HomeMy WebLinkAboutDouglas - Permit Revision Metal Panel.pdfOFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: REVISION FEE: PERMIT # 2111-0452 RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 (772) 462.1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 6385 GARDENA STREET, FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: THIS JOB WAS PERMITTED WITH THE WRONG PRODUCT APPROVAL IT IS 1- STANDING SEAM, NOT 1.5" STANDING SEAM. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CCC 1330918 BUSINESS NAME: ALLIANCE GROUP CONTRACTING CORP QUALIFIERS NAME: DANIELLE RYCKMAN ADDRESS: 615 NW ENTERPRISE DRIVE CITY: PORT ST LUCIE STATE: FL PHONE (DAYTIME): 772-492-8006 OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME: STATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130117 STATE: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: FAX: FAX: FAX: ZIP: 34986 ZIP: ZIP: 1/25122, 8:09 AM Florida Building Code Online Regulation r BCIS Home tag In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications Contact Us acts site Map Links Search dbpr 4 Product Approval USER: Public User Product AQ vaF2 men-k > Product or Aoalication Search > I pRaggation Lh;t > Application DOW FL # FL29523-Pl Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Metal Alliance Inc. Address/Phone/Email 2120 SW Poma Dr. Palm City, FL 34990 (W) 638-2548 orders@metalalliance.com Authorized Signature Tara Faulkner orders@metalalliance.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the David Eng Evaluation Report Florida License PE-81377 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/22/2030 Validated By James R Wally, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL29523 R1 C0I 32AI 100SL plywood nonHVHZ.pdf Standard Year TAS 100 1995 TAS 125 2003 UL580 2006 https:lMoridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXCtwtDquDjJZOKCHOBeuJtRZV94wAPLbCuLWfBsMgrM4sxtfrSA%3d%3d 113 1/25/22, 8:09 AM Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 08/11/2020 08/13/2020 08/19/2020 10/13/2020 Summary of Products FL at Model, Number or Name Description 29523.1 01: 100SL 1" Nallstrip 032 Aluminum 100SL 1" Nailstrip panel from nominal 0.032" aluminum or thicker on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4' (min) wood plank Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL29523 R1 II 32AI 1005E plywood nonHVHZ.odf Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Approved for two outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design pressure: +N/A/-168.5 Evaluation Reports Other. 168.5 psf @ 6' oc FL29523 R1 AE 32AI 100SL olywood nonHVHZ.pQf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 29523.2 02: 100SL 1" Nallstrip 24ga 1005L 1' Nallstrip panel from 24go (min) on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) wood plank Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL29523 Rl II 24pa 1005E plywood nonHVHZ.odf Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-206 Evaluation Reports Other: 206 psf @ 6"oc FL29523 R1 AE 24ga 100SL plywood nonHVH2 Rdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 29523.3 03: 1005L V Nallstrip 26ga HVHZ 100SL 1' Nailstrip panel from 26ga (min) on 15/32' (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) wood plank Limits of Use Installation Imdructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL29523 U II 2figa 1005E olyaLggg,Rd( Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-176 Evaluation Reports Other: 176 pst @ 6" oc WITH sealant, 116 psf @ 6" oc without FL29523 R1 AE 26pa 1005L olywopd.gQ( sealant Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 29523.4 04: 100SL 1' Nailstrip 032 Aluminum 1005L 1" Naliso 1p panel from nominal 0.032' aluminum or HVHZ thicker on IS/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) wood plank Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL29523 Rl ❑ 32AI 100SL gjywood.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-175 Evaluation Reports Other: 175 psf @ 6" oc WITH sealant FL29523 Rl AE 32AI 3005E plywootl otlf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 29523.5 05: ISOSL 1.5" Nailstrip 24ga 150SL 1.5" Nailstrip panel from 24ga (min) on 15/32' (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) wood plank Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL29523 RI [I 24ga 1505E olywood nonHVHZ.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-153.5 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Other: 153.5 psf @ 6' oc WITH sealant FL29523 R3 AE 24pa 150SL olywood nonHVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 29523.E 06: 1505L 1.5" Nallstrip 032 ISOSL 1.5" Nailstrip panel from nominal 0.032" aluminum or Aluminum thicker on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4' (min) wood plank Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL29523 RI II 32AI 150SL olywood nonHVH2 W Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-168.5 Evaluation Reports Other: 168.5 psf @ 6" oc WITH sealant FL29523 Rl AE 32AI 150SL p)ywood nonHVHZ.R9f Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 29523.7 07: 150SL 1.5" Nallstrip 032 ISOSL 1.5" Nallstrip panel from nominal 0.032" aluminum or Aluminum HVHZ thicker on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) wood plank I 19" coverage Installation Instructions Limits of Use httpsJ/0oridabuilding.orglpr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXOwtDquDJJZOKCHOBeuJtRZVS4wAPLbCuLWfOsMgrM4sxtfrSA%3d%3d 213 1/25/22, 8:09 AM Florida Building Code Online Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL29523 R1 II 32AI 1505E Rlywood.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-168.1 Evaluation Reports Other: 168.1 psf 0 6" oc WITH sealant FL29523 Rl AE 32AI 150SL QtwmW9,gdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 29523.8 08: 150SL 1.5" Nailstrip 24ga HVHZ 150SL 1.5" Nailstrip panel from 24ga (min) on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) wood plank 1 19" coverage Limits of Use, Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL29523 RI Ii 24ga 1505L olywood.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-112.5 Evaluation Reports Other: 112.5 @ 6" oc WITH sealant FL29523 RI AE 24ga 1505E olywood.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes eacY aert Cortolict, The State of Florida Is an AA/EED employer Under Florida sew, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your a -mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send eleop me mall ts this entity. Instead, txntsct the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you Iurve any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. "pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address H they have one. The emalls provided! may W used roc of cal communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made a ,allable to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick here . Product Approval Accepts: ®®®EI® Credit Card Safe https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwlDquDjJZOKCHOBeuJtRZVS4wAPLbCuLWf8sMgrM4sxtfrSAa/3de/3d 3/3 AL METALALLIANCE A Value Added Supplier of Metals 1" NailStrip 24ga Steel Panels 24ga (min) 1" Nail Strip over 15/32" (min) plywood Metal Alliance, Inc 2120 SW Poma Dr I Palm City FL 34990 Produced by Metal Alliance's Network of Approved Regional Manufacturers Product Description Nailstrip, snaplock style panel with a 16" maximum panel width and a nominal rib height of 1" Product Material 24ga (min) steel 24ga is nominally 0.0239" with yield strength of at least 50ksi, and shall be corrosion resistant per FBC 1507.4.3 where required. Fastener #10 1-inch pancake style fastener Compliant with FBC 1506.6 where required- Substrate/Deck 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) thick wood plank (min S.G. of 0.42) Evaluated by: David Eng, PE Timberlake Cove, LLC 3324 W Univ Ave #206 1 Gainesville FL FL PE 81377 1 FL CA 33344 www.T-imberLakeCove.com 100S L• 1" NAILSTRIP 24GA . �\\4PJ\D El..FFyyG�� No. 81377 �Q STATE OF Ss/of 4 David E Eng 2020.08.10 18:45:33-04'00' This item has been digitally signed and sealed by D E Eng. PE, on the date indicated Printed Copies of this document are not oonsldered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any etedronic copies Underlayment: comply with local building code or FBC 1507.1.1 where required. Slope: Comply with local building code or FBC 1507.4.2 where required. Re -Roofing: This panel maybe installed over a single layer of existing shingles as permitted by local building code or FBC 1511, provided the existing roof meets the conditions required by the applicable code. Maximum Allowable Loads & Installation Requirements: Method A:.#10 x 1" fastener at 6" o.c. along nail strip_ 206 PSF A factor of safety of 2 has been applied. Fasteners are installed through the metal flange, NOT through the pre -punched slots. Technical Documentation: This product has been tested to the UL 580 standard by Intertek Testing (TST-1527), report J6368.05-450-44 RO. Compliance Statement: This product as described has demonstrated compliance with Florida Building Code 2020, 1504.3.2 (non-HVHZ) as required by FL Rule 61G20-3, method 1D. This product as described has been tested and demonstrated compliance with: • UL580 - Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies • UL 1897 - Uplift test for roof covering systems Certification of Independence: David Eng, PE and Timberlake Cove, LLC do not have, nor will acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. The same entities do not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. Exclusions and Limitations: Design of deck and roof structure (to include attachment of plywood or wood plank) shall be completed by others. Fire classification and shear diaphragm design are outside the scope of this evaluation. This report is limited to compliance with structural wind load requirements of FBC 1504.3.2, as required by Rule 61G20-3. Neither Timberlake Cove nor the manufacturer shall be responsible for any conclusions, interpretations, or designs made by others based on this evaluation report. This report is limited solely to documenting compliance with Rule 61G20-3, and makes no express or implied warranty regarding performance of this product. Design Process: The load tables in this report provides one prescriptive option for the fastening requirement for the applicable wind loads for roofs within the parameters described. For roofs outside of the listed parameters, design wind loads shall be determined as required by FBC 1609, ASCE 7, or other design code in force, using allowable stress. These load tables are based on ASCE 7-16. Use of these tables assumes that the structure is: Enclosed and conforms to wind-borne debris provisions and is a regular shaped building Is not subject to across -wind loading, vortex shedding, or instability; nor does it have a site location for which channeling or buffeting warrant consideration Engineering analysis may be completed by other licensed engineers for project specific approval by local authorities having jurisdiction. METALALLIANCE A Value Added Supplier of Metals Instructions: a �t Select the appropriate load table that applies to i 3 _ _ 2 _ -. _ 2 _ 3 the structure in question. a \ Determine the design wind speed for the project location. Use the attachment method indicated for that windspeed within each roof zone. NOTE: ASCE 7-16 and FBC 2020 adopt a 7-zone concept. For the load tables below, the worst case t was token for each zone and reported using the a standard zones 1-2-3: t Zone 1 includes zones 1 and 1' Zone 2 includes zones 2e, 2r, and 2n Zone 3 includes zones 3e and 3r \2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 e 1 t 2 1 2 2 3 --T 1 1 2 2 -31 —� - _F3. 1 -� 7 i — a — HIP ROOF I— GABLE ROOF . a — m a uiar xwww oA<ns.w w o... x�nex m suuux wr rn� ss rww cmxrx �. oF,uv xwe¢oxru oncxswox xr �ow� Combining these zones creates a clear, simple ROOF ZONES FOR GENERIC BUILDING scheme, at the expense of some design efficiency. Contact Metal Alliance Inc for further information, or consult a licensed design professional METHOD A Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Are located in Exposure B area Have either a Flat roof, or gable/hip roof with max slope of 45° Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less r�. I.I.,A, F . FG SNAPS ONTO MALE LEG .10 FASTENER Al 0'Or. Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria Are located in B, C, or D exposure area Have either a flat roof, or gable/hip roof with max slope of 450 Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less FL29523.02: 24oa 100SL 1" nail strip on 15/32" Dlvwood FL29523.02: 24aa 100SL V nail strip on 15/32" Dlvwood Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 3: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 3: A A A A A A A A A Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria. Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria, Are located in Exposure B area Are located in B, C, or D exposure area Have either a flat roof less than 70, hip roof with Have either a flat roof less than 70, hip roof with max slope of 45°, or gable roof with slope between 20' and 45° max slope of 45°, or gable roof with slope between 20' and 45' Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less FL29523.02: 24cia 100SL V nail strip on 15/32" plywood FL29523.02: 24 a 100SL 1" nail strip on 15/32" pl ood Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1. A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 3: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 3: A A A A A A A A A A METAULLIAHCE A Value Added Supplier of Metals ki" Alliance rwo Group This Agreement made as of September 23. 2021 between the Client & Alliance Group Contracting Corporation Tyler McComas Thank You for Considering Albonce please feel free to contact me dire. ' Direct Erin Daniel Douglas BUY DIRECT FROM THE METAL MANUFACTURE & SAVE! We take pride n manufacturing highest quality metal roofing systems In the Industry, As a manufacture of our own products, ,,: -,r•, np< rc > .• _ , .. .; ri. o. iF' , 1 the price shown of that option will then he added to your total amount. ROOF OPTIONS 1 TOTAL INVESTMENT 05 --ommm PLEASE NOTE 24GA- Mill Finish IUnpa.rtedI 1 S' STANDING SEAM ROOF REPLACEMENT OPTION (.SHOWN BELOW) 1" STANDING SEAM - 24&: - Mill Finish with N; TFC 5 $30,973 17.'43 Z° - due upon signing to start Permitting Process / Project Scheduling. Fa n,t E N TERMS j 1c 486 51, - oue at the start of scope of work Roof Removal / Start of Project. ACCEPTANCE • he orc acknowledge teal i read on ,r of this contract are hereby accepted. The pnces.e specifications & conddlons of rn or line an acr-en pages � - � if. •�." ,,�. 7 OF CONTRACT aniel Dou s i� it z ROOF OPTION 01. 1" STANDING SEAM- METAL ROOFING SYSTEM ROOF SKETCH 24 Gauge Steel Panels with Striations I Galvawme Min Finlsh Iunpainted Finish) 24 Gauge Steel Trim Accessories fabricated will, heavier gauge for Durability 16-inch Wide Panels Coverage -Concealed Fastener Metal Roofing System provides a 30 Year Material Warranty - 10 Year Contractors E-) QUICK. RESPONSIVE & ACCURATE W PREMIUM AERIAL IMAGERY ESTIMATE ROOF SKETCH POWERED BY ALLIANCE PLEASE REVIEW THE SCOPE OF WORK LISTED BELOW SCOPE OF WORK 03. Alliance Group agrees to furnish all material, labor, tools. equipment, supervision, and administration necessary to fully perform and Complete the following scope of work in its entirety - Acquire all necessary permits, engineer ng ano schedule all ,nspect,ons with related Municipality Completely remove existing roofing system/materials to a clean surface/substrate of decking - Inspect decks^g and re-nall with 80 Ring Shank Fasteners to current Florida Building Code Requirements - Includes (3) sheets of plywood - if additional pwwood is needed - additional charges per sheet will opply - Replace rotten or damaged fascia as needed - additional charges per hneor ft will all - Install (1) layer of , oo .1 1 V,-, n, ,t , , ,,- to Florida Building Code Requirements - Fabrlcatp. ditto tristdll new_24.Ca1u$eXe-tOrM9jo.IDeldls ,n all valley _hips, rjftess,_rdkjE'5.jl & flashings. "'7— [ 1_ -i i;a,n v'd I'Aill 1U AT cn. ~ Fabricate and install new '4 ��a�lge : -'e �€ ��_�"' �� - - _ - Install andseal-"till Ted pipe boots with new neoOm"erPfombtms 01ple boots - Complete metal roofing system to be nstalled using only Premium Approved Fasteners - Clean, remove and dispose of all roofing related debris - landfill fees are inducted - Free upgrade to our 10 Year Platinum. Roof Protection Pion - i- , I - • 1. Alliance Group does not provide solar panei •emoval at thiS ti-f ° Solar removed temporarily or permanently before Start 'g additional cost - Add,uonal 5.75 per so f- ;Is are attached to the roof system, they will need to be a 'av ens -:f iron€lei..1scovered nu,,,g tear off w11 reSu t in TERMS & CONDITIONS Any alteration or deviation from above specifications will be executed only upon written and signed change order, and if involving extra cost will become an extra charge over and above the contract price This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and there are no oral promises outside of this contract. Any prior contracts, representation, statements, understandings, or other communications rot written into this contract are agreed to be immaterial, and not relied upon by any partyr and do not survive the execution of this contract. This Agreement is valid for only 14 days from date this agreement was made Alliance Group Contracting Corp. d.b.a Alliance Group JAG) shall not be liable for failure of performance due to labor controversies, strikes, fires, weather, an inability to obtain materials from usual sources. or any other circumstances beyond AG's control. AG shall not be liable for any consequential damages related to the performance of the contract work, gutters, screens, landscaping, painted surfaces, driveways, walkways. etc AG's two-year warranty is limited and separate from any Material Manufacturers Warranties. Owner shall purchase and maintain Homeowner's Insurance sufficient to cover the value of the structure and work at all stages of completion. Owner agrees that the property is security for this contract per Florida Statutes 713 Owner and AG have the right to cancel this contract within three business days Beyond this time the contrast is considered to have commenced and cannot be cancelled except by mutual written agreement of the parties If cancelled by Owner after three days, Owner shall pay AG Twenty 120) percent of the contract price Both parties agree that under such circumstances, damages would be difficult to calculate that said amount constitutes liquidated damages, not a penalty, and that AG agrees to accept such as a reasonable and lust compensation for the value of investigations, consulting services. pre -construction services, administrative services, filing fees, restocking fees, lost opportunity, lost profit, and other damages Failure to make payment pursuant to this contract shall be considered a breach of this contract and shall terminate all warranties and relieve AG of any contractual obligations and liabilities. interest shall accrue from the date payment is due at the maximum rate permitted under Florida law. In the unlikely event of a dispute, the dispute shall be brought in the courts of Saint Lune County. Florida and the party found to have breached this contract shall reimburse the prevailing party for �ts costs and attorney's fees. If any provision of this contract should be held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed stricken and the entire remainder of this contract shall remain in full force and effect. If AG is unable to deliver materials due to owner's property in the way, not willing to sign waivers for access may result in owner paying additional fee's such as trip charge and restocking fee. Owner will also be responsible for fee if AG must move any ground drop materials that have to be relocated due to access if owner delays project in any fashion AG will nor be held responsible for materials expiration dates and it would be the owner's responsibility to cover all labor cost. material cost and overhead and profit for the cost of replacing and such materials Florida Statute 489 12l does not apply as Owner agrees that AG is entitled to a longer period to obtain the necessary permits and/or start the work than as stated in such statute ALLIANCE GROUP .= I.- a. "I'i" - -- �y-iU' I .', ALLIANCEGROUPLLC I 1-800-822-7663 ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 548, FLORIDA STATUTES. ACCORDING TO FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW (SECTIONS 713.001-713.37. FLORIDA STATUTES), THOSE WHO WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND SERVICES AND ARE NOT PAID IN FULL HAVE A RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY. THIS CLAIM IS K-NONVN AS A CONSTRUCTION LIEN. IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILS TO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS, SUB - SUBCONTRACTORS, OR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOOK TO YOUR PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. IF YOU FAIL TO PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR, YOUR CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. THIS MEANS IF A LIEN IS FILED YOUR PROPERTY COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY FOR LABOR, MATERIALS, OR OTHER SERVICES THAT YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY. TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOU SHOULD STIPULATE IN THIS CONTRACT THAT BEFORE ANY PAYMENT IS MADE. YOUR CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A WRITTEN RELEASE OF LIEN FROM ANY PERSON OR COMPANY THAT HAS PROVIDED TO YOU A "NOTICE TO OWNER." FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW IS COMPLEX, AND IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CONSULT AN4kTTORNEN. X OWNERS ACKNOWLEDGMENT. /�� � i�/�i1 DATE:1(/ 489.126. MONIES RECEIVED BY CONTRACTORS. 11) FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION. THE TERM 'CONTRACTOR' INCLUDES ALL DEFINITIONS ASSET FORTH INS 489.1050L AND ANY PERSON PERFORMING OR CONTRACTING OR PROMISING TO PERFORM WORK DESCRIBED THEREIN, WITHOUT REGARD TO THE LICENSURE OF THE PERSON (2) A CONTRACTOR WHO RECEIVES. AS INITIAL PAYMEN-, MONEY TOTALING MORE THAN 10 PERCENT OF THE CONTRACT PRICE FOR REPAIR, RESTORATION. IMPROVEMENT, OR CONSTRUCTION TO RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY MUST. AI APPLY FOR PERMITS NECESSARY TO DO WORK WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER T-17 DATE PAYMEN- IS MADE. EXCEPT WHERE THE WORK DOES NOT REQUIRE A PERMIT UNDER THE APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES. AND (B) START THE WORK WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER THE DATE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FOR WORK. IF ANY, ARE ISSUED. UNLESS THE PERSON WHO MADE THE PAYMENT AGREED, IN WRITING TO A LONGER PERIOD TO APPLY FOR THE NECESSARY PERMITS OR START 'HE WORK OR TO LONGER PERIODS FOR BOTH CONSTURCTION INDUSTRIES RECOVERY FUND: PAYMENT, UP TO A LIMITED AMOUNT, MAY BE AVAILABLE FROM THE FLORIDA HOMEOWNERS CONSTRUCTION RECOVERY FUND IF YOU LOSE MONEY ON A PROJECT PERFORMED UNDER CONTRACT, WHERE THE LOSS RESULTS FROM SPECIFIED VIOLATIONS OF FLORIDA LAW BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE RECOVERY FUND AND FILING A CLAIM, CONTACT THE FLORIDA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD AT THE FOLLOW ING TELEPHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS DEPARTMENT Or BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION. CONSTRUCT ION INDUSTRIES LICENSING BOARD 1940 NORTH MONROE ST TALL.AHASSEE, FL 32399, (8501 921-6594 ALLIANCE GROUP CON-'4ACT,rdG C'�FPORATON I , . ? ALLIANCEGROUPLLC -V 1 1.800-822-7663 WOOD ADDENDUM . _ REPLACEMENT CHART 1X REPLACEMENT • 1X2 Pine Lumber .1 Coat of Prmler $6.25 PER LINEAR FT 1X4 Pine Lumber .1 Coat of Praoer $9.25 PER LINEAR FT 1X6 Pine Lumber .1 Coat of P.,me• $9.75 PER LINEAR FT 1X8 Pine Lumber +1 Cos of P.Imer $10.25 PER LINEAR FT 1X10 Pine Lumber +1 Cox of Pr,me• $30.75 PER LINEAR FT 1X12 Pine Lumber +1 Cost ofOr,mer $11.00 PER LINEAR FT 2X REPLACEMENT 2X4 Pine Lumber .1 Cast of Pr,mo S7.25 PER LINEAR FT 2X6 Pine Lumber +1 Cos of Primer $8.25 PER LINEAR FT 2X8 Pine Lumber .1 Coat of P.,me. $10.75 PER LINEAR FT 2X10 Pine Lumber +1 Coat of Pmner $10.25 PER LINEAR FT PIIA)f N,+U PLYWOOD :i'_ACE%IENT 1/2 CDX Plywood 4.8 $3.20 PER SCIS1 5/8 CDX Plywood 4.8 53.30 PER SQ.FT 3/4 cox Plywood 4.8 S3.40 PER SO FT SOFFIT RE "_ACE MENT 3/8 Aluminum Soffit Vent S10.00 PER LINEAR FT 1/2 Aluminum Soffit Vent $10.50 PER LINEAR FT urlvRE OIC'ABLE CONDITIONS INCI UOF BUT NOT LIAi Tel AM., nr INA, I I,. In,l P� 1p PC11,LJtions & I.ondltlon] M in., , onra, r a, ,lell-hT I-, I,;" - I acknowledge that I have read and am in receipt of the attached pages