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" iFL FL25621-R2
Application Type Revision
Code Version 2020
Application Status Approved
Product Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC
Address/Phone/Email 2160 SW Poma Drive
Palm City, FL 34990
(772) 872-8034
fivalidation @yahoo_com
Authorized Signature Richard McKuhen
Technical Representative
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Metal Roofing
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed David Eng
the Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-81377
Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc.
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04122/2024
Validated By 3ames R Wally, PE
Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence F! �5fi�1_�Q�g_XJywood.odf
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year
TAS 100 1995
TAS 125 2003
UL 580 2006
https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGrVX0wtDgsKQFEnr-kBI071JGilio]YgdSepolaWO7€CDwS6h[zFHg%3d%3d Page 1 of q
Florida Building Code Online 9/17/21, 1:06 PM
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted
Date Validated
Date Pending FSC Approval
Date Approved
Summary of Products
FL # Model, Number or Name
25621.1 01: 26ga SnapMax on Plywood
26ga (min) SnapMax 1.0" nail strip on 15/32" (min) plywood
or 3/4" (min) wood plank
i Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
F 2SC77 B2_11_2.*g 5�tz�lax _ lywood.p�
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Impact Resistant: N/A
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: +N/A/-97.25
Evaluation Reports
1 other: Refer to evaluation report
`�25621 R2 AE _26ga -._ ophtax plywaod.ndf j
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
25621.2 1 02: 032 Aluminum SnapMax on
Nominally 0-032" aluminum (or thicker) SnapMax 1.0" nail
strip on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" wood plank
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
FL25621_ Z_iI_Q�SnapMax_p ywaod.ndf
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Impact Resistant: N/A
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure. +NIA/-78.5
Evaluation Reports
Other: Refer to evaluation report
F3 25621_Q_Q_�nap tar-plvwood.ndf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
25621.3 _ 03: 032 Aluminum 12" SnapMax on
Nominally 0.032" aluminum (or thicker) SnapMax 1.0" nail
strip with 12" coverage on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" wood
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
FL2562i_R2 II 03Z SnapMax t in P - ood-ndf
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Impact Resistant: N/A
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: +N/A/-69.25
Evaluation Reports
Other: Refer to evaluation report
Created Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
25621.4 i 04: 26ga SnapMax on Plywood
26ga (min) SnapMax 1.0" nail strip on 15/32" (min) plywood
or 3/4" (min) wood plank
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
FL25621 R2 II_Z9�_Sr aP_9X_i3ywoQ _
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Impact Resistant: N/A
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: +N/A/-121.7S
Evaluation Reports i
Other: Refer to evaluation report
FLZ5611 R3 AE-26ga_SnapP44x_plywood
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
25621.5 05: 26ga SnapMax on Plywood
26ga (min) SnapMax 1.0" nail strip on 15/32" (min) plywood
or 3/4" (min) wood plank
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
5621_Rcj_Sna Fn tax_plYW06d F1�HF+d
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Verified By. David Eng, PE 81377
Impact Resistant: N/A
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
https:/;floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGFVXQwtDgsKQFEnckBl071JGiliolYgdSepolaWOZICDvv56h[zFHg/3d%30 Page 2 of 4
Florida Building Code Online
9117121, 1T6 PM
Design Pressure: +N/A/-176
Other: Refer to evaluation report
25621-6 ti 06: 24ga SnapMax on Plywood
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: N/A
Design Pressure: +N/AJ-206
Other: Refer to evaluation report
25621.7 07: 032 Aluminum SnapMax on
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: N/A
Design Pressure: +N/A/-168.5
Other: Refer to evaluation report
Evaluation Reports
--25621 R2,AE_26oa SnapMax plywood HVHZ.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
24ga min SnapMax 1.0" naii strip on IS 32" minplywood
or 3/4" (min) wood plank
Installation Instructions
ELZS5U--R2._ILZ9 _21 RMM_Vjy�f
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
i Evaluation Reports
E 25621 RZ—Af,---2:4g-a_SnapMax_olvwaod.odf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Nominally 0.032" aluminum (or thicker) SnapMax 1-0" nail
strip on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" wood plank
Installation Instructions
`i 25621 R2_II 032 SnapMax plywood d.pdf
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Created by Independent Third Party_ Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL25621_92 AE 032—Snapl?lax-pj-ywQQd d.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
25621.8 08: 032 Aluminum SnapMax on Nominally 0.032" aluminum (or thicker) SnapMax 1 0" nail
Plywood HVHZ strip on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" wood plank
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: N/A
Design Pressure. +N/A/-175
Other. Refer to evaluation report
Installation Instructions
�21_��i_4,zs_�24_Wl �waod HVHZ.ndf
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL25621 R2 AE 032 SnapMax- plywood HVHZ-pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
1 09: 26ga 19" TopMax on Plywood 26ga (min) TopMax 1.5' nail strip with 19" coverage on
15/32" I
d lk
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: N/A
Design Pressure: +N/A/-63.5
Other: Refer to evaluation report
25621-10 10: 032 Aluminum TopMax on
plywood HVHZ
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: NIA
Design Pressure: +N/A/-179.5
Other: Refer to evaluation report
{min) p ywood or 3/4 krn n) woopan
Installation instructions
FL25621_R2 II 2_6ya- TopMax I in_pI d.o�f
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports i
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Nominally 0.032" aluminum (or thicker) TopMax 1.5" nail strip
on 1.9/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" wood plank
Installation Instructions
FL25621 R2 II 032 TopMax plywood HVHZ.pdf
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
t=L256z1 f�a�_���ykyood HVH2.odf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
25621.11 ` 11: 24ga TopMax on Plywood HVHZ 24ga (min) TopMax 1.5" nail strip on 15/32" (min) plywood or
3/4" (min) wood plank
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL25621 R2 II_ g�_TopMax pi +woad_HVHZ.odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: +N/A/-153.5 Evaluation Reports
Other: Refer to evaluation report ; FL25621 R2 AE 24ga TopMax_piywood_HVHZ-odf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
25621.12 i 12: 24ga 19" TopMax on Plywood 24ga (min) TopMax 1-5" nail strip with 19" coverage on
HVHZ 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) wood plank
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGFVXQvvtDgsKQFEnckBl07lJGiliolYgiJSepolaWOZICDw56hlzFHg%3d%3d Page 3 of 4
Florida Building Code Online
9117/21, 1:06 PM
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: N/A
Design Pressure: +N/A/-116.25
Other: Refer to evaluation report
25621.1-3 13: 032 Aiuminum 19" TopMax o
plywood HVHZ
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: N/A
Design Pressure: +N/A/-166.75
Other: Refer to evaluation report
FL25621 R2 I[ 2a TonMaX19in plywood HViiZ.pdf
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL25621 �_A�_�44�- �J1hid�.._�.. I wo _HVHZ.IJcj�
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
n Nominally 0.032" aluminum (or thicker) TopMax 1.5" nail strip
with 19" coverage on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min)
-vood plank
Installation Instructions
Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL25621 R2 AE 032 TT ax 19in plywood_HVHZ.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Contact (is :: 201 Slaw Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824
he state of Florida is an AA/I=M employer i<gQ.Yrlriht 2f1n7-]_6t3 Stale of Flndda.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement
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mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail, If you have any questions, please contact 650.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section
453.273(11), Florida Statutes, effective October t, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have
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Product Approval Accepts -
Credit Card
https;//floriciabLtilding.org/pr/pr_app_dti.aspx?pararn=wGEVXQwtDgsKQFEnckBl07[JGiliolYgdSepolaWDZICDW56htzFHg%3d%3d Page 4 of 4