HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval ;, • ti10e .LiClSHome I Lagln' �:U�rReglstration #,.'HotTbpie�_���Sd6mlt5urdiarge-: Stets,Bi,Faas E'-:�Publicattona',-.� 'Contact Us 1. BCLSSIteMap._ Unln,.� Search S� `Product Apro val[p ' ra USER kb`11`User RECEIVED EL @RRmval Menu S Produ or IlcaticnSearch> k+ 4 011ea"on Detail JA N 2 6 2022 Appitcationlype` Revision mtc Ol M d.�gunty 0 i �Bffiiillii�� Cade Vsrslon 2020 O��r Application Status: Approved .001 Comments 01� (;0 A�cfiived p �1 UO`oV♦` W orProduct Manufacturer POLYGL4SS USA Address/Ptione/Email 1111.W Newport Center:Drive Deefeld Beach,-FL 33442. (954)233 1330 :F.xi 242 maipert@polyglass corrr Authorised Signature MauryAipert`. malpert@polyglasscom Technical Representative.: TECH REP Address%Phone/Ernaii 1111.INOtt'Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach,,Ft,33442', (866)�802 801T• uspolyglasstechncal(g�palyglasscom Quality Assurance Representative QA REP: Address/Phone/Email, 111b,West Newport Center D'r;ve, Deerfield Beach,FL`'33442 (888),:41D 1375 uspolyglasstectnical@polyglass.,con; Category° Rooflng 5ubwtegory; Underiayments Compliance Method: Evaluation Report from'a Flortda`Registered ",` tect.or a Ucensed Florida Professional Engigeet;: Evaluation Report-HardcoPy Received': Flonda EngI,neerorArchitect Name"Whb developed the Robert Nteminen Evaluation.Report. Honda License;, PE=59165 Quaiity Qu AssuranCeiEntlty UL LL.0 ality Assurance Cantrad Expiration Date- 10/21/2022'. Valltlated;8y; John 1N.Knezevich,PE": Validation ChecklisE-Hardjj Opy Received: Certiflcateof Independence F5259,R31 CAI 2020=01-COI:<NIEMINENodf Referenced Standard and'Year-(of:5tendard);- tti ard.. ASTM,b1970 2015 2009 ASTM04798 2011 ASTM D6163; 2015 ASTM=�D6164` 2011• Asrlti�sz i 20 f ASTM A65d. 2015` , M.4474 :2011 fRSA/TRj,Sixtli'Edition' 2018 UL:1897 2015 Equivalence of Product Standards 'Certified.By Sections fib the`b d' Product,Approval.Method Method.1'Optlori D- Date'Subrked" 10/22/2020 Dete Validated' 10/2672020 Dete Pending FBC Approval iiOT%2020 Daii Appf& 17jfS%2020 Date:Revised' 12/21/2020 Summarv,bf Products FL-# Modet,;Number<ot; Description Neme`' 52591' Polyglass'Roof= Roofing undedayments Underlaymerits ,Limits"of Use InstaUation'instrucNons Approved for use In HVHZ, No F 5259 R31 11 2020 09 30 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL-5259'-. Approved fof_use outside HVHz:Yes, R31 0df .:'Impact Resistant N/A: : Verified,By Robert Nieminen:PE=5916fi: Deslgn.P,ressure: +N/A/=622 5 Created by IndependentThito-, Orty;Yes. Other;i.)The,deslgn:p�essure in this Evaivation Reports appiication relates' o°one particular m� R 1 AE 2020'09 30 FINAL" ER POLYGLASS.UNDERLAY FL5259 undejayment system u'for- se.in tile`roof` R31,ndf . syms ste •,Referto.ER Section 5.8.3 for,other Created by Independent Third Party:Yes systerns;and associated maximum.design_ pressures.-I.)Refer to ER Section 5 for: other,limits of.,use,; 1 1 '.•B[e�kr .,Next .contact-us::260i 81alr1L1124 'Road:Vlahassee FL 32399 Phone,850=48MOZ4 The State'aFFlodda Is an'AAxwemployer CODVrinht 2007 2013' fate 4 Sodda.::Mvacy Statement.::AccesslbLlity Statement::Re!and Statement under Borlda lawi;ermll addresses are publle records-If.you do notwant your;.e-mail addic-s released In response'to a.public-records"iecImst,.do notsend electronic rirait'to thls entity.lnstea-ii.6ntact theofflce by phoneor by traditional mall:,lf you have any,questions;please-contest 850,487.1395.,•Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,eifealve baotier 1;2012,licensees licensed under:Chaptar 455,RS..must"provlde the,Department wlth'an emall address If they.have one:The'emalis provided may bepsed for oflldai eommunlration"wHtC the 8censee%Nowaver emaihaddresses•are public record.A you'&not wish to supply a personal address;please' provide the'Department,wlth an;email address whidi can"ba,made available to the'public-To determine if youare a'licensee under Chapter 455,F S.,,please;ditlt,here. Prcduct4pftval Acceptp; Credit.Card Safe ' 1 NEo etc. ` CeKrffcaee of AutliorizatFan��32455 ,353 Christian Street;:Ur it#13 Oxford,CT 06478 (203)Z62-9245.. ENGINEER _ EVALUATE;; TEST; CONSULT. REPORTEVALUATION Pdlygtass USA, Evaluatwn,Report'PZ060.0209-R27- 1111 West"Newport Center Drive. FLS250411- Deerfield Beach,FL, 33442 Date of issuance:02MMI09 33-1330 Revision 27;09/30/2020 SCOPE'« This. Evaluation Report is jissued under Rule.$1G2073" and,,the applicable rules and _regulations governing the use,_of construction materials im#he.State:of Florida.The`documentatian submitteo,",as'been rev ewed.by Robert IVieminen,P E for use,ofthe-product underthe Florida Buildmgtode and Florida Building Code; Residential,Volume The_products described herein have been evaluated for.;complance>with the 7 'Edition(2020j Florida Building Code'sectionsriotedhcrein DEscI;IPTIOIu Polyglass Roof Underiayments< LABELIh1G .Labeliri shall be In accordance with,the requirements,the AedfdJ ited Quality Assurance.gency,,noted.hereinana FBC150711,; CONTINUEU;CQMPUUWCEv. This Evaluatign-J eport is.valid unti{such time,as the'named:products)changes,:the refetenced�Quality ASSia ranceorproduction..facility,iocatlon(s)changer,or Code provisions,that;relate to the products}change. Acceptance;of am , Evaluatldi Reports=by the:nai"-e`4 client constitutes,agreement;;to notify NEMO ETC,:LLC of'any changes to the;product(s),the. Quality Assurance or the production facility IocatLon(s) NENIOrETC,LLC`requires a complete review of;its::Evaluatioon Report'celative to updat W Code requirements with each'Code:Cycle AovERrisEMENT TheFlonda.Product Approval Number(FL#) preceded.by the.words"NEMOI'etc: Evaluated" m"aybe dispiaYedirr, advertisLng;literature ff any portion ofthe Evaluation,Report,;ls,d tsplayed,then it shall be done in its entirety: l,NSPE00N.',_Up0(1 request; a copy of.,,this entire Evaluation;Report;shall:be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its. distributors'and shail`be availabie:far in5pection'atthe job site at the_request of the:Building;;Official:,. Thls EValuatl6i Report consIstsfof pages 1 through 17. Prepared by: �s,��m..­- Robert J NI.Nieminen p. -,NO Flondo,Regrsttatlon Nd 166,`Fl6rido bdA',*E1983 ,,,,,��4�,,,ra The facsSmile seal appearing wa5'authorized by Robert Nieminen;'p' .,.on - 11 !;000/2020.This d6e5 not`wrve as an.ekctronicAsighed document: lfRCATiON OF INDEPENDENCE.; 1: NEMQ"ETC,LLG;daes.,not',have,nor does it intend'to acquire,or wit)ft.acquice a financial interest'in any company manufacEuring or distributing productsit evaluates 2. 'NEMO'ETC,LLC Is not owned,operated or controlled by any°company`manufactunng-or distributing products it evaluates: 3 Rob ertiNieminen P E does not4have nor will acquire„a;financial%interesYan<any company manufacturing or.distdbutingproducts,for which the :evaluation reports are being issued. 4 Robert Nieminen;P E does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest ln,any other�entity involved inthe approval process ofthe product:: 5, :;This is a building cafe evaluations: Neither"MEMO ETC,LLC nor Roheit Nieminen,P E.:are,in-any way;thezesigner of Record`for any project on which this Evaluation Report;or`:previous versidrit th6r s/was:used for permjtting or design guidance unless:retalned speciflcalty for that purpose: V2019:NEMO ETC;),L:C:. i INNEM010k. A60FING'COMP0NENT EVACUATION Product.Category. Roofing _ Sub-Category':< Underlayment Com.j blite`Statement Roof Underlayments,as'produced by.;Potyglass>:USA, hc:, have demonstrated:;compliance:with hL. following sections of the 7s'Edition(2020)Florida_euild�ng::Code through`testlnJ in accordance_Mth the"following Standards. Compliance,is'subject-to the Instaiiation Requirements and limitations/'Conditions of Use.set forth herein: 2.I STANDARDS: .Se on _ - :Prro"e: �,._..: ": S •.,_ and .� `- - �,�__ ._ Yeas.. .. v _�. . ._ 1504 Say Wind resistances FM 4474,_} 2011 1504:31 UUind resistance:: Ul 18971 2015' 15071.1/R905:11 Materlal'standard ..ASTM D226:' 20M 1507.1:1,'1507 2 4,1507.2`9 2% 'Meteria)standard. ASTM D1970' 2015' 'R905.1.1,11905 2:8:2 150Z 3 3/R905.3 ,, Material standard_ FRS M- TRI;Sixth Edition 2018 1507 11 2 11905.11 2' Material standard ASTM D6163 2015 1507112/R905112'; Material standard ASTM D6164:. 2011 1507.1L2/.:R905113` Material standard ASTM D6222` 2011 1507112:/R9Q5112: Material standard, ASTItiLD6509= 2015 TAS 130' Accelerated Weathering: rASTM,D47:98. -2011 1 :ERD(TST 6049) - Wind Uplift, 11757 08 01=1 OB/13j 200 ERD(TST 6049). 30/90 physl Is PLUG=SC11900.03.17- 03/10/2017 ERD(i5T 6049) Wind Uplif[ 11776 06 02' 91/16/2003 ;ERD(TST 6049). TA5103. PLYG-SC32115:0617 08/08/2017 " ERD{TST6049); WlniiaJpl)fc: P17400L07 01/04/2007 ERD.(TSTb049) `TA5103' PLYG-SC33035.08.17 10/31%2012 ERD(T5T6049) ASTM D1970. PS310.04A7.-1- 04/11/2007 FM(TST 1867),, Wind Uplift. 3�409t 01/12/2000 ER0(TST 6049), Wind Uplift;, P9260 03:08? 03/21/2008 ICc-ES(EVL`2396) IBC Compliance' ESR-1697• 04/01/2019 ". ERD(TST 6049). Wind.hptift P305401109-R1 11/30/2009 .,M-D(CER_i592) HVHZ Compliance NOA`17-0614.22 07/06/2017 ERD,i[M6049)' Tensile,ABhesion P1303011.09-1' 11/30/2009 MTI(TSi.2508) -AST►iA 64798; 7XZOH7A- 04/O3/2008 ,ER omr 6049); Wtnd,Upbft, PI10301109 2 11/30/2009 NEMO(TSf.6049) ASTIu1 D1970. `4PLYG-18-004.03 18 03/29/2018 ERD(TST 6049)' WM64977, P11030.11.094- 11/30/2009 NEMO(TST'6049) YVind.Uplift' 41,=PLYG-18-003.01:19' 01/11/2019 ERD QST 6049) ASTM D3970 `M 360.6610: :"O6/25/2010 NEMO(T5T 6049) ASTM:06163 45-PLYG-18 002:01.19 A 01/24/2019: ERD,(TST 6049) TAS 103 :P33370 03:11 03%02/20it NENiO(TSr 6049), ASTM D6222. 4S-PLYG 18-002.6519-C OS/20/2019 ERD'(TST'6049). Tensile Adhesion ?P33370.04i11 04/261201i- NEMO CM-6049) ASTM Dim aJ=PLYG-19 SSUDGOO:A 09/10/2oi9 ERP'(TST',6049) ASTM D3970 P3730010.11 .10/1912011 NEMO(TST 6049) TAS 103 4S-PLYG-18-004.10:19-G 10/08/2.0.19. ERD'(Wf 6649): TAS'103. P40390.D8t12-1' 08/06/2012 NEM0'(TST,6049) TAS iO3 4$-PLYG-18-004.10,1971 10/08/2619. ERD(TST 6049). Temife Adhesiow P40390 68.12-2' 08/07/2012 NEMO(TST 6049) TAS 203, 45-PLYG-18 004.10.19-L 10/09/2019 6-17ST 6049)', Tensiie'Adhesiom C41420 0912 3 09/1I/2012 NEMO(T5T 6049) TAS 163, 4J PLYG 19 SSUOL OSJ1 10/10/2019r ERD°(CST 6049)4 WInd.Upllk€: P39680 0313: ;03/04/2013, NEMO(TST:'6049); TAS 103. ".,PLY 18 004:1219 F 12/18/2019;: ERD° ASTM P4537001 0/ 20 IYG 19-SSUDL 02 A -01/02%2020I w" 0 S ` ERD:(TST 6049)`' WindFUpi{Rz; P1738:02.OZ-ft2 04/29/2013 MEMO(rST 6%9). ASTM:P1970 45 PLY G 18 004:0120.H 01/14/2020 ERD'(i5T6049) Wind Uplift f11757 04.61-1=R3 64/30/2013 NEMO(TST 6049) ASTM D1970 45-PLYG-18-004.01.'k 61/14/262.0. tRD,(JST 6U49)., ASTM D6164: P37590 03:13-3-A _45/06/2013 NEMQ(TST 6049) TAS 103 4S_-PLYG-18,004.01.10.A 01/16/2020: r ERD'(w 6049): ASTMD6509' P37590JXi 134-R1 06/26/2013; NEMO osr6049) ASTM 06164 4S-PLYG-18-004A1.20.8 01/16/2616 ER0(TST6049)' Aind'UpiiR. 15416300813, 08/06/2013' NEMO(TST.6049).. AST M66222 4S-PLYGA"02.1219K-1 01107/2026, ERD(TST 6049):; ASTM:04M, sP45940 09.13 09/04/2013" NEMO(T5T 6049) TAS'103 PLYG-SC15955.0510.A OS/29/2020 ERD(TST 6049). Wind Upl(f!` P11751 05 03 1i1 42/26/2013 NEMO(TST 6049), JA5103 4J-PLYG-20-SSUDL41 07/06/2020 ERD{TST 5049)'= Wfnd Uplift P117811L03 R1. 13126i2013 NEMO(TST 6049) ;ASTM D6222 4p=PLYG I9,SSNIBB 05.A 07/23/2020 ERO:(T5T6049).. 30/90physicals P452700514' ;05(12/2014. NEMO,(75T_6049} �ASTtN D4798/Di623 4J PLYG 19 SSUOt 05.A '09/10/2020' EAD.'(TST6649),. Tensile adhesion 60200914-5, 09/08/201¢. NEMO(TST6049) ASTMD1970 . 41-PLYG=20-SSUDL-05A 09/30/2020 ERD(fST6049) Ten;ill adhesion 602009.146:, (b/08/2014- NEMO'(T.ST6049)' TAtM 4j-PLYd40-SSUDL-05.0 .09/30/2020 ERD,(TST 6049) Tens)le adhesion P4652010.14i 101,03/201b NEMO(7bT.6049) TA5303 4)PLYG-20 SSUDL-11 09[30/2020 NEMO ETC;LLC Evaluation'Report P12060:02.09-R21 ;Certificate oJAutho�Trgdj N32455 ld EDITION(2020)FBC NON HVHZ_EIIALUATION Ft5259-R31 PpWass R°ot Under yments Reiddpri 2709/30/20,20'. Page 2 of 17 O. NEM.O.Jetc.. ERD(T5T 6049)'' ASfM D197o/D479>l': P4329D 10.14:- 10/17/2014 PRI JW 5878)_ Tensile Adhesion PRI01111 04/08/2002- ERD:(Ts'r6049) TAS 103 PLYd-SC7550:03.15 `'03/24/2015 PRI(TST 5878) TA5,103 PUSA 01&02 01 07/14/2003 ERD,(TST 6049) 'Tensile adhesion". R 39q.04e15 04/03/2015 PRI(iST 5878) TAS 103 PUSA=035.02-01 09/29/2006 W.ERD.( 6049)z TAS'109 P443601014 R3 -,•05/18/2015' ..PRI(TST5878) . TMAOI PUSA-055=02-N 12/10/2007 ERD(TST6049)' wlnd Upilff; `PLYG-sc8905.05.16-1 OS/17/2016. PRI(TST5878) ASTM D6222 PUSA-061.02-02 .01/28/2008 ETST6049} ASTMT)197Q;RD`( . PLYGSC30130.06161 :O6/27/2016 PRI,:(T5T 5878) ASTNI,D616A' PUSA 088-02-01° 07J29J2009: ERD,(TST6049)`. Tensileiadhesion PLYG=Sti0130.06162 06/27/2016 PolyglassUsA P/LAftidavit% MuleHldecrossitg 6i6i2008 ERD'(TST 6)49), TAS 3033 PLYG SC101300616-3 ?O6/27/2016 Po USA; Materials'Affida*• Polystick Compound 0S/18/201 ERO(TST 6049j ASTM D197D%D4798 PLYCrSC8080 0716; ;07/i6/2016 UL(QUA9625) Quality tontroi Servicd,Corifi*61:lon:(FL) 69%13/2018 ERD(TST'6049)! wind-Uplift: PLYG SC32025:10.16' :1011W2016; UL(QUA9625) Quality Control Seniice.Confirrn4*?n(TX) 11/07/2019 ERD,(TST6449)_, TAS103; A46 SC13040.12.16 12f7j2016 UL(QUA9625) Quality control Florida Kit Current 4. 'ROD Protluct s Material Standard'. Plan 5 Descri, on 4:1. Elastobase'. ASTM,,06163 FL Fiberglass-reinforced,SBS%.modified bitumen base sheet AI "Elastobase-F ASTM:Q6164 FL, Polgesteic:-reinforced,.SBS.modified bitumen base'sheet 4;3. Elastoflex S6'G:> ASTM D61fi4 FL,PA:. Polyester-r`.einf arced,SBS'modified'bitumen cap'sheet _ _ _ FRSA/TRI';0918: 4A, Elastofle ' ,;AI FL; Poester=reinforced ,SBS.modified bitumen.cap sheet `FRS A/TRI:09 18I__ 4.5 HydraGuard'DuaI;P_ro: ASTM D1970 FL Nomina1.:60=rrlilthiek:dual-layer rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane,fiberglass.reinforced,with:a polyester fabric surface 4 6: HydraGuardTile Pro ASTM'D1970 FL Nominal60-mil thick dual=layer rubberized'a'sphalt= FRSA/TRI„09,18; waterproofing:membrane,fiberglass reinforced,with a: _ _. ., _polyester'fabric.surface; : 4 7: Mule Hlde'SA APP'Cap Sheet 'ASTM,D6222 . .FL Polyester=eII forced:.APP modified-bitumen cap sheet FRSA/T RI 0948 4 8.E Mule Hide SA APP,Cap Sheet �.ASTM 06222 FL'H Polyester=reinforced,APP-mod!fled.bitumen cap sheet 4 9: PolyFlex G ASTM D6222 FL Polyester reinforced;APP modified'bitumen cap sheet fore FRSA[TRI 09 18. use as an alternate to:Heat Applie8"Cap Sheet"in the' "two'Ply System','from`FRSA/TRI Floridd'High' n'd Concrete:and'Cldy Roof Tile/nstolldtlon Manual,Sixth Edition beneath mechanically fastened or adhered tile 4'10 Polyflex G FR., ASTM D6222 :Fk Polyester.=reinforced,ARP modified bitunen cap sheet for ,. FRSA/TRI"09 S8; use as-an'6iternate:t6 Heat Applied'"Cap Sheet"InAfie 'Two Ply System"'fromFRSA/TRI Florldd High Wind. Concret ;.a' Cldy Roof T11eilnstdlldtlon iVlartual,Sixth Edition beneath mechanically'fastened tile roof systems, 4.11 Polyflex SAP 'ASTM 1)6222 FL,TX`. Polyester-reinforced,:APP rodified bitumen cap'sheet FRSATRl0918• _ 412 Polyflex$A;P FR iASTM`D6222' FL,lx' Polyester reinforced;'APP modified-bitumen cap sheet ; 4`13 Pd{yglass-Base' ASTM D6509 FL. Fiberglass-reinforced,APP modified-.bitumen base sheet 41A Poiyglass G213ase`Sheet ASTM D4661 AL Fiberglass-reinforced,asphaltic base sheet MEMO ETC,;ut Evaluation Report P32050.62.09-RZ7 Ceitrficate ojAuthoriiction H3Z455 7TM EDITION(202d)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION; FL5259 R31 Polyglass Roof Unded yments Revlsloh 27t09/30/2020„ Page 3 of IT NEMO j etc: 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION'. R, ia,ct � Materfat=Stnrlard p a :Cs). oescrtptron 4:15 Polystick IR=Xe. ASTM 61976 Fl,PA,TX NominaG60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing. membrane,glass'fiber re!nforced .with�an.aggregate .surface 36 Polystick MTS Plus; ASTM D19Z0 FL;NV Nomina1,00-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSA/TRI`09PAy TX membrane,.glass fiber reinforced;surfaced.with _L p cfilmsurface r olyolefint, 417 Polystick MU-X .ASTM'D19701` F-j NV,PA: `Nominal 54-mil thick dual-layer rubberized`asphalt waterproofing membrane,fiberglassreinforced,'with,a polypropyiene-filtn=surfaCO: , 41& P.olystick LIMax ASTMQ1970' F.L;:PA,l)( .Nominal:60=milthlck;rubberizedasphait:waferproofing ..,. .. . FRSAJTRt09=i8 mernbraiie�wllt a 190°g/mx poiyester'fabric'surface. 419 PolystickTU:P FRSAiTRF.>09,18 FL;;PA,TX'; °Nominal130-milthi&,�rubberizedasph`alt`waterproofing membrane,glass-ttber/polyester reinforced;witF a. granular surface 420;; Poiystick Tu'P1us ASTM D1970 FL.13A,TX`_ Nominal 80-mi1 thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing_ F..RSA/TRI:09=18'.- membranei,glass flberreinforced,-with a polyester fabric surface;- 4:21 Polystick X6R_ FRSA/TRI 09718 Di NV, membrane,g ass fiber re nforced,surfaced withraofing' textured film surface S. Limmmms- 5'1 ThisU,a Building Code Evaluation ,,Neither NEW ETC,LLC.nbr Robert Nieminen;P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for anyprojectortwhich � , m idance unleop dnro w tt ss l. retained'specifically for that purpose:, 5 2 This Evalual ion Report is not for"usean FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jur10j,,ions(i e., roward and lullami-Did e Counties): 5,3 ThlsEvaluatipn_Report pertains to;above-deck roof components Roof decks andstructu�al members shall-be.in`accordance`with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of,the:Authority Having Jurisdiction, N 5 4 This.Evalua#i_onzReport does not include evaluation of fireiclas,4cation ;I;efer to FBC1505 for-requirements and limitations regarding roofassembtyfire_classification: Refer to F,eG2603 for requirements and limitations concerning:tlie:use of foam;piastic insulation:: 5:5. Polyglass'Roof Underfayments maybe usetl wrth:any prepared roof coverwhere the product is specifically referenced within FBC_approval tlocuments 7f not listed,;a:requestsmay be made to the AuthorityHaving Jurisdiction for-approval;based on"this evaluation combined with.supporting-data for,.the.prepared roof covering. J7 of t�ai W;k M"has been fountl through.`.wmporeItnnr testing to have'o Jesser.coeffitientof fNction'than ASTM D226 rao n ek In o dry 6ndld6hj tested at standard lcboratory conditions:,-Agreement between purchaser ondsefier,as setforth IkseOM 4.3,Note 1 of ASTM.D1970=25;should be established as'to slip resistdncer NEMo.ETC;,LLc' Evaluation Report P12060.02.09•1127 Ce,Of/Tcate oJAuthoiFzvtlon rY32455: 7TM'Epq.!QN j2020)FBC NON•HVHZ EVALUATION FL525971131 Polyglass Roof:yndetlayntents;: Revision_27:09/30/2020 Page 4of17- i O. NEMO-Jeft. 5.6 Allowable Roof Covers: �+ sputa ABLE 1• R0,0 COVER OPTIONS ` ' ' a ' .��.�a..0 3�.,..,� e.ru, aa...xv=air +< a.k.t �,aaY; ' .x'dvv Asgitalt day and Conaete Tile Metal Slate or' Wood (l5073) slate-Type unae�raymem` Shtigles Nlechanicai Adhesive- Patnels Shlingles Shimmies shingles ,`4 />iso2�1 ssm (iso.$) (�so�'ij° (sso>'.el ,shakes(itd%j Attach ;Set Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Elastobase. (Ntemate to .Ias Base Sheet, [as Bale Slicer (Altemiietq (Aternate to, (Alternate to (ARemate to D226, (Akernue.to D226, -0226,Type lq See 5.8.3) ''See S:8.3) D226,Type B) 0226,Typed) D226,Type II) Type 11) Type 11) Yes Yes Yes Yes; <Yes Yes Yes Yes ElaStobaSe P'' `(Altertate to; (as Base sheet,; {as ease sheet (Akemateio (Alternate'to (Alternate to (Aternate to o226, (Aftermuto D226, 0226,Type by see Ss3) See S.83) 6226,Type Ilj D226,Type III D226,ripe iii Type n). Type 11) Yes' Yes Folgglass case Na ,.;(as 800 shot, (as Base Sheet, .NO 'NO •NO NO, NO See 5.8.3) :See 5.83j Yes Yes Polyglass G2 Base NO ;(as easeShegt (as ease sheet; No No No No No see 5.83) see sx.3) . - - - - ElastoflexS613 No Yes; (See 5 Yes61)-" 'No ''No 'No, No No - ElastofleX S6 G FR No,. Yes: No No No No. No No Yes 'Yes HydraGuard-Dual•Pro Yes, No No Yes Yes Yes 6intstdps,li07:1.1.3 (bintstdps,1507.Ui 3 . /R905.LL3) %R805.113) Yes- Yes Yes `HydraduardTileOro Yes. Yes., Yes Yes Yes pai�t strips,150i,L13 U61nt_strlps,150?.LL3 r .. (See5.6.1) /R90S.L1.3) /R905.L19 Yes, Mule-HtdeSA-APPCapSheef No' Yes. No. N0 No No :No 45ee 5 6.1) Mule-Hide'SA-APP Cap;Sheet(FR) No: Yes Yes' No No No; No. No (See 5.6.1) PolyfleX:G', No Ye Yess No No No No No (See 5.6.1) PolyfieX.G FR: No Yes No No No No No No ' .Polyflex.SA R No, Yes Yes No No No, No No 15ee 5:6.1) Polyflex SA P Yes::FR No ,Yes No: No No No No; (See 5.61) Yes Yes PolysticklR-Xe. Yes No No No, No Yes 0016t51dps;1507.1.1.3. 6aint strips,_150 L1 _ /R965.1.1.3) /R905.1L3) Yes Yes Polystick:MTs Pius Yes' Yes No Yes Yes- Yes QolMstrlps,1507.L13 Uomt strips,1507.1.i.3 /R905.1.13) Yes Yes Polysticimb-X' Yes' No No Yes Yes Yes (joint steps,ts07:LL3 (ointstttps,1507.L13: /MMLL3i RW5.1.1.3) Yes Yes Yes Polystick?U MaX No Yes, Yes Yes No 00intstrips,1507.1.1:3. aolMstdps.1507.1:13 (See 5.6.1) /R905.L1.3)' /R905.L13) Yes.. Yes Yes 0O1yA1ckTU'1P NO Yes, N0- No NO Qolnt strips,IS07:1.1.3 (joint strips.IW.LL3. (I.SeeS.6.1),. J9905:L131 /R9D5.1.1.3) Yes Yes` Polystick TU Plus Yes Yes' Yes Yes Yes Yes Qolnt strips;isinlit aelnt strips,15o7.LL3 /R905.LL3) /R905.L1a) Yes Yes Polyst)ckX'FR Yes Yes NO Yes Yes. Yes poidtstdps,isoi.1,1,3 Qolntstrlps,15e7.1.13 .. /R9D5.1.1.3) /R905.L3.31 NEMo ETC,LLC: Evaluation Report PiZbMIIZ.09AR2 "Certihc.m oJAtitharizotion#3145S, :7TM EDITION(2020)FBL NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-1131 Polyglass.Roof Underiayments kiijklon Z7:'09/30/2020 Page 5 of 17 MEMO etc: 5.6.1 Adhesive-set the islimited to Use of the following underlayment:/tile-adhesive combinations. TABLE lA,ALLt3WA81EsUtVDERtAYMEiUT/,TILE-ADHESi1fE COMBINATIONS -_ �* k ;,, ? �'��' ,�'�•`���a � Underlaymenf Adhesive F1orlda Product Approval` DAP:Foam`Touch`mSeal FI:14506 Polystick TU Max'or PolystickTlJ;Plus; StormBond Roof Tle Adhesive" HydraGuard Tiie Pro;P.olyflex,SA P,.Polystick,.TU Max,Polystick TU P or Polystick Dupont"Tile Bond"'Roof Tile FL22525 'TU Plus's Adhesive" Elastoflex S6 G,HydraGuard.Tile Pro,Mule=Hlde SA-APP Capi Sheet;Mule-FJIde SA ICP Adhesives and Sealants APP Cap Sheet(FR),Polo G,;Rolyflex.$A R;;Po1.lyflex SA.R:FR,.:PolysticKTU.Max,_ „ o FL6332 PolystickTU P-or PolystickTU Plus Polyset, .AH 160' 0astoflexS6 G,HydraGuard;Tile Pro;Mule-Hide SA AP_P.Cap Sheet;Mule-Hide SA ICP.Adhesives arid Sealants APP Cap Sheet(FR),Polyflex G Polyflex SA P,,Fglyflex SA P:FR,,Polystick TU''Max,; ;, v FL6276 PolystickTUIP orI.Po,lystkkTU Plus Polyset RTA, 53 Allowable Substrates. x TABLE Z SUBSTRATE OPti0H5 FORADHEiiEd UNDFIttAYMHIYiS u; g A 4 3 b+k ` `Substratesecho'ineptwind loads.foe. ro)ect) � Underiayment Appfieatlori'. Type° Primer MatetIAKS),, HydraGuard Dual Pro, (Optional)ASTM plywood,,OSB,Southe'rn;Yellow Pine'or:Hub'er,Engineered Deck/' HydraGuard tie Pro;Rolysfick 1" D41 `Woods"21P System"Panels ; sheathing :;Xe Poi stick MTS Plus,Pol stick ASTM Doi structural,concrete M64;PolystickTU Max, self-' ASTM C1289 Type If Class 1 polyisocyanurate,ASTM Polystick TU P,Polystick TU.Plus, (Optional)ASTM adhering insulation C1289 Type V polyisodyanurate-composite,DensDeck -Polystick XFR,Mule-Hide SA-AP,P D41 orWB-3000 prime o SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board . Cap Sheet,;Mule-Hide.SA APP' Cap Sheet(FR),Polyflex SA Pbr Base'Sheet N/A ASTM D226,Type Il felt,.Elastobase,Elasfobase.P or Muie- Pofyflex,,SAP'FR Hide Nail Base Deck ASTM D41. structural concrete (0ptional),ASTM Elastoflez:S6.Gor EIastofIe'kS6 G Insulation. DensDeck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board FR. 'hot asphalt ' D41'_ Base Sheet:'- N/A ATM D226,:Type Ii felt,Elastobase,.Elastobase P.,Mule Hide Nall Base orPolyglass G2,Base beck, ASTM D41. structural concrete (Optional),ASTM torch- Insulation DensDeck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board - PoiyflexGsor;PolyflexG F•,R D41 ;applied Base Sheet N/A Elastobase,Elastobase P,Mule-Al de:Nall Base,Polyglass G2,13ase or Polyglass.Base 'Refer to Tlle,Mdnufacturer's.orAdhesfie,'Mdnufacturer's Florida Product Approval for Overtu»dng Moment Resistdnce Performance. NBMO ETC;LLC Evaluation Report P12060.02.0.9 R27 Cerffj cdt Cf Mthaiizcrion M 455 7-6616N(2020)FBC NON"VHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R31 Polyglais Root.On'6 layment9. Revlslon 27:09130/2020, Page 6.61!-17 ONEM0.1-LACS 5.8 Attachment Limitations:; 5 8.1 For"use under mechanically attached:NON=TILE prepared roof coverings; attachment"shall be:In accordance with the manufacturer's:installation,in'structions but—for mechanically attached underlayments or base sheets-.not Jess than TBC. 15071.1:.or R905:1a: 5.8:2 For.use under tile:roof systems;attachment shall be in accordance with..the•manufacturer's'in'stallation'instructions,put—, for mechanically attacheii;base`aheets-`not less than: • FRSAft, Florida Higi`WN Concr6teiandVayRgof Tile lnsta/latror►.Manudl,Sixth Edition,Appendiz'A,•Table 11 0& wo Ply Asphalt Applied•Hot:Mop"Underlayment) or _•' _Sectlon58:3`herein(for.other underlayment-systems). 54A. Wind Resistance for Uriderlavment Systems in Tile'Roof Aaalications: Ti a following'Wir d:uplift'limitations apply:ao underlayment systems hat"are.not:'prescriptive rn the FRSAftRI Florldaaflgh Wind Conceite:arid Clay Roof Iile,ln3ta!lation Manual,Slxth,Edition, The'Mazimum°Design Pressure is:Ehe result of testing fdr wind Idad resistance based.omallowable windaoads;and:r A cts the ultirdate passing pressure div,(ded.by 2(the ZA61. margm'ofaafety per FBC'1504 9 has alreadybeen applied): `5 8 31 DirectA6-Decka _ The maximum design pressure for the selected assembly;.shall tneet'or exceed that required,under FRSA/TRI Florida Nlgh iNind.Concrete`ond Clay Roof Tile/nsto11at1on Nlanudl,•;Sixtl :Edition, Appendix A,Table 4A or the.critical(highest)desigri'.. pressure determined in accord ance,wlth FBC1609 6rFBC:Resid4kW Chapter-3 #1: Maximum.desiari.Rressure==52:5osfr peck;_ APArated T/16.CAT:0.418 in. Ex osure.l;OSB'3heat, , p hingto meetproject'requirements to satisfaction of,Authority Having. 1uilifttior:_. Joints: Min'A-inch'wide strips of Elastoflex SA=U over all O5B Joints Base Ply Polystick MTS Plus,"self adhered Underlaynient.Mule-Hide S'A=APP Cap'Sheet,Muie-Hide SA APP Cap Street(FR),Polyflez SA 1.P,P.olyflex SA P_FR,Polystick TU:Max,Polysticks .TU P or Polystick TU:Plus;self-adhered: #Z' 1Vlaxmum Design Pressure'=.-90 asf Qeck: Min.15/32=inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority'Having Jurisdiction. Pr`Imer: f fohe ease Piv. (Optional)Polystick MTS Plus,self adhered Underlayihent Mule=Hide SA=APP Cap Sheet,Wle Hlde SA APP Cap-Sheet(FR),,Pofyflez SA:P,,;P.olyflex.SA P,FR;Polystick TU Max Polystick; TUp'or,PolystickTU;Pl09,self=adhered: 43: Maxuntim Desian`Pressure -975gsfr pock:- MirLA5/314,ht'plywoo8.to meet project requirements`.to satisfaction:of Authorit'RWng jurisdlction. Primer: P.G100 or_ASTM:D41- Base Pty: (Optional)Polystick,MTS Plus;self-adhered. Underlayment Mule,Hide SA-APP Cap-Sheef,Mule=Hide.SA APP Cap Sheet(FR),Polyitex SA P,Polynex 5A P FA,Polystick TU,Maz,Polystick =. TU..Pror Polystick TU,PIus,self-adhered'and back nailed:within-theseI edge-edge:side.laps.using 12.ga.x 1Y"ringshank natls'through 32 ga.;1-5/8",diameter tih:caps spaced 124nch o c.,. #4 MexImum'`Desixn'Pressure -105'p§fc Deck: Min.,15/32=inch;plywood to meet pr'Jed requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction:. ;Primer WB-3606. t Base Ptye (Optional)PolystickUTS Plus;self adhered Underlayment Mule-Hide SA-APP.Cap Sheet;Mule-Hide SA APP!Cap Sheet(Fft) Polyflex SA P,Polyfiex SA P FR;PolystickTU Max,Polystick TU,P or PolystkkTU Plus,self=adhered and back nailed within the selvedge.-edgeside laps using 12•ga.z-1Y."ring,shank naUthrougti 32 ga,1-5/8"diameter tin capsspaced 11 inch o.c, MEMO ETC,LLG Evaluatio0eport P12060.02.09-R27 [iertt)tcpte oJAuthmiiotlob u32455`. 7s"EDITION(2020)FBC NON HVHZ EVAWA7 iON. Ft5259 R31 „ Polygia s;Racf;UrtdeilaymeeiLs �Revision 27 09/30/2020 Page 7 of 17 NEMo:1.etc. #5 'Maxi'mur»DeMkLrf- ressure==135 psh, Deck:., Min.15/32-inc6 plywood to meet project,requirements, osatlsfaction of Authorltyhaving Jurisdiction:.; Primer (Optional)PG100 or ASTM D, Base Ply: (0p4lonal).,Polystick;MTS Plus,self adhered: Joints: Min:4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SAN over all plywood Joints. Underlay'ment.,Mule Hide SkAPP Cap•Sheet,Mule-HideSA-APP Cap;Sheei(FR);,Polyflex SA P Polyflex SA.P FR,:Polystick TU Mai,Polystick TU'P-or Poiystick TU Plus,self-adhered: ,46 .Ntiaximum-Desll;n Rressure=,-315 osfr Deck. Structural concrete to`meet project requirements to atisfaction'•of Authority Havin jJuris-diction;. Primers PG100 or AS7M Am Base P.ly: (OptlonaQ Polystick MTS Plus;seif adhered: Underiayment.;HydraGuard,111,6 Pro Mule-Hide SA APP Cap Sheet;..Mule-Hide:SA-APP Cap Slieet(FR)'.Polyflex SA,P,Polyfl4SA:P FR, PoLystickTU;Max,.P,olystick7U'P or0olystickTU Plus,self-adhered. #7 'Waximum:DesiienPressure 4225,00: Deck: Structural:concrete to:meet project.requlreme is tosatisfactlon of Authorlty Having Jurisdiction. Primer PG100orASTMD41 . oetlj ment.:Elastoflex SS G;apphed in full mopping:of hot aSp4it:6 Polyflex G,torch=applied:. #S All.other.direct'deck,adhered:unde-rlayment syste.ms.beneaththe roof systems-carry a Maximum Design:Pressure of-45:psf. 583 2 Mechanically-Attacfied'ljase`Sh'eet;°. The maximum:design pressure'.foe-the selected;assemb(y shalt meet or exceed that•required under FRSA/TRI..Florlda High. Wind Concrete,and Cloy-:Roof,Trle lnstalltit1dn Manua/,;Sixth_Edition,_Appendiz A,Table4A or the critical.(highest).design, , 0acordw , 3;pressureAdWrinedi C l rs ressure determined n ac o dange w th FBC-1609 or FBC Residential Chahtetr 3 e Elevated pressure z nes- Zone 1 design Alternatively, o exceed at least,t p p p zones-shall employ an attachment density designed by'a quallfied,fdesign:pI ofessional to:resist the elevated pressure criteria: Commonly_used, methods are ANSi/SPRf;WD1,:FM Loss Prevention Data;Sheet 1-29, Roofing Application $tandard,RAS 117 and:Roofing Application Stand`af d RAS'137 Assembliessmarked wth'anasterisk*'carrytheaimitations-set forth;in Section 2 2.10.1 of-FM. s Loss Pceventton:Data Sheet 1 29,(February 2020)for enhancements.. _ o '#9 Maximum Desien'Pressure -30s0 Dsf*;`; 'Deck: Min,15/31=inch OSB.to meet protect requlrements to satisfaction of'Authoiity Having J Isdiction. Base Sheet; Elastobase or•Mule-Hide Nail Base(poly-film top surface) Fasteners., 11 ga x 125�inch long x finch head,dlameter round metal cap nails Spacingt 6 inch o c af<the 3-inch wide side laps:and 6 kh o t.,- two-(1)equally spaced staggered center rows; Base Ply: (Optional)Polystick MTS Plus;self adhered UnderIlayment,Mule Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet,MUle-Hide SA APP Cap Sheet(FR),P,olyflex SA P,Polyi7exSA P FRS Poiysfick TU Max,'Polystick TU p or Poiystick TU PIus,self4dhered.• #10 Maximum Desiin Pressure=-375 bsf*: Deck: Min...15/3246ch plywood to:meet project requirements tosatisfactton of Authority;Having Jurisdiction. gaseSheet;: Elastobase or Mule'-Hide,Na11 Base;(poly=fllm_top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga x 125.-Inch long x 1-inch head diameter s round metal-cap nail - Spacing: 6 inch o c at the 3 inch wide'side laps_and 6=inch o c;'at two(2).equally spaced staggered"center rows. Base,Ply: (Optional)Mystick MTS Plus'. - adhered Underlayment,Mule-Hide,SA OP,Cap Sheet.Mule-Hide SA APP pSheet(FR),Oolyfiex•SA P,Poloix SA P:FR,PolystickTU Max;Polystick TU-P or PolystickTU,.Plus;self adhered-. #11 ,IVlaximum:Desit;n Pressure=:=375'psf": =Decks Min.19/32-inch-plywood to meet protect requirements to satisfaction ofAuthority Having Ju_risdiction.- Base Sheet: 066,(1)or two(2)layers ASTM D226,;Type.11 feat Fasteners: 111ga x 12Ssinch long x finch head diam%eter round metal cap,nails Spacing: 6-inch o c at=the 3;inch widesfde laps"and 12-1ncfi.o.c.at two'(2)equallyspggeO staggered center rows.- Underiayment Elastoflex 56;G,applied to full mo_ , o 1 t asphalt. MEMO.ETC;-Ut, Evaluation Report 1`1206102.09-1127 tcrt�/lcate of Autltorizctlon f132455:' ITH EDITION(1020)FBC NOP1-HM EVALUATION FL5259-R3. Polyglass Roof,Underfayment3 Reviston:27:09/30/2020 Pag6kof,17 : #12 :Maximurri Desian`Pressure:=-45ASM. ONWojetc: Deck: Mm.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction.of Authority Having Jurisdiction: Base Sheet;= One`(1)Iayen ASTM.D126,Type II felt' Fastenersc. 11 ga.x 125-inch x 3/&Inch head diameter annularring shank,roofing nails'at 1`5%8=inch `diameter tin caps ;,Spacing:' 4-inch o c at fhe 2(rich wideside laps'and 4inciti;o c atawo(2)equally spaced'staggered:center.rows- Base Ply (Optional;for use wit , eld deryentonly):Polystick MTS;PIus,self;adheredh m `Underlay.merit Mule=Hide SA-APP-Cap Sheet,MUle=Hide BA=APP,CapSheet(FR),Polyflex SA P,Polyflex SA P FR;PolystickTU Max,Polystick TU P;or'Rolystick TU Plus;self-adhered: #13 Maximum Des sn Pressure=45`a :. Deck.: Min:,19/32-1nch plywood to meet project requirements_to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction.: Base Sheet:., Two,(2)layers ASTM-D226,Type ll felt; Fasteners;. 11 ga x 1.25=inch long z 3/8 incfi head diametefAnnular ring'shank roofing nails at,1=5/8-inch ,diameter tin caps Spacing: 9-mch o c:at tW2-inch wade"side laps and 9 lnch'o c.At two(2)"eq"ually spaced staggered center rows. Base Pty (Optional,foruse".with self-adhering'underlaymept only)Polystick'MTS Plus,self-adhered: Underiayn int:`Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet,Nlule-Hide.SA-AP.P Cap:Sheet(FR),Polyflex SA P,Polyflex SA`P FR;Poiystick.TU:Max,Polystick, i.Tt1 R`or Polystick TU Ptus,self=adhered:or Eiastoflex S6 G;applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #14 'Maxmum:Desien Pressure"=-45�asf . `. Deck Min.;15/32-(rich plywood to meetpro�ect requirements o satisfaction:of.Authority HavingJurltdiction ,,, Base Sheets Elastobase(sandedaop surface'forhot=asphalt gctorch=applled'cap or poly=filin surfece.for-torch-applied`cap)' Fasteners:. Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing:; `9-inch o c atthe 2-inch wide side laps and 18=inch o c:at two:(2)equally spaced'staggered center rows. UndedAymeot:Ela`stoflex 56 G,applied in fujl_mopping of hot'asPhaR orFolyflex G,torch-applied. #15 Maximum Desien"Pressure=-45A psf: Reek: APA rated,7/,16 CAT;0418 in,Exposure,l,OSB'sheathing to meet-project fequireiiients:to�satisfactlon of Authority.Haying_ Jurisdiction: Base Sheet::' Elastobase or Mule Hide Nail Base(poly=film top surface) Fasteners:_ t 12 ga.annu(arnrig shank"nails wih 2 5j8 diametertin caps Spacing:, 6-inch o c at the 3=incfi_wide side Iapsand'6=. ch,o c at four(4)equally spaced staggered center rows., Base Ply: (Optional)Polystick MTS Pius;'self--adhered. Underlayment Mule=Hide SA=APP CapSheet,.Mule=Hide_SA,.=APP,6p Sheet(FR),Polyflex SA P,Polyflex SA P FR,PolystickTU Nlax,Polystick 'T P;or Polystick TU Plus,self=adhered., 06 6ximumbesian Pressure 45.0 osf Deck:, Akrated,7/16 CAT,'0:418 in:;Exposure 1,OS B°sheath;ingto meet:project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having ,Jurisdiction: 'Base'Sheetr Eiastobase(sand topsurface): 'IF astenees: 12 ga'.annular rmg shank nails with 1=5%8"diameter tin caps" Sparing: 6 inch o c aE the3-lnch;wide sidedaps.and'6=1nch:ox;atfour(4)equally spaced Staggered center rows. Underlayment Elaatoflex 56 G,applied in full,inopp�ng of hot asphalt: #17 Maxlmu"m'De"shinPressure'=-A5'A nsf� ; Deck: APA rated,7/16 CAT;0;418 in:;Exposure 1,OSBsheathing to meetproject requirements'to.satisfaction of AuthorityHaving; Juris`dlctiori. Base Sheet: Elastobase or:Polygiass Base: Fasteners 12.ga annularring thank naliswit'1-5/8"-diametertinicaps .Spacing: .6-inch o c:atthe 3 inch wldeside laps:and,6=inch.o.c:at four(4)equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Polyf Iex G,torch applied: 418 Maximum Design-Pressure 52.5 csf; Deck Min .15/32=Pnch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfachon of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheets Elastobase{sanded top surface for hot-asphalt or torch:applied cap or poly-flim surface for torch-applied cap). Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing! 94nch o.c.at the 2-mch Wide side taps and 12-inch o c.at two(!):equally spaced'staggered center rows. Underlayment Elastoflex S6;:G,applied In full-nmopping.of hot-asphalt or Pot ex G torch applied. {VEMO ETL LLC Evaluation Report P32060:02:09-R27.. Certrficdte ojAudibrizgtion OAS$ 7'"EDi710N(2020)FBC NONd HVHZ EVAWAT10N. FLUSSA31 Polyglass Roof Underlayme"nts Revision 17 6130/2020' Page 9 bf 17 NEWS etc, #19 Maximum Desien Pressures 52.S psf: Deck: Mtn 45/32;Inch;p{ywoodSo meetproject requirements'tasatisfaction of Authority HaVingaurisdiction BaseSheet:, 1 Elastobase or."Mute=Hide Nail Base(poly=fllmtop surface) Fasteners: Simplex Original Cap Nails Spacing;: 6 Inch a c'at the 3=inch wide side laps and 6 inch'o,c,at four(4)equallyspaced staggered center rows Base Piy, (Optionat),Polystick MTS Pius,self=adhered: . Underlay"ment:Mule-Hide SA hM CShee MyAPS f . f stick TUrP`nr PolystJck TU PI sself=adi eyed. #20'= ..Max''imurn Design Pressure=-52.5.osf Deck MIn.15/324nch piyWood to meet project requirementsto satisfaction of Authority;Hav ng.7urisdicEion. Base Sheet:: Elastofiase'(sanded"topsurface for hot asphalt ortorch-applied'cap or poly=film surFace.for torch-applied;:cap); 1. Fasteners: Simplex Original Cap Nails Spadng . fi inch o c atthe 3 inch wide side laps:and 6>in'cfi o c.at four(4)equally spaced,staggered,center rows: Underlayment Elastoflex-S6 G;applied'in-full moppiog-of riot asphaltor Polyflex G;forth-applied. #21 Maximum Design P"rettLite 66 asf beck::,- Min:,19/32=inckpiywood to meet=project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet; Elastobase jsandedtop surface.for hot-asphalt or.torch-applied cap or,poly-film surface:for torch-applied cap) Fasteners: 11•ga,x 125 inch)ong•x 3/8=inch head diameter:ann66r ring shank roofing nalis at;15%&Inc h diametertin:caps Spacing: &inch 0 c:at-the.4inch wide-side lapsand 8{tich 64 at three(3}:equally`spacedataggered.center rows. Underlayment, Elastoflez S6 G,applied in full;mopping of, o:as- alt or Polyfie�i;G;torch-applied; #21 Maximum`D'esign'Pressure= 60 psf: Deck;: Min.19/32=inch plywood to meetproJecf requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction: Base 5fie'et: Elastobase.(sanded top surface•for hot;asphalt.or torch-applied cap or poly-film surface for torch applied cap): Fattenersc -Omdiiii2 Standard,Aoofgnp with QMG;FW Bottoin;Metal'Plates- Spacing:; 12-inch o'c atiW4inch wide side laps;and 12-Inch ti c-at two(2):equaily spec--', aggered center'rows. Vitledayment Elasto%S6 G,applied n fullmopping of hotasphalt or Polyfl ex.G,torch=applied: 423: Maximum`Design`Pressure 60:Oasf: Deck: APA rated;7/16 CAT,0.4181n.,.Exposu're 1;OSB sheathing to meetproject requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having-, Jurisdiction::, - Base Sheet': Etastbbase drMule=Hide Nail Base,(poly film top surface) Fasteners Simplex MAXX Cap':Fasteners Spacing:; 8-inch o c et the 3 inch wide side tap"s°and 8-ncFi o c:aYthree(3)`equahy.spacedF$taggered center tows: Ptimer.. PG1Q0 or ASTM D41:primer applied to stress:plates. Base Ply: (Optional)PolysticIt MTS Plus,self adhered Underlayment Mut,e4de SA APP Cap:Sheet Muie-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR),.PolyfiexSAP,Polyflex SA P FR;Polystick:TU Max;Polystick .TU P or Polystick TU;Plus;self=adhered. #Z4 ,Maximum Desir3n-Pressure=-60.O�psf; `Deck: AP•A-rated,7/16 CAT,.0.418 in. Exposu Fe:I O I sheathing,to.meet"project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jgrisdictlon .Base Sheet; t iastobase(sand top1surface) Fasteners; Slrri e&fNAXX Cap`F'asteners , .Spaungs` Vheh o c.'at the:3-loch wide sideaaps andi inch o c.at_ttiree:(3)equally spaced staggered centerrows: Underlayment-;ElastoflexS6;G,applied irtfull mopping, hotasphalt. 925 °`Maximum Des'sn Pressure -0.0'psfi. ,.-Deck­ APq rated 7/16 CAT,.0.418 in.,,Exposure 1,OSB`sheatiiing to meet project re quire mentstos_atisfaction of Authority Having. Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Mstobase or'.Polygii ss Base: Fasteners: Simplex MAX)(Cap Fasteners Sparing: 8 inch o c at;the 3 inch w[de ide lapsand:8=inch o:c:at three(3)equally spaced taggered triter tows Underlayment Po)yflex G,,torch applied: i NEMO EtC;LLC: Evaluation Report P12060.0.2.09=1127 CeWftcatecjAuthodzavan#32 7TM EDITION(20Z0)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Ft5259'R31 Polyglass hoof Underlayments Revistan'21:09/30007A_' Page io of 17` i NEMo`a etc. #16. Maximum Design Pressure .67.5.60- Deck Min.15/32-inch plywood to m'eik"oject requfrementsto satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet'. 0olyglass:G2 8ase_or Polyglass Base.(re4ufres use.of torch-app(ied:underlayment) Fasteners: 12 ga.x 125-inch,long x 18-inch head:diameter annular ring shank roofing'nalls at 1-5%8-inch dlameter tin caps Spacing: &Inch o c.`at;the 44rich wide side>lap's and 8-inch o c at four(4)equally spaced, ggered:center rows. Underlayment Elastofldis6'G,appllei In fuil:mopping:of hot,asphalf_ortorch.applled or Polyflex.G torch-applied. #27 Maxinjuirn Design Pressure 67.Spsf: Deck: APA;;rated,,19%32, ,,0.57&In;.Exposure_S;OSB sheathing;to,meet project requirements to;satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet'" Elist06ase or Mule Hide Nail 8ase(poly-film top"surface) Fasteners: TRU..FAST:Versa`Fast Fasteners Plates With two(2)screws per plate installed 160°into the holes of the plate,parallel to the.width direction'of the•sheet: Spacing: 12 inch o c,at'theflinch wideside laps`and'12-'rich o c.;at two(2):equalfyapaced staggered center rows. -Primer: (Optional).PG100 or.ASTM D41,primei.appli6&to`stress plates. Base:P.ly: (Optional)1.Polystick,MTS Plus seif-adhered.. Underlayment Mule-Hlde,;SA-APP;Cap:Sheet;'fiAule Hide SA=APP Cap,,Sheet Polyfez SA P,Poiyflex SA P FR;Polystick`fU Max,Polystick TU -Or.Pplystick TU:Plus;;self-adhered. #28_ Ma)irnurn D sign Pressure-47':5 asf: Deck: APA riied`19/32 CAT,0.578;:In.;Exposure.1,OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of`Aufhority HavingJurisdiction:' Base Sheet: -EIast6base;(saInd fop'surfacey '.Fasteners:; TRUFAST Versa Fast:Fasteners`&Plates wdhawo(2 ,screws per.plate;installed 180'into the-holes-.of the piate,:paralleito- thewidth direction:of the sheet: Spacing: :12-1n6 o.c at the 4-inch Wide_side,laps and 12-inch'o.c.-at'two(2)equally spacedstaggered center'rows. Underlayment:,Elastoflez S'6 G,applied in=full moppin&ofhot.asphalt. #20, Maximum Design Pressure-i47 Sbsf Deck: APA:'rate4:19/32'CAT,_0 5781.64 Exposure 1,-0SB•4heathing'to;,meet project'requirements to satisfaction of Authority• Having Jurisdiction. Base.Sheet:; Eiastobase or Polyglass Base Fasteners: TRUFAST-Versa Fasf:Faste'ners-&Plates witirtwo(2)screws.per plate installed 1g0°into the holes of the plate,paraifef.to ,the Width.direction of.the sheet. .Spacing: 12-inch o.c:at the 4-Inch wide sidelaps and 12-inch o:c:at two(2)equally spaced.staggei.ed center rows. Underlayment•Polyflex G torch applied: #30 MaAmurrf Ues)en Pressure=45 osf: Deck; Min,15%32=Inch plywood to meet project requirements;to satisfaction of Authority Haying Jurisdiction. Base 5heet:.; Poiyglait G2 Base or:Polygiass Base{requlres'use of torch-applied underloyment) 'Fasteners: Dekfest#14 wI.th'Dekfast.Hex plates;:OMG 414 HD with OMG 3"GalvalumeSteel Plates;.,OMG Roofgrip#14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates(AccuTrac),Trufast HD with Trufast,3-lnch Insulation.Plates or Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 10-'nth o:c.at the:446ch.wideaide_Iaps,and_10-inch:ox.at three(3)equally spaced staggered center rows: Underlayment:Eiastoflex S6 G,applied in full mopping of hot asphalt•or torch-applied or Polyflex G,torch-applied. #31 °Maximum Oesikn Pressure' -90 usf:, Deck:. Min.15%32-Inch plywood to meet project re:'ukements;to satisfaction of Authority.Hiving Jurisdiction. Base Sheet' Elastobase:(sanded;top surface;for hot-asphalt;orforc.-appiied.cap or'poly=film surface for torch-applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Ca"p:Fasteners Spacing: 6=Inch o.c:,at'the2-inch wide tiid,e lapt end_6-inch o.c.attwo,(2)equally,spaced,staggered center rows: ,Underlayment:Elastofle*S6 G;'applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G,.torch-applied. #32 Maxionum-Design Pressure.=40 00 Deck: Min:.15/324kh'plywood to,meeCorojett requirements to satisfaction of:Authority Having Jurisdiction. ,Base Sheet: Elastobase'(sanded.top surface for hot=asphaltor torch=applied'cap or poly fllmsurface for torch-applied cap) Fasteners: OM #12-Standard Roofgrip or OMG:#14 Heavy Duty with OMG T Round Metal Plates or OMG.Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 6-inch,o.c.'at the)4=inch wide side laps and 6-inch ox.at three(3)equally spaced staggered centerrows. Underlayment.Elastoftex S6;G;.applli d in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G,iorch-applied. NEMo_ETC;itc. -Evaluation Report P32060.03:09-1127 cerd kc ofAWhonc�tlan'#32455 `7-EDMR14(2020)'FBGNON-H9HZ EVALUATION, FL5259-R31 Polyglass Roof updedayments Revision 27e 091*2020 Page 11 of.17 iRNEM.Ojetc. 433` MiiijrpUM DesiRnOressure`ii 40-00:.� Deck:. 15/32=nch:plywood.to meet protect requirements to satisfactlon'6f,Authorlty Having Jurisdiction: Base Sheet:: Elastobase(sanded top surface) Fasteners:- Trufast`Il12 DP or==Trufast#14 HO with Trufast 3"'Metai'Insulation Plates Spacing" 14fich o:c,at the 4-inch wide side laps and 64nch o.c;at theee(3);equally spaced staggered center rows. Underiayment Elastoflex 56 G,applied.in'fulfinop'ping of hot,asphalt. #34: fVlazi 6t)iSIkn Pressure '90:psf: Deck: Mn 15/32 inch plywood to,meet project requirements-to satisfaction of Authority`HaVing'Jurisdictionc Base Sheet:. Polyglass G2 6aseor Polyglass'Base(re4d!res use'of torch4,oplled-underf6r ment) Fasteners:'. Dekfast#14 With Dekfast Hex,plates,OMG#14;HD with OMG,3"�Galvalume5teel`Plates,OMG Roofgr$#14 with OMG;Flat Bottom Plates(AccuTrac),Truf�st HD with Trufast 3 inch Insulatlon,Plates,or Simplex MAXXbip Fasteners Spacing 9-inch o c at:the,*lr ch'wide;side laps and 9 inch o.c.at four(4)equally spaced staggered center rows: Uriderlayrtient'Elasfoflex S6`G,applied in full mopping:of hotasphalt or torch-applied oe Polyflex G,torch-applied: #35: .:Maximum DeslRn Pressure`==90A osf Deck.; APA rated,7/16 CAT;0:418 in:,Exposure 1,OSB sheathing to rhde t,project regwrements�to satiitialon.of Authority Having Jurisdiction; <Base Sheet*- Elastobase or MUle-Hide Nad Base(poly=film top'surface) :-Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa Fast Fasteners'&Plates'with two(2),screws perplate installed:_180"into the holes of the:plate,paiAlel,to the width-direction of Ehe sheet, ;Spacing,:: 9rinch o.c:afthe 2=inch vrride'side laps and 12=inch o:c at Iwo(2,)equallyspaced staggered centenrows. Primer:. PG100 orASTM D41•:primer applied tastress plates:; Base Ply {Optional)Polystick MTS Plus,self adhered Underiayment Mu te-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet,.Mule Hide SA-APPCap Sheet(FR).Polyflez SA P,Polyflex SA,P FR;Polystick7U Mjk,-Polystick TU:P'or PolystickTU Plus,'self-adhered:. #36 ':Maximum Design Pressure 90.0 psf:: beck. A.PA;rated,.7/16 CAT;0:418.in,.Exposure 1,OSB sheathing to meet project'requirements to satisfaction of.Authodty Having lurisiliction. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sand top surface) fasteners; TRUFAST Versa Fait fasteners•iie Plates with two(2)screws,perplate ihiWiletl 180'.int6 the holes:of the:p ate,parallel to' thewidtl%di[ectiort.ofthe sheet 'Spacing 94nch o c at.the 2-inch wideside laps`and 12=inch o c attwo(2).equally;spaced"staggered,cente'r rows. UniJerlayment`.Elastoflex S6'G,applied in:full_mopping of hot asphalt: #37 Maxinium Desien'Pressure=-90A asf:. Deck: Al rated,`?/16 CAT 0:418'in.;Expo;ure 1,OSf3 sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority.Having'; lurisdlction:. Base Sheet.' Elastobase orPolygiass Base`; Fasteners;' 'TRUFAST Versa Fast,Fasteners°&Plates witktwo,(2)screws per plateanstalled 180'Into'the holes ofahe prate,,parallel to' thewidth-direction of the.sheet Spacing 9=inch o c::at:the.2-inch-wide`side iaps and-i2=inch.o.c:at two(2)equally spaced staggered.center rows: :Underiayment-Polyflex G,torch-applied. #38` Maximum DWghVressure.' 7 5 osf: Deck; Nlin.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction`of:Author'tty_Having Jurisdiction. iiiseSheet Elastobase,or:Mule=Hide'NaiLBase`(poljr-film'topsurface). Fasteners.: 11,ga x 125=inch x 3/8 inch head diameter.:annular ringshank'rooflng nailsat 1-S/8 nch diametertin;caps Spacing:` 4;nch o c At:the 4=inch wideside taps and 4-inch,o c.atfour(4)equally spaced staggered center rows: BesePly: (Optional)`PolysfickMTS Pius,self-adhered: Underlayme_nt Mule Hide`SA,APP,Cap Sheet,Mule-Hide SA APP Cap Sheet(FR),.Polyflex SA P,Palyflex SA.P FR,.Polystick TU Max;Polystick. TIhP or Poly3t:ck TU;Plus,self-adhered: NEMo ETG'tlC Evaluation Report P12060.02.09=R27 certt&d OA*64iq N3*S5 PTM EDITION(2ti20)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R31 POlygliss Roof Onderlaymeets: Revision 27:09/3e/2020 . �Page'12of�17. ONEMOletc. #f39 'Maximum Desien Pressure: 97.5 psf Deck: APA,rated;:19/32-CAT,.O:S78`in,, Exposure,, OSBsh oat hing`to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdictlon. Base,Sheet: Elastobasepr Mule Hide NailBase'{poly-film top surface) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap fasteners` Spacing: "6-inch o c at the 4=inch wide side laps and 6=inch o:c.at four{4)equally.spaced staggered center rows.: .Primer: PG100 qr ASTM D41 prlm'&,applied to stress plates. Base Ply.-'. (Optional)PoIyst!ck MTS Plut,:ielfladhetbed. Underlayment Mule=Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet,Mule=Hide;SA=APP.Cap Sheet(FR),Poly flex SA P,Polyfie)(SA P FR,Polystick.TU Max,Polystick, TU.P'or PolysttckTU Plus,self-ad.hered._ -#40 :Maximum::Desi�n'Pressure =97:5 psf:: Deck: APA rated,19/32.CAT�'0.518{n, Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to;nieet:project,eequirements to.-satisfaction of Authority- Having lutisdittion: Base Sheet. Elastobase(sand`top surface) Fasteners: Slmplex,NIAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing::• 6-inch o c._at the 44nch wide side'laps-and 64nch o.c:at four(4);equal(y spaced staggered center roues.. Underlayment ;Elastoflex,S6'G,appiiedln full mopping=of hotasphalt #41 Maximum Desien pressure==97.5 asf: Deck: APA rated,19%32°CAT,0.578:in.,:Exposure 1,OSB:sheathing-to'meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: ,Elastobaseor`P.olyglass-Base-. Fasteners: S{mplex:MAXX Cap:Fasteners Spacing: &Inch o c.at the 4-inch wide sid6.laps`and 67inch'64 at four(4)equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Poloex G,-torch=applied.. i42,1 Maximum Desien Pressure -165 pit Dec ;Min..15/32-inch`,0lywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction.Base Sheet: Elastobasie(sanded top,surface for,hot-asphalt or torch-applied cap or,poly-film surface for torch-applied cap) Fastener's:, Simplex MAXX'Cap Fasteners S'padne 6-inch o.c.at the 2-inch wide side laps and 6-inch,o.c..at three(3)equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment llastoflex-S6G;applied in full mopping.of hot asphalt or Polyf{ex G,torch-applied. #43 .Maximum Desien Pressure= 105.0:asf: Deck:. APA rated,7/,16 CAT,0.418Jh.,.Exposure 1,OSBsheathing to meet project requirements.to satisfaction of.Authority Having Jurisdiction: BaseSheet: Elastobase or Mule-Hide Nail Base(poly=fllm,top,surface) :Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa4ast Fasteners:&Plates;with.two(2)screws per plate:installed 180`into.the holes of-the plate,parallel to the width-direction of the'sheet -Spacing;. 6-inch o.c.atthe 4-inch wide side iaps:and 64hch o.c.'at three.(3)equally Spaced staggered center rows. Prime:•:. P6100 or''ASTM D41 pilmer applied to.stress plates., Base Ply: (OptlorW)Polystick'MTS Plus,self-adhered: Underlayment,Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet,Mule-Hide SA=APP Cap Sheet(FR),Polyflex.SA P,Po{yflex SA P FR,Polystick'TU Max,Polystick TIJ P or Polystick,TU Plus;self-adhered. #44 Maximum Design Pressure -105:0 Psf: 'Deck': APA rated,7/16:CAT;0:418 in:,Exposure 1,0S8:sheathing to meet project requirerrients•to satisfaction of Authority Having, Jurisdiction. Base$heet:. Elastobase`(sandtopsurMce) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa•Fast Fasteners&:Plates w�fh two(2)k 6ws pet plate`instailed.180*Into.the holes of the plate,parallel to the vi dth-dlrection of the sheet Spacing; 67inch o.c.at the 4;inch wide'side iaps'and 5=inch o.c.at three.(3)equally spaced staggered center-rows. .Underlayment:Elastoflex S6 G;applied,in full mopping of'hot asphalt. MEMO ETC,,I.I.C. Evaluation Report P12060:02.09-R27 .0e4ftte o/Authodzatkn#32455 7TM EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FLSZS9-ii31 Polygiass Roof Underlayments Revision 27:09/30/2020 Pap.13 of 17 ONEMbjeitc.; #f45 Maximum Desisn Pressure= 105.0 osf . Deck: APATated,.7/16 CAT,Q 418 in.,:,Exposu�e-1;CIS&ih athingtameeE,project requirements to.;satWacfion of`Authority Having >lurisdid�or � • Base Sheet:` Elastobase or Polyglats Base 'Fasteners: TRUFAST 1Jersa fast Fasteners&Plates with two(2)screws per plate nstalled 180.,14 the:hoies of the plate,parallel to the width`-direction':of the'siieet Spacing:: 64fit o.c.atthe:44nch wide side laps and 6-lnch:'o c.at three(3)equally spaced staggered center rows: 'Underlayment `Polyflex G Porch-applied: . 046 Maximu�m'Desian Pressure===11Z:5 psf: :Deck.. Min 19/32 inch plywood;to meet project requirements.to satisfaction,of Authority Having Jurisdiction:; 13ase.Sheet: Ela"1. ..Ie or Mule-Hide Nail Base(poly-film topsurface) .Fasteners: 11'ga x 125-Inch x 3/8=inah head diameter annular ring-shank roofing;nailsat 1 5/8-inth diameter"tin'caps. $pacing: 6=lnct o:c atthe 4=inch wide side laps and 6 inch o c,at"four(4)equallyspaced staggered_center rows. Primer. PG100`or.ASTM'D41 primer.'at all tin•caps Base Ply Polystick MTS Plus,,-self-adhered Underla0ent.Mule=Hide SA=APP Cap'Sheet,Mule-Hide SA-APP:Cap Sheet(FR),Polyflex SA P,Polyflex SA P FR,'PolVstick TU.Max,Polystick. TU:P:or Polystick TU;Plus,self=adhered. 4471 sM-aArnum De'sien Pressure=::=120 csf: Deck Min 15/32 inch plywood to meet protect requirements to satisfaction of AiithorityHaving'Junsdiction:. Base Sheet Elastobase(santled top surface;for hot:asphalt"ortorch-applied cap orpoly=filmaurface for torch apPiled cap) Fasteners: OMGtl12 Standard Roofgrip.:or ONIG#14 Heavy:Dutywitl OMG 3°Round:Metal Plates;or OMGflatBott6rn Metai.'Plates Spacing: 6=inc6 o c.at the 4=inch wide;side laps and 6lnc o c.at ffiie:(5)equally spaced staggered center rows.' Undedayment Elastoflii S6 G,applied in full mopping of hot asphaitor Pi lyfIex Gi'torch-applied: #48. Maximum Desi n-.Pressure 126 Osf::; Deck:° Min.15/3?-inch plywood to meet project requirements:tosatisfaction of Authority.HaV ng Jurisdiction: Base Sheet >Elastobase,(sanded top surface), Fasteners:'` Trufast#f2 DP or Trufast#14 HD WithTrufast:3"Metal nsulation;Piates Spacing:: 6 inch o c`at`the flinch wide side aps and 6-inch o c:at five(5)'equally spaced Staggered center rows. Undedayment Elastoflex;S6;G;Applled`infut(niopping of hoi asphalt:: 449' I dAthumtesikn`PresSure` 127,.Soi c Deck: APA rated,19/32 CAT,0,578 In,,Exposure l;:-05Bsheathing;to meet-project requirements to'satisfaction of Authoeity Having)uflsdictlon3 Base Sheet; Elastobase or'Mule=Hide Na hBase(poly-film op;surface) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa Fast'Fasteners&Piateswrrh"one(1)screw:per plate,in the;centOrhole; Spacing:;: 94nch o c at"the 41nch wideside lapstand9' icti o.c:at'four(4)equally spaced staggered center:rows. Primer° PG100 6rASTM D41`primer applied to,stress plates.. 'Base.:Ply:h+ (Optional)Polystick MTS Plus;self adhered Uniderlayr ent Mule=Hide SA APP Cap;Sheet,,Nluie'Hid'eSA-APP Cap Sheef(FR),_Polyflex SA P;Polyflex SA.P FR,Polystick'TU Max;Polystick TU P..or,PolysEtck'T Plus,selthadhered., tF50. NlaximumDesi�n Pressure' -127C5 psf . r. ;peck:. ;APA:rated'19/32 CAT,0 578'in", Exposure 1,& sheathing to,rW04t project requirdfi ents to satisfaction:of Authority Having Jurisdlction. . :ease Sheet: Elastobase(sand top,surface) ,Fasteners: TRUFAST'Versa=Fast Fasteners'&Plateswith'one(1)screw per plate,,in the center-hole. Spacing: 9-inch o.c at the:4-inch wide side'lips and 9 inch o:c.at four(4)equally spaced staggered center rows. Undedayment Elastoflex56';G,;applied`in full'.mopping ofhotasphalt #51 Maximum�Desien'.Pressure 1275 psfc D"ecki APA rated,19/32 CAT,0.5713'In,,Exposure:l;iOSBsheathing to.meet projectrequirements to satisfaction of Authority: Having Jurisdiction:; Base Sheet; Elastobase or Polygiass Base Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa Fast:Fasteneti&.P.lates with one(i)screw-per p!atei,in the center'holc fS+pacing 94inch o:c:atahe flinch widealde'laps:and'9=inch o.c.at four M equallyspaced staggered center rows... ,Undedayment Polyfiexr?,torch-applied. NEM0`EiC,'LLG. Evaluation.Report P12060.02.09-1127 Certftco Gf Authoifi_ton#32455' 3t"t60 ON(2020)FBC,fdON HVHZ EVALUATi0N FL5259-R31 :;PowassRoof:Undi' ai nts Revislon27 09/16/2020. Page 14 417 ONWOje'tc. 5.9 Exposure limitations: r 4. � m�.� �x s � r' �a f f�Ax p TABLE 3: E%P85UR8 LIMITATIONS G� �: ,. X - _ Prepared�Roaf Cover Maxlmu�t Underiaymem Install tionType Exposure(days).` Elastobase,Elastobase P,Polyglass'G2,Basd or Polyglass,Base„ Mechanically attached 30 Polystick'IR-Xe or Polystick.MU=X Mechanlcally attached 90 HydraGuard`Dual Pro,HydraGuard Tile Pro,Polystick`MTS Plus;Polystick TU:Max,Polystick Any type(per Table 3) 180 TU P,Polystick TU-Plus orPoiystick.kM Elastohex.S6 G,Elastoflex-S6:GFR,:Mute-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet;Mule-Hide SA=APP Cap Adhesive-set.tile'roof system 180 Sheet(FR) Polyflex G,:Polyfle), FR Polyflex SA:P or Polyflex SA P FR Mechanicaiiy attached lfNL1M{TED.:, 5.10 Tile Sliooaee'Limifations:_When1oading roof;tileson the'und`erlaymentin direct-decktile roof assemblies;ahe maximum roof slope shall be,as.follows: These slope limitations gn,only be eicceedecl by Using battens during loading:of the roof tiles.: " € TABLE 4 yTiLE SLIPPAGE LIMITATiQNS'�OR QIRECi DEC16 TILE INS7ALLgTI9NS" Underlaymeptr Tile ProfUs_ Stowfi&,Method Mix'* Staging Slope. Elastoflex S6 G or S6,GFR,. Flat or Lugged, 6-tile stack.(4 over 2) Prohibited without battens HydraGuard Tie,Pro Flat Dr-Luggedfrtite stack{4,over 2)_ 7i12 Polyflex G:or.GFR Fiat or Lugged 6-tile stack(4-over 2) 4:12 Polyflex SA P or.;SA_P FR, Flat of.Lugged 6-tile stack(4 over'2) 4:12 Flat `6-tile stack(4 over2) Polystick'MTS'Plus " Lugged 6-tile stack,,(4'over 2)- Fiat. 641le stack(4 over4)or 10-tile stack 7:12 Polystick-T,l1.Max Lugged 6-tilestack 0 over 2) 7:12' Lugged 10-tile stack 6:12 PolystickTU..P Flat or Lugged 6-tile stack(4 over;2) 7:12 'Flat or Lugged. 6 Ile"stack(4.over-2)' 7i12 Polystick TU,Plus Flat orLugged 1O411e stack` 6:12 Polystick XF' Flat or Lugged ProhlWWd'without battens Prohibited without battens NEMO ETC;`LLC Evaluation'Report P1Zo60.0Z.09-q27 !:e, -te ofAuthodwgpn#32455; 9TM EDMbN(2610)FB6NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R31 Polyglass Roof Underlayments Revision 27:09/M/2020 Page 15.of 17 ONEiwofetc.. 61 Polyglass.Roof.Underlayments`shaillie installed'in''accordancewith Polyglass published installation instructionssubject to the Limitations set forth yin 5e"ction 5.here]n and-the specifics noted.below. 6:2 Re`=fasten_any loose decking panels;and check'for protruding;nail heads. Sweep the substrate'thoroughly to remove any dust. and debris`priorto application,and prirrle the substrate(if applicable). 6.3 Elastob�se"Ell atolase Pi alutase >r { 6.3.1 Non Tile Applications: Shall.be nstailed"in compliance with requirements.for an<approved`mechanically attached.underlayment'(ASTM D226,Type ll)in FBCTabie-150711.1 or,FBC Residential Table..R905: for:the type of prepared roof covering'to be.installed,and the manufattorees installation instructions: FBC requirementstake precedence overthe manufacturer's installation instructions. Elastobase,Elastobase P or Mule-Hide Nail Base may be covered with a layer of Polysbck IR-Xe;Polystick MTS Plus,Polystick• -MU-X;PolystickTU Max,P"oiystick TU P,:PolystickTU Plus,P 'tick XFR Polyflex'SAP,:Pololex SAP FR,Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA'APP Cap Sheet"(FR),self-adHered,:Elastoflex�S6 G_or Elastoflex SS'G FR in hot asphalt orPolyflex G-or Polyflex G 111,-00,applied: Roof cover.litnitatioiisarethose are-those:assoclated;with the.top=layer underlaynient,'as set forth in Table 1. 63:2 Tile Applications: 6 32:1 'Elastobase.(poly-film top),Elastobase P(poly film.top)and Mule=Hide Nail Base are limited to use as mechanically attached base sheet,in the"TWO-PLY SYSTEM"from FRSA%TRI Florlda Hlgh.WindConcrete:,and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual,Sixth Edition,followed'bJy Polystick MTS Plus;:PolystickTU Max,PolystickTU.P,PolystickTU Plus,PolystickXFR;.Polyflex.SAP,Polyflex SAP FR,Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap:Sheei or SA-APP Cap Sheet("FR)-,self.-adhered or Polyflex G,or Polyilex G FR,torch-applied. Tile roof installation,rnethod:Is limited by the:selected Cap,Sheet,•as set:forth'in Table 1. Refer to Section S.8.3:2 herein for attaellrilent requirements: 63:2:2. "Elastobase(sanded-top)and Elastobase P(sanded-top)e are limited'to.use as a"mechanically attached base sheet in the"TWO- P.LY_SYSTEM'1',.fe6ffi.FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete.ond Cloy.RoofTile Installation' Manual,.Sixth Edition,followed,,by El6st6flex:S6 G,Elastofle06 G FR or-an"FBC Approved Mineral Surfaced`Cap SheeflASTIVI D6380),asphalt-applied or Polyflex G or Polyflex.G'FR,torch..=applied. Tile roof installationmethod�is limited by the selected Cap Sheet,as setfdrthlnTable.-L" • When Elastobase(sanded=top)orflastobase.:P(sanded-top)is followed by asphalt-applied Elastoflex.S6.G;Elastoflex=S6` G FR�or FBC Approved Mineral Surfaced,Cap Sheet(ASTM D6380),refer to FRSA/TRI,Sixth Edition,Appendix A;Tablet or.Sect on 5.84.2 herein for:attach'ment requirements. • When Elastobase�(sanded-top)or Elastobase P(sanded-top)is followed by torch-applied Polyflex"G or Polyflex G FR;refer 'to Section.S 83.2 herein for attachrrient requirements. r6W �.. HydraGuard Dual Pro,Hyclr guard Tile Pro,Mule=Hide SA pPP Cap Sheet,Mule`}Hldd1&APP GapSheet(ER),Polyfiex 5It^ ; PolyflextSA P=FR,Potysti'cl IB Xe,_Polystiick lY�T5;F1US;Polystick MU X, olysticli Ttl Max,}P.olystick TU P,'Potystick TU#Plus or r � °, ,�� Polystlek�XFIR.,,�. � h ...srea±'" ��{�..�...,. . 4 �. .fit sae .'kG:f k�:�r,!t4»�.t:+�,•r � RGi�s.t`. �,�` z �,�K A��'k Y 'S -,,„L,t,.Y` 64.1 General: All seal-lap seams(selvage,'laps)must be`firmly.rolled with a in, accordance with :Polyglass`:requirements to ensure'' full .contact and ;adhesion: For HydmGUard Dual Pro and Hydra.Guard Tile:Pro; align the'edge"of the.top sheet to the 'end of theglue pattern(the-sheet will overlap the fabric). View of Ovelap Seam of HydraGuard Dual Pro and HydraGuard Tile Pro NEMO ETC;U.C. Evaluation Report P12060.0209=R27 certifkate-0Authorfiutfon#32455; 771DITION 12020 FBC NON-14VH2 EV4=TIOM F15259-1131 Polyglas;Roaf.Underlayments Revision 27 *A612020 Page 16 of 17 NEMO�@tC. F6.42 Non-Tile Applications: - Shall'be installed In.comollance.With requirements. for an.approved:self-adhering underlayment„(ASTM D1970):In 'FBC 1507:1-1.1 or-. r 1507.11.3:or FBC Residential.R905..11.2-de R905 i.1.3:for the:type•vf prepared roof,covering to be installed; and the minufaciurer's'nstallation.instruct{ons. When installed over a mechanically attachedabasesheet of FBG Approved°ASTM,D226,Type Il felt,Eiastobase;.Elastobase P or Mule-Hide,Nall°Base,the:base sheet shall beJastened in accordance With*FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. -6:4:3 Tile Abplications(excludes HydraGuard Dual"Pro.Polystick 1R-Xe and Polvstick MUX): Shall 6e:1nstalled°in-compliance"with the equirements for'Self=Adhered Membrane"set'forth in FRSA/TRI Florida:High Wind Concretdtnd'Clay-'R6of Tlle:lnsiallddon Manual,;.S(xth Edition and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Refer to.S,ection.5:8.3 herein for.attachment'limitations. 'Refer:to TableA.herein fortile staging limitations. II, 6:4 4 "Multi-Ply Underlayrndnt Systerns: Polystick MTS Plusor Polystick'XFR followed by HydraGuard Tile Pro;Polyflex SA P,Polystick MTS Plus,PolystickMll=X,POlystick TU Max, Folystick`TU P,:Polystick:TU Pius or Polyst(ck`XFR is allowable for use under mechanically attached prepared roof systems: .Limits-of.us`e"are those associated with the top`-layer.material.'Thi.s is not:a requirement,.but is allowable if a 2-ply underlaymentsysteni is desired. Polystick MT,S`Plus followed by HydraGuard Tile Pro, Polyflex SA P, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus is 'allowable for Use Amdeeadhesiye-set tile,systems. Limits.of use-are those associated with the top-layer material. This is nota requirement,but is allowable if&2-ply und..e.riayment,systerni is desired: �� YhdSy - .6.5.1 Shall be.instalied'.an compliance'-with requirements as alternate to thi"Hot Asphalt Cap'Sheee in the`Two Ply System in the .FRSA/TRI, Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof'flle- installation Manual, 'Sixth Edition, and the manufacturers Instailationinstructions.. Refer to Section.5.8.2 and 5 8.3.herein for attachment limitations. Refer-to Tabl`4 herein fortili staging. irhitations. M a 3 66al'olyflex6G oriPatyi7ex G FRS q 4 °.. 6.6.1 Shall-be installed incompliance with requirements as an alternate to the`.'Heat Applied Cap Sheet"in the`"Two Ply.System"in the.FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind,Concrete and Clay Roof file 7nstallatlon Manual, Sixth Edition, and the manufacturer's installation instructions_ Refer-to Section 5.84 herein.for attachment limitations. Refer to'Table 4 hereln-fortilg:staging limitations. Bufwmr?RRmIT REQUiREMEN As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. Contact the:named OA;.entity;for:manufacturing�facilitigt covered_by F.A.C.Rule 61GZO-3_QA requirements. Refer;to Section :4 herein:for products and,-production locations having rnet codifid&rnateriai standards: QUALITY9. UL_LLC—QUA9625;(414)248=6409;.Karen.buchmann@ul:com OF EVALUATION REPORT- NEMO ErC,LLC.: Evaluation Report P32060.OZ.09-R27 CeRfJiCoAe ojAuihodz6tian�32955. 7-EDITION(1020).FBC NON=HVtIZ EVALUATION FL5259-R31 Palyglass Roof Undedgyments ReAs1on27:09/36/2020 Page 17 of 17