HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationJCL APPUCABLE INFO BUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPUCATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date. 2J212022 ilia �' J �.fi�,� �� - �� ale' r.� �_•;�r, �{�,..a� -L{�� Planning and DewelopmentsiI.DfWaces Build- i,f7g aeyd Cs�rfe Reguliation DIVIS'Lionlk Permit Numbei- ing P�rr� Build it AP p 230-0- 1�T�i� Aven.ue, fart Piero FZ- 34982 cati.-.1. LQ Ph7 2) 4 6 2 4w-:15 7 43 C o ry-zi on' (772)Fax: ' m e 4 xesident -fr- a1 x c P -E 17lual dd-� • 2403 eon ia- Mi b aSO&WAk LaboL 31p- WMIML Wh.. LegP,,,u! Decry,i�ativt�: ORANGE BLOSSOM ESTawSECOND ADDN 13LK 4 LO s Property Tax ICE #: 2421-6Q5-4C}25-t}ti0-7 t dx e Plan tar e Pro'ect N I a m e Setbacks r Cody W-01i r : am n c n tmmprwyarm *a n 0.! k :RigPit�t Sih%cie � h•,� i k'• is J,_i�a ir• J'J �� y �;�• ti ti �`._:�- � � �F � tip,_ �•a•k. - ti 1 Jd1tionalork t o e IV ti has Tank Electric � Plumbing Tota'f ��. Ft o�` �.-0 nstruct4on ,., Cost -of Cons tructR on,�- 1910 a t����_ �• -. �� ��,. 00t�ti� _` •-k4r`_'4_ti' +-•_ems ,�- '4 �'S� '� l � �,,r •-:� � `_� .tea, ��_ - - _,.� S� - 4 � Y ��Ly�j k•' �x 7 t 4 -r un perm rt1 Gas Pipina. { jr 'pr' (0.19 AC) :. Let Slap �'�■�■i��,lY�a��dtrsa�MAYIrII�ILrlry■� F4 r_ L{ "•S L r - et - '•` - • 4� ok all P v: gr Sh utte-rs Generator Lot Noll oci<' ��,��, may' � '�" •�_._ � � 3�a ~_ LC~ .. h _ z �� _ �:-:_zt:4 • �� ;. vl_:+� -YLW�; J �' •`ti - � ti -err a� �.y���xL � - 'vim' :yam„��`' :•,-'•'--� ti L-75ya �� ���-x1�•,k'L'aS�'��`Y. _- ��,•M1�t' _�: ':wh�'S� � - -'� 'L''r k' - � a � 3 F y�� - !� k • ' •L v 'G 2 �' � , •'r' � L k` M}. 0& Win ows/,,D,,,,,,I.00r� 3 JL _ w �� � r.:err � _•� - � _rKLr - '�L.•F��-� 5 � � r ?'�� a 1 +'a'. -era•_-, r _�•'•' r: _ r7':� 1 oaf ti �irti„� r.• r.t � r r'7 .Z .f. , }a _ r.rti F -k � . s r t r" _ ■ ' f - _ r.i -'., '. 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L'-•-'-r�--'y''i`J c '7� 1 L { . : X���� J ,-y r J ' _ ± * }_. • �. ... . r t,. ,•;'� •,, a' - .-•%;���� h 5L�~�h�2���rName �� VIAIIIva-M - -�_}r - -�rr•i•Irr.. ��Lc�L � _ ram= Lync,�'-"I, ■..�."•'� I.�i+ill A Name, DIMITRE BOBEV FLORIDA?A n..'; Ad -dress,, dW" Company,.,F CAL T ;+. S "I'l FT E FL State,:A-ddress3P LAUREL ZCod-e--'- Qty: Fa x r TAMP t FL St7" a Phone 3012'29462w-7761 } 4�33610 t'eo .x. 866mo2194�D72 F E *1■!M a'['l 4. Ph one, 8fz.6=*3 r in fee s*I Pie T*Itle. e a FLPERMITSODELTAMECI CAL, ik7; 0 fro the Owner listed 31 or Cou nty Licen. se CFC 1425917 1 t 00. P1tGE1 U les: ;�+ _ -__ - Jsr• ti f+rf _ 'r r+ �—+- �-•-• Y "' �'L,-T `;'5 }�t'tr - '=! � ]�,� z .r _ a ��+'r - -,1.. '" ��� r'�1'' �� = F" r�i�� ��r ,:''k r+�-�� �'' -•: 4 - �_ ''4 � L ti} �; x - k = �— �'-�'� � -' �' :tij�+`.�r ���-������ '-��.��� •��; ''�' —{i-? _ :+ � }' �_ i� r•}:.�� �-y--�4� :r' � i -r - ?� �•f � r '` N r�-- = �. �r,P '•rFJ�?` r--,r' +�1, _ ��` � � ri r a� /'�" - � ��• `''•~' ti�� i 1 • - 3 �"1r• ram== •' �'' L•�': •a • ! S S7 f■ a' #- f , M . — a!#+'�- w.r' ' - ••fir: f� -F f+'-'.'• •••fv'r l� -f-'' •�1 _ i�r' • n ,-l'• "�-# _ `+Sa• - r rr r-�- ,-I�_ ,j "VF. •• r �. _ • : t r f .�r - •'`'__ r v -i�t r�/• Y 3-_ ter~ �r ati. �' �" • L ' � � 7r !•''Y!a =ter :••r. . f� � '-L- Lr� � � Cr•J"e .-I / � ,,,� t l�rf r � r rr+ r,• L t • �Y i !f value of construction is $2,500 or more, a RECORDED Not& Sq. Ft. of F1'k rst F I oo r: n Seotic Sewer ce of C-ommencementas required-. Building Height ricia Buuav":{"q �r�-���� _,,,� p- --�--� ....e... �,.�ma<�� l,... E..���.� u�c rvuI and fit. Lug., :.�t�t��� Amendments'. ��€ folfovvingb0ildingkpernig app'lications are exempt frnm undergczing a fu11 cr�ncurr 8C�25SCtC�J S�PC#CLI:?"eS, SWli?1ii1?Pl9 C'001S, fezLniCNj:-%c_ W�i1G =.iarae c iZ�auarFLt! car a permit., r�akes ro re��-�s�ntatio;� ��:�a ss granting � ���;-,i; ;nts`i�Uerize ih� �errnit hailer �� build the sab�ect str�r�stru�#�cn ir��P ase car�i�uct ui� vritf� �o�ura�ile Homi-2 �r�� �w emirs Assec�a��i�t � ��r��i,�fi Yl��r �aa,�d-Ff�°ver�anis than rn�ayrestfact or proi��b�i such 3 . `a k ti r• WMWI WX y?'' S ,k.• ,.�� {` �} �.tir _ s�._ _ _. I IDESI(�4 C-ble a -ENGINEER. WK-1 Not Appi N al"nf eso COd y Wi I I i a m Lyr, c h Add 23 Melon CT C'tVv FT I PIERCE k ZIP* ehone FEE SIMP-LE TIT HOLVE � Not Applicable rA% d d�-es$; &W2 LAUREL FAIR CIR SUIl'E 111 c1tv P o n e ti LIL ■ k � +.L ���'��, �� '} *y+ti �"�- raw}`' , `_ , - -.•+�j • � - ZL ti. _} mac•.+•`!-, - 4� -+ v,J l�y.4 ,•} r r~••L - _'!i�� FF;r i• •• L MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4 iy..k� r. _ ����fi•��ti Not ADDlicahk Nale"llef 1 M IRE BOSEV . ......... Ad. d�; r e:tl--. 0 24 0-:3 f%1-- e on %(.�t T ! 4 TAf�OPA statew h o n e %* No `w A x 1301 lcah-l'a Name: Address:, C:Rty * f Zip-&. Phore:,,, 5 BONDING L"OMPANY: i�' NER� Ci�NTR�1Cl' A�FEDVIT: AppiPeatirar is h�rebyr m��e �c� ��tain � ��r€;� � �o d� tea ��furk end it�stafiatson as indicateder�,�RO WOi!{ �illi5�e7��3t1t3�t i1�C s`t�mrrts�a�srrarlC+:, t tiij� 1.�t�'C !:)T4 UPleCorn . A-ft re"y IcZ>s: K.etvils VVf39Gn may appjy,, is �vk� Aeration Of tn'e granting Of'��%!S C@C#Li@Sti'C� permit,,ao. herebv ajzrpe �hat, i �tat1C_ in ai€ �-acr�ari�c r: accQrt�ance with tile approved plans, the. -Flo encv review,," room add uon- crte-en rooms and accessor�� u�e� t� not non-resi'dential ease WARNING TO OWNER. Your failure t�axeco,.da Nc�Cotnmenceresult of r�ent may in your paying twice fcsr �9M°tpfi'oe1'iie 'Po your jJroperty.V ,40 A �4tiCe Q,-,-,F <,'omrne,��"��t1� mustu� x�co�'dBc� ;;nd nrctprl nn th9m ir:kritn Lilt rvrsa tile Irs inspec commenc-i. qrK 0W. �� 0 � 4 � ion, 3ryouinenc# to btal*n finanff(:,,'i9na ,mwcor g yq#r NoL�xe of Commenc z� j g n a t u re Ow n e Le.. s s e e I r c,-CPo. o r a s Ag e .9 t T 0 w nei;" }'[IL lit r L,1'VUFVTY'0F j. ng ett *ck A-k _1*Xn w The forgo" instrunient wa-Z, ai,o� egef rr* this day ?-*-z 20 y T w. Name of"person 14- m n Pe-rsonafly Known OR Produced� # Iderttl� e ypt n Piroduced j -n (5'*.g �� '� "- - N Y x r..1 NA �y Y H �tk EM Co M M i ss. ionor CIL 0 y Iw 7 0 .�L� 5 1) kJ;, S 0 Notnfyn d c'; V r.i e TS gal Z, FROiNT COUNTER ���lffdUREVIEW S11��� fli�u R i vi FY+/ 1 - -- _ ram_...... .... .,, ... j...+u,ar q Isum Vt/,1tf",x jeinde-r or an attorney iDefore e M T2 M t � a 5 r # , 5 � 1 2-anature of %...ontra E OF FLORIDA 0) iorgotng,�n-S, rument was acknowle edt4)eforem this day of .12J. i + �+ - �• L Name �r=it�gment Personally Known � - �Procd� -c 'mw� '" .- identiffication Type of 'Identification P 4 k U .. e ,r t _4ii•# f L.14, K ti r i *� +�r7gilfaar�v�tiL.�+L� Y(Signature 0 ' i Commission MY r�1_0 "bi IM, 11z,_11no I GN_ 4 Ir 1 � Boindt',ird Thru Nfoll Public; Ur.derv%milers r�•�.r-`r. rV_ffq f.••�— -.�r�-—..���'a+w ter—.,.-�—_ — � r-�s'r �rt+t�-�r�+-o+4 ..-�� - - - te a. PLANS rtGETAT�QN " SEA TIJ RTLE MANGROVE �, I IR E VIrl 77PP iiv R 1 EVVSRV VV Tr--+Lriv.-�+-eti�.aa�,•a.�tva��-.va.. rrv`.a,�W.1 �--�e� 91: ,!i "-rh�r,.a-rya: �_,TN�i�tif��-�ea_e�-= � -' -• •+��.� `�Tyirt��:a".' ��L�a.aai ` h � s-+ir I••.a a, uaL•�. •� �' +LIB � • +'+��+ ^T+: ice'••'--'a4•�r�..��m� �-r'•�•a--Y��wz-.'�.��a_, r_- "�z-_�.Y•iia1.�-+�--. iaa_� �