HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ===—L 7SSUE70ATE PLANNING &c DEVELOPMENT SE RVYCES Building,& Code COuaPliance Division e _ BUILDING PERNZIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Tndividual Name) have a the Electric -- .. greed to be (Type of Trade) — - --- -- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of. Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor} For the project located at- --- (Pro eel* Street Address or Property Tax ID ,~) — — _—_— — It is understood that, if there isany change of status regarding our participation with the above Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised uEsua mentioned filing Of Change ofSub-contractor notice, p nt to the TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME __-- 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUI`16tR — — Stale of Florida, County of St Lucie SUB.CONTR4CT6R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) l _ _ PRINT NANIE - - - CvU�'TY CERTIpifCAy N NUNj&ER - '— The r0re'going instrument was signed berorc me this a daState or Florida. County o ` — ;e y of The foregoing . 2o2d • by W- Bryan Adams g 8 instrument "'s signed before me this -- _ h � J.ry of > or has praduccda who is personatlknown i /'�• 20 .�• by �/('j l 'l� — as identification. �— who is personally known Xor has produced a ��4= as identification. _ Nsig.kalurret)[Ncilary Public mom W O� S1AM1IP ttgY°oe ro /c JAXE L RAMER tiarure or Notary Public r , M' c`9f�WON q ('G 0691Z2 Print Namc of Nora Novi " OF �so EXPRE5 aril 2, 2021 ry Public o. z BcnaeC T1t 9 Gxl Notary $Ernces tint Name of Notary Pu Itc �— +per Notary Public State of Flpnde Hannah E Moore 016 Revist� 11 I6/2p' MY Commission HH 017099 �7a Rd� Expires 07/012024 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ,SERVICES s Building &. Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Name/I iividu❑C `tme�e) the /Q ! have agreed to be (Type of Trade----� Sub -contractor for (Primary Contractor) � For the project located at 4 /'� (Project Street Aerty T ddress or Pro ( / r P a( ID #) It is is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation project, the Building and Code p pation with the above mentioned Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C�O�N14OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PR�.\CIE __75' 9 CERTIFICA710� NUib16ER —�—� State of Florida, County of The 1'0reguing instrument +sas signed bei'nre me this day o1 202(, by�R +vho is persona y n nR 1__.1 has produced 3 as identiiica(ion. Signature of Notary Puhhc STANIP WrJ4��� ublic I� PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 Revised 1111612016 '�"df. EXPIRES September 26, 2021 -C RA TOR SIGNATURE - r (Qualifier) r� 7. p clSSo PRINT NAME C0 Ux TRTIFICATION ,VUiVIgER State of Florida, County of F -�C2�uGt The foregoing instrument ++as signed before me this day of �9' b, O ++'ho is prrsoriall e ussl) vn if::�or has produced a _ as identification. - signature of notary Puhlic STAMP AA Print Name oN otary Public' —- PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN = MY COMMISSION Al GG137624 ?oii� EXPIRES September 26, 2021 i DEVELOPMENT : Code Compliance • BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ��+4M IA) ..iNany rvarpe/individual Name) v �- Z{�t^f S%JWI. the �� -ANC have agreed to be � �1 w,f �-LN Sub -contractor or (Type of Trade) J Adam Homes ofNoMwt:$tnxWa.tr (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the abov project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St a mentioned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Ad%= Homes of Noctlnrest pasclk hr_ PRINT NANfE COUNTY CERTffICATION NUMBER 5lalc of Florida, Couoty gm�& The rorgoiog inslrumcnl was signed before me' Ibis 3'b day of ✓,t 2014 by William Bryan Adams who is p onally know' has produced a —�_ es iden lifca lion. S*�afi°n °�IVvtaT7 r`utiiic �_- `� STAMP SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA Prior Neme of Notary Public SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION # GG 262074 EXPIRES; JBnuwy 25, 2023 Revised 11/16/20 Notary PWc Un WWN.M Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the SUB- ONT R SICNAT S URE((QQual,�er) PRDVT NAhIE ll' �% aQ („ COU1TYCERTffICAT1 NNUMBER state or Florida. Ca,uoty or 3M. k.,...te,,l? The foregolog loslrumeot was sig o cd��before me Ibis -3D— day of U& by Zeli"I ig1N')ir% l� ✓V eA,eZ, who is personally knowo ✓ or bas produced a as ideotificalioo 4(i+%ins4 inA. i Jigaalure of Notary Public STAMP �i r. lr d Q�9tas ,?o t•. �c,•l Prior Neme of Notary P'v iic ;•?o � °i:a •, RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON �•��'- NolaryPublic $laleofFlpnda Commission p GG 094021 My Comm Expues Mar 20, 2021 Banded lniaugn "'Onal Nalary Assn PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SE.RVI.CES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERAII•I• -SU*B-CONTrtAC:TOR AGREEIN-IG\T - ��o-- have agreed to be (C onlpany \imWlndivi(lual Narnel the Roofing `_----------------------i-------.-- - ofde} Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, ING (Type Tra--- -------:-------------------- (Primary C'onrrarkn:l For the project located at -- -- - — —_-- -- -_ ___ -- — -- -- (Project. Sh'-.'ei Address or Property Tax LD r?) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, tile. I3uildina and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County Will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub-cont.racror notice. - --- — -- -...... ----•--------------- -- ,:T-1'iTRT (Qualifie..---- r) William Bryan Adams Stake of Florida, County of St. Lucie The forgoing inurumenf nai signed tidor'e the 0h05RR dayv or' 2112l, by William Bryan Adams -- n fro is persumdly knon n -X-or has produced a __-- - - as Identifeation.Msi,aturr of \'nfary Public tfQn-n G �_._-1M 0 U V Print None of Notary Public `- 4.N Notary Public State a F,,, Hannah E Moore '� p• My Commisston HH 017099 kc:i,cdll:ttr2tllri 7apd� Expires071012024 i �J I�rSIG�':\'('URl ,lnrlificr) &hticofFrarida;C'nunty,ut St Lucie "riles /Foregoinn g irssfrumcut aassigned (let me (Iris 2)C7dav of -40-t�UJ --: ?fI zl 1" .lJ 0 V U GI Y C I G P( U t q ido Is personalip knoll It has prodnred u as Identification. - --- Si na(ureof\bfnry Puhiit �tanr�U _n Print \'ante ot'Norary Puhlic V�fyf 4pOff Notary P06 State of Flpnda Hannah E Moore YN MY Commiss On HH 017099 4p Expires 07/012024