HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, ENCODE(1)FORM R405-2020 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING N TRU TION Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name- SYNERGYGARCbt 'RESIDENCE 2416 BuilderNama" SYNERGY HOMES Street: 704 SW EAS?' WOWAY RQAE) Permit Otriaa: PORT ST LUCIE City, Stats.Zip: PORT ST LUCIE , FL, Permit Number. Owner; JuhWIction: llln Location: FL. Fast P+erw CotmAy: St. Lucie (Florida Climate Zone 2 } T_ Now cpnetfuctlon arexiating New (From Plans) 10, Wall TypeO430.2 sgft.) lnsuWian Area 2. Single family or mulbpke family Delached a. Concrete Stack - In# 1nsuI, Exterior R-6.5 2768.90 ft' b. Frame - Woad, Adjacent R=13.4 261,33 PF I Number of unft, if multiple family 1 G NIA R= ft' 4, Number of ftomrm 4 d, NIA I{_ ft: 5. Is this a wor51 Case's No 11. Ceding Types (2418.0 i�qft.) In5ulation1 Area s. Roof Deck (Unvented) R=20.0 2418.00 !t} B. Coriditione0 noor area above grade (W) 2418 b. NfA R= Nts Condit riied floor area below grade (ati 0 c. NIA Rt ft3 7. 1Vendcwq(487.7 sg4t) description Area12_ Dueft R :t' A. Sup: Attic. Rai; Attic, AH- Attic 6 1422 a. kl-factor. Dbl. U=0 2t} 213.33 fk' SHGC: SHG0=015 b. U-Factor Obl, U=0-31 73.50 R' T3. Cooling systems kBtuft Efficiency $HOC: SHGC=0,19 a Central Unit 42.0 SEER:16.00 c- U-Factor: Dw. U-0.30 67.33 R; SHGC: SHGC=0.21 14 Heating s] sterns kBtulhr Efficiency Area Weighted Average Overhang t7Wh 9.860 f1. a t IectflC Strip Heat 31.0 COP: t.OU Area Weighted Average 3HGr_: p_16ti 8 Skylights Area C UfaCtor;(AVG) NIA '!' 15.Hot watersystema SdiGC1AVGI: NIA a- Natural Gas Tankk3ss Cap: 1 gallons 9. Flaurtypgs (2418.0 sqR) Insulation Area EF;0.590 A. Slab n-Grada Efte Insulation R=O 0 2418.CO R' b_ Cons&vatoori features b. IVA R= Rr Nona c_ NIA R= ett 1 16. Credits Gone QasslFloor Area; 0.202 Total Proposed Modified Loads- 77.58 PASS Total Baseline Loads, 84_00 1 thereby certify tot the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and O� Si3� �rAl this calculator are in compliance with the Florida Energy speci icalions roverad by this Cade, C21Icuiation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code_ PREPARED BY' - Sefore construction is completed DATE: / l this building will be inspected for L) ! mmpliance with Section 553.908 *' I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance Florida Statutes. e. with the Florida Energy Corte 01D) WE OWN ERIAG NT: 2 ' - BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE- ( il DATE: Compliance rmgvires cerfflcation by tho air handles unit manufacturer that: the air handler encicsure quallfles as ca tified factory -sealed in accordance wit11 R 3.3,21. Compliance requim an Air 8aitiier and itimbdion Inspection Checklist in accordance wrath R402A.1.1 and this project mquims an envelope leakage hest report with ervalope laakage no greater than 7,00 ACH50 (R402,4.1.2}. 6128I2021 9-34 FkM EfiergyGatxgaO USA 7.0 00 - r-sRes2M FBC 7th Edition (2020) Compliant Software Page 1 05 Cni7RA QAnr~_,>n-1ri INPI IT All IMMARY r-14r—nKLIST REP0RT PR ECT Title. SYNERGYGARCiA REWDE Ekdrooms. 4 Address Type-. ShaelAddran Suiiding Type' User Ooridiftned Arne' 2418 Loll Owner Name- Totai Stoles: f B10ck1$ubdiwisian- O Of unrlt ; 1 Woral Case: Na platBook: Builder Name; SYNERGY HOMES Rolm Angle: 9d Street, 704 SW FIST MIC VA Permit DITICS, PORT ST LUCIE Grim Ventilation: County: St. Lucie Juds&ction, Whale Mouse Farr; City. State, zip: PORT ST LUCIE . Family Type: Dsbdrad FL. NewIE*adng; Now (From 9WW1 Carnment. CLIMATE Penn Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Deily Temp V Otsign L,ocatian T-My Site 97.5 % 2.5 % Winter Summer degree Daye Wlorsture Range FL, Fort Pieroe FI VERO BEACH MLJNi 39 W 70 75 299 62 LOW BLOCKS Number Name At" Volume 1 Blcckl 2418 22407.4 SPACES Number Nome Area V4luntis I netien Q=panm Bedrooms Infil ID Furtshed Cooled Heated 1 Main 2418 22487.4 Yes 6 1 Yes Yes Yes. FLOORS Floci Type Space Perimeter R-Value Area Tik Wood Car.oet 1 Slab 0n-Grade Edge Ineulatia Main 305 fit 0 2418ft' ROOF 1 Roof Gabe Roof Rad Solar SA Ernitt Emit ❑ook PNch #I Type Materials Area Area Cpipr Barr Atrao, rested Tested In&W- (dap) 1 Hrp Camposlibm shkigjk" 282.0 ft' 0 iV Lignl N 096 P40 0.9 No 20 22,52 ATnC F v Type Vent Wl on Vent Ratio (1 in) Area RE3S iRcc 1 partial cathedral Cei Unvented 0 24f8 ft2 N Y CEILING a Coiling Typo Space 111421ua ins Type Area FraminFree Tr g uss Type 1 Undaf Attic (UrweYrtcd) Main 0 awri k7 2416 It'4) 11 Wcou 6126J2CI21 W34 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 7.0-00 - FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Editr, �2020) Compliant Software Peke 7 of 5 PrIPM RAnA.M711 INIPLIT AHMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT WALL$ f Adjamnt Cavity OM Height Sheiftng f riming Soler Below Y QM1 to Wad Hypo Space R-Vajue Ft In Ft. Ie ADM RAWIL e E on_ Ab=L Gtada% 1 ' NR>E Einar L:oncrets Black - Int Insul Mriln 65 JS a 9 4 5W.9 It' 0 0.15 0 2 E->S Exterior Concrete Blab - Irt Insul Main 6.5 102 9 4 952.0 ft' a 0.15 0 3 S;SIN Exterior Concrete Block - Iri Ineul Main 6.6 31 4 4 20.3 ft' a 0.15 0 4 W=>N Ext&W Concrete Blocs - Int Insul Main 6.5 104 9 4 970.7 ft' 0 0.15 0 -5 S-W Garde Frame - Wood Main 13 29 9 4 251.3 ft' 1] 11 0.15 0 DOORS 4 0"It Door type Space Slarms U-Valro Width Height Area Pt In Ft In 1 S"W Insaiated Mein NOTIO 48 B 6 a 40 fe 2 S-W word Mein Nate .46 3 6 B 20 R' WINDOWS Orientatran Shown iS the erwtered or:enlaticn t= } changed to AS Built (rotated 90 de reeS) Walt Overhang Ortd lb Frame Panes NFRC LI-Factor SHGC imp Arse Depth Sepifal+4n In« Shade Screening 1 W->E i Yinyl Double (Tinted) Yea 0.26 0.15 N 50.7 fP 1 R 4 in 0 ft 9 In Nona None 2 E-S 2 Vinyl Double (Tinted) Yves 0.26 0-15 N 21.3 fV 1 R 0 in 0 ft 9 in bone None 3 N■2,E 1 Vinyl Double (Tinted) Yes 0.3 0_21 N 33.3 f1' 1 10 in 0 ft 9 in None None 4 E■rS 2 Vinyl double (T,n*d) Yes 0.31 0.29 N 33.3 ft' 32 R 0 in 0 ft 1 in No -le None 5 N■>E 1 Vinyl Do Li f (Tinted) Yes 0.26 0.24 N 33.0 ft' 12 it 0 in 2110 in None None B Ra>~E 1 Vinyl Da u bin (Tinted) Yes 0.26 OAS N 101 3 fk' 12 ft 0 In 5 ft 6 in Now None 7 N->~E 1 Vinyl ❑ai,bke (€inW) Yiri 0.26 0.16 N 40.0 W 12 It 0 in 5 ft 6 in None Nave - -- 6 E=>S 2 Vinyl Dotibl4 (Tinted) Yes 0.3 0.21 N 12.0 ft' 1 ft 0 in 0 ft 9 in None Nave 9 E-G 2 Vinyl Oauble (Tinted) Yes 0.3 0.21 N 4.7 ft' 1 ft 0 in Oft gin None Nome 10 S=>W 3 Vinyl double Mntad) Yes 0.31 0.19 N 23.6 ft' 1 ft Din 0 ft 9 in Alone Nana 1 i Si>W 3 Vinyl Mvbte (Tinted) Yea 0-31 0.19 N 16A fV 7 ft a in 3 ft a irk Alone none 12 S=�-W 3 Vinyl Double {Tinted) Yea 0.3 0.21 N 6.0 ft' 21 R 0 i-n 0 R 6 in None None _ 13 E_** 2 VTnyl Doll" {Tintesf) Yes 0-26 0-24 N 16.6 IV Tit 0 in 0 Re In None None 14 W->N 4 Vinyl Double {Tinted) Yea 0.3 0.21 N 4.7 W 1 ft 0 in 0 R 9 in phone None 15 W-N 4 Vinyl Double (Tinted) Yes 0.3 0.21 N 4.7 Rs 1 ft 0 in 0 R 9 in None None 16 W=>N 4 Vinyl Double {Tinted} Yes 0.31 0.19 N 115.6 (F 1 ft 0 in 0 ft 9 in Name None 17 W=>N 4 Vinyl Double {Tinted) Yes 0,31 0.19 N 16.6 W i ft 0 in O R $ in Non$ None - _-- 18 5=>W 3 Vlnyl Double (Tinted) Yes 0.101 0.01 N 50.7 W 21 ft 0 in 7 ft 0 in None None GARAGE V 1V Floor Area CeHinp Area Exposed Wall Pe6rleler Avg. Wall Height Exposed Wail Insutatinn 1 550 ft' 550 ft' 64 ft 10 ft 1 OQBrMl 9:34 PM EnergyGaugeo USA 7.0.00 - FlaRea2020 FBC 7th Edit*n (2020) Compliant Sa ware Page 3 of 5 FORM R405-2020 Ir4IJU I vUMMAKY L:I"!CL!'lL,l,7 I f{C#"lJl[ l H ILTRATION a; $00" Method SLA CFIVI so ALA EgLA ACH ACH M 1 wholahause Prave ACH(SD) .00D?413 2623_5 143.93 270.22 .1342 7 HEATNG SYSTEM Syntam Type Subtype Speed Efft:@rtcy Capac!ty 910,Ck Ducts 1 EIecfnuStrip HeaV Norse COP 31kBtufhr 1 sy+s#1 COOLING SYSTEM 0 Sy0mType Subtype Subtype Efficiency cnpadty Airflow SHR 8'-Ock DUCts i Cerml VnIN None Singl SEER: 16 42 kBtufhr 1260 ofm 076 1 sy�1 HOT WATER SYSTEM System Type SubType Loc.etbn EF Cap Use Setprrt GonsarvHt-dm 1 Natural Gas Tatkkl s Exiterior 0_58 1 gal 60001 120deq Rime SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM FSEC ColliDdDr Storage Cert S Company Name System Models CollectorModel# Area Vakane FIE Nona Hone Its DUCTS .. Supply Relum Air CFM 25 CFM25 HVAC 0 V Lacatlan R-Value Aron Location Area Leakage Type Handler TOT OU7 ON RLP Heat Cool -- 1 Attic B 142-2 ft Attic 45 5` rc Gefautl Leakage A1bic (Dofault) (Default) 1 1 TEMPERATURES Programab* Triarrx'rostat. N C Ong Fans: Coori Jan Fab C hour Heating HJan HFab �7€ Mar r f�,j APf M9 Jun Jul 7C Se Oct How ri ri�14� Dao HDec Venpfrp Jan Feb [� Mar l�l APr l 1 y Jun Jul Aug f Se Oct 7I� Nuuv WtV2021 9:34 PM EnergyG}augeo USA T,Q.00 • FI9Res2020 FSC 7th Edillon (2020) Compliant Software Page 4 of 5 FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT Thmmombt Sch*dulm: HER$ 20)6 Reference Haum $Niadule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .pgNnp lea? Phi 79 78 78 78 78 76 78 Cooling ( Eh4) AM PM 8 78 79 78 78 76 76 r8 -18 78 78 78 Heating (WD) PAM M 68 58 68 66 so 66 68 56 Hearing(EH) P,,m PV 68 68 58 68 88 68 68 MECHANI AL VENTILATION Type Supply CFM ExhaustCFM Fan Watts HRV Heating SY6tern None 0 0 0 1 - Electric Strip Heat MASS g g 10 11 12 76 78 78 78 78 78 7B 78 78 78 7B 8 78 76 70 68 68 6 i5s 68 6S 68 68 68 68 6 6,8 68 60 68 8 biassType Area Thickness Furn hireFradlon Cefaull{8 ItrS+sa.ft. 0 ft` O ft _ 0 3 -- Run Time Cvoliq System 09/0 1 - Central Unit Space Main $f2WMi W34 PM ErmrgyGaugei& USA 7.0.00-FlaRes2Q20 FBC 7th EdWn (2D20) Compllarkl Software Page 5of 5 FORM R405-2020 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX(* The lower the Ene rgyPerforma rice Index, the more efficient the horde, 704 W EAST MIDWAY ROAD, PORT ST LU IE, FL, 1 Now cpnatruotipn or exm(ing New (Frain Pans) 10. Wall Type and Ins4letion InsuW:or Area a ConCrele Black - Int insuI, Exterior R-6.S 2758.90 ft} 2 Single family or multiple faintly DetaCheij b, Frame -Wood. Adjacent R=13.0 261.33 ft 3. Number Gf units i1 rnuniple family 1 a NIA R= ft' 4. Number of 9edroarns 4 d- NtA R= ft2 11. CoAng Type and insulOon Iovel Insulation Area his a rra9e7 No a- Roof Oack (Urwerlt d) Ft--20.0 241 B.00 f!' 5. Candrtianed floor area (ft') 2418 b. WA R= W c. N+A R-- fl T. 4WWKkWS-* description Area $2. DLruts, iowtion S insulation love( R fe a. tl-Fa�tar: ON. U=13.28 13.33 a- Sup. Attic, Rot; Attic, AH: Atiz fi 1422 SHGC: SHGC--O. 16 b. U-Factnr; MI, UMO.31 73.5011' S140c, S11-IlGt�-0.19 13. Coollnfl systems kBtult)r ERlz�ency o. U-Faclor MI. UI 0.34 67.33 V a. Cenlrel UM 42.0 SEER '6 04 $HGf-: SHGC4.21 d. U-Faotor; other (eft details) 133.541F 14. Healing systems kBtulhr Eflic%-nay SHGC; other {see eeta1ls) a Mactric Strip Heat 31.0 COP:1.03 Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 9-NO ff- Area Weighted Average SHGC 0.169 8 Skylights ResCfiption Area 15. He7 water 9yadam9 Cap: i gallons a U-Faator(AVG; KIA ft= a. Natural Cass BF' 0.59 SHCSC(AVG): NfA b. Conservation lectures 9. FloorTypee Wdwhrdon Area Nona a. Slab- n-Giado Edge IrmuhWen 11120.0 2418.00 ft' Greens (Performance method) Nave b, WA RE fN c, WA RV ft' I certrfy that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Coda for Building onstrixtion through the above energy saving features which will be Installed (or exceeded) in this hwne before final inspection- Otherwise, a new EPL Dis0ay Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature'. 0,Dots; f l Address of New Home, 4 ( ;�1 CityiFL Zip- P. u 'Note; This is not a Building Energy Rating. I your IIndex is below 70, your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage (EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Ratirig, For information about the Fkorida Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Florida Building Commission's support staff - "Label required by Section R303-1.3 of the Florida HuitdiN Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT M&M1 9:34 PM EnergyGaugeV USA 7 0.00 - RaRes2020 FBC 7tht Edition (2020) Compliant Soft"m Page 1 of 1 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 7th Edition (0 0) Mandatory Requirernents for Residential Performance, Prescriptive and ERI Methods ADDRESS- 704 SW EAST MIDWAY ROAD Permit NLrnber PORT STLUCIE , FL MANDATORY REQUIREMENT - See !ndividual code sections for full details - SECTION i 401 GENERAL. R401-3 Energy Performance Level (EPL) dl#pf" "rd (#taredlatory], The buNding pftaI shall require that or energy peufomwnce revel (EPL) display cartt be complaW an* oafgfed by the buirder to be amurate end cwmat before final BpproY9l of the t)uiiding for ci=perwy, Florida Caw ❑ {Section 553.9it85, FUxlda Statute&} requires the EPL display card to be included as an addendum to each Sales contraut itcr both "sold and ncmpmw3 id residential builOrnge, The ErL dlepLay card contains informiibon x+dlcating the energy pgrformiance level and e'f itasncies of malponerfis installed in a dweJHng unit. The build Ing official shall vert'r that the EPL display card ❑arnpleted and Signed by the builder accurately reflacts the plans and specifications submitted to demon strate code conViiartce krt the bu;Iding. A copy Of the EPL display Card can be found In Apper d[k RO, SECTION R402 BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE ❑ R4014 Aar kmkW {ll/pndatary}- The building thermal envelope shall be constructed to limlt ak leak#pe ir, accordance wit#i the requirements of Section R4024.1 thrpLmjh R402.4.5 Ezuotlm, bwel ing units of R-2 OCcupancaes and mulhple attached single fat Ny dwa#Ns stiatl be permitted to comply wtth 5"1on Cd02 5. ❑ A402A.1 Othiding thermal onvelop4The building thermal envelope shall comply wfFPt Sea ions R402 4.1.1 and IR402.4-� .2. The seaNng methods between dissimitar rnatenals shall allow for dMwanitlal expansion and contraction ❑ R402A.1,I Irrstathrtlon. The componefiu of the huildfng thermal invalapa as listed in Table R402 4.1 1 shag be in as in 80mr0ance with the mariufacturer's instructions and the criteria listed In Table R402-4.1.1. as applicabke to the method of construction. Where required by the code offal, an apprwwd third party 9ha5l insp act air ccnnponenta and vsrify cornptiaince. F7 R402.4.11 Test]mg- Tile building of dwelling unit shell ue tested and wer-fied as having art air IeakeQe rate not ekeeeding Seven air chants per hour in Clwn¢te Zones 1 and 2, and three air changes per Ir"r in C'irna" Zores 3 I"Ligh 8. Testing Mall be conducted in a=rdanoe wah ANSl1RESNETACC 380 and reported at a Pressure of 0.2 iich w,g. (50 pascxils) Totting shall be ConduCtW by either individuals as defined rn Seaon 553.983(5) or (7), Florlda Statutes, or ;relvlduals Ncensed as sal forth In Section 489.14+5{3}(t}, (g) or (i) or a n approved third party. A wride n report of the msurts of the b)st shall be slgnod by the party cortdurting the Gist and provided to the code officia l- Testing shall be performed at any time after creation OF all penetrations of the bu ildi ng thermal envelope. Exception-, Teslin9 is not required for addit ions, alterations, ranowations, or repairs, of the bu irding thermal amialope of existing build Ings in which the new construction is less rhan 85 aercer4 of the luiding thermal envelope. puring testing: 1 Fxtenor windows and daors, fireplace and siove ccors &hall be 6D59d, but not Sealed, beyond the intended weath&rstripping in - other infiltration come -co measures. 2. Dampers including exhaua;, intake, miakeul7 air, lgpG draft and flue dampers Shall be closed, but not sealed baycnd inl6nded infirtratign ppntrpl measures 3. Interior doors, 4 inetiRed at the t:me of the test. shall be open. 4 E xWe or doors for CCrrtinuous ventiiatson systems and heat recrnefy ventilators shall W closed and sealed. 5. Heating and coaling systems, rf rnstalled al the time of the teal, shall be turned off. 5. Supply and mturn rogtstbrs, it installed at the time of ume teat, shall be fully open. ❑ R402-4-2 Flr+eplaMr New wood -burning fireplaces shall have b9ht-fFthrp nus damperu or loors, bind auWacy corrlt> 9 i:on air. Wha,a u ping tight -fitting doors c4 factory-bui It firepliaaes 1`I$1:e4 end Iota ell in 10cord @nce wi'ti LJL ' 27. the doors &hull be tasted and listed far the fireplace. vvriero using sigh#-titRnq doors on enasunry fireplaces, the doors shall be li-al d and haMled In &Xordanoe with LIL 907- ❑ R402.4,3 FanestrsUlcon air leakaign. Window&. Skylights and i0ding glass doom e#ratl haws an air rnfdtration rate Of no more than 9.3 dm per square foot (1.5 ri,ltr,fln2), and swinging doors no more than 0.5 cfm per square fool (2.6 Us1m2), when testeo aomirwrig to NFRC 400 or AANW WUWCSA 101A,$.VAAQ by an accredlte0, independent laboratory and listed and idyl by the manufacturer - Exception: SWbuilk w1rKk s, skylights and doors. 6J21�J7021 9 34 PM EnergyCaugoO LJSA 7.0-00 - FlaRa$2020 Ft3C 70 Edition;2020) Co'mp4iant SoftwDre Page 1 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) I"I R402,4_4 Rome col Inlnp fuel -burning applisnon. In Clh MI& Zones 3 through $, where open CDmbustion air tlu= prow de comhusl6 n alr to LJ QpaM1 combustion fuel bu mdng epplle noes, the appllanom end On air 42pen ing shall ha located auteipe the buLidrrg the M81 anvelape or ancroaed in o room, i 0ated from irlside the thermal envelope_ Such rooms shall be sEwaled and insulated In accordance with the envelops requlrormerlls of Tabs R442. 1.2. where the walls, floors and callings *hall moat not less IN n Vie basement wall R-value requirement. The door into Me room shall be Fully 9 aSketed axed any water lines and ducts In the MOM in5u Iated In aacmdanoe whit Sect -art 11403. the combustion air duct shall be msufated where it passes through candihpnitd space to a minimum of R-9_ Excepllorm: 1. Drr*O vegn1 appliances with bath intGke and exhaust pipes installed Corktirtuous to tho outside. 2. Fireplaces and staves conVN" wrth Sec w R44�!.4.2 and Section R1006 of the Fronds Quilding Code, Rssldantral_ FIR402AS RwAmw d Ilgh t>Ip. Rsmsaed luminalres irslaJW in the buiiding thermal envelope shall be Waf6CI to limit air leakage between conditioned end unwinditioned 5pac4%. Arl mmsed uminarlres shah be IC -rated and labelled as hawing an a-r leakage rate ,'lo! more than 2.0 rfrn (8.94+< US) %ten tested in accordance with ASTM E 293 at a 1.57 oaf (75 Pa) pressure diffe rential. AM recessed lum,nares shed) be 5ea4ed with a gasket or caulk between the houarrg ar}d the inter rear wall or canting avvaring. R449.1 00rrn+ais. SECTION R403 SYSTEM ❑ R40$,1.1 Thffim Sta3 pravlslon (Mandatory). Al least one thermostat shall pe proMei for each separate hvatGng and molwhg system. ❑ R403.1, 3 Heat pump suppl ementa ry hrfat (iiiillwdatory)_ HUt Pumps having wpplemeetery 6ectlic-resistance heat shall Mve oontrois thal except during defrost, prevent euppkmTmntAI heal. operation when the heat pump compressor rail meet the heating load 111403J.2 Sealing (Mandatory) All ducts, air llandters, filter bexas and Duilding Cavities that form the prlrnary air conWrimert passageways for al dish ution syatams shrill to considered ducts or plenum Cf'ambers, shell be cpnstrvubed and sealed in aocordance with Section C403.2.9.2 of the Commeroal Pro%igions of this Code and stiaW be shown to meet dud tightross criteria below. Duct tightness shall bo verified by testing in accordance with ANSURESNETACC 360 by either Individuals as dafined in Secton 553 993(5) or (7). Flpridw StaLdee, or indlvtduals lieensltd as SW forts in Secban 489.1W31(f), (9) or (i), Florida Statutes. to be'aubstailtiolly leak F*ee' in acwrdance with $action R403.3.3. ft403-3.2,1 Sealed air handier. Air handlers short have a rnanufacturar's nesignaGon for en air licakage of no more than 2 percent of the design airflow rate when tested in arcortiance with ASHRAE 193. ❑ R403.3,3 Duct tbstlnq (Mandatory)_ Ducts shall tit pressure t&-tiod to determine air Isakage by one of the toilowing rnethodt. Rough -in teat: Total leakage dhoti ca measured wish a pressure cI fferentiei of 0,1 Inch w.g. {25 Pa) amas the system, tndudIN the manufeCtvrerB air Pwidler enclosure if Gnst&Ilegd at the time of the teal_ Ali register's. shall be taped or othenurse sealed during the test. Postoonstruction test: Total leakage shall be measured with a pressure ditrentlal of 0.1 arch w g (25 Pa) across the enure system. indudirrp the manufacturer's a,r handler enclosure. Registers shadl be taped oLr otherwise sealed during the Pest Exceptl tins= 1. A duct air Ielkicage teM shalt rol be regwred where the dudm ano air handle-m are located enlireiywdNn theauilding thermal envelope. 2. Duct lefffingr rs ^0t mandatory for buildirW campJyMg Dy Section 405 of i s code. r tocq k$ksp9 fes,4jog is requa d far Section R405 00r1Vir8n00 where grade ld WOO ibr leakage, and a deice mer hseksge Q0 to the outside of Jess than 0.090 rwh1ore Qrr duct Jaskage to f m outrerde in dm por 100 square Wit of oorrd4Awwd floor arse tested a4 23 Pavals) ,S indigaJed err itm cornpMance topind far bim prupotied dvs;grn. A written report of tfte results of lha test Shall be signed by the party cond uctlrlg the tCst and provided to the Cabe ofAdel, R403.3.5 BulIding cavilfies IMandatory). Building framing pYitres shall not be used ms duct* or plenums. f"1 R403.4 Mechanical systam piping Insulaflpn jMandaGory). Mechanical system piping rapah!e of carving fluids abeye 105'F (41'G) LJ or Wow 53'F (13'C) snarl De insulated to a minirnum of R-3. I"r R403,4.1 Pratectlon of plpfng In*utat3on. Piping insulation exposed to wreaMer shah he protected from damage, including that !—1 csuaod Gy sunkght, moisture, equipment malntanunce and wind, and shall prowde ehiekting from soar radiation that can ceu" duyradation ofilhe material Adh&&xve tape shall not be permltled. I`I 111403.6.1 Hooted water olroulation and tamparature rnMntwrance systems (MandMory). If heated water airfAiiation systems are L.J installed, they shall be it 9cwrogrtce withh Snuban RAD3 5.1.1. Heat trace temperatura maintenance 5ystam5 t4ia11 be in accordance with Section R403.5.1.2. Automatic oDntro%, temperaturegentors and pumps shall be accessible. Manual controls shall be eeaddyacDmeibie. R403.5,1.1 Clrculation systems_ Heated wet$• carculation systems shall be provided with a circulation pump. The "ern return eipe shall be a dedicated return pipe or a Cold water supply pipe. Gfavo and thermosiphon Circulation systems shall be pmhiblteid. Controls for clrcu3epng hot water system pumps shall start th a pump hawed on the idel,01catlon of a damrid for hat water withi n the o=pancy The controls shall arripmatically bum off the pump when the WaW in the circuLalwan hoop is ad the degp'ed lerrlperalure and wher thew is no demand for hat. water. R4G3.IS_1.2 Haar trace systems_ E lectric heat trace systems shall comply with I EEE 515.1 or Lit- 515. Cortrols for such systems shall aut0mabC&1iy add* Ute *delay input to the heat teacrcnq to Maintain the desinyd wager t"peratum '°n the pipmg in ecmdartce wwth the times when heated wafer is used In the oocapancy. St'2&2021 9:34 PM EmOWGmuge4� LISA 7.0,00 - NRes2t}2t} FBC 7th Editlon (2020) CompNaot Software Page 2 of 5 MANDATORY Y EQUIREMENT - (onlinued) F7 R4015S Hai# traps (ManlfartoW, Slnrago waW heaters not &quipped with iff*ral heat traps and #r aving Col pipe rieenx shall have LJ heat traps Installed on both his inlets and quUels. Extemal #real tr "I conS41 orf ether a commercially nvallatrb haM tree W a downward and upward bend Of at least 3 'A inches (89 mm) Ir1 the hot weler distribution Pine and cold water line i0whiq as close a8 Possible to the storage tank. R403,15,6 Water hsster elficiencles (Mandatory). I —I R403-6.&1A Aul=atc controls. Servica wMr-heating systems 5h8p be equipped with autnmelk lemperotute controls capable LJ of adjustment From Me lowest to the highest acceptable trfmperature sattinga for the Intended use. The minimum tom peratu e setting range aha!l be from 100°F to 140*F (3B*C to SVC). R403.6,6.1.2 Shut dawn- A separate ewer or a CJearty rne*ed circuit breaker shall he provided to permit the pourer supP,lad fa electric il*Yvica systems to be tumed aft. A separate vahre shall be provided to permit Me energy supplied to the m�n ounier(s) of compusrson types of service waterfiealiag systems to be tamed Off. I —I R403,6.6.2 Water-hsadnp aquipmerrt. Waterfieating equoTwrit installed in residanti$I unity a4alI meet the minimaim effiaenc*s of LJ Tsbie CrW4.2 irk 01118pter 4 of the Florida Bulidirig Code, Enargy Conservation. COmm4reial Provisions, for the type of equlpmerrt i0sllalW. EquVriern used t4 proyrlde heating functions as earl of a cornbfrration system aNW satisfy at slated requirenwnis fur the a#proprlate WeteK-heating cati cry. Solar water heaters shalt meet the o*md a of SedLor R443. R403.5,13.2,1 Solar wit# 4i&&tlnQ systems- Solar systems for dornesHr, hot water production: are rated by the annual solar anegy factor of the system. The solar energy factor of a system shell be determined from ttte Florida Solar Energy Cents` Desctory of CertAed Solar Systeme, Solar calkK tars srkall be tested to rcacrdance with ISO Standard 9806, Tee# Methods for Solar ColleCfiors, and 5RCC Standard TM T, Solar I7omewic Hot WisiW Sysbern and Component Test Protocol. CofleCtois to installed solar cadger-leatirng systama should meet Pie tollowing criteris: I. Be installed with atilt angle between W degrees and 40 degrees of the horizontal, and 2 8e install" w art orientation within 45 degrees of duo south. f R403-6 Mechanical ventilallon (Mandatory), The tw2lding al -pall be provided w$h ventiration that meets the requirements of the Florida 13010ng Code, Residentlal, or F1orMda SuHding Code, Mechanical, as applicable, or with other approved rneans of ventilation anduding: Natural, Infiltration or Mechanical means. Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall have automatic 0r gravity dampers that close when the ventilstron fyatern is not operating. R4 M.1111 Who+e-housa mpchanlical ventilation system fare pfFicacy. Wren Insualted to funatw ag a whoki-house rwheniCsl veritiiaiion System, fana shall meet the efficacy Mq uirements of Table R403. S.1 Exception; Whets an al tkandler that ie integral to tested and ,isted l-IVAC equipment is cased to provide whole -house macho kloar ventilation, the a-r t andier shall be powered by an electronically commwated nvtor, n R403.6.2 Ventilation air- Residential buildrngs deslgned to he operated at d paOlve indoor pressura ar for mgchsnical ventbaUorr LJ shall meet titre following criteria 1. The design air change per hour minimums for residential buildings in ASF4RAE 62,2, Ventilation For AoosptsWo indoor Air Ou$lity, Shall be the maximum rates allo"d for residential aWliotions 2. NO ventitatrori or 9Ir-wn&1kning system makfa-up air shall be provided to oondrbioned space Frorn attics, craw2spac$S, attached end05ed garages Or outdoor &;4ws ad�aoeril To swimming pgpls or spas 3- If ventilatronair is drawn from encroSed apsoe(s), then the walls of the spatm{s) from which air is drawn shall be insulated to a minimum of R-11 and the ceiling shall be insulated to a minimurn of R-19. space Perm ittmg, or R-10 omerwlse. R403.7 Heeling end cooling equipme-nt R403-7-1 Equipment %Ixing JMandatoryy Beating and 000ding equipment alien bye sixa,d =n accofdanix with A CA Kftrual S based El on the equipment loads rAlcurmed In aogoFgamx S vrM ACCA Manual J or other ■pproved heating a" 000lin�j caicuLaripn me#mdotogiee, based or1 building loads for ft direcOonol orfentaticn of the building. The manufacturer and model number of the outdoor and indoor units (if spk system) shall be submitled aiong With the sensible and tote cooling Capacities at the design condoms described in S9tdion R302 1 This Code does not altOw desig ngr sw" factors, provisions for future expansion Or other factors that affect equipment suing System sizing calcuWdona si ph nol incluiJe toads creeted by local Intermittent rnechanWI vAntikation such as Stanclard kitchen and bathrflom exheusl systems. New or replacement heating and cooling equipment shall have sn efficiency rating squ31 to or greater than the minkmum required by federal taw for the geographic location where the equkpmenF is installed. TABLE R403,8-1 1A HOLE4iDUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM FAN EFRIZACY FAN LOCATION AIRFLOW RATE MINIMUM (CFM) MINIMUM EFFICACY a (C,FFA+ AT7) AIRFLOW RATE MA]tIMU (CFM) hRV pr ERV Any 1.2 cfmlwatt Any Range hoods Any 2.9 chriNvatt Any Irk-lina fan Any 2.9 chnlwatt Any Bathroom, utility room t0 1.4 ckn watt <84 Bathroom. ullity room 90 2 8 cfmfwatt Any For91: 1 din -28.3 Urn in. a When tested in acoordancew0r HVI Standard 916 &25=1 9-34 FM EnergyGa490 USA 7.0.00 - FlaRea2020 FBC 7th €dition 1,2020) Compliant Software page 3 of 5 MANDATORY Y REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) ❑R403-7.1.1 Coolling egulPffm t C KY. Cooling only egtiipmerrt shall be sareched so that its tote l capacity i1E not less than the calculalad toter bad but not more Maim 1.15 times ere Mw then the total IOakd calcukVed aeoordinq to the procedure seiectrrd in Sect�3n R443.7, or the closest avaLllsbre alze provmdad by the ManufaUuref's prodtt# linos. The Correspond Ing lalerrt capaaa[a#y Of the equipment shalt not be less than the caicutzted latent load The puolisned value for AHRI total Wacity is a nominal. rating -leak vorue and shall not Ge usM for Nuipmertt sizing, MrdnuflICturars expanded pedomwnce (Iota Bhal! be used to SplgC.t cooling -Only equipment_ Thra seledtlort S aN be based on the outdoor design dry.tnudb temperature for the load Calculation (>u entering water ternperaturd for water -source equipment), tt1C blower CFM prvuidad by t" expanded performance data, the design value f--r entering wet-buib tempamlure and the design value for erring pFy-bulb teMWZturs_ Design values for antering wet -bulb and dry-bulb ternperstvres shall be for the Indoor dry bulb and relative hunnA ty used for the load calculation and shall be adjusted far return side gains if the return duCt(%) is Instslhed in an unconditioned space Ewa- 1 Attached single- and murdpha-family Vsidentlal equipment slizinq may be sell C so that its c0009 Capadly is lees than the Cakxl feted total sensihle load but not less than 00 perrrent of that Ica j 2 wren signed and salad by a Florida-ragistared engmeer, in attached sin,910- and MU. tVe-famd`r units, ilia cvpacity Of equiprniml may be aired in accordance with good design p raetic-a. R403.7.1.2 Heating equfpanarli capachV. 14403.T_1,2.1 H99t.punlp6, Heal pump sizing shall be 1.%3sed on the oohing requirernerrb as calcuhmodaccerdq tosoe On R403 7 1 1, and the heat pump total Woiing Capacity shell not be mare Man 1.19 times g reate r than the d N*P mod am if ttte design hreatinq load is 1.1b times greater than the (Ieci9n cooling load. I" I R+4037A.2,2 EIeG#tc resistants furnacts. Electric rasrstimee fumacea shalt be sited wltfrin 4 kVV of the design IJ requ.rements caiculated according to the procedure selected in Section R403.7.1 . R403_7,tU FOSW hmting equiprnerrt. The r,$pacAy of fossil fuel healing egwpment with natr:raI draft aimosphe�c bumars ri shay iW be tins lion tote dwigin bW cakukwtsd in aomindanas with Section R403.7.1. n Ft4p3.7.1 A Exft capeft rrqulmd forapecial occasions- Reeidenan requiOng exceae t�oding or healing equipment capacity on an LJ intemlittent basis. such as anticipated additional Ioads caused by major a116tlrt3lnment events. shalJ hav9 equipment SLW Or COntrallad to prevent arprjbr mous #pace Woling or treating within that space by one or mre of the Foike ing options: 1. rA treparate 000ring or heating system is utilized to provide coating or heAre to the major entertainment areas. 2. A v&viable capeoty system sized for optimum performanca during base load periods is ublixiW. R403,8 SyBb ms serving multiple d"ling units (Ma rrd}tory�_ Systems serving multiple dwe!lircg unrts shall campy wilb Sediors ❑ C403 and G404 of the Florida Suivng Co(Ie, Energy GpnservaVorl--Commercial Provisions in lieu of SacHo-a R403. ❑ R403-9 Snow meat aFW Icr system controls IManda") Snow- end ice -melting systems, supplied throurph energy service In the 4uifdinq. shall inr_uWs automatic controls capable of shutting off the system wewn the paaveirierit temperature a above 50'F j1Q'C}, and ro pre tpl ation is falling and an aotormatic or manual Control that will allow shu"- when the outdoor temperature ir, above 40'F (4 9'C) R403,10 POOIs and permanent spa energy ccMuMptian (Mandatory). The energy cormumption of pools and permanent spas shall be in accordance wiM Sections. R403.10 1 thraugh R403.10.5. ❑f3403.10-1 Koaters_ The eietiric power to htiaters ahal! be controlled by a readily accessible on -di switch that is an � 11tegral ps rl of the heater mounted orr the exte for of the heater, a, external to end with in 3 feet (914 mm) of the treater_ Operation of such switch shall not change the setting of t'ae heater thermostat Such switctm shall be in addition to a C! mIlt breaker for the pow 14 the heater. Gasfred haatars shall nt be egLLlppe-d wilts contlnuously burning ignition pilots. R408.10.2 Time svrltchss_ Time aw1tchi4 or other control method$ that reri avtornatiC6111y tvrn off and on aomrdir,g to a pmmt schedule 5hltll be installed for heaters and pump motors. Heaters and pump motors that have built-in time Switches "ll be In carnpWarioe with this section. Exceptions: t More public, health stAodama require 24fiaur pump operation- 2 Pumps that operate solar- and waste-how-recasvary pool heating systems. 3 1Mnerae pumps are powerad exadueively from on -sate renewable generat!nn. 9f28r2021 9.34 PM EriergyGaugeO USA 7.0.U0 - FlaRes2020 FOC 7th Edition (2020) Compllant Software Page 4 of 5 R403,10,3 Covers. Outdoor heated swinrim p posts and outdoor permanent spas shall be equipped wO a vapor -retardant Wver on or at 4 the waler 9u rface or a laquid cower or other rrneans prover to reduce heat loss. Exc■0on_ Where mars than 70 p#rC*rst Of Ito snarpy for heating, oomputed over an operation season, is from site-r@=V*red energy. such Us front a Free# pump ar yc>pr energy source, tv"ro or ottrsr vapar-natardant mearie Shell not be required. R403AGA 000- and oll-6nad pool and spa heaters. Alrgas-and oll-Fred pool and spa heaters shall have a mirilmum thermal efic6prcy of t32 percent for heaters manufactured on ar after April 1a. 2013, when tested in accordance with ANSI Z 21.56 Pool heat" sired by natural or LP gas shalt not have coftnuously burning plict lights. ❑ R403.10,5 Heat pump pool heaters. Heat pump pool heaters shall hive a minimum CO? of 4.0 wton tested : n a000rdanoe wiM ANRI 115D. fable 2, Standard Rating COndMons-Low Air Temperature. A test moor# #rpm an irndependant laboratory is required to verily procedure compliance. Geotherma I swimrnirlg POOL heat pLvnps ark not required to meet this standard. Q RM,11 Po the 511226 (Mandat'Ory�- The energy consumption of ele#�red porta#ie spas 0hall be Controlled by the requirementa of APSP-14 F1 R403.13 DshumidWoys (MarwiFtory If insiv1W, a de-humldH9er shall conform to me following requirernerts: 1. The mrrlmum rated of ciancy of 00 detwumidifisi shall be greater #hail 1 7 literal kVVh if the twaf de humidifier capsciiy for the house is lets Iran 75 pinWday and g reater than 2.3a IitePAVVh i the total deh umidifier capacity for the house is greater tlian or eq ual to 75 pi nts+day. 2 The dshumi(i ier Dell be controlled "a eersOr that is installed in a location where it is exposed to mixed houaa air. 3 Any dehumidifier unit located in uoconditt red space 11 W treats air fi-om conditioned space ehell be insulated to is minimum Of R-2- 4 COAden591le disposal shall tm in awords nee with Seaton M1411.3.. of the Florida funding Code. Resx1ential. t4403.13-1 Ducted dehumidifiers. audsd dehr.ntidifier6 shall. In addlbon to ctinlorming to the requirements of Sectron R40.13. Conform is the Wowing requirements: 1- If a ducted dehurr-idifiar is configured wrth reidrn and supply ducts troth connected into the supply side of the coating systerr. a Cackdraft tlamper shal I be InstaAed in the supply air duct behmn the dehum Idmer inlet and outlet dune. 2 If a dur#ed dehumidifier rs curftured wtih drily its supply duct connected into the supply side of the central heating and Coaling system. a backdraft damper avian be installed in the deftmidlfier supply duct between the dehumidifier and antral supply duct 3. A eluded dehumidifier ehaN opt be ducted b or kw a Central ducted CoOltng 9ystern on the forum duct side up"am from R* oentraI ewing evaporator coll- 4- Ductwork asspGated with a dehumidi6ar #crated in unoanditionsd space shall be insulated to it minimum of R-6. SECTION R404 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS R404.1 Lighting egar]pmertt (Mandstvey). Not 1e66 than 90 percent of the mmpa in permanently installed luminalms shall have an afficacy of at least 45 lumens -per tt or ahal I utiliza lam ps with a n aKrcacy of not kris than 55 1 umens•per-watt. R404.1.1 Ligh6ing equipment (MarKlatofyi- Fuel pas lighting system&sN11 not have cortrnuously burrift pilot lights. 612&2021 9:34 PM EnMyGaugeS USA 7.0.00 - FlaFters20 O FOC 7lh Ed?dw (2020) Compliant Software Page 5 of 5 2020 - Alfa BARRIER AND INSULATI IN INSK TION COMPONENT CRITERIA TABLE 402.4.1,1 IN Al BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Prot Nome- SYNERGY GAJ' C A RESIDENCE 241.8 Builder Name: SYNERGY HOMES Street. 704 SVV EAST MIDWAY ROAD Permit Off -bow: PORT ST LLICIE Co. $late, Zip. PORT $T LOCIE , FL Permit #lumber. � v Owner: Jursdicdion: � Design LmatJon: FL, Forl Pierce 0 COMPONENT AIR 8MRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CWTERIA General A ooritinuous air barrier shall be installed in the bukllirg envelope Air-permea4le insulation shall requirernenbS The &xterior thermal envelope i:aontai� a continuous air barrier. not be used as a sealing materiol Breaks ar loinis rn the air barner steal; be sealed Ce�tJngiattic The air barneder 0 any droppc iIiin offit shWI be aligrtad with The insulation In arry dropped cedin@Js�afl�t the insulation and any paps in the air barrier shall be sealed, shaJI be 0grod with ft air Ferrer. Acims opanWgs. drop dowry staks or knee wall doors to iJ(Kxm dkionW attic spa ces shall 4* sealed. VOW11111 The iunction of the fot,ndation a rrd sill plate ehpll tm "vied. Cavities within owiniers and hesoers of fiwra wets The junction of ttta top plate and the tap of exterior walb shall be shad be insulated 6y oontpletCiy filling the Cwrtr sealed, with a rnmerial having ■ thermal resistance of R-3 Kriae walla OW be sealed. per Inch rininrmum- Eidmioi UwrmaI envelope insulation for framed walla shed be Installed in substantial oontid and cpr$inuous a Itgnment with the air barner. Wndows, skylights The apace between windowldoor jambs and frarnlrrq, and N* dom skylight% and framing shall tic sealed Rim joists Rim joima ahalI include the air barrier Wm joists shall be insulated, F7oars The al r barrier ahal I be knatal led at -a" exposed edge of l'daor framing Cavity insuleiarr Shall be installed to (in chiding iirsulvtion. rrrnlwaln perrnartent ooAtact with the underside of abw"arage aubfioor ggcking. Or floorframhrg cavity insulation and cemilewened shall on parmOW to be in contact with the top side Atom} of showthing, or Continuous insulation installed on the underside of ffQor framing and extends from chip bottom to the top of all perimeter flap, framing members. Crawl space walla Exposed earth In invented Crawl apaaeir shall he covwad with Where provided instead of f]oer insulation, insulation a Class I vapor retarder with o"dWplrig jalnta taped lxhall W permanently atfachad to uauAspace well Shaft. pe wwiaris Puct shafts, utility penetrations, and glue shafts opening to exterior of urloonditldned s pace shall be aealed. B -n narrawr cay.ties shal', be cut to fit. or narrow Narrow rsivitips r-aMities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to th-e awailable cavity spaces Garage separation Air seal.Ing i4haA be provided between'.he garage and canditroned spac n. Roomed lighting Recessed light frxtum installed in the building thermal envelope Recessed light fixtures iristal'ed 'n the building stall be sealed to the tin*hed surface. thermal envelope shall be air tigm and IC rated. Plumbing and wiring Batt ir!wWion yhaI be Cut needy to r�around wiring and plumbing rn exterior walls, or insulation ttlat on InatalMon readily conforms to available apace sriall ShowarAub The air barriar installed at exterior wal Is adjacent to lNowrers and Exterior wal Is adjacent to shavers any tubs shall an 8,41 ipf Wall tubs shall separate thorn from the showers and tubs- be insulated Eledricallphone box or The air barrier shall be installed behind ekLrtneal or 00imunilaft exterior walls boxes or alr-sealed hones shall be installed, HVAC ra&ler booed HVAC supply and *um register soots that penetrate buNdkq thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub-Aaor, wall covering or Concealed 1 WV den required 10 be sealed, wrioaalsd fire sprinkhm shall only bs sprs Clers sealed In a r%iriner that is recommended by the man ufacwrer. Caul kin; or other adhesive sealants shall not tie u sad to f IJ vacs a. in aoaltlon, siiapersipn or rpD weEs shall be in accordance with the pro Warkx of ICC-400. W2812021 9:34 PTA! EnergyGaugeO USA 7.0.00 - RbRes2Q24 FBC 7th Edition (M24) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 Envelope Leakage Test Report (Blower Door Test) Residential Prescriptive, Performmnee or ERI Method Compliance 2020 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 7th EdMon Jurisdiction: Permit it. job bdill:11nmew Builder- SYNERGY HOMES Community: Lots h1A Address: 704 SW EAST MIDWAY ROAD C4ty+_ PORT ST LUCIE State. FL Zip: Air Leakage Test Ftesuft re3rlifaciratr+�eef eiFlreriia�. �. ori�+ PRESCRIPrVE METHMThe boat/ or dwtli>trap ank 9W to WOW ffind YSMW d*h rye aan air isakagf raJ6 of rm ax0"4tnp plungers per hour at a pressure of 0.2 UkA w.p. (50 Pixcal) In ClWa it Zones 1 VW 2- t oraumcr: or M MWTrlon-tee n MVV ar r .hail 1N NOW MW nftd as hffift sn W fnlrW Mb of ft t ilr n ilsv} value. = shown an Form PA06-2020 (;Parturrnal V* or 14605.,= (Eftl), nlrotion ItktlrlW trrs A(,ti(',1�7�SpddfaeOat�RFarn+,�z�za�r,�r�rCwl�rlloar�ce�ar,os��a��r�,• r.000 CFM(50) Building Voiurne A H(50) 7 PASS When AAr-H(50) is less than 3, Mar-hanical Ventilation installation mug# W verified bY building department. Method to e: Retrieved Porn a3rchitecturaI plans 19 Code software calcuraled Field measured and calculated FMMA.1.2 Tasting. Testing ", be oanducW in accordance with ANSURESNET11c;C 380 and repoatetl at a pressure of 0 2 inch w g. (50 Pa Testing shall be oonducW tay etthef individuals as defined in Soctbon 553,99U5) or (7) Ftorlde Stotues.or indNMusls licaji Bed as sat forth In Si 489. 1 05(3)M. (9). or (i) or an appravedthird party. A written reporl of1F1e results of the teatshelI be signed by t'ia party mnductirn the test arid prpu,ped to therods affidal. Tasting shall be performed at any time a44er creation of all penetraatians of the &6dirrg tfremtatl e+wvelope During testing; 1- Exteftor windows and #pprs, fireplace and stove doors Snarl be ak-mo, 6ul riot sealed, t)ia and the i rowtded weatherstripping or other infiltralian Coi trot measures. 2. Compere Including exhaust, intake, makeup air, back draft and ffuedamWtrshall beckse4- bull fiatS"W beywd intendad infillretion Control rnrNtieures. 3. Irdit6or doors, k mstaHed al the time or the test, shall be open. 4. Exterior dam for amtinua;.rs ventilation systems and heat reoavery ventilators the to dosed and sealed. Ilk FiWing and ca ft sysl;amra, if in StaNDd al the time of the keel, shal I be turned off. 0, Supply and rattan re&ftrs, It installed at the time of the tasL "sip be fully open. T03WV Gompany ornpany Name: Phone: I tiereby verify #tat the above Air Leakage results are in accordance with the 2020 7th Edition Florida 0uiiding Code r-nergy Conse"tion requirements according to the cnmplianoe method selected above. Signature of Tester: Printed Name of Tester: Licon sel ertification : Date of Test: Issuing Authoriky: WZV M21 9-34'12 PM Energyt?;a09e6 USA 7.0-00 - FW:t652020 FBC 7th Editian (2020) Cornpiiant Software page f of I