HomeMy WebLinkAboutLettersLydia Galbraith From: Bethany Grubbs Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 10:15 AM ( NI To: larry murray; Nancy Armstrong; juliet2273@gmail.com Cc: Lydia Galbraith Subject: RE: MURRAY TBD CARLTON RD 3228-600-0003-000-2 Wonderful. I will coordinate the reimbursement. I will give you formal confirmation once I run the request through management. From: larry murray <boattechlm@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, September 3, 202110:09 AM To: Bethany Grubbs <GrubbsB@stlucieco.org>; Nancy Armstrong <nancyarmstrong6l@gmail.com>; juliet2273@gmail.com Cc: Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org> Subject: Re: MURRAY TBD CARLTON RD 3228-600-0003-000-2 SECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when clicking -links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe:. Hi Nancy Yes all do apply to me.. We plan to continue to keepAG exemption Please move forward With OUtT class A application Thank you for your help. Larry Murray M Sent from Yahoo Mail for !Phone On Friday, September 3, 2021, 9:46 AM, Bethany Grubbs <GrubbsB@stlucieco.org> wrote: Good morning Nancy, I just came across this e-mail as I was working to mail out notices. 1 Per LDC Section 7.10.05 — Mobile Home as Accessory Use, you will not request a Class A Mobile Home application if: 1. You have an active ag exemption for ad valorem tax purposes, and 2. The land is a minimum of 5 acres, and 3. The owner of the land shall own the mobile home It appears that you meet all of these criteria. It does not appear that this application is required and could possibly be refunded. See code section attached. If the ag exemption will be expiring or lapsing, then the Class A Mobile Home Application will be required. Please advise if it will be remaining active and how you wish to proceed? Thank you, Bethany From: Tahir Curry <CurrvT@stlucieco.ore> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 20213:15 PM To: Nancy Armstrong <nancyarmstrone61@gmail.com> Cc: Bethany Grubbs <GrubbsB@stlucieco.org> Subject: RE: MURRAY TBD CARLTON RD 3228-600-0003-000-2 Yes, you are still required for a home building permit. 2 Thank you, Tahir Curry I Associate Planner I Planning & Development Services Department Ph: 772-462-2515 12300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982 facebook.com/stluciegov I twitter.com/stluciegov I instagram.com/stluciegov I youtube.com/stluciegov y� E .. From: Nancy Armstrong <nancyarmstrong61@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 3:12 PM To: Tahir Curry <CurryT@stlucieco.org> Subject: Re: MURRAY TBD CARLTON RD 3228-600-0003-000-2 ;SECURITY WARNING: This. email'originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when.clicking links`or, opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know, ,the content is safe.. Tahir Question, I just found out 2 days ago that they have exemption on their parcel. So do I still need to go through with this? Nancy Armstrong On Wed, Aug 18, 2021, 3:09 PM Tahir Curry <CurryT@stlucieco.org> wrote: Nancy, Bethany is working on your application. However, due to our high volume of projects, the application could take up to two months. The application is currently being review by our Development Review Committee. I copied Bethany Grubbs in this email if you have any questions. Thank you, Tahir Curry I Associate Planner I Planning & Development Services Department Ph: 772-462-2515 12300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982 facebook.com/stlucieeov I twitter.com/stlucieeov I instasram.com/stlucieeov I youtube.com/stlucieeov From: Nancy Armstrong <nancyarmstrone61@email.com> Sent: Friday, August 13, 20217:20 AM To: Tahir Curry <CurrvT@stlucieco.ors> Subject: Re: MURRAY TBD CARLTON RD 3228-600-0003-000-2 SECURITYWARNING: This email originated,from outside the County systems. Please -show `ca"ution.when dickinglinks or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender andknow.` the content s' safer 4 COULD YOU PLEASE GIVE ME AN UPDATE. MURRAY TBD CARLTON RD 3228-600-0003-000-2 Nancy Armstrong 863-529-2370 On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 8:15 AM Tahir Curry <CurrvT@stlucieco.org> wrote: Morning Nancy, Yes, so far, we have all the documentation we need. The mobile home is currently under review by the Development Review Committee. Please contact me if you should have any questions. Thank you, Tahir Curry Associate Planner Planning & Development Services Planning Division 2300 Virginia Ave Rm 203 Fort Pierce, FI 34982 Tel: 772-462-2515 Email: CurryT@stlucieco.ore Website: www.stiucieco.gov 9 07 - 8/23/21 CARLTON RD 3228=600-0003-000-2 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT I AM ADDING A MOBILE HOME TO OUR PROPERTY FOR A CARETAKER QUARTERS. WE HAVE AG EXEMPTION AND PLAN TO BUILD AT A LATER DATE. LARRY MURRAY I Lydia Galbraith From: Ingram, Brian J <Brian.ingram@flhealth.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 4:34 PM To: Lydia Galbraith Subject: RE: 2107-0559, 7868 Carlton Rd. 'SECURITY WARNING: This email originated'from outside the County systems. Please show caution when clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.. Good afternoon Lydia, I'm fine with that. They currently have a permit and have submitted the revision with the revised site plan today. I'm hoping to get them a revised.permit with new stamped site plans by the end of the week or the beginning of next. Thank you Brian Ingram Environmental Specialist III Florida Department of Health -St Lucie County Division of Disease Control and Prevention Bureau of Environmental Health 3855 South US 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 MAILING: 5150 NW Milner Dr, Port St Lucie, Fl 34983 office (772) 873-4905 "To protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts." NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state officials regarding state business are public records available to the public and media upon request Your email communication may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Florida Department of Health St Lucie I Your Feedback Matters! From: Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 3:32 PM To: Ingram, Brian J <Brian.ingram@flhealth.gov> Subject: 2107-0559, 7868 Carlton Rd. EXTERNAL EMAIL: DO NOT CLICK links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. , Hi Brian, Happy New Year! I have a question about above septic and well permit. They are relocating the proposed house, septic, well and drain field. They informed me that they have submitted the revision to you and you probably would be able to do an inspection next week. I am wondering if you would be comfortable for us to issue the building permit based on the original plans and add a deferred submittal of the revised Health Dep. approval. The customer will at least be able to have the MH delivered. Please let me know so I can act accordingly. Thank you, i Lydia Galbraith Zoning Specialist Ph: 772-462-1555 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982 facebook.com/stluciepov I twitter.com/stluciesov i instaRram.com/stlucieRov Iyoutube.com/stluciegov Since 2016 to wort 5L LUCIE CMIM St. Lucie County Building and Code Division is committed to great service and your feedback is important to us. Please tell me how we're doing. How was your service? Please contact, Melissa Brubaker, .Supervisor, at brubakerm stlucieco.ora to submit your suggestions, comments and feedback The County is ®PEN for business, though, the building remains closed to the general public to keep our citizens and employees safe during the pandemic. The Building Department is operating in a new location, just a few feet from the main lobby, at the SW corner of the building (formerly the Utilities Department). Look for the GREEN A -Frame signs. The hours of operation are Monday — Friday from 3:00 am to 4:30 am. All staff is available by email or phone. Of you need to contact me, my direct extension is 462-1555. Please be safe during these unprecedented times while we do our best to help the community remain safe as we continue to operate at the new normal. Thank you Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. 8/23/21 CARLTON RD 3228=600-0003=000-2 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: PLEASE BE ADVISED'THAT 1 AM ADDING A MOBILE HOME TO OUR PROPERTY FOR A CARETAKER QUARTERS. WE HAVE AG EXEMPTION AND PLAN TO BUILD AT A LATER DATE. LARRY MURRAY r'%,vw SEP ® g ZJ2 St. Lucieicou ty Perm RECEIVED SEP 0 8 2021