HomeMy WebLinkAbout2-1-22 Regency Inspection Report(CS)22033-1-Regency Island (N) Breitenbach Engineering, Inc 4853 SE Pilot Way, Stuart, FL 34997 Attention: Donna Jordan 772-229-0311 e-mail: RegencyMgr@gmail.com Condo Assoc: Regency Island Dunes (North) 18600 S. Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 By: Tel: 772-834-4743 Permit Number: JSLC 2109-0012 Bldg 2 Job Number: 22033-1-Regency (N) 0311# door info(q�.concreterepairing. net Contact: Rita Collazo Contractor: Daniello, Salizar & Sons, Inc Address: 2708 N. Australian Ave, #9, WPB 33407 lohn D. Breitenbach, PE Tel: 772-834-4743 PE #59770 SI #2072 1 iohnbach442@gmail.com Date Phase Description Day Time Comments 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gate Code: Guard House Billing Method: 2.00% Administrative Review specs, dwgs, set-up spreadsheets n.a. 10/11/21 One Letter of Intent, set-up n.a. 11/11/21 One Meeting general discussion n.a. 11/18/21 One Meeting (w/ Board) Thu 10:00 Stack 2, inspect cables progress 11/29/21 One Meeting Thu IStack 2. 90% PT demolition, all floors progress end of November Administrative, reports & mailing 12/2/21 One Meeting Thu 10:00 general discussion progress 12/3/21 One (inspection only) Fri 10:00 Stack 5, demo progress 12/16/21 One Meeting Thu 10:00 Stack 2, (east half) progress 12/30/21 One Meeting Thu 9:30 general discussion progress end of Dec, Administrative, reports & mailing 1/6/22 One Meeting Thu 10:00 Examine south garage wall progress 1113/22 One Meeting Thu 10:00 general discussion progress 1120122 One Meeting Thu 10:00 general discussion progress 1/27/22 One Meeting Thu 10:00 general discussion, south garage wall demo progress 1/31122 One Meeting (special) Mon 2:00 discussion of edge membranes, 501 demo progress end of January Administrative, reports & mailing n.a. � dlohn v O 7- ` ` 6REIT �� This item has been digitally signed ,,'0 ..... ENg`, `, oQ`,%��c�E�Nsf�:gny ;' and sealed by John D Breitenbach, PE - No. 59770 - using a digital signature and date. 5 printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and 2-2.02.01 the signature must be verified on any ':sS�ONALE" electronic copies. iii iii .. 1 _ TEw 1 C` •� a A c ^ �r� end of FebPu�rll ,'''1" i,. ' iTfist a e rt ailing digitally signed & sealed Phase One, stacks 1,2&5; Phase Two, stacks 3,4,6 Ray Orwig (maintenance) REPORTS WILL BE HELD UNTIL PAY REQUESTS RECEIVED n F..uvlw alc,Jcl IW."Icu uy UIV JJJWWCII ulapccwl per ale [Jenm[Cea plans ano speciTicatlons accoraing to the International concrete Repair Institute (ICRI). The FBC and ACI-318 do not address concrete restoration. City and County forms are not legal per law. Total Hrs: 0.00 See Letter of Intent and the Engineer's Plans & Specifications for additional information. Send via: [ ] e-mail [ x ] U.S. Mail [ x ] Contractor [ x ] CSM Engineers [ x ] Condo Association file = c:\\2022-Projects\CSM Note: Contractor responsible for filing with building department 22033-1-Regency Island (N)