HomeMy WebLinkAboutFENCE APPROVALReceived Creekside at St. Lucie Homeowners Assoc., Inc. Master Assoc. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD (ARC) APPLICATION SEND APPLICATION, SURVEY, & ATTACHMENTS TO: Creekside at St. Lucie Homeowners Assoc., Inc. Mastcr Assoz. CIO Space Coast Property Management, 928 E New Haven Ave, Melbourne, FL 32901 n OR EMAIL TO: ARC@towersmRmt.com OFFICE. (321) 733-3382 Ir Ownces Name •1 0 Property Adds 3 it 1 i i j . -L Email 7 4t, IXC-/ f04=2a' .��Y�lrcrs_eaki Mailing Address Tff'rI4 r ` City �FrJ. R-'rc- State L Zip_3L/9(/s Phone (s) Itome; Cell Fax: In accordance with the Declaration of Covenants and Restnctions and the Association's rules and regulations, installation must conform to this approval and the Ass iation's guidelines. I hereby request your consent to make the following changes, alterations, renovations and/or additions to my property cote O Swimming Pool O Screen Enclosure ( )Patio. O Landscaping O Satellite Dish O Painting O Hurricane Shutters ( ) Other Summary Description; (Please attach any additional required information) Please submit the following for approval: Application. proposed plans and specifications- including property survey that shows the locations and dimensions of the.nronosed change. alteration, renovation or addition mark cd,Qn the survey. Note: Applications should include copies of the survey, drawings or color sample (paint chips with MFG name and number) to he considered complete, Processing will be delayed for incomplete applications I HEREBY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE FOLLOW14G CONDITIONS: 1. No work will begin until written approval is received from the Association. 2. All work will be done expeditiously once commenced and will be done in a professional manner by a licensed contractor or myself. I agree to have all work complete within twelve (12) months or agree to re -apply irthis cannot be accomplished. 3. All work will be performed timely and in a manner that will minimize interference and inconvenience to other residents. A. 1 assurnc all liability and will be responsible for any and all damages to other lots and Ir.r common area, which may r:sull from performance of this work. 5. I am responsible for the conduct of all persons, agents, contractors, subcontractors and employees who are councctcd with this work. 1 will he responsible for verifying the lu:cnse and insuran:e for any contractor_ 6, 1 am responsible forcomplying with all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, regulalions and requirements in connection with this work. I will obtain any necessary governmental permits and approval for The work. 7. Upon receipt Space Coast Property )Management will forward the ARC Application to the board A decision by the Association may take up to 30 days. I will be notified in writing when the application is tither approved or denied by the Association. 8. All work performed regarding any architectural approval is subject to verification by the ARC fcr compliance. Owner shall submit written notification to management when the modification is complete for inspection purposes. Fence applications - if there is an easement on your lot and there is a fence installed in the easement, the homeowner will have to at their expense take up the fence for any work that needs to be done in that easetent_ All homeowners are responsible for following the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions along with the guidelines of the Association and any other Buanl approved rules or regulations when making ay exseriur mcdiG.ations. Signature of Dale ado DU NOT write below this line This Application is hereby: Approved Date: if) 1/51� ! Signature! CommentslStipulations to Approval/Reasons for Denial, ) Disapproved Date Received firm Owner: Mailed to Assn. Mailed la Owner; f"SUPERIOR AFA MEMBER Proposal g American Fence FEI�ICEB�RAlL P sa! for Fencing Installation 1'/�" Association, Inc. Where Quality Matters! I, Redwood, Mlchael I 3333 Trinity Circle Service Address Fort Pierc FL 34945 City, State, Zip 7727084558 Fmichael.redwood25@yahoo.com Prcrerred Phone No. Customer's E-mail Address Hate 11/2/2021 PR CE IS VALID 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF PROPOSAL. St Lucie County Municipality im Yes Permit required? Homeowner to obtain permit Superior Fence & Rail to obtain permit Yea Plot plan or survey available? requires copy (SuNO a nstallatlon as peerrmA befrior ore No APPROXIMATE LAYOUT FENCE FOOTAGE CONTAINED IN THIS PROP05AL IS APPROXIMATE BASED ON THE FIELD MEASUREMENT. FINAL PRICE w!.. BE ADJUSTED BASED ON ACTLAL FENCE FOOTAGE USED, AS SET FORTH IN TERMS AND CONDITION5,1 rs Redwood Family 1 Home l 4'H Black 400 Heritage (R) Superior fence Rail of The Treasure Coast, Inc. 415 Angle Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34947 �� (772) 6184731 FENCE TO FOLLOW GRADE OF PROPERTY. PLEASE INITIAL 41 Tolle: AUThorired Party. Customer represents that they (told legal title to th.0 subject real property or ate autnoWed ID act ns an agent for the :rue owner. Customer agrees to a Superior lence A Rad at The Treasure Coast, Inc. I rlreremahar. Supetlor'I ire hatarce al the purchase pride orlmediatoly upon subgtantal wmaladan of the installation of the fence in accoreance to the terms of this Agreement. Pntl Agrees Ilea[ a permit final Inspection of the fence Is not a Condition far nnal Pa)1MenL A finance Charge In the amount of 1.5%of the purchase price will be added every thrill days to any Invoice seven days past duq. If yw rah W brake payment when due. Superior reserrn the right to nie a security Interest On your prapgry with creases an encumbrance on your idle and may lz,uw you the lass of your property. Should total action become necessary to erfarce tn4 Agreement. Customer shall be held liable let any at;amey s fees and costs incurred whether a tarmal legal action has been filed or rot. Cu$lQMCf Shull alsa be held IWSW Tor any MtOrOSL on the unpa d baance from the due date until payment is recened by Sdoeriar at IPe highest role of Interest allowed by Jowl. Eli Lepl Ercumbronces..U%tmwr ag•eas to Intarim Superior in advar.Ce about any easements. Cq rlAnts or Other legal encLmbrarices that could of W. a he farm Uns[alatert. Customer agrees to keep posted pmmts an displayat all tines Slid agrees not to remove permit Irons property. CUSTOMER ASSUMES THE RISK AND THE FULL LIABILRY OF ASSISTING SUPERIOR FENCE L RAIL WITH DELIVERY OF MATERIALS OA WITH INSTALLATION. C'. Change Orders. If Customer ragves� SUParorto do work adgalgrdltip NatdeSttlbed in ll"S Agreement Superior_ at its CDC }n, mayrequlre Customer to Sign a written Lange order ( Change Ordar") esplalniag the change in ifle Scope of work and no additional Charges Net lhOCtalcmel is Obligated to pay. Vie Charge Order wln,,eludeadeunptlonoftrio addiional work, acdlt Oral payments [not will be required and anpdpated start and linrsrt dates. The Change Order will became Dart of this Agreemeol. If Superiordoes not require a Charge order or if Customer 147I5 to s'gn the Change Order. Customer agremtnat it Is stal resporminto [a pay for anywosk ppdormed by5uperior Ilix was outside the orlpJnap scopeaf tray Agrocrncnt. DI Cfedh Card Trarsaetorss: It Customer chooses to pay for lac fanca with a credal card. the caraholdor oitr emunl(to which Superiorls rat a party) will determine The WlaJcost cl Customer's purchase, inctuctng all Interest charges and fads. Cwtprnet hill be father subject to Your cardholder ngfeement's terms and conadicn4, E I FirencartTrnnsactiarts: It Customer chooses to llnance the puathase of doe lance an whole or in par!, the Icanakneemgnl Im,vhich SaPenor a not a partyl hill determine the total cost of Customer's purchase. including (1) the amautll financed (Me ennpnlal ciediS provldedto Yaul: pi) the aaociatedfirartce Omarles the dollar ampunl ;he Ipan wi:I w41 Yau1; andllNthe total pa marl;the amount You will have Pall when You have made all %Med_Ied payments). Customer will be farther subject to Your loan agreements terms and Conditions. Fi CANCELLATION CUSTOMER MAY CANCEL ILLS AGREEMENT VATH6UT PENALTY OR OBLIGATION By DELIVER WG WRlREN Ni TO SUPERIOR FENCE BY MIDNIGHT ON THE THIRD BL•SLNESS DAY AFTER SIC,NING f THE -CANCELLATION FERIOD"1. THE STATE SL'FF L.EMEiNT CONTAINS A FORM rO USE IFCNE IS SPECIFICALLY PRESCRIBED BY LA'yr IN YOUR STATE. In the event of it cancellation. C.iviamer's deposit will to ro:urneo wavn -10'. bovikes.4 days after Swerior s:uceintof your notice. TERMS AND CONDITIONS G; Termination. If Customer [arm natestus Agreement alter tre Cancellation Period, CUU0111e1' agrees to pay Superior Farce the greater of i 11 twenty this 125A5) of the latat sale, of (2) the total casts of materials. labor and 3ar Aces provided by Superior Fence through lie tune of Lefminatic n plus any otter amounts allowed under arpikabfe law, Itaf ter the CancectiWn Period. Superior discovers impediments to Installation of the tense such as building of rOniistwds mialiona hddan or unforeseen hazardous Cardltion3 an your property at easemerts or other egaU 1111CU nbrali that you dd not Interim us ol, Superior may imriadiately terminate the Agreement without furtnet obkteUon toyae. In such an event. Customer ogre" to pay Superior Ne greateral twenty rive ;25%i W One total ante Or the costs of materials. lobar Ord services provided by Superior Fence thratigh Me time of termination, plus any other amounts allowed under applicable law, ll) Commencement al,od. Customer agrees that once We work Is yWtied, Superior will have the abibty to complete the entire scope ON work widteut any Imerrupttans. Further, any changes made try the Customer to the layout of tno proposed ferto must be made aria to Chu installation date. If changes are made duargilta day of installation. Customer will be charged a trip charge of 535O.00 it such it cnangu requires at.. additional trip to trio property for [ssnplstion at the fen[q- It Customer milk" any dwriges to the fence layout on the dd:e of Installation rcti in reduced footage and extra materials. Customer agrees that MGM materials are nori roturnst)* and must be pad for as agreed I! Public Underground UtAides. Superior will calla utility locating smiee that will locate the pudic underground ul.klies on your praperfy. Cuslamer agrees in allow the locating service to your, property lot the purpose of Contluginga utility IOCa:e. J) Pr,vate Underground Ulast:e5: Irrigation L'mes. Cusiomer agrees to be Solely responsible for any daniags to Waned private utAilies, underground Tires. including water fir" and lar(Auon Imes Eno! have not been property marked by Customer, and Customer agrees Lu mderrnify Supedat from any liability which it might Incur pursuant to the tarvhce Involved in ma peRormance of Ms Agreement. K) Homeowner S Assoiation, IN Customer s home is part of a Homeowner's association. (HOA). Customer understincs and rigieeS Thal It is CWtOmei'S sale obli jallan to obtain and provide approvals from the HOA, Superior LS not responsible If the fence that Customer Contracted for does not comply with CuStomdr'a HOA's rules and regufaterts. LI Priianslollabon MDeting. Customer agrees to meet with the installation crow on Ilia day of irstalla;len before irstallation Wegms to irellive actual lance placement. M) Fence to Follow Cround. Custorget egreeS that the fence will be ntstatled to this contour of the evisting ground Unless agreed alherwpse in willing On change Order at installation overview agreement. N) properly Lines. Customer agrees (ho: it is responsible lot loCdhrg property tilts and staking terminals to establish its property lines prior to mstala:ion of the lance. Superior will Astst trio customer. upon request, in dalarm zeng where the fence is to be erected. but under no cucumston:es wIt 5uperict assume tesDonsibilhy concerning property lines or in any way guarantee tned accuracy. If property pins canal as located, Customer may hove to tare a third parry to 5UNOW the property. Superior iS riot responsible Oar identifying properly hies, easemerq, covenants• or other legal encumbrances. Customer agrees to Indemnify Superior and hold a liarm:ess agsuist and In remelt to the :Mims of ary persons aggnovee ny 'he 1pFipen cf lne subject Icrco wrap. orected or by trespasas or damage which may have newssarly open cDmmW@d or occasioned consctously or uncarsclously by Super or n the wr•sa of Installation, Superior fence & Rail of The Treasure Coast, Inc, 415 Angfe Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34947 772 618-4731 7, Claanrgd Proposed Fence Line. Customer agrees to clear the fence Ore of any and all Cbsiructiars, i"luding but, not aided to trees. brush. debris. futures and personal yardtams. In the event that the feriae line is not cleared upon our anlval. CusSpmer undara tands and agrees that a oil be charged a V-0 fair of S35OA0, which must be paid prior, 10 tre fob being rescheduled. Further. Customer shall hold Superor ha r. -days for ary damage to Items within the fence line. PI AccesS Ways. Superior is not re$pontible for any damage to df.vaways, walkways, walls, gardens, fresh grading, sod, shrubbery. Patios, pavers of other property leatures resulting from gaming access to the property or performing •yorh in tho PfMr Ay of the fence location. QI LIMITED WARRANTY, TO THE EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW SUPERIOR WARRANTS THE WORKMANSHIP OF THE INSTALLATION FOR THREE t3) YEARS FROM ITS COMPLETION DA-E. PROVIDED CUSTOMER NOViES SUPERIOR DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD. SUPERIOR WILL ARRANGE FOR REPAIR AT NO CHARGE To CUSTOMER FOR ANY FAULTY WORKMANSHIP. SUPERIOR'S WORKMANSHIP WARUNTY 15 ONLY RELATED TO FAULTY WORKMANSHIP AND DOES NOT COVER PRODUCT DEFECTS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY ACTS OF GOD. INSTALLATION OR REPAIRS MADE BY OTHERS. ABUSE. MISUSE. NEGLECT. OR NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR. MERrNANDLSE AND !.MATERIALS ARE COVERED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY, IF ANY. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES CUSTOMER SPECIFIC LEGAL PJOIJI S AND CUSTOMER MAY ALSO 14AVEDTHER RIGHTS THAT MAY VARY T'ROM STATE TO STATE. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT WOOD FENCES HAVE A TENDENCY To SHRINK. WARP. CRACK, AND CHIP AND THAT THESE fEATURES OF WOOD ARE NORMAL AND ACCEPTED OCCURRENCES AND ARE NOT WARRANTED. 5) Acts of Gal. Customer agrees chat asi workmanship warranties will by vain in the anent of sigrut'cant wind events including but not limited to humeanes, tropical storm& cyclones, and tornadoes. TI Deposit. Upon Signing the c"trad. 50%of the total Contract amount is due unless star law governs olherwix.Tna remaining balance is due upon acceptance of mnpletrd installation. UI MU,0111131iLSOUS. If there is an unpaid balance. at its discretion. Superior Fence may tamparanly wild the warfart f (workmarWpip) "nail the unpaid balance is resolved, Installation dates are approxImala duo to var out circuir:ehmces such as WV1101W, workload. obtaining budding oerm0a and uLlay locates. Superior will stiiva to hstall fe't mg in a timely nuhner, however Customer may rai caned thaS comrad due to reschedWmg rat nrdpmsances beyond the Superior's control. Customer Agra" to allow Superior to Include a 4-16" m 3't1O" sign on Customer s Fence, The pace inCiuded to this proposal is from for 30 days un'eS% the contra:: is ececteted 15-FE-CT-00041 SUPERIOR FENCE &RAIL Where Quality Matterss PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: Proposal for Fencing Installation Specifications: Post: 2" Sq., Rail: 1" Sq., Picket: 518" Sq. JOB OPTIONS: 1 5' Gate JOB NOTES: .do AFA MEMBER �� American Fence �� Association, Inc. Approximate Irsta!'ation Lead Time Superiors not iesninshla for lo:-.ys resor rg bolt C1ert3 ceyard is control ircludmWeed 4 but not to the lornwirg Acts of God, thangu ordert. gwernmen:ai actions. manuf5ewring delays, damage to merhandise caused by third parti93, labor wri}s s, any in4Cri,W. Into".11 an you ore4ide legal encumbrances on your property, yow propery's nancong,nranco wdh zormg or bvilamg CCC4 rdQu4emcrlb. tll0den ar unforeseen hazordau3 C7nd+tions on Approx 12 weeks your property or your noncomail;nre wlth this Agreement, Further Superior r"ONes the rght to terminate mis Agreement and dt3Cnnllrue irstallation of you fence for any 31 Lie ateremeniKMed eandnbni. A[[ehfieoea and Aulhorl23t!cn. By sigrxrg below, you authorize Supertor to perform Ire InsaLLipan ar Vor order and Arrange for tltu Cehvuny of special alder merchandise, mcludwif spcC:al oraur merebAnd:3a that Way be Cust: -r made, as spectrcd In tirn Agreeraat You Crdwsland and agree viat L.kla Agrecn'c't!urel lutes the ennrd unddrS'anding beMeen you and Superior and that there na; a D"n no clot or wr.t:en reo'e3enl3!ions of aareemenis made is you by Seaaiiur bat ihal if there ace ycl. agree that this A;reerrent etcirMs SttodSCC4s from Oo net Sign if Mink at incin,:hele. By 3i finkig- $04 1Ckn7x4cCV trial yw hare read. u nderitand. and accept this Agreement in its en1rety You [archer oCl,nowledje reCei'ring a co. plate Copy Keep .1 to prn ect your legal-Ighls, it Is very Important for you to read and understand the Terms and Conditions Included herein. By signing this proposal and providing a deposit you are i creating a Contract between you and Superior for the selected products and services In accordance with those Terms and Conditions. Payment Scncdu,e* You agree that payments will be due as indicated oetow. If You are paying Cy crer,t or debit card, the accarrra rrsey he charged or debited las appicabiel an the same dily tls0; n is aCCepted by the Superior- Convenience rce may appty for credit card transactions. Contract amount S5,810.00 Sates Tax $$0.00 DepositAmount S2r905.00 DUE IN FULLIMhrED'ATELY Remaining Balance S2,905.00 CueupancomprClian Accepted by- 11/2/2021 Customer's Signature _ Date Cus;orner's Initials; 1 t - BY INITIALING, YOU AUTHORIZE DELIVERY OF MERCHANDISE TO SERVICEADDRESS PROVIDED ABOVE WITHOUT OBTAINING DELIVERY AGENT'S SIGNATURE AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD SUPERIOR HARMLESS FROM ANY RESULTING CLAIMS. 0e„ice .bole 11 /2/2021 Superior Author. zed Representative Signature Date Denice Zumbo Superior Authorized Representative Superior fence & Rail of The Treasure Coast, Inc. 415 Angle Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34947 (772) 618-4731 InstallationOvervIew Agreement As our valued customer, we want to be sure you have complete information about the installation of your fence. Our goal 's to avoid problems and provide a quick, qua ity Installation service and to provide information on keeping your new fence looking great for years to come. Please see the Terms and Conditions on the Agreement for other Important Information concerning your installation. 1. Public Utilities. Superior will call the major ut-lil'es to mark electrical, water, and cable locations if the ut lit es provide this service in your city. Initia! 2- Private Utilities. There are some underground Items that it is your responsibility to identify. The utility companies do not -are these. Therefore, prior to the Installation. it is important to-onsp'.cuously mark the ground for locations of all non public, underground utilit;es including but not I mired to the following: a_ Sprinkler heads and underground irrigattan I nos; b. Underground water lines that feed a swimm.ng pool ar other structure. c. Underground electric I nes;elher than local public ut: ity ine$) that supply power to lamp posts, walkway lighting, landscape lighting, and control wiring for pocls, sheds. wills, etc. d. French drains or related items e. Any electrical water, or cable locations where the utllit es in your city do net prcmde marking services. L Any private natural gas or propane lines that fuel private amenit,es on your property such as lacuzus, grills, saunas or spas. g. Any and all septic leach or dram lines or fields. fi. Any sewer lines from the house to the Clean-cut is considered private and must be marked by the home owner. i. Any other non-public ufdibes. You agree that that If you choose not to mark these underground utilities. Superior will not be responsible for any damage it /� Z may cause, Including the cost of repair" monetary damages or any other damages. In tiai (_ 1 3, Fence Location. You are responsible for the location of the fence. If your fence is contracted to be installed Wong your property lines and you cannot fnd the property line markers, it is recommended that you have a survey done to ensure your new fence does not encroach Onto your neighbor's property, and is in compliance with local but -ding codes for setback requirements. Superior is not responsible for the costs associated with moving or removing fences, or damages associated w_th the fence installation, where the property lines have not been properly-ocated before installation. In tia' q, Rcauired Clearance for Fence Installation. To provide room for a proper InstntlaCon, at vegetation, including but not limited to brush, briars, tall grass, branches, -imbs, trees etc. must be cleared to a distance of 2' on either side of the installation line for our new fence and cleared to a height of 6' taller than your new fence (e.g., for a 6 ft tall fence the fence line must be cleared to a he ght Of 6'6"). If we show up to your location and the fence line is not clear according to the above Instructions. Superior has the option to do the either of the following, at our sole discretion a. Charge you a trip charge of $350, which must be paid immediately, and reschedule your lob for a later date after you have cleared the fence lne in accordance with the Instructions shove; or b, Have our Installation crew tr.m, clear and dispose of the vegetation at a cost of $15 per linear ft. If we choose this Option to clear the fence line for you, you agree that Superior is not responsible for any damage that we may do to any vegetation. Including landscaping, in our efforts to clear your fence line_ Moreover. Superior cannot grind or remove tree roots or stumps, and we cannot remove trees with a diameter greater than 3' caliper, measured one ft from the ground. Initial 5. Hard 01 s. On rare occasions, we encounter hard dig cordiuons that cannot be foreseen prior to the commencement of insta lation. When we encounter those conditions, you will be charged an addlhonal $50 for ea.h hole that is deemed to constitute a hard dig. Prior to charging you, we will contact you {and If you are at the property, we will show you the hole that constitutes a hard dig) to explain the situation and give you the option, if it is practical, of relocating the fence line in order to avoid the extra costs associated with the hard dig. Initial 6. Access to Power and Water, We will need access to an electric outiet and air outside water faucet. Our rg the Installation, you may hear nail guns, hammers, air compressors, augers, jackhammers and otl!er loud tools that are required in the construct on of your fence. Please be sure to Inform your neighbors about your fence installation and make them aware of the possibility of hearing loud noises associated with it. Also, please be sure to properly secure pets on the day of the fence instal--ation and if you share a common fence with your neighbors, please nfcrm them to secure tlie-r pets as well. Initial 7. Homeowner's Association Obligation. If your home is part of a Homeowner's Assoclalion (HOA) you wi;l agree to obtain required approvals from the HOA before Installation of your fence and agree that Superior is in no way responsible for getting HOA approval or for ensuring that your fence complies with your HOA requirements. You a ee that u are fe ulred to send Initia 8 tous your HOA approval as part of the necessary paperwork In order that we can oboe n v"our fence perm Pre -Installation Property Walk, You agree to be present at your property for at least fifteen minutes on the day Of the installation immediately prior to the beginning of the installation to confirm the details of the Tina° layout of lxe fence with our instalation crew. Because our crews arrive early In the morning and because the pre.instat"atfon walk through is only fifteen minutes long, there is no requirement that you take off from work on the day of installation. If you choose to take off from work, you do so at your own risk, including the risk that your job w I; be rescheduled for a different day fv reasons beyond our control, such as inclement weather or difficult tf"gging conditions on a prier rob t^at prevented us from completing the job with I^,ilia the scheduled time frame. 9. Post Instat'atlo_ n Property Walk and Final Payment. You agree to be present at your property at the completion of the instalatien in order to confirm that the fence installation is eomp'eted to your sat sfaction (which is acco-iplished by you filling out and executing a Certificate of Completion) and to make final payment to our installation crew or by calling the office to pay eiectronica ly. By initialing below, you acknowledge that approval from your HOA or the iota- permitting authority is "I a condition of payment. a v 11 /2/2021 Customer's Signature Date k Venice 2u,"6" 11 /2/2421 Date Superior fence & Rail of The Treasure Coast, Inc. 415 Angle Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34947 772 61 B-4731 Initial SUPERIOR FENCE &RAIL, Where Quality Mattersl Proposal for Fencing Installation NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Date of Transaction_ Nov / 2 / 202 1 00 AFA MEMBER 1/American Fence Association, Inc. You may CANCEL this transaction, without any Penalty or Obligation within THREE (3) BUSINESS DAYS from above date if you cancel, any property traded in, and payments made by you under the contract or sales, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned wth n TEN (10) BUSINESS DAYS following receipt by Superior of your can;eltahon notice, and any security interest ans.ng out of the transaction wi.l be canceled. If you cancel. you must make available to Superior at your residence, in substantially as good Condit an as when received any good delivered to you under this contract or sale, or you may. if you wish, comply w-lh the Instructions of Superior regarding the return shipment of the goods at Superior's expense and risk. if you do •-ake the goods available to Superior and Super.or does not p-ck t'rem up within (20) calendar days of the date of your Notice of Cancelia•ion, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to matte the goods available to Superior, or it you agree to return the goods to Superior and fa I to do so. then you remain liable for any performance of the obligations under the contract. To cancel this transa-tion, ma I or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Canf eltat;on Notice or any other written not ce, or send a telegram, to Denice Zumbo (Print/type name of Superior or Superior's authorized representative) at Superior fence & Rail of The Treasure Coast, Inc. 415 Angle Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34947 772 618-4731 I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION (Buyer's name) (Buyer's signature) Date