HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Set Up Manual 4-10-2019 (1)scot lit Homes, Inc. Setup Instructions And Installation Manual APPROVED BY 0 N 00010/17/2016 r 14N FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS Revised: October 6, 2016 Please keep a copy of this manual with this home at all times for reference ofpossible future homeowners. SM-1.1 ScotBilt Homes, Inc. Table of Contents Chapter 1— Introduction Foreword....................................................................................................................................................SM-3 Usingthis manual.......................................................................................................................................SM-3 Pre -Setup Information................................................................................................................................SM-3 Safety.......................................................................................................................................................... SM-3 ConsumerRecord Card..............................................................................................................................SM-4 Homeowner's Manual................................................................................................................................SM-4 Recommended Setup Tools (min.).............................................................................................................SM-4 OtherRecommendations............................................................................................................................SM-5.1 Figure1.1-Data Plate..................................................................................................................................SM-6.1 Chapter 2 — Site Preparation Wind, Roof, and Climate Zones.................................................................................................................SM-7 Figure2.1 — Zone Maps..............................................................................................................................SM-7 Drainageand Grading of Site.....................................................................................................................SM-8 GroundCover.............................................................................................................................................SM-8 Landscaping................................................................................................................................................ SM- 8 HomeHook-ups.........................................................................................................................................SM-8 Installation in Flood Hazard Areas.............................................................................................................SM-9 Skirting....................................................................................................................................................... SM-9 InstallationSuitability................................................................................................................................SM-9 CrawlspaceVentilation..............................................................................................................................SM-9 Figure2.2-Proper Land Grading................................................................................................................SM-9A Chapter 3 — Foundation Foreword....................................................................................................................................................SM-10 Footings...................................................................................................................................................... SM-10 PierBlocking..............................................................................................................................................SM-11 Blocking of Shearwall and Marriage Wall Tiedowns................................................................................SM-11 Removal of Organic Material.....................................................................................................................SM-11 Soil Classifications and Bearing Capacity..................................................................................................SM-11 Figure 3.1-Typical Mate -Line Column and Pier........................................................................................SM-12 Figure 3.2-Typical Footing Details and Table 3285.202............................................................................SM-12 PierDetails.................................................................................................................................................SM-13 PierDetails.................................................................................................................................................SM-14 Optional Sidewall Recessed Perimeter Block Pier Construction................................................................SM-14A Figure 3.3-Steel Beam Pier Loads and Footing Areas Required Tables.....................................................SM-15 Figure 3.4-Sidewall Pier Loads and Footing Areas (Opening Studs).........................................................SM-16 Figure 3.5-Marriage Wall Pier Loads & Footing Areas (Opening Studs)..................................................SM-17 Figure 3.5-Marriage Wall Pier Loads & Footing Areas (Opening Studs) Continued.................................SM-18 Figure 3.6-Typical Pier Blocking Diagram................................................................................................SM-19.1 Angle Bay Blocking Requirement..............................................................................................................SM-20 Perimeter Blocking for 178" Wide Floor Systems.....................................................................................SM-20A.2 Chapter 4 — Setup Procedures Positioning.................................................................................................................................................. SM-21 Levelingand Blocking...............................................................................................................................SM-21 Multi -section Installation............................................................................................................................SM-21 FloorConnections......................................................................................................................................SM-21 RoofConnections.......................................................................................................................................SM-22.1 Interior and Exterior Finishing...................................................................................................................SM-22.1 FireSeparation...........................................................................................................................................SM-22.1 HingedRoofs & Eaves...............................................................................................................................SM-22.1 TypicalConnections...................................................................................................................................SM-23 APPROVED BY 0 N 10/17/2016 I PINC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS IUV VAl ScotBilt Homes, Inc. Table of Contents HingedTruss Detail....................................................................................................................................SM-24 HingedTruss Detail....................................................................................................................................SM-25 Chapter 4 — Setup Procedures (cont.) HingedTruss Detail....................................................................................................................................SM-26 HingedTruss Detail....................................................................................................................................SM-27 Figure4.1-Using a Water Level.................................................................................................................SM-28 Figure 4.2-Using a Bubble Level (recommended areas to check for leveling a home)..............................SM-28 Figure 4.3-Proper Jacking Procedures........................................................................................................SM-29 Doublewide On -site Fastening (Wind Zone 1)...........................................................................................SM-30.1 Doublewide On -site Fastening (Wind Zone 2& 3).....................................................................................SM-31.1 Vinyl Siding Installation Details................................................................................................................SM-32 Chapter 5 — Tiedowns GeneralInformation...................................................................................................................................SM-33 Typical Doublewide Tiedown Installation (Wind Zone 1).........................................................................SM-34 Typical Singlewide Tiedown Installation (Wind Zone 2& 3)....................................................................SM-35 Typical Doublewide Tiedown Installation (Wind Zone 2& 3)...................................................................SM-36 Anchorage System (Field Installed)...........................................................................................................SM-36A Anchorage System (Field Installed)...........................................................................................................SM-36B Anchorage System (Field Installed)...........................................................................................................SM-36C Typical Singlewide Tiedown Installation (Wind Zone 2& 3)....................................................................SM-37 Doublewide Shear Wall Tiedown System (Wind Zone 1).........................................................................SM-38 Singlewide Shear Wall Tiedown System (Wind Zone 1)...........................................................................SM-39 Doublewide Shear Wall Tiedown System (Wind Zone 2& 3)...................................................................SM-40 Anchorage System (Field Installed)...........................................................................................................SM-40A Singlewide Shear Wall Tiedown System (Wind Zone 2& 3).....................................................................SM-41 Typical Doublewide Tiedown Placement (Wind Zone 1)..........................................................................SM-42 Typical Singlewide Tiedown Placement (Wind Zone 1)............................................................................SM-43 Typical Doublewide Tiedown Placement (Wind Zone 2& 3)....................................................................SM-44 Typical Singlewide Tiedown Placement (Wind Zone 2& 3)......................................................................SM-45 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-46 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-47 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-48 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-49 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-50 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-51 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-52 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-53 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-54 TiedownCharts..........................................................................................................................................SM-55 AnchorageSystem......................................................................................................................................SM-55A AnchorageSystem......................................................................................................................................SM-55B AnchorageSystem......................................................................................................................................SM-55C AnchorageSystem......................................................................................................................................SM-55D AnchorageSystem Details.........................................................................................................................SM-56 Tag Unit On -site (Wind Zone 1)................................................................................................................SM-57 Tag Unit On -site (Wind Zone 1)................................................................................................................SM-58 Tag Unit On -site (Wind Zone 1)................................................................................................................SM-58A TagUnit On -site (Wind Zones 2& 3).........................................................................................................SM-59 Tag Unit On -site (Wind Zone 2& 3)..........................................................................................................SM-60 Tag To Main Unit Connections (Wind Zone 2& 3)...................................................................................SM-60A Tag Unit #2 On -site Set-up (Wind Zone 1)................................................................................................SM-60B Tag Unit #2 On -site Set-up (Wind Zone 1)................................................................................................SM-60C Tag To Main Unit Connections (Wind Zone 1).........................................................................................SM-60D Tag Unit On -site Set-up (Wind Zone 2& 3)...............................................................................................SM-60E Tag Unit On -site Set-up (Wind Zone 2& 3)...............................................................................................SM-60F Tag Main Unit Connections (Wind Zone 2& 3).........................................................................................SM-60G APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 N C . SM-2A.1 WIN A IFEDERALNANUF SCotB!lt Homes, Inc, CONSTRUCTION AND ND SA SAFETYMSTANDARDS Table of Contents Optional Sidewall and Marriage Wall Frame Tiedown Ground Anchors..................................................SM-61 Optional Sidewall and Marriage Wall Frame Tiedown Ground Anchors..................................................SM-61A Optional Tiedown (Wind Zone 3)..............................................................................................................SM-62 Optional Sidewall and Marriage Wall Frame Tiedown Ground Anchors..................................................SM-62A Longitudinal Frame Tiedown Installation..................................................................................................SM-63 AnchorDetails............................................................................................................................................SM-63A AnchorDetails............................................................................................................................................SM-63B Window/Door Storm Protection.................................................................................................................SM-64 Window/Door Storm Protection.................................................................................................................SM-65 Chapter 6 — Utility Connections Plumbing/ Gas Connections......................................................................................................................SM-66.1 Powers HydroGuard® Thermostatic Tempering Valves............................................................................SM-66A Powers HydroGuard® Thermostatic Tempering Valves............................................................................SM-66B Powers HydroGuard® Thermostatic Mixing Valves.................................................................................SM-66C Powers HydroGuard® Thermostatic Mixing Valves.................................................................................SM-66D Tub and Shower Pressure Balance Faucets................................................................................................SM-66E Tub and Shower Pressure Balance Faucets................................................................................................SM-66F Tub and Shower Pressure Balance Faucets................................................................................................SM-66G Tub and Shower Pressure Balance Faucets................................................................................................SM-66H ElectricalConnections................................................................................................................................SM-67 Miscellaneous Lights and Fixtures.............................................................................................................SM-68 Testing........................................................................................................................................................ SM-6 8 System Test — (Water Distribution) .............. .................. .................. .................. .................. I ..................... SM-68A SystemTest — (Flood Level)......................................................................................................................SM-68B SystemTest — (Fixture)..............................................................................................................................SM-68C System Test — (Continuity).........................................................................................................................SM-68D System Test — (Operational).......................................................................................................................SM-68E SystemTest — (Polarity)............................................................................................................................. SM-68F HeatDuct Connections...............................................................................................................................SM-69 DryerVent..................................................................................................................................................SM-69 Figure 6. 1 -Electrical Feeder and Equipment Sizes Charts.........................................................................SM-70 Figure 6.2-Electrical Crossover Connections............................................................................................SM-71 Figure "A" Typical Installation of Chain -Hung Lighting Fixture..............................................................SM-71A Figure `B" Typical Installation of Surface -Mounted Exterior Lighting Fixture ........................................SM-71A Figure 6.3-Crossover Duct Securement.....................................................................................................SM-72 Figure 6.4-Bottom Board Repair................................................................................................................SM-72 Cobra Ridge Vent Installation Detail.........................................................................................................SM-73 Cobra Ridge Vent Installation Detail.........................................................................................................SM-73A Cobra Ridge Vent Installation Detail.........................................................................................................SM-73B Cobra Ridge Vent Installation Detail.........................................................................................................SM-73C Chapter 7 — Temporary Unit Set Figure 7.1-Typical Temporary Unit Set Details.........................................................................................SM-74.1 Supportinga Home For Display.................................................................................................................SM-74A Chapter 8 — General General....................................................................................................................................................... SM-75 Moving Manufactured Home to Location..................................................................................................SM-75 Permits, Alterations, and On -site Structures...............................................................................................SM-75 UtilitySystem Connections........................................................................................................................SM-75 HeatingOil Systems...................................................................................................................................SM-76 Telephoneand Cable TV............................................................................................................................SM-76 Site Installation Checklist for Energy Star Qualified Manufactured Homes..............................................SM-77.0 1a1»:Z•]'1 4 el -�'� 0 10/17/2016 14INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SM-2B.1 ScotBilt Homes, Inc. 1a) Foreword This ScotBilt home was engineered, constructed, and inspected in conformance with the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act (the "Act") and the regulations issued there under in effect on the date of manufacture. The standards set forth .minimum requirements for the design and construction of manufactured homes designed to be used as dwellings. Your new home is furnished with a Set -Up Manual and Home Owner's Manual. One of the most important things you as a homeowner can do is familiarize yourself with these manuals and CHECK FOR PROPER SET-UP. It is recommended that licensed set-up personnelfinstaller do all the work in accordance with the set-up manual. However, it is still your responsibility to check the work, regardless of who does it. Your dealer can assist you in locating experienced personnel/installer. Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious problems, which would not be the responsibility of the manufacturer. NOTE: Installer means the person or entity who is retained to engage in or who engages in, the business of directing, supervising, controlling, or correcting the initial installation of manufactured home. 1b) Using this manual This manual contains detailed installation instructions, including specification and procedures for the proper support and hookup of your manufactured home. It discusses the setup of the home from preparing the site through final inspection. It includes many tables and figures giving important data for proper setup. Careful adherence to this manual by the installation crew will assure you of a quality, safe, and affordable home for many years to come. Consultation with a registered professional architect or engineer for those unusual circumstances not covered in this book is required_ PARTY APPROVAL• I ENGINEERING APPROVAL APPROVED BY 000 10/17/2016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 1c) Pre -Setup Information The design criteria for this home may be found on the data plate (see figure 1.1), which also contains other essential information such as where this home was manufactured, factory -installed equipment, and heating and cooling information. This data plate may be found attached to the home in one of the following locations: 1. Inside Bedroom Closet 2. Utility Area (Cabinet Door) 3. Inside Kitchen Cabinet Door 4. Inside Kitchen Pantry Please crosscheck the data plate supplied with your home with the roof load, wind and heating / cooling zone maps to assure that your home is built for the proper location. These maps indicate the acceptable areas of the United States where your home may be safely located. Prior to locating or relocating your home, contact the local authority having jurisdiction over home installation to see if permits for such procedures as blocking, anchoring, or utility connections are required. Inspections may be required during installation. On private property, zoning or development covenants may apply and should be taken into consideration. (NOTE: Preparation of the site, when accomplished by other than the home installer, may not be in accordance with these instructions.) 1d) Safety This manual is intended to be used by licensed installers who are properly trained and qualified to install manufactured housing and associated equipment. Certain operations described herein -present risks of possible injury or even death if performed without proper skills and SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 1- Introduction INSTALLATION MANUAL scamIlt BY: 10HN P. VRAVRNG NUMBER: HOMES, INC. P.O. BOX 1199 �/p� S 3 �A�' 10/03/08 REV: N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 l Y 1_ knowledge and such operation should not be attempted by anyone other than a licensed installer. The following "Warning" format is used throughout this manual to describe many of those hazards: WARNING Hazards inherent to the installation of the manufactured home may present risks of injury or death. Only a professional installer should perform operation. THIS HOME MAY WEIGH IN EXCESS OF 30,000 POUNDS USE ADEQUATE TEMPORARY WOOD BLOCKING TO SUPPORT THE HOME DURING SETUP. ND one should be allowed under the home unless it is securely supported. le) Consumer Record Card Refer to the Homeowner's manual and fill out the CONSUMER INFORMATION CARD. Return it to the home's manufacturer, so that you may be notified of revised instructions or new products. If) Horne Owner's Manual After the installation of your home, it is important that you understand how to maintain it in order for you to enjoy many years of trouble free living. The homeowner's manual will help you understand how to care for your home and will describe basic preventative maintenance procedures. 1g) Recommended Setup Tools (MIN.) Claw hammer, 3-10Ton Hydraulic Jacks, 12' step ladder, yankee screwdriver or '/4" powered screw gun (with standard blade, phillips bit, square bit, and 1/" hex attachments), utility knife, wire strippers, 2-10" crescent wrenches, 4" Brush (to apply roof coat), foundation supports (shims, etc...), steel measuring tape, 6" carpenter level, sheet metal snips, combination cross -cut or rip hand saw, 4-1 Y2 ton jacks (doublewides), and 4'x8' sheets of luaun paneling (doublewides). NOTE: All shipping material shall be .removed. All penetrations, holes , in exterior are to be repaired and sealed (including shingles). NOTE: The materials shown in ScotBilt's setup manual are typical in nature, and may be substituted for equivalent materials. (Examples: tie -down straps, tie -down anchors, etc...} WARNING THIS INSTALLATION MANUAL IS WRITTEN TO ASSIST ALREADY QUALIFIED AND TRAINED PERSONNEL IN SETTING UP YOUR HOME. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO ENABLE AN UNTRAINED INDIVIDUAL TO SET-UP YOUR HOME. MANUFAC'I'URED HOMES WEIGH SEVERAL TONS. ALWAYS ENSURE HOMES ARE ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED TO PROTECT WORKERS. ATTEMPTS TO REPAIR OR SET-UP A HOME BY UNTRAINED INDIVIDUALS COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DAMAGE TO THE HOME. OF"MUCAME) SETUP INSTRUCTIONS APPROVED BY AND Chapter 1- 10/17/2016 Introduction INC. INSTALLATION FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME M AN UAL CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS �/ Slc tM JOHN P. muwnNG NUMBa re, W�lt ROMES, INC. P.O. SOX 1189 S M —T DA 10/03/08 REV. N/A WAYCROSS, GA 3I503 1h) Other Recommendations Before an installer attempts to use any alternative system for support or anchorage of a ScotBilt home, or if any conditions occur preventing the use of ScotBilt approved installation method(s), the installer must follow the following steps. 1. Attempt to obtain DAPIA approved designs and instructions prepared by the manufacturer. 2. If no designs and instructions are available, then obtain an alternate design prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer or registered architect for the support and anchorage of the manufactured home that is consistent with the manufactured home design, conforms to the requirements of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, and has been approved by the manufacturer and the DAPIA. Contact ScotBilt Homes, Inc. for additional information and instruction, if necessary. A unit constructed to any wind zone may be installed in a lesser wind zone area according to the lesser wind zone specifications. For example, a unit constructed to Wind Zone 2 may be installed in a Wind Zone 1 area according to this setup manuals Wind Zone 1 specifications. Also, a unit constructed to Wind Zone 3 specifications may be installed in either a Wind Zone 2 or Wind Zone 1 area in accordance with the lesser Wind Zone's specifications. A list of Wind Zones and design criteria is as follows: • Wind Zone 1 : 15 psf • Wind Zone 2: 100 mph • Wind Zone 3: 110mph This is in accordance with the design criteria outlined in the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (MHCSS) 24 CFR Part 3280. THIRD PARTY APPROVAL: ENGINEERING APPROVAL: (IF APPLICABLE) SETUP APPROVED BY INSTRUCTIONS woor� AND Chapter 1- 10/17/2016 Introduction INSTALLATION FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS MANUAL Scatp;lt SEAN 0. DRAWING NUMBER: HOMES, INC. P.O. BOX 1189 n J� S V I DATE: 10/03/08 REV: 10/15/09 WAYCROSS, GA 31503 . Figure 1.1 — Manufacturer Address COMFORT HEATING Data Plate SCatBllt T�b m.,daelund Rama nm swnlna•,wlV ksubbdb Wnbrmwiln lw aq+ircMnae(lne rtlercl w rcl+rcd M,e m.rt.+abn ad vrtysbdada .sell bmtbnawiWn Nnwbmna Homes, Inc. Hmlingequiemenl mewfcl+rc•ad mvdelrw r,lal krill. P.O. Box 1199 7ne ae,w neeikp equirnenl it—maiy b mebbkenme age 70'F bmwrcb: in ib lone Waycross, Georgia 31502 a,+d,erbm■eawrc,r Plant Number. TemermbarY .merarcung.mnnnr..nebWR...mgl bb.mR n.d.dwelbbRRmr Date of Manufacture HUD No. ee imwkd wnarc be,m,mwbb•bmwrcwrc117YlkwtnBM.lMn Tne eeme i,rarmelb. Ms e¢n ukulaedamuminge nwRimumwindwbcilye(15 mpRasbded Manufacturer's Serial Number and Model Unit Designation almm■+e•k ■rc:s+rc. Design Approval by (D.A.P.I.A.): NTA, Inc. Tn k.wn+racb and w m I, d,,ird b m mrM w in lM rderal mew ba, and ll, lrurlb. and safely. boded in b um at line a r nenurclarc. IF., tldtic -I i.rarmrlkn, W,w llaw le smewax The factory Installed equipment Includes - Equipment Monujoetwer Model Designotion AJC Range Refrigerator Water Heater Dishwasher Fireplace Stovetop Microwave HOME CONSTRUCTED FOR OZONE 1 OZONE 2 ZONE 3 Tnk Rome nm,a hm,dmirnd br ore%ISW- wild ■rmYrcanda-1%■ ,hbm,quid br-il,%1 14 arcm ad sn, Ad Ml x krebdw in 1.M(r, r be mmlliw in wind taw 11 ad III unless IN, Rome and ils —ring end fa+dlti—y— Mw: awn dmiewd k—, i,cremd ll;Id enbs¢eikd fa• Ewwsurc a in AH5VASC"Ifil. COMFORT COOLING ❑ AkW+dilb,i.g ■rcvidedal rcbry Wb•mbn A'•m,dil'e,e.en+baurcrad mold Isee Iblel kry. Ce•Hlkd mwdty Ia.T. W n•1 inaamden¢wiln lneaprrc■•bbei•mdhbnilp ad xr•®e•al'o, inetb+beiendads. TM Wnlrcl.i• W dil'aning apbm ■muHtl b lob name na krona Wdaa+ringan arr,blknar lM rrcnl Initcnadl a lne bme rci,g _— an bfs b>e lne spbm h desig.d b meimab an idm• bnwe•al+rc eI—'Fwnen eudm• lem■ercbrcl arc__ Fdry sole ad —'Fwel a+Ie. TMbnr¢rcbrcbwnkn Inh naaemn x Wwillaa,gede■edi%,■an ire ems+nler—murcar lMwbdmrselink name b lneswi rcdisnl owl. 7nercferc, lne boas ned gabswiawryde¢denl +mn Wmr,blbn lalnasY.andany■MTM 4—adkit■•-iftdint—iemm—ninglm mkYmb, araeelie bnW.l w.b+e bWlbm.widew.apw�m,.na,Meing:.rc ■midd ra.■b. 22erine 1917 edabn d be ASHME Hendsaatof F.demenbh. Inre• W,w¢merybmbrbmalbg kea asnebm k—brcend,•r.blerc b■•widd Will s peas lm rnb•ltbn rmaae w an bh Mma. ❑ Aio-.4Ilb.1. nal.—.d.11cbry rW.. 21 TM a id I, Will lb, ap bmor lnis name bs, rbhk b• lne im balk, n a r¢ arcl a I'm d ltb, ing. 7­ m. lyeirdi. ld—bn sy—h. Nd in ink name bs id Inmew lxl..ed name ¢nI. lei, mndilimmig Vbm,r+yb—_--a7.UJn••abdm■edrywnim srcm•liredi. eomdsn¢ wU lnemrrc■•rbai• W dabni� ad rcr•ie•elen irclibY ibdediwnen lneei•ci�curbrsar mn a.mndabmrsarc rcttl all] ba wb. Wl+mnsulk ■rcaurc mgrcar•far lM mehrgak dal'rw•edb ueme,u(ctu,d R, apieduasr— Inlwnalim wmm,r bmk l wmalbgkakisaw•baks ti mend,•k,blbrcb■rmiddinlM s ¢delmmb•lmoxB inb•melbn ■m,iddwbn l4b men+b-1 d name. TRbw,r ors ❑ Ns oat ❑beenaquibtl Wln sbrmanulbrseratwrrmbelina ❑ Akmndilbni+g nalrcmmRedtlldrnar 2l mwrkrgs car widawsand aR¢rb.dsererankp. Fs• bne desi■wd b b crated in Wid7aw 11 ad 111 whim newel eee,rmvidedwibswllers oequ'velenlmueringdakey il'eslrangFy rcmmnendad lMLlne name 0e TMaidbl.usulbnsrbmafbb Mne bs n,lk¢,dm�wdin enlid■albnarils mewhna«noel nbdercdy b ueeg. i■■d will —d-i.. I. den¢w in lne me Lori rcmmme Wknew F.- airmdil'o. i%apbm. ■•inbd iwl•uctiall INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER N E C E SS A RY - CALCULATE SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN WA Vr NH Walls (without windows and doors) "U.. O NN Ceiings and roofs of light color ..U., MT N OR ID WI N7 III Ceiings and roofs otdark color ..U.. U WY MIPACr Floors ..U.. NE ILIN ON NJ OE Air ducts in floor " U" 1R co KS Mo KY WV VA Air ducts in ceilingTN CA NC Air ducts installed outside the homeAZ MINI ax AR Sc �♦ Thefollowingaretheductareasinthis home! MS AL GA Air ducts in floor sq.ft. Tx �� Ur Air ducts in ceiling sq.ft. t •aeblr ♦ R RASICWIND Air ducts installed outside the home sq.ft H Q ZONE MAP 4— cal yr w VA_ No s w 41 • _ "y }�rTn-�Al a IN NN or1 I u N+ K �A _l •►waimet _ Uj0 VALUE rdrb a1mn-6 ZONE MAP FOR DESIGN ROOF a... e a MANUFACTURED LOADZONEMAP A oa PSF a-ntrw. aam ar ura (IF APPLICABLE) SETUP APPROVED BY INSTRUCTIONS 10/17/2016 IN AND Chapter 1- Introduction 174 INC. INSTALLATION FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME MANUAL CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS ���;ft BY: JOHN P. DRAWING NUMBER: HOMES, INC. P.O. BOX 1199 WAYCROSS, GA 31503 /� G S � �/ V DATE: 10/03/08 REV: N/A 2a) Wind, Roof, and Climate Zones Foundations for manufactured home installations must be designed and constructed in accordance with 24 CFR 3285, Subpart D and must be based on site conditions, home design features, and the loads the home was designed to withstand, as shown on the home's data plate. (b) Foundation systems that are not pier and footing type configurations may be used when verified by engineering data and designed in accordance with § 3285.301(d), consistent with the design loads of the MHCSS. Pier and footing specifications that are different than those provided in this subpart, such as block size, metal piers, section width, loads, and spacing, may be used when verified by engineering data that comply with §§ 3285.301(c) and (d) and are capable of resisting all design loads of the MHCSS. (c) All foundation details, plans, and test data must be designed and certified by a registered professional engineer or registered architect, and must not take the home out of compliance with the MHCSS. (See 3285.2) (d) Alternative foundation systems or designs are permitted in accordance with either of the following: (1) Systems or designs must be manufactured and installed in accordance with their listings by a nationally recognized testing agency, based on a nationally recognized testing protocol; or (2) System designs must be prepared by a professional engineer or a registered architect or tested and certified by a professional engineer or registered architect in accordance with acceptable engineering practice and must be manufactured and installed so as not to take the home out of compliance with the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. The foundation specifications referred to in this manual are not designed to address flood loads. Foundations for homes designed for and located in areas with roof live loads greater than 40 psf must be designed by ScotBilt Homes, Inc. for the special snow load THIRD PARTY APPROVED BY 000 ri10/17/2016 INC. `FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS Figure 2,1- Zone Maps U/0 Value Zane Map for Manufactured Housing y„ N n m m OR R1 WY MI ?+!' RV 1 yr 1 to Zflaes L 2 3 U-VWu- 0.116 0.096 0.079 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL Scotoilt DAM 9Y: JOHN P. ES HOM, TNC. E 10/03/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV, WAYCROSS, GA 31503 N/A Chapter 2 - Site Preparation SM-7 conditions, in accordance with acceptable engineering practice. Where site or other conditions prohibit the use of the manufacturer's instructions, a registered professional engineer or registered architect must design the foundation for the special snow load conditions.When any part of a home is installed within 1500 feet of a coastline in Wind Zone 2 or 3, the manufactured home must be designed for the increased requirements, as specified on the home's data plate in accordance with standard engineering practice. Where any conditions exist prohibiting the use of the manufacturer's instructions, a registered professional engineer or registered architect, in accordance with acceptable engineering practice, must design anchorage for the special wind conditions (See Figure 2.1). In flood hazard areas, foundations, anchorings, and support systems must be capable of resisting loads associated with design flood and wind events or combined wind and flood events, and homes must be installed on foundation supports that are designed and anchored to prevent floatation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure. 2b) Drainage and Grading of Site It is important that water does not ran underneath a home. Therefore the home site should be properly graded a minimum of one-half inch per foot away from foundation for the first ten feet and located away from streams and rivers_ Where property lines, walls, slopes, or other physical conditions prohibit this slope, the site must be provided with drains or swales or otherwise graded to drain water away from the structure. Excessive water and moisture will affect the home's stability and could void the home's warranty (See Figure 2.2). 2c) Ground Cover If the home is to be skirted, etc... the ground underneath the home is to be completely covered with polyethylene sheeting or equivalent, minimum APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 INC. `FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 6 mils thick. (If footing is to be placed beneath grade level, place ground cover beneath footing.) Repair any voids or tears in the retarder by patching with like material maintaining a minimum 12" overlap and sealing joints with mastic. (a) Vapor retarder. If the space under the home is to be enclosed with skirting or other materials, a vapor retarder must be installed to cover the ground under the home. (b) Vapor retarder material. A minimum of six mil polyethylene sheeting or its equivalent must be used. (c) Proper installation. (1) The entire area under the home must be covered with the vapor retarder, except for areas under open porches, decks, and recessed entries. Joints in the vapor retarder must be overlapped at least 12 inches. (2) The vapor retarder may be placed directly beneath footings, or otherwise installed around or over footings placed at grade, and around anchors or other obstructions. 2d) Landscaping Branches, bushes and other debris that are in a location in which they could rub against walls or roof when home is setup should be removed. Also, any plant life should be removed from undemeath the home prior to time of setup as well. 2e) Home Hook -Ups Note the location of water, gas, and electrical inlets. Be sure that these connections can be made with ant prior utility connections at the home site, if any, without obstruction. 2f) Installation in Flood Hazard Areas . Prior to the initial installation of a new manufactured home, the installer is responsible for determining whether the manufactured home site lies wholly or partly within a special flood hazard area as shown on the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction Flood Insurance Rate Map's, Flood SETUP INSTRUCTIONS Chapter 2 -Site AND Preparation INSTALLATION MANUAL cko B'lt sv JOHN R nRaWrHo rturaeeA; HOMES, INC P.O. HOX 1189 S M — DATE 10/03/08 REµ N/A WAYCROSS. GA 31503 V Boundary and Floodway Map's, or Flood Hazard Boundary Map's, or if no Local Authority Having Jurisdiction, in accordance with NFIP regulations. If so located, and before an installation method is agreed upon, the map and supporting studies adopted by the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction must be used to determine the flood hazard zone and base flood elevation at site. Appliance installed on the manufactured home site in flood hazard areas must be anchored and elevated to or above the same elevation as the lowest elevation of the lowest floor of the home. Appliance air inlets and exhausts in a flood hazard areas must be located at or above the same elevation as the lowest elevation of the lowest floor of the home. 2g) Skirting (a) Skirting, if used, must be of weather -resistant materials or provided with protection against weather deterioration at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 oz./ft. square of surface coated. (b) Skirting must not be attached in a manner that can cause water to be trapped between the siding and trim or forced up into the wall cavities trim to which it is attached. (c) All wood skirting within 6" or the ground must be pressure -treated in accordance with AWPA Standard U1 for Use Category 4A, Ground Anchor Contact Applications, or be naturally resistant to decay and termite infestations. (d) Skirting must not be attached in a manner that impedes the characteristics of the home's exterior covering. 2h) Installation Suitability (a) Site appropriateness. Before installing a manufactured home at any site, the installer must assure that the site is suitable for installing the home by verifying that: (1) The site is accessible; (2) The site is appropriate for the foundation or support and stabilization system that is to be used APPROVED BY IN10/17/2016 INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS to install the home in accordance with the federal installation standards or alternative requirements; (3) The required data plate is to be affixed to the home, that the home is designed for the roof load, wind load, and thermal zones that are applicable to the intended site; and (4) The installation site is protected from surface run-off and can be graded in accordance. (b) Installer notification of unsuitable site_ If the installer determines that the home cannot be installed properly at the site, the installer must: (1) Notify the purchaser or other person with whom the installer contracted for the installation work, identifying the reasons why the site is unsuitable; (2) Notify the retailer that contracted with the purchaser for the sale of the home, identifying the reasons why the site is unsuitable; (3) Notify HUD, identifying the reasons why the site is unsuitable; (4) Decline to install the home until the site and the home are both verified by the installer as suitable for the site under this section; and (5) Ensure that all unique characteristics of the site have been fully addressed. (c) Installer notification of failures to comply with the construction and safety standards. If the installer notices and recognizes failures to comply with the construction and safety standards prior to beginning any installation work, during the course of the installation work, or after the installation work is complete, the installer must notify the manufacturer and retailer of each failure to comply. (d) Retailer notification. The retailer must provide a copy- of the notification received in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section to any subsequent installer. 2i) Crawlspace Ventilation (a) A crawispace with skirting must be provided with ventilation openings. The minimum net area of ventilation openings must not be less than one square foot (ft.2) for every 150 square feet (ft.2) of the home's floor area. The total area of ventilation SETUP INSTRUCTIONS Chapter 2 - Site AND Preparation INSTALLATION MANUAL SCOtB1ft JOHN P. URA1N]NG NUMBER: HOMES, INC. BOX 1189 S M - 9 DATE 10/03/08 BEV: N/A P.O. WAYCROSS, GA 31503 openings may be reduced to one square foot (ft.2) for every 1,500 square feet (ft.2) of the home's floor area, where a uniform 6—mil polyethylene sheet material or other acceptable vapor retarder is installed on the ground surface beneath the entire floor area of the home. (b) Ventilation openings must be placed as high as practicable above the ground. (c) Ventilation openings must be located on at least two opposite sides to provide cross - ventilation. (d) Ventilation openings must be covered for their full height and width with a perforated corrosion and weather -resistant covering that is designed to prevent the entry of rodents. In areas subject to freezing, the coverings for the ventilation openings must also be of the adjustable type, permitting them to be in the open or closed position, depending on the climatic conditions. Figure 2.2 - Proper Land Grading DO: GRADE STPE TO ALLOW WATER TO SLOPE AWAY FROM HOME. DO NOT: GRADE SITE TO SO THAT WATER COLLECTS AND REMAINS UNDERNEATH HOME. APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 .. IN P71INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS (e) Access opening(s) not less than 18 inches in width and 24 inches in height and not less than three square feet (ft.2) in area must be provided and must be located so that any utility connections located under the home are accessible. (f) Dryer vents and combustion air inlets must pass through the skirting to the outside. Any surface water runoff from the furnace, air conditioning, or water heater drains must be directed away from under the home or collected by other methods identified in Chapter 2 Section 2b. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 2 - site Preparation INSTALLATION MANUAL �lt IOHN P. DRAWING MlNfBER: HOMES, INC. P_O_ BOX 1189 n A r (] A S V' 7 A DATE: 10/03/08 REV_ N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 3a) Foreword One of the most important parts of a Mobile Home setup is the foundation. In areas where the soil is subject to freezing and thawing, the foundation must be designed in compliance with local building rules; therefore, always check local building codes for footing depth, block size, etc... Your dealer can also help in recommending the proper anchoring system to be used and also assist you in obtaining qualified personnel to install your anchoring system in a professional method. 3b) Footings If your local building official has no requirement for footing thickness in your area, then a minimum thickness of 4" should be used. The footing should extend below the "frost line" in climates where soil is subject to freezing and thawing movements. (a) Materials approved for footings must provide equal load -bearing capacity and resistance to decay, as required by this section. Footings must be placed on undisturbed soil or fill compacted to 90 percent of maximum relative density. A footing must support every pier. Footings are.to be either: (1) Concrete. (i) Four inch nominal precast concrete pads meeting or exceeding ASTM C 90— 02a, Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, without reinforcement, with at least a 28-day compressive strength of 1,200 pounds per square inch (psi); or (ii) Six Inch minimum poured-inplace concrete pads, slabs, or ribbons with at least a 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch (psi). Site -specific soil conditions or design load requirements may also require the use of reinforcing steel in cast -in -place concrete footings. (2) Pressure -treated wood. (i) Pressure -treated wood footings must consist of a minimum of two layers of nominal 2-inch thick pressuretreated wood, a single layer of nominal 34-inch thick, pressure -treated plywood with a maximum size of 16 inches by 16 inches, or at least two layers of 3/4-inch thick, pressure -treated APPROVED BY 000 r 10/17/2010 rriNC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS plywood for sizes greater than 1.6 inches by 16 inches. Plywood used for this purpose is to be rated exposure 1 or exterior sheathing, in accordance with PS1-95, Construction and Industrial Plywood. (ii) Pressure treated lumber is to be treated with a water -borne adhesive, in accordance with AWPA Standard U1—O4 for Use Category4B ground contact applications. (iii) Cut ends of pressure treated lumber must be field -treated, in accordance with AWPA Standard M4-02. (3) ABS footing pads. (i) ABS footing pads are permitted, provided they are installed in accordance with the pad manufacturer installation instructions and certified for use in the soil classification at the site. (ii) ABS footing pads must be listed or labeled for the required load capacity. (4) Other Materials. Footings may be of other materials than those identified in this section,' provided they are listed for such use and meet all other applicable requirements of this subpart. (b) Placement in freezing climates. Footings placed in freezing climates must be designed using methods and practices that prevent the effects of frost heave by one of the following methods: (1) Conventional footings. Conventional footings must be placed below the frost line depth for the site unless an insulated foundation or monolithic slab is used. When the frost line depth is not available from the Local Area Having Jurisdiction, a registered professional engineer, registered architect, or registered geologist must be consulted to determine the required frost line depth for the manufactured home site. This is not subject to the provisions in 3e) that also require review by the manufacturer and approval by its ©APIA for any variations to the manufacturer's installation instructions for support and anchoring- (2) Monolithic slab systems. A monolithic slab is pem3itted above the frost line when all relevant site -specific conditions, including SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 3 - Foundation INSTALLATION MANUAL Sca Ut JOHN P. DRAWING NUMBER HOKES, INC. S M- O ��` 10/03/08 REµ N/A WAYCROSOSGAg31503 T ' ` ' soil characteristics, site preparation, ventilation, and insulative properties of the under floor enclosure, are considered and anchorage requirements -are accommodated. The monolithic slab system must be designed by a registered professional engineer or registered architect: (i) In accordance with acceptable engineering practice to prevent the effects of frost heave; or (ii) In accordance with SEI/ASCE 32-01. (3) Insulated foundations. An insulated foundation is permitted above the frost line, when all relevant sitespecific conditions, including soil characteristics, site preparation, ventilation, and insulative properties of the under floor enclosure, are considered, and the foundation is designed by a registered professional engineer or registered architect: (i) In accordance with acceptable engineering practice to prevent the effects of frost heave; or (il) In accordance with SEIIASCE 32-01. Provided in this manual are tables to aid in footer size and pier specifications. (Tables 3.3, 3.4, & 3.5). 3c) Pier Blocking Pier blocking is required at each end of all exterior doors. (see Figure 3.6 for typical pier blocking system.) See drawings at the end of this chapter for pier blocking specifications on anything other than. standard construction (examples: angle bay window, cottage box bay, etc...). All pier locations, as required by these instructions, will be identified from the factory by a pier tag, label, paint, or other means and must be visible after the home is installed. 3d) Blocking of Shearwall and Marriage Wall Tiiedowns Shearwall anchors are Identified at sidewall locations with orange or green paint. Pier blocking is required within 24" of all shearwali tiedown straps. In some instances, there are also shearwall tiedown anchors located at variouss spans along age fine or ine n-,,N�GAP--L APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 II V. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 3e) Removal of organic material Remove all decayable material such as grass, roots, and wood scraps from beneath the home, especially in areas where footings are to be placed, to minimize settling of footings and insect damage. Remove shrubs and overhanging branches from the immediate -vicinity of the homesite to prevent windstorm damage. To help prevent settling or sagging, the foundation must be constructed on firm, undisturbed soil or fill compacted to at least 90 percent of its maximum relative density. All organic material such as grass, roots, twigs, and wood scraps must be removed in areas where footings are to be placed. After removal of organic material, the home site must be graded or otherwise prepared to ensure adequate drainage. 3f) Soil classifications and bearing capacity The soil classification and bearing capacity of the soil must be determined before the foundation is constructed and anchored. The soil classification and bearing must be determined by one or more of the following methods, unless the soil bearing capacity is established as permitted in paragraph (f) of this section: a. Soil Tests: Soils tests that are in accordance with generally accepted engineering practice; or b. 'Soil records: Soils records of the applicable Local Authority Having Jurisdiction; or c. Soils classifications and bearing capacities: If the soil class cannot be determined by test or soils records, but its type can be identified, the soil classification, allowable pressures, and torque values shown in Table to 3285.202 may be used. d. A pocket penetrometer, or e. In lieu of determining the soil bearing capacity by use of the methods shown in the table, an allowable pressure of 1,500 psf may be used, unless the site -specific information requires the use of lower values based on soil classification and type. f. If the soil appears to be composed of peat, organic clays, or uncompacted fill, or appears to have unusual conditions, a registered professional geologist, registered professional engineer, or registered architect must determine the soil classification and max_ allowable soil bearing capacity_ SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 3 - Foundation INSTALLATION MANUAL 1� ' JOHN P. ORASVINGNU fflMR: HOMES, INC. P.Q. BOX 1189 �l S M - 1 DATE:10/03/08 REIP WAYCROSS, GA 31503 N/A .l NOTE: Place Piers on both sides of sidewall exterior doors, patio doors, and sliding glass doors; under porch posts, factory -installed fireplaces, and fireplace stoves; under jamb studs at multiple window openings; and at any other sidewall openings 48 inches or greater in width. For roof loads of 40 psf or greater. a professional engineer or registered architect must determine the maximum sidewall opening permitted without perimeter supports. Figure 3.1 Typical Mate -Line Column and Pier NOTES: it centerline or single )rjoist Main I-beam Ground level A frame piers supporting both floor sections, per loads in tables 1. Mate -line column support piers are installed with the ling dimension of the concrete block perpendicular to the rim joist. 2. Pier and footing designed to support both floor sections. Loads as listed in tables in this chapter. TABLE TO 3285.202 Soil classification Soil description Allowable soil bearing Blow count ASTM D Torque probe 3 value 4 ASTM D 2487-00 or P m pressure (psf) 1586-99 (inch tlon number (Inc by ref- -pounds) erence, sea 3285.4) 1 ......................... ..-... .............................. Rock or hard pan ............ ____ ._..... _. 4000+................................ _...._..... 40+ More than 550. 2 _....................... GW, GP, SW, SP, GM, Sandy gravel and gravel; very then dense 2000........ ............................ - ..... _.. sm. and/or cemented sands; course gravelt cobbles; pfeloaded silts, days and coral 3_ ----------------------- GC. SG, ML. CL ........... Sand; Silty sand; Clayey sand, silty ism ............ _ ......... - ............... 24-39 351-550. gravel; medium dense course sands; sandy gravel, and very stiff sit, sand clays 4A ...- .................. CG, M1-12 ....................- Loose to medium dense sands, firm to 1000....... ..... _..... ._.- .......... I .... ...... 18-23 276-350. stiff clays and silk; alluvial fits. 4B ....................... CH, MH2 ..._...._......_... Loose sands; firm days; alluvial fills ......... 1000.................. - ... - ............... —.--- 12-17 175-275. 5 ................. _....... -OL, CH, PT .._........... _. {Uncompacted fit peat; organic days ..., . Refer to 3285202(e) 0-11 Less than 175 Notes: 1. The values provided in this table have not been adjusted for overburden pressure, embedment depth, water table height, or settlement probiems. 2. For soQs classified as CH or MH, without either torque probe values or blow count test results, selected anchors must be rated for a 4B sdl. 3. The torque test probe is a device for measuring the torque value of soils to assist in evaluating the holding capacity of the soil in which the ground anctw is placed. The shaft must be of sultable length for the full depth of the ground anchor. - 4. The torque value is a measuring of the load resistance provided by the soil when subject to the turning or twisting force of the probe. THIRD PAWN APPROVAL: ENGINEERING APPROVAL' (IF APPLJCABI..E) SETUP APPROVED BY INSTRUCTIONS chapter 3 - 10/17/2016 AND Foundation INC. INSTALLATION FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS MANUAL ' � ��� ey JOHNP. oluwlNaNUMset HOMES, INC. P.Q. BOX 1189 M -12 GATE 10/06/08 REV_ N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 PIER I I -BEAM PIER SINGLE STACKED BLOCKS r HORIZONTAL OFF5ET OF PIER • is' MAXIMUM 51NGLE BLOCKS MAXIMUM HEIGHT = 86" (SEE NOTE #2) SPECIAL NOTE. MINIMIM 5ET HEI6HT OF HOME 15 IZ" AS MEA'a1RED %CIER HOME TO GROVW,IWAIVIN& AREA MTYEEN THE LOMEST POINT OF THE FRAME OR GROSSPE EERS. APPROVED BY REVISED 2/3/2017 NlHiNC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS PIER 2 I -BEAM PIER DOUBLE STACKED BLOCKS PIERS OVER 56" HEIGHT TO MAXIMUM HEIGHT, HORIZONTAL OFFSET = I" MAXIMUM SHIMS GAP ------- PIER :00TI i \ r DOUBLE INTERLOCKED BLOCKS MAXIMUM HEIGHT = 61' OR AS ILLUSTRATED ON MAXIMUM PIER HEIGHTS OF FRAME TIEDOINN SPACING CHARTS PIER 4 51NGLE STACKED PIER SUPPORTING CENTERLINE COLUMNS OR PERIMETER OR CENTERLINE JOISTS SINGLE STACKED BLOCKS PERPENDICULAR TO i CENTERLINE JOISTS t OR PARALLEL TO PERIMETER RAIL MAX. HEIGHT = 54" PIER 3 I -BEAM PIER STEEL OR CONCRETE MANUFACTURED PIER (SEE NOTE #5) CAPACITY AT DOUBLE GENTERLINE J015T = 80" CAPACITY AT 51NGLE PERIMETER J015T = 5000x i �f'fL/°L cG y.1 iv ,-;.i NOTES: I. CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR PIERS ARE 6xbx16 NOMINAL SIZE, HOLLOW CELL LOAD BEARING GMU'S MANUFACTURED IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM G90-70, GRADE 'N'. OPEN GELL5 ARE VERTICAL. 2. SINGLE STACKED CONCRETE BLOCKS ARE ORIENTED 50 THAT LONG DIRECTION IS PERPENDICULAR TO THE LONG DIRECTION OF THE MAIN BEAM. 3. FOOTERS MAY BE PRECAST OR POURED, BUT, IN EITHER CASE, MUST BE LEVEL IN ALL DIRECTIONS. PRECAST MUST MEET OR EXCEED ASTM G90-02a. POURED FOOTERS MUST BE 6" THICK MINIMUM (OR PER TABLES, WHIGHEVER IS STRIGTE5T) AND MUST BE MINIMUM 3000 psl COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 26 DAYS. 4. PIERS ARE TO BE PLACED ON THE FOOTER APPROXIMATELY CENTERED 50 THAT THE FOOTER PROJECTION FROM THE PIER 15 EQUAL FROM 51DE-TO-5IDE AND FRONT -TO -BACK. PIER5 MUST BE LEVEL VERTICALLY ON ALL SIDES AND SQUARE WITH THE FOOTER. 5. PREFABRICATED PIERS (TYPE #3) MUST BE CERTIFIED FOR A RATED CAPACITY AT LEAST EQUAL TO THE LOAD DETERMINED FROM THE TABLES. MANUFACTURED PIERS CANNOT HAVE THE ADJUSTABLE RISERS EXTENDED MORE THAN 2" WHEN FINALLY POSITIONED. 6. CONCRETE TO HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH {Fc') OF 3000 P51 AFTER 26 DAYS. '7. GAP BETWEEN TOP OF PIER AND MAIN FRAME MAY BE A WOOD PLATE (NOT EXCEEDING 2" IN THICKNE55) AND SHIMS MOT EXCEEDING I" IN THICKNESS). 5HIM5 SHALL BE AT LEAST 4" WIDE AND 6" LONG, FITTED AND DRIVEN TIGHT BETWEEN WOOD PLATE OR PIER AND MAIN FRAME (5HIM5 TO BE PERPENDICULAR TO I -BEAM). TWO INCH OR FOUR INCH SOLID CONCRETE BLOCK MAY FILL REMAINDER OF GAP, 5. PIER HE16HT 15 MEASURED FROM TOP OF FOOTER TO THE TOP OF THE PIER. THESE DRAWINGS TYPIFY THE CONSTRUCTION ONLY OF DIMENSIONED BLOCK HEIGHTS. q. PIER AND FOOTER DE516% SHOWN DO NOT GON51DER FLOOD OR SEISMIC LOADS AND ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN FLOOD OR 5E15MIG HAZARD AREAS. IN THOSE AREAS, THE DESIGN MUST BE DONE BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. 10. HORIZONTAL OFFSET FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PIER MUST NOT EXCEED 1/2" FOR SINGLE STACKED PIERS AND I" FOR DOUBLE STACKED PIERS 11. PIERS MAY BE OFFSET UP TO 6" IN EITHER DIRECTION ALONG THE SUPPORTED MEMBERS TO ALLOW FOR PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, ETC. FIGURE 4.1 SM-13 TYPICAL PIER GONSTRUGTION 51NOLE 5TAGKED GONGRETE BLOGK5 MAIN I -BEAM SHIMS, NOT EXGEEDING I" IN THIGKNE55 HARDWOOD PLATES OR OTHER LISTED APPROVED BY MATERIALS NOT EXCEEDING 2' IN REVISED THIGKNE55 2/3/20I7 GAPS, SOLID CONCRETE (MINIMUM 4"XS"xlb"), 00o r w ' HARDWOOD (NOMINAL MINIMUM 2"x8"xlb") OR ly I/2"x8"xib" STEEL OR OTHER LISTED MATERIALS N 14C. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME SINGLE OPEN OR CLOSED CONCRETE BLOCKS CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS b"xb"Ab" INSTALLED WITH Ib" DIMENSION PERPENDICULAR TO THE MAIN 1-5EAM. OPEN GELL5 ARE PLACED VERTICALLY ON FOOTING. MORTAR 15 NOT REQUIRED UNLESS SPECIFIED CAPACITY = bOOO L55. TYPICAL FOOTING INSTALLED BELOW FR05T LINE DOUBLE STACKED GONGRETE BLOGK5 MAIN 1-13EAM SHIMS, NOT EXGEEDING I" IN THIGKNE55 fHARDWOOD PLATES OR OTHER LISTED MATERIALS NOT EXCEEDIN6 2" IN THICKNESS. -7 1/4' MINIMUM WIDTH UP TO g000# LOAD DETERMINED FROM TABLES. USE 14 1/2" WIDE OR SPLIT GAP PER DETAIL FOR HIGHER LOADS (I(7,000# MAXIMUM) GAPS, 50LID CONCRETE OR HARDWOOD WHEN SPLIT GAPS ARE USED AND (MINIMUM 4"x6'xib") OR THE JOINT RUNS PERPENDICULAR TO I/2"x8"xlb" STEEL OR OTHER LISTED MATERIALS THE MAIN I -BEAMS, 5HIM5 AND BLOCKS MUST BE INSTALLED OVER EACH INDIVIDUAL GAP. DOUBLE STACKED CONCRETE BLOCKS, SOLID OR GELLED. EACH LAYER IS INTERLOCKED WITH LAYER BELOW A5 SHOWN. MORTAR 15 NOT REQUIRED UNLE55 SPECIFIED TYPICAL FOOTING INSTALLED BELOW FR05T LINE NOTES: I. 5HIM5, WHEN REQUIRED, ARE TO BE U5ED IN PAIRS, INSTALLED IN OPP051TE DIRECTIONS AND BE FITTED AND DRIVEN TIGHT BETWEEN MAIN I -BEAM FRAME AND SHIMS OR GAPS BELOW. 5HIM5 MUST BE INSTALLED 50 THAT ALL 6AP5 BETWEEN THE HOME'S BEARING MEMBER (I -BEAM OR RIM OR CENTERLINE J015T5) ARE FILLED FOR THE LENGTH OF THE PIER OR REQUIRED PLATES. MINIMUM GOMPRE551VE STRESS GAPAGITY FOR 5HIM5 15 425 psi. 2. 5TEEL GAP5 MUST BE PROTEGTED BY A MINIMUM OF A 10 MIL GOATING OF AN EXTERIOR PAINT OR AN EQUIVALENT CORROSION RE515TANT PROTECTION. NSTLp F 16URE 4.1 A -0.` :,-T,-, SM-14 TYPICAL PER GONFI6URATIONS /01 "Ilk Zk 1' 15$F?'.Fwlo y W -D >� U Cl J J z a J pq F y0 3 Li z❑ ® 3 o z =vamix z x ci a �� vMz I Uw= 32U A W s�cu y a. (n l7❑�F.y Z ZV/�gJ ❑ J QY (� axN oww ~cYi �oJM ¢Z=iJa v¢(~ii� J W z f vCO }I¢ oJ• pJ 3¢W zI�¢I_ Z-¢ 7w~aU¢ ZpF7� Lr3o� WgUW�I y�Q� F.W z'f ALA MyZ -16' U Kw�1i q Z QF-�Wi R'Z aV1JZ Z U S.Z.f Vpl f¢l FOaU LL-1ZyaLL❑ EL Ud -J Gi I ~Li {GkG7 LLJ U yLnJ P; Li 1 j3 ¢PI0gyp M JrZi3R a_ H (]LLJ � ¢�"-' R~ mFLi - Z �❑>>w Ott F- ❑ F- a.WQQ W P9 I- q O U 11 Z ¢Ld UI=-� xRya❑L.7Q Wq�QW r V L>J m x rW al`W d�WA ~V1lQ• NF xP' Tn o l/ d N 2yq W HR((A< lY F- W[xJd2�❑h < Of J Q W QS(~/1 1 � NZW F- _ • a¢Li F-q V1 a. WNz 0-32F- q�•-'F- oc4z xgzo " ` -.a o� w W W J aorr'"X�I- w-1 ❑ xz <V yw wgwWW CEGez �WI-W F" Z7, " 1rggWW\Z UwQr»❑� O UWMCLM �75 (`1ZWG W3 JJSU w¢ wLCL ", 1--❑ ❑❑ XWWU O a M.Z.. -JwmzzQ W Z¢ L7 ZwazL- 47 Z tL xR qi J W ❑ .. 0ZM �❑iUgM Ma' of <, ¢ F-SQ H , m ,W000 z YMW'U-'( z�z¢x3A QfFx-.-i< w R w a R w F- W rn � ❑ rn ¢ j 3 O Q O ar J ❑ .z. J F-❑yy Q� 3x Q� ZQ 3w > z ,W. LYLA1z,U Zd ¢.J. Zn_ MZ) --I (n w w J F- •-' zw= ❑ �I- H❑F- 0E Q O ¢ U ❑ZFa UyJR 0 tr t-o a N W R A W W Q4Wj UU XLLi C=.1U wl�� X:L� ¢} 0 Z y z •Jj ¢?3x W- M. -� �¢ Q 3 Lr U 3wZW L,W Wti W¢ w J O w o Z�¢F X E X U- E � z F— N 'j a Q P8lw—z H O Li L� U (a/1 v CQl � N L❑i IX N I D (Z W ❑ z H I-- � i a IS U ILL D >>`j W o S 0 U >cW❑ LsG f 7 WNH W �C Z_Z SUy 0 40 fix.. I i¢� W ez 0 rG N F w ❑max O d' IL IL '¢ r" on �' $ �v LL= J 6. y 'o w LYd M UyyJ -Z�U ¢ v W wz dJ \\\\11111 ¢ A W ❑ ¢ y .. ���\ �� b3 LA LU R1 �zo-zi0 W O N=N lY ¢ ZG1a XZ I L7j R A(W/1 _i14p1Z- 5��� Z y4S II]ZWt- WJWa W w WJH ¢� X❑Nz RZ ¢ h5 gxgo 4 \�F�--• W~ 0 l.7 =pw JJJJ/llllll\\\ W q COW ❑ ❑�w N = E �Ld U F-x w q"F-3 U zw¢ F-O F-,4 U xM fY Z fa F- =f3W w ❑ wwoa .zi w as F- y REF. CALC #1-6/29/04 Figure 3.4 t" Sidewall Pier Loads and Footing Areas (Opening Studs) 45f3" floor is kVh wl i0" mwt- overhang (51deftl[ F ftr Loads) Cnrt4F1 7rma J7Jl ncf l I : 1 n w?%f f71-1 tty]111iITt/Fj ti L16C E NS�? No OU33MI. + .a s r,%T E OF ipo E Ft OR I �q 11 f. rfr,FF7r7 f J f i yE \ If)/73/0$ {OPENWGWE)iH (CLEIkRSPAN) PIER (L� JMbMFOgfMAREA f�1"4VMSM 160Opsf 150Dpsf 2000psf 2500JW 3006psr 4' 45D 120 78 57 45 38 Ei 675 1B8 101 74 59 49 OF 900 193 124 91 72 60 10r 1125 228 147 109 05 71 12 IWO 285 17Jf US SB 82 119 1575 30D 193 us 113 94 16 1�w 336 217 159 1Z7 103 IV 2625 373 239 176 f40 116 217 2250 408 263 194 154 127 22' WS 446 286 211 157 130 ze 2i00 480 3W 228 M 149 2B 2925 516 246 194 161 28' 315D 53:1 355 1 262 206 172 30 3975 588 379 279 221 183 37 3ND 626 401 P.J6 235 194 34' sm am 425 313 249 2W 39 405D 696 440 3W 262 217 38' 4M 7S5 471 347 776 226 40 4WD 766 494 JI S 28B 238 1ty1QLt iNLAkw94tb lrit rvu I wvia LVnu run Lrl/LLIwP1 —,n yyry. y{ vr—. — — — ONLY, WHEN CLEAR SPAN EXIM BOTH SIDES OF COLLIAIN, ADD B01H SPANS 70134THER BEFORE MF E G TO TALE. NOTE: CHECK LOCAL BULDIN G OFFICIAL F*R F0071A1CT 71-9C141ESS N YOUR AI SAL lnr i9oorwklfh vd l(r mPx overhang (5idowa31 Pkw Loads) Ce.-M 7. fM ruf Lf_ LID: rrfD13 OPENfNU MTH {CLEAR SPAN) PIER LOADS "S) MNlWCUFD0i11GAWA(541. K) PERRX MEMW a� 10M Mpg isOD psF 200D Psi 2500 pet 3WO psi 4 505 129 83 62 48 41 s' 750 WS 110 61 64 53 1019 Z10 135 Be 79 66 10• 1263 251 181 119 94 78 12• 1616 231 137 138 110 91 W 1763 33z 214 157 124 1 183 16 20Z1 372 239 f76 140 116 16' 2273 413 Z55 1% 155 129 20' 2528 453 291 214 170 141 21 2i79 493 318 234 1185 154 24` 3031 534 343 253 2W '166 w 21&l 574 3W Z72 215 178 28 3536 614 395 29'1 231 101 3D' 3789 ass 422 MD 245 203 32' 4042 ass 447 330 261 1Z1b 34' 4Z94 736 473 349 - Z77 229 3S' &47 776 499 368 291 742 38' 4799 815 525 3B7 W7 254 40' SIM W 551 406 M 286 IAW-l- INE71GRl kb IM t-W IMV LkA%u rum LLFwrA 1 r ' i n � army � ammo ally ONLY, WHEN CLEAR SPAN EXIST BOTH SIDES OF COLIIMAL ADO BOTH SPANS T6GETF1Etz 6EFORE FEFERMG m FABLE. mDrrrr: CHECK LOCAL BUTLOM OFFICIAL. FOR FOOTNG THICKNESS IN YOUR AREA Aare=" APPROVED BY 0 N 10/17/2016 I14NC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS P-0. Chapter 3 - Foundation . `6,0e S -16 WA REF. CALC #2-6/29/04 Figure 3.5 MaTiage Wail Pier Loads & Footing Areas (Opening Studs) 16V f1oorwidthwii0' Dw—!overhang (NFarriagF: Wa1 PierLogdsl SouM Zane 120 Dsf U ,10 W DO ©PEh�vGWi3lH (CLEAR $PAN) PER LOAM (L?Sj MMEF=MAREatSaKDPERSLX WECRED 1000 psf IW3 ps1 2DDD psi 25DD psf 3DW psF 4' 390 111 71 53 42 35 s 585 lag G2 s6 54 44 a 780 174 112 03 85 54 10' 975 205 131 Ell 77 54 17 1170 28B 152 f12 so 74 le 1365 267 172 T27 100 Si 1G 1560 293 192 142 112 SS 18' 1755 3a9 2i2 156 123. 103 29 195D 36D 232 171 136 i12 iz 2145 SM -252 138 147 i22 24' 2340 423 272 201 159 132 w 25M 454 292 215 170 141. 22C 2730 485 312 23D 163 151 30F 2925 510 333 246 194 Im S2 3120 50 352 20 200 17D 34 3315 579 372 274 217 i8D W 351D 610 393 289 22H 180 3w 3705 W 412 304 241 190 + 'ADD ma 4n 315 263 2D9 . 47 4095 704 453 333 1 264 219 44' 4290 735 473 346 1 275 228 TABLE INDICATES THE FOOTING LOAD FOR COLUMN WITH CLEAR SPAN ant ONE SEE OI&Y. veitel -✓LEAK SPAN ENSTS BOTH WES OF COLUMN, ADD SM SPANS TOGETHER BEFORE REF aWRING TO TAME 1681.E ASSUMES MARRIAGE WAIL CO 6TOJURON W ONLY ONE HALF OF TWE DOUSLEl4 M HOME (DNLYY IFSLIPPORTCOUIMN8 OCCUR IKIBOTH HgIVES ATTHE SAME LOCA11ON(LE. WLLBE SUPPORTED BY THE SAIAE POO ADD T E.LOADS FROM EACH HALF TOGETHER (LISE T1E NE.TI IQO DESMIBED ABOVE FOR EACH HALF) TO DETERMBNE THE TOTAL LOAD SUPPORTED BY THE PER. NOTE CHECK LOCAL BULDMIG OMCIAL FOR FOOTING THICKNESS IN YOM AREA. TIMVPAMITAF9' vV �IFAPPSJCA6LE] SETUP 451E4111 TlfEIf {p{ T �p,�[� er � �}a y�p�Jfp�q� {��[ ■CIS ■ F\�Ye�Pder Y ONS INSTRUCTIONS \\tt # S X q! ' ffff APPROVED BY Chapter 3 - = 37 P Y Foundation N.0033811 10/17/2016 1 ST LLATION a \ STATE DF 4 t /�f�tll I A ' f� - FEDERAL MANUFACTUREDI HHOO'MEE � L Sctffift a JOHN P. ➢RAMNO MR.�t I I I t CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS . i0/C6 " 1.0/13108 HOMES, INC SOX I1S4 � �[ 'j 1 Y 1'" 1 ;Fw. IK/A in, WAYCRQSS GA 315M REF. CALC #1-$126l04 Figure 35 Mar0age Waif Pier Loads & Footing Areas (Opening Studs) 178" fioorwidth wl 1(D" max. overhang (MaFTriage V641.1 Pier Loads) South Zone (2U psf LL,10 Psi DO OPENING WIDTH (CLEAR SPAN) PAR egg) (LBS) W&WFOOTHGARFA (SCL K)RRSM MEMSUFWSLOAP 10F3b psf 1500 PSf 2000 E76f 2500 psf 3000 psi` 47 445 119 78 67 45 39 8 668 156 1Fb 74 59 4a 8' am 191 123 91 72 99 10` 1113 220 146 103 85 71 17 1300 263 169 125 98 82 14 1556 295 191 _ 142 112 98 1$' 1781 334 215 158 125 104 18' 20M 369 237 175 1S9 115 2Cf 2228 405 260 192 152 126 2z 2449 440 283 mg 165 137 24' 21m 479 3W - 225 179 498 2EF 2894 512 329 243 192 159 Or 3115 647 352 258 206 -m 30' 33M 583 374 276 219 182 32' 35m 618 399 293 232 192 34 3784 SAr 421 310 245 203 3er 40a7 W9 44S 327 259 215 30' 4229 725 46T 344 272 225 40r 4452 761 489 361 239 236 4r 4675 796 513 377 299 243 44 48E17 B32 535 394 312 258 TABLE INDICATES THE F00Ff1NG t CIAD FOR COLUMN W1111 E'I FAR SPAN UP Uft b-iUt ONLY, WFIEN CLEAR SPAN ED95T3 BOTH SIDES OF COLLIMK ADD BOTH SPANS TC6ETHER BEFORE REFS TO TABLE -TABLE A$WMES. MARRIAGE WALL CONSTRUCT87N N ONLY ON: HALF OF THE DOMEW VE HOME (ONLY); IF SUPPORT COLLIANS OCCUR 1N 801H HALVESAT7HE SAME LOCATION (LF-. WILL. BE SUPPORTED BY THE SAME PIER)ADD THE LOADS FROM EACH HALF TOGS-MER (USE THE METWID DESCRIBED ABOVE FOR EACH HALF) TO DETEFtMM TIE TOTAL LOAD SUPPORMD BY TM PIER. NOTE CHECK LPCAL BUILDING OFFICJAL FOR FOOTING i1110K' ESS N YOUR AREA- ~ go DD33843, f�" F£ - ��r�fflo ,F *1D , P 10/13109 APPROVED BY 0 N 00o 10/17/2016 14INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SETUP INSTRUCTION A IN D INST L TI0i - JOHH P. LANUMIJIL HOMES, INC. , 1fliOtVOB P.O- BOX f 189 k7EE_. Chapter 3 - Foundation SM-18 REF. CALC #2-6129104 Figure 3.6 Typical Pier Blocking Diagram Piers are not required at openings in the mating wall that are less than 48 inches in width. Place piers on both sides of mating wall openings that are 48 inches or greater in width. For roof loads of 30 psf or greater, a professional' engineer or registered architect must determine the maximum matins opening permitted without pier or of supports. TYPICAL SHEARWALL E N DWALL ci 1—^— nl— — ^rWILI� Notes: 1. Piers are not required at openings in the mating wall that are less than 48 inches in width. Place piers on both sides of mating wall openings that are 48 inches or greater in width. For roof loads of 30 psf or greater, a professional engineer or registered architect must determine the maximum mating wall opening permitted without pier or other supports. 'PICAL WORT ER BLOCKING TYPICAL SHEARWALL 2. Place piers on both sides of sidewall exterior doors, patio doors, and sliding glass doors; under porch posts, factory - installed fireplaces, and fireplace stoves; under jamb studs at multiple window openings; and at any other sidewall openings 48 inches or greater in width. For roof loads of 40 psf or greater, a professional engineer or registered architect must determine the maximum sidewall opening permitted without perimeter supports. 3. The foundation specifications in this manual are not designed to address flood loads. THIRD PARTY APPROVAL: ENGINEERING APPROVAL, APPROVED BY (IF APPLICABLE) SETUP 10/17/2016 I& INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 3 - rN� Foundation FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME INSTALLATION ! l CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS qL0 lL I MANUAL ilt BY: PSO DRAWING NUMBER: saftB HOMES, INC. DATE: 10/06/08 7S M -19 .1 P.O. BOX 1189 REV: 10/0S/16 WAYCROSS GA 31503 Figure 3.7 Angle Bay Blocking Requirements MAIN STEEL BEAM HEADER MAIN BEAM 51ER BLOCKS MA (SPACIN PERIMETER RAIL APPROVED BY 000 10/17/2016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS PEER BLOCKING SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL �131� ATE: JOHN P. HOMES, INC. 10/06/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV: WAYCROSS, GA 31503 N/A Chapter 3 - Foundation DRAWING SM-20 4a) Positioning. When site preparation is complete, you can begin positioning and installation of the home. Be sure that any work that should be done prior to placing the home in its final resting position is complete. WARNING A manufactured home weighs several tons. Getting under a home when it is jacked up and/or improperly supported is VERY dangerous. Be sure that the jacks) you are using are safe and supported properly. DO NOT over jack. 4b) Leveling and Blocking There are many different ways to level a home. In all cases make sure home is ADEQUATELY LEVEL. The home will be considered adequately leveled if there is no more than 1 /4 inch difference between adjacent pier supports (frame or perimeter) and the exterior doors and windows of the home do not bind and can be properly operated. We have included two of the more popular procedures. Using a water level (Figure 4.1) and using a bubble level (Figure 4.2). (Refer to figure 4.3 for proper jacking procedures.) 1) Using a water level. (Figure 4.1) First, pre -determine the height that all pier supports will be. Then, place a container, with long plastic tubing attached to the bottom, off to the side. Next, fill the container with colored water to the pre -determined pier height. Blocks beneath the container may be necessary to reach desired height. Be sure to remove any air bubbles from the plastic tubing before using. Hold the opposite end of the plastic tubing approximately a foot above the pier you are measuring and open the valve attached to APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 1INFI"4NC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS the end of the end of the plastic tubing. Using the level of water visible through the plastic tubing, adjust the support pier to the desired height. Measure each pier using this method and then lower section onto adjusted piers. 2) Using a bubble level. (Figure 4.2) First, place home on piers. Then, check the level of the floor from front to rear then from side to side. Check level of sidewall. Make any necessary adjustments to piers using a jack and pier wedges. Repeat until entire home is completely level. 4c) Multi -section Installing When installing anything other then a single -wide home, complete all work done in section 4a) and 4b), then proceed to this section. • Place the next section as near as possible to the first section. • Be sure to remove all plastic from the marriage wall side of the home and/or any other objects that could obstruct proper mating of the two sections. • Seal at floor, walls, or roof with foam, carpet pad, or equivalent. • Draw the two sections together using come-alongs, rollers, or skid -boards. • Check the floor line to ensure that it is flush horizontally and vertically. • Repeat leveling and blocking procedures same as first section. 4d) Floor Connections Once the two sections have been positioned and blocked, fastening may begin. Using either of the methods shown in figure 4.4, begin fastening the two sections together along the marriage line. If the floors are flush at both ends, but the top of the heavy half is sticking out in front of the light half and the rear ends are the opposite, the ceiling strips will not line up. This must be corrected before the top is bolted together. To eliminate this SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 4 - Setup Procedures INSTALLATION MANUAL SGOMIlt JOHN P. DRAWING NUMBER: P.O. BOX 1189 1.O.BO,INC118 SM-21 BYTE: REV: WAYCROSS,GA 31503 N/A problem, put one jack under the outside front corner of the half sticking out. Place the other jack under the rear outside corner of the opposite half. Jack up both corners at the same time until the ceilings line up and then strap the center beam together before removing the jacks. 4e) Roof Connections If the home has "FoamSealR" or equivalent, installed along the ridge beam of either half, no other air infiltration treatment is required at time of setup along the roofline at the marriage wall. Level the ceiling between the two halves so that they are flush with each other. Strap the roof with galvanized straps provided in setup kit. (See figure 4.5) 4f) Interior and Exterior Finishing Once floor, roof, and wall connections have all been made, finishing may begin. Homes are not designed for installation of gutters and downspouts. 4f) Fire Separation Fire separation distances must be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 6 of NFPA 501a, 2003 edition and installers must take into account any local requirements on fire separation. 4g) Hinged Roofs & Eaves Hinged roofs and eaves must be completed during installation in compliance with all requirements of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR part 3280) and the Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations (24 CFR part 3282). Unless exempted by the following provisions, hinged roofs are also subject to a final inspection for compliance with the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR part 3280) by the IPIA or a qualified independent inspector acceptable to the IPIA. Homes with hinged roofs that are exempted from IPIA inspection are instead to be completed and with (IF APPROVED BY 0 woor 10/17/2016 I. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS the Manufactured Home Installation Program (24 CFR part 3286). This includes homes: (1) That are designed to be located in Wind Zone I; (2) In which the pitch of the hinged roof is less than 7:12, including designs incorporating peak cap construction or peak flip construction; and (3) In which fuel burning appliance flue penetrations are not above the hinge. WARNING A protective covering material (polyethylenen held in -place with plywood or O.S.B. strips) was installed at time of manufacture to keep the shingles from blowing off the roof during transit.Any holes from any fasteners MUST BE SEALED to prevent water damage in the roof. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL SCOtBIit DATE: PSO HOMES, INC. 10/06/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV: 10/OS/16 WAYCROSS, GA 31503 Chapter 4 - Setup Procedures SM-22.1 Typical Connections 11 EXTERIOR WALL ROOF DECKING RIDGE REAM SEAL AT THESE CONNECTIONS ( WALLS, FULL LENGTH OF FLOOR, AND FULL LENGTH OF ROOF) PER SECTION 4c. , — FLOOR FOR RIDGE SET -UP OF SHINGLE ROOF, INSTALLTHE ROOFING FELT STRIP, CUT THE CAP SHINGLES PROVIDED INTO THIRDSAND INSTALL WITH ROOFING NAILS OR STAPLES. FIBERGLASS OR ASPHALT FIBERGLASS OR ASPHALT SHINGLE OVERLAP SHINGLE RIDGE CAP ROOFING '--FIBERGLASS OR ASPHALT SHINGLES SHINGLE UNDER LAYMEN? ROOF SHEATHING DGE BEAM AM SEAL TAPE OR EQUIVALENT - THIRD PARTY APPROVAL' ENGINEERING APPROVAL OPAPPUCABLE) SETUP APPROVED BY INSTRUCTIONS 000 Chapter 4 - Setup AND 10/17/2016 rriNC. Procedures INSTALLATION FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS MANUAL scamit BY: JOHN P. DRAWING MUNIBER: HOMES, INC. 10/06/08 S M 2 3 P.O. BOX 1189 WAYCROSS, GA 31503 REV: N/A WINGLD TRUSS SETUP IN THE AURA ABOVE THEHINGESHOWN ABOVE HINGED TRUSSES REQUIRE THE FOLIOWM SETUP TO BE PERFORMED TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED STRUCTURAL AND WEATHER PROOF INTEGHITY TO TUB BUILDING: (1) VERIFY THE WIDTH OF ROOF SHEATHING wHICH HAS BEEN OMITTED ABOVE THE TRUSS HINGE — THIS DIMENSION SHOULD BE APPROXIMATELY 24 INCHES (2) CUT THE ROOF SHEATHING (USE TBS SAME NATUTAL WNICH IS USED IN THE S&EATHEB PORTIONS OF THE ROOF) TO THE DIMENSION MEASURED IN STEP 1 NINUS 1/4" . CUT THE SHEATHING IROK 4'X8' SHEETS WITH THE LONG. DIPf MION PARALLEL WITH THE Q' DIMSION OF THE SHEETS AND PLACS THE SHEATHING NITS Tal LONG DIHENSIOK PURPINDICULAR TO THE TRUSS 'TOP CHORDS. CUT THE SHEATHING LENGTHS TO INSURE TH&T EACB PIECE SPANS AT LEAST TWO TRUSS SPACINGS WITH THE EDGES SUPPORTED SY TRUSSES WHICH ARE ONTSET AT %LAST 16'* FRAM TEN TRUSSES WHICH SUPPORT THE BUTT JOINTS OF THE THE ADJACENT BODY SHEATHING COURSES. PROVIIZ APPROXIMATELY A 1/811 GAP BETWEEN THE ADJACENT SHINS AND AT LEAST 1/2" SEAMING ON THE TRUSS TOP CHORDS AT ALL SU"QRTZD EDGES. FASTEN THE ROOF SHEATHING HITS MINIMUM 6d BAILS SPACED 4" O.C. EDGES AND BISLD TO ALL TRUSS TOP CHORDS. (S) INSTALL MIN. 15# FELT ON THE ROOF SHEATHING WITH 100% CEMENT COVERAGE AND AT LEAST A G" LAP ON ALL EDGES AND G,AI V . ROOFING XaLIIS SPACED 12" O.C. (4) INSTAl ROOF SHINGLES (SAME SHINGLES USED Ili OTHER AREAS OF ROOF) WITH A FUND OF 6 GAL.V, ROOFING NAILS PER SHINGLE. FOLLOW THE SHINGLE PLACEMENT AND FASTENER LOCATION INSTRUCTIOAS SPECIFI33D ON THE SHINGLE WRAPPER- SM-24 APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 II Y■ FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS kS x 7 =pus xzwlmz 7w iEiO+ur omq =TIM m as . TO �RXt X V E 1 ZWlZU- Sr IveAL A71D RF,dTBW 1'jmlr nrjm4Sxrr Tb !WE $OIXWc: _ (1)ZNXTALL PAWRL EpC,x CLI M AT .lab DDOP SREgiE= Im"is) LOCATM ALDVB 7ME TWSS immms. X=A28 11M- PANn CLIP AT THE APPiCXMA7Z C , OF WO/M BETWEEN UCs' pAME orDW=?$L>,SSi►S, IF A•I'PLi. (2) INS%= MIN. 15* FMT OW THE RMY SWA'IM= WIT.0 I ].00I~ =fEgr CDW=E AND AT ITAST A 6" UP ON AIZ, ! 7MW5 AND GAL.V. AWFIIl1G NA3 .S SFJA= 12" o.C., (3) ntST r•r. gppF SSXN=S (SM Sil'IPCL= •Mn IN aTm8 AREAS OF RODF) InTB b UtNIMM OF 6 1GV. Uoorl= XAJELS r= SHrACL$ (MM 2= FA9Yt; It > tntnoW DE7G1n ON Blaw). EQL' i 7E StUMU PI4E;i3tWNT AND IRSTAL- LA9TOR ZNsTEWTIMS SPRCIprU ON = SHINGLE "AFP£8. APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 INFA INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS e � lot U o z� o U c N M U \ Zv w O w UN y! Ir pH JO\0 G w = in V) z�� m a w � J U F C� Z-. 3 aw a� �(n�� LLI Z�ol liN� NO w ¢ ¢ M O�~Z F I z m p w O U CCD J = F�"� vZ maw Q =W �wU) pa JLLIwd Sm (yJ 3: w- ¢ N J>(n (n Q aW F� �O OJ - 3= 1 p OZ j p �� \ W QQ F J O �Z OW�N� JW WZLLI a� Z = a �o pLIJm mz ON NUCkf �O Jp O OVpH �p 2(nU(n c=> Uz a W Z W Z ~DZC� a �5 Cl.o� (n3 apz LUWW aZw ap i;i~w3 Z rn oL x (9C9UQL OZ 0mxw ZZ�p N¢ ZFWp ~ x0 w� QQ zH N aZ ww¢(/> ~ MO pp MJ p OW gLLI �Z oa Z WZ- ZN = W aF x U N J W < oOW aZ So lfl e e CU �_ N \ Z 5 \ \\j111*II M ZMWO \\\ Ng N NmQ !y W p _yl W o # F nla \ O 2 •\ i I \ 4. N ftJ\ W ?y o~ 0- m o F- ¢ W 00 W _ W Z Z �\ U a O c' a zy U} O 00 v z z \ F- cn Ld o � o ¢ Ewa a` � to 0 J Z- C Q wN3 W0W�Z \� LLA � ¢ 0<:�z Z F-DwQ ZJO— ~ W N O \ z W J a a U ZO 0 W JZN 3 O WZS CLVW)�Iai L, lL \\ WV' CY Q' C9 � p N O W J \\ Z W QQ \1 O 00 Wo O = 6w x N oz7x m NoJ W3 a C� (n o o 0� a U OFF O U¢ 2 J a w W Ir WOWS O Z a¢Z WOK F- OxZO J p KW l,] WaO w = Z WNz��zN� <OocNi Q ¢ ln3t�� Vi�a"Uw W N °*.:D w ~ N g~J�16ZN ZlaiN(nJ N J N J S W W Z c D 0 Q J a ao z n �n?3NOSv>o zaF�3 (/� ¢ NUpZ = Cl Z W��D �QSO� (n aqa�� aWW F� O IyJFwa Z Noa3 a-ii93-1L, uii?�acn W lal a [e op o w X F\W Zlil Z MZzO2 —W W--fn aaa 3aoaQ V1 m a� � 0 � N W � = O N N � 3u- N Z O_Uio O oz �J� �oN � � � Nam Z p � � - �ao � W M�M F+�1 N H Z w z � N C.'1 Y w ^ y �Up Y w N 7 zo c� to � Q NJW Z�F J W W W J — J_ Q O Q U � � U J N Q W M Z Z 0 W ¢'- Nz U N Z O Z W l7 z N W w Z zp C3 0 H (n zz3 .-i I Z 2 A vUH >'` O D Lo HZ0 OZOL) 3LJD �.W tY aim =� a.D Qc3 ZoN • Q QQ~ v LLI w X' o Q, W M= W= ?U�zoQ= �I 3 W ~a IL t~ii¢v XQNQU �W M W ¢ Q V) 00 W Y F] W l' WOW U ..i�Z. ��OJ -j (U (U N F N X �1 W !Y ¢ LLI W W 2 ¢ Lj W X¢JU W Pq LL, D Z Z z O W + 0JQ �O xNNla�0 N�<L'I �i q V) UAfa~N V)IL Z I } H Q lO D � Q 5 --1 �I H ID w .. C� Z_ Iz Z LO W N m LL\a y m O I^ V/ V)=- = y (Z m F w l D 4\fi O Z N 6 \ % 5 nW I'� W 0 � J J z _ C3 O a z \ O l7 G] O `� W Z M O 0 M (n U H N \ W z p W W � O H J- U W O UNOZm v, o� a�oJ 3 0 ((ni)o�00 LLJ jo 3 3 Go) A ZWI- o pqz �I��a ~(n00 L ZN v0 00M ~ ZV) ZyQZV) ¢� 0 0 OLLJ W 0Q NNW" z LLj W OV1Hd Vir H V) O �_ ~0- 0-~ ^ WZ(n-¢z XLLI (n0 W WO WO <0J<0-1 O y _N J��� <M U�wNWN L,Z¢L`.Z¢¢ N j/ y• o W3w� "Z Luz~Zoo L`YV)10- ((,o) t 1WQ �. Oo DQ . JONNZ (�jvMMvW O �_� 0�� ILL OJN H00Z�Z x cj' \ X Q' \ J -0 C LL M� W� 0- O W W � W I F--W',�2 m =y W �z J W NUjNZ zw OdX03X= as 0En < DO Z�ZZr7� UdaUOQQ L' W W > =z Q WZ a0� ON QWOOWco Of a-Z NZ Q,OL70.J 0 �� Qz~W LLZ NNOD0NW dU.�,3U�} ZZ?w Zn OWMJWMv d ua,1= �ZW�ZM Q LLLL) cl: NQ �3zZ3� 0 0 M J 3 � a � � N w LL N O w a� 3u- F� N Z OUio c&� O Z �J^ �oN W � ��rn > Lu E-( c~i> m z o N � - a O 1M�1 U � O � w 1+1 � H Z W W w J � z Y � N=���in1 AWN �o �=`L "� WAN U' N � �u Q (nJW to Z�� J W W soma W J = J � Q O DUJ(n Q U 2 F- 0 1 w J J J D W X W Z W I Z z w H I U) w LL 0 I z Z Z H N I } W JJJ Cn W (� W W LL - i Zoo OIL Q 2 z Z 0 � U) 2 2 2 c 000 0 W W W W, I J J J J 7 aaa ar F- HF HX U U U U c ZZZ Z() Lo W W W W H F- H F- zo WW W W W W z mH— U 0 0't Q WZN LL Q w Q o W Z w J U J wW Q Om U I— 0 Z o Z W 0 = W m 0 W 2 2 2 W Q 2 H C W J Z Uw C7 2 Z Y 0 UO LU 02 0~ �Q w @) z W WLU CcCo U)LLM Cn0Z2 o Q H O m �3:p0 LU ~Z XU aocnmU w m O �00 C/) co m— Z H J ~Qapd 0 �Q CV Z 2U J�U)H�(9 ''..N 2CnQ W x 2 Z_ 2 0_ r ~ W 3� �q IZ Q >- X V O W M J N 2M JIQL r—N �X QOzcrX M I H?W fD IJT ZJ U I - I- LU Z:�� I-UOO z0 >- Cnz�°0> (9 z I-L 0 0 2 W J J H Z 2 0 U Q W v 2 J U 0 W 0 W F- 2 0 0 Z m m w U (n D cr F- J Q U_ FL } c a o CD Cts N 6 i .0 • 'd •— -o (0 N C Q d fC N .0 U i C Q y E N C co a N C E N ,o O a, C -aQ m ay 3 � N o m �, r O -6 C d N N O_ O N CL E u N C -00 T E >� Q wN D' N C CO C O 0 0 y E E O O to 8 m U Cppaci��aoi dam 'a .O � N •.C—O O � U cn U C U ,� N C N N co O O ._ U .-. U .o a'� rn O L) c6 N O O to � — N O N— a C d N is N C i C '5, O O (0 C> U N p d � tC a) j> co N N OO L o E E moot E a7i2 �' t W N CO N O .r O E N ,= Q "cz f6 5 p -O C N 'O 6 N > N N U N - E CO O- o) D_ N LO C) Q >, O 'o E 7 L N RS Q 2 =3cDw mo 'an)Eo !Ea d N_ to c u) .-� m to i >O i> 0. C O E O O �o y 0 (6 0 0 0 .-. O O C C �.4 a,m t�UO N U- C Z a N O O C N o w 0 r C� rivui cc z Figure 4.1- Using a water level v Figure 4.2 - Using a bubble level {recommended areas to check for leveling a home TYPICAL ENDWALL -\ TYPICAL SIDEWALL NOTE: CHECK AREA'C' VERTICALLY ALONG THE SIDEWALL APPROVED BY TMANU10/17/2016 FACTUREDNC. HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS TYPICAL MARRIAGE WALL SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND \\,- MATING LINE INSTALLATION MANUAL BY- 111t DAJOHN P. HOMES, INC. DTE. 10/07/08 P.O. BOX 11: REV: N/A WAYCROSS GA 31503 Chapter 4 - Setup Procedures NUMSHt SM-28 Figure 4.3 - Proper Jacking Procedures CROSSMEWBER/OUTRIGGER LOCATION MAIN 1-BEAM REARMOST SPRING HANGER— IIII IIII L fx4'xle BLOCK MN2WAgBLOCK TYPICAL JACK uxTPMA 1 16 \ FRONT HEM SIDE NEW MAW REARMOST SPRING MAIN i—BEANS MIN. 2707AB' BLOCK _uI -"_ 1 _ I JI k 1 i 'k / NO A)U-< Starting with one side, place first jack just forward of the front spring hanger under main I -Beam and the second jack just next to the rearmost spring hanger. Note: Always locate jacks on or near as possible where crossmember are connected to main I-beam. Minimum TWO jacks per I-beam. PARTY APPROVAL: 11 APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MIN. Z)WX 8' FRONT SPRING HANGER- �1_ FRONT SPRING HANGER WN. 2'x4'x1 r MANUAL ScatB'lt oATr^ 10HN P. HOMES, INC. 20/07/08 £.O. BOX 1189 REV: N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 JACK Chapter 4 - Setup Procedures MJMBER: SM-29 DOUBLEWIDE ON -SITE FASTENING MAXIMUM 9'-0' SIDEWALL AND MAXIMUM 4.36/12 ROOF PITCH WITH MONOPITCH TRUSSES OOF SHTG SS RIDGE BEAM CEILING BOARD ROOF FASTENING NOTE: .131" X 1-1/2" NAILS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE 8D COM NAILS IN THE STEEL STRAP INSTALLATIONS ON A ONE—TO—ONE BASIS (E.G., 9-8D COM NAILS MAY BE REPLACED WITH 9—.131" X 1-1/2' NAILS); SELECT THE APPROPRIATE FASTENER TO PREVENT WOOD SPLITTING FLOOR DECKING S RIM JOIST FLOOR JOIST l :J FLOOR FASTENING WIND ZONE 1 (15 PSF) P CONTINUOUS WOOD BLOCKING EACH HALF (MAY BE FULL HEIGHT RIDGE BEAM —NOT SHOWN) OQ #10 x 4" WOOD SCREWS 8" O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* OR 5/16" X 4" LAG SCRWS 16" O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* O26GA. x 1-1/2" STEEL STRAP LOCATED ABOVE TRUSSES SPACED AT MAXIMUM OF 96" O.C. FASTENED AT EACH END WITH: (10) 15GA. x 1-1/2" STAPLES OR (9) 8D COM NAILS OR (6) #10 x 1-1/2" WOOD SCREWS IN LIEU OF® AND O ABOVE MAY INSTALL A CONTINUOUS 30 GA. x 6" MINIMUM STEEL ROOF CAP OVER 15# FELT WITH: (2) #10 x 1-1/2" SCREWS EACH TRUSS AT 16" O.C. OR (3) #10 x 1-1/2" SCREWS EACH TRUSS AT 24" O.C. ROOF FASTENING FLOOR FASTENING CROSS SECTION OS #10 x 4" WOOD SCREWS 10" O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* OR 5/16" X 4" LAG SCRWS 18" O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* OT 26 GA. x 1-1/2" STEEL STRAP SPACED (a� 32" O.C. WITH 4-8D COM NAILS OR 3—#10 x 1-1/2 WOOD SCREWS EACH END OR (b) 1-26 GA. x 1-1/2" STEEL STRAP 48" O.C. WITH 6-8D COM NAILS OR 4—#10 x 1-1/2" WOOD SCREWS EACH END OR (c) 1-26 GA. x 1-1/2" STEEL STRAP 72" O.C. WITH 9-81) COM NAILS OR 6—#10 x 1-1/2" WOOD SCREWS EACH END (ALL FASTENERS MUST PENETRATE INTO FLOOR JOISTS) NOTE: BOTTOM BOARD NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. HOLES IN BOTTOM BOARD MUST BE PATCHED WITH A VINYL TAPE DESIGNED FOR REPAIRING TEARS AND HOLES. * NOTE: ADJUST FASTENER LENGTHS FOR ANY GAPS BETWEEN THE MODULES TO OBTAIN THE SAME PENETRATION AND FILL ALL THE GAPS WITH SPF LUMBER OR PLYWOOD BEFORE INSTALLING THE FASTENERS. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS SCOTBILT HOMES ///'// a Kq I'rf �RTIFICq f'? P i APPROVED BY LTR: BY: DATE NIA WK 2/15/06 NoUD33B41 # IN10/17/2016 N/A WK 10/6/09 DOUBLE WIDE CONNECTIONS STATE OF µ�}] PO\ p�R G //�� IAI�• FIELD INSTALLED N/A WK 1/28/10 DRAWN BY: TC DAP1A NO.: S U — Z i y4.(�yJ�11/ FEDERAL MANUFACTURED, ROOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 1/28/10 DATE: 2/4/05 SC: N.T.S. D9 SM-30.2 F SHTG SS DOUBLEWIDE ON -SITE FASTENING RIDGE BEAM CEILING BOARD ROOF FASTENING FLOOR DECKING S RIM JOIST FLOOR JOIST FLOOR FASTENING WIND ZONE 2 & 3 OCONTINUOUS WOOD BLOCKING EACH HALF (MAY BE FULL HEIGHT RIDGE BEAM —NOT SHOWN) O#10 x 4" WOOD SCREWS 8" O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* OR 5/16" X 4" LAG SCRWS 16" O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* @26GA. x 1-1/2" STEEL STRAP LOCATED ABOVE v TRUSSES SPACED AT MAXIMUM OF 96" O.C. IN ZONE 2 AND 80" O.C. IN ZONE 3 FASTENED AT EACH END WITH: (10) 15GA. x 1-1/2" STAPLES OR (6) 8D COM NAILS OR (5) #10 x 1-1/2" WOOD SCREWS IN LIEU OF ® AND © ABOVE MAY INSTALL A CONTINUOUS 30 GA. x 6" MINIMUM STEEL ROOF CAP OVER 15# FELT WITH: �2) #10 x 1-1/2" SCREWS EACH TRUSS AT 16" O.C. OR 3) #10 x 1-1/2" SCREWS EACH TRUSS AT 24" O.C. 126191ay1901ilk 11fEel Ia116100Z1.Vawl IiEel CROSS SECTION OS #10 x 4" WOOD SCREWS 10" O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* OR 5/16" X 4" LAG SCRWS 18" O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* OT 26 GA. x 1-1/2" STEEL STRAP SPACED 32" O.C. WITH 5-81) COM NAILS OR 4—#10 x 1-1/2" WOOD SCREWS EACH END OR 1-26 GA. x 2-1/2" STEEL STRAP 48" O.C. WITH 8-8D COM NAILS OR 7—#10 x 1-1/2" WOOD SCREWS EACH END. (ALL FASTENERS MUST PENETRATE INTO FLOOR JOISTS) NOTE: BOTTOM BOARD NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. HOLES IN BOTTOM BOARD MUST BE PATCHED WITH A VINYL TAPE DESIGNED FOR REPAIRING TEARS AND HOLES. * NOTE: ADJUST FASTENER LENGTHS FOR ANY GAPS BETWEEN THE MODULES TO OBTAIN THE SAME PENETRATION AND FILL ALL THE GAPS WITH SPF LUMBER OR PLYWOOD BEFORE INSTALLING THE FASTENERS. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS SCOTBILT HOMES xA � kf,P% ` �RSiFccq F .p i APPROVED BY LTR: BY: DATE, N/A WK 2/15/06 ' No 0*33841 1* _ N/A WK 10/6/09 DOUBLE WIDE CONNECTIONS STATE OF A,IN I Nn G � � 1410/17/2016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HONE FIELD INSTALLED DRAWN BY: TC DAPIA NO.: CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS S U- Z 2 3 10/6/09 DATE: 1/28/96 SC: N.T.S. REF. CALC # 2-5/11 /06 S M -31 .1 FASTENERS: UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, ALL FASTENERS ON THIS DRAWING SHALL BE 16ga_ x 7/16" x 1-1/2" STAPLES. FASTENERS ARE TO BE DRIVEN INTO FRAMING MEMBERS, STARTER STRIP: FASTEN STARTER STRIP TO UNIT AT 8" O.C. CORNER POSTS: ALLOW APPROXIMATELY 1 /4" CLEARANCE AT TOP END. FASTEN IN CENTER OF SLOTS AT APPROXIMATELY 12" O,C. HORIZONTAL SIDING: SNAP FIRST (BOTTOM) COURSE INTO THE STARTER STRIP. FASTEN IN CENTER OF SLOTS AT 16" O.C. OVERLAP PIECES ON THE SAME COURSE APPROXMATELY 1". OVERLAPS MUST BE FROM REAR TO FRONT ASSUMING THE HOME IS TO BE TOWED FROM FRONT. SEE DETAIL "A". TOP COURSE: IF NEEDED, TOP COURSE MAY NEED TO BE TRIMMED IN ORDER TO FIT. USING A PUNCH, CUT SLOTS IN THE TRIMMED PANEL AND FASTEN IN CENTER OF THE SLOT AT 16" O.C. TOP TRIM: INSTALL TOP TRIM OVER TOP COURSE @ 16" O.C. DOORS: INSTALL i-CHANNEL ALONG VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL EDGES OF DOOR OPENINGS. THE J-CHANNEL ABOVE THE OPENINGS SHOULD EXTEND OVER THE SIDES. NOTCH AND BEND DOWN THE TABS ON THE J-CHANNEL OVER THE DOORS. SEE DETAIL "B". WINDOWS: IF WINDOWS DO NOT HAVE A VINYL RECEIVING FLANGE, THEN INSTALL J-CHANNEL USING SAME METHOD AS DOORS LISTED ABOVE. APPROVED BY I ftft NF 1R0I/17/2A016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME ONSTRUCiION AND SAFETY STANDARDS DETAIL 'A' DETAIL 'B' SETUP INSTRUCTIONS F., I1 Dol INSTALLATION MANUAL HOMES, INC. DATE ' 10/07/08 P_O. BOX 1189 REV, WAYCROSS, GA 31503 N/A Chapter 4 - Setup Procedures SM-32 Tiedowns The following pages of this chapter pertain to typical tiedown installation. Please refer to the page(s) pertaining to the size, configuration, and wind zone location of the unit to beset. . Ground anchors must be installed in accordance with their listing or certification, be installed to their full depth, be provided with protection against weather deterioration and corrosion at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 oz./ft.' of surface coated and be capable of resisting a minimum ultimate load of 4,725 lbs. and a working load of 3,150 lbs., as installed. The foundation and anchoring specifications referred to in this manual are not designed to address flood or seismic hazard areas. Periodically, you should check for releveling of the home, and tensioning of the tie -down straps. (2) Tie -down straps. A 11/4 inch x 0.035 inch or larger steel strapping conforming to ASTM D 3953-97, Standard Specification for Strapping, Flat Steel and Seals, Type 1, Grade 1, Finish B, with a minimum total capacity of 4,725 pounds (lbs.) and a working capacity of 3,150 pounds (lbs.) must be used. The .tie -down straps must be provided with protection against weather deterioration and corrosion at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30oz./ft.1 of surface coated. Slit or cut edges of coated strapping need not be zinc coated. This manual may include tiedowns with higher working loads. Please refer to details for those special requirements. SETUP APPROVED BY INSTRUCTIONS ON10/000 ri 17/2016 AND Chapter 5 - I n 'C. Tiedowns FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME INSTALLATION `CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS MANUAL qrnm Ilt DATE:JOHN P. DRAWING NUMBER: FEOMES, INC. 10/07/08 S M - 3 3 P,O, BOX 1189 RFy; WAYCROSS GA 31503 NSA TI-FICAL D LEWID 11 INSTALyLATIC N (STANDARD TIEDOWN INSTALLAT3CNN — -NOT AT SHCAR WALLS) UAND ZONE 1 amw III awr ,lb mp , 11AiRii & ma DR i sm Flcs R3Gc 9mm OF S :& RiM SPOMM ORI 4r N VMFa WAN VMMcaL IEDNN snWM AM Of Iw slr-6-3 BM HALV£S AT'W SAME LOCQK COGIMT fLCMCUP is �x.R�E MEDG HORCM&nX RNSAStL AtL GROUM ANCroR ORME ANWOM BELOW U � - +wi, vomcwff As SHDifN h= ANOW FDR ME GMD(Nb ANUMM F� alRs s�Ra� nw} _ L ELF AT S`FRFM WUjL MMW_ L JEDOWK N pLL A FRAME IEDOW SVAP AT A SPACBM MR 70 E79CELD 7HE V/AIVE SP91FIED OIL-DRMM40 SE-0—S. s DLS,TAIL VER'RRCU_ 71EDCM-SiRAFS RRDOM SECI7HE VERWAL 7ImD smws - i# 6ROtI r ARVMCRS AT epmw wins WIFE[ Tw opmw vam =as 4ir * MU. AM;M FAM BRACE TO FAAfE TiERY�t $' w To BE dams iLaca� sAmtAID AHL*i0R A8 I MUM TO 05TAEN mum ANGLE} . [tom MMMFED Ifs ON OBER DRAIYHM, All 7EDOW S7RRWS AMD GFMW ANCHORS aK 7H6 BRA1W= AM N ADINVO 1 TO IM IEDCVM SIRAM AND G RMW ANCHM RE W RM AT 1HE SREAR WALM TMRD PARTY APPROVED BY 44 $p ppj361E ; yt Z _ 10/17/2016 .c� s9aEOF lrll"I INCOR CONSM-ON MD SAIE-D- F]Cf PT .AT SF£AR INUL Nuav L iEDOVWE�, NG- L A, FRAME llMQW MW AT EAW MMOCA .. IEDOGN LOCK110I1 An CONMECT TIE FR.W 7EDOW SDRAP TO Im S%W DOt1gf.E HEAD WOW MCi A5 7HE 9ERWAL 140M SRRaP C FAM SMEWML} ALL 71f R TROS AID UNNSCMM KAfM*PW MUST l F� EW A'PRMTSOMAL aIGNEER OFR A RECDCMZM IESIM LABORAT" 10 ADEQUA7$T sUPPM A AUMABLE LOAD IiR M &UM 71E LOAD 4 MID/DR W QOWLT MOH AMM ft 2 AXL 6ROLMD ANCHORS- ON 7Hi4 DRAma BUST' BE tER'RMED BY A P 06fAA. OWNEER OR A EN300CHOW 7L° ms LABWAMM 70 IBC RIELT =PFW A 31W Al ERNE WRIDINVIL LOW W 4. KM KTE LO 47 WHENIOAM WIN PARFUM WRI IM ANCHOR SHAR"[ AND AT A 4F A UE FROM ZHE ANCHOR SHAM 3. VAL GMUND ABHORS *?I= BE BGTX tED 7O INOR FRLL DEFTH MJ ACCDEW2CE VM 7W MARMFACK066 IFS 0& APPROVED FM WALCA710N 0 VE SO L TOE MCH GIs AT ME SRIE, E10 MID MiSi RHO EELM IM FRWi LN E JM. HE; AT LEASF 1Y ADM 7HE MAIM MUXE. 4, AU CF40LM ANOIDRS CtMAMMED TO 7HE ALL FRA►RE - Tamo NS LaW eE P ROOM RI1m STABRJM PLA7ES'T :aw nlcl a :.. SW _ FI-2- ..": TYPICAL SINGLEWIDE TIEDOWN INSTAL1-.ATIaN (STANDARD TIEDOWN INSTALLA-130N -- NOT AT SHEAR WALLS) HEIGHT FROM GRADE TO TOP OF STEEL BEAM SPECIFIED ON DWG SW-G-3 1-1/4" x .035° TIFDOMifI+l STRAP (TYP) -STANDARD CHASSIS PIER (TYP) GROUND ANCHOR (TYPICAL) WIND ZONE 1 (15 PSI-) » (TYP) TIEDOWN STRAP (TY EXCEPT AT SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWNS. INSTALL A FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP AT EACH VERTICAL TIEDOWN LOCATION AND CONNECT THE FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP TO THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR AS THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAP (TYP EACH SIDEWALL) FRAME TIEDDWN STRAPS (TYP) INSTALL A FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP AT A SPACING NOT TO EkCEED THE VALUE SPECIFIED ON DRAWING SW-G-3. 90' FOR ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED To SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS (TYP) UNLESS SPECM OTHERWISE ON OTHER DRAWINGS. ALL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING ARE IN ADDITION TO THE TIED o STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS REOLARED AT THE SHEAR WALLS. P.E. SEAL bb"ama N INC- ��LN 0'9,6,'0 5 THIRD PARTY APPROVED BY ON 10/17/2016 INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 1. ALL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY 70 ADEQUATELY SLRPORT A 3150f ALLOWABLE LOAD MINNUM (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725# MINIMUM) AND/OR TO COMPLY WITH ASTM D3953-91. 2. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRA'MNG MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150f ALLOW/ABLE WITHDRAWL LOAD MIN. (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725f FAIN.) WHEN LOADED BOTH PARALLEL WITH THE ANCHOR SHAFT AND AT A 45` ANGLE FROM THE ANCHOR SHAFT_ 3. THE GROUND ANCHORS MUST BE INSTALLED TO THEIR FULL DEPTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS (IG. APPROVED FOR INSTALLATION IN THE SOIL TYPE WHICH E)OSTS AT THE SITE. ETC_) AND MUST EXTEND BELOW THE FROST UWE AND BE AT LEAST 12! ABOVE THE WATER TABLE 4. ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED TO THE SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH STABILIZER PLATES TO MINIMIZE HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT. REVISIONS BY- I DAM- SCOTBILT HOMES CH DRANK B)� TO I DAPIA No.: SW_EI-1 DATE 2/4/05 5C: N.T.S.. S" -35 TY-FICAL DOLBLLEIVIDE TIEDCUN NSTALL ATION (STANDARD T€EDOWN € STALLA110N — NOT AT NEAR WALLS) WIND ,ACNE 2 d 3 II+I:i7AL1., %UMCAL IM)OIEFI-STRAPS ANbfOR SEMW INE TOP 11� iII=I3MW STRAPS TO GE? KI ANCHORS AT EACH FROM t.TtllI1E 7D F-� 5IEtW=1[7C P UARRtA9X V ALL CPO" SW FM S EXCE HIM 3- BEAM 48" IM VADTLL MW 1A:RDCAt, TEDOW SERAPS AIL IN BOTH HALVES AT THE SAME LOGAMO+I COMM € BDTH 5"IEiIcPS Tii TIE .SALE Ilk HEAD ANC.HM Will RADWS (Tw) I Q94ZAL DN � JNSTALL ALL, f3�IID albw AMCHMS HIM MARF9AGE WALL V!F]YI1rMff AS SHOW DAI;IC FoR AIL WMW ANCHORS W BEL[7111 AGE CaNIt£C>I$ W SIEIEVMILL FTC Ti1QID91iiS LINE VILNiMi -OF EAp#A f�TEDDUG N Pat DVD SW-,r Z (1W) .To mmEED im DiSfANCE SPEcom am mA14GLfG S1Y--G-3r COMNXT 1W SWfAPS LMI EACH STEEL BEAK TO IW SAM DOUBLE liFW CIO ANC3i0R.(7YP EACH IIALF) �'i AT SITAR 8fAL1. VERTICAL 7lEnD1�. EIiSiAU: A BUADBAL. FRAME 7IEDONli STRAP AT EAC.4• VERTICAL T1FW&I LWATION AND CONNECT THE FRAME 18MON STRAP To ME SAME DD,I.E•WAD Mol W A AS THE VfAll. 7EUOMRt STRAP (TYP EACH MEWMIJ GENEfgodL NQ�' . INS?i4i!-11F MM& IEDM STRAPS AND/OR SEaW 7HE - ttEIiTICAL TIED W STRAPS TO GR ND ANCHORS AT 'L. ALL TIEDOAM WKWS AND CM4SClM HANDWAM, MUST' OPENING SUDS SHEN "Hit LNG WIN MMEWS 41r CERTIFIED BY A PHIAL EWNEFA OR A REMMM AND AF A SPACNG MDT-10 0=0 IM YAElJl: 7t2SM4 LAOORKMIRY 70 ADEQM7E LY SE.IPPMT A 315pa SPECIFIED 0" DRAV= SK-G^3, ALLDWABLE LORD MISAIM (WOMAIE LOAD 4725f KNVli W NOTE LT &l= SPECK3ED 01HERIESE ON WfIER WAIMMM ALL 74EDOWN STRAPS AND GRDEW ANCHORS SPECIPW Oil TM DRAYWIIr AVE III ADWWR ID %W iED0y&I STRAPS AHD GROM AMPS KMED AT ME SHEAR WAtLri li THIRD PARTY APPROVED BY �fV�r OQiY ] i� : K 10/ 17/2016 IN A ; INC. r NONE NANDFAND RIDSAFETY CONSTFEDERAL CONSTRIICFION AND SAFETY STANDARDS AND/U t TO MJPLY'IM ASIM DWW- 9L 2. ALL QWDW MqW0RS SPECIFIED ON IM DRAWING MAST BE CERIFIED BY A PRAFESSCNAL EIRGNE:iit OR A RFC 7MIM LASMAWKY TD ADEWATELY SWPMT A 315" ALLOWABLE 1I HIDRAWAL LOAD (LI MMAIE UMD, 4725f) LEL WHEN LOADED -AT A 4T ANGLE FROM IM ANCIXR WAFT AND A 40001 ALLA WWLE VTIIIpLt ML LOAD (LRJ WIA LOAD 60©OP)MI 1. VNM LOB PARR lEL 101M ANCHM SHAPE a 7W GRMW ANCHORS AM BE USTALM 10 7HEIR RJLL DEM IN AECOMM ICE VM THE NANUFAC7URM WSiRECTICUS (M APPROYM FM 66DU 4WN IN IIIE SOL i WE MOM E XISIS Al THE SI7E< M) AND kK= I7CTCW SOW THE FFWn L>bIE AND E£ AT LEAST W AWME 1W WAIER TABLE, 4. ALL GRMM ANCHORS COH+ECI® 7D THE FRAME IIED094S WJST BE PROVIDED 1ITMi STA81Cl2Fli PLAiE'S TO LWOMM H0RIZ3ffAL MOVEAIE G REVISION --�� IDAM N k 3 VERTICAL TIFDOWN ANCHOR WIND ZONES 1, 2 & 3 TIEDOWN RADIUS CLIP NOTES: 1. RADIUS CUP MUST BE INSTALLED ON ALL MAR. WALL Ir VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHORS, LONGITUDINAL ANCHORS, FLANGE CLIPS AND BEAM FLANGES AS NOTED BELOW 2. INSTALLER TO FABRICATE RADIUS CLIP BY PLACING STRAIGHT 3" LENGTH OF 1-1/4" x .035" TIEDOWN STRAP IN ANCHOR SLOT AND MANUALLY BENDING THE STRAP TO THE CONFIGURATION SHOWN OR PLACING THE STRAP AGAINST STEEL BEAM FLANGE EDGE AND MANUALLY BENDING THE STRAP TO THE SHAPE AS SHOWN. INSTALL RADIUS CLIP FLANGE CLIP ON EACH CORNER RATED FOR CRIMP SEAL (TYP) MIN. 3150# ALLOWABLE LOAD j T❑ GROUND WRAP TIEDOWN STRAP STEEL BEAM ANCHOR AROUND STEEL BEAM AND CONNECT EACH END OF STRAP TO DOUBLE lu I HEAD GROUND ANCHOR TIEDOWN STRAP STEEL BEAM WITH RADIUS CLIP �( LOOPED THROUGH SLOT IN FLANGE CLIP r- GRADE FRAME DIAGONAL DOUBLE HEAD TIEDOWN GROUND ANCHOR STEEL FRAME FRAME VERTICAL TIEDOWN TIEDOWN STRAP CONNECTIONS P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS SCOTBILT HOMES ""It �"III�I. KAG¢4!/�/ - APPROVED BY LTR: BY: DATE WK 5/11/12 FT�a IF ICg T�'? 003841 10/17/2016 N A ANCHORAGE SYSTEM 'T"E'F NC. FIELD INSTALLED ��i�faffOH^ �.QIRK �V FEDERALMANUFACNREDHORIE CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS DRAWN BY: TC DAPIA NO.: SW-F1 -4 5/11/12 DATE: 2/4/05 1 SC. N.T.S. SM-36A VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR RADI S CUP INSTALL RADIUS CLIP BETWEEN ANCHOR AND STRAP - TYP LOOP STRAP THROUGH SLOT IN VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR WIND ZONES 1, 2 & 3 TIEDOWN RADIUS CLIP N OTES: 1. RADIUS CUP MUST BE INSTALLED ON ALL MAR. WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHORS, LONGITUDINAL ANCHORS, FLANGE CLIPS AND BEAM FLANGES AS NOTED BELOW 2. INSTALLER TO FABRICATE RADIUS CLIP BY PLACING STRAIGHT 3" LENGTH OF 1-1/4" x .035" TIEDOWN STRAP IN ANCHOR SLOT AND MANUALLY BENDING THE STRAP TO THE CONFIGURATION SHOWN. VERTICAL ANCHOR VERTICAL ANCHOR IN ONE HALF IN BOTH HALFS EDGE OF FLOOR VERTICAL ANCHOR LOOP STRAP THROUGH SLOT IN VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR W/ RADIUS CUP (SEE DETAIL ABOVE) AND CONNECT EACH END OF STRAP TO DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR (IF ANCHORS IN EACH HALF OCCUR - AT THE SAME LOCATION, LOOP STRAP THROUGH BOTH ANCHOR SLOTS W/ RADIUS CUPS IN EACH HALF AND CONNECT EACH END OF STRAP TO DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR) TO DBL HEAD GROUND ANCHOR MARRIAGE WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR STRAP CONNECTIONS P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS SCOTBILT HOMES "%til�l"A" K�'*C'�i IF lCgr\'? ;I�4No0033841 STATE OF I.-" ' ��t J2 APPROVED BY I0/I7/2016 INC. FEDERAL NANDFACNREO HONE CONSTRUMON AND SAFETY STANDARDS LTR: BY: DATE ANCHORAGE SYSTEM FIELD INSTALLED DRAWN BY:TC DATE: 2/4/05 DAPIA NO.: SC: N.T.S. I SW- F1- 6 SM-36B SIDEWALL 1-1/4' X .035' DIAGONAL TIEDOWN SIDEWALL VERTICAL TIED❑WN C❑NNECTION ALL WIND ZONES SIDEWALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN BRACET \ TIEDOWN CONNECTS TO BRACKETS W/ OPTION 01 OR OPTION #2 METHOD VERTICAL TIEDOWN NOT REQUIRED IN ZONE 1 1-1/4' x .035' VERTICAL TIEDOWN DBL HEAD GROUND ANCHOR SIDEWALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN --" "-- C ELIXER 1-1/4' X _ STRAP 0 GROUND nPTTf1N RP THREADED BUCKLE C❑NNECTI❑N SIDEWALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN BRACKET (ELIXER BP-10) 1 1/4' X .035' TIEDOWN STRAP --*---APPROVED CRIMP SEAL ` RATED 800# ALLOWABLE LOAD TO GROUND ANCHOR ❑PTI❑N #1 CRIMPED SEAL C❑NNECTI❑N IEW TIEDOWN BUCKLE P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS SCOTBILT HOMES APPROVED BY LTR: BY: DATE: / No 00.33841 \ s ON ANCHORAGE SYSTEM _.I 1.= 10/17/2016 14,N FIELD INSTALLED DRAWN BY: TC DAPIA NO.: SU-CON /10/12 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HONE CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETYSTANDARDS DATE: 2/4/05 1 SC: N.T.S. SM-36C TYPICAL SINGLEWIDE TIEDOWN INSTALLATION (STANDARD TIEDOWN INSTALLATION - NOT AT SHEAR WALLS) WIND ZONES 2 & 3 HEIGHT FROM GRADE M TOP OF STEEL BEAM SPECIFIED ON DWG SW-0-3 1-1/4" x .035" TEDOWN STRAP (TYP) I f EXCEPT AT SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWNSr INSTALL . A FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP AT EACH VERTICAL TIEDOWN STANDARD CHASSIS LOCATION AND CONNECT THE FRAME MEDOWN STRAP TO PIER (TYP) � THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR AS THE ` VER`11cAL MOWN STRAP (TYP EACH SIDEWALL) N,-_ HORIZONTAL S -"-,INSTALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND/OR SECURE 114E GRADE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS TO GROUND ANCHORS AT GROUND ANCHOR OPENING STUDS WHEN THE OPENING WIDTH EXCEEDS 48" (TYPICAL) AND AT A SPACING NOT TO EXCEED THE VALUE 90' FOR All GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED SPECIFIED ON DRAWING SW--G-3. TO SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS (TYP) NOTE: UNLESS SPECIFIED 07HERWSE ON OTHER DRAWINGS, ALL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING ARE IN ADDITION TO THE TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS REQUIRED ,AT THE SHEAR WALLS. P.E. SEAL µun[un„ 4� !.�\`+LS�E i.,4sra`n r Mill I 9If7/OS THIRD PARTY GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENMEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# ALLOWABLE LOAD MINIMUM (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725# MINIMUM) . AND/OR TO COMPLY WITH AS-rM D3953-91. 2. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE CERTTFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725#) MIN. WHEN LOADED AT A 45' ANGLE FROM THE ANCHOR SHAFT AND A 4000f ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD GDOD#)MIN. WHEN LOADED PARALLEL TO THE ANCHOR SHAFT. 3. THE GROUND ANCHORS MUST BE INSTALLED TO THEIR FULL DEPTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS (IG. APPROVED FOR INSTALLATION IN THE SOIL -TYPE WHICH EXISTS AT THE SITE, ETC.) AND MUST EXTEND BELOW THE FROST LINE AND BE AT LEAST 12' ABDVE THE WATER TABLE. 4. ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED TO THE SIDEWALL FRAME TIEOOWNS MUST BE PROMDED 1WTH STABILIZER PLATES TO MIMIZE HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT. REVISIONS APPROVED BY Lilt ON 10/17/2016 INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS DATE SCOTBILT HOMES ANCHORAGE SYSTEM NEAR BEAD METHOD BY: TO I DAM 1I0.: S W-F1-1 Z 1/25/96 ISM WTS. Sn `3 T-)GU 3L ELLn E 5-F.Aig WALL TIEDCXN SYSTEM ND ZQt E 1 EYDEPT FOR FULL IM SWEAR 011.14• I1SMUM RAWBAGS WNf.1. FlW= 3>FOGW AM GRUIW ANCHC>it =711 SMW PLACED VEWWALY MMOM ANCHOR W/ RADIUS CLIP EDGE OF H�US� OR CHASES DEAM TEED UN STRAP 79DOM STRAP IMS'TAUA" DOUaZ WAD }UM AKM CGINWr # SOMM ON 7i W AWE SHM W111. 10 WOCI W MW OMER HALF PW (4) 010 x 7-=f2` =M AT FAM 13. FOR FULL IB1iW StEM WU- LOW ZJRAP. -MMM stet IN stet lvul +arncAt» 1t 1MICi�R AND f�C.`T F.Ati•1 ElME1 ZE1 DOE�E lIFJfQO AUICHiH� lILSTW ! P i DY) En6E im OPPO6yiE Si1EAR Wly- lh9l SHEAR VIXL IEWWES 0WR JOIST CKMEWSL /eiRtOWUIID IW[�m m wmw r OF Sim (i ICA1.) ii BEZDl1 EDGE i01$I (7wnl* ALL TIM M1 STRAPS AND CMIEMW HMMUW MIST LOW WRAP )PAF f RI SHM WALL MMWM 1:8twm ,Sy A Pk0F9sspliAt OxmiM OR A IRMONIZED TEWW ANCWR AM CQaE1CT EACH 1W 10 D[BBLE MUMBLE pie F Mnt 313-Y SUPPORT ORT AA A� WAD GRMM IIi1CHQR. 5FF DETA! A ABDI� A01M 70 CMIFLY VM ASW DWM-8L Ail. CROOM AID M MRS SFECIFIED OR 'tom DRAMW IWUST BE CDOWIM BY A PROFESSION& ENGROER OR A JEMOGNOM 7EM= LABORAMMY TO ADWAKOY SUKKI&T A 4GODO AU nre IN a WTFZWK 130A!) 181ALLWOW LOW tSOW WEN LOAM PARR M V= MCIM SEWr �ji13 1H,RD PARTY REIONS _ L• 1b BM zuCM _ .. • ()rtZ`'� - APPROVED BY 10i17i2016 INC HONE FOEHIIL UIOMANUFACTURED DSAFETY CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS MCHDRAGE SYSTEM HflDINSTALLM • ._. .•!•r _T..� REV XW SM-38 0 SINGLEWIDE SHEAR WALL TIEDOWN SYSTEM AND ZONE 1 (15 PSF) MDOWN ANCHOR W/ RADIUS CUP AGE OF HGUSE TIEDOWN STRAP DETAIL " GRADE MEDOWN STRAP INSTALLATION DOUBLE HEAD �GROLIND ANCHOR FOR FULL WIDTH SHEAR WALLS LOOP STRAP THROUGH �- SLOT IN SHEAR WALL VERXAL. TNEDOWN ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCWR. INSTALL FIER BEJDW 0GE JDIST OPPOSITE SHEAR WALL MEN SHEAR WALL TERMINATES OVER JOIST CM71LEVEZ bMw"NQ r4NCH%.M% INSTALL PIER WNW8" OF SHEAR t LTE NYP AL) WALL BELOW E1 E JOIST tTYP1GAL)_ ALL TIEDO'+II STRAPS ANU CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST LOOP SfRAF' T73RULCGH SLOT N SHEAR WAIL KCAL CE?ti FIM BY A PROFESSIONAL ENNGNEER OR A RECOGNM LjoOp i�1 ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END io D LL TESTING LABORAiC)RY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3'I F AD GROUND 14IdCIND _ SEE DETAIL "A" ABC3V� ALLOWABLE LOAD .NNIVIUid (ULTJNIATE LOAD +F72 MINIMUM) AhMff]R TQ COMPLY WITH ASR,IN W953--93. ALL GROUND ANDiORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE GERTIFIM BY A PROFESSIONAL, ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 4000# ALLOWABLE VMDRAWAL LOAD MIN.(ULITMATE LOAD 6000# MK) WHEN EDADED PARALLEL V47U ANCHOR SHAFT. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS �,u�aEpy� APPROVED BY LITE: Br.DATES S +-TILT HOMES ]0i]7i2076 ANCHORAGE SYSTEM INC. FIELD INSTALLED FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME %G CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS Br. TC I MAKA NOZ jug 9!6lB;S DAM- ZV41 S ISM N.ss. 5�---�—� 1- 4 D JBLEWIDE+ -EAR i,[J,4LL TIEDOUN SYSTEM F3MUT FOR FLU WOO SHE -AR WA" DWAL . CHASSIS VEWIM Fib MUM SMW OV9g STEEL BEAM AND CONK= F,AW 13,D TO A DOUBLE fiEAD WdWW ANcItM s" OF SFx WALL fie► � • '�- iy� � P F- JIC �i � l CM ECF 4 SMWS ON WIM AME SHEAR QML 10 SLALIONG N GVIM HALF SM (4) #to x S STRAP. FM FULL 11101 SHM WALM LC13P SWAP 1F1Ro=i SLW II, SWJR SUL YBt7 ML WDOW ANC,M ARC► C)MM CF EACIt END m Di71 U Mb &pOUW MMM3 R. --,., NMXL RIER BMW EDiE JOIST nPPaE M WiEAR M01E71 SEEAR NAM i ►lES OWER-JOI.ST CANILEYM GRMW ,udf,m nM I DS! a" OF SWAR ]a Ai j WALL BFLflw EDGE .IDIsi (TYPICALIL WOM ALL IE DOWL MMM AM CONNEC7110 11WO ttME MM 8S - LOf suw 7HmOtm a= IN SCAR VULL MR111 L CERTFED BY A PRMTGS06fAL 84GRER OR A RED i1F3iDid„ ,li1CFi7R Altli C MECT EAW END TO DOUBLE re6MM LA0OFtk7QRY 'M ADFXIUAIMLY StE"U AA 36 iiZW GRWW AttCI'{GIC. SEE O£I`AIL. A MBOW iFF(AtiWE LW 14IFIMki (LILTIIIM IM 0251 AND/OR 10 U PLY IM AMU 3-SL ALL MUND ANCHORS SPWF ED IN IM DRMI W WSr FC CERTI UM BY A PROMMONAI.. EMMUM OR A RECOMMM TES M t11B MTCRY M AE2QLKMLY SE i A 46W# AIMME mil. LOAD WQULflMAlE LOAD 1S. W AOL) iAWI LOUM PARALLEL W] ANCHM SHAFT P.E. SEAL TRIM PARTY REMSMS r �� ,✓� `� �f� �.fj: - _ •-� - DiA '��'--Y�.` r� - — APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 ON AINC. FEDERAL mnNUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS nam M.c4.a cE ..sue IF Br or #ANA on-- Fl Pm Y4 w�f. .�.1 I m-40 VERTICAL TIFDOWN ANCHOR WIND ZONES 1, 2 & 3 TIEDOWN RADIUS CLIP NOTES: 1. RADIUS CLIP MUST BE INSTALLED ON ALL MAR. WALL /2' VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHORS, LONGITUDINAL ANCHORS, FLANGE CUPS AND BEAM FLANGES AS NOTED BELOW 2. INSTALLER TO FABRICATE RADIUS CUP BY PLACING STRAIGHT 3" LENGTH OF 1-1/4" x .035" TIEDOWN STRAP IN ANCHOR SLOT AND MANUALLY BENDING THE STRAP TO THE CONFIGURATION SHOWN. INSTALL RADIUS CLIP BETWEEN ANCHOR ANDrRADIUS DGE OF FLOOR STRAP - TYP SHEAR WALL SHEAR WALL VERTICAL ANCHOR VERTICAL ANCHORLOOP STRAP THROUGH SLOT IN VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR AND STRAP THROUGH SLOTIN CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLECAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR W/ HEAD GROUND ANCHOR CUP (SEE DETAIL ABOVE) CONNECT EACH END OF STRAPOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR DOUBLE HEAD - GROUND ANCHOR TO DBL HEAD GROUND ANCHOR SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR STRAP CONNECTIONS P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS SCOTBILT HOMES " '%I%II IIttKq�"t� //� APPRDb�BI�"'® LTR: BY: DATE: 1 � ON _ i I/�No .3841 \l i� 1 1 0/1 01 L 7/2 1V 1NC_ ANCHORAGE SYSTEM STATE OF K �4Af A FIELD INSTALLED �C�R t FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME DRAWN BY: TC I DAPIA NO.: 5/10/12 CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS S W- F1- 7 DATE: 2/4/05 SC: N.T.S. I SM-40A I --SINGLEWID SMEAR WALL TIEDOWN .SYSTEM[. iN1D ZONES 3 GROUND AEIC "�-INSTAI L PIER WI7M Ti" OF. SHEAR: (TYPICAL) WALL BELOW EDGE JMT (TYPICAL). .LOOP STRAP TI-)ROUM SLOT IN SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDow 1 ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DW13LE HEAT) GROUND ANCHOR- SEE 'DETAIL "A" ABOVE. i . 71EDOVM ANCHOR Wj RADIUS -CUP EDGE OF HOUSE � Cp"NU0uS nEDOWN STRAP DET 1L "A." GRADE -TIEDOWN STRAP INSTALLAliON DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR FOR FULL tAdDTH 5T-AR WALLS LOOP STRAP THROUGH MOT iN S -EAR WALL VERTMAL 7TEDOWN ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBEE. HEAD GROUND ANCHOR - INSTALL PIER BELOW EDGE JDar OPPOSITE SHEAR WALL WHTAI SF1EAR WALL TERMINATES OVER JOIST GANMLEVEPL. NOTE. ALL TMo %N STRAPS AND CONNECTINR HARDWARE MUST CERTI FTD BY A PROFESS ONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABMAMRY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# ALLOWABLE LOAD UHMLA4 (MT MATE LOAD 4725# MINIM") AND/OR TO C061PLY WH ASTM D3953—g1- CERTIFIED 13YALL MO�A PROFESSIONAL ENMEERCHORS SPECIFIED ONSOR AA R COGMIZEQ TESTING LABORATORY T4 ADEauA7ELY SUPPORT A 4000# ALLOWABLE v4'IHDRAWAL LOAD MIN-(11LTIMIkTE LOAD GOOD# MIN.) WREN LOADED PARALLEL W17H. ANCHOR SHAFT. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY RE\ASIONS 5�+ �L� HOMES Ju%kp ��r' APPROVED BY LVi. H1: E3AiE ANCHORAGE s�i'TE�1/� 10/17/2016 12 . ANC00o. NEAR BEAM METHOD pyei[ BY TO DAMA NM: - SW-FI-3A �' G�� �}y FEDERAL NANUFQCFURED NONE CONSTRUMON AND SAFETY STANDARDS DRY ¢ 9J5llu S-41 - . ?Y'IGALD US! EWIDE TIEMAW } L I' 1qT NDTE: FOR TRIPLEMDE OR LARGER DESIMS INSTALL ALL THE VERTICAL TIEDOWNS AT EACH SHEARWALI, SIDEWALL AND MARRIA0E WALL AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAVANQ STANDARD VERTCAL WDOUNS AIM, AMENZED ON EACH SIDE aF OWNS GWAIM THAK 4tr Ii VM CriPICAL EACH 3DENALL t K. ll NAdW W KDRUM rMSM MkME TERM alms AGRM SWOMALL DISTAFIC= emu. 'm 1/2 THE Inc la ItI { s � tie �iF' FLOUBi � FAGi =carirr AT FACH FMglfrsrr } DWALL SW.A6UltL WRI CAL WDMW ATMW IF'EACH SFFJd MEL AS S iM �� DOU EFRM FLOOR SHt]'dN 5�fitA� FCk OLim1C +W) UMM FRAME IEDMN VnM 2' 2 DF EM (IF nPUP CM EACH StaL WALL AT EACH E►POMIJ E>CUT FIR FLIL VADIN Sty a Zl.'S. Df.SVZL SHIM WEAY pOSM 70 ME MANU CE IFA7.L Sam S tEm WkLL "alp • �l.L 1�tt'nCAI.•' f! VE£7IC AL � FRM E '11F3iDM P SEAL THIRD PARTY tti�t Xr��,.�jr APPROVED BY • V T� � 10/17/2016 N P fla[> 14384I, : f INC. FEDERAL -RED HOME CONSTRUCMON AND SAFETY STANDARDS 12E 06FALL CHASSIS FRAIL'IEIMM 14t= SiRElU14M RM M AVERAM b'pACIHgi WT TO mm TES VIRM spmw ON mimm sw-C-3 4 WO7 (t<5iA1L F TEDQ6BM T SF�A WAL 'Iffy IJOC W"(7W EAW SIDS EWPI A]' OMW 101M LAMM 'fltM 48 , SWMAIM 79me s PIRE VEffFGCdl1. O WRAL Q40T ) km vm ZDWE 1. =nwm I hero( yr jmmI SM-42 TYPICAL SINGLEWIDE TIEDOWN PL.ACEWNT WIND ZONE 1 STANDARD VERTICAL 71EDONC ARE (15 PSF) RMUIRED ON EACH SIDE OF COMINGS mEATER THAN 49" IN -wDTH (TYPICAL EACH SIDEWALL) WF EN SHEAR WALL TIEDOM IS LOCATEn AT EmDwAu,, INSTALL 1ST OiASSIS' FRAME TIEDDWN MAINTAIN NORNLAL CHASSIS FRAME IIEDOWN WIi1-IhI A DISTANCE MLIAL TO 1/2 THE SPAONG ACROSS SHEAR WALL VERTr-AL. TIEDOWAI (Typlw) NOWAL SPACING FROM END OF FLOOR (TYPICAL EACH SIDEWALL AT EACH E DWALL) NSTALL -%-aR WALL �RTICAL TiI:DOYliNS AT ENDS OF EAC3i it SHEAR WAIL, AS SHOWN S S S (MP ALL ShEARIXALI;S) S LONGITUDINAL. ANC"S INSTALLED AT EACH ENOWALL - ONLY ONE LONCTUDINAL GROUND ANCHOR SHOWN ABDVE AT EACH ENDWALL FOR CLARITY (SEE OTHER DRAWINGS FOR NOL MUIREW KEY: r = SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOINN GROUND ANCHM O = STANDARD VERTICAL TEDOWN GR(XJND AKWDR g = LONGMMIML TlIDOM GROUND ANCHOR S = FRAME TE)oW4 STRAP CONNEVRON TD STEEL SEAM r3 . LONG. 'IIEDDa STRAP CONNECTION TO STEEL SEAM W-EN SHEAR WALL TIEDOWN IS NOT LOCATED �—.- -� AT ENDWAI.I, INSTALL 1ST CHASSIS FRAME T1MOWN WITHIN 247 FROM THE END OF FLOOR S I(T-yp EA01 SIDEWALL AT EACH ENIPYYALL) INSTALL CHASSIS FRAME TIEDOWI NS ALONG SIDEWALL. NATki AN AVERAGE SPACING NOT TO EKE THE VALUE WEDIRED ON DRAWING SW-G-3. (DO NOT INSTALL FRAME TIEDOWNS AT SHEAR WALL VERTICAL MOM LOCIITTDNS)(TYP EACH SDEWAL.L) EXCEPT AT OPENING 91JDT S LARGER THAN 4$3 , STANDARD VERTICAL TIE€ OWW ARE OPTIONAL (NOT REQLWED) IN WIND ZONE 1. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS SCCTBILT HOMES o„„k.r„ APPROVED BY L7Fb av I VA-M Mb 10/17/2016ANCHORAGE rNCFIELD T84 _.J L*= .SYS�I�Ii .INSTALLED DRAWN BX Tr- DAP1A ND- 76 /'� S FOR FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 4/b/U5 IDA7E: 2f�fQ5 l.�- ALSS T�01CAL DQUOUELU[DE TEDQWELAQEE T NOTE FOR TI21P> LADE OR LARGER'DESIGNS INSTALL ALL THE VERiiCAL -REDO NS AT EACH SHEARWALL. SIDEWALL..AND MARRIAGEWALL AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAVONC. STAHL)l v L F ARE WIND zl� 2� 3 RECORED nw EAM MOE OF OPEN NGS GREATER THAN 4s" IH mwiK IrwicAL EACH SMEWALL AND NAFMAGE WW VERW-AL 70)ID9IrLS ►NST BE Va" AN ENDVAL.L.IS A SHEARWA.I, INSTALL A IMLIECIN OF tLP'- ima SIDS) • WT STANDARD YkOCAL.'n DMN VkWM A MAVVTALI+I NORMAL CfVS2S FRAW 1"OW USTARM LULIAL'L'0 1f2 Tl E NORMAL SPACING ACROSS SdMMWAL1. %V=AL SPACM SPEC ON DR. WV W SW-G- 3 TlEADILIN iYI AT EACH fNDWR L) ALL SHEATiNtALL VEFeRCAL c �79VI+1S AT ENDS OF rAC K SLLEAL�16+A:L AS SHONN :z J, •= [w I S T ( ALL ems) vuumEwm fuXR SHowr SVMAIM FM QAWY ..' NAB UNE RSFM L DACE w Ytrit]. IFRAi/E VM0015 WIHIN V OF EACH EW WA.L AND AT A •SPAGNG 140T TO 13� ,- � ly1 � � DW UVM W DRKWO s�-3 (rWICAL. EACH HALF) LiL+41f -s S S 5 S S` DISiALLwl AND� VnW f FROM — 9db OF FLOM EACH SILMJL At EACH EMWAtL) FOR RAL 1 OTH SHEAR W t= WSTA L mumcAL FRAME 'BE#iLJALIlOL In THE 1N5tA11 FRALiIE-=O�1A+TS AT ALL.. STANUARD SIEEI L3 m mnsmr TQ mE MARRLALE RAM VOUICAL TfFUUM LIOCA- IM AtONG SILL L LGW WALL .CrM(SM DVP SW-fl-4 (DO WT EIS wL FaAw TmXmw AT REAWLa" VL. 7ifDDLIIli �= LdCAmomXrip EACH I-L) -MAR SMALL ULP80NAL. PRALE TLELDIWN #=SWEARWALL VEAL 7F3}E11MFL INSTALL SEa ODARD Vann AL MDOURS D +VAiMA D %effrCAL iLlMM ALONG SPEWAIL t61Tft AN AiEItAGE SPIN S-WASSIS DIAMM TRADE TiMOM NOT TO EaXED ME VALUE SPEi7FF ON DMVANG S*-" . LEL�P.''#�CJ�L FRAME TEmOUDI - P L THIRD PARTY REMSIONS r1 Td APPROVED BY -�� A 10/17/2016 w. NOMA �`� 19f.+R � 1 NC. I BEAD I►IMOD _ FEOE-NRNNFARNRED HOW__. ...._ .___ CONSTRU-N AND S]] MSTIWOMDS _ %-_ sw-rz-•-2- SM-44 TYPICAL SINGLEWIDE TIE OWN PL.AGEI ENT STANDARD VER_nCAL TiEDOWS ARE WIND ZONES- 2 & 3 F{EQU6 M ON EACH SIDE Of OPEN GREATER THAN Oar IN WDTH (TYP[CAL EACH SIDEWALL) SIDEI9FALL VERTICAL MEDOINbIS MUST BE IM IM 24' OF OPENING STUDS) EN swa wALL TIEiJ#)WN Is L(�4"� AT MAINTA1N NORMAL STANDARD VERTICAL4 E ",WALL INSTALL IST STANDARDS VERTICAL 71F1iO1VN SPACING ACROSS SMEAR WALL TIEDOWN WITHIN A DISTANCE EQUAL To 1/2 THE VERTICAL TIEJ]01IIN (TYPICAL) NORMAL SPAdNG SPECIFIED CN DRAWNG 5*r,-3 FROM THE END OF THE FLOOF (T yp EACH SIDEWA1L AT EACH ENDWALL) INSTALL SHEAR WALL VERTICAL =1 TIEDDAkIS AT ENDS OF EACH Ns ft SHEAR WALL AS SHOW rEp S S - OW ALI. SHM WALLS) M-- SHEAR WALL DRDDTS S S AT ENDWALL, INSTALL I ANAVERIC ,nEDO rIA'i WnHIN 247 FROM END OF FLOM (TYP EACH SIDMALL AT EACH ETLDWALL) LOMTUDNAL AidL71-MS INSTALLED AT EACH ENOWA1L — ONLY OEM LQ1+GETUDNAL GROUND ANCHOR SHOW ABOVE AT EACH ENDWALL FOR CLARTrY (SEE OTHER DRAWNFOR NO. E.aEUEIRFD) K EY� • — S3EAR WALL. VERTI['•AL Timm GROUND ANCHOR O STANDARD V0RiICAL TIEDOWN GRCN.M ANCHOR LoNaITIjDKAL VEM M GROUND ANCI-M S = FRAME TIEDow4 STRAP CONNEL'iI 4 TO STEEL BEAM E3 = LONG.-HEDOW STRAP CONNECTION- TO STEEL BEAM P. E. SEAS THIRD PARTY APPROVED BY 0 NO` 10/17/2016 INC. FEDERAL CnON A D REDSAFE HOME CONSTRUCTON AND SAFETY STANDARDS REVISIONS La I Bl.: I DATE MAX. -INSTALL FRAME TIEDMNS AT ALL STANDARD VERTICAL TIEDOW LOCATH)NS ALONG SWWALL (DO NOT NSTALL FRAME TIEDOWNS AT SEAR WALL VE RTlCAL TIE DOWN LOCATDONSXTYP EACH SID£WALL) INSTALL STANDARD VE R'DOAL TIEDL1MS ALOt4G SIDEWALL WTH .AN AVERAGE SPACING NOT Ti7 EXCEL THE VALUE SPECIFIED ON DRAWING G-3 SGOTBILT HOMES ANCHORAGE SYSTEM NEAR BEAM METHOD MAW BY: 70 DAJPiA M_ M SVd— G-1 A DA7& f/2 /m rL7S r .; [ u. IINi U) v ui set d F Cl) 0 4z w a r h 4 t � SAS f_. O Cl W ¢ < 1 m M— A* r(- LLJ W w � cA ry � C5 Q 00in [V �U+ O X p Z:Z N a � U) ,L.. ra r � � to � aft- n� 0 o L...{ ui W Q Y � o Q_ EI! w is o`er rn ❑� � g a fal —C< O m t- J ]E zi JW 5�T.QaF iwm - z � � -3 wCE+*-� a� 0 4 K� < d J � � � - W W n 3 M < isZA 0 � & a O w to oaE Qo � an Lij � w -< LO O a0r LOT N Q � �Uzi-.om 3 z� r v13 i` z Q o c'a ¢-mn W o �o 3 Wvi SDI-47 rl N 0 � o ZOE � Ewa G W =Z O sG IL a LLs- oil 11 00 .. a a e � � PE SIR Y uFi p3 � � �- w d mmW � J ca Lu Oa'O Z 4 Cog Q d h1 � m = t� V N � _ o g 4 H � [9 ti tills I'd iu+ Ed Z W� 0<L+- Q C0�.� COO < OM CON2141 i�zimm I je8 GZ cn= F-<4440-c oil { m II"[ J 43 rXM � tLI �-- zF� I Seim cnoo j-lpqw V 9--de d d Ch Ck oa a Q�� �� � a¢ W 4i a a z x p 41 -K� P 4 r Q. Cg w <E LLa �p Q � nZ {,J�F q o v�rya�¢ ¢ Z x �¢ =Q z © aB-��Q it G- zr- SNP-49 P1 - �LdQ � 1 _ z� N a - 3 ca vs o H r � a chi � Q Oco m auj Qco ft- vi Li w U O o � �1 � � Ui � \�\lEy�p �' °° � � � ��/sue•.. w ta FA ar 31 z wx WMa O �oa�FN c 00 10 0s0� Z ��+-�4 Lj gin W F.— o < � e m wCL r Cl- a z� n�- -jf er .0 Fui z 0.T5$pwQ a= a� Z U3OO..i,w fir. Gz = La a- V-V Oa wo LI.� q LOs10OZ�o 0 w �°9J U) atsQ3awz acNi � z a W v°"iSmN* m*i z~ o W MM : z Fw 3 0 �a 11 Z, � Bw w ?ID>.C) Ow n x W v� v <vj-l4� zF F� E3 ZlL.�= F� J O� 0 mFL adam II t0-i0 Crl O 4d�5Q wo O tK �mrta-�¢0 UM QQ SM-50 lsl Y m sN � a�w� m 0 z JU3� JS�Z ¢� ¢F aQ m ifl��� pj 7C�00 � U p p O �co�3 1 r O � rn a O Q W �i N N � O N a�Q �A � W = r- L!� � r Q[ ml d IN ILJ a -j ZU Q << z z lu �1LIf.- s C7 _ CD Nr dQ g'm d C4 C4 IIRR V , Qwu ZIC MA- z F z z �- d w cc ci d p � O U) p O Ld ;� A EU z * o aF-0a ;n a q 0 r2 uj O=0 � N E!J 00O* LL= UJ co J JU -La 0 -mom �tiz E 0 LLB 2 U) Q w m w O EL 0 n L,a 0 40 s M mEU 3 �* us y' ofb 4 QLU fA M _ L W co H m a C) � < � U a L) a - o N a o _ LU } Q= o = a Z Ld F W w 00 ~yy pJd.9is m1�a Qd Uh��V-1w �< car'*�ov d N m W r W ag�01jd ma��m4 LLJ Ld t� sa c,0�,mo LLI U)�dr4Z tL"n taz Ua i c au� �aa 20-9dL: N 0 0�c¢r-sa U -33-- U Z U p i—� +Q J 0 0 G7 U L4.a a r wJ a V J wgin- in �C U U w LUx.I w w� F Luz Iro o a. M o ��tou- - 2 W zz ao aNa 0 IL IL U� a z %m :3:j EnL] Q SM -5 i lJ'1 f f�A Rx_ }may 5 Q IG � 7 a � 1 n � El` N L? GZ3 is -C tip m Y W Q b F- 0 g O a co a = v~b7g�7g,, v IL G ' i}+tVa ti t IL 11 V grl,I� rri i11`w i,a 0<LL. o f Ma P� U] o��� o ti o rry m SOS �� LY V M -J � _ _ ��+y��jpJ �Z L, Cl c�k�ao o� 31 f d .} o $:C>W< wjE FZ N ? p� Q01 a Z N Q .off W tip ' �L} �� 9z a L+►'���iS a� �Q In v U M tn ll a �2 Ow r w cn ¢rnJ¢W1 Zr C� 4 cn F 0La�J<CN�f OQ _s u Am C31 jL �a,wN <0 d � 0a4Fxen V� a� 1st d w O nn ¢m� u°"iai o¢ SM-52 a mom `o 0 m �m�Tj � �0 N N LI � ¢�4 C � v�a� d a a a a ��KS9 Q�2 a=� aiW a dam co LLA uj in 0 J Lsi Ld bc +.' 4 .e UA 0. Li tf x o U; s miq ���tllll[ � W z B Q O p ci Faa '� ,j ZQ lz m .J:5jg. a. 4rlZ W a �4:3 m of- fl�tn �- mp - s-0-7 m ow MO Q Q LJJ LLI�¢m�6i a` ouQlaa c�a En- oS i �--- Ed M m J '"' a�a 0 y�j�1 l+f d m W � ZC J 4f7J f/)XSC14 y� ~0 a N �0-`row Ilm� V z J fal 1%S C1Q F a Q frCLLuAM 9 E d�(df'md OLU I O 5T Wo zi- Q-JZC MJ I SM-53 W "go J Q � Y �¢047 � m T apt sip e�p epp ill �W}— N N N L.t � 2 U ti U W �'�► W m m � 4 F [cl p0 W W Q� �� p0-j��O U�`e c7i ■ .2 O ■ � cQZ MZ m s a XaW O Q d O � = ca o[ no o� p W M N e7 !) irJ �SLl W �Sa l.tl G�Cza W DSO hWT �O� OQ� Qa� � O J i L d J � O� � d 1 _ M3� r3� Lr�Fl 1�■•l a W i■-I � � � rO W Y . LA � Q � w UQ CD �FU Vi Ld°+ n J r eu M"1 } Q P rI N cD J x CN k LLI o Z W 0. .;' �riiu�`4�' 17 6.1 a3- a� P- F Fn W O LA M ZQM WJ EK _ m�O<OZ 0-'1 d CU)- Nrn Z 2� �< m LLY �< N [-< 05 Z a1- �F z � z <8m"aElo �r 0 o F�<hl3--a o a m 4o ino e J— J� �o 7 W < 8�0 caa o r F— y 0 62QS-j S4 <� /r U' �t z Ld ~ _ o_�(A LLJ ^ Z iEx in w��� zaq X vu' am a� nm a a a us < = a �i5 ¢ �n co S o It � o�a�Q`' ts� p LU 3l .J 6N M � S 40SDC�<� gnCO ©Q SM-54 V Y O O �m� a a1 th 1i1 � z ai�,c� F J � Z _ �4flim � � X �' i7 inl CS ip F Q�s � m � za =o L?LUc� d -f 02 $� ca m z. leg 9 _ O W 0 W N y oilI11 a O T� t ) � S �y ca C3 � aco .� nR _]�_SK �i W �S _ r l LJ W Qa� Z CSC- lily�� Q��j� CAI 8 {l� z mz ui U �Z&- W m ia w r�n.rzd¢�- fin, �CctioIQ VJIsIJ�� @ O w o (y O -J FEZ N z - r�-5§ Q C7 o o 5��o w 8p �X�� Z� �— LJ F-X r�� Ls��S�9 �< <- W 4 A a? �Z H� 1!) C3 LL� rr rA §t N N' � -J w a tn�Zrt<z F� ?4 o z�C i1 Z� ZaN Q� _ 4i N 0 OZ ¢ om ZOF�nSO s ®F- V)La UJO In Z- S X a Z< 0 F Z � �0M m n 6 to it � � cti w 4•� g Z � F 0 S m t-t•d Q N to I�1 SM-55 ��= c �rT � N 1N nr K LJ� � @ U7 E a ! o r ' @4U� � CI m m t,3 tj Q� � �O �� J O �+r � C� oZ Q ■ Z ■ Z Q��z � � � o w z N N] ��c� � To W � �A ,ls cr�a � O O � � � � � D � O � � 3.SJ 1�- p � LJ., O � � 0-1 J$ �+- Ztil .W1 � ■ r � em i mm - k � $ $ @ - � �� a Ld E-4 �e LU ? /B Lijk � k j <o«u ouum LL \ � � U� \tj f =� §�/ 2 & �/ $_ � LLI & Rw 2. ik R Pam- qk�o6 k LLi m-J»oOZ m2 Foƒ$�$E M< m§« & zqk�// -*T§w�q 7 k\k/< NW < (nogg'jw NF ¢ �§k32< 2- o E fr A<Mi// mo WLLj 0 - _j z / h Q SQ�§S K$ 2 I §/§A�$ 5 2�a�+a _w§ ce O-JIL& 0Z <, kej 2 c W : ». zox� u <m-J<� E ® - - ® § < � z§q�=r- P� �\<2plo 20§2W} \A GE J / \ Enk <m/ / W Q N W O N IN OR W p ir (D zOz O U Y \ \ \ = Z UU Z Z Z m W ~ m2 Q � - - d0 w � Lil 2 !(- �W f- m 2 _ ZW� N N N N Ld 2 w Z <MQ Q�� 1 � J z Z Z Z J g3LLJ F WO Z Z LLJ 3x¢F m m m o pJNU U Q U Q U Q tU Q N Q Z Z Z Z Z XF3p0 Ow Q �F t0 in MJ� p � S Q Q= O O O O mN m CF) CD CD ow Z Z 0 N tV M M W N_ 0=LLIo 00� O=p O=w 0=w V) 00� 00 00 l!') J LL-LLI J In �In J �InJ 0 �3(n �3N-n r3vz-i `r3z 2 v-i M W m Ld W F- v) LL 0 a O W Q 0 Of tA- m Z o W M W S co In zm w N O Z�c N nL� I W a W 14 U) h+� l N Lu Y L w O Q Q i Y � U � 0 - Tn �R- = E�V V W Z W W J Q J_ QOQU �UJtA =CD o g N Sv m 2 W IL a a9 _q§ ''b���liwult��``` w N 0 0 �oowF(n a w O V O WQQaQU AQ d MJ3o OZZ rnz w a Ln in z -j w w : m M,n�<3: oo o� m *WJa,F-W QLi O z �NQp�J Ww Ux W _ �C)-�ma N� OX of -:E�Qw3a aZ (L0 -1CA Do z¢mo\o ziaW o ir _MfJ QQ Ld bi n Z Z F� J �Q Q J 0O N wJQm�Wz �� QJ Z $ p Z U)U-' Wu7M NX NI- J WLJ r,< �< ZV) oJa p2 in NXp J UII Qw � C)X 0 aq V¢ Ld z0w 0} Qn JQL: zj00w-0 C.) � ) Jz3 O�C=YHo� V0 Q00 0n pw�0 11 C7W II O QQ�20 U zF 0 w �>-ouz ..o ai �� amr¢J v�cn pQ N rl O r � N L^J O L / r , ^ w a �, J D zO=Q Ln cqLn ¢¢ o o a d� m w FL{ w Q Nw f- W 5z 2 o Z �i= a 0 �, o N o Q w LU Q 07 :r `.t ZJW N N O j_ o N ty LL 0 So Q W U = JA �+++++I+F �� �� w X O z rc Qa. Ui ,`` w 0 Q U: CU U p>" OQ� z 00 wwa(� o o wp MMQ O NQ(nm e a 33Q FQ—a -i U (rnn CID GJ f C O �� m S Q O Z f0 IA p V m 7d. p 0 U 0 Wv N wgQ Q aQ d Z F F-C9Q%OQ mz w U o (nzxQJw w2 Q a mu) aF �aEn ,,�n ��� _ CD�a�0 01 2 VJ �W� (� W �WJWF-J Q� p XQ0= 00 w z = �Nmp�� w FN �N 5 p00-�w Cl wFF WLd Z 0 o� �ofQw3a aZ a� p oZ �, zQam 0o . N� viaf W o w MO(DZ 0 zz �_ C� � V ����mJ �Q a(n G * * W NZ�LOM � NI �E iE Q p (nw0^QZ Q Z o =wp =w 3 o 0-ja. 2 bo a X �' o� �' o u) n z0} ua� a� or cr zo p °nr°30 3po pO<Jjj� 0z �Ui � �o=)W Qo Q o XILWQo a 013 d 0 cDQ0F=p 0 ZF J Q w 0 w * ¢mo�a_j V)(n oa L% m z a 0 ~ � � � w W0 � 3Pu- O Vf V) O &�o N N w � W d w N w� �Y^ u U fn J lt.l Z J Q aoa� 3 DUJ(n w J onfo Z)SQ 0 U_Y o 0 0 0<< N N N �W Z gym= Q < � N m G w 2WI— Z m - t O 9ww N N N N U) Z W O 0 _Z Q W U jraa U Q U U o Q�� O O aao r o 23w F wo <<00 a m p�N u J O B CU m Cw V G �' CS m C � UJ �� sd W m Lal. Z F 7o � � H Q XOW Qj O O = co of co OW ZZ �N I N 9E dE N_ O in m X= W rn LLI OJ OJ 00p O_ = s m r30 s m 00 r3o n0 3p CD N O a h I U 1-1 � Q Q N W M w W rz LL d 0 0 w p � s N 0 0 Q' m Z ¢ 0 W M W fN w W.I./n Y,' Y0 U 1Oy>� N W LU t--1 N NLU N w Y _ w a F {s `l < Y U1 2 F a W J Z di Q J aom< 3 OUJln It E- 2 0 � r LLJ �+o U o Q W rcJO O a : srx r IL p} oaL o 0 QI- w3W W�� =Q �wd m c aJ5aw rW_N Um� JZO= t WgQaac� o. cnm�aa� °vfz w > lnzm-t'Jw W� m w J w W Q 0 Q N m m z 2 oz3awQ aW 0ir (n 00_j-J� w� �Z R �W¢w0o Wz n..V d (o LO ozQm �o N\ z� Q7 �QZQQ op 0¢ Q \ LLI Z Z F 2: W 3 �W^JZ as lL N U wLLl_ < 2c) z in m (1)0a: ,),* pZ Q * 0 N < o cnwana_z a ?a w 2 W Q p 0_j bpi �p o p go xa� z z a d IIQ, oX o¢ o fn A QNJQL tnF_ win �O X U zLQO¢O F0 F 3 0 M a- 0=��`'v�co <C) Q0 u IL it°'ao it z caw _ 3 ZF o ..¢Zow5m <wpma= =1 rnN 0< TIEDOWN ONE (1) LONG. T01001 AN04CR IMTH GROUND M vmu EUXLR s>�ss L>jiddTU01HAL � ANCHOR DWALLED BELOW 37M W-W TIM A14CHOR ON EACH SiE£L 9EAHH 126"kr SEE NQTES BELOW TO DETERL4INE THE NUMBER FROL END OV FLOOR OF LCNGIRIDI AL ANCHORS REQUIRED AT EACH / E k D OF FLOOR-y I E i sTm eEA�e DNanlDaw SNDOF WWI ANCHOR SEE ADIGS CLIP 23 � ww Off UAX :�A/\-DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR DETAIL 'A' A A - CHASM BEAel t:lYP3 FILLET WELD EMS - 12D" t 6" 12I?" d: 6" SIDE OF BOTrom Cf#4a�5L FLANGE (ML) STML CHASSIS BEAMS NrtfX MULTIPLE ANCHORS ARE REQURW • ON THE -S sim BEAM AT EACH END OF ��p� r� FLOOR SPACE THE ANCHOR5,120`*6" &C. BEND ANCHOR LED TO PLAT VU � VIEW ETA BP6-355 ENTIRE sumANCHOR 3h6" OF RANGE DISTAL _'Ii' AN LQHurRmD mA6L, REmwK CNUR SEE DETAIL A' AM QETAIL B' AT ROM CHA=S BEAM .O:iYx 1� TaeAsaaL 14Toiss . ilEr-DOWN STRAP 1. This detail amle_ s to a maxkmm In" ANDAR'D CHASSIS PILR floor v►idth wHh a mardmum 65" buts ILLMATION MAY VARY) height obc-m the sidewall and n=dmum 1W sidmoll height 2. Wlnd Zone 1 skn4awido and double wide units must hove one (1) longitudinal onchar. on each steel beam of each and of the floor. 7W 3. trend Zane II and it doublewide units O-VI) must have two (2) longitudinal andior(a) GROUND ANCHOR Ta7H iA NR&N on each sidewull steel beam and one (1 ALLOWABLE LOAD AT 451 ANME AND 4000P PARAI I�.L To ANCHDB SHAFT Ian itudaal anchor an Gall marriage w N steel barn at each and of floor. " n 4, Wlmd Zone U and fll anglswide units must have two (2) longitudinal anehar(s) on each steal beam at each end of the floor- P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS SCCTBILT HOMES a- r 4� .'� *p uke 'G mi�Xoc�4l = ,,Jill �6 APPROVED BY 10/17/2016, � I LNGFACTQRY ONMANUFACTURED HOME CTION AND SAFELY STANDARDSDRAIN ANCHORAGE SYSTEM INSTALLED m BY, TD TZAlu6 DAPIA NW SC: N T-% SW-FI-5F-23B Ref. Cale. # 1 DEC 20 2006 SM-56 U2 a a.a m Q.a t:a,-ho un m p QQi 0.0 Sa^ 01 00 c�amE oora5. 41 as Tag Unit _midge un r H da � C� N F-I N Ld (4 Z " A o 4P a O co Z �. L -t Q o_ V u -0 Ei m 0 No 1� y x z Q Co a 40 o Z 4 m3W¢ Q C C W - 4 Ep -' O '0 a - PV),b 7 � � �XD� 47C ' rc CCQ]] nn `o a wo m4 o a.a rn L a o ,Do _a � Sumo O �a D• � U 0 U -C s n L E m o 0 A m H `yy11141 d a N W �{3-[.- V�� Lfl a /,C� i S� �aZ " y SM.. SM-577 O N ' o \ LLI y E ~ u LL m d'oO �a m �_ �omao W LLaa� a ' E > ac c 4a O F Q a .� go— m a�LCL 3..o a E d Wo �a�mE a a LL V �, L U Q ti (3 0 = 1 .Ow m = Tr ti TY ov m � mO [i Q 10 L O cc m , U [A O 4 A 7 c Lo .E 3 c m 00 c0 m� Z-.-m cl • O m o10a• a :Tag Unit a -- —Ridge Line a _ - r� m a m 3 3 0330 v 0.0m3eav 3^ 3-w�`ani Ex: W aU3 O omcva'a�c W L%i4 � V 03t=m C 11- and Ud.Q rn c U m n a a m m mE 0 m Cl. mo a a o g v— 1r Z OIL Z cu �Ld q i � 3 � � a i— 4 a v E a a xo - a co al at— z V ooe Sao k F le,E m O z IL a �.w � ' — o :3 o - tQv:ao� Des .Fn rd'C� 3 - ii; n n o .o `i,lrm m o0 of D 41 moo x .Q a= ^. Fva—C�p7 a n � 'rya w � O O N • Go N Q Q M 0 a m 3 o� J U T C3 �m a o a1 a v <n � a 9 � X •� �za Us. I ca^ �intA-ad Pi- � tiUJO jU �yJ (l�M xo =Mf o tE�C� co Mtn • z o � - d R U N o a �t�,�c►cSzpz �� ciicarl - C�''p�q�Q o� • Wes�•• _ ONE. � q - • eL C�-Z Es �19 NNO Q• LJA Y�-���CC ��dl U O aN 6w.Mt R aO n 3 I2� 3 o . J Q a �LJ z 0 " A D d a i � x b i� 15 = g e, O wig a—v N� 1,4 G 4 F IL ;4C O 4 w XR C. O R Q n\ 4 w� a y w� to L mygn 0 • � Ct 3T pliF - .R-.EI a Es -0 C o ran. r� 0 as � w�anc�mf2 0 • z E � � o nnu•. F a .� p 4ytA bor f tvN WC-1 o z��p 1 � OF�4f rl C �O �'•�� 44 5 � - m � c In W a O iG IL a W= a o.: r Q� N t� z tY • �� Is{ I r. O � V 4-z � W ^< d = Y - % 4 o 'c �a a •a � Ea G O c ms m ttt O � 3 w 0 m O C a a o —Ey ~ $ � mcc N = Ln J 0 L2� o a¢ W OG a o= E cl EC a �/'•� oaA ° !t C p o m W N �0oao o yq u Z� 0:0 C4 3 .m.. a 0v .^i --Ei•- m I LtJ do•. a�ta tiLJ CI owtLiwC as o3roc �aD >ca q L7 ca'opmE�oa>. a- C w _mad o�i _ F a 'Cna °jNa r $ �oE w .. c p• c.F. a2 a C a �7 � — .C.' m V c P .L a� j, = pco v U a R M C � _aa.. n c E _bo N a x �a0� tAOJ a cbcyy a f W E..mm.. u 00 a w N •0 OM a N r 7C O' G O � Q •'p' N eD fr l ,� C Fes'" O a EC)131 rn�� • �va��wU �' A m_ ,bC1 �w o o; E �A CV �M2 �- b $ ca F fL a^ �r ca o w 32 � a a .60 m me coo R�o « 4 6 �MIa vom � y E C m p a N a0 Ut:m w b y m n a0 3naG m CI'S a � 0 W 40 •° 2 ro on �c E 6� emo ao ` mca Goy tCGS a�7=�E:°� �Qc � 4 T _ ''1uaP. C a. O •a- 0.0 b SM-59. oc a E 13 ON m =ot p L 0 A m a o`o= °a o v a cc Sao E m v 8 Cr) _ C �_mV m09 j H co a .�. C rn�m a ® Cu iL cycaa Oaf 1 E� 0 p._ W Op [— Z �W M I m mCw+O T O Pt C y"•yga W� 2 p� U V N n. a.099 C y rn d a m E+•- a CP w Wm� fr 0 oammarn +.� Cucpo�SCIO `��lfill 2 A= c m o 3 o t+ / r a; r] G t +3 C m W m Emu p °oNCo r.L� w m O m 1= C7 Lu 9 . c 3 .. w C7,9 pa w _ 43 m a L E • .. �. Q41tlm �OW Eo>>m��a a o 13aim 4!s 0. V r1N n C C a #b m� d1 0 l= o 3 eu U V a O > m @ �m> a go � 'Cg c 3mau y n C F 17 a _ ui rn Cr u.w E o xQ # N8 U a O w zo OIF EG a uz SMSM-600 I- C O N go N a M rl it U J d !IJ EL' r] G t +3 C m W m Emu p °oNCo r.L� w m O m 1= C7 Lu 9 . c 3 .. w C7,9 pa w _ 43 m a L E • .. �. Q41tlm �OW Eo>>m��a a o 13aim 4!s 0. V r1N n C C a #b m� d1 0 l= o 3 eu U V a O > m @ �m> a go � 'Cg c 3mau y n C F 17 a _ ui rn Cr u.w E o xQ # N8 U a O w zo OIF EG a uz SMSM-600 I- C O N go N a M rl it U J d !IJ EL' C C a #b m� d1 0 l= o 3 eu U V a O > m @ �m> a go � 'Cg c 3mau y n C F 17 a _ ui rn Cr u.w E o xQ # N8 U a O w zo OIF EG a uz SMSM-600 I- C O N go N a M rl it U J d !IJ EL' SMSM-600 I- C O N go N a M rl it U J d !IJ EL' I-: 1-P�� 03� Xiz?o a C iij3�'�r E ti 0 Q 4 m ��L�d{> !�_� EU O o- —we wz �aa li1Q Zm GS x� .mac - ur O �Jx�pN �o� S I �GD {�I th f](fl N)�dWr• �Ki �! K %p4i� cw a � 1 �¢ cJ3m� ¢ O . _ z O q �] � O Z Z C.7 Vu 2 0.3 Z QN il! t-- ZZ Z LqC} N � Z c m G O +7 Z O Q fE a cCyl a d ,. ct QId 1yl,vj Q t 'oM ri a 2 Z EL c w ni o z= ro o xs 0 o ' 9 a �_ �� W xiGnIL 14 s m w 5 a P. opa c95z$� �¢ya otlr + i w 16i - g� t- 000 r o' " � z a - rl Ld �o 33�� az i5 3 m ¢m > 1 n l[,�iiCi.� 1� Tr1.-� �•+ 8yv! ! y4C � � �� .cQIl m SM-60A SM-60A 1� z ia! � - w Q o o g w �3aoa ro v 3w 60 oUr..m m W VL20 L ID w _3�0._ G -® v O a W t II m m vat c i =� > w o E m C 0 $G o m> •C C m'� U E d -0 V `' V CL Q LLu acoE 'V «a0ID C O ®� cr 0 >, D amv nO m a C L C O a v L �Y oav in S3 0 a 00 0200 p > x. ��� 2 cy fA = a0 loo E� as v coE m� • o m j- M in o • rt ocr o ° c w fit' aa '° _Tag Unit FK ®� Ridge Litre V X aa3 j a.mv�� -a `o c=D s dL 3r Nu tit aia U oEZ ir,2 �aaa co.0 V-Z0V CD E � o vtr`i0 ae•na i ar ow �i ��u v 3 Q _L�E L� 7--c- 0 C a 02 .0 � n C - r � ,MC>a U yCO p•a C »- � m d w r» act ��ar> `> _ 0" mm 3 -� D 0 _ _tf co 1 7 0e�3aa= m0 C) DQ a� �p mEm ayq co m C 13 •0 2! S, I'A tv00000 — J t1D ly , Q U u: LLI SM-60B � y o o N < ' o L ^� w LL 0 z <o W as LL = o b J CR a LUy a a o= LLU m "' od3oo n U A L�E� a �Q�dO C7 .FO+_C—mbCl mL amp�U07� m 5a m-0caoac m G p m ix D cs m m aEO 0 C- Z q ....i V7 Z 3 � r1r\f < 4 b Oa E o o a'•� Z �y E°0 oo it ai o �CD CD w sc S ao ILW O a O m O_ p cmO:I Ax in C Z0�E U CO fAO W :1 CD __E !- a 0_ti'mrd �`r a3 rnF� SM-60C it �O 33 ¢W }� h- I !a Z Q�RZ Ld Q Q ZF¢��{nn J [7 D-L10 _ F Y tr li X C7 o n O O vlar �11-$ i/1 V 4 V1 U S v is C3 HLd zo, 44"L]p O[©t!0 �y 0Ld 0 xQ zm� is m� air 41h�� ;!O irr�� �zQ- O wa x� r! 0 N(fl Ql�/l,"'L CO VeaiO �� x�0 xO q NO o Q �Q Q C43:: to Ili d' 4 _ J u. z Q N z tL nF U o z 6aN� v m v' 0mc w > "b z W "(ft �2 � Q p C �C? �..Q� m(.� n 3 z z z Nrn D en 2z XN 4 Q � . _p �prJJ N in 0 p s ciz i`'Qg0n �,.r� M29 Q 0 Om r7F% , �U a Qh ��rAOio_ ap n Nm1^34 z ar,Eo. 4 x.0 .._ h-�O� O a n-n 4� in w p rr uu E F1F`- 10 oc�, � 7 G h Z u narrrr ID o �+ ^ 150 X O N o o F NO m t� a o r of W g •r z O ZG a �W� > a 'sN Qaa �a �gz �z OU r-m`+ zYIL cnp �Zp `z'� ritn - 03 �� 00 N o a7Cw n Oaf(n RED- QO J '� � O O ni r � z � > tt v'-i�N� @�@@� �/zc � a � J p a6ir,r� Z r ��aa sum � -Y[k 8 A r c_ _ i a [` 41 "y`r FS Tam r i E r, w SM-60D Z Z Q QF � , :° 1 {� b Li co ra `v _ GE 5 3 v 03 o m q7 c s c N vyi .f O d— 0 0 0 _vLo u " o MZ)0 m moo m Q ., o cZ a a.m Y- I LJ c m �o flomQa �o� �Lto0 top �� �10 iOmU 1 D. O __ •s.- 3 o c m a ri Z O'E m.Lima'ca C4tai oos.7 Q N m m C v_I s Cl. ~ o �.301° �3 .a a" I a ca ms+ o sa m wa mOU q~jOCL COC1v L ®tip ai n L'�•-F/ a N C/1 O p a E a +1 C Ald 7 m G LV CE - > X O CP•O - L y ON Nya Z� . 'C7 w V E 1 d Q w'w O ps m V N� a IX 0100 m W� =aa � wn +� a o go va•• na ��; Naafi ci°c F rs �+- c U O . - Ridge Line v y ^• " s o i c � � 3 N COi r-= O O E Q m 102 p C30 MOM Qm L Q. E�„� �N UlV- 3aa m OnL L i+ tii L O — O c 30a P o U U O'ON _ :�i L S$ O m O'O m"'" •-�4< = C�NCS F- V .m+ N O c p U- w� m v m v0. m 1 dA on3=o a°m >yE m � C E OD � m=� COL C lit (3 m Ey, W c m� v�L CM p O a N • C m Q m >>itl[1 1 O —W� ro�=mccao via mu, rG L 'a O O ¢� =`n$m�oao cnaE a �0Z W W a LL U SM-60E QQ � a E o = D m O II r- , fl o- o ®.2 0 Ld CV) U 0z CC�.�+W, O i �II-q�q 0 L.-_ UOyO mASO m V� > O C 3t �•� 3 « WO_ oac yQOo3 am...L .i-s _ �z�puy•iOQO�co�O .dspyiIIOa '•±-.��CDTC�7�.a3m0p.IIg.s EEg~DCmU..•mS�$�,rObc!nS �a �oOL+aa0.c'o •a �_ a �n_—•pm�•"3c-�•'Um�-rvm m�o�ma psCqgm o`r«- .dao6C�DO+. mow mwOO=ah«3 �owa'm_a3aE 83�D mH . o�3Oa� aaXo =po�g Lmpp 3q nE -o iD E o l ro015 casmC m yO IV 3 L0OLj- rn-`o -a g3CL awn- �° D ma.2o x_ g 43 oOo V ` �Qz�y � fla a aao O •. Ir O0 >o zz pa= o 64 OR udge Ule_ 91 ° q c�amDa - immOm Dfo o Es U rpn -04C�D O ivc CA IQ woa,.E 3 ov �w�'76r O_ov m m q cl1� t00a6Q E�0 CD.20 -0 cLcn D 12t E7& >1 sem'a—m CD l> iU) 0 s� 3m oo cr}J7Uo =ip0 -o r t r r0 'O O 5.22C D0 O Dm 0-00O.II aE t,0v dJ oSon— :) SM-60F u' O j EL Q c9 I �� Iz- Vil Jd <Oz O to O�- VT 4-z of La N t";jE� DM7 x U >- O ly M qk <t ow0 Il'=�C3�WCJ W F- U g¢:.Lnru W O AM ��wo O �r p xfa 2ma p �E O_ c X�- !L'W 17�Z OS 0 N W �-'C7 `� I E U� �jC'�QjN lM In atn r73[L Fn 0W)0 xo 0 to �Q ?C0J 0Owo L Qp4 N p Q b z o a C7 til Z_ N lti U U. Li 3 0. fL' Q W tr pF VI rL �p,w p N > W m lrfla� w MW Ww0)C3Q O mm OLIP M 'CO. Z Q x a.ti� NN UTO V) t~/la EA O O N M lxM:)0 T3Z1�-Uin�m� \3 �� _� N8 i+- n z aye o �¢ N � F 0 ON 17\ �awm ¢ Oyt�U=wWw �4� ul rc`f � I On L b' ° r+ m C p 2 N (n WOW6 > 3W L w =q V!?� O�`ry� m�0 Y. M10�'xV N C. a r C(R10W0 gz ar®^a as yY$mo m ��IO:AC Oh Nm03< dC7 �C9 .G D fl y�j a Z r-N r = W L o 3 U7 F dr O a 40 a o Wz m �a -0O fL w �p 29 p Ww rJl cx r z z� y m l��W = QFv pY ' mr �Z4 22 Ely r u lQin 07 N^ mYrz mu WOK }x.. �cyy x yy mz:O > �® CD x xa OmW nuxtn ~~ I Ors 9 y a� RStlI d' ^H .'s �� W zp C,4 tl' wGlzN M. Q A Y� ��v O �iF 01Qim Y4Z �i t\X �\ V- m b C W LL 'It11111�if[l5\\\N a =o a Z_� SM-60G l� M z � Z � QH N � U l.t.l Vl U z LJ $ �H A q 1 SCOTBELT ROAMS APPROVED BY 000 N10/17/2016 rPlINC.- FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS Vlilliam J. Kalkes', Jr., P.E. Consult!" Engirlaer 33 Rocitw=d Lane Monrue, C-onngat3cutosa€s 2031261-1'157 SEP 15, 20O6 Scotbilt Nis Full -Ford Road Waycross, GA 215U2 5U6: Optimal Sidelrall and Marriage Wall Frame Tiadcsm Groused 14m%ors For 1713" Ifide Planar WiVA 10" Eays Overhang Double !aide Units Approved For 191nd Zc� III To Whcmr It May Concern : This mema certifies that the grcund wwmcm La3ed in Lies installation cff the sidevall and marriaae Wall fratma tie- dmns may Kavs a 3750E all 3e load at both 45 [eces and parallel to the aravor shrart are acceptable irr lieu of other appraled gr{x.md anchors lihen tiles folltmins parpameters parameters am sati55-Fiod: (1) The even fl-am tiadcxm spacing installed belcm tha sideall and connected to sidevall vertical braCkGts cannot exceed 7-314- o.c. using the `Hear arm, -tiedow installatlfns3 mtho+d (i.e_ . frame 'tiedotm straps must be caered to the steel 4aasm closest to the sicNxall) (2) The s-ideuall height car*wt exceed W-0", ifia trrass •hool height cdMoi exceed 0- and the sou pitch =Wygot excasd 20 dagrees. (3) The chassis sal bow spacing must equal (4) 7hS distaMs i'rom the gratis to the tap of ell .ch2ss:s s eel beat wist be between. 24- and 48-_ (5) The frame tiedown spacing installed below trig marriage wall cannot excess} 10E--0- c.c. Nota, all other grota'sd a►zc13r sneci-Ficatiatrs including trwi spar Wall gromnd anchors: the longitudinal graut)4 arwJvDrs anther the ground anehom installed at the Marriage wall opanin8 studs are to be unchanged. SM-61 Ref. Cali. # I�gril 13 207 APPROVED BY 0 N 10/17/2016 II VC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS William J. Kalker, Jr., P.E. Consulting Engineer 33 Rockwood Lane Monroe, Connecticut 06468 203/261-1167 MAY 25, 2009 Scotbilt Homes Fulford Road Waycross, GA 31502 SUB: Optional Sidewall and Marriage Wall Frame Tiedown Ground Anchors For 178" Wide Floor With 10" Eave Overhang Double Wide Units Approved For Wind Zone III To Whom It May Concern: ,`ei�t;32lrtlflf��ydf �* , .40 n l~f9ff •Fl `4 w,� 'W This memo certifies that the ground anchors used in the installation of the sidewall and marriage wall frame tie - downs may have a 3150# allowable load at both 45 degrees and parallel to the anchor shaft are acceptable in lieu of other approved ground anchors when the following parameters are satisfied: (1) The average frame tiedown spacing installed below the sidewall and connected to the sidewall vertical brackets cannot exceed 7'-0" o.c. using the 'Near Beam' tiedown installation method (i.e., frame tiedown straps must be connected to the steel beam closest to the sidewall) (2) The sidewall height cannot exceed 9'-0", the truss heel height cannot exceed 6" and the roof pitch cannot exceed 20 degrees. (3) The chassis steel beam spacing must equal 95-1/2". (4) The distance from the grade to the top of each chassis steel beam must be between 24" and 48". (5) The frame tiedown spacing installed below the marriage wall cannot exceed 10'-0" o.c. REF. CALC# 2 - JULY 14 2009 Note, all other ground anchor specifications including the shear wall ground anchors, the longitudinal ground anchors and/or the ground anchors installed at the marriage wall opening studs are to be unchanged. SM-61A SCOTBILT HOMES APPROVED BY 10/ 1-7/2016 II V�. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS William J_ Kalker, Jr„ P.E. consulting Engineer 33 RockwoW Latta Marrroe, Gonnecticart 46468 203/261-1107 SEP 14, 2(}06. SC¢tbilt Hower. Ful-Ford Rned wa.Sfcross, GA 315W sUB: optioned sidewall and Marriage -- Wall Frame Tie4own GI oLmd Ancha s Far 15G' Wide Floor With 10- EaVG Overhang Double {side Units Appry For wand zcm III To Mew z!� " [concern: -His memo c:ertif les that the grand anchors Lw;e d in the instaIlatann ot. the sid6wall.and marriage -wal l fraze.tfe- daw)s may have a 31504 a7lomable- load -at bcmh Ors degees - XXV0 MI119"t!4w, and parall*l to the mhos -shaft are acceptable-ir"Aeu of %JW , r rs p2rasraf<eF�i ara' satls Pied xichbrs when. the following parameters netet s C1) Tha average Tralme tint. "D spaC, n!ff «o....-- Nn oaxwll i bel(w the s1@esl l and connected to he, sifleda%l STATE OF �y using the 'Near Swam' tiedown installation method ytE V (i.�. PrH tiedmm straps ate be cmwiected to the Steel bey closest to +he sfds ;_>Il) A`0 (2) The sidelasll rieig It t exre6d 8•-0", the -trums 1�1 Heel beight rrbnnct emmed 0- anti tare roof pitch cannot exceed E0 degrees. (83 The chassis sl—_sl beam spacirKg 'sust ecp&i 95--1/2-. (+4) The listanna -Frm the grade to Me top Cf each chassis steel beam Win& be between 24' wd 48% (5) Tit3 frame tiedown spacing irwtalled beiow the marriage wall cannot exceed 101-0- o.c. Kota. all otlier grdmd anchor Sper_-VFIL�rLiEms including the shear hall grrnand anchors, the 3onyitudinal grcund anchors and/or the ground anchors iratal led at the' marriage wall opening studs are to be uncharlsed, SM-62 Ref. Cale.# 1 April 13 2007 William J. Kalker, Jr., P.E. Consulting Engineer 33 Rockwood Lane Monroe, Connecticut 06468 203/261-1167 APPROVED BY 0 N 10/17/2016 II V. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS MAY 25, 2009 Scotbilt Homes Fulford Road Waycross, GA 31502 SUB: Optional Sidewall and Marriage Wall Frame Tiedown Ground Anchors For 156" Wide Floor With 10" Eave Overhang Double Wide Units Approved For Wind Zone III ttF,n✓r SI To Whom It May Concern: This memo certifies that the ground anchors used in the installation of the sidewall and marriage wall frame tie - downs may have a 3150# allowable load at both 45 degrees and parallel to the anchor shaft are acceptable in lieu of other approved ground anchors when the following parameters are satisfied: (1) The average frame tiedown spacing installed below the sidewall and connected to the sidewall vertical brackets cannot exceed 5'-9" o.c. using the 'Near Beam' tiedown installation method (i.e., frame tiedown straps must be connected to the steel beam closest to the sidewall) (2) The sidewall height cannot exceed 9'-0", the truss heel height cannot exceed 6" and the roof pitch cannot exceed 20 degrees. (3) The chassis steel beam spacing must equal 95-1/21'. (4) The distance from the grade to the top of each chassis steel beam must be between 24" and 48". (5) The frame tiedown spacing installed below the marriage wall cannot exceed 10'-0" o.c. Note, all other ground anchor specifications including the shear wall ground anchors, the longitudinal ground anchors and/or the ground anchors installed at the marriage wall opening studs are to be unchanged. SM-62A SS C� REF. CALC# 2 - JULY 14 2009 LNA._ FP,,�M . TIE12 I I sTAL.L.ATL+ON Y REQUR: EE) WHEN L(NdGTUDIM TIEDoM ANCHORS INSTALLED ON BOTTOM OF STEEL aim [x) SMAHmt 23summ 67= AlKsm Nw r a6 XaMum as »t ram_ T%l 0wfi Samoa ism 2n BDTTM oe elcu s7=K. B91H- ZUSPH= EXIM STrRL d3A a ee +a ;�a�a a n�cnmaa iunc�Lrxmcs_ STAMMM ER Qj AIMM MAY rJm_ LOURRMNA. IEXM TAw_ -ff" am WWI= asp aff SIX auis ��E DUA& G2 '�li if1 Y!!�L 'lmtt' sum -.% Ba - ass m (MM- arw sss =w. no rs) ltAH i 1--1/,C i1®M S7W (SEE OEM 3 (Tv,) 1 F'�1[i JlS%41J.AVOR sates Hers A>as taste :� aarmes 5) OF ERCH BERN AT Air Arm. tc+'a_a_ W13LE WAD PLA14 VIEW - SECTION KA -An Lu e aa� OCT 17 2005 AM= IV moms c C' Federal Mane M SI®. BJ�iI � Sig 0W CHASSM I t saw mom swouE oar sroIEDCi RII."i c..Ii� t MAN" N�o try e�at� nir�s� SUMP AS �i�a lRII�GIRJ�111L �r Io+rr ,1e�e�t 1_ 1 ANCHI a EUX SUMM 1 2w &UNU VI a 1xWl = 7D FABOMM LOOM ew eY ftacm salter' uaal aF" w1 s7AP A21'. LI�Bi>L9O�pt. im JMaa= sm fm M OMLLY 03=0 791E 5T"p SER ,Laps To urwn= v 711E 1 omwURA 1 N 9Ha. FiA T RD PARTY REVISIONS ✓ - ,.�, '1 -= ti• "s` `'r,�� { I rr- APPROVED BY 10/17/2016'IN FA � NC FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFELY STANDARDS RNU E1E rNCFi01t SYSTEMIIED Fl INSTA a 1` a�a�� ♦ IiFI sw''-'•,5 FLY z31P1^CDJ REF. CALC. # 5-6/29/04 SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHORS Instal straps to sidewall frame anchors as follows: _ 1. Connect strap to horde. Connect one end of the strap to the home connec- tion point- using approved buckles or dips (swivel or hook clip preferred). OWrap strap aroltndmain beam Gonnect hoaktotopof main beam and connect other -and ofstrapID anchor head. 2. Connect strap to anchor. Connect the other end of the strap to the split bolt in the anchor. Leave enough strap length to be able to make at least three, but no more than fire aarnplete turns around the bolt before it becorrtes tight (appro)dmately 2 112 inches per turn or 7 1/2 to 13 inches total). Fewer than three turns and the strap may not hold onto the bolt when force is applied. Conversely, more than five turns may not fit within the U-channel of the an- chor head. Follow the procedure outlined in Figure 87. APPROVED BY TMAAN10/17/2016 UFAc7rUREDN.- HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS Figure $6. Strap to beam connection dr 40 V&* Strap to beam connection. Regardless of the scrap supplier's recommenda- tions, the strap must be connected to the top of the main beam to prevent damage to the structure. (DIreeRthetansonbotitethe (Dpgnethe,sinapthrotrothesWed ro) U91rG21576'20drEtotopehetid anchor head and IooseyMach shark ofiheIons Ion tatardband �J wrench, rotate dockwis% wmpft the hex ink. upfn Wr. the strap aarrrd the funsw bA OncBteRsbnetl to the portiala[ Ome fury tanshn ad, akpth- If approved by tits mantachaer or both counter-cbckvtnse res�rtce square rock otthd botvAh fhead arch°rs may tensed appears, toe a Sib' open end square recess In the anchorhead far bath dragonal and verfxal wrench to hold thesgrareneck and igttenthe hex'nut. Thaut tbdovmstrap tensioning, Temon st wrda repostbrigg the I &W' diawtha bvo together and bdctha Fallowthe d'oSteps etlown str to Ir tertsionmg Bench to oor6rue syslom Into Mal p staps , a h lhaal- to k�siat ta,vj nhg. Repa& as "irad stags to armor hegCL Figure 87. Procedure for connecting the scrap fn frame and anchor 3. Pretension anchor. For anchors with stabilizer plates, pretension the anchor by pulling it up to the stabilizer plate using the strap and take-up bolt to move the anchor head. Continue pulling the strap until the plate moves a small amount (about 112 inch). This is called packing the plate and it will yield the SM-63A strongest resistance (the bottom of the anchor head should be ma)dmum 114 inch above the top of the stabilizer plate). n __ INSTALL STRAPS Follow the instructions below to connect straps from the home to sidewall frame, and wall frame and vertical anchors. Always protect straps at sharp comets including around 1-beams with radius cf%ps or other methoclae /' . Radius clips may be fabricated from 26ga (min) by i 1/4 inch wide galvanzeo steel strap formed to fit around corners. De° �11 LWOUdal s k Protect Top and adtomolaeamff F.Beam arapb V*apper N Around Hewn r r Figure 84. Radius clips APPROVED BY 10/17/2IN7A 0.16 FEDERAL MANUFACTURES HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS a SM-63 B u / DER STD" f F 2ROTECTION 2x4 SYP2 G-PPHRERS lTI7F1lE1 Ir OF TOP AND BOT W OF OFF AND 79' OD (# V0 SEf RM 7" PLYWOOD STORM COVER. — INM L UnH FACE IDtM P1.14�D H�Df47AL ) SEE TABLE SELM P LY03W SPM*rA7 LOCATE PLYR= SEAMS OM COnERLON OF 214 3T FfEWR FASTEN PLYVM S7DW CaVM 10 N111l101Tir VERM& FRMNC i1T H (1) f16 a 2-1)!r PB*- 7RAT1D11 SCREW E/ICF3 ME OF FROW WREOWS AND DDORS PRIOR TO MSFALLM TBE SIDRm L'Gt+ER$ SPEC[FIED ON TM DRAWM 2 WIEN HURR CAME OR SEWiZ VM AFPRObAt.H. 'RE 11FWW RM DOOR PEE COMCS '.i MATEY AF7M MTMl= WESE DDVER5 V E MMMNG WJST BE VWA70 ANDIM NO 00CPAI,1'1S SWMXD REUM N VE SMIDGRNE 4L ice: im SO= PRO—.F=w S1S1Ei1E DIES NOT PERfW E SS ff= 7"E BM UNDER Fly OR 01H R a4mmey CONDIIIOHS PLATE mEmme . 667A,LL11'1W SEE DEML "A —A" SLP-W) Tfime suff 1 TAW7= SEE DEEAIL' V--e (O1W StF 1 11AID091fA1 W .MWAVAL FRAh1 Nr. SE$dp S,1GRi1 COVE vwm/ Xw opsam 11m D. AS SWW AS THE STOW N= =05M. ALL STOEtii PREiI17C= HERS M= BGEMATEI.Y RBXMM Bmm OCCQJI M OF V E B=M S PERlurum. & Ail. MW WMV HOLM RESt1L= FRIN 7FE MW COVER ommix u M= Be am 41I71E1 wD QUAL37Y ECrEFM GUM CAULX 7. lAHW OPEUM 107H EXCEMS SC LIP '10 A MAIMAAi OF 120r. REPLACC 24 Sim ViM 2A 93FF AM UM 1,r PLY1 W 1111H $PAR I DEW OF 4$ , ALL l)TdER IWS7AL JOM SP9R =MMS REWW WOWM. a Fm GPEII NG 111CgR mm 8W. L=IE slow Covet ' El= d011i3' WM W Or VM=AL =W Ails RSTALL "W CLM DEPAEEN LUMBW 5 WT AS SdiOWL P.E. SEAS. THIRD PARTY REMSIONS _ / 1 KJf_+If 4� APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS im Bit weWNW FEn INSTALLED . su wi REF. CALL. # 6-6/29104 fl.YWOM SMRU COVER INJSr EXTEND UN r BEV= 1 OF 19MMIDOW FRAME AS Pol SUM aAmm (alo ow WmwW�jD9ffftAAliE-/ (sYr.�W yr (i CAL SC mum WTAW R MWT U=7E V16' 3f4r FR6p1t EDGE QF NY 0Wz 0)R FRME ATM Wa= ` Va' &Y 7HAi 10W =Wff PIACEMMT PRW�IItLY LIB (Rite x 1 P� iIOOD 3C -3 2• AND 8�.�im cw 7 SUM WASHER / (012 yw A� ' A. 5.mm W/ © WW SWa (AS SW" OR HAROBOAV per swm) s" OR Clad ajocKm W 3/d- x 3-7 LAG mm 1 i%T DID �EW (nTFJ14�k) FLYWOM STM CDVER llelaDoa�f bvOR"tlm swm CM EMIR�E LO FC OF tip-511 (TYPICAL � STIFFINER INSTALLATION) P.E. SEM- 7H RD PARTY RF-MS10NS `' '.w +mv � EY t ;it4 APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 ON 14INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS LAme 8 � ND=�STRM PRC�i'E�Tf{?�1 SSTALLM aR ' Ay — ■ VI-R-W ■ Sh -65 6a) Plumbing / Gas Connections The gas system of this home has been tested for leaks before leaving the factory. However, prior to connection of the gas supply, another pressure test is recommended to ensure that the gas piping system is free from leaks after the home has been setup. Any Gas appliances installed in the field is part of construction and must be completed under an AC approval. First, close all gas appliance shut-off valves. Then attach the gas test fitting gauge. Pump in air until 5 oz. of air pressure is reached. This pressure must remain for 10 minutes without any indicated pressure loss. (1)Multi-section homes with fuel supply piping in both sections require crossover connections to join all sections of the home. The crossover design requirements are located in, and must be designed in accordance with, § 3280.705 of this chapter. (2) Tools must not be required to connect or remove the flexible connector quick -disconnect. (c) Testing procedures. The gas system must be inspected and tested for leaks after completion at the site. WARNING DO NOT over -pressure the gas system as damage may result. The gas piping supply system has been designed for a pressure not exceeding 14" water column ('/2 PSI) and not less than 7" water column ('/4 PSI). A) Gas Lines. This gas piping system is designed for use of either liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas. LOCATE "Quick -Disconnect" and connect where applicable. Quick -Disconnect is located under the floor where the halves come together. t, CAUTION: Do NOT use tools to separate the Quick -Disconnect device. (IF APPLICABLE) ON 10/17/2016 PIINC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS CAUTION: Before turning gas on, be certain appliances are designed for the gas connected and are equipped with correct orifices. Secure cap supply inlet when not connected for use. CAUTION: Before turning gas on, make sure all gas connections have been made tight, all appliances are turned off, and any un-connected outlets are capped. ' CAUTION: After turning gas on, test gas piping and connection to appliances for leakage with soapy water or bubble solution, and light all pilots. B)Water Supply Lines ➢ Check water and drain systems to assure that vibration during transportation has not loosened any joints. (For models with baths in both halves, connect hot and cold water supply lines provided under center walls, where two halves meet, turn water on, and check for leaks.) Check both water and drain system for any leaks. t- CAUTION: Do not power on to electric water heater until the tank is filled with water. The water supply system is designed for a maximum inlet water pressure of 80 PSI, if the local water supply pressure to which the home is being connected exceeds 80 PSI, a pressure reducing valve should be installed to limit the supply pressure. A master shut off valve shall be installed at the water supply inlet. Anti -Scald Valves Anti -Scald valves have been in -stalled on all tubs, tub/showers and showers In the home. After water lines have been flushed, the out let temperature At each tub, tub/shower, and shower MUST be tested to ensure that it does Not exceed 120° F (49°C). Water should run for at least Two minutes on the Hottest setting before taking temperature reading. Temperature may be adjusted using the instruction provided with the valve. In no case should the temperature exceed 120°F (49"C) as this may result in serious bodily harm and/or Death. REFER TO SET-UP MANUAL PAGES SM-66-A TO SM-66-H FOR VALVE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS TO ADJUST THE TEMPERING VALVE FOR A GARDEN TUB OR WHIRLPOOL TUB THERE WILL BE A ACCESS PANEL LOCATED AT THE TUB INSIDE THE HOME. THE ADJUSTMENT FOR A SHOWER OR TUB/SHOWER COMBINATION WILL BE AT THE FIXTURE. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL Scatffift DATE: JOHN P. HOMES, INC. 10/07/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV: N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 Chapter 6 - Utility Connections SM-66.1 SCOTBILT HOMES POWERS'" Installation Instructions eRead this Manual BEFORE using this equipment. Failure to read and follow all safety and use infor- mation can result in death, serious personal injury, property damage, or damage to the equipment. SAFETY Keep this Manual for future reference. FIRST 0i FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH PROPER INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS COULD CONTRIBUTE TO THE VALVE FAILURE, RESULTING IN INJURY AND/OR DEATH. TO ENSURE THE ACCURATE AND RELIABLE OPERATION OF THIS PRODUCT, IT IS ESSENTIAL TO: • Properly design the system to minimize pressure and temperature variations. • This valve is not factory preset and can be adjusted to deliver scalding temperatures. Check outlet tem- perature to ensure it does not exceed 105°F (41°C). Make sure temperature limit stop is properly re -set to maximum 105°F (41°C) following valve maintenance or repair. Tampering with limit stop in any way may result in scalding temperature causing serious bodily harm and/or death. Need for Periodic Inspection and Yearly Maintenance: Periodic inspection and yearly maintenance by a licensed contractor is required. Corrosive water conditions and/or unauthorized adjustments or repair could render the valve ineffective for service intended. Regular checking and cleaning of the valve's internal components and check stops helps assure maximum life and proper product func- tion. Frequency of cleaning and inspection depends upon local water conditions. You are required to consult the local building and plumbing codes prior to installation. If the information in this manual is not consistent with local building or plumbing codes, the local codes should be followed. Inquire with governing authorities for additional local requirements. Flush all pipes thoroughly before installation. Installation and field adjustment are the responsibility of the installer. HydroGuard® Thermostatic Tempering Valves LFLM495 LFLM495-1 LFLM495-5 EISSE Cj�A � APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 Advanced I p � C Thermal Activation � V FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME Installation CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 1. Locate suitable place for the tempering valve. Valves should be accessible for service and adjustment, and be as close to the point of use as possible. 2. Bleed pressure from the system. 3. Route copper tubing or piping to fit valve dimensions. 4. For valves with Quick -Connect tail pieces refer to "Quick - Connect Installation" instructions below. 5. Remove tailpieces from the valve and make sure union nuts are over the tubing/piping before connecting to the tailpiece. If soldering, remove unions and gaskets from valve body prior to soldering to prevent damage to valve from excessive heat. 6. Flush piping again, install valve using filter gasket on hot and cold water inlets and fiber gasket on mixed water outlet. 7. Turn on the cold and hot water. If any leaks are observed, tighten connections as necessary to stop leak before proceeding. COLD WATER SUPPLY C POWERS SERIES m LFLM495MMINTEGRAL Figure 2. H MRSAND SCREENS Single/Two Handle Faucet Application HOTWATERSUPPLY SM-66A SCOTBILT HOMES Quick -Connect Installation ■ To Connect 1'h in. (38.1 mm) 'h in.Pip (12.7mm) 1 % in. (44.45mm) M in.Pipe (19.0gmm) 1 in.Pipe (25.4mm) 1. Mark pipe as shown. This is pipe insertion depth. PEX tubing only 1 Pipe Stiffener 1 Tail Piece 3. If using PDC tubing, insert pipe stiffener (provided) into end of pipe. To Disconnect 2. Clean pipe end. /Collet clip I ark 4. Push tubing into tailpiece up to mark. 5. Insert collet clip. f Collet depressed 1. Remove collet clip. 2. Depress collet. 3. Pull tubing from tailpiece. Figure 3. Turn e) I Hotter Colder Hex Wrench Unscrew, Lift Cap to Adjust Warranty ■ To Adjust Temperature (Figure 3) ■ 1. Let the water flow for at least two minutes to allow supply tem- perature to stabilize. 2. Place a thermometer in the outlet water stream. 3. Loosen handle screw with hex wrench. 4. Handle must be lifted 1/4" to adjust temperature. Rotate handle clockwise to decrease temperature and counter -clockwise to increase the temperature. 5. Lower handle and tighten screw. 6. Check for outlet temperature. Pressure Differential between Hot & Cold Water Supplies must be less then 25%. It is recommended that shutoff valve(s) be installed on the inlet(s) to facilitate service of the LFLM495 valve. Repair Kit ■ Model Part # Description LFLM495 495100 Plunger/Motor Assembly Troubleshooting ■ Fluctuating or erratic hot water temperature at fixture: Unbalanced pressure. Install balancing or throttling valve at the hot and cold water supplies and adjust accordingly for demand. Hot water backing up into cold water line: Hot water pressure is higher than cold water pressure. Examine check valves for dirt & debris, clean as necessary. Cannot adjust water temperature to desired temperature: Install balancing or throttling valve at the hot and cold water supplies and adjust accordingly for demand. High pressure drop through the tempering valve: Valve undersized. Install larger thermostatic tempering valve. Insufficient hot water during peak demand: Check flow requirement during peak demand period. Use larger thermostatic tempering valve. APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 N AINC. FED- MAXDFACNRED HOME CONST-ON AND SAFELY STANDARDS t 1' For valves with CPVC or PEX end connections, do not exceed the tubing manufacturers pressure and temperature ratings. Refer to the tubing manufacturers product specifications for that information. WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information: www.watts.com/prop65 The Seller warrants that the equipment manufactured by it and covered by this order or contract is free from defects in material and workmanship and, without charge, equipment found to be defective in material or workmanship will be repaired, or at Seller's option replaced F.O.B. original point of shipment, if written notice of failure is received by Seller within one (1) year after date of shipment (unless specifically noted elsewhere), provided said equipment has been properly installed, operated in accordance with the Seller's instructions, and provided such defects are not due to abuse or decomposition by chemical or galvanic action. THIS EXPRESS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OFAND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES, OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OF IMPLIED.THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.The Seller assumes no responsibility for repairs made on the Seller's equipment unless done by the Seller's authorized personnel, or by written authority from the Seller.The Seller makes no guarantee with respect to material not manufactured by it. POWERS"' A Watts Water Technologies Company USA: Tel: (800) 669-5430 • Fax: (847) 229-0526 • powerscontrols.com Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 powerscontrols.ca Tel: (52) 81-1001-8600 • powerscontrols.com IS-P-LM495 1427 EDP# 6511208 © 2014 Powers SM-66B SCOTBILT HOMES POWERS" ES-P-LFLM495 HYDROGUARDO Series LFLM495 Thermostatic Mixing Valves for Lavatory Installations Product Specification APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME Features ■ CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS • Temperature control to ASSE 1069,1070 and 1017 down to 0.5 gpm • Advanced thermal actuator improves performance at low flow • Lead Free* cast copper silicon alloy body construction for durability and to comply with Lead Free* requirements • Adjustable temperature selection with lock down • Union connections for easy maintenance • Integral checks and screen prevents cross -flow and contamination • Available in 1/2", 3/4", 1 " (15, 20, 25 mm) with NPT, Sweat, PEX, Quick -Connect, and CPVC union connections Specifications ■ Temperature Adjustment: Approach Temperature: Max. Operating Pressure: Max. Hot Water Temperature: Max. Pressure Differential between Hot & Cold Water Supplies: Minimum Flow: 80°-120°F (27°C to 49°C) 51(3°C) above set point 125psi (861 kPa) 200°F(93°C) 25% 0.5 gpm (1.90 Ipm) when tested in accordance with ASSE 1069, ASSE 1070 and ASSE1017 ATA Advanced Thermal Activation Check Valves: Integral Construction: Lead Free* Cast copper silicon alloy body Listing: ASSE 1069, ASSE 1070, ASSE 1017 and IAPMO cUPC UNION CONNECTIONS Female NPT Sweat CPVC PEX Quick -Connect 1/2" (15) 3/4" (20) 1" (25) 1/2" (15) 3/4" (20) 1" (25) 1/2" (15) 3/4" (20) 1" (25) 1/2" (15) 3/4" (20) 1" (25) 1/2" (15) 3/4" (20) 1" (25) LFLM495-1 LFLM496-1 LFLM497-1 LFLM495-2 LFLM496-2 LFLM497-2 LFLM495-3 LFLM496-3 LFLM497-3 LFLM495-4 LFLM496-4 LFLM497-4 LFLM495-5 LFLM496-5 LFLM497-5 Capacity ■ PRESSURE DROP ACROSS THE VALVE (Cv)1 psi 5 psi 10 psi 15 psi 20 psi 30 psi 45 psi 60 psi (7 kPa) (34 kPa) (69 kPa) (103 kPa) (138 kPa) (207 kPa) (310 kPa) (414 kPa) 1.79 4.0 gpm 5.7 gpm 7.0 gpm 8.0 gpm 9.8 gpm 12.0 gpm 13.9 gpm (15.0Ipm) (22.Olpm) (26.0Ipm) (30.Olpm) (37.Olpm) (45.0Ipm) (53.01pm) *The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable water contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight. I1■ITJ/:4=�� When used in an ASSE 1017 application at the hot water source, the Powers Thermostatic Mixing Valve Series LFLM495 cannot be used by itself to control final tem- perature at fixtures where ASSE Standard 1016 or ASSE Standard 1070 listed devices are required. Such use may result in severe bodily injury (i.e. scalding or chilling) and/or death. ASSE Standard 1016, ASSE 1069 or ASSE Standard 1070 listed devices, such as Powers Series LFe480 or LFLM495, should be used at point -of -use to prevent pos- sible injury. Consult all product manuals, and instruction guides before installing any referenced product. Recirculation systems should recirculate water at tempera- tures over 140T to reduce the risk of bacterial growth in the piping. This valve should not be used at the hot water source in recirculation systems. powerscontrols.com SM-66C SCOTBILT HOMES Dimensions ■ Model LFLM495-1 LFLM497-1 LFLM495-2 LFLM496-2 LFLM497-2 LFLM495-3 LFLM496-3 LFLM497-3 LFLM495-4 LFLM496-4 LFLM497-4 Connections 1/2" NPT 1" NPT 1/2" Sweat 3/4" Sweat 1" Sweat 1/2"CPVC 3/4" CPVC 1" CPVC 1/2" PEX 3/4' PEX 1" PEX Female Female 4-7/8 JFemale 5-5/16 4-13/16 5-5/16 5-13/16 4-3/4 5-1/4 5-11/16 5-1/4 5-1/2 5-7/8 (124mm) (135mm) (123mm) (135mm) (148mm) (121mm) (133mm) (144mm) (133mm) (140mm) (149mm) „B„5-7/16 5-5/8 5-3/8 5-5/8 5-7/8 5-5/16 5-9/16 5-13/16 5-9/16 5-11/16 5-7/8 (137mm) (143mm) (137mm) (143mm) (149mm) (136mm) (142mm) (147mm) (142mi (145mm) (150mm) „C„ 3-3/16 3-3/8 3-1/8 3-3/8 3-5/8 3-1/16 3-5/16 3 9/16 3 5/16 3-7/16 3-5/8 (80mm) (86mm) (80mm) (86mm) (92mm) (79mm) (85mm) (90mm) (85mm) (88mm) (93mm) Model LFLM495-5 LFLM496-5 LFLM497-5 Connections 1/2" 3/4" 1" Quick -Connect Quick -Connect Quick -Connect 6-5/8 6-15/16 7-1/8 (168mm) (177mm) (181mm) „B„ 6-1/4 6-7/16 6-1/2 (159mm) (163mm) (165mm) 4 4-3/16 4-1/4 (102mm) (106mm) (108mm) Ordering Information ■ Hot Water Inlet Note: Dimensions are shown 1/4" Dimensions in brackets are in mm Model LFLM4� (800- 120OF (270- 49°( Valve 1/2"....................................................5 3/411 ....................................................6 111 ......................................................7 Inlets Union NPT Female.........................................1 Union Sweat..............................................2 Union CPVC..............................................3 Union PEX...............................................4 Quick-Connect............................................5 Typical Specification ■ ter Inlet APPROVED BY 0 N 00o10/17/2016 IPINC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS Thermostatic tempering valve shall be constructed using Lead Free` cast copper silicon alloy material which shall comply with state codes and standards, where applicable requiring reduced lead content. The valve shall feature advanced paraffin -based actuation technology and union connections for ease of maintenance. All internal components shall be corrosion -resistant. Valve shall feature integral checks to prevent cross -flow and inlet screens to filter out debris. The valve shall be ASSE 1069, ASSE 1070, ASSE 1017 and IAPM0 cUPC listed. Capacity of the valve shall be 12.0 gpm (45.0 Ipm) at 45psi (310 kPa) differential. Valve shall perform to a minimum flow of 0.5 gpm (2 Ipm) to ASSE 1070. Control temperature shall be adjustable between 80OF - 120°F (27 - 49°C). The valve shall feature a vandal -resistant lockable handle to prevent tampering. The valve shall be a Powers' HydroGuardO Model LFLM495 (1/2",15mm), LFLM496 (3/4", 20mm), LFLM497 (1 25mm). Any alternate must have a written approval prior to bidding. POWERS'" A Watts Water Technologies Company ENGINEERING APPROVAL Project: Contractor: Architect/Engineer: USA: Tel: (800) 669-5430 • Fax: (847) 229-0526 a powerscontrols.com Canada: Tel: (888) 208-8927 • Fax: (888) 479-2887 • powerscontrols.ca Latin America: Tel: (52) 81-1001-8600 a powerscontrols.com ES-P-LFLM495 1427 SM-66D C 2014 Powers SCOTBILT HOMES co W C� a U. W 0 a /a W co CD a W 2 co ca in y rl o C �o O �x� ~ LL m 2 y �o Q W M io o J CZ CZ a �a Q LL V r i w o - C ' ; O uO � E .0 Ch i �> Q o s0 I C � � c I A s o� mo Z EiCL s L Q1 Z b I Z `e. CL r�r 6 0CL O /�/ Q SM-66E A99-WS W Q LL W N U Z O J v Q � m L W C O CO) LU �a C W 2 06 D s O _6 8 a mom m d c m LL p 'E i. 2aU �v m m m <LL m CL R Q E �y N OI Of m E 'N H WN w myac Eg mo m C9 i c 73 `o Da @ ��N a 3 a fi E .� 2 m �. 5� p O L05 W� WO Fm- E T N « yiOQ C ■ ■ ■ ° Kv a� _y 2 W u m m �S W W c 0. c a F W c� yt 'o mo m ■ m b -w3 U.c o. � @ m tea+ E W 6 � = F S n LL� H20 o a W m m O � O T= 2 QZ<1U �.4m LL aiam �� aLca WO06 zw W m p_m 'u L°- `mac �i'� > 8 O Q mc"i�mo O yZui '� J a f. g m 2 V> i U ric a.c FF 1- p w m> c� O c Nr m" m� N c m Z �. c�•j9 �b U j2 p '� ��� a } QZ vLU H; R c na Z ym�� g 'c 2E-T c='2S �p-� a n>,°c a U 7 m as c '- J m Q 3 a m e 30�' m cow N a ? =w 7 Q «y$ m U F Sy 2 0 m y Y� �K 8 �O moa nmN Z w Z uailQ-��4 Sc ? Oi>ir� J?�?�EC W mmaSm« UZgw N y € m �O m E crn ° J o 'Ec� mac. 60 z> m m Q E W Z '� acm d�ymL°> >mv'ccami� mmi4mEm� a�0v) ¢ g £ r- O W u_ W Or o! W" v) -E J� U b K H ¢ W w 'a0 W M W a ID V7 } o � J � U N N 0 A ^ U cr = m o m m � E m 7 H £ C M a m a 0 m L O c o a m b m° n y V H W m m m c a w y W m a t o o y m Q c&B.4 / , N m ZLL dr,��0� m � � .a vc c �.0 O � .2, 7a� xO �O�`ia du� ��mDmogna 7 X $ _o m E mm m v m m33 y Q c E C' F=- w �j c o 0 c LLLLttm c 3 5m, Z G = a f/1 � m `� N ScLiado 'o c m;a° Z �•-� j �mc 2 ro my pc o o U O c° v �"� m- O G y c r°n = H 10 w `�A A A£■■L)L) CL W OS a 5� a� �H mad ~ O W a Zwo W�3_4c c�Ut to z ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ y ■ ■ ¢ LLu w ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ S3WOH 171810OS SM-66G a SM-66H Homes set in areas subject to freezing temperatures shall have exposed water supply pipe protected. An electrical receptacle shall be located nearby for the use of electrical heat tape. Heat tape used shall be listed for use with mobile homes. Also area may be insulated to prevent freezing. A)Drain Lines ➢ For models that have baths in both halves - install drain lines and fitting between the stub -downs underneath each unit. Care should be taken to assure compliance with local plumbing code. NOTE. Refer to plumb drawing for field installation of DWV. (Some field installations may have been done at Factory.). B) Assembly and support. If portions of the drainage system were shipped loose because they were necessary to join all sections of the home and designed to be located underneath the home, they must be installed and, supported in accordance with § 3280.608 of this chapter. (c) Proper slopes. Drains must be completed in accordance with § 3280.610 of this chapter. (1) Drain lines must not slope less than one -quarter inch per foot, unless otherwise noted on the schematic diagram, as shown in Figure to § 3285.604. (2) A slope of one -eight inch per foot may be permitted when a clean -out is installed at the upper end of the run. d) Testing procedures. The drainage system must be inspected and tested for leaks after completion at the site. The installation instructions must provide testing requirements that are consistent with § 3280.612 of this chapter. 6b) Electrical Connections (See Table 6.1) ➢ For proper feeder conduct sizes and junction box size to be used in main electrical hook-up refer to local electrical and building codes. A qualified electrical serviceman using approved APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 _. INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS electrical test equipment should perform the required continuity, polarity, and high potential system tests. WARNING Always remember that electricity is potentially the single most dangerous aspect of any home. Always take extra precautions when dealing with any electrical problems or jobs and always use a bonded and certified electrician to do them. A)Electrical System ➢ This home is wired according to HUD specifications for mobile homes. Vp CAUTION: Do NOT remove ground wires or clamp connections. Do NOT cut ground wires. V CAUTION: Do NOT turn power on to electric water heater until tank is filled with water. NOTE: The following refers to doublewides only. B) Inter -Connection between halves. (See Figured 6.2) 1) Lighting circuits. a) Locate junction box along the mating line. tr CAUTION: Be sure all wires have been run inside the junction boxes before beginning hook-up. Never hook wires together outside of the junction box. b) Connect the conductors in the junction box as follows: (a) Bare copper conductor to bare copper conductor. (b) White insulated conductor to white insulated conductor. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS /sl L101 INSTALLATION MANUAL IMID 011t "y; JOHN P. i10MP.S, TNC. DATE 10/08/08 F.O. BOX 1189 REW N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 Chapter 6 - Utility Connections DRAWING NUN[BER: SM-67 (c) Black insulated copper conductor to black insulated conductor. c) Install junction box cover_ NOTE: Small appliance circuits (if any) will also be marked to correspond with its matching wire of the other half. Follow the same steps as for the fighting circuits discussed above. 60 Miscellaneous Lights and Fixtures (a) When the home is installed, exterior lighting fixtures, ceilingsuspended (paddle) fans, and chainhung lighting fixtures are permitted to be installed in accordance with their listings and part 3280, subpart I of this chapter. (b) Grounding. (1) All the exterior lighting fixtures and ceiling fans installed per § 3285.702(a) must be grounded by a fixture -grounding device or by a fixture -grounding wire. (2) For chain -hung lighting ..fixtures, as shown in Figure A to this section, both a fixture - grounding device and a fixture -grounding wire must be used. The identified conductor must be the neutral conductor. (c) Where lighting fixtures are mounted on combustible surfaces such as hardboard, a limited combustible or noncombustible ring, as shown in Figures A and B to this section, must be installed to completely cover the combustible surface exposed between the fixture canopy and the wiring outlet box. (d) Exterior lights. (1) The junction box covers must be removed and wireto-wire connections must be made using listed wire connectors. (2) Wires must be connected black-toblack, white -to -white, and equipment ground -to - equipment ground. (3) The wires must be pushed into the box, and the lighting fixture must be secured to the junction box. (4) The lighting fixture must be caulked around its base to ensure a watertight seal to the sidewall. APPROVED BY 000 10/17/2016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS (5) The light bulb must be installed and the globe must be attached. (e) Ceiling fans. (1) Ceiling -suspended (paddle) fans must be connected to junction box listed and marked for ceiling fan application, in accordance with Article 314.27(b) of the National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70-2005 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4); and (2) The ceiling fan must be installed with the trailing edges of the blades at least 6 feet 4 inches above the finished floor; and (3) The wiring must be connected in accordance with the product manufacturer installation instructions. NOTE: If manufactured home is factory -provided with an exterior outlet to energize heating and/or air conditioning equipment, the branch circuit rating on the tag adjacent to this outlet must be equal to or greater than the minimum circuit amperage identified on the equipment rating plate. 6dj Testing (1) After completion of all electrical wiring and connections, including crossovers, electrical lights, and ceiling fans, the electrical system must be inspected and tested at the site, in accordance with the testing requirements of § 3280.810(b) of this chapter. (2) The installation instructions must indicate that each manufactured home must be subjected to the following tests: (i) An electrical continuity test to ensure that metallic parts are effectively bonded; (ii) Operational tests of all devices and utilization equipment, except water heaters, electric ranges, electric furnaces, dishwashers, clothes washers/ dryers, and portable appliances, to demonstrate that they are connected and in working order; and (iii) For electrical equipment installed or completed during installation, electrical polarity checks must be completed to determine that connections have been made properly. Visual SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 6 - Utility Connections INSTALLATION MANUAL Scat13ift BY. JOHN P. DRAWING NUMBER: HOMES, INC. 10/08/08 n /� O P.O. BOX 1189 rIEv_ N/A ' V' 6 o WAYCROSS. GA 31503 Water Distribution Purpose: To ensure that the water supply piping (including fittings) is free of leaks. The test apparatus should be: A. A source of air and/or water capable of providing 100 psi. B. Hydrostatic pump C. Arranged so that the source of the pressure may be isolated froM the system being tested after 100 psi is reached. The test procedure should include the following : A. All water lines are installed. B. All portions of the hot and cold supply piping are tested. C. All faucets are closed. NOTE. The shower riserfrom the diverter valve/faucets is not required to be tested. D. The float arm in the toilet tank is raised to the shut-off level and held there. E. All shut-off valves in the -piping system are fully opened. NOTE: The water heater does not have to be connected, alternate methods of conducting the test may include the following: 1. Test the hot and cold seater lines separately. 2. Take the hot and cold lines normally connected to the water heater and connect them together. F. The test'gauge is connected to the water piping system. G. The source of pressure is connected to the piping and pressurized to 100psi. H. When 100 psi is reached, the source of pressure is isolated from the water system. I. A pressure of 100 psi is maintained for at least 15 minutes. J. If the gauge shows a drop in pressure, leak(s) should be located and repaired. K.. After repairs are made, the system is retested. L. After the test passes, the QC card is signed off as required. APPROVAL: APPROVED BY ON1110/17/2016 INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL Ilt DATE: SEAN O. HOMES, INC. 10/14/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV: N/A WAYCROSS. GA 31503 I H W H Chapter 6 - Utility Connections SYSTEM TESTS (Water Distribution) NUMEIF-R: Flood Level Purpose: To assure that those portions of the DWV systems (piping, fittings, and connections) which are below the rim of the toilet bowl are free of leaks. The test apparatus should include: A. A source of water. B. Drain plugs/caps that will prevent leakage at the DWV dropouts and at the fixture drains. The flood level test procedure should include the following: A. All drain, waste, and vent piping and fittings have been installed, and all fixtures have been connected to the DWV system. (Exception: Those portions of the system which are to be field -installed.) B. The home must be in a level position. C. The dropouts are plugged or capped to prevent leakage. D. The system is filled from the highest fixture with water to the rim (dam) of the toilet bowl, and all trapped air is released from the system. NOTE: When testing, look for air being forced out of the tub and shower P-traps. Water will rise (3" min.) in both the tub and shower, then the drains are to be plugged orstopped. Water then continues to rise in the system, until the water level reaches the rim (dam) of the toilet bowl. E. When a home contains two toilets at different levels, the system must be filled with water to the rim (dam) of the higher toilet. One way to accomplish this is to plug the lower toilet after air has been released through the trap and water has begun rising upward into the bowl; then continue to fill the system until the water level reaches the rim (dam) of the toilet bowl. F. Water is held in the system for at least 15 minutes without leaks. Leaks can be determined by either checking all joints and connections in the DWV line or observing a drop in the level in the toilet bowl from the rim (dam). G. Leaks require repair and retest. H. The waste piping above the level of the toilet bowl is checked for leakage by plugging the highest fixture by adding sufficient amount of water (3") to provide a full flow condition. Multiple fixtures on a single P-trap are to be emptied simultaneously. NOTE This also constitutes as a fixture test for these high fixtures. I. After the test passes, the QC card is signed off as required. APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 4. INFA INC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SETUP INSTRUCTIONS • r INSTALLATION MAN UAL SwtBilt BEAN o. HOMEoaTE S, INC. 10/14/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV N/A WAYCROSS GA 31503 N W Chapter 6 - Utility Connections SYSTEM TESTS (Flood Level) NUMBER: Fixture Purpose: To assure that plumbing fixtures, the connections to the drain system, and the fixture drain lines are free of leaks and retarded flow. The test apparatus should include: A. A source of water. B. Drain plugs for the fixtures. The test procedure should include the following: A. All drain lines, fixtures, and connections should be installed. B. All work should be completed. C. The fixture drains should be plugged. D. The fixtures should be filled with at least 3" of water. E. The drain plugs should be pulled, and the fixture connections and fixture drains should be checked for leakage and retarded flow while being emptied. F. If the test fails, repair and retest is required. G. After the test passes, the QC card is signed off as required. NOTE. Fixtures that have already been filled with water and checked for leaks in conjunction with the flood level test, do not require an additional fixture test. H. Clothes washer standpipe and its connection must be. tested by filling it with one quart of water. APPROVED BY 0 N 00o10/17/2016 A14NC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL ilt Bv. SEAN 0. HOMES, INC. °ATf` 10/14/08 P.O. BOX 1189 Rav: N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 Q z m J a N W H C W H N Chapter 6 - Utility Connections SYSTEM TESTS (Fixture) NUMBER: SM-68C Continuity 7stequipment: A. A source of low voltage and a device that will indicate a low -resistance path to ground. NOTE: Suitable devices J include a flashlight -type continuity tester or a volt ohmmeter. A tester which indicates continuity when resistance is high is not suitable. B. A sufficient length of wire should be available for connecting the parts to be tested. This equipment may be "homemade" but must be in functioning condition. U- The test should include the following procedures. A. All electrical wiring, including bonding of all non current -carrying metal parts, should be completed. B. The test should be conducted between an accessible connection with the equipment ground (grounding bus) and non current -carrying metal parts. C. The accessible connection to ground may be the ground bus in the panel, a non current -carrying Metal part `/ that is bonded to the ground bus, or the ground prong on outlets - except in the multi -wide portion of homes W that do not have the electrical panel. Also, the chassis may be used as the grounding point as long as one check is made from the chassis to the ground bus in the electrical panel. Note: Units without electrical panel smi shall use power source at cross over connector to complete the test. w D. Non current -carrying metal parts to be checked include: 1. Appliance enclosures including fans; 2. Fixture enclosures and canopies; NOTE. if the manufacturer checks the polarity of fixtures by conducting a polarity test it is not necessary to conduct a separate continuity test of the same fixtures. A polarity tester with connectors will check adequate bonding. IMM 3. Metal siding; 4. Metal roof, especially if a nonmetallic siding is used or metal siding is not mechanically fastened to roof material; LU 5. Metal water supply lines; 6. Metal HVAC ducts (foil covered insulated ducts do not need to be checked; 7. Gas lines; 8. Manufactured home chassis, 9. Mechanical exhaustfan(s); 10. Metal boxes and conduits. E. If the test fails, the fault should be repaired and the unit retested. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL scomilt DATE SEAN O. HOMES, INC. DA10/14IDS P.O. BOX 1189 REV: N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 Chapter 6 - Utility Connections SYSTEM TESTS (Continuity) SM-68D Operational Test equipment A. Equipment that verifies that electrical power is supplied to the various types of outlets within the electrical system including 120 volt receptacles, 240 volt receptacles, and various types of light fixtures. B. A source of temporary power to the manufactured home. The test should include -the following procedures: A. All electrical connections, devices, and equipment should be completed and installed, except field -installed devices. B. All 120 volt receptacles should be checked. C. Usually this check is conducted with a polarity tester during the polarity check. D. A pigtail light or pigtail circuit tester is used to check between neutral and hot. NOTE: Switched outlets need to be checked by switching on and off. E. All light fixtures should be checked by placing a bulb in the socket and turning the switch an and off, or other approved method. NOTE: Wiring for field -installed devices such as exterior lights when not installed, should be checked to assure that power is available. F. Appliances, such as stove, range, washer, dryer, water heater, furnace, air conditioner, evaporation cooler, and heat exchanger, do not have to be checked to see if they operate. However, the power source to them needs to be assured. G. All 240 volt outlets should be checked to determine that there is power to both hot legs of the circuit. H. All fans (bath, fireplace blower, range exhaust, etc.) should be switched on and off. I. GFCI operation check should be conducted by providing an imbalanced load that will trip the GFCI protection (for example, by pushing the "test" button). Also, ensure that the receptacles required to GFCI protected are on the correct circuit. J. Cross -over wiring on multi -wide homes should be checked to assure that it is energized. K. if the test fails, the fault should be repaired and the circuit retested. L. After the test passes, the QC Card should be signed off as required. APPROVED BY 0 N 00o10/17/2016 A14NC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SETUP INSTRUCTIONS I.l I•l1� INSTALLATION �/�MANUAL +/W`flt DATE SEAN O. }TOMES, INC. 10/14/08 P.O.I30X "" REV: N/A WAYCROSS GA 3I503 J Q V DC H V W J W N W H C W H Chapter 6 - Utility Connections SYSTEM TESTS (Operational) SM-68E Polarity Test equipment: A. Polarity tester; B. Screw plug"for incandescent light sockets; C. Three -prong to two -prong plug converter; U. Adapters forvarious outlet configurations, as needed; E. Source of temporary electrical power. NOTE: The test equipment identUled above may or may not be needed depending upon the particular method used to conduct the polarity checks. See the discussing below far further details. The following are acceptable methods for polarity checks: A. Visual checks: The most practical way to check for correct polarity at different types of connections (appliances, motors, etc.) is to make a visual inspection to ensure that the wiring connections have been made correctly (black -to -black, white -to -white, etc). The following are examples of some connections where a visual polarity check is more practical: 1. Direct -wired appliances, motors, and fans; 2. Fluorescent lights; 3. 240 volt receptacle outlets; 4. Hanging (chain) light fixtures. On these fixtures, the identified conductor (the wire with the square ridges, grooves, white to black slash marks, or color -coded line) should be connected to the neutral (white) branch circuit conductor. B. Polarity "tests": When practical, the polarity check should be accomplished by conducting an electrical test. Test procedures should include the following: 1. All electrical connections including fixtures and outlets should be installed and connected. Field -installed fixtures such as outside door lights are exempt. 2. Electrical power should be supplied to the unit. 3. Test equipment used should be capable of determining incorrect wiring configurations, and should also include a conversion device for various fixture bulb sizes and outlet configurations. All equipment should be in proper functioning condition. 4. Using a polarity tester, all 120 volt electrical receptacles should be checked including outside and heat tape receptacles. S. Testing light fixtures: There are two basic types of polarity testers that can be used to test the polarity of connections at incandescent light fixtures: a.. Polarity tester with a converter screwed into each light fixture socket. b. Pigtail circuit tester: i) The light must illuminate when the pigtail tester is used to check hot in the base of socket to the grounded fixture canopy. ii) The light must not illuminate when the pigtail tester is used to check the neutral to the fixture canopy. C. If the test fails, the fault should be repaired and the circuit retested. D. After the polarity tests are completed and the system passes, the QC card should be signed off as required. u V W J W I N W H (IF APPLICABLE) SETUP INSTRUCTIONS Chapter 6 - Utility APPROVED BY Connections 000 AND 10/17/2016 SYSTEM TESTS INC. INSTALLATION (Polarity) MANUAL FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS BY SE.41V 0. nRaWMG R[mMR: HOMES, C. P-O- BOX 1189 S M -�8 F DATE: 10/14,fl$ REy: N/AWAYCROSS, GA 3I503 verification is an acceptable electrical polarity check. 3) Smoke Alarm Testing Procedure. A. Test each smoke alarm individually by pressing the "test" button on each alarm. If device is working properly, all alarms will sound. B. Check to ensure that each and every alarm sounds each time the test button is pushed. C. On multiwide homes, if one or more smoke alarms are installed on each section, a working smoke alarm must be temporarily attached and tested at each crossover location to ensure that the "interconnecting" wire is functioning properly at the crossover. This process may require more than one person depending on the size of the home and locations of the alarms. D. Verify independent D/C function by testing battery backup while the A/C power source is disconnected. (i.e., Test alarms with batteries installed and A/C current disconnected, then connect A/C power and retest all alarms.) E. If any alarm fails to sound during the test, make any necessary repairs and conduct a complete retest. A successful completion of this test procedure will be noted on the QC Card. 6e) Heat Duct Connections A minimum R-8 heat duct crossover is included in the set-up kit for joining the heat ducts of multisection homes. A. Crossover Duct Hook -Ups for Double Wides 1. Slide each end of crossover duct over the dropout underneath each half. Secure by method provided. 2. Wrap/Cover all seams and joints with duct tape to reduce leakage. (IF APPLICABLE) APPROVED BY 10/17/2IN11*4INC. 016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 3. Wrap/Cover exposed metal with fiberglass insulation to reduce heat loss. 4. Be sure to strap and support crossover duct in such a way as to keep it off of the ground. (With galvanized straps, etc...) See figure 6.3. B. Furnace 1. For future installation or changes in the heating and cooling system and for possible additions of dampers, etc...; refer to furnace manufacturer's instructions included with home. CAUTION: Inspect furnace for physical signs of damage. C.Gas Furnace Models C� CAUTION: Chimney must be in place and completely installed with accessories before turning gas on and lighting pilot. '!� CAUTION: Do NOT turn power to furnace on until it has been inspected and leakage test conducted. C. Electric Furnace Models 1. Furnace is completely wired. No further connections need to be made. CAUTION: Do NOT turn power to furnace on until furnace has been inspected. 6c) Dryer Vent When installing dryer vent, be sure that duct is strapped in manner preventing it from touching the ground at any point. Also, the vent must extend completely to the exterior of the home extending 1" to 2" from the base. Do NOT leave dryer vent open underneath the home. The end of the duct should be equipped with an approved damper. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL Scatffift DATE: JOHN P. HOMES, INC. 10/08/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV: 04/16/2015 WAYCROSS, GA 31503 Chapter 6 - Utility Connections SM-69.1 Waterline Crossover DUCT PER DRYER MANUFACTURERS RIM JOIST RECOMMENDATION 2x2 FRAMING GALV. STRAP OR EQUIV.- MANUFACTURERS EXHAUST O R EQUIV. Figure 6.1- Electrical Feeder and Equipment Sizes ELECTRICAL FEEDER AND EQUIPMENT SIZES COPPER MAIN BREAKER SIZE IN PANEL BOX (AMPS) COPPER CONDUCTORS MAXIMUM CALCULATED NEUTRAL FEEDER LOAD (AMPS) MIN. SIZE RACEWAY CONDUIT DIAMETER (IN.) FEEDER CONDUCTOR / SIZES RED AND BLACK (POWER) WHITE (NEUTRAL) GREEN (GROUNDING) 30 1 #10 THW #10 THW #8 THW 30 50 1 #6 THW #6 THW #8 THW 50 100 1 114 #2 OR #3 THW #2 OR #3 THW #8 THW 100 125 1 1/2 #1 OR #1/0 THW #2 THIN #6 THW 115 150 1 1/2 #1/0 OR #210 THW #2 THW #6 THW 115 200 2 ##310 #2 THW #6 THW 115 ELECTRICAL FEEDER AND EQUIPMENT SIZES (ALUMINUM MAIN BREAKER SIZE IN PANEL BOX(AMPS) ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS MAXIMUM CALCULATED NEUTRAL FEEDER LOAD (AMPS) MIN. SIZE RACEWAY CONDUIT DIAMETER (IN.) FEEDER CONDUCTOR/ SIZES RED AND BLACK (POWER) WHITE (NEUTRAL) GREEN (GROUNDING) 30 1 #10 THW #10 THW #6 THW 30 50 1 #6 THW #6 THW #6 THW 50 100 1 1/2 #1 THW #1 THW #6 THW 100 125 2 #210 THW #1/0 THW #4 THW 115 150 2 #310 THW #1/0 THW #4 THW 115 200 2 #250 MCM THW #1/0 THW #4 THW 115 APPROVED BY 000 10/17/2016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL B,lt DATE IOHN P. HOMES, INC. 10/16/08 P_0. BOX 1189 REV: N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 Chapter 6 - Utility Connections NUMBER: SM-/ 0 Figure 6.2 - Electrical'Crossover Connections UNE �- EKTE130R WALL MARRIAGE WALL-,,,MARR! E WALL "A" SIDE "S" SIDE Z-amIi u& GROUND CONNECTON (GROUND LUO) . ELECTRICAL CROSSOVER METHOD "A" SIDE MARRIAGE ELEMM CROSSOVER WIRES N$ Lm "B" SIDE IIAGE WALL -,RINCnoN sox �- ELECIRrA- GROUND WRING HOLE 1-1/2* DM. MAX CONNECTION (GROUND LLIC) AT PERIMETM JOW, 2 HOLES MkVWJM. NO EINX FMIXFE9 ALT. ELECTRICAL CROSSOVER WIRING NOTES (1) MAIN DISIRBUTION PANEL LOCATED ON EIM !i SIDE OR 'B' SIDE OF HOME (2) CROSSOVER PROPER SIZE JUNCfDN BOX CAN BE LOCATED ON 'A, 'B' OR 'C' SIDE OF HOME. (3) ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS WILL BE MADE INSIDE OF JIAICTION BOX. (4) CROSSOVER WIRE COVER WILL BE USED TO COVER OR PROTECT LOOSE WwmE WHICH WILL BE SECURED TO THE BOTFOM OF FLOOR JOESM OOVER WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE SIDE ONLY, BUr IN SOME CASES WAY BE USED ON BOTH SIDE. (5) FRAME GROLm wrwEEN SIDES uusr BE CON1OMD PRIOR TO ELECTRIC SERVICE BMG MADE (0) PROPER ELEC11RICA- ODNWM10N MUST BE 1lADEE. SUCH AS WIRE IOENIlFlED AT FACTORY MUST BE MATCHED AND ACOORDIIG TO COLOR CODE I M" (HOT WIRE); WHITE (NEUTRAL); BARE WIRE (WAM WIRE) (» COVER WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE JUNCTION BOX, PROTECTED FROM THE a7.EMENT BY PANRNG, SEALING OR EOUMV.ENL (8) CIRCUCr EIWA R TO HOT NGM MUST BE OFF UNTIL THE HOT WATER HEATER HEATER HAS BEEN FILLED WITH WATER, THIS MUST BE DONE TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO WATER NEATER. (9) PRIOR TO INSTALL OUTSIDE LIGHT' nMRE. INSTALL FIRE RING EEiWM SIDING AND LIGHT FDDURE. (10) ENSURE WIRES ARE NOT DVAA(ED DURING SETUP AND INSTALL PROTECTNE COVER. ^"r "'��^"•"` OF APPLICABLEjrr�•�� SETUP APPROVED BY INSTRUCTIONS Chapter 6 - Utility 10/17/2016 AND Connections t INCINSTALLATION Y. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS MANUAL �/��� BY: JOHN P. DRAVANSNUMBER: ��Y�>r1�f HOMES, INC. P_O_ BOX 1 I89 S M "' 71 DATE: 10/10/08 REV: N/A WAYCROSS, GA. 31503 Figure "A" Typical installation of Chain -Hung Lighting Fixture CEILING OUTLET BOX COLOR -CODED EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS �� CONDUCTOR WIRE CONNECTOR -�I „� `-� r-i'i` GROUNDING STRAP �- CEILING LIMITED COMBUSTIBLE OR NONCOMBUSTIBLE -� RING (IF REQUIRED) FIXTURE MOUNTING F SCREW FIXTURE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOT I Figure "B" Typical Installation of Surface -Mounted Exterior Lighting Fixture EQUIPMENT GROUNDING OUTLET BOX CONDUCTOR WIRE CONNECTOR COLOR -CODED r-, n O CONDUCTORS GLOBE APPROVED BY 10'/17/2016 ,INrAII R�V . FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS LIMITED COMBUSTIBLE OR NONCOMBUSTIBLE RING (IF REQUIRED) SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUAL DA 10HN P. HOMES, INC. DATE! 10/08/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV: WAYCROSS, GA 31503 N/A Chapter 6 - Utility Connections DanunNG NUMBER: SM-71A Figure 6.3 - Crossover Duct Securement TYPICAL EXTERIOR I TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL I WALL FURNACE (MAY BE LOCATED EITHER HALF.) 111 TYPICAL MARRIAGE WALL i 0 ({EM+t M, NU q &lff I cRassovEn DUCT SUPPORTS - { W NIMUM l W0 (2) PER HALF.) 4'-0' O.0 MAX FLDBBIE.1. CROSSOVER DUCT Figure 6.4 Bottom Board Repair _- Tl16"z1'STAPIf 101ilY` rr �% ff— REPAIRPANEL REPAIR PAMEL B0170MfX1MD WATE R PROOF TAPE{RTM. BOARD TAP MOTES: 1) EICEEM SO11RD MUST HE SEA iA TO RESIST RODENTS 4) BOTIOM BOM M%PE MUST BE APPROVED BDr1DM BMW TN �j INSIXATION MUST BE REPLACED BY ADDIND (1•fRIN THE IRAC A PIED OF F13ERMIM RMLATION TO ADOOMOBATE VITMTS L 4) WHEN DWDSURE 1 PLYWOOD IS USED. IT R NOT NECESSARY COAT FOR PROTWFION FROM TEE: ELEMENTS. 5) A SLIT/Clir NO MORE THEN 24' N U NM MAY BE REPNR9 APPROVED EIOI'1OM SONM;& APPROVED BY ftft 10/17/2016 FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS FEAT DUCT avrriva nn�nn ror.���r /.Ei X —8 IYP FLOOR JOIST COVER HOLE WITH BOTTOM BOARD TAPED NTH MIN. 2 PIECES DOUBLED APPROVED BOTTOM BOARD TAPE ALL ARODND SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 6 - Utility Connections INSTALLATION MANUAL SaotB�lt DY JOHN P. DRAWING NUMBER: HOMES TNC. DATE 10/10/08 P.O. BOX 1189 REV: N /A S M— 7 2 WAYCROSS, GA 31503 <2k § kk2 } < �z ) A 6 0 _ § e |� § . / a - m U) . a Z dn±3S LLI \\ I/� om¥ mOcn . <m . §RL 2 a-@ R§ , LU §� \§ . - e I � § 0-0 <Z . | Q§tn i\� . z \ . o Z: . < §#§ k- §OW ƒ� . § I§§ P Li . ' mm� o L LLI § 00LLD 0 $ LLI d �k LLI m§ �[ 00 .� ix < C3 S� }\ &EL § kf p §■ 27�L'ik LU . on- z§ Q§ /) kE zo CD ) AE a §§8 a-0 ƒ� & zEn \\R k d md . cn&z A Em C% ®5 k §,n �§ Eon �§ « e § Z: . . 2 §E �2 $bVI 0z 82ƒ } 7 �\ . z ¥! ) ��§ °E) « GG e= "§z ■g §oUJ 21a uj3¥ Sm-3 SCOTBILT Cobra" Venis Rated #Thi QUaW BvProfessioual ffmue Nuildersl Homeowner's Best Choice +Vents Your A.itic... Allows heat and condensation to escape at the most effective location --the ridge. •Looks Terrific... Shingle -over design blends into your ridge line. +Watert ht... Passes the 110 mph wind -driven rain ttst. +Insect Guard... Specially -designed louver spacing helps keep insects out. eEnergy Efficient... May even reduce your utility billsl sDurable... Designed with high -impact polymers. *Peace Of Mind... Backed by a 40-year ltd. warranty.*" 'Under wntmlled laboratory uonditioax "Sce lid. warranty for mmplctc oaverage and resrricdws, Professional's Best Choice •Effective... Provides 18 sq. inches per linear foot of net free ventilating area. - 3 " Ring Shank Nails Included... Ensures proper fastening on every installation. •EtasySizing... EasyTear feature allows you to hand -tear product in 3"increments---no knives necessary and less waste! "Fits Better... Extra-tiexible hinge design allows installation on 3:12 to 16:12 sloped roofs. •No End Cads Needadl • Crush Resistant.., Internal structural support for added durability. *No Galls... Edge overhang allows smooth, continuous coverage between sections. *Less Call-backs... External baffles help deflect wind and rain. *Cap Shingle Compatible... Works with traditional size ridge cap shingles. Balanced Ventilation Requirements Balanced ventilation requires an equal amount of intake ventilation gad exhaust ventilaaon. GAF -Elk recommends, at a minimum, providing 1 square foot of Net Free Ventilation for every 30o square feer of attic floor space. Consult local building codes for specific ventilation requirements in your area. 1. Calculate the total square footage of the attic floor area (round up to the ncu highest number). This number will determine the minimum total linearfeet of Cnhra° Rigid Vent 3" exhaust vent that is needed. 2. Find the appropriate amount of Cobras Rigid Vent 3" exhaust vent and minimum intake ventilation that corresponds to the rota] auic square fourage. Based on V300 Ride Taal Remaasu nded'crag, Wrin s Mal* fa k Square rff Cobra' Rigel V13` wdadon ft Free F Fxhauslllpu . pl Area in Sq In.) 1600 22 396- 1900 26 468 2200 30 540 2500 34 612 2800 38 684 3100 42 756 3400 46 828 o*?a ftY 3'alatvVMAVs toosy iRArva Y.dnef6ecvr�mingay. NO de�iratsl a AAbly3 iNIP 8lulauLLdVP1X1�YlORi)Skut kl ItD(.'L4!SN411HgIC aR701Yd al roe rtajo-erCEedu eamow dsdrY7Mima. �. ; .t3ris tiox (40 j:oft o6ra° Rigid L93ntT. .ad�aiistvEiikrr -;�B.Gonveritlonaf.Roof'1i�rlts::.or;::` � - -- `''`-' -- • °'.10 MefaT:'furbinl�: Roof l7enCs --::: i SCOTBILT r- COUNTRYMNVOUNTRY. �[DVENT2' f e#rwsl Vad Far Rod RMga EKhwM Veat For Rod FWgeErllaud Vera Far RoofRldge Et I sl VeN Far Foot FIALye ' APPLICATION INSTRUC Roof Deck: Use only over a well -seasoned, supported wood deck, tightly constructed with maximum t?' wide lumber, having adequate nail-hoiding capacity Plywood decking as recommended by The Engineered Wood Association is acceptable. For ridge vent to function proper) , it must be the only exhaust vent for the vented attic space. Tao not use witiI gable-endYlouvers turbines, roof vents, or power vents. Slope Restrictions: Use only on slopes between 3/12 and 16/12. STEP 1 Calcidations for a Balanced Ventilation System To achieve a "balanced system' with Cobra'3 4' rigid vents, there must be an air intake system (.e., soffits or undereave vents), For proper ventilation, the amount of undereave ventilation must equal the amount of ventilation at the ridge. Jf10i1c•.Cormrl[:9or,�1'b�11o'irr�adPs-foroQf�,r`i1 �r�rarsf;}Gs``i.� � ''-�-"=�'> �=:;:°�'- - ``' -- 11107P' In ry eases) buid the mxxin of.4 har st veritilatir rex ert (he:airroririf;o€MlriiAl tat To determine the minimum square feet of net free ventilating area @"A) needed for a balanced ventilation system, use the following formula: Sq. ft. of attic floor space 0 _ !Ulin. Sq. ft. of NFVA needed Cobra' 4' rigid vents have 1&0 square inches of NFVA per lineal foot. To determine how marry feet of Cobra* 4' rigid vent is needed, use the following formula: 112 x (Min. sq. ft. of NFVA needed) x 144 118.0 = Min. lineal feet of ridge vent needed To determine the amount of undereave vent required, use the Following formula: X = NFVA (Sq. in. per. lin, ft) of the undereave vent or intake vent system selected 112 x (Min, sq. t of NFVA needed) x 144%X = Min. lineal feet of undereave vent needed STEP I9tntmction For Slots After calculating the total length of Cobra 4' rigid vent needed, o=11�r n u c; Daly slot opening required. . Note; ifinstaliing-an an exlstlrigrocf,errroue.Ie Cgt:;frlesvri.frid:: Roofs without a ridge board: cut a'/B' opening along the. ridge on each side (Figure A). Roofs rAth a ridge board: cut a iIM opening along the ridga on each side (Figure B). likitw, Maemurn slot.gming, is 3 A" wide... Mark off and cut the slot opening, making sure that the ends of the opening stop at least 6' from any end walls and at least 12" from hip and ridge intersections or chimneys. (Figure C). Where short ridges (dormers, ridge intersections) are used, mark and cut the slot and make sure that the end of the openng stops at least 121i from the ridge intersection (Figure D). APPROVED BY ONO 0 10/17/2016 rANC. FEDERAL MANUFACt11RED HONE CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS 3/4 No Ridge Board F"g` B IN P- ' 01 i w� Ridge Board ................ . .?C,_. [ llll,ljr 1 lelatl�'1 Fr<g D 1 _ I SM-73B SCOTBI LT APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 STEP 3 00NOO INC. NC. Ridge Vent f �y� 6� CONSTRUCT ACFURED HOME �.9 H6 t CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS Place, center and conform the Cobra' 4'rigid vent over the slot with the vent resting firmly against the roof surface. For Cobra' Snow Country Advanced' and Cobra' Rigid Vent 3" only, use the E-Z Nail" system. Grasp attached nails by the head and peel back. Rotate nail to vertical position for Easy removal (Figure Q. For Cobra' Snow Country" and Cobra' Rigid Vent 2`, use nails at least 11/4* or longer. Attach the vent section using the previously mentioned nails through the pre -molded nailing holes (Figure F). Nails must always pene- ti-ate through plywood decks or at least'/,' Into wood planks. lY07'!~ 3'rmg M&* nails are recarrunffk* l forincmased. upliftfj2 sta�.: Apply the subsequent Cobra'° 4'rigid vent sections over the length of the ridge using the overlaplunderlap tabs (Figure G). For installations in cold weather, leave Its gap between overlap and undafap of each vent section to allow for expansion. At the end, it maayy be possible to use the EasyTear custom length system to create a specifidength part to fit. 1. With the underlay end of the part near the final end position desired, select the support nb nearest your desired length (Figure H). 2. Grasp the baffle with both hands close to. the baffle cut notch and snap the baffle at this location (Figure 1). 3. Flip the vent section over, then tear the bottom of the baffle apart (Figure J). Repeat steps 2 & 3 on the opposite brie. 4. After the baffles have been tom, faid the vent back flat along the tear seam until it snaps. After folding back flat, the filter oil Snow Country` and Snow Country Advanced' can be cut with a ut k ty knife (Figure K). b. Tear the two parts to get your desired custom length part Discard the leftover portion (Figure Q. Place the newly cut overlap edge over the end of the last full vent installed and nall in place as shown above. If final vent section can not be completed using the EasyTear" system, cut the section to desired length. Butt the cut end to the last section Installed and caulk the'oint Be sure the finished end is installed to the outside to prevent weather infiitQn. Please. Vote The otlarniing: 7. Do not install oahips. 2_ Far' uniform appearance,. inslalfC d: iti nvc tlte:ehtire l . b `'the ridgy makby 5eie tli� tlx t ex ids p►�st the slrqoWng byat-AW 6" 3. For appllcatiorrs with hip aW ikige r tkirz -7 :vW 1r n A? . Ha W-i_ct 160WV ft1M':teMxiiaO`U Me rjrdy�e vret 'IWM 6"skW . r�i'tlae •rnteisecfion; . , - _ - = - _ - - _ - - 4. For a rlamiaatddsfirngle 'apPya liearlafsllicarie=i t�olkrriy;ar carr?ert.b ftra urdatVe•omies Vitt-bae,Arrg_ ndgeandateoosededgessottratthe gepsarr?'cotrrpletelyfi!!eo! lm-rraruseexcaessruofasitiiraycuseblrsterirx,/r�fOheshiles 3 lMrien venting.vauitedaiid caftdral ceilings.eachjis 11r rc vitynWs be-v d°atbo.1h.endsarddham.at7east 1.,X"clQmnce., STEP Cap Shingle Installation Install the cap shingles directly to the vent, using included 3" ring shank nails provided only with Cobra' Snow Country Advanced" and Cobra" Rigid Vent 3". For Cobra" Snow Countryy' and Cobra' Rigid Vent 2",nalls must be of sufficient length to penetrate through plyv d decks or at least'/4' into wood planks. A nail line is inscribed on the top of the vent to serve as a guide (Figure M). MOTE. 3" ring shank.rt�ii�:are:recammend�a'fot uacreasedu�lift.t�sis�nce "Your Best And Safest Choice... Quality You Can Trust Since 1888!" x ©2007 GAF Materials Corporation 71O7 Job #031 " 1361 Alps Road Wayne NJ, 07470 • www.o.corn S M -73 C FIGURE 7.1 - TYPICAL TEMPORARY UNIT SET PERIMETER SUPPORTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE MARKED BY PIER LABELS TYPICALSIDEWALL DOOR 11; -_ _. _.. __ _-__ ____ -------- -------------- m a TYPICAL I -BEAM SUPPORT PIERS, JACK STANDS, ETC. m 2'-W 2'4' MAX 12'-0" MAX ............ y.... 12'-0" MAX 1 .. 12' O" MAX � _ 1TO MAX ............ t 12'-0' MAX MAX.. .� —... a I�—...._._� Intel � _........... x v `\ TYPICAL MARRIAGE LINE PIERS (INSTALL WHERE INDICATED BY PIER LABELS) TYPICAL I -BEAM o 2'1" g MAX,y............. 12'-0" MAX 12'-0" MAX 12'-0" MAX 1T-W MAX 12'-W MAX 2'1" MAX > 1 , a X MARRIAGE LINE OPENING SUPPORT PIER/TYP. PROTECT FROM ELEMENTS IME,` SUPPORT PIER/TYP -- THIRD PARTY STAMP ENGINEER STAMP (IF APPLICABLE) ................................................... SETUP APPROVED BY REVISED oolp2/4/2019 INSTRUCTIONS CHAPTER 7 rNC. AND TEMPORARY UNIT SET FEDERAL MANUFACNRED HOME INSTALLATION CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS MANUAL Scotbilt Homes, Inc. o3 2-1-2NTS SM-74.1 2A 0 N 00o 10/17/2016 I14NC. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS SUPPORTING A HOME FOR DISPLAY When a new or used manufactured Thorne is to be displayed at a retail location, temporarily block and support the home. Set up single section homes with single block piers, metal piers or jack stands spaced no further apart than 12 feet o.c. beneath each 1-beam- The fire and axle system may be used as one of these required supports, and the hitch jack may be used as another. Locate the first support no further than tyro feet from the rear end of the home (Fgure i)_ Place addi- tional supports along the perimeter on either side of openings greater than fourfeet (i.e. sliding glass doors, bay windows, etc.). For 18' wide homes, perimeter supports must also be spaced no further than 12 feet o.c. For multi section hornes, locate additional supports along the marriage line under support columns. These locations will be marked by the manufacturer. Figure 1. Supporting a home for display For all homes, place footings below each support Footings may be placed directly on the surface grade without excava- tion and maybe AgS pads, 2 x 10 by 16 inch long pressure treated lumber or 16' x 16' by 4 inch thick concrete pads. SUPPOR-I ING A HOME FOR STORAGE To prevent -damage to homes being stored but not on display (i.e. people shall not be permitted inside the home) for ape- riod exceeding 30 days, tocate supports below each [-beam no further than two feet from each end of the home and at the appToximate center of the home length. For 18' wide homes, perimeter supports must also be spaced no further than 12 feet o.c, Whether the home is being supported for display or storage the height of the home should be no higher than 48 inches as measured from the top of the ground. to the bottom of the 1-beam- In addition, it is extremely Important that the roarfridge vents are installed while the home is on display. Failure to install the roof/ridge vents may lead to significant damage to the roof and home. SM-74A 8a) General The planning and permitting processes, as well as utility connection, access, and other requirements, are outside of HUD's authority and may be governed by Local Authority Having Jurisdictions. These Model Installation Standards do not attempt to comprehensively address such requirements. 81b) Moving Manufactured Home to Location The Local Authority Having Jurisdiction be informed before moving the manufactured home to the site. It is also recommended that the installation instructions indicate that the manufactured home is not to be moved to the site until the site is prepared in accordance with subpart C of this part and when the utilities are available as required by the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction. Examples of related areas that might be addressed in the installation instructions for meeting this recommendation include: (a) Access for the transporter. Before attempting to move a home, ensure that the transportation equipment and home can be routed to the installation site and that all special transportation permits required by the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction have been obtained. (b) Drainage structures. Ditches and culverts used to drain surface runoff meet the requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction and are considered in the overall site preparation. 8c) Permits, Alterations, and On -site Structures The following information is related to permits, alterations, and on -site structures: (a) Issuance of permits. All necessary Local Authority Having Jurisdiction fees should be paid and permits should be obtained, which may include verification that Local Authority Having Jurisdiction requirements regarding encroachments in streets, yards, and courts are obeyed and that permissible setback and fire separation distances from property lines and public roads are met. APPROVED BY ILL N10/17/2016 7A, N C. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS (b) Alterations. Prior to making any alteration to a home or its installation, contact the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction to determine if plan approval and permits are required. (c) Installation of on -site structures. Each accessory building and structure is designed to support all of its own live and dead loads, unless the structure, including any attached garage, carport, deck, and porch, is to be attached to the manufactured home and is otherwise included in the installation instructions or designed by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. 8d) Utility System Connections (a) The following procedures must be used prior to making any utility system connection: . (1) Where an Local Authority Having Jurisdiction and utility services are available, that the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction and all utility services each be consulted before connecting the manufactured home to any utilities, or (2) Where no Local Authority Having Jurisdiction exists and utility services are available, that the utilities be consulted before connecting the manufactured home to any utility service; or (3) In rural areas where no Local Authority Having Jurisdiction or utility services are available, that a professional be consulted prior to making any system connections. (b) -Qualified personnel. Only qualified personnel familiar with local requirements are permitted to make utility site connections and conduct tests. (c) Drainage system. The main drain line must be connected to the site's sewer hookup, using an elastomeric coupler or by other methods acceptable to the Locai Authority Having Jurisdiction, as shown in Figure A to this section. (d) Fuel supply system. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 8 - General INSTALLATION MANUAL IOHN P. DRANCN6NUMBERSanw7 IltDATE HOMES, INC. P.O. BDX L 189 M 10/10/08 REV; N/A WAXCROSS GA 31503 J (1) Conversion of gas appliances. A service person acceptable to the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction must convert the appliance from one type of gas to another, following instructions by the manufacturer of each appliance. (2) Orifices and regulators_ Before making any connections to the site supply, the inlet orifices of all gas -burning appliances must be checked to ensure they are correctly set up for the type of gas to be supplied. (3) Connection procedures. Gas-buming ,appliance vents must be inspected to ensure that they are connected to the appliance and that roof jacks are properly installed and have not come loose during transit. (4) Gas appliance start-up procedures_ The Local Authority Having Jurisdiction should be consulted concerning the following gas appliance startup procedures: (i) One at a time, opening equipment shutoff valves, lighting pilot lights when provided, and adjusting burners and spark igniters for automatic ignition systems, in accordance with each appliance manufacturer instructions. (li) Checking the operation of the furnace and water heater thermostats. Note: Fittings in the drainage system that are subject to freezing, such as P-traps in the floor, are protected with insulation by the manufacturer. Insulation must be replaced if it is removed for access to the P-trap. 8e) Heating Oil Systems The following information is related to heating oil systems, when applicable: (a) Homes equipped with oil burning furnaces should have their oil supply tank and piping installed and tested onsite, in accordance with NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, 2001 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4) or the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction, whichever is more stringent. PARTYAPPROVAU APPROVED BY 10/17/2016 IIV. FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS (b) The oil burning furnace manufacturer's instructions should be consulted for pipe size and installation procedures. (c) Oil storage tanks and pipe installations should meet all applicable local regulations. (d) Tank installation requirements. (1) The tank should be located where it is accessible to service and supply and where It is safe from fire and other hazards. (2) In flood hazard areas, the oil storage tank should be anchored and elevated to or above the design flood elevation, or anchored and designed to prevent flotation, collapse, or permanent lateral movement during the design flood. (3) Leak test procedure. Before the system is operated, it should be checked for leaks in the tank and supply piping, in accordance with NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, 2001 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4) or the requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction, whichever is more stringent. 8f) Telephone and Cable TV Telephone and cable TV wiring should be installed in accordance with requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction and the National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70— 2005 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS AND Chapter 8 - General INSTALLATION MANUAL SCOMIft JOHN P. DRAWING NUMELER: Homes, rNC, P.O. BOX 1184 n p r S � V � DATE: 10/11/08 REV; N/A WAYCROSS, GA 31503 SITE INSTALLATION CHECKLIST FOR ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED MANUFACTURED HOMES. HOME MANUFACTURER ScotBilt Homes, Inc. Wayne Gilmore Company Contact Home Serial Number 2888 Fulford Rd. Waycross GA (912) 490-7268 Address City State Telephone Instructions for manufacturer's field representative: 1. Fill in retailer and homeowner contact information. Verify that all ENERGY STAR CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS listed below have been successfully completed. Confirm that the EPA ENERGY STAR and MHRA Quality Assured labels are affixed to the home (near the HUD data plate or the main electrical panel). When all ENERGY STAR construction requirements have been successfully completed: Sign and date tihs form. Sign and date the MHRA Quality Assured'"" label. Promptly return this completed form to the manufacturer. If there are any discrepancies, contact the manufacturer immediately. RETAILER* Company Contact Telephone Address City State County HOMEOWNER* Company Telephone Address City State County ENERGY STAR CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. Marriage Line Seal The marriage line areas must be filled with a continuous non -porous insulating gasket creating a permanent air barrier at joints in the ceiling, wails and floor. Acceptable gaskets can be one or two-part systems, including proprietary gaskets, foams, insulation wrapped in poly, and insulation covered by butyl or other long -life tape on one side. In addition, there must be no visible signs of gaps or tears. B. Tears in Bottom Board Material Repaired All tears in the bottom board material must be covered and sealed with a durable, permanent patch to prevent air leakage.. (Foam sealant can be used on lag bolt and other small holes,) C. Exterior (including Crossover) Duct Installation) For multi -section homes, the exterior ducts must be sealed with a permanent connection per the Manufacturer's installation Manual. Identify that the following items are completed: ❑ All exterior ducts have been installed and wrapped with insulation. ❑ Crossover collar is secured to the trunk with at least three screws and cannot rotate or move. ❑ All exterior duct insulation is a minimum of R-8. ❑ Nylon or metal straps and saddles are used to support the exterior duct; duct does not touch the ground. ❑ Three or more screws are placed below the straps through the flexible duct and into the crossover collar. ❑ Exterior duct insulation is pushed into the floor cavity and sealed with tape or foam sealant at all bottom board penetrations. D. Field Installed Heat Pump ❑ Heating equipment efficiency meets or exceeds the following specification: HSPF-7.7. E. For Homes Installed Over Basements (One of the following must be checked) • This homes has an UNHEATED BASEMENT, All Interior stairwells from the heated space into the basement are constructed in the same manner as an exterior wall with full insulation and a weather-stripped, Insulated exterior door. ❑ This home has a HEATED BASEMENT. The basement wall insulation level Is a minimum of R Signature (Manufacturer's Representative) Print Name Date Fax this completed form to (912) 490-7276 or mail to the home manufacturer at the address above. *The retailer and/or homeowner maybe contacted as part of the ENERGY STAR for Homes quality assurance program. PARTY APPROVAL' I ENGINEERING APPROVAL: APPROVED BY REVISED 1 /4;'2019 IN114IN,C, FEDERAL MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION MANUAL �iC % DATE DA SEAM O. xantPs, INC.tz(o9(a9 F.C). BOX 1189 REV: Wayne. G. 1-2-2Q19 W�.YCRQSS. GA 31503 y ENERGY STAR SITE INSTALLATION CHECKLIST SM-77.0