HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA ' T'1 11 I RECEIVED I' JAN 2 6 2022 n11A1+11-DADE couNT�r "! PRODUCT CONTROL SWnOIN i• 11805 SW 26 Shed oe 2U8 DEPARTMENT OF ItHGUlrl7OttY 1? �Tf lac �*M N�n n4ytvtismi 7i-2474 BOARD'AND CODE AD=M`RA N �� ' T 7 NOTICE OF ACCEPTA Tropical Hoofing Products Flor 14111 (" EE 1904 SW 31 Ave. I I � � OOD` G c c0 � Hallandale,FL 33009 SCOPE: ; BOO '®� This NOA is being issued under t ' c rules:a md iregulataao;,governing 4he use of conmtruction materials.The documentatiousubmitted has bee jaad ted bytvni-1?ade Couairy REIN-Product Control Section to be used in Miami-Dade County and ��Crc the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AW). This NOA shell not be valid after� date stated blow.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section(inMiami-Dade Cou*) J)# i(inj g aqs o�er ti>an N iEawi-Dade Comity)reserve the right to have this product or material teste th as ur4ec gut,oses,If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted man=,the fire m0ensilof such testing and the AHJ may immediately , revoke,modify,or suspend the f f, materiel within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance,if.it is de ' d l6iinii= ude C�urty Product Contiol Section that.this product or matmW fa 6 to meet the re i. 1 �spp1i le-liuileiing code. ' 4 This product is approved as descr ," d I; !teas belt designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurn the: Florida Building Code, DuscRumom Tropical Roar tort g.Sysdems LABEuNG Each unit shall t l l With-th :manufacturer's name or logo,city,state and following statement: "I4lismi-Dade Comity ihill IjA , ",;alnlcu. otherwise noted herein. RENLVAI,of this NOA ahrrll b 40 a fi'coewal;application has been filed and there has been no change is the applicable building code ne' n the gerfomaance of this product. l : i Twumu AnoN of this NOA wI � the a pi�iptio date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or rmunfactur° ,' 'et!or,p�r ss. . suse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales,advertising or any outer r t 1. lto terminate this NO&Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for tern; t ire uov N(#A. ADvERnsEmENT:The NOA u� ' j ceded in'thewco ds Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed i is d' li40MI M1.1 if any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shrill be done in its entirety. I I i INSPECTION:A copy of this er lk j 11 be ovided�to the user by due manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection ut�; the quest o the Building Official. This NOA renews and revises NO i;iI 1 t 0.66 d; - of es 1 th 6. P r The suhmitied documer►tation was c i .i76rge, .Acebo. j NOA No.: 18-0201.07 r { Expiration Date: 04/03/23 + i Appr*val Date: f35/24/IS e Pace 1 or 6 4 . I � s i 1 f i 4 ROOFWG C#'9IbPtDIVM A Ra ! El " I ccttae ' l SCOPE: This ragproves"Tropleal EWafin pi 6ng,*"s"for use as roof maintenance coatings,as described in this Notice of Accepta wc,dcsip Building Code and the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Floridan Building Code. 'i TnA►DE NAws OF PtfDDi3 AC: D; R LABEMD BY APPLICANT: Test Product i _,�llgra 1?�crintloa Tropical Reeltgg Products#904 i gsil �t�u M D 6694 A single cantlwnent,solvent-t�oane, Manufacturing Location#1 moisttareacured silicone coating. Tropical Roaatlug Produc a##914 I :gal 1 AS'M D 6694 A single component;high-solids,moisture- A.mai artur�ing Location 01 moisture- cured silicone coating, Trepoxy 7,-Part Epoxy , l Pe+opnetsry A.two component, I to I ratio,waster4msed PdMer(A 1k.H) j epoxy primer, Manufacturing Location#2 f #19 t tic EPDM jI prietafy A.bighly concentrated,low-sudsing, PAW i ) biodcgredablc,cleaning solution. tMamufacttmirig Location 43 S !' MA11uFA+L'I`uPjNGLQCATi I j 1. Cartersville,GA j 2. Broo#rfield,Ulf j 3. Houston,Tit i EvwENcE$b7BmiTm D: Ts�ta � 'k � s}gaaa�lRtaaart thtdwvMtas ofies Inc. AI I ! U1.790 - 08/30/16 FM Approvals # � 'j� 3037409 � FM 4470 08/11/11 Pli1 Construction Materials ! ` 3 i 7r01 ASTM D903 03/12lI4 Mstcrials Technologies LLC -03 Z4)1 ASTM D6694 03/12/14 C 32 2 01 ASTM D6694 03/12/14 AA-00 -0 t41 Physical Properties 04/18/18 4 03.!{I?0I � Physical Properties 04/18/18 i N®A No.: 1"291.07 s I I j i Expiraden Date: 04/03/23 Approval Date: 03"18 Pap 2 of 6 i I Trade names: Tropirai'R�o I duets ' Tbicknem: See s df S{�a ifl tiorae: ASTM 9.. Description: A silk � l�prtteri membrane to be applied to the specified surfaces Daly as foil k a CV31V ` ;i l rtal� eta:P7i.W surface aS per mmrrufacturer's instruction prior to coatis PIP ;2 co rafTrItoofrng products#9M for a minimum total ahickrn ` f I fto i s day mt#)of both coats. : Exi M l 'a:Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction prior P' eat 4.1 of Tropical Roofing Products 0904 for a minimum total t ir, mil)of both coats. a Spray. b[ �6e Fos Ill :Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction prior to coal ly 2,, of Topical Raafrrrg Products#904 for a minimum total thickn ° (to i dty;mil)of both coats. • Con 2; Tara as per manufacturer's instruction prior to coating. Then apply Yroslucts#904 for a minimum total thickness of 22 TDM (total ,_ r+t ® Asaphac�t D .. .F?frpfirt �sarno h:Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction by applyia$T� I'rodueRs#995 Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Primer multipurpose Primer it a rate! 3' -400.00. Thar apply 2 coats of Tropical Rol `fiats$thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both coats. ® (con ge) • 5BS .f i bloizth:r are surface as manufacturer's instruction 4r P P� by applyit t` gwfing r dlnc s#995'Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Primer multipurpose primer tIa iv4 rate': 3,, ftl/gal. Then apply 2 coats of Tropical Roofing Pr Ps W ia jr UIM otal'thickness of 1.8 TDM(total dry nil)of both coats. SBS M; 43 f i, $ ear e-i Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction by appl ' `T{ I ; ioufing .,Ptdttcs#995 Tropoxy 2-part Epoxy Primer multipurpose Primer it:a rate: 3004 0 RI/gal. Then apply 2 coats of Tropical Roofing Pxol fir,nr M*thickness of 19 TDM(total dry mil)of both coats. . Exiat3c;'r tli tW ttr tr mooth:Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruct � 1' T i R n Products#995 T 2-Part Primer � i l3�� � � E Tropoxy ��Y multim io 1 Izf';at a onunir rate of 300400 W/gal. Then apply 2 coats of Tropical Raofrn I i # 04 far al um total thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both costs. a APP No011 l men. ra to Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction by s u #995 Tro 2-Part Primer multipurpose appiYi�s'(T ,t , ' g poxy Epoxy tips rimer,it!a �. rate, 304 Wigal. Then apply 2 coats of Tropical Roofing Praducpr �Fsq.. ' tgt4 thickness of 1.9 TDM(total dry mil)of both coats. a i NOA No.: 1"201.07 Espllation Date: 04/03/23 V. Approval Date: 05/24ifs Page 3 of 6 III, I I Tract rra ea. TropicaE daeta : (4ntinued from.Previous page) Thicl u m See sco + j Specillestions: ASTM D ! l@riptlo:r: A silicoi l on !colCtra membrane to be applied to the specified surfaces only as Mimi . Hypal T1 .M Ane: 'repare,surface as per manufacturer's instruction prior to coatin sl R tatg Fr ets 4990 Eternalastic EPDM Primer washable primer rinse. g ropi R' tisilg Products#995 Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Primer multip at a rate of 3004N fta/gal.Followed by applying 2 coats of Tropic ` o4uc f f r a minimum total thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of bola . PVC i g b to; surface as per manufacturer's instruction prior to coo a, ' Ro. tt rodttets#990 Eternalastic EPDM Primer washable primer rinse. irwi ' .R14ftt6 Products#995 Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Primer MultiF at a " ' u�;rate of 300-M W/gal. Followed by dying 2 coats of Tropic odue !# ffQr as minimwn total thickness of 18 TDM(low dry mil)of both Qas. I + EPZA1b li gt ., e;mb ;tr j Pre surface as per manufaoturer's instruction prior to coaYin 1 Roo 1 nets#990 Eteanalastic EPDM Pruner washable primer rinse. y� napic 1 RodfW$Products#995 Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Primer multip a at a ram of 300-400 fig/gal. Followed by applying 2 coats of Tropic# dnctk fir a mininnun total thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both c I Container Size: 5,55 gall. ' aU p arL4 on container. Systems Approsvah: Methods f' and q ed shall comply with specific Roof Assembly,Product Control i c plat I i Trade names. Tropical � tr¢ta. 9141 L T?ait:i nem: See stop ''aa; Specifications: ASTM Duerip86o®: A high soilitis a4 ';based eia5t4 ric coating membrane to be applied to the specified surfaces fo flaws: ! . Gaiu d ! 4 itesfafl surface as per manufacturer's instruction prior to coal.i 1 ;'2 coa df I r4pcall Roofing Products#914 for a minimum totalthir : .�: dry mi�)of both.coats. ® Spray dot RSLaffid::Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction prior to coo g. ly 2 Tropical Roofing Products#914 for a minimum total thick �a p ( i dry, of bash coats. Coancre rep ;suric.4l as-per manufacturer's instruction prior to coating. Then apply 2 ' ec�iisal Products#914 for a minimum total thickness of 22 TDM (total dry c (Continu�le) ' N®A No.: 18-MI.07 y } Expiration Date: 04M3/23 Approval Date: 051U/18 !I Page 4 of 6 ' I i r i 1Jill I1 Trade names: Tropica4 i !€i Products (6ntinued from Previous page) Thickness: See sea of w l ' l $peme ntious: ASTM 4 f !II Deaciption: A high ` i`1 ' el" eric coating membrane to be applied to the specified smrm#mm s o' ; l oyvs. � d, Doti oemia: Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction by r ! mapplytjr , I .I f Pto�lu s#995 Tropoxy 2-Pert Epoxy Primer multipurpose ps on t:t �,Ia' .Mtn rate f:3 00 W194. Then apply 2 coats of Tropical Roofing i'radu ! r m' tot#thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both coats. • SOS Xquji lt'm ta'atth�Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction by applw,�'1'r l fn I!s#995 Tropoxy 2-PaR Epoxy Primer multipurpose prirrm a?�: ► tiita?�r1 rate trf 0 W/gal. Then apply 2 costs of Tropical Roofing Prodq f I &trr reknit thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both coats. • SIBS mdd i 11t men nial Prepare surface as per manufacturer's instruction by applyi�zv.Tr ,,,11 i osif .l?so{ltu Ids#995 Tropoxy 2 Part Epoxy Primer mciltipuapose primeryr~E aa' 1=��iumt rate f3000 ff�/gal. Then apply 2 coats of Tropical Roofing Products,#PYpi Or a�l o$e'tlat thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both coats. • ESlstii gj A, &"� eicf lftad 'toesmooth:Prepare surface as per manufactirrcr's instrare3i sra"t l 4 'T c alT Roofing Products 4995 Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Primer multipntr ; Imo at a ur4 rate of 300-400 Wlgal. Then apply 2 coats of Tropical Roofrsrtg F zf f s*914 fat ja si mumtruui total thickmm of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both • APP IV oVif a I�€t�trrsen a noes.Prepare:surface as per manufacturer's instruction by applyiljr�T +�I s 1 F'oafin jPrmdmac s#995 Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Primer multipurpose prime�aauj aj7il,: rhgih ante .f 3 00 W/gal. Then apply 2 coats of Tropical Roofing Products I#9.� !!' r: ..minim 'thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both costs. • llfyl in,161 i.l 10.IFFAr.Mem t e: surface as per manufacturer's instruction prior to coating;*ki ng�d4la�c<tl Roy �ro�ucts#990 Etexnalastic EPDM Primer washable primer riodtse. '1 ieal Products#995 Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Pruner multip1 t 'i itriq at a raw of 300-400 W/O. Followed by applying 2 costs of Troitieslt a�91z s'aodue #9$ .fmr a minimum total thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of both cimis.G • PVR. 3riY�r; bru P!repere surface as per manufatctrarcr's instructions prior to coatins;a rt r.lf"n ir-1 Roo"ng tttats#990 Eternalastic EPDM Primer washaable primer rir .'a"ix ' a y ' seta!Retu ng Products 4995 Tropoxy 2-Pert Epoxy Pruner �- 1, I rnmmitip 'r- ai a ar�ruxa�cnj rate of 300-400 tt2/gab. Followed by applying 2 coats of Tropical R +^° oaittctr�4914 fir a minimum total thickness of 18 TDM(total dry mil)of 1` . it both c:,r1;s.! • EPD10 i �v"f Mure-mob An Pt�epare surface as per manufacturer's instruction prior to Farr III. coating., t x lt,,k�p cal Roo cts#990 Eternalsstic EPDM Primer washable primer n"Se. Fled, y Tropic Rrxs n Products 4995 Tropoxy 2-Part Epoxy Primer i ',. gal. by applying mndtip� llt��,!�±e�a#a n`�nir'ri�xas�rate of300-400 ft�/ . Followed 2 coats of Tropic a o at N- oducts!441 4 f�c'�a minimum total thickness of 18 TD%1(total dry mil)of both c�;�'&i 44 'T� Container 5,SS gaEli,sa��.rr tv-,��� immn�pr.-cat tiomts or,container. Systems Approvals: Methods Of"ti ��;; or,and quRoot�ie�shall comply with specific Roof Assembly,Product Control Nc;t=c:;:i cr°p�nc R I I !Ik MgAratiov Date: 04I10/Z3 Appravol Date: 051E4/18 I j Pane S of 6 tyii l � 'V I I i 14 } i I Lu'ATioNs: on lei rfc to s current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for 1. Fire classification isir, Ere rating of this produ 2. Tropical Roofing Produ I IS is rult a-be applied in inctement weather conditions. 3, Tropical Roofing Produ S a'be applied over asphaltic shingles,metal shingles,fiber- cement shingles,quarry a .,, ht elay ' tile,or wood shingles or shakes. 4. The products listed hercii is o ioofias blies and are approved for use with roof assemblies that list any of the produc s ' as p of 111 it Roof Assembly's Notice of Acceptance. 5, All approved products l' 1 "• 'sh it be l l� ilia compliance with TAS 121 and shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of th et's C. l city,state and following statement:"Miami-Dade County Product Control ` a i�or the M, a County Product Control Seal as shown below, 6. Tropical Roofing Produ trawls l{ be applied by a factory trained and certified applicators and in accordance wide °< pabli � ication instructions. 7. All products listed herein h! ©l1 Ulf. flow-up quality control program from an approved listing agency. Follow up;ICst" { ' Ball be a lmble to Miami-Dade Product Control upon request. a. a in materials I I f E p . 1 l Chang use,o�r ti a Of of products listed herein shall be cause for termination of this Notice of Acceptance 9. All products listed herein a �1ity�usspane audit ia1 accordmace with the Florida Budding Code a : and Rule 61 G20-3 of the isirati�re. 'T iS A'ICEPTANCE I � d i f' I ; 4 G I � Nl3A No.: 18-0201.07 Expiration Date: 04/03l23 maw t!P i. •. A revel Date: 951Wt8 �• j Page 6 of 6