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Ocean Glass UG Plumbing 420 011222.pdf
6.,�`� A Univeviol SclenceF Compony INSPECTION RESULTS 1 1 Cx- ,- Inspection Date: ID Z-- Permit No. <�AX 2-1(C� Project: CII02-AXIV\G, L:Z ,,/X-) QQ_5 ai, (o, a� Address: CA:�, -2�� -) D 1'2- t)V Ar- j Check one: Regular Inspection: Reinspection Date of Initial Inspection: 12- Inspection Type Requested (check): Other Inspection Type: Area inspected/Code: Inspection Results: AP -Approved 0 AE-Approved with Exceptions 0 DA-Disallowed DIP -Disapproved 0 Not Ready Conditions/Comments: 2. 5, 6. 7. 4 Lic,#: Inspector's Name: OFFICES THROUGHOUT FLORIDA 607 NW Commodity Cove, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 , (772) 924-3575 - (772) 924-3580 (fax) www,teinngfAxonn