HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Wasso surveySURVEYORS NOTES:l. Unless oth€rfise noted only plottod eosemenisore 5h4n hereon.2. All Lot dinEnsions sho*n ote oar plot unl€ssot h.riise shotn.3. No underqround utililies or iiproyemenls t€rehout *r it tcn consent .locoled inl.ss oth..*ise sho*n.4. This site lies *ithin tlood lnsu.once RoteZone x Uopl 12111C0281K Dot.d. 2-19-205. Flood Zon. sho*n hereon i5 0n inte.p.etotionby thr survcyor Gnd is providld os o courtrsyThe llood 2ona should b€ verilied by odelerminot ion oqency.6. Eaorinos sholn heraon ore bos€d on tha Cantertine oi HrcKoRY DRrvt os beinq N00'00'00'toccording io the Plot drsc.ibed hereon.7. P.U.D.E. denoles Public Utililies ond DroEos€in€nt.8. Ti6 occuroc, ot this sutyey is premised on thterp€cted use ol lh6 suryey. The erpected use /purposc ol this suryr, i3 pool const.uction.Accurocy = t loot in 7,600 ,eet or better.9. Addit ions o, Deletions to this suryey dtop b,oth.r thon th6 signing surv€yor is prohibit€dLEGAL DESCR IPT IOI'I:(Supp Iied by Cli.ni)Lol 40 in Elock 55 olINDIN RIVER ESTAIESU\tT 8occording to lh€ plot ther.a,os r.cord.d in Plot Book 10pogc 73ol lhe Public Re.ords olSt. Lucie Counly, I lor ido.tOI J9 BTOCK 6J125.0050 i.o,t 20 tsPrNr RoADPEoEo<-)-BARTOIiI STREET+a:CE10.I)''*fptilied to: Leo G. {bsson ondol lhe Trcosure Cooil.,61 lI J.@.n t oci gtvd. J6*^ t cn. ra ,4157Mailing Address:P.O. Bor 1421 Jensen B€ach, FL 34958AlDss43@gmail.corn Cr2) 3984290o^r2:.2/17 /17c.rliry lnot rn. surv., rno*. hrr@n irL3Gil o o.luol colu.ents lor.n in lh.NOT VALID WLTHOUT AN AUTHEN']ICATEO ELECTRONICSIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATEO ELECIRONIC SEAL2017-0111LAST F lEtD DATE:7os plotlcdo ol Cutv!'llete'r Poleity BoxRiaht ol {:t----l' 1,.,0 -lISTREET_l-III