANDING SEAM S 4 INFORMAT]ON AN➢ CL� PLEASE VIS[T� VVV. D. 1[24. PV%IT 2.0 1cA-b ra�Rao.. a�,ma ua 0. 4 i 30 ice% ACNE SCALE 1:2 'Q J OQC) Cl) � J z LL a E O IN Q W U y 1 m — o m S% L 6 -- - W W- Z- O z p ua '"IZ w O Z Z<} ,n h0 F' woc� z _z�' Or OF-wL7Z Z F- Uzyu)O Q W Z 0 w W W 0 I_0Q V f 2 w u)FLL n Z V a Z U Z 0 n H,n2¢ aon8< U Project Name: Tiszauer Residence Project Address: 8591 Hidden Pines, Fort Pierce, FL, 34945, USA Revision Number: REV 0 Date: 9/19/2021 Designed By: J.M.C. Reviewed by: T.J.M. Revision History Date: Remark Drawing Scale: Sheet Name: Title Page Sheet Number: S2 DISCLAIMER: PLAN SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BY ENGINEER GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE PROJECT IS DESIGNED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH 2O20 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND OTHER REFERENCED CODES. 2. ABBREVIATIONS OTHER THAN AS PROVIDED ARE INDUSTRY STANDARD. 3. CONDITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF ROOF ASSEMBLY SHALL BE VERIFIED BY PHYSICAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTED BY GOLDIN SOLAR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT. 4. WORK TO BE COMPLETED SHALL BE VERIFIED BY INSTALLER AND ELECTRICIAN PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT AND MATERIAL ORDER. 5. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUB -CONTRACTORS SHALL BE LICENSED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDAAND AS REQUIRED BY PERMITTING AGENCY; NO UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS OR CONSTRUCTION AND TRADE WORKERS SHALL BE ALLOWED ON JOSSITE. 6. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUB -CONTRACTORS SHALL INSPECT THE SITE AND ALL RESPECTIVE BUILDINGS IMMEDIATELY BEFORE PREPARING ANY BID AND BEFORE ORDERING ANY MATERIALS, AND SHALL PROVIDE GOLDIN SOLAR WRITTEN NOTICE OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN FIELD CONDITIONS AND THE PLANS. AFTER VERIFICATION, GOLDIN SOLAR SHALL PREPARE ANY NECESSARY PLAN REVISION, GENERALLY WITHIN 72 HOURS OF SUCH NOTICE. 7. REQUIRED PLAN DIMENSIONS NOT PROVIDED SHALL BE CONFIRMED NTH ENGINEER OF RECORD. 8. UNPLANNED ALTERATION OF STRUCTURAL ROOF OR WALL FRAMING SHALL REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL BY THE FOR AND OWNER; PLANS SHALL BE SO REVISED. 9. FIRE PROTECTION PROCEDURES SHALL BE FOLLOWED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 2014, Art. 690.9. WORK SHALL BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO COVER BY BUILDING INSPECTOR, AND FOR UPON REQUEST. tO.BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE EXERCISED AT ALL TIMES TO MAINTAIN A SAFE AND CLEAN JOBSITE IN COORDINATION WITH PROPERTY OWNER AS APPLIES TO PARKING, TRASH REMOVAL, STORAGE, SOUND, UTILITIES AND TIMES OF WORK. 11,N0 WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN RIGHT-OF-WAY OR EASEMENTS WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE APPROPRIATE PERMITTING AGENCY AND OWNER. 12.ANY DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR BUILDINGS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF GOLDIN SOLAR SHALL BE REMEDIED BY THE OWNER. 13.ALL NEW MATERIALS SHALL MATCH EXISTING MATERIALS WHERE VISIBLE AND SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE OWNER. 14.ALL MATERIALS NOT LISTED OR SPECIFIED HEREIN SHALL BE OBTAINED THROUGH CONTRACTOR -APPROVED VENDORS, GENERALLY NECESSARY TO COMPLETE TYPICAL SIMILAR CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CONFORM TO CODE TABLE, INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND POLICIES OF THE PERMITTING AGENCY. 15.DETAILS OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE CALLED OUT BY LOCATION, ARRAY, ELEMENT OR AS OTHERWISE APPLIES. 16.IN THE EVENT OF WEATHER AND OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES THAT COULD MATERIALLY AFFECT BUILDING CONDITIONS OR INSTALLATION, GOLDIN SOLAR SHALL PERFORM A RC -INSPECTION ALONG WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS AS REQUIRED THEN ADJUST PROJECT SCHEDULE TO INCLUDE RESPECTIVE PLAN REVISIONS. ROOF FIRE SAFETY NOTES: (NFPAII. 1. FIRE PROTECTION PROCEDURES SHALL BE FOLLOWED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 2014, A 690.9. WORK SHALL BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO COVER BY BUILDING INSPECTOR, AND FOR UPON REQUEST. 2. ACCESS POINT ARE LOCATED FOR FIRE DEPT.LADDER(S) CLEAR OF OPENINGSIOBSTRUCTIONS. 3. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ROOF SAFETY RATING (CLASS A). (UL 7901 ASTM El08) EXISTING ROOF CONSTRUCTION ROOF TYPE: HIP/GABLE SLOPE = 5:12 HIP & 6:12 GABLE SHEATHING: PLYWOOD/OSB FRAMING: WD TRUSS, 24" O.C. MEAN HEIGHT: 15't MATERIAL: SHINGLE FIRE RATING: CLASS A DIMENSION NOTE: EAGLEVIEW DXF AND PROPERTY APPRAISER DIMENSIONS FIELD -VERIFIED WITH DRONE & SATELLITE IMAGERY. ATTACHMENT SYSTEM: S-s PV CLAMPS ATTACHMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO DETAILS, S2 AND MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION MANUAL. PVMODULELOADS Down- Uplift Notes :. Modulel)"lgn(pA 83.54 -55.56 Worstase(pst) _ _9.73_ 3L44 Wontase2one_ X X Zone 1, 2e _ Zone with no panels X X Zone 2n, 3e, 3r Panel Weight (pill 211 2.0 Netloadlpsf) Imes 3339 (Accounting for weightof Panel . Margin(psl 7239 2217 Safteyf dor 7.94 L65 Pass CUIMPTESFDATA Uplift Shear Ultimate load _ 721 917 SafetyFaRor -_ a.00 LW _. Design Load 240.31 458M i APPtiEDUpUFT(Lbs) Clampsper Panel Load Per MID Clamp([bf) Safety Factor Notes 68051 6.00 226.84 LO6 Dass APPLIED SHEAR(ibs) Clampsper Panel load per Clamp(Ibs) Safety Factor Notes 46.68 6.00 Z78 5993 Pa. Kind Pressures fox Solar Panal(s) Pax a- 29.4.4 All wind pressures include a load factor of 0.6 Zone Exposed Ge Ge GCP GCp_ileg GCp-Pos p p Uplift Down rig Uplift Doan Uplift Down psf Psf ------------- ------ --------------------------------- ---- 1 Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -1.495 0.463 -47.16 9.73 1 OH 'yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0.000 -63.04 0.00 1_011S Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0.000 -63.04 0.00 2e Yes 1.500 1. 00 0 30.3-2C -1.495 0.463 -47.16 9.73 2e ON Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.999 0.000 -63.04 0.01 2e OHS Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0. coo -63.04 0.00 2n Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.156 0.463 -68.07 9.73 2. OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -87. 98 0.00 2n OHS Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -87.98 0.c0 2" Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.156 0.463 -68.07 9.73 2r ON Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -87.98 0.00 2. ORS Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -87.98 0.00 3e Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.158 0.463 -68.07 9.73 3e OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -3.100 0.000 -97.79 0.00 3s3 OHS Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -3.100 0.000 -97.7, 0.00 3. Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -2.440 0.463 -76.99.73 3r ON Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -3.217 0.000-101.47 0.00 3. OHS Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2C -3.217 0.000-101.47 0.00 1 No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -1.495 0.463 -11.14 9.73 ON W. - C - - 1 OHS No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0.000 -42.02 0.00 Ze xo 1.000 1.000 - C - 1. .7 2e OH 116 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0.000 -42.02 0.00 2e OHS No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -1.999 0.000 -42.02 0.00 2n No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.158 0.463 -45.38 9.73 2n CH No 1.1. 000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -58.66 0.00 2n OHS No 1.000 000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -58.66 0.00 2n No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.158 0.463 -45.38 9.73 2r OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -58.66 0.00 2r OHS No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.790 0.000 -58.66 0.00 3e Ito 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -2.158 0.463 -45.38 9.73 3e OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -3.100 0.000 -65.19 0.00 3e OHS No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -3.100 0.000 -65. 19 0.00 3r No 1.01N0 1.000 30.3-2C -2.440 0.463 -51.29 9.73 3t OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -3.217 0.000 -67.65 0.00 3. OHS No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2C -3.217 0.000 -67.65 0.00 Location of Major Equipment LEGEND QD DISCONNECT EQUIPMENT MOUNT IQ INVERTER { METER \CHMENT WIDE I W EXPOSURE NOTES: CATEGORY: C W DESIGN REQ.: 160 mph a STRUCTURE: TYPE II /ENCL MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 23.229' , THEREFORE H/2=11.62' NO MODULES ARE MORE THAN 11.62' FROM AN EDGE OF ROOF N PLANE, THEREFORE THERE ARE NO EXPOSED MODULES WORST CASE WIND PRESSURE = -31.44 PSF (ZONE 1, ZONE 2e) � (h c 2 (h Q M @ J 2 LL U " 'E ®e o J It 0 �g z F¢- is trs C9T O, H Z� w�zu+ ozz��. m w O F w w l7 Q Z � N Q =p C� saw L9z l yLtrrz F U�z Li r w Q V H zi 1--w y� NZ V a Z UZopr1 ~ H Q a 0 V 6> V Project Name: Tiszauer Residence Project Address: 8591 Hidden Pines, Fort Pierce, FL, 34945, USA Revision Number: REV 0 Date: 9/19/2021 Designed By: J.M.C. Reviewed by: T.J.M. Revision History Date: Remark Drawing Scale: N.T.S. Sheet Name: Site Plan Sheet Number: S3 DISCLAIMER: PLAN SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BY ENGINEER Site Condition Assumptions Conductor Schedule Conduit Schedule '� 6 h ® c� > Q � W J 15 LL Zb = ® a v ® r (� nterconnection Frequency 60 Hz Circuit Reference ID Circuit Description Conductor Type Conductor Material Conductor Size Design Current OCPD Type OCPD Rating Circuit Reference ID No. of Current Carrying Conductors Conduit Type Conduit Size and QTY ✓oltage -Line 1 to Neutral 120 V ✓oltage -Line 2 to Neutral 120 V 1 PV Source Circuit PV Wire Cu #10 AWG 13.35 A N/A N/A 1 2 None QTY 1 x 1" Joltage - Line 3 to Neutral (If applicable) - V 2 PV Output Circuit PV Wire Cu #10 AWG 15 A N/A N/A 2 2 None QTY 1 x 1" 3 Inverter Input Circuit THWN - 2 Cu #10 AWG 15 A N/A N/A 3 4 EMT QTY 1 x 1" ✓oltage - Line 1 to Line 2 240 V 4 Inverter Output Circuit THWN - 2 Cu #6 AWG 47.5 A DPCB 60A 4 3 EMT QTY 1 x 1" ✓oltage - Line 2 to Line 3 - V EXTERIOR PV ARRAY JUNCTION LL INVERTER- EXISTING BOX p INTEGRATED NEW FUSED MAIN BREAKER METER K DISCONNECT DISCONNECT ENCLOSURE ENCLOSURE 0-STRING SO MODULES + O-STRING 10 MoOULEs + 4XI 1140OH-US PT M O D/C SWITCH 4 O-STRING DETAIL optimizer Solar Module EXISTING GRADE UG SEfiV[CE — iW-Ip EXPANSION ]DINT: RUN <=75 rTr USE4-, > 75 Fir USE B" EXPANSIONNOTE: FITTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN SECURELY -MOUNTED ELBOWS AND TERMINATION POINTS (NOT INCL WYES). IF JOINT IS VERTICAL, OPEN-END SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED IN DOWNPOSITIONW/COUPLING INSTALLED CLOSE TO TOP OF RUN W/ BARREL ALSO DOWN AND LOWER END SECURED AT BOTTOM TO ALLOW UPWARD MOVEMENT. (SEC. 352.44 NEC) Description Manufacturer Model Number Notes COMBO METER/MAIN REPLACEMENT ALTERNATIVE: 1. DE -ENERGIZE; DISCONNECTLOAD PANEL AND SERVICE. LEGEND 2.REMOVE COMBO UNIT AND REPLACE WITH SIEMENS UNIT. REPLACE METER, RE-CONNECTSERVICEANDFEEDER. l> BREAKER Solar PV Module Hanwha Q Cell QPEAK DUO G8+ Spec Sheet Page 3. RELOCATE EXIST. CIRCUIT BREAKERS TO BUSBAR AS SHOWN. 4. RE -INSTALL OR REPLACE 200ABREAKER; CONNECrFEEDER (F).RIF FEEDER 3$0 E3 S. LUG/POLARIS No. 5 TO F a FTO LOAD PANEL. FUSE 6. RESTORE GROUND. RE -ENERGIZE. FINISH NOTE: SEAL ANY HOLES WITH SOY WATERPROOFSFALANT. GROUND et Page IF UNIT DOES NOT COVER PANEL ARE/` RETOUCH PAINT. �— SWITCH DC Optimizer Solar Edge S440 Spec Sheet — — THRU WALL ELECTRICIAN NOTES: 1, CONFIRM GROUN(CONDUTORTOELE Junction Box Snap N Rack 242-0110 4 Rail Mounted - 2. CONDUCTORS MAY BE COMBINED USING RATED JUNCTIONS BOXES/CONDUIT UP -SIZE. BONDINGNOTE:MODULES SHALL BE BONDED BY BONDING MID -CLAMPS ACCORDING TO INSTALLATION PVC - NEMA 4X MANUAL MODULES WHICH CAN NOT BE FULLY BONDED SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUND USING GROUNDING LUG WIRED DIRECTLY TO SYSTEM GROUND WIRE. ALTERNATIVES REQUIRE A CUSTOMIZED PLAN FROM EOR. DC/AC Solar Edge N/A Spec Sheet Page EQUIPMENT NOTES: 1. NEW EQUIPMENT CLEARANCES: 36' (FRONT), 30" (WORK AROUND), 6 FT (OH) (NEC 110.26) Disconnect E4 NEW EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS SHALL BE CERTIFIED BYA NATIONAL LABORATORY. 3. LABEL READING, "WARNING: THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES"SHALL BE PROPERLY AFFIXED. Inverter Solar Edge SE11400H Spec Sheet Page 4. LISTED OR LABELED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED AND USED ACCORDING TO INSTALLATION MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS (NEC 110.3(B)), RATED FOR OUTDOOR USE (NEMA3-6P,TABLE 110.28) E4 ✓oltage - Line 3 to Line 1 - V Environmental Assumptions Minimum Annual Temperature 0 C Maximum Annual Temperature 40 C PV Module Information Manufacturer Name: HANWHA Q-CELL Module Model Number: Q PEAK DUO G8+ 380 Maxium Series Voltage Allowed: 600 VDC remperature Coefficent -Voltage -0.27% per "C remperature Coefficent - Current 0.04% per °C remperature Coefficent - Power -0.35% per °C Specifications at STC ' m L, I,_o Z::, I�D�i m= w F o w W W F N O K w Z w O Z Z�} mw OF=- wK� QZ o a° g~ W z Z F 8 Z y N 0 W a u o o F w W v:ZU Q ZUZC1 p�u. ¢ a a a a> o MPP Power - Pmp 380 W MPP Current - Imp3 10.04 A MPP Voltage - V p 37.85 V >hort-Circuit Current - Isc 10.50 A Open -Circuit Voltage - Voc 45.04 V Temperature Adjusted imp - Min 36.3171 V Project Name: Tiszauer Residence ✓OC - Max 48.0375 V DC Optimizer Information Project Address: 8591 Hidden Pines, Fort Pierce, FL, 34945, USA Manufacturer Name: Solar Edge Module Model Number: S440 fated Input DC Power: 440 W Maxium Input Voltage 60 V Revision Number: REV 0 Maximum Short Circuit Current: 14.5 A Maximum Output Current: 15 A NOTE: So/arEd a PowerO timizers ONLY to be used with g P SolarEdge Inverter, as specified in this drawing. The following string limitations apply, based on the Inverter Selected. Date: 09/29/2021 Designed By: J.M.C. Reviewed by: T.J.M. nverter Input Bus Voltage at e: Interconnection i ecified Volta P g 400 V Revision History Date: Remark Maximum Power Per String: O 6000 W Minimum Optimizers Per String: 8 Drawing Scale: N . T. S. Inverter Information ManufacturerName: Solar Edge Sheet Name: Electrical) Line Diagram Module Model Number: SE11400H Nominal Power Output p 11400EA Maximum AC Power Output 114002. Sheet Number: E1 Maximum Continous Output Current )t Specified Interconnection Voltage: 47.5OR DISCLAIMER: PLAN SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BY ENGINEER 0 n.. ApprOpriaq PPE RBQlixi ........ .......... _ O c © ® 00 ..............................................................0 / ...............: 'NEC Article 110. 16 and NEPA 70E Article E 130.5(CXt),(21.131 ? © E Roll: 558.00381 • `- / i ' y '• IF:no battery backup '.........................� / € INV1 'PER NEC 406.4(B) Part No. 558-00309 INOTE: Electrical Service equipment must be field marked per the NEC Code when it is present in a building or structure (other than dwelling units) and supported by more than one service provider (i.e., public utilities such as electricity and a PV System). This includes Arc Flash and informational labeling. The diagram shown in this poster is an illustration of one photovoltaic labeling scenario. The number and type of labels needed will vary based on the project scope and its related Specifications. Check with AH7 for local fequirements.UL1741 allows the use of either PVor Photovoltaic on the preprinted label. O Combiner Box/ Drculix I Conduit OOC Olirannect/Breaker/ Remmb)ner Box Combiner Be. / E I ret/ EMT E to -es AVIIARNING_ AWARNING ! e ,AWARNIN'Gj1 ruin o!E lxorovotruc ematab e 0 Building/ SOW tw . www.Hellermann.Tyton.com Rav FAro taemaw Sne cHmn't arPostlbxl9 5MRp9Nx NElS1EY A"9 BEWCE NKKRNA2AR0 NiIEARPAT rl ,•1 SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN n IFC 605.11.3.1(2) & 690.56(CXII(b) Roll: 596.00986 / 10-Pk: 596-00889 SECOND SERVICE DISCONNECT 'NEC Rolll:: 558-00307 25ON NORTH SIDE OF BUILDING .003 'NEC 230.2(E), NEC 230.72(A) / Roll: 558-DO313 THIS PANEL FED MAX AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT. 46,552 AMPS FROM INV1 DATE2115112 'PER NEC 108A(B) 'PER NEC 110.24(A) / Roll: 558.00313 Roll: 558.00313 4 WARNING: PHOTOVOLTAIC Holm POWER SOURCE WARNN6 PNOlO9017A10PoWE115011RLE sovwrucac • x. 0 Breaker Panel r Pull Boxes --------------- A WARNING A WARNING WARNING { ex"� "�ApTI�ON PNoa ro "rroxxutawabe PANu "e- ] �.b,n.],._. PHOTOVOLTAIC '•�2•^-'.'C+/F •3 4�x�"•'�' •se+.�v. AC DISCONNECT - J•..�11Lx �-1T � ��,_ MAIN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECT 1. \- ]cocruc ac .,lgt,JD sL•.7I Main Senate Ditconnect I n . Y - - MAIN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECT �. PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUE 377.705 (REVISED 711/2017) I, THOMAS MICHAELS, PE (FL91301), AN ENGINEER LICENSED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 471, CERTIFY THAT THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS ARE DESIGNED AND APPROVED USING THE CODE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS CONTAINED IN THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. GOLDIN SOLAR RECOGNIZES FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTER (FSEC) AS DEVELOPING STANDARDS FOR SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS MANUFACTURED OR SOLD IN FLORIDA BASED ON THE BEST CURRENTLY AVAILABLE INFORMATION IN CONSULTATION WITH SCIENTISTS, ENGINEERS AND RESEARCHERS AND DEVELOPING CRITERIA FOR TESTING THE PERFORMANCE OF SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS. HellermannTyton PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM LABELING REQUIREMENTS NEC 2017 Article 690 and IFC 2012 Adhesive Fastened Signs ANSI Z535.4-2011 Product Safety Signs and Labels, provides guidelines for suitable font sizes, words, colors, Symbols, and location requirements for labels. NEC 110.21(B)(1) The label shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved. NEC 110.21(13)(3) Adhesive fastened signs may be acceptable if properly adhered. Vinyl signs shall be weather resistant. IFC 605.11.1.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS (FIELD MARKING) --1 •INEC0 NEC 110I6fl t ec�xN dot zendfcn U¢i dnF.:.g ]r,is h. 1B f FIELD AP EO HAZARD BNRKINGS n, r^�Ir h9 N C1 2 (R) FD ) tllt]d itd Wwangaa<fd )asrnsdaralendYA•cnxhfsrad NEC 110.161A) An, FNslc UecW l e47r:ent sun a sencibo_dt wan 11vehauEs taae lP tienred5 cc'ass/rbah ar,lw d,-- [ sch7hx W.U. "W,-,*-.1 pads oeueuckt o,4- NEC 110.21(BN3) W L]ki" be Of uffi;!Ndr]F t)mxuhcadde asd trnlmco]ni clue a haf. 0- 611S9 urdt a4 N emi- rWA rtqueea�nardtac¢nmMt'�rrcrg,a minte]rx+]rf.4e '9t>rd da9befttla Wmr/mer�i towan4aYAad fxsWrndf]v >Y e'atox NEC 110.220) Engnoal Sena Conte- S7.-Equpm &nd, rzs RaA fbea Thena'rn. g tlx,l�i]:emu]ts in 11021(B1 fc,- beaten u kae]a#" it -ow- wlh uxiestvrhnation ail]1]�beb¢!d ]oAbtl deatl-b2.9eb@aNd W]str htb! dwly-A ,arsg sekO]d uder a7"!en'9v4`srrivm ndcm'dam ,w]ce-te6EA) a�inaeat a3A:<.tmnt seivy, a eue4 nadtteegi.prir enL ]haEteet h.leen.WdF.tFlxd,M[xbxuon gn9. Winf.<ae the e gtiynNtt nos lag] aid x!m a ]tiles ,omc:,azm ,ao,g. 7te madWg NEC110.16(0)InO;sNddn dAelF9 trioWMi.'m W]he rly .at0 that FNa dt 2yvremennn1107118)rti ski to lesd4, vsi/t and ita'P n 1(d,apama NIaSNYutltt feHalaacry aPPEed 1p snNu rpiP�xrx dt baSilg ,W 1200 apf ce Rae Ote t"ehaB eer.Ik at2_arepsd 110.21(a) a-d tmuv, OtkdxvigW3aaulm. NEC 110.74(A)F,6d llaiint SuAe epepex al ofttiros Asdrtg trta .}y to leg Ny-Aed h the febMthP c-aaaaNefWNcn- 1,t-aneal�)]Luge re Tfib„u,]irg',$)9104x1- Be dlle de hskttmm] o'o4tim wm 2. A,0'dbe fau'r- anet A]M]ifY.Q -,et pokn+,e dLrAss pvf=*dand lyd1ue<at dl:71'Ry to wchatW Oe T]k'Uarent hrgfred. 3. O'cle.r74,ed-ce-m potev nitesr]M.Ue T rt<Wa4m]t]Ltd[a:=reNed odor *a. '3k W]IuzaNhai4dW zb'ktalltNreni Oe srce eyapnax dear. xnW4ln4-t 01-. It. d INdae tlx L,1xlsaaPPr,%i NEC 110.27(Q Enaasm to- a cder guided I. -Out Calk. Ea<epBm:ff. -Am er-.4 Ne r-Y.O be anrl.,th can ;gn fvNhSg CYe/a �Phdn urediel,Wh texuW drents.]W Toe. NEC 210.S(CK/)(b) Peningcl ldmOfiauon Mare, B,e -hei u1.nd (cc<crd-c,, a'e-,-1 nemeih 1-0h .t P;fe'ana,d :rda U-1, crt Rdsueuun exshag tv do ied' a ..'er dan]eady a,.U* addu36e paneaa5/posldi h b4-thdwlparehvdw umatad,mo adnrkt epxpTTt ' \,]ha7kdeb.Wded6E4rrp]HmC3d Rt lrr.srnmc-ol . yeded ad]kn nxhhanduxea NEC 2301(E) Idsaf-an-'Atte a di,4r) v snwue k sµy6H W eGTOsas taviX tx 1.1 crr. b.*.1 oft-ch-.0 federi aM Nri,aP-1 p*,c 0st0or/thr7 be keWed at 6,]nrim damrsect 1.-dT" r od-rsTiclS Hen, and b -A t.nil] . i-"gIkt h.3g a r a¢uea¢ue edPz ata]mM bf.W, NEC 408,0)SO- oft]ra, MsvdN;hca-disr;tGyea; »] we-4 wyP`d b/&cdn(t)W tiler tl n arrvtw ttr.:E decor_ pp�aili�� end, marFe{birBra�t lath de,%ep 4 v"t'4 wfinevep+ws a;Mec ht 4Ltl aha9 tt pem!>Erty ecbe tty,c OaikyW widnlad Oc YoirmaLLimos,Ma'd mt e k,;ttm NEC 705.10 A Fermat P4q.o,&edagds+etig de 1-of be a4 fecbx p. ]eea. eq*,-, vtarsmPWdcpYiA Y.i lt-y dote-c0f eryi'Rank20c ad at beloaf. !s)d ofix, em d t¢ut K to d N .bx poser peJxtm »stet et5�lxe a bo-ay iMeconrttN. Aka see 6A1.L!d! Orc iyI ]x]Eied!p gam w s'Axm. NEC 70S.12(BR2Rc)Ap,mr trari 6W itta{p.'dw de d, at;-b One bad ka balTkea he v- r the! sme foNA 'vAAwsd pnh ddar cr eq.. rg +rg NEC 705.12(B)(3.4) Equpaart mxa. gart]rtmt d.- n:;]..-,plln7 P-W abrh], o cund ae v�pr4xd han mAyk ". va,Led to idale lft pressudae ]routes. C-d balf d ske Ix-F, b exh Wen]nrn NK 710.1 SIQ Sind -Yoe 1,&ee ]lull to pendttM b urply 120whs W fivfe plug 3w+4 170440vah toan praW a datrbmbnp knen,t tug remn A.atwl-t can O,e2den0 ne d.p etxamh IXU]xi bed? thn]11. Vof 01 rrulN"de poa-wp iha5ll leq OtWthe eb n ,k caoual k dts l ep •p.WO hu]egip mtfh2'I be mmlxd ued dt W"aevgwad] c e pralenu NFPA 2012130.5(0 San d] NEC 11016 WI w d .Wdcvl Led Wkmada dial h r"-di a.9-W2011. Chtk W. 20121BPAAn, rWh ?�:rCnnti OSHA 19tO.145(f)(7) N3,rbg uq ae-4 m repr<x a hnsd le]d be -*CiWcn' .4.O e'. �m o ��2 _� j J } V ll aE �i0 rm 'o �� c� a w w m V a C, o m= ¢Q F F z o r o w z w N z ozz� mwuav Z, w < ] z `=oa� t� 0Fow Z Z vif UZ,v] O O on W. S w O Q tj ] w h Z U a Z U Z O w- �ui F,08a>Ou Project Name: Tiszauer Residence Project Address: 8591 Hidden Pines, Fort Pierce, FL, 34945, USA Revision Number: REV 0 Date: 9/1912021 Designed By: J.M.C. Reviewed by: T.J.M. Revision History Date: Remark Drawing Scale: N.T.S. Sheet Name: Labeling Details Sheet Number: E2 DISCLAIMER: PLAN SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BY ENGINEER powered bl 111�MERW 1111- 7tt)-m- 0 CELLS rrst se�ry �1 r, BREAKING THE 1011 EFFICIENCY 8,111111111 !/llllDllI IL 0 ANTUM DUO Z Tectmology with zero gap cell layout boosts module efficiency up to 20.6%. INNOVATIVE ALL-W EATHER TECHNOLOGY ��- Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent taw.rght and temperature behaviour. ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE O' Long-term yield security with Ana LID Technology, And PID Technology', Hot -Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra Qr r. EXTREME WEATHER RATING (� High-tech aiwNn'um alloy frame, cenred for Ngh snow (6000Pa) and wind toads (4000Pa). A RELIABLE INVESTMENT InclusNe 12-year product warranty and 25-year Ihlear peiforme noa weaantyt. STATE OF THE ART MODULETECHNOLOGY G.AfNTUM DUO combines culling edge cell separation and innovative wEing With G.ANTUM Technology. za,..ca-1-9 L, IEcns szscv-irza16 .nw a Ftzwv. roe ro r sea drM sxer on rav ra ninz e4armeeon. THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: Rcd�uraTs pi :e;kerta' LWaga Engineered in Germany O CE LLS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION Famet 1840—. 1030mm. 32mm (Ix1.drg fi-.0 weight 195xg F nt Coves 28mm thuma5/pre-strewed gbsswl9r i n-rereakn tetJ.." Deck co:ir Crnpas-xh. Fmme Slack arcbEed eham,hip cefl 8.22rTar0.Tglt G.ANTWA eyar M1rA M: Junalon box 53-101mmx32.60-1548— P� -rm da"lRi7.x Wpassdodes Ceblo dome Saar edLt(.)z12X1-(-)A1200mm Cannactor SHWE MC4, H-ma oca.Ls1:CC4; IP68 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS POWER CLAW 355 370 376 380 395 P.11111MUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS, STC' (POWER TOLERANCE r%VI-0 W ) Paves MPP' P— [W] 365 370 375 3s0 365 soon Circvn Cun'Mt' A.; IAI =`la ladd 10.47 1060 1053 E OPan Circuit Volta9N E Va- M 44.93 4497 4601 45,04 45.08 Cun.—WPP Lr (Al 997 9.92 gigs 10.04 1010 voI"—MPP v— M 2890 3728 3757 3795 3813 E/5ckncy A 1%1 .19.3 .195 .19.8 a201 z201 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS, NIJOP Poway at " P,.. (WJ 27M 2771 280.8 284.E 288.3 E shoo Circuitclmll I� PI 838 8.41 8.43 s.A6 &48 cOpan Cl—itvoita0a E C—tw MpP Vr M L_ IAI 423 718 42.0 7.81 42.44 7.66 42.48 1 7.91 4251 1 7.96 OCELIS PERFORMANCEWARRANTY PERFORMANCEATLOW IRRADUWCE _ _—._....e..--m ALxansexarrn+w ror.<rav- , Vfi • ............... .... ......... fig M1et Yeic ihvetlW n,ecaP4Y 4 , , 3 i.' dryridtum Pa'yer.AtMest 931% kY° -- ---' __ s3. ._. aranTapaa..p Llo want '-' Ierxteszanon,L>yromw-P - , , s x1<va � Aaeaetavn-.nmbiurepeNdx- = e Fa xwtrlcsnaavdav .'rm ee.ainanv •,r,.sara .ee w ,.,_-.,rc..,,.,, mLELLs saMaa�rLOY'n a'ro .��.�.... _.4,...v.._.a_..F. >taea pease Canby TypP.Y nudu'e ec+hm'axe uMi�buFMixar<matnM cm4+A�Hv+tasrcpa� pa•c.lDoow/mT TEMPERATVRECOEFNCIENTS Tempamturo CailRclantai lx 1%/A] 4 14 -027 Tempe.alure Cealnclento/Pun T I%/p -035 Nominal Medute Operaur Tem{rEr — NMOT rci 43e3 PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN NdWnum syetemyoae9e V:.. M lam PV module dawalM:mlon Clay ll MaaMum Revprx Curtest i. IA) 20 R. bull gbasedon AN91/UL6v30 C/TYPE2 htee. Desipn Loan. Push/Pu1 Mee. Test Lord, Wahl Puil (Pal (Pal 4000/26W Pllliu dhtadulllrl plmtwo e000/4000 on Conanuoua Duly -40•C-.85•C QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES PACKAGING INFORMATION :L:'ettl9.t:e ;u�l'ee i�`icw � rlyl ® U � PPK Ilia C E HahpntN 159amm 1eeDrrm uaepe< Bella zeroLaH xaPaEen azmad,Jes packip:ng Nae: WLdRl: aetrv:e'na matba(a'ar.ea.aeetlalrnaixaiWgvaSg ne+adaas'r.'Iw Yar/rdxnte dapemruekr hrPu ido,nu>anun aepo.ed br.:Llia�and use adesproNt. HemrheDCELLEOmbH Y Lev-21(M]a68[I<hbvicaen,GemagITEL.y(ayf93Ea43d3a4dl FAlt MBryV<34689923C031EMAtL ubs�q-ceRacmll WEewwnamesr�+n Engineered In Germany Q CEIIS J 0 /j^/� Q Vn C0 � J �U z > LL Q n. E J " �0 V 0 a w m 0 z Q w ytF ~ < 7 ¢ =w- � N Z sm�G o Z Oo F O 0 z w z O Z z 7 m w 0= ~ Z H W K 0 Q Z Q z SOa1 01— S2 c Z v H U Z K H O w Q U F 7 O F LL w H Z V Z V Z O _Q a 0 H :EQ F.o VV Q> VU Project Name: Tiszauer Residence Project Address: 5591 Hidden Pines, Fort Pierce, FL, 34945, USA Revision Number: REV 0 Dale: 9/19/2021 Designed By: J.M.C. Reviewed by: T.J.M. Revision History Date: Remark: Drawing Scale: N.T.S. Sheet Name: Panel Specifications Sheet Number: E3 DISCLAIMER: PLAN SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BY ENGINEER fy J C (h O°' Power Optimizer For North America S440 1 INPUT Single Phase Inverter with HD -Wave Technology for North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H US / SE5000H US / SE6000H US/ SE7600H US / SE1000OH US / SE1140OH-US Q � �_� a rJ ® SE300OH-US:ll 111 .rrr ./l till ill OUTPUT Rated Input DC Pawer(t) 44D W Absolute Maximum Input voltage Noc) 60 Vdc Rated AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 3300 � 240V 5000 6000 f9 240V � 240V 7600 10000 11400 VA MPPT operet4hg Range 8-60 Vdc Maximum Short Circuit Current (I-) of Comeded PV Module 14.s Ad. M.A.— Effi gg 5 % Maximum AC Power Output 3000 3800 (� 240V 3300 208V 50� 6000 600o Lg 240V 5000 208V 7600 10000 11400 VA wncy Weighted E r a coy ea 6 % Overvoltage category n AC Output Voltage Min: Nom: Max. (183 - 208 - 229) _ 3 3 _ _ Vac OUTPUT DURING OPERATION Madnxen ostputcunent 15_ Ade AC Output Voltage Mtn: Nom: Max. (211 - 240 - 264) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Vac Mwdmum Output VoRege Go [ Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM INVERTER OR INVERTER OFF) AC Frequency (Nom)naQ 59.3 - 60 - 60,5(1) Hz sanely output Volbge Per Porter Optirnizer I1 Vda Maximum Continuous Output Current 208V _ 16 _ 24 _ _ _ A STANDARD COMPLWNCE Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown System NEC 2014. 2017 6 2020 Maximum Continuous Output Cur- rent @240V 12.5 18 21 25 32 42 47.5 A EMC FCC Part 15 Clam B, IEC61000b2. IEC6100MC 3 Safety IEC62109-1 (dass II safety), UL1741 GFDI Threshold 1 A Matedal ULg4 V-D, UV Resishnt RoHS Yee Utility Monitoring, Islanding Protection Country Configurable Thresholds Yes Fire safety VOE-AR-E 21 DD-71 Z2013-W INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Allowed System Vobge 1000 vac INPUT DimensionstWxLx H) 129x155x30/5.07x6.10x1.t8 nvvitin Maximum DC Power@240V 4650 5900 7750 9300 1 11800 1 IS500 17650 W Weight (induftg cables) 65511.5 gr/Ib Mputconne W Maximum DC Power C208V - 5100 1 7750 ' InputWNre Length 0.110.32 ./it Transformer -less, Ungrounded Yes m w V F = ¢ o zo o is w F a ri w w F ti o w r w W } m o Fz- H W a z �tn vi0 wQ NZ Q = o a F o6 1- o � z Z f V Z W u+ O „�, a „�, z w o W w z < z u z o a t=- ti i a a o u ¢ > I?i Outputcom,ecmr MC4 ddputWlre Length (+)2.3,(-) 0.10/(+) 7.54,(-)0.32 Min Maximum Input Voltage 480 Vdc Operating Tempemhee Range(3) •40 to ,� .0 Nominal DC Input Voltage 380 400 Vdc PmteotiOn Rating IP6a/NEMASP Relative Hurddity 0-100 % Maxtmum Input Current 208V(2) _ 9 _ 13.5 _ _ _ Irpt VC (1) Rated pone' of- modal at STC m7M ex 1tho Power Optlm . Rated Pasaer, tM4Wsxlh Wt 5%parer bkrenca are alonetl mFo'oticermmMort/px iae. aeadso Eaae ta) For amtlenlhmpenMa atwre �70'C/ t15e'F porrer deretig b appded. Rehrto Finaer Optinzan Temperable DeRatirro TeNr Fat tote br moo OHds _ _ PV System InverterDesign _ - 1 _ r: Minimum 6tr"i g Lengt, (Power Optim¢ers S440 B 10 1a Maximum Input Current @24OV(2) 8.5 10.5 13.5 1 16.5 1 20 27 30.5 Ade Max. Input Short Circuit Current 45 Adc Reverse -Polarity Protection Yes Ground -Fault Isolation Detection 600kosensittvtty Maximum Shim Length (Power opemaers) 25 .c Maximum Inverter Effidenc/ 99 99.2 % Maximum Nominal Power parSting(5) SSE7tdo-us 000 Wd, n 6DDQ6) 12750(7) w CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 <2.6 % PanOelstrbh aoromoreneLe orOdentetiohss Yes Nighttime Power Consumption W Project Name: Tiszauer Residence ADDITIONAL FEATURES +)A^gnmman :oamodyhrera a nEcap" d .M• a, �s a "w�a^'c"� "a'N a �t lslxd=a,.m°<:raid acr,�ema�..,m m..;dnr,y pe n+n um,t..rM1<mcm� Nrsaagwi ne atpmna�,cpma�Q,r�,.e.mam�r�,.:�r.-,,,w Refer b: lltpsYMwn.sohradgemm'sAeYdehuMlMsJs�e-0oearcpG,otter•sYglesbtpdeslpnappiatlowfea.pol l;+Farr e ro o T ;aAW� ngua,m.nnwT•:ssy�„r.ra-emc:�.,du➢mr:o�v.n,na,nmm„0cur m: maemw,c"Krav er.�,e:r a>aaah.w�r TFah2M4SNWW: itk allbnobinvterWs15,0141NprsbbgwMhmeA9igh2,ox;w (� It h rho alonedlo mh Ssades and Paaries Pmrtr OpEniaers b rrex irsblaaom • ��_ e '�€hn O �a • � r ROHS a®ea4t ' Supported Communication Interface RS85, Ethernet ZlgBee (optional), Cellular (optionaQ Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C72.20 Oplional(3) Rapid Shutdown -NEC 2014 and D Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid Disconnect Project Address: Fort PierHidden Pier Hidden Pines, FL, 34945, USA STAN STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety UL1741, ULIT41 SA, UL1699B, CSA C22.2, Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L M-07 Grid Connection Standards IEEE1647, Rule 21, Rule 14 (HI) Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size/AWG Range 3/4'minimumll"AWG I 3I4'min)mu 114-4 AWG Revision Number: REV 0 DC Input Conduit Size I # of Strings. AWG Range 3/4' minimum /)-2 strings / 14-6 AWG 3(4' minimum / 1- strings / 14-6 AVJG Dimensions with Safety Switch (HxWxD) 17.7 x 14.6 x 6.81450 x 370 x 174 21.3x14.6x73/54ox370x185 In / mm Date: 9/19/2021 Weight with Safety Switch 22110 25.1 / 11.4 1 26.2 / 11.9 I 38. / 17.6 Ib / kg Designed By: J.M.C. Noise < 25 1 <50 dBA Cooling Natural Convection I Natural convection Reviewed by: T.J.M. Operating Temperature Range -13 to +140 / -25 to +60(4) (407 / -40'C option)(5) 'F /'C Revision History Protection Rating NEMA 4X (Inverter with Safety Switch) Date: Remark (t) For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support (2) A higher current source may be used; the Inverter will lint its input current to the values stated Ro H.g (3) Revenue grade inverter PIN: SExxxxHfUS0DONNC2 CC (4) For power de -rating Information refer to: hhpslAn .sdaredge.wWsdesldefaut/files/se-temperatur"eratng-note-na.pdf (5) 40 version PM: SExaxH-US000NNU4 O SubrEdge Technobge; Im Al dghts mwrvad SOL1aEDGE the SotvEdle bgq OPTIMED BY SOLUIFDGEan hadem Uor mgat.n t'adem M&Sob,Edge Txhmbgbs I- All othertnde its mer4b d herebare hdemarksoftheu repMire apnea Date:12y201(V01/Vf5 NAM Subject to chargawdhw Mica NOTE: PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SYSTEM SHUTDOWN - NEC 2014 Code Article 690.56 (C) Drawing Scale: N.T.S. Sheet Name: Inverter Specification Sheet Number: E4 DISCLAIMER: PLAN SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BY ENGINEER