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(800) 670-4262 .Ext 2037to Jason.c@cclhq.blz S f Quallty,Assurance Representative Address%P, hone/Email Category Structural Components Subcategory Roof Deck Compliance Method Evaluatlan Report frorn a Florida Registered ArchitecCor a Licensed Florida l Professional Engineer t :1 Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer cifAechltect Name who'developed atie Johnathan'E. "Green, p;E. =:Evaluation Report 'Florida License - PE-88223 ( :Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications; `Inc. ;QualltyMsurance Contract Expiration Date o4/OS/2027' Validated By BrianJaks, P.E. W `Validation Checklist - Har&60V Received Certlflcate of=Independence FL6596 96 COI Letter of Certification -'Carolina Carports 2020-sealed.pdf 1 Referenced Standard and Year (of+Standard) Standard Year ASTM E 3592 2005 j FM 4471 '1992 a l • ,Equivalence of Product Standards: i_ Certifled :By i Sections from the Code' Prodllct;Approval:Method Method,1 Qption.D, Date Submitted 09/14/2020 " Date Vaildated , 10/06/2620- ` "- Date Pending FBC Approval 10/19/2020 ; Date Approved- 12/15/2020 Summer of'Produdt§ , FL # Model, _Number or:Name D_escriptl' 6596.1 AG Qanel 26 Ga AG Roof Panel over open framing Limits of. Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside' I 'Ves installation Instructions.. 1`16596 06' I • 1L6596;1 26 Ga.,AG Roof Panel sealed,gsif Verified By;,Johnathan E Green, P.E. 8822Z Impact Resistant,N/A• Created by Ind ndentThird-Party: Yes Design pre.'ssure +57 3 psf/-62.5•psf" Evaluation -Reports Oik6rir See EvaluatlonReport ,forvvarious design pressures,, Install permanufacturer's detalls,'Not for use, in HVHZ Zones, FL6596 R6 =AE FL6596A 26 Ga..AG Roof Panel sealedsodE Created by`Independent Third, Par, V: Yes 6596;2 AG Panel 29 Ga. AG Roof Pane[over open framing• Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approvedfor use in HVHZ: No FL6596; 116 Ii- FL6596.2 Z9 Ga. AG Structural Roof: Panel NO HVHZ sealed:gd_f Verified By: Johnathan E Green, P E. '88223 Created.by;Independent-Third Party, Yes Approved for use outside'.HVHZ: Yes: Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: •+41;6`psf/r57 3'psE Other: See Evaluation Reportfor various'design pressures:, ,Evaluatlon Reports ? Insthil-pertnanufacturer's details: Not.for use in HVHZ Zones. FL6596' R6 AE FL6596,2 29 Ga. AG'Structural Roof Panel NON HVHZ -sealed odf Created.by Independent Third `Party: Yes aack . . Neil `. Contact tls ::'7601. Blair Stone Road Sallahassee;FL 32399 Phone: 650.487-024� The State of Florida'li an'AA/EEo employee. Qjj right2007-2013'State of Florida_,, Privaev Statement';:Ao esslbll]WStatement- Refund Statement' AnderFlondaaaw; emalraddtassesare pubiic records. If you do'not want your e-mail address reteased1n response o apublic-records requesq;do netsond elecoorilc mallto•thl;entity.!Instead,icantact the oince by phone or by tradlticnal mall.af yoU have any:questians, please contact 050.4871395..Pursuant toSection 455.2LZa ), Florida Statutes, c/fcUive Ortaber 1, 2012,:gc'enseesaicensed undcrthaptec455, F.S. mustprovide ttfe0epartmenti5ith an email address if they.haye one. The s provided may be used tor'ofnclal communication viitli tiie licensee. Hovievet email addresses are pu'blicrecord. Ir you'do,nat.wish to supply;a personal'address; p prowde.the Departmontv`dth,an ema•U address whlch;_can bemade avaltabtc to the pubJ,c,'To;determinelf you 8re a 0censee under Cttaptec455; Fplease cila, ProductApproval, cceptsc . 1-ce"Digineering & Testing riorco 19530 ktiffilftWund Drive, 'I lainible, Tem 77338 Phok(281)540.6693 TAX: (18I)MM966 PrddUet Evaluation' Report CAKOL CA RPORTS, ARPORTS, INC. 26 Ga. A6 Roof Panel"over Oppenframing Florida Prbduct A—e VM 9 6596.1 R6 -1 " : .pR0. Florida Building. Code 2010 Per.Rule 41r;204 Method: I -13 Category: Structural Components Subcategory; bcategoty: Roof, Deck Compliance Mbthdd:,61G20-3.'Q0S(1)(d), NON HV14Z Product Manufacturer: Carolina Carpdrtsj Inc. 181 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, W'270i! 'Thkindbr. Evaluator,, -' Johhathan Greew,131. #89223 Florida Evaluation ANE 113:12901: Valldatorf griarf Jaks O.E..#70159 Contents: 'Evaluation lld,pprt Pages' l-4 :!88P 1,1 1202a - -M,0$0631 k6 o THE DATE TO THE SEAL. OPIES OF THIS FARE'NOT =DSIGNED. AND ID THE Z- MUST BE' IN ANY Ir, COPIES. -Foree Ungineeving, & Testing 19530 Ranniileivood Brice :11 lonilile,.Ttk4s 77338 ;Phone:,, (281) 540-0603, FAX: (281)546-9066 g's i- z' - 6 Compllance:Statement: The roduci-as,described.in this report has demonstrated compliance.with the Florlda,Building Code 2020, Sections 15043.2,1504.7. Product Description:" Ad Rodf'Oanel, 26 Ga. Steel, 36! Wide, through• fastened structural roof panel.. Structural Application, Panel Material/Standards: Material: 26 Ga[ Steel, ASTMA792 orAST-M A653 G 1 90 conforming to: Florida Buliding,Co , de,2020:Sdctibni5A443. Optional paintfinish. YIeld,Strehgth-'* Min. 80-ptsi Corrosion Resistant6:-Pah6l Mbterlatshali comply With'Florlda Building Code 2020, Secti6h, 1,507.43. Panel, Dimensions) : Thlckn6si 0.0185" min. order thic'kness Maxiinum'.coverage Width, .36" Rib.Height,:, W--doJoIr rib at.9" O.C. Panel Rollform.er: MR-S,Met.al R6UfqeMln.g SysteiWs� Panel Fastener: #12-14,x YV HWH SD#3 With 5/4" (16i -nm) diampter sealing washing or -approved; 'Corrosion Resistaripe; Pqr.FlorId6-BqJildlng Code 2020,,Section 1507.4.4. Substrate, Description:' Minimum 14 Ga. (Gr.ade:50) Steel tube framing or Minimum 18'Ga.'.(5tade'50)' Steel fibIt channel 06flins/glos. 'Sbe TableAfor steel gauge, Framing must bd• designed jn,.,accordance wjFlo,rIda Building Code 2020.. Allowable Design Pressures: TaNe Maximum Deslign Pressuret -59.9 Off Osf -913 psf,* -t46.9 psf +573LPSf' Panel -Fastefter Patterm 2-12-11 24-2-1 2'1-2-1 24>2-1' 241-2-1, Panel Span: 51-01, O.C. 4'-0" O.C. 4!-0" Mt. 51r0ll O.C. 414' O.C. Suhftrate Min.- 14 Gai SteeltramIng Win. 18 Ga. Steel Framing Min. 14 Ga, Steel, Framing Min. 18 Ga. Steel Framing. Min. 18;Ga.L Steel:Framlng -vestgn Frmure inciPoes A.baTqy t-aagr =z..,u. 4,Lio, 6596.1 R6 Yotee Engineering & TeAhig 1900 Rilinblewood Drlw flumblei Wxas 77338, PIi6110:,(28I)540-6603 1--AX:,(281)54D-9966 Website: %nmSor engiee, 1g it iftlesili 7 6 �e _l_.cnt Code. Compliance: The product described herein has deronstrited compliance with- The Florida, Building Cbde,2026,-Sections 1504.3.2, 1504.7. Evakiation'lleport Scope, -The. product evaluation is limited'to compliance with the structural wind load requirements ofthe floridall3iii1ding,tode 2020, as relates to Rule 61G20-3. Performance Standards: hereinhas cleinonst te .The,pr6duct described - demonstrated compliance with: ASTM E 1S92-Ot (2612) test method for structural periormance,ol" sheet'metal roof and,sidifig systems by uniform static airpressure difference ■ FM4471-92. 'Foot Traffic iesistance Test Aefiri-drice Wtb:, 1 1. ASTIVI ti5k-0 test fprc6 Erigineeftg & Testing, jnc.- (FBC-brganization 4 TZ5328) Report No. 183-0063T-16A-E 2. FM 4471.710, Section 44 FoptTraffic Resistance Test Fqrte Engineering r &rTestingjnc. (FPC Prganizatidn # TST-5328) Report I o,; 183-.01019T-12., & I83-10142T4S 3. Certificate bfI6depIndependence en By.1ohrititNan Green , RE (No 88223) @ Force Engineeringr&.T6sting (F13C Orgablzatidn'#,ANE ID: 12901) 169t Std'nd6r.d Eodivalericy:i The ASTM E 1592-05 test standard is `equivalent to the ASTM E 1.592605 (2012) test standard. standard is eciulvial6fto, The FM 4471- Q,.Foot Tr6ffic Ft6.slstance test; :,FM 4471-,92. QualityAssurakeEntity:," The ibanufaciuret,has'e's.iAb'lish6d compliance of;rdof panel prodUct6,in accordance with the Florida B_u1ldln&Co.de and Rule 61G20w3.065 (3) for manufacturing, under a -qua ' lity.jassurance,prograiii,,audited by an approved quality -assurance entity. Minimum slopeAarige: - Minimum Mope shall comply with Florida building Code 2020, including Section 4507.4.1and.in accordance with Manufacturers -recommendations. F&slopes less than 3.1211ap sealant must be used in the panel side -laps.,. Installation: .,install, per m0nufaciurer's re'commerid0d details. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN Z biWALAND SEALEDL'BY JYsid'NED AN •OHNATN ;P0 soul* ZI GREEN. ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTEDCOPIESOFTHIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE 'SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY' ELECTRONIC COPIES. YLM6506A.18 r Orce- Eilgineering &Tesling: 19530 Rambinvood Drive, 11timble,lems77.38 Phune: (281)540-66OS,F�%1"(28i)S40.9966, Insulation: Manufacturer's apprqved-produd'(Optionil,), Roof PandITIre Classlflcailon: Fire classification is not port of this. acceptance. Shear. Diaphragm Sheardiaphragm values are, outside the scope of thls,-report. Design Procedure: b6sedon the dimensions -of the structure, appropriate-wind'loadsare ' Chapter .1 determined u.sirig,C '6rokhe F lorida Bullding'C de �620 for roof cladding wirtd1oadsJhese coffippnqnt wind- [bads -for roof claddin9 are compared -tothe allowable pressure listed'above. The deilgn professional shall select the appropOite, eretticin'detaiis to: referenminhis.,driMings for,proper fastener attachment tolils structure and'a'nalyze the panel fasteners for pullbut.and pullover. Support frimifig:m0si be in conipliance.with Florldb-Building Code,2020 thaptOr. 22 (sie.el, and Chapter 16 for structural loading. IBM'. 4"':7P -a- ;00 - ADJACENT TO,THE SEAL or. PRINTED, COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNEDAN[ SEALED AND THE . E. %P11, 2620.1; -VL #450'6XI16 irt orce lighwering & T6tiug 19530 Rtllnbl6vood brive Ifumble, ekas,77338 I=j(28I)540,-6693 FAN- (281).540-�!�6 PANEL EAkENER PATTERN, \-lm IS G& (0mg 50 srgm lot PPAN9W%" 'w i�q. 14 Qk .(GRADE 56) Wm TUSE;F�mo offH!S0j,J WI-sle (16mm) ww-IM3Wfq WASHER' {SEE 7AqLEA'F0RSPAC4l6y THISITEM HAS BEEN, , D. DIGITALLBYJY SGNED AN SEALED OHNATHAN GREEN ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL., PRINTED COPIES OF 7HIS'. DOCUMENTARE NOT A ,:Z CONSIDERED SIGNED AND' SEALED AND THE, SIGNATURE MUST BE z VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES.- SEP'11'20 0 A `Vt# 45*fR6