HomeMy WebLinkAboutchange of contractorPLANNING & DEVELOPI7EINT SERVICES BUILDING & ZONING DIVISION • 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 F COLN (772) 462-1 S53 FAX 462-1578 R OR CANCELLATION YL) ASE SI:LG{t s1NL�() 17i CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR - Change of Contractor is to bi:. signed and notarized b and the new contractor Of record tut the CUITCnt Y I ermit. A ncu ) tlzc properly owner. contractor ill atiotY and ;ignaft+t'e- A +reu ►Notice. of C Commencement mtvit be riled in the new contractor's name perm+! afaPlicali(arr Inu;t also be co(nplete(I «Ittr nct� for Job values greater than $2,5{1{1 157_50U if .�rC' cnmttiencinc any work. There is a $50.00 fee for the Clrar gr Or lrContractor. recorded copy tnr„I be submitted print to x CIIANGL OF SUBCONILRAC UOR - Subcontractor chattges itre to be cnnTJnlctzil hv the k,ett a The rac subcontractor must rill out a Sub outractor A��rcemeni Form Therr is a 550.00 fee for the Chance of Contractor. urr� contr,trtot 5 Sab- CANCmmil (EL rt,lit ION O]' 1'1 [ta�117`� i`hc' cxncc IFant�n of a perttut is acratatablt only nl no �«rk hus hrct� dons. ('arice) laton of taertinit i< 10 be kJ!lIL't3 and nt)tari7.ek1 by bol[r the uwTncr and c optaitr otrecord. 'There is be fee Cancellation orthe Permit. for Hate: _ _ 2 2 Z� Permit lumber. —�1 p(o -UI Site Address: — -- — OrrInr[ (i('L��111ti nl'I 11nt11dCi' State LicenseS,contr$LlQr Or' �C Reason lur C'an,cilation Tits undcrsiLned dace r+.•...► .. -- old e�rsts fee, ok' drutittac t ,. Lifn > ONI any andrafi cla.0-,lr,f acrinntfrir any rc•3son �tihi }r n :t).L11ity, its f f risc'agagem restrltnd e +�tcha'nsrf ram atl L'C+ntt �sc(Jrr�UbCirrf [t8-tar ur cancelfallon c,flkrrna A per'(rrit Ckl rr rr4r be nCC Cat e[t Y'0rk has fyCCn Performed, _ ca It YK I ,SSIIGNATOIL 01- T-,,q R tar 1,w'crrbuil+lari -' _ SIC r:Ai t!ftE CiLV( Cn\ rk.lt T4)ft rsr uc,t Gr Ac a i' SI:,Ic of I7ror1;la, Lcr,I+il•' — - Of Sr I"lrc;rc l_"o,;l:kt T rkc !nll.,te llk Irt<u n rrrt ,,:,, acl�ttw., i�^J e l I•, ti r; rn. ail, W�•Y-+�, l,+`.fa ix etzonall} Lrgty4 ii (u ut4 [rq. wl.with�l.r �C� Sign titre or �'rftarr Darr ,w no_FnExpires State of f on0a EMoorernisisonHH0170997r01r2024 SIX: of I-It7slds.(' )urlt,, of ST lar..p(rKr�ty fl'e 1;7110A9tZg,il,tignli 2 eA} (,r t k-t,ttk died brh. rc ne th , ' M�.r4+r21X��JrttL' RIWtc}I u,� t t r whr hat r iWeed it IT), Stgn�rWrco(Not ry T � 11e r0 ►�� Notary Pubric State of Flor.oa Hannan E Moore K'- p• MY Commission HH 017095 •? Ftr Espires07MV2024 PERMIT it I ! ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Ehman Electrical Contractor, LLC (Company Namt ••"Individual Name) the Electrical (Type of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be _ Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (PrimaryContractor) For the project located at -5- y3, Irro,)ect Street Address or Property IF) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE IQualiiteri W Bryan Adams PRl,YT KANIE —� - - -"--' 29179 COt i T YTY CERTIFICATION Rt71_8ER Siale of Florida, Count► of St Lucie The foregoing instrument ti as signed before me this day of zo2+=} W. Bryan Adams who is personally known a e r has produced a as idolirsenlion. A - STAMP 0 I'M i Name of hbf9r) Public \�>>�11111fit}1►7�f��/ 1 �GtipH 2?io' _* trLA Revised 11 IU 2016 s o " lilg n ' 101 f l 111111� St RXONTRACCOR SIGNATURE {Qualifier} Timothy L Ehman PRIN'T,iNA11E 31748 _ COUNTY CERTIFICATIO_Y nt•\IBER Stare of Florida, County or ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this dal of Y_A�4 _,2oZAy-Timothy L Ehman. who is personally knolt'll J or has produced a as Idroarra ion. Sigaalure of \olar�__ STAMP Print Name or Notary Public oa+71�o Nolary Public Stale of Florida : Laura Townsend s My Commission ' HH 175435 otn Exp.90312025