HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ApprovedAl[,APPLJCABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED o Date: Permit Number: .z APPROVE' �Cu 'RFCEIVED •®� Building '�`� b i �,. 4hit Application JAN 21 2021 Planning and Development Services permittin De t St,L.�, ' ent Building and Code Regulation, Division Commercial Residential ou ,I �°unty, y, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: pR0PO5ED IMPROUEENT LOCAi'fQyN° °fi j_ 'Address: % 3� OS :S .44`? •yewr P6 e, :., Property Tax ID M. � v c� s z v S -L-P �- (j' Mj �' � kI di 4�% _ tad 4 n Lot No. _ �• Site Plan Name: r eli1 Block No. Project Name: j 6 'r da I, , dew Electrical Meter A & 1 •C Second Electrical Meter 11 V Q __C" Additional work to be performed under this permit- check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank —Gas Piping _ Shutters _ Windows/Doors _ Pond _,Electric Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: _ _ Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ ' 24-0 ow. a 0 Utilities: —Sewer _ Septic Building Height: Name W,011"&r 1 00�6 1 1 (ome. j2wier, Address:1 3bUb,,--) LNDIAN RIVER DR ss City: JENSEN BEACH state: FL Zip Code: 34957 Fax: Phone No. 772-777-9940 E-Mail: SUPERGLASSFLGgmail.com Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different -frornthe Owner listed above) Name: & ' f' L &e no-, eXelt Company: Qk,'s Le_oi--)cPrrY Address: & 7 qa, a'G k c -. City: K fA I Cis /) State: � Zip Code: - N 4fq Fax.: Phone No 7 7 1 2--6 3 -7 G c E-Mail L. e- en . -5 ' �a State'or County License j .3 If value of construction is 25W or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. DES16NER,EN GINEER'." k6tApp tine - Iibli e Name: Address.,': City'.. zip: Phone LO 'Noi-A 'if'' 61 FEE SIMPLETitU Rd Ell" pp ica e� Name : - Add res s . ........... Zip: Phone.-. 1, certify 'Address, Phone-.,: ivIT:zA! of" J s hereby made e P llcationl"- h ' 'b * ad I to dbtalma:perftdbi( hasc,ommericed priorto,'the :issuance.of A permit.. as" In consideration ,dUthe , ,granting of'fhisr.6qU6sted.3etmit;'l'.d6;4er6 bI y agree,thiat vll, inA,;611 respects, pprforrhAlie work maccordanteviihthe appiove& lans,,th6 Floridariaa Build!49 toAes,andSt. Lucie Amendments.' !he following building perni c tunderg9i . ng afelt concurrencv review: "room additions, it.appli*ations are 4,xeMpt'fo-m- accessory structures,,. swimmiriq pPols,fencos, waII4,.!AgnssrreLzn:rpoMs and'ac 6 rAs cessotv usiE�s.tq another n n� idential-use WARNING TO OWN'ER.-,'Yot.iefiiltirv.tb,,Recoird a NiDeke:of Commencement m-ay ... result i . n: paying twicefor improvements to your property -A Notice .of C6nihietic-eiftidtit must,be be record6dlm. the publfc recor& of st. Lucie County afo i 0 6.fi thejdb-sitdc be,, q rp inspection If You intend' to'd tR,jn .10apcigg, consult first pspep'ti with lender- or an,attorney be'f the commencing. ork, or, re'cordi ng', your Notice of ConiVnencement,, Signpttire.of Owner/ LTs ltbntractor,.asAgent"for Owner Signature of Contractor/LicenseH61der STATE OPFLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF, G C COUNTY -OP W�Lwfn 5Worn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before rno; of Swor6.,id:(Cir.affi(meO)and's4bscrib.ed'bef6r.ehnd of, tl--- Physi.61'15r6sence'de'. Online Notari�tatiorf. jphYsrc6lPresenc6,,,or Online, Notarization. this 't, 1 day 4Y this dayof this j,.4P20; by Name of,persbn making statement:. Name of petsonlrriakipg,staternertt. Pdrsona.11y Known —,OR' Produced identification , 1,,Persohally'Khbwh. OR Proddced-ldentlfication Type o er�kfficatlo f ld n.— '.Type ofidentificatibn it tit i! Produced Produced' E Lj (Signature of Not (Signature —of Notaryc- Stto to Notary0bblic-I.SWebtFlo d n a Commission No. 5040 • Cotrimissian No. 5vil es e 3j,2022, e. REVIEWS l7R'ON-r ZONING SUPERVISOR;, PLANS : VEGETAT1 ON SEA A T U RK-90i, VE, lo 60UN'TER, REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW' -REVIEW REVIEW t EVIEW D.ATE. RECEIVED. DATE, COMPLETED,` KPT57.47.zu