HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED SKIRTING DETAILTHE CODE STATES THAT THE SKIRTING MUST BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE COMMUNITY. THE COMMUNITY IS A MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY WHERE THE PREDOMINANT SKIRTING IS VINYL. THE CODE ALLOWS FOR VINYL SKIRTING IN A MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY. THE CLAYTON HOMES MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION MANUAL STATES THE CRITERIA FOR SKIRTING INSTALLATION AND REFERENCES FOLLOWING THE SKIRTING MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS WHICH ARE BOTH ATTACHED WITH SCHEMATICS. THE SPECIFIC TYPE OF VINYL WE ARE USING IS LATTICE WHICH COMPLIES WITH ALL OF THE VENTILATION AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SECTION Complete �Oyl ACAVI-L)"C . ... ........ ......... ..... . . ................................ ....... . . .......... Exterior Work STEP 3. SKIRTING (IF USED) Skirting is any structural or non-structural perimeter crawlspace enclosure. Complete site built structures (see STEP 5. COMPLETE SITE BUILT STRUCTURES, p.114) that abut the home (such as porches, attached garages and steps) prior to installing skirt- ing. 7. SKIRTING AND VENTILATION SPECIFICATIONS Skirting must be of weather -resistant materials or provided with protection against weather deterioration at least equivalent to that provided by a coat- ing of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 oz per sq ft of surface coated. Skirting made from wood or wood products and used within six inches of the ground need to be made of materials naturally resistant to decay and termite infestation or pressure treated. Ventilation openings must be covered t"br Wr fWN h..* t and width with a perforated (1 /4 inch maximum opening In any to )sand weather resistant covering that is designed to ttte ofrodents. In areas subject to freezing, the coverin" fbr the VilM atlialt openings must - have an operable damper, permltfing to be in tho'dpen or dosadOosi- tion depending on the weather. �8 To design and install skirting, comply with the skirting manufacturer's instructions (if provided) and the following: Attaching vinyl skirting. At- tach skirting to the home, but allow for contraction and expansion characteris- tics of the skirting material. i , /, Avoid backfilling against skirting. Do not backfill against non-structural skirt- ing. Seen e)(+ 1. Configure skirting. Run the skirting along the perimeter of the home's heat- ed, conditioned space. Do not enclose with skirting areas under recessed en- tries, porches or decks (whether constructed as part of the home or added on site) unless skirting is of the fully vented type and installed so as to allow wa- ter to freely flow out from under the home. 2. Fasten skirting. Attach it to the home in a manner that prevents water from being trapped between the siding or trim and the skirting. Allow for frost heave when installing skirting in areas subject to frost. 3. Provide ventilation. Unless the skirting has integral ventilation openings that meet the following ventilation requirements, install equally sized ventilation openings on at least two opposite sides of the foundation. Size ventilation ar- ea to equal at least one square foot for each 150 square feet of under -floor area (or for each 1,500 square feet if a ground moisture retarder is installed according to STEP 2. INSTALL GROUND MOISTURE RETARDER, p. 112). The ventilation area must be the net free area of the foundation vent, not the area of the foundation opening. Place vents as high above the ground as practical, 4. Install access. Provide an access opening not less than 18 inches wide and 24 inches high (minimum 3 square feet in area) and located so that any utility connections located under the home are accessible. Extend vents, drains and inlets. Run appliance exhaust vents, combustion air inlets and air conditioner condensation drains through the skirting to the outside and terminate each as instructed in the sections of this manual corre- sponding to each appliance. 113 MObe • 4 JSI G 1 LU o z a a Y: t N 2 N i^4? z '1 - _ — u. c,r=r r E a o c N w v z �c N .. N L 3 d.yap-gt. N 46 STEP 3: POSITIONING THE VINYL GROUND CHANNEL You volt nit ed a plumb bob or a IlGvwt. : vslat?lost) IhC kx,11N>n cif lbe Vinyl rr nri Channel. pn' ion the paurnt) lt'�j c:+:atsdr- th71tn.'71 r,*, the h-)rra sn the t)no hangs down li;,wwri the ;Irc,..ncf. The taller bacl.5rde Cf the Vinyl Grujnul (!cannel is oosthoneC ogee?ty ;he outside .00ttom of the home, 3 INSTALLATION TIPS: PreY6 ground spilm ftrom kKw ening: It is recorr mended that 9.,r l) asF,hatt "-Ot ig starter !" ircluienl1i be invafWJ arc'x,nd the pefi"ter of ttte horne betore *he Viry Ground Channel is:nsmiled. Tttr tech- nique win pre'.en: grass Fromm �rawr^g around the base r,l the sk lirg anfl'Nill "'S,t-r) shm-Nl of tne, Grow% sJ*es Creatbog a vapor barrier under home: Plate 6.Md Pa"l shev'rig o: film (n()t :n-uc'2(i� on the gfotlrta 1r:a-,T tti6 h0lq(b 1h:S W 9 a;; V:1--4Y oarner to rl4'•:i: twokj oar( C1 Moistkre hom tx -hi) dr.iiivit up -.010 clot' enC?;i5 A area under I)'* h^Pv- 2 i Gil- w: rUMMlNU I fit VINYL GROUND CHANNEL AROUND CORNERS '(t)u mll need tin sni„s. The. Ground (;r. jnre! !nstaf(atrrn alv ays begins a' a t:lr'ri$r. T4 oosdion and form tiir;yi Ground CNIM101 artA)rd COMM, a serves Of cuts rnast ly? !Wade bo-fare bending Fifst, mare a center rout thicil.ign the back vmll. then inakp, a cut 1'a irtchres to the !eft f;f center, next mave a cut $%-inch tro. , r,,,Iht of erter Ref!w all the materaf be- : h t n the cuts t ght and eh of enter so yt: a It;tv�: ;� i''>fi•':lt;li t,:x:nlfu7. Si'ttind. rr':.<i�:t: A 5°?tal! "V" rai)It'1 t'�t iht: tap lns::lo' !!o! r 'J: ill and )curl Ct,r MUL' across :t'.e butt. or.- of the Vinyl it - I ,-hannti-'. Finvy, cul thr.-x goi rrif, trc,^t v.:all hen pent] Cartier.•'; C,harwel :0 tit; desineo angle !c !or n an a STEP 5: INSTALLING THE VINYL GROUND CHANNEL YW -,till !teed a hammer. Aix"i the Grul,no Cria-Ine, tiirf?cl f tc the• :i .:,an w-Irl grc-inc) sp:kt-= thlougtr tht? :?rf.^unCrred nolaS 1p -tea emry 16 Ground spikes may be drrven n corTtF,letr, ;v t iy lasing another sp•ke or a ,trir ;)UnCr,.. A '•7—nCtt space between r�^.e•'y'2•h�c:'. SecttG^• ci V:-yl Groura~i t'.'a'Ir1L't t5 :Crf:F'ntrendG+C tU "tit*iw for crxp3nSi<1r: atiractrve corner. When the Vinyf Ground Cnannel is Cut in this way, the front wall a:.ts as a hinge. Never butt the ends It) form comers. INSTALLATION TIP: For Cutting inside corners: First cu: i, 1-rn&-woe `%r in the tkv* wan rY the Viry! GtrntrKJ Chanr*P then !!take a clean cut =Oss IN Pkv of the Ground Cttanneel. FraUx rxXch a ?-mi.rt ''t' in 1ha dotld'i e ne ss I the txtitram of the front wall :arc, twnol >r i(+n i a ni(Wa rrSdP Crr+�r INSULLATION TIPS: Unq~ ground or windy areas: 0.1hen -ns7a1hng J.ny, Skmting to hig'3- VAnd areas or wrv:re the 9rcAawl t)F;Ow ihr, hornt: is spongy or recently excavated, anxt, t w-- Vvy, Gtrrand Cnanrtet to i.eated lurtttRf lurr—tw to I,*. ground with treater, K',2rxct stakes C xxxeb surlac es: I the Vinyl Grrxlnd Channel is to be insMiied dixectty on corimte, r5P �y H1C° masonry naAs instead of Owe spec4w graaartd spkes. Of. lt* 'tiny. Ground Channei sari be lastened to wncreta IN LAirWf a high-grade CtxtStruction aCahf,stW (a cau king -type tube) These leMS rray t* Mt- Cn?sea X •Jcor local retailer STEP 6: POSITIONING THE TOP TRIM MOUNTING AND FORMING CORNERS Y(,) wdl need a 'half i!r*. First. -etC,rrr!ne !h!- p ),nt or the lr Av.r 03rt ne horrc; '.vt ere Yc;: v:attl tt}e Top Trtrr r:ttlurrt ng 'o txr attached. The! snap a nE ;ticrlta the side of ttte hOMP 11 :'Icy r{rnt wtt."�re the top r8rl iS M be In- �7-.areci. To Corm nut, de WnerS. stmaiy r?r,it ,r 8 `aG Tarn Mounting arojnd Win tjrntBr �t "te hw-et Do not C11 Or 10i' jtt�r►g'he ends N they t:4titlrttr!`�;CJ: tt,?'7Orm +r51C$' cOr •-.t�t..� a� r71rr{}� !k''r 4J tt,,p 61) Tt'01 Mountt n ,.,r; tap�X7SItc� firt`G,hc"t � thn. Cu1SrtP 7: INSTALLING THE TOP TRIM MOUNTING y;,u will nee(j a hammer. I he TOP nIr• t,hrlu'tttt`c) ,:> tost3f ed or the hc.nM .lrrvlltca the spVclal •^'timing nalt, Into +t,r ^rrnie" ttI FL,ery slot. Do not dfive the mr;int rtc; malls t*)o tight because the TOP rnrr- (L10u'tpnci oln oetxxne dlSt+irl+Bd Cue expalIs; .1 V0 tc%'?irSCiiprt. 111ti �'ys ctrs,n the head Ot the na:t SWI a Icn.,c:hary tt)e Top Trim Mounting. Be%4 veen each '2'c:u:lt xxtlat 0 Top Trim Mount i1, tt,rarf' Sr -:rill.^. he a ' p. Never ht » the, ands. T 8: MEASURING SKIRTING PANELS Y'•,, .V!ll flee'! a la;xr ryif;. isury ht; 'g. ir't ta: t(rthr_. s r'fnstru�t(:;i va!th ^i'i7:a,'I!}r'• :,rn�; !?("•'?Y.' `!?f! I)'Gliflal';j•rITtII t� �i Tr ec rne.,s!:re ^arts' o ,ne.. are us lltt i,:� In ht 1: �r'S c t WPAtt�f'r �3pp;r vaarm Weather instaila- !fi_ I 'k36SU'e:• 'If ')f:' Itt± CtrJllr:(t t:) 1."SL ...:n- :me. I-, cf%it(! vrt.:?turr ctst;�li t:c�r: . rrrp;:;;t.,P frr)r•- ttte prrx.nct to'hr ic)p line. :sc <:: t r•i A !o draw ycttr Panel he=trtht n-east;rem?n; brie cn tile t?'e)nt p?nr' ,hen C it :nr_ i1fsirt-mo fare) t el-rit 1;.'r the ,irAsa .-tore It .v 1! bee rrtSta'-lec. Always ,.nt• lrt>f th.3t tttt Siar::rt!_� F'nne! yrc.fi5 ;''c..rlci tx rtst lll��rf runnlnq up and :ltnrtn INSTALLATION TIP: AtbenmrM a Top'Ihm Mounting posi- tion: you rrW,( Ire am to posit -on x+ts ooll ;rr, edW c! the Top Trwn Moursmq t)etaw tt,e bottom edge d tt i? h1vyA3 NI," Y 'I?(".0 nl- m@rKw ciAr A the tower POMK1,n PfOvlcfc35 s0'd S`3ptY-•rt to, na,«ng and ntatirnurr : o"d bearing for the Tt:O Try tit{• r}t=ram .srs,nsa tt* smle ri the hc-* 3 INSTALLATION TIP: Insuring TOP trim Mounting on yir " sided homes: R) cxxcnen( da'ttage tc w,rrfl SKsmg, inStatt !}}E TtX Terri tvt;3to-ong t e4m the .gl,ng. yotr tray r>eect 10 CX.,nSEl+.tit <ttKt 8rtach a rrailmo rail to 0V b0t0m of'V, nArne (Se"' page 7, t7usirat on Na GO), ttlwl rr stall the Top Tram aijobr*g W t►te r`tlt:rg r . N rW1tU Top Trar Mounttng dtrCctt}° t;t trr :•.•tyt SnC;rnti u,} a !»me s no( re�� omrrFrxir ' INSTALLATION TIPS: Ouick rntagiuring: V iV. Ski-i+nn rs >,5c)r�etl:t terrarr arounc, a hf)f-,e. 1' a horn!? at)f-' :)N lt', to Kcateci on tarty der• grur?d, rrseasure ttv ervue side of tlx: horne every :3 iru hen;. �rk3ke renGttxtn5 of tt*- ci0e.4,-A rr,; tt1 rrca s+rrmt_n s sr yam+ can mri"Y raw ~flan Deflels are tc ve Gut 'he -,a-(? size art; t ti :50 trt3t nee- a svwial cut. Rough or unSVM ground: rc anon l:,r ane ernund surfrx *- rne<s ,: rc ;J: r, coW! hex),11'm 9v+e'V -Ifrr.Y; Sk -finq Rine! ne! a 9: CUTTING SKIRTING PANEL You will reed trn snips. A.`ter )m have -neasorec: the correct height that a panel, ,nr;lly CW ;v01 ']n snips. It the Skirtcno ?trel will be installed <n an area where !hE ,,Curd is uneven• re sure in cti the ;>,:3riei :vtrl irt'r:iSE' angle sjrl3-,xl ct tl`r'"..}, ro:ind t(rc)s :;l tt"-(- :)arefs akvays be C'tlt 51tA.!Ltt 9 10: FORMING CORNERS WITH SKIRTING PANELS :7rl '&:n a Skirting P'lrle l tha: ha"', rut t^ the p'atf•r he 1ht C,r ri nro rrvr-er ranel ry o"no,ng ( )ver the lsl'ali­ ealge Oi A lab!l�� Never �'<:itl 1` adne'S to fr,rtr. a _....r 11: SNAP -LOCKING SKIRTING PANELS Yi ,.i :•.,t! .. , P Snar,.Iock tC01. US. ,: IL rj raC' riX:i:?1c 1a;`� l arlt�f's tnttr,rr. ejgci Ranch . k.:1(, ti1C6 . 9:'it ';iise o C} "liC.r, C?t the 3t:f...... q '; of it, ':'tl llO ii:.w:. thn;; i:xr- t�••l �.h nn�'� IoCk NWI' G< r;. -1 °h;� Grc)ur'd k.hannei rrlcx* in place Always install t)anels e+ah the te;c!ureO INSTALLMON TIPS: CtrttkV now" panels at once: 0 the tnstattatKxt t5 CM kNw. QrouMj, AJCr1 dS Crrn- cre e, you Can Gth erdl (k'mnetS at oncf, with a p(mer MrMsa e. Simply slack Ih*Ge parcels Un tUp cat each (Scher arYJ cut to ptOW nlr'a- surem eni Thp po%w hartd57w Sill Auld nave a tane.incittvd Made aii wnttut in the reveres xsrtion to erzwre an accurate cu: ANl satetty kx you or, you Can use a cart?ade masonry bWe. Allays wear pr(kxirve eA,.ve is w in rgx'fFltrnCq n i:x%ver Nildfaw Faster penal pteeet rent: Aftor cu.".•rw; sera; partpls at once. place the paneis on the ground next to the ktcetron where they wdl be installed. This :echnique nC: only spee&, itvsrkltx)n, txit also :fi dr.:ne fw&sl r?i1r i cf paanets rtcxiq inoorrec0h pl ac cid IIISTALLATION TIM Call-wearther applications: fcu ce:d weather apptcrrat+ons where panets tenc :o become mcre rigid, simpty allow Skut,ng Panels to warm tfi rvCitr thmrk'reture -nsr,7(! yt"Ur hor',e !X servi^p %vt"iCle tebre +orminq wr.�s use or an etec:-tc near gun cr a ha:r ki: yrr to warm uatws worKs extterr*e -f well. PerloratDed Skirbng Panels: 9 your IXWM iS tocatead in .a hwth-rrxx.-turer arch, per foYated Sk,rl.nq Plrets are avaaat 4w iorxinna,) to allpw ky addet _ r l aw rrn%*, iP^t unci?r it,,, 1xnX 10111STALLATION TIP: Windy areas: * vevont win;' +r,!11 y' on inq the 5kirtir.1 P'ancis, .' is acSrs<i: tt to ;s"ndi !c* kirul tai'>b at :t'e !np aric bottom w ht•iN^r3�.(caile!itC!S"7+1<1GhMthe ai.tr'l`15 11 � •,^ Wig � `.'_' �" � � � �; ty et VI IT t y .. It Wow QM to cm 03 G ti L C7 C cc tl C4 s�c:3�- T3 `3 .y a C E.. . ? �� 9W STEP 14: INSTALLING TOP TRIM FRONT AROUND CORNERS ore P!e f^tif 12A'r, Corner sec —)rs n' Try) err. Front. eaCN wilt) a MAO, yos,qned sp&cg!cat}/ y *rr4no around i,.-& J "tip Top T!:cn Front cr)rr-.-r .'j,,.Ci,jrjs are nolco.ed in the Centel 16 feet P!Iher end), the two are 4 feet frorn CORNER A; rners r;' the home, use the Top Trim X)!nF,,,r ;3',Cdron naChetj apptOAI- iatolv 4 feet from rne (!nd. Place the 7ver the C,- )rer irl Von, lhe '16") Wf;,p the 4 loot secti.-jr. ff,,jni e).f the hr/re The, 0s i?rcuno ip c' 1te t'ouse. N(:,.-.r, k-nao the !,Vp c,, the lop Trion Fran; itt: '.fiery Tr,:I) in, V'Ajr1*1rC:. Vn),4 sure Tr;, �t-)p r 1 .7-. lr(,,rt j-,,, pcsq.vely a12erlocked �.-n!o it-,c Top Trim fv1ounV-n-._-j ty rp.jrlime) in t;ilil ycv,, hear it snar, securvjiy in rA-nre. Cof kNKR 61 KtA. use the Tor) Ti im Front rolched 6 teet from bcAh ends !-entprj. placp the noich wer the (Xarner re !tont of the Tc-o !rim V"nwq ap:j snap eav) 6-k)v soocwri ;nto the Top ,rirn VountiN. 14A r— — — — — — — — Front 1148 Front 14C COfVffiR C: 1%pea, the same wjslaili I corners left on ft oppo "on w ft tm - site end of the horne. Utic the remaininig Too Trim Front notched -1 leel from Ore enj k), the roar of the hi -,me. RaCe tre notch. owr the Corner in front H the by trim fVouniing and snap the 4 loctand 8-1c<A sections ;n1r, the T p Trim Mccuntarg. CORIM D: Tne ta$j Cotner will use the remaining center-xxched "Top Trim Front Ptaw the notch o�vii the wric, in frorlit 0 the Top Tun Mcumng ard ,nap encl, 6A.-xv se,-tion into the Top Trim !*intinq STEP IS: INSTALLING THE REMAINING TOP TRIM FRONT Each of -tic oie.ces 0 Too Trim ;:rcni s cot!'-n0cherl 2 inches on -one crol. ns erd-notlr-hr--a Side owrlapS I VICt, M,,ofe. !he ends of the Lop Trim Front meet Never oult ends toW.1her. TiOP Tr-M Front is east�- snapped into place- ty ,1;S1 Ina tl-el( . .1 - -)p e(jgeat mc Is P. INSTALLATION TIPS: Cutting extra outside corners: are, a„ Fs Y-1 can r, iar,,e e. no-hecd 7?!rr, trcyn rern.ritnirwj ser%�,.vns. rnr-!h"-.d rr :jse one c?4 !rr, wfsnr,.&—ed stt,—>OnS as a It,":k Ve cut rct, orl 4ro,r 1r.-" ZVV PAW, (Y. Iie sp-ing 1(>-k • !`P C-aSllecj Vi Itinn from !*)(- anti of nx. Ijt a N.- anoroxer list nchwile ann aSMitt T-p Tn!r- corr,:?r tSpe Push old *k* IC66. - into ft Top Trim lJounting. Be sure the Uj Trim Front snaps into place f(y -q w-ure anteikock. CUtft k"WO COMOM Tv cul the Tc.:o Trim Fron, arcunc,, insice ec,,ne- . _rs. o-j! a I -inch V 2 !nz:ri !aL, ,, ttN, ILp V jqt? !he spring kirk and ririaw-, a Cu' through the "t m. lip. Then bend arvi SAaP 1t ir-10 rMcc- (See RJustra,'man No ??, Forming a butt joint around inside COMWS: This teChriqlle rt--auires a firie skil: an,J craftsmanstiil) The cvtS ntt,(l 10 t� :)rj ii 45-degree angle the sa-w height as the T(—,4) rhm Pont. The hvo Top Truro Fronts -tvxj it-, Iq :09CAJIC-r to form art insa- corrf,,r, LIVI,104.7, M""ets Are, fomfl& tC Qlcvse w'-Cd ar, base, - tm'd Of NwDWfd Trim A iitstralK, ri No lira