HomeMy WebLinkAboutChris Lopez recorded NOC MICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4972651 OR BOOK 4746 PAGE 2815 , Recorded 12/29/2021 10 : 16:49 AM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit hlo. P vperty Tax tD No. Mate of Florida,County of St,Lude The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to Certain real property,and in accordaAee with Chapter 713,Florida Statures,the following infurmation is prodded in this Notice of CommCrleement. Legal Deseriptioa of properly and Addra,:s if 'aila3ble_�_ ta�]lr'T'] f+ r LA n 1 L — LC 1— J Oenerai description of i m navero2a#s kz�' —�4 OwnerJleme _ Address Interest is property- owner Fee Simple Titleholder(ifother than owner) rb a Address _ Contractor Superior Fenoe and Rail Ql 8ravard County,lnC_ Ph Dne# 321-636-2829 Address 2778 N Harbor Oily Bawd,Ste 102 hAelbourne FL 32 5 Fax# Surety rtla Phone# Address 114 Fax# Amount of Bond nfa Lender n/a phone-9 Address nla Fax# Persons within the State otFlorida designated lOy Owner upon whore naticcs or otherdocuntent'r may beservtd as provided by Section'71 1.13(a)7.,floridn Statues: N2krne ft'H PhueO# Address Wa Fax ]fi ad dition to Wmsdf,owner designates rr+a of �- -- — Phone# F2x# to reeeive a ropy of the Utn4e:%notice as provided in Section 711.1-1(1)(b),Florida staxtutm EYpimtion date of nU icF,of commencement Ls one year from the date of recording unlw a different date is spedfiied. WARNINC;TO OWNER- ANY PAYNENTS V+11lE BY THE OWXM AF`UR.Tli;£F-XVR AT[ON OF T11f ;uMCE OF COMMENCU ENT AR.E MXSI D1iRED a1PROPER PAYMENTS UNDER 01?13.13,KS.,AND CAN RgSUL7 TN YOUR FAYENG TWJCE FOR D'ROVF-MFN'rs TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTIC£OF COMMENCENIENTMUSTl3E ACCORDED AX0 POSTED ON TINE J01SS[TEffijk'URE THE NAST 11i$PECTION. IFYOLITNT1_.hdTC}()6'W.K FiNAriCENG, CONSULT '.VMT YOUR LENDER OR AE ATTORNEY BEVOW� C.ONi},f KWU VrDRK OR 1tECC"FNC) 'YOUR. NOTICE OF COMWNCMENT. �+ r Ow"r"ses,or Orr a nr[. uftls A orkzed O ireffWYVAH oer/Mmagerl Signature ou nee Signalory'a TlH�+QiT.Cb — State of Florid$.Couaty of Vue, Acknowledged 4efore me this day of0 ,by , who is personally known to me or who has produttd _. --- — identification. tea. S a ituP Notary Type or Print Nam of Notary (Seal) Tale:Notary Public Cornmisg6%i Number (� _ � �AaR►bdYa Notarl+Public Stale of Fkwwa . C=nn*HK2%72 Endres 71-ROAD24