HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPR.HEALTH DEP. SURVEYLEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 1, Block 7, GREEN ACRES UNIT THREE SID, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plot Book 16, page 28, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Unplated VACANT N89053'11 "W 140.00'(P) N89021'21 "W 140.00'(M) 7%(n Pp Anchorx21.58 x21.57x22.180.5' _--------76.0'---- ___——37.3'--6.6Concron ete Available ��Proposed Mobile Home Septic Area 850 SgFt o n t 7.5' x21.90 LC 1, Block 7 VacaTANK —+ / d /o nt L — / 1.0' 0 71 �8.90 Square FeLt IRadius .00 46 Lr3 5V32 Melissa Lan4 Deity= ( 90"00' 0"(P) Well �,e,�co� + /� _� Length=39.2 39.31'(P) ArJWM i ox21.92 c3 Jx21.45 ✓ `Center Line _ Melissa Lane FEMA Flood Zone data shown here on is based on the visual inspection of the digital Flood Hazardous Maps provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is limited to the accuracy of such maps. Flood Zone: X Community #: 120285 Panel #: 0160 Suffix: J Date: 02.16.2012 Prepared For: N89019'32"W 115.04'(M) rlrc , N89055'00"W 115.00'(P) RECEIk4 ij St. Lucie COunv Permitting I 0.0' s o i � 0 o; c �° f --30.0' a--{ E I x21.50 c nut i L1 HYD i x20.77 o 2� .Q x2134 0 �� wvwv N89°19'32"W 649.81'(M)�__�J_ t' N89"55'00 "W 595:00'(P) V E1.21.31 NAVD m SMD LB 7357 PREPARED FOR: Carr Investment Properties Inc. Prepared By: Regina C. Kamer, PSM#4363 Kamer Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 Carr Investment Properties Inc KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Commercial Surveying Services SURVEYOR'S REPORT 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of this Survey. 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 2-3-2020. 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon was prepared in accordance with the standards for the practice of Surveying and Mapping as defined in Chapter 5J-17.050-052 FAC. 6 By acceptance of this survey all parties agree that the signing surveyor's liability is limited to the amount paid for said Survey. 7 Unless other wise noted all bearing and distances are in accordance with the record plat and have been verified by field measurements. See map for bearing base. 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on found survey control along the center line of Melissa Lane. 9 Left Blank. 10 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives, 11 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. 12 Off set calls to found survey control are relative to the nearest property corner, intersection of lines, point of curvatures (PC), point of reverse curvatures (PRC) or other identifiable point. 13 Compliance with local zoning requirements and or with requirements set forth by other State, Public, and/or Private entities has not been verified as part of this Survey. 14 Elevations shown are based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for OSTDS # -2- 33Z33& Well # Date: `d !9 !' % R viewer: wM^- 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd.#333, Palm City, F1.34990 Phone: (772)288 7206 Fox:(772)223 8181 WWW.KARNERSURVEYINGINC.COM karner®comcast.net`E� LEGEND CIE - Covered Entry CAC - Concrete Pad with Air Conditioning CB - Catch Basin CBS - Concrete Block Structure CUP - Corrugated Metal Pipe CPE - Concrete Pad with Pool Equipment CTV - cable TV Box GV - Water Gate Valve HYD - Fire Hydrant 0/L - Overhead Utility line PP - Power Pole SSMH - Sanitary Sewer Manhole TCB - Telephone Communications Box UB - Utility Box WY - Wafer Meter FCM - Found 4"x4"Concrete Monument FIP - Found }" Iron Pipe FIPC - Found Iron Pipe with Cap 5 FIR -Found Iron Rod FIRC - Found #5 Iron Rod with Cap SIRC - Set #5 Iron Rod with Cap "LB17357" FIPC - Found 1/2' Iron Pipe with Cap FM - Found Mag Nail FMD - Found Mag Nall with Disk FN - Found Nail FNTF - Found Nall with Tin Tab FPK - Found PK Nail FPKO - Found PK Nail with Disk FRRS - Found Rail Rand Spike /CO - In Pavement Cut Out Sheet Title, Boundary Survey Scnla ➢a tee Sheet No.t I'=20' 11. f5.20 Drown ➢y� FlelN Dook� 1 Oi 1 CADD-I 180.T-61 Job No.� CADD Fue� File No" 910-➢3 SLCGm rAcros16mMcm3-0-ISPHRS