HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATJON TO BE ACCEPTED Date. Permit Num4nr- L Building Permit Application R.On ing and ve�upment Services Buil og a ndCode Regulation Division coI'l merbal Residential 2300 V; rginO A verme, FOB# PiErre Fl! 3493Z Phone, 177214 62- 1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 CBDG Funding PERfIT APPLICATION Ff. CPROP SEA IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: I_ Address: 2355 TROWBRIDGE R D Property Tax ID #: 4-121-0015-0004 Lot No._ Site Plan Name; PADRICK Block Rio_ Project Name-, PADRICK GENERATOR [DETAILED DESCRIRTION OE WORK, �t t, New Electrical Meter Second Electrical meter (Affidavit reQ U 1 red) CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: s Additional work to be performed under this permit —check all that apply, —Mer-hanical Eras Tank Gas Piping , Shutters Windows/Doors : Pond Electric Plu rn laing , Sprinklers , Generator Roof P c h Tota I Sq _ Ft of Construction: Sq , Ft - of First Floor: Cyst f rti5tru t�on� r Utilities; _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height- _ OWNER/LESSEE: NaMe F 7 Address'. City: Mate; Zip Code: Fax - Phone NO. — E- mail; Fill its fee simple Title Folder on next Page cif different frorn the Owner Iisted above) !Name: com pa ic Address: ISS 19 l ity: State: Zip Code. Fax: E-Mail -PINu , stet a or coun ty U c-e n se If vale a of const ruction is 2 5DU a r more, a RECD RDE D NotiCA of Commenc ement is re q u i r-e d. If value of HAVC is $7,5M or mor@, a RECORDED Notice of Corn mencemerrt i5 required, SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESI NE Nam-e: Add ress city. ENGINEER, Not Applicable Zip; _ Phone State: FEE SIMPLE TITLE MOLDER: � Not APvIicable Name: Address, City, - 2ip; Phone- MOFUrG A E COMPANY Not Applicable Name - Acid re s s: city-: state: Zip: _ Phone: BONDING COMPANY: Name; _ Address: City: zip; Phone. Not Applicable OW N E R/ CO NT FACTOR AFFI D IT: App I ioation is h ereby mad a to obtain a per rani t to do the work and i nstaliation as ind i-cated . I tett&y th a t n u work -or in stallati on has tarn m ern Ced prior to the i s,5u a nce of a perm i t . 5t, Lucle Coun ty m akes no r ep resenta tion th at is Vantl!Dg a permit will authori ze the pe rmit ho Ide r to bull d th a Subject sirvctu r e wh ich con1 Iicts wi th art appl icable H orneovwnem A550[iabo n ru Ies, by laws or and coveoaot5 th at may re-,trl ct OF p(o hibit such str uctu re. P lease consu�t Wit h your F lomeowner5 Assoc iatl o n a nd review your d eed for a ny restrictions whi Ch may a pgN, in consideration of the granting of ibis requested perrnit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the wo-rk in arco rd an ce wit h t he app roved plans, the FI urida Bui I di ng Cud e5 and St. Lucie Cou my Amendr nent5 . The Following bu ihd i ng per m i t awka tion s are exem pt from un dergoi a fal l cancu rrenry review: fo-o rn .dd i tion s. accessory structures, sw4irn m i ng poo Is, fen ces, vwa I I s , sign% sc ree n rooMs a nd accessory uses to anath er non-r-esident ial use WARNING TO OW NER: Your -failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may resukt in paying twice for impr er'nents to your property. A Notice of Coi-nrtrencement must �� recorded in the public records �� St, Lucie County and posted an the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with Gender or an a tto rney before co rn m en cing work or recording your Notice of. Cornmencement. Signa to re of owner/ t_esseelcontractor STATE OF FLORI0A COUNTYCIF -swam to [or affirrnedI and subscribed before me of th is d ay of f_,r , 20 22 by Name of person making statement. Personally Known _ OR Produced Ideoti f i cati o n Type of Identi -ration Produced (5*natu re of Notary Public- State of F loci da } (Seal) 0fmline 1Vatariiatiori