HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters RECEIVED Ventu're OUt at St Lucie, 20701 S Ocean Dr,Jensen Beach„FL 34957 N 2 7 2022 as 5a Phone;j(712)229 2339 Fax (172)229-$$59, E-mall:V3office@V3assoexonr A Lucie C i FARM 101-APPLICATiOIV FOR RUiLDING COMMIT K APPIVOUAL; runty Permitting i is INSTRUC SONS:Ta pracess this Form,101,the:foliowing items must;be submitted either in person,by email,or fax,to the Venture Out at St.,-i ucte,litc;office assisted shove,at;ieast.5 business days prior.to commencement of=arty work: w, 1 Thts completed appltcatian. 2•Site Plan Submission to include the type of work location,materials,colon design,dimensions,plans;survey,;.p(ctures:and other information as may be'p.ertinentsfo complete your request.Seesection 1.A.8 of Venture Out ak5t Lucie Rules for a complete description of thesite Plan Su.bmission requirements fornew home construction. $.Fully executed'VeniuteThree/Venture Out,aY St Lucie indemnifitAtion Agreement:.it must,be signed by the:cg nmerciat contractor and owner,or just,the ownerif the work,wilt kie done by`the,awner. To;Venture Out at St Lucie, nc guilding'Committee _ From Owners Name: o N✓ (.;�{ �`" r 2 G E.t4 L`�'.5 e }} Lot#' C Property.Address: C QQ:_( 5c� 4-N 1t2�'U � il S? iy4i 'C, Phone S lf '� Email: �i�u�i: � l/Yl2J :�iTyirl p I/uric are hereby requesting to make the following modifications as described below.(checB.ail that a ply). � �''"l ii Painting L_1 Roof t i 01 . Windows E] Shutters QLandscaping Feature• ' c EJ Pavers . ,� Sea-wall Boatiift .: Dotk Awnings ❑ExtS.tOrs/Landing El A/C `EjPlumbing Electrical Concrete L.-hung E10ther' DescriPtion p lattach required documentation) d Conime+clap-Guntractorinforrriatlon: No commercial contracto'r(byowner If work is being done by the owner,;leave this section blank and mark box no camrrietciat contractor/by owner.. Carnpany name: C G ��ui.��?.J2 cc� .P-��-� contact. ,. i Address. Phone; '"7`� _d-% t3.^b�t�� .' Email: r' By submitting this Form loi;,we agree to the foifa wing,tefma and.conditio' as described befoAi 1,Do not commence any work until written apprrival,is gi anted lf,work begins prior tobeing authorized,owner will be in violation'of The Rules of Venture Out at.St Luciej;inc.and subject to the fining pro:ess fated within the euies; - 2.Abide with the Association's authorized days and,hours for construction and all Association:and Venture three Rules,:J.All cominercial coniractars must1e properly iicensed.and Insured far liability. The Venture Three and Association' indemnlffcationAgreement is REQUIRED•to be signed and di fife at the Venture Three office prior to the coinmehcenient of any .work 4.Any approval,granted hereln`I`s only uafid.if'owner obtains neccessary" permits as required froth St Lucie County,in accardanee 'with the local codes;laws and ordinances,prior to the conimenceriient of work It is the oy�,neOs reslionsibility to.provide any required permits to valldafe the Building Committe'e,appr vaL Signature ofC7wnersorAgent, dfu~ r' G4Z& Date For guiiding:Cammittee Use.Only: Date Appiication Recelved: Date of Qisposition Approval Granted: Appravai;Denied- Comments 84111difig t'oththIttee Mernber5Ignntures Signature; �` ,.} I PrintedKame, a i Signature: printed Name: 'j h Signature: 2' G u Printed:Name; 'UOSI F4rrt 101 yl 8aar Approve .-L 20210315 i i