HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions OFFICE USE ONLY: f cJ i DATE FILED: ��- ( I U PERMIT_# I I I 04 REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# e PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES T�i�iL r G&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE �° t, a � ; FORT PIERCE,FL 34982.5652 ✓(/ (772)462-1553 N®� : �y"° LIGATION FOR BUILDING PER REVISIONS ,n9pepa ��'Co men Y w PROJECT INFORMATION un�, t �+ IN fe (V I CEO TON/SI ✓ "Init ADDRESS: proyed`�- GI -� Aw DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: D� r' ' 1- .- � v� o• ,�, a. S cat-�. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. 2�5-0"79 1 ST. LUCIE CO CERT.#: BUSINESS NAME: s T-A- -• 7?1A I L QUALIFIERS NAME: 511-6 � ADDRESS: 1 CITY: <: M—N STATE: Ft-- ZIP: -34-ni 6r PHONE(DAYTIME): 12-- FAX: MI- 6 �- OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: i'ADDRESS: N LQ M s GT - CITY: STATE: ��_ ZIP: �? PHONE(DAYTIME::7 7 2_ FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: FT i&7dL�-rs Prat c—G ADDRESS: s 3 Alk- STATE: �2 r ZIP: 341?7 FAX: ` devise 629.44 ———————————————————- � I I I 32.92' I I - I I I I PROPOSED I 18"H X 1b"W FOOTERS I 22W I WITH 2-#5 BARS CONT. a*c. PAD I I I I , CH ei I I 8.60a 1� 2&84 S i 2900 PSI MIN GONG WITH FIBER I . I I I I ' I • I I I I I I L---------------------j HERNANDEZ RESIDENCE 10105 Muller Rd Ft.Pierce,FL PERMIT#SLC 1711-0441 6'Mn.from top of slab to earth 2500 psl MIN.CONCRETE W/FlBER . 0- 0- F.F.E. John H Creswell,P.E. 1B 7' 4- Green Design Construction MONO CONC.FOOTER 18'WIDE X I &Development,LLC 18'DEEP W12-#5 BARS CONT. 78.J 4459 SE Kubin Ave. ALL SIDES-PERIMETER I Stuart,FL 34997 TYPICAL FOOTER SECTION PE#0040940,COA#30250 N.T.S. 1� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E3 O U N E3ARY / TO PO G RAP H IC S U RVEY (Supplied by Client) Lot 2, ROGERS RANCHETTES according to_lha plot thereof ae recorded In Plat Book 46 page 24 FD IR of the Public Records of 0.78N, St. Lucie County, Florida. 0.85� LOT 1 , VACANT 48 �; I + I 26 L._ FD. ao SOO'03'421 629.44 1fD'0t j `�y. tAmT I i I PROPOSED pR1YeW.1w MSTI i v I to22W is CONC.P N tic I I� P OD to I i j 386.92'. :c x s NCA CH w I a+o- 26.84 j RESIDENCE d PROPOSED K ,y\ 4Q� I101 T 1 O PROPOSED C1 o PROPOSED F.F.E.F,F,E.•19.D AREA n 0o I - 4.Y 8 FOR 11+Oe , -r t v IT^ mWirw 8 119.62 O =1 64 SNOTE:NO VALOR SEPTIC*THIN bsM�vINI I..S ETBm,A.�_C �K HEtiQ.PROPOSED IELL , 18 7V OF PROPOSED STSTWS i2 FRONT ins FD IR i FO• S00'0342 629,49 I cr'R Es i';IEAR I L %D0 5 cAIC' —k 121. SURVEYORS NOTES:I. Unless othertplse noted only platted easements ABBREVIATIONS: are sholn hereon. SET-Set 5/8' frog War 1y)th LOT 3 �I 2. All Lot dimensions shoAn are per plot unless yet la*cap Irtarked PSM 6M PEOPOOED PLOT PLAN other*lse aho#n. FD-F and 6/8 Iron Rebor VACANT ( etlth TO tl MWMlt HIalH 10M.AM oulwIlKa asPr.APPROVAL) S.No underground utilities or Improvements*are RRµ.0.. •Right of Way located unless other*lse sho*n. P-Measured ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AVERICAN VERTICAL DATUV OF 1988(N•AVO bB) 4. This alto Ilea 1yllhln Flood Insurance Rate Vap Value as plottedPOWER 0 Zone AE 18.0 flap/ 12111CO164 J 2/16/12 C-value oe f cufated POLE R•Radius of curve B. Flood lane aholyrt hereon Is an Interpretation L•Length of curve .by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. D-Delta of Curve The Road lone should be verified by a FFE-Finlshed Floor Elev lion MULLER ROAD Certified to: an el Hernandez&Heather Hernandez determinallan agency. OH--0H—OH-•Over Head�ires 6. Beoringa sho*n hereon are based on the South X—X—X+Chain Link Fence , IIne of Lot 2 as being S00'03'42'E 'CCK3--Plastic Fence SCALE:1°=50 Atlantic Land Desi ns Wood Fence l the Treasure Coast, LB74 8 occoD.E.din en the Plat described hereon. CpI�C. Concrete DATE:9/29/17 rat log Lnsen Beech bra.Jenem bath,Ft 31157 ,hues certlty that the survey moan h roan to true and correct 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage C,p,-Concrete Pad r Easement. Cov.-Covered DRAWN:SW\JC Wing Address: and Io based onqq luol"asoureante lahm in the hold.This 8. The accuracy of this survey Is premised on the •FPL Transformer Pad P.O.Box 1421 Jensen Beach,FL34958 eurpyeroto moMlntcusTot:hnlcal Standards at Chapter 54-17 r y liar ids aenlnlolrolln eaE ,G expected use of the survey. The expected use/ •I�ater Meter 2017-079T AL06643®grneil.corn(772)3084280 ,edisuycsnedayrcmeA.udro ". 3 purposa of this surveyla mortgage financing. -Yo{.er Io10 D PS SS43 . 9• DATE: REVISIONS a!Adm0c oACeWnL. Accuracy- I toot in 7,600 feel or better., -Electric Box )BTTI@SA.Les 1FOJF.,.,td,,,,xa„da,ipti,,,, Utility Box emiu.�tass+3/pmed mm 9. Additlons or Deletions to this survey map by wall DetY.Mn.To.alt43e+e-0W other than the signing surveyor Is prohibited.Drainage Plpposed NOrV/WD WITHOUT ANAUTHENIIG7EDELECTRONIC Without rItten consent. and Exist Ing LAST FIELD DATE:9 28 17 SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONICSEAL