HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATEDeanna Seale, PE An Wineba Director, Laboratory Services Lab Programs Manager This certificate becomes invalid upon suspension, cancellation, revocation, or expiration of certification THIS CERTIFICATE SIGNIFIES OLIVER FIBERGLASS P.O. BOX 338 609 SWAN AVE HOHENWALD, TN 38462 (CRM 6003) IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING PLUMBING FIXTURES: BATHTUBS WITH PRESSURED SEALED DOORS SHOWER BASES MANUFACTURED IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING APPROVED MATERIALS: ACRYLIC FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC GELCOATED FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC THE LISTED PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROPRIATE SECTIONS OF THE ASME A112.19.7/CSA B45.10; ASME A112.19.15; CSA B45.5/IAPMO Z124 STANDARD January 1, 2022 December 31, 2022 Issuance Date Expiration Date , ACCREDITED' Pill" Calklimn km PCA•121 Home Innovation Research Labs 1 400 Prince George's Boulevard I Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 1 Homelnnovation.com Manuf MrL-d By: Report Number: Elate Unit Received: Da w Unit Tested: Date of Report: Home Inncvafion R'ES_ARCH L A..S WaIk4n Bathtub with Pressure Sealed Door and HydromassaBe System Certfir..2'1jon Deport ANSI Z124.1.2, ASME Al12.19.7, ASME Al12.19.15 Oliver Fiberglass 609 Swag Avenue Hohenwaid, TN 38462 60030514 05-02-14 Model Number: LP2851LMCX deli 05-09-14 unit serial NuMber: 1P-5416 07-30-14 Date of Manufacture: 04-14-14 1'e Iserforrned in acc:ucsac�ce VlFitlt ANSI Z124.1.2-200.5-Plastsc Bathos and 2.0 GENERAL REOUtRENLENTS Pass 2.1 materials AAetal Frarrte Reinfvrcernent - Resin/ Filler FbergiSO J Plastic - Resir Filers -Calcium Carbonate Surface Rnish - White Gal Coat Unit Characia;istics - Walk4n Bathtub ;filth Pressure Sealed Coon and t �ytsromassage Systerr. 2.2 [)s rensionai Tolerances: 53" x 28" x 36" The units finished trim measurements shail be wittan tolerance Of Pass landa=rees stated rough-ir, dir, sions. Pass 23 Unit for Te-clins Unit shall be randomly selected from manufacturers 5nished aoobs inventory. Pass 2.4 Installation lrStRIctions Written instaiiation instn-cations shall be iced `� the unit in a visible location. Pass 2.5 Care and Maintenance lnsiructior�s WtYden care and maintenance inst'uctions shall be affixed to the unii in a visible location. Pass 2.6 ldenti;umtion manufacturers name and/or trade marK shall be Perrnartentiy and legibly marked on the unit in a visible (ocatiOn. -"+l.'�l' ;SriC:£ �:rGve'�G � i�.:':.s:�'`..:Gt� i.; is'.; �•�i'�.'('�CiC'!i^. Za�i.1 cL�i!�: Li . J WALK-IN BATHTUB TEST RESULTS Manufactured by: Oiiver Fiberglass Report HohenYt%n^., Thy 4.0 MARVjNG AND LABELING 4. i Factory Assembled Units pass Label shall be affixed to the exterior arc adjacent to the waste and overflow uI*rich states, in 3i, 6 in Al higt; le-ters: ?Lid SHALL B- —,Es rE©_ FILL THE 1 iiB 'Alf, H WATER TER To OVEpFLOW DURING pOUG. f ,NSPPCTtON A.ND INSPECT FOR MKS. Tests performed in acoordarce with ASM Al 12-10-15 2.1 Materials Materials used in ,he construction of late unx stlall be suitable for application m a plumbing fixture. The unit shall also oomply with the requirements of ANSI Z124_11.2 and ASME A112.19.7 if applicable. Fr' — 22 Door The bathtub door shall meet the performance criteria dstailed 1-1 section 3. Pass 2.3 Electrical Components kic�ble se��€io^s of Electrical components shall compiy with the app UL1795. 2 A Door & Seals Pass The door shall have either a primary and secondary sea! or a primary seal writ'h adequate .means for d 3?nage. Pass 2.5 Pcmary Seal Materials Materials used for the primary seal silali conform &ith the follovA 9 requirements from ASTM D20DO. Heat Aged for 70 hours at 2577. Shall have a maximum water absorption of no more than 5% when exposed to 212`F water for 7L hours. Shall have a miNrnum tear resistGnce of 14 WWrn. N/S 3.1 Secondary Seal of not more than O. , The secondary seal, if used, shall have a leakage aai in 20 minutes when the unit is filled to the overflow and the primary seal has been d'Esabied. Pass 32 Door Load Test Tre door ill withstand a 3aCt pound toad with a deflection of less than O.e25". No cracks ng is permitted. t tome 'Rn4'rcfiCn Resear h Labs: Z + 24.' 2, :� hh= At 12..1 y_ i . ? hAE A' i 2.1 a t � Test Report F>age 8 of 9 WALK-IN BATHTUB TEST RESULTS Manufactured by: Oliver Fiberglass Report : c"s WO51-4 Hcherwaid, -1 N 3.3 Door Cycle Test on Primary Seai Pass The door shall be cycled 20,000 times and then thle unit filled with water. No leaieng of the primary seal s permitted. 3.4 Door Cycle Test on Secondary Seai WA With the primary seat disabled, the door shall be cycled 2G,000' tunes and ther the unit filled with wate-_ The secondary seal shai, have a ieakage rate of no mere than 0.5 gallons in 20 rnirrutes. pass 4. Marking The unit shall be marked with the rrsailuiacturer's naM8 Car trp-dernark, model number, and markings as required by ether standards_ The unit was not damaged during shipping anu it dud not appear that the unit vwas tas�cpered vrith prior to arrival. These tests were perforjned under the direct and continuous supervesron of laboratory personnel. The piastic %,,,alk-in bathtub uni with hydro. assage system, as tested, Passed all the sections of the ARtSI Z124.1.2, ASME A112.19.7. and ASME Al 12.19,15 standards as detailed in this report. Charles Arnold Project Manager Horne Innovation Research Labs: is accred ted by IAS in accordance with ISO 17025 and the tests cntained within this report are inctuded in the scope of acCreditatiOn. This report shalt nob8 oused to ctairr+ product eradarsernant by Home innovation Research Labs or iAS. This Certification repgri may be distr':buted in its entirety, but excerpters portions shall not be distrtbut&d 04ithout prior whiten approval of Home Innovation Research Labs. Home innmztien Research -Labs. Z124.1.2, ASME A112.19.7, ASIV-,E A*:Ia i9.T5 Test ReE*n r-agr 9 of 9 HUNTINGTON B R A S S S7424701,S7424702,S7424703 Description Thermostatic Roman Tub Filler Two way diverter with stop • Brass tub spout Single setting handshower with pause function 2.0 GPM @ 60 PSI handshower 59" Metal shower hose Standards • Complies with IAPMO UPC/cUPC F ASME Al 12.18.1 Complies with B125.1 ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities - 4.27.4 in Controls and Mechanisms •ASSE 1070 Certified and listed Colors / Finishes S7424701 - Chrome S7424702 - PVD Satin Nickel S7424703 - Antique Bronze BREAK DOWN 37 CTOP0030 38 C1 XB0021 AERATOR__ AERATOR COVER 1 1 39 CTST0153 SCREW _, 1 40 C1 108 O-RING 1 41 _ CTRR01- O-RING.__,.__ 1 CTDBO131 BASE 1 _42 _ 43 CTWRO146 WASHER 1 44 CTPB0649 SHANK 1 45 (:TWR0115 WASH R 46 CT`NT 0038 PLATE 1 47 CTN80156 NU T _-d8 CT9�P0073� COVER 6 r49 ATBA0100 CHECKSTOP 1 ATBP0071 HOSE 1 =50 1 ATBP0516 HOSE 4 SPECIFICATION I BREAK DOWN Thermostatic Roman Tub Filler With Handshower • 57424701 - Chrome g Q��� �� // 3 3 �J HUNTINGTON a R AS 5 SPECIFICATION / BREAK DOWN S7424801 - Thermostatic Roman Tub Filler With Shower Description Thermostatic Roman Tub Fiiier with Sho•ner Two way diverter with stop Brass tub spout Single setting handshower with pause `�_ncLon 2.0 GPM @ 60 PSI handshower 59, Metal shower nose Adjustable height shower with rain shower head Standards • Complies with IAPMO UPC/cUPC • ASME A112.18.1 • Complies wi•,h 8125.1 •ADA Accessibility Guideiines for Buildings and Facilities - 4.27.4 Controls and Mechanisms •ASSE 1016 Certified and listed Colors / Finishes 57424801 - Chrome BREAK DOWN --r i x, oast oy _ • 57424801 5 4 's22 e_ O Fes+ o q er � fi:i Yei trm p1, a•n