HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - STRUCTURAL WALL'2/4/26;1 WPFLL P.4"t- Florida Bbildinij Code Online Wow— 0", J: i tm r! i a cis Home A 16d 16 Uskr RegiiWU66 ? Hot Topics, i . Submit S60drge fi 4tats&Facts Publications' i Conia6t Us BCIS Site Map Links . �j 'Search ii) w:tApoiroval' USER: Public User REVIEWED FOR R *r CODE COMPLIANCE ProiWct ftordyeil Me�n'q� > Pndauct oi�'A n11cAon > Az�k�: > ApjAcail,on betall FL ;1765701-M LUCIE COUNTY BOCC i'Xp plicailon'Type, v'sion' 1 '10,26 i Code Version"Application Status FIB FF Commen-ts 'Archlved Product Manufacturer Carolina Carpoits;Inc. fA_ddress%l*hcin . e/iirriiil' 18 . 7 Cardinal Ridg 1 6 Trail bobsdn, NC 27017 (336) 367-6400 fLvq11dailo'n6ya'h6oxdrn Authdriz'ed Signature 11m Gammons tim.ga6card.linacarpprts.com 'tecbni6al ke,pre0iitative ;Addr6ss/Ahohb/`V6611 .Quaky Assurance Representative *cl . ress./Oiione%k,miif CatbgorV SubcW'Odry Co.mp, lance Method Structural :Compbfierits Siructur , a[ Wall . I Evalu . btion Rqport . from '6; Florida. Registered grchlted& a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer "tval.ditibn "Report;-I'Hardco.O, Received Florida E - riginder or-AtchitOtt"N'ariie"who'aeVi2idoed the Johnathan'E. Green; I R E. Evailuation Report Florida License :PE-88221 Q . Uality AssUrand'Eritky Keystone C'ehiflcaiionsi'Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration'Date 03/14/2027 Validated By P.E. ValldaiW Checklist - Hardcobv ReceiVed .-Certificate of IndePendence, 'jk6762JR6' -COT'L6tter of Certification- 6rdilna, Carpofts2626 sealed.pdf FWer6nced. Sta­hdarcl and Y6ar-,(qf,Standard) Equivalence of. Product Standards Certified By Sections 6m.- t1heCodle A709:2' Product i Approval et :'Method 1 Option �.rovii Method hod p d 11/2 89/. 2114/21P21 I Date, Submitfedi Date Validatedi _ _ . Dabe Pending FBC,Apprpypl Date Apprqveq.! S9MMR9 of Products Florida Building Code Online, 09/14/2020! 101Q6/202(Y 12/15/120.2601 ,FL # Model, Number or Name Descriptloo ,6701.1, AG Panel' 26 Ga. AG Wall Panel qYef open frarfilrig 117mits, of Uie, 'Installation Instructions: Approved ''i''f for r use In HVHZ.- No. *, Yes) 1,Approved 1'for y­­. HVHZ: Impapk Resistant. N/A � 1`1.6702- 116� 1FjFl_-b02 '26-'06, AG Wall Panel s&aledvp f VeriejedZy.,Johrikkah E'Greeri, RE;W23 Created by Independent ThirdParty.: Yes" Design Pressure: +S7.3 psf/-62.5 psf, Evaluation Reppru—t Other,. See Report for, variou.s.deslgri pressures Install per, manufacturer's nufactur'ees detalls.'Not for use in HVHZ Zones: 'F L6702 . R6 AE FL6702.1,'.26 G5..AG Panel seated.odf Created by, Independent Third,Par I tV - Yes 6702.2 AG Panel' 20 Ga. AG Wall Panel over, open'framing mmki, . of Use Installation Instructions: , Approved fdr�uqe in, HVHZ* No, Approved for . use ouisidiaAwit, Yes FLOOCR6, ILFL6701,r2 29LGa; AG Structural Wall Panel NON, HVHZ sealed: impaa.Resistint; N/A Design , Pressure:i +41.6 PSFI-57.3 PSF "Verified ,By:'3oh I nbthan E Green, PE 88224 Created by Independept,Th.led Party :,.Y6s - I Other:See tval6atiorrAepori'for'various design pienu�m pressures: 'se Evaluitilon Reports I 6 Install per mAqy(6,ct'rWs 046ils-No( r I 1­ty�Z Zones J9, u - n _1 . � , - t FL670 ' R6 AE FL670ZZ 29 Ga� AG. SbVc Oral Wall Panel NON HVHZ­s6a1dd. lidl; _j_ Crqated-b Independent Third. Party:: Yes 6702,3, Dutch Lap. ?an ........... — 26 Pa. Dutch Lab Wall Panel over open framing Limits of Use 7 !dnInstructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No,! FL6702 R6: 11 EL67023 Dutch Lao Metal Ali HVHZ;'Yes Approved formse outside HVHZ 'YeS HVHZ, gealed,pd Impact ReSisiant;,N/N 06sign Pressure: +24.4 psf/,-,26.6 Ps'u -Verified By: 3 . ohnathan E Gireeri, P.E. 98223 6emed by independent Joird Party.'Yes Other:Sea bVIuatio.n. Report for. various design pressures. Evaluation Reports Install per manufacturer's details. Not for use in HVHZ zones.. FL6702 R 'Mi FL6702.3 Dutch Lan Metal Wall Panel NON HVHZ-sealed,'pdf Created.by Independent Thirq,;Pqrty:• Yes 6702,4 Dutch Lapi Pane . 1, . 29 pp. Dutch Lap.,Wall'Panef oyeropqn framing, Pmlis.of,Use Approved for use -in HVHZ: No: Installation Instructions. F11002 k6' 11 FL6762'A Dutch lap Metal Wall Paget non bvhz , ea ed.pdf Veriflpd By: JohnI ithan E Gneeni.P.'E.,802j. Approved for use outside. HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant:. NzA design pieis'ure:+35.1 psf/m351.5 psf. Other: Sep Evaluation, Report pressures: rtformarlio,usdesign,pf�e , re Install per manufacturpr's. details'. Not for use In HVHZ zones. CreatedbyIndependent T ird Party: Yes. Evaluation Reports %1`1.6702 R& AE, FL670 2 . .4 Dutch Lap Metal eial Wall Panel non hvhz- sealed�pdf. Creatod'by.ind.epen4entLThitd.Partv.,. Yes, E3 Ell Contact Us 2601 Blair Stone Road: Phone: 850-487-1824' The State,offlorldj Is an AAJEEO dmolby.6. Coovright UN- - 2013 State of Florida. Augu1=1 y2mamQu,;;. Refund Statement PIA440 Appi,60a.l Aitepts-' Sa 166 ritzcs https.,/twww.fl6ridabui�d�ng,-prg/p 'param=wGEY;KQW0qtp1oPjbAuS_ oQ FNyJ6LmrC1.p8%3d https;/twww.fl6ridabui�ding.org/pr/pc 3h8swa,5.a 2/2. jibfe(V ElWhiceelog "Vesting) 546-6610 FAX. 4 2811540-9966 ,ReportProduct; Evaluation tAROLINA,I,CARPORTS, INC. 266'a. AG Wall . Pdhe 9 1.dV&,ppen;Framing t Florida Product Approval ;# 6702-tM "Floeida 'Building:Cod# 2010 Per Rule 61GI0-3 Me' thod,: !=b w6gofv. Structural Components Subcaitegorv:Siruciuril Wall Compliance IMethod: Wd: SidZ64.0 65(!)(b) ,_et.. . '' .NON-HVHZ: kodud Manufacturer,: tarolina Carports, Inc. 10, &rdirW RidgeTtail 06'bibio, MC 27017 ;Engineer Evaluator: Jo.hnat6i&66hj-P E.188223 Florida. Evaluation ANE M' 11901 ;Widator: Brian JaWRE.470159 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages I - 4 SER 11 2020' Voyeo, Rngifiee, i ing'&Tesfi1ngz 195,10 14inoblemoodbrOu 77338, (ZS1 I 5-40-460Y FAX. J 2.811 540'-91M6 e Ilecdog-1 , * - 1v , ., CQmpflanc.e Statement:', -The .prb.duct,.as, described'; in.Ahis, report Kati demonstrated :compliance; with, the; Florida Bulkfnig 6de.1201d-eCtibn 1,709.i Produc't Description: AG Wall Panel,, 26 Ga, keel,' 360 Wide; through fastened structural'wall panel.- t , StrucUral Appf , 6il , on. Panel Material/Stanclards: Wateriali 26 Ga. Steel 1:panel materla[shall comply with Florida Building Code 2020 Section,1405.2. . I.Ae fd % Strength:; Min: 80-.0 ksl" Panel Dimensions) : Thickness: 0.0185" min.. ord'er,thickness; Wlclth. .36, maximum coverage' Rib Height: Y4 major 66 at V,G.0 Panel'Rdllfd r:, MR ri-ne S Metal Rollforming Systems -PanefFastener: #12-14 HWiwith 5/8'� (16mm), diam ter.sealing washing or approved, j 4P#3. equal.. Corrosion Resistance.' Per Florida Building Codd 2020. S�uO.sttatie.D.,6.scr,iptibrli-,, Minimum,(Gr8deSO),Ste6ltUbe-frarnihggfMiniry�Utnl8Ga�. C rade50j, r�4 !40 _( Sted1rhat ch5hhel plurlihs/gios' SeeTableAfdr-steel gauge. Framing must be designed in 6ccoroance,wj Fibdcla.Building Code 2020., Allow allble,06sign Pressures: . Table "A"; Maximum Design Pressured-,59 A P Sf' -,62.5psf -43e,3 psf t46.9 pkf - t57.31 psf Panel Oast.e'ner Pattern: 271-24. 2-'Im2'2! 24-2-11. 2-1�-, 4 2-12-1 Panel Span;,, V-01" Q.C. W76,,� d.c. 4'4o;d., s,-o, o.6 V-o,, 6.t. Substrate:, Min; 14. Gd. f Steel Framing- Min'. I&Ga. Steer Oarnihgi Min.14.G6, Steel' 'Framing Min. 1&Ga'.-' Steel Framing Min-18.Gal Steel Framing SER 111 2020:. D JACENTIO.THESEAL PRINTEOCOPIES OF, THIS DO'CUMIENTARE NOT; MVZ4, er CONSIDERED SIGNIt6AND� SEALED AND THE,,' I SIGNATURE MUST BE Iffb`ON YERIF N' A Y FL#'67,' -140 . ... ', 9�.� .1 ncc- 3. ,Evalua'floin'Repoft tcope.- Performance Standards: Reterencei Data:, Test Standard EquhjailericV- Quality A'ssdhanc , e'EntitV.. ;installation: .Pariel Fire Classifil6fion: Show DIa0htagrn:, kit F(,)rccE-,ngineefjng cC Tesitfilgl X38 (28 1) 54 6 6f ill F A N -.'- i2iilt 44 4 1-49 6 6 cligi 9 The product hof6Ih'has`d6mdnstr-�tod 6mpliance wi(fi The:Florida Biiildijng-,Cod6 2020, S66ti6hA705.2. The p' r' o du ef, eva I . I uatib , n is 'lit-hitiid to compliance with the structural wind load t0wremerits of the -FIdrld5-BUildihk'C ode 2620, as. relates to Rule 616`20-3. Th 6, 0 rod U c-t described b-dd herein has demonstrated co* m p' I !a n ce With: ■ -A-STIVI E'1592-05(1012)'Teit method for structural performance of sheet metal roof and siding systems by uniform static air'pressure difference: 11; ASTIVI E -!WmO Test Force EngineeringtIesiing, Inc. (Fbt br.ganizaii6n #T'S'T.$-32'8')' Re , Ooft No, 18 9-b063T-16A-;E 2. Certifi6t6 bf Incle0ndence: Bylbhriathah 'Green; 15.1No. 88223 @ Force Engineering*& Totting (FBC. Organiz.atIon# A 1. NE ID: 12§di) TheASTIVI E'I592-05fest standard isequ I ivilent to -the ASTIVI E 1592-05(2012) test,standard. The: man ufadurer has es6b iisfied. c6molia n dd ofWa.11 oSrfel products in accordance Wi th 'the " F lorl daf Bu lid 11 ngtdde:and Ruie 61G20-3.005.(3)' for manufacturing under a quality.asgur%nce Orpigfam'addited iiy an approved ;quality assurance entity' iniiail per rhanufactUrdr's' recOmmeridedd6ta'ils. .-Man6fac'turLir's,;§gort),vL-d,pr6d'uct (6ptil6na.l) .Fire classification ls'hot part of tW.'atcootanki. Shear diaphragm Values 6tebutsicI6 the scope bfthis,repoft. SEP. 11 20M THIS ITEM HAS 'BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED'AND `=N SEALED BY-JOHNATHAN THE -DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIE DOCUMENT AREAOT' IMF L !I- CONSIDER ED REb SIGNED AN VU)67,61,1 A611 ANY Deslgri-Pro66clure: (2,41) 546614 'FAX t j,'21X1)$:4j),Tq966. Based on-ihe,di ensi . ons_ m ithe'structure, approp _Oat6 wihd. loads ar e= determined .using, Chapter i,6C)f.the FIoti dBuldirigCdcle2020 foir:wall'.0adding win load :, ,d sffie secolmponent.wInd loads .-for wall. icladding,pre compargo,t6thee, allowable- pressure listed above: The design p�ofessional shall selec the, TrLs.. t n appropriate erect iofclelse tai�.td rl'brciri,h. s,d wigsfqF p .'i.' ' " ;-" . . 1- 1- efie . —., .nr0perfasiener, attachment to'his structure and ana.1y;e. the, p L Ongl fa-ste-ners for pullout and, pdiovensupp6rtfram i ng -must be in corhpliqnce with Florida Nildiingicode 2020 Chaptqr.22 for st e0h' and Chaptett.16 for' truLtUal loading;. ,SEP 11 ...202.01 (6Z*,. IPIGITALLY.SIGNEb AND 7?f 'N�, Umt�tN UN I hit DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL PRINTED,'.COPIES OF THIS' DOCUMENT ARE NO'T'.': QCIN$116ER'td SIGNEDAND: fL.#,67QZJ R16. « \.\ y..� \� ^� ®� §2> 1953 1) R6600cm mW I )-rl i c it fimlllfE «77-138 I'lloili6 (281) i40-664.3 FAXi QKI) 540-9966 EL d \- 012-t4 '3/4, 9W kbis W/, sle (4..j dtwErrA S&IJNG kmOFI- UIN. :14, GA. (GRACE SO) STEELTUSE FRAIANG' (SEE TABLE FOR SpAcNr,) ,SEP 1! "'2620 � I Vu 4102.1 R6