HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum Letter� I6ID-o34-g F ._ . Florida's Leading �Engmeering Soule Pe-d -ft nopeiwihs io s.'Oia*ti,itoylew,,&,eodo.Comptlaned: November-2216 v . Phoenix Realty' y'Ho mes: Aftni Alan. %fi4, fWNsf,log .Road, Suite :140 NUest Palm ;B -41.1 Sitm` Proposed Th- $toi': Res idence $i-Addendum-ft — n*d 79.60S Odom- K dMibitd.., St ',Luoio�nty.j•. Florida Gi Project i M -.00: u 60 : ilef OFAkis pleased to submit this addendum I -,ouriodginat ged ni hi. iCalreport '&.addifi additional dated: June 1.4; 2�1fi, for ,the referenced ptooi;t,,'OFAwor,.contacted %t6, pro vi 0 re�mmend16.-inch (insteadbf-44-j Pilorecoin'Mondsanalysis, {GFA has estimated thato.,;1;6-inch!.d.lemeterAO-',IP:pile :�'!'ns.taIIW"t6.-:.an...ole,voiioni. 43 feet :NAND (about 30 below %kWin§:.gO.ado can-,.m 11 -adib, of 4 a al:c,,o _gx . pm , iM OWANO ;axial cop, provide compressive W!� tons: ft and A::Mak h U.. ension capacity The other recomm-enditio n's Oomlho od'g.-inif,repoit are Vaifid: and remain h unchanged and d should be followed.; `Van C611i0i, E-1 o t Manager 52f NWisat6r- 6 D' A 0 A �: Lkidi, kol p4a 001445751 (7721924-3580;(" t� WWWJd*§fA.d66 V w Drive Port da 86 jUnd 14,,'2016 ,Ph'6ehijc,ReWt9t Hoifies Attri; Alan TOO( 11.60 t4i, jog Road, $.uh6.140m. Site": 7900 S Ocean Dr (Lot''1: Diamond Sands); St: Lucie County, Florida GFA,Prbjddt XffiA291.00, Dear- mr Tarpell OPA international, inc'. has,,, completed:, the subsurface exploration and gbotdchi n, nicAl dhome6mij evalugitidn fbr'th&.aboVd4.ef&6h proj6dtAh.46d&ddnJde With the, _g`e'dfec'hn'ic'q'I' .ce, agregmep *, ari�'endlriqe wsoryagreement tt*lpfpjeo� Thescope of services was completed in. accordance :with but proposal dated JUhO. 1.4,20 with and authorized: by,.yqu., EXECUTIVE :SUMMARY The PLMP 0 110subsurface-,.soisaRi iidtidnwAsJ6�1469lf thdriotUt6dfth y. gdhdrW . geom . orphkc coinditions -and pon;ANe" proposed bbhWuditbA.Ths, report: contains the _00PO: pXPIPTO.... Alw site ?!id,00 our . the rqsyl.%� �qfp4r, subsurface on at gingering 'us including' ppforsi�fe,,,prqPqra! . i . . prom system:; recommendations on.a and ofthg.,.fopnoqtjqp: Rat6cl :on 1116 PeVing', 'Gradingand ;Drainage Olanp're'par-ed bjy, aBFH dated0345,04i; (reprpo, as the Test Location 0conversations mth,tfiq,cIi6ntj;the�pr ec-oniisls of Wn$truding,Athree-level i rbe:IhWresidential structure (OCObrtlOhINWO will. be 10dated ea'tt 6f. the -Coastal Construction Control -Line (CCCL) and t 6f6f&re a pile §ppppte.,O(b4 foundation..is reclo1hpd. The residences* lll'beF.,.-elevaioo, above alowor'level: garage that -m-a y have walls. and. n, ground a b.114) 1 breakaway -design`. floorifi­ib- gibe,"Based 60 the: site the grade 4 t_ �.a 5�the!tit,neof:deiiii6g,��the.,curre�i'gr,a.�6 f4he location -of-the proposed 90 +rf6o �NAV (h.6te.. N1AVb- t owtfirep pl ans),. mato.94hat 01 to: I fb6t.-Offill will tie: required t6r'a'*chi'e''v'e'.,.fiin"aI§r6, We, residence: will hav -t0ogi construction., and bq supported, qn�P.o,!pnns..to terminating .onpile".caps: slightly below the: floor :e46vati6M. The rOPOMMOPOat!pnAprp)400 herein are based upon too.. ObQyq qpns14qrqttonq., Irthe orojock.. clbs�diijotidhhas bedh revised, 016660. 46, than We, ffigy review .Our. recommendations with respect to any frQdI !cations: Proposed Th?66.-St&y, Resid6ndb. Geotechnical Report, 7900.,,-S,,Oceari,Dr.,(Lot :'I,Diamcind SiMd�) h St Ludlo.:C- dt,, Jun6.24,206.` GFAf 1,21 A-,,tQtaI of one . e:(;l,) standard: .penetration test ($P Ppring to- a,d1e1-pth�Of.. p.ppr-qxkn.qte'lyJorty-fly.q feet .below 'ground surfot (0( was completedf I study has :performed owl bonhjsiland provided gb'6teqhhI c.'af tdd6MMdhdati6ns f6t,.: thesite; 'and :n ui- m..er6Usr, lots; at the subdivision According , to the - she plan, and observat ions -time of drilling, the g!pq!jq surface, at the 4QA" bi rlrfgJo,c,ation'was'abouf t7foet N',.\fD,,, bw.Owbsurf encountered ace soil conditions On r6d'At thisvito .,qdnerdlly. d0hsist-bf. -i7-tolt&feet .-N AVID: Loose--4ense gand'(80) >e +54o-26 feet.NAM MoolipM dense sand (SP}- 2 f 'J z A)II). Looselsoftsand,', and siltf-(.SM;ML) -36,16.-38 feet; :NAM Medium deft6sithd (SP): Please refer toAppehdlko -•.RecordI'.bf'T4s'f,0b6q&fdf idetailed 'account dfeach: tthing .. FOr.p.ile',supported structures, ,GPA _,,rqjooMjTton- using o.doop Ip'undafiowsysto :consisting ;of au eced cast in lace. (ACIP lea:156ted obniob- ana lysis, ysJ6,.SFA.h'dt.. 6stiffidt6dthdt,4 144hdhl� �diametqr. pile -installed ... feet an elevation q ," --4kexisting. Ovide P00pbf f �Of 33 t 6'and A inOlinufti ,OtOdo.)I%h* r00 466s66 66, p6 city, of 40 t - cins.; For -the,ground'; p and allowable rbearing capacity of'2;500 psf may, be. used otl g foundation design., The supgrade.. soils: should' be.jimproved W_ pqmp100.n� frpm,ffip stripped,g- grade o - . ... p,ripr1to; coristrUding thelduWafth: *o and !406tiog.extavafionsThe tov,2f ow stripped: 9rad6 should b ,,co '10'r minimum mo & compacted k''w95% density.16 placing .fill. tolachieve .. fill � i�6'U6 be plaged 'in 1*24 6h lifts 1 {including; d (in Ji s, nd.compoqtPO; to a(chi 0 miniffiddi 95%,density.. Aftef� sUbg-radd :to. a.,66% Oth .of 2'fddt:. b.616W e y 000m, Of footings, should be compacted to achieve minimum 95 bAensitv. ScbUt. eldVdtiOh6 Used in. pile,cat&Ulafths. 6rd. chose ;provided .7l0Y.Abe DEP If6t Wattbf 's - in'.h , p1q)�atign construction,put not be�'a adequate for @Ogpl.4.Wpur, event(s) '0assumptions . n and da(Mlower 666d. the"I e limited t th f "d a1i6n. and scour analysis;10� 9!#; inclucled`i4�,our :;q I.r. al.1 provided by sd6u,'t 6.16y. 0 0 1 sopcof-wo,rk, Proposed Three=Story Restdence G.eotechWde Report 7900 & (7cean Dr (Lat IDiamond.Sandsj,. St Lucie County, FL :tune 2#, k16 GFA`Rraject No:• 16-129.1 O(! Pagevs &w We appr'eo the opportun.ity to be of service toou on thispoecanaorwadto ar) con#mired association Please do not hesitate: to contact us J. you have any questions> or comments, orif we rne� further assist you=;as ycaur plartsproceed. Number 4930: Co16e, EL. an"or GFR ����� o*uPILIEOF%COmo|ENxS ' ]J0 ...... '..~=........... ....... ..-"�_^^"—.°.^�.°^..-".^..".. ' 1.1 Scope.6fo ............ ....... ._^..'.~.�� zo -� Ekoloratio � -.' `~-'`_..~6._0,~.'_.-46ft_ ~_'`-`O",,.°.~.`.',~~'.',-,^.^...^.,^.,^~°~.^`~^..^'_.,'_°-^''-~. 3.2'PiW ..__........ Pile 367 SDi6 ^~-.-^-^°....... ..^~~10 4.0 REPbRT ClK8lfAJ' ~-.`~_~.---..~.-'~.~".~,-'----.~~~.~.'-,__..-...°-._.^ --- i;�Oio'06 410I OP Rod��Thrdo_sWIR 7900' S� �S"u'ui County AL S"-0b6,6h:Dr;',Xbt'f Didm6fid uido,, 010 GFAP4eipj,Nd.: Pogq";a,',pf 12 11A.'i INTRODUCTION C 1.: 606000 i Sbevic'es, I 1 1' ` , , - s,1o:,qqll0 'g6bsurf6ce.��d6to-f6rih-asy 140 o;bjectivo. 0-,opr in . s' .v wa Weptv"roOcti ,gootech wo, empep: S 'PPa�r conditions 'that-..'. surtiffi*116 the: tds't.' . re'S"Utt, ,'dhd: ditbu§ any apparent` 06. 666ditk' .may. have geotectinlcal. significance for buildingpPristru ion, The fol p, hg spopp of 4wv,' we:provided Within this r6p.dif" A.. Prepare,rocor ;of A al boring log's 4001,000 PsVbsur.._.­...11ce ­ ft ,h s ' 6il. fasoil conditions vncolire0 du�' our field 001pratibril. 2. Conduct areview of each soi.laample obtained :during ,our field or classification ,,and qoof tionalIe in if:necessary Ainaly,z­e_,the` existing 'I .conditions found .luring our exploration With respect :to fourideffibn q.;Sol Sop r P6 t.for the Proposod',struOUre- 4z "P support u q" With respect- to foundation: suppo of structure, ihdlUdih . oll6w ble Ijm[eyafi iaiid foo, i, 6 ibri,00sipip �.soi bo'. n ' nd t orpme aring 5:. Provide. criteria za 'd t procedures ,to P.1 site pre�parg !qn 4_.r prepare the site f0r. the, prqpq§qo construction: 11 Project 66scr, I Posed the P-.0v'0q, 'Grading .qnd Drainage 417H dat ed .99 Plan Pwp* §Y 0&25:04 ,(r#prdd(jddd At th6T6s , oca ion, on) and .c.06veir8a i6 ons- witRiMe,client., the . 'residence:i''" -­ , p.6ro"jeo dqn0i A10, constructing athre0eeI Ghasperformed oprovided gedtedhnica[: recommendations site d' numprovp,tqts,a( the subdivision,;The 00Bnii6f structure( r .p6ffi6n thereof).. iAnll:. bd. lobAtddl- -b"t. of :the Coastal Line (CCCL).,dhd therefore A Pi . lo 'Pqpported foundation-Jsy, F.qqpired,. The: residence, -will be,elevated above lower, d ground & level go �ag6 :that may i.o Wafttri., . ,Q,,: �on�di_..Jebreakawavdqsj� y..,v grou fioorisa4, d",4q. the ,;site: p aft: ---ani -observations of. the- grade iat the'time f di -1 1 the f" d '1" 1o.- n' iin'e' current gra e-'at Ai e. loco rii- of the proposed residenceabout 411bef NAVD(note-; NAV D....ssume&;datum line . ' no. given .on.thle% piano).. bF estimates that'o. to -I 'foot . fill Will: .1 )o required to achievetinat grade we assume Will hdvdtypical ,co'**n,"s'tr"u"cti-o"ni.and be o"ite"d on columns terminating on pileYcaps slightly ,below;the. ground fiooc elevation;; Wg hpyip.. not -rgqqivq0, any into".,ation: re foundation garding structural, For the 4q. 4: 6.0 this report ' regarding - ;assumedstructural column n presented t s: rt 'w''e,' the (7. 0, , 1 1 recommendations presen Or in A.load will AQ kips '' orid'Al'id Makim' Woll 16adind,'ivill be 4*115i§ per M6&466t.. The eed6rii'meridat!6iit"O�t6Vido§d, h0ein I Ate basec upon ezabove 1 th - -..ddftsid6,ra o0s description has boer; revised,, , OW66 inform :GFA. lhtdrn6ti614Ak.s6 .that ewe, may edvidW. our Pk6os6d Three Story R6s06A;d 646techhicafft6ff 190.&S.1-0666n Dr, '(Lot'l D16thondSendt), St Lucre: .C6&h(yj'FL JdhOlOj'2616 ,GFAf Pr6jeeMb.46-4291.00., P606!8., W:12 2.0 OBSERVATIONS A. Syte Ins­POidtion., e; with trees: shrubs; The grade at: the: site was The : project : was t - generally i ft - el r'Ally-' grassy will . t same , & and s., ,q$tImptqd to, w e5 adjacent .'rp oq�-ipvpn h:dulling Thebordered it :th0 pt.thO41* of d�jlfi T e OJdePn.,:.. the east side .of.theproporvy. Ajotal of -one ;(I) standard; penetration_ -*- (SPT) boring ­ 46 a depth of clootbixiMbt6ly fdfty-&p :performed, -` surface ­(W.8 wascompleted f this study; The fi�� of.ihebodnp is -'illustrated i Appendix Imvst Location Plan": Thd Standard Penetration Utt .(S "PT),ethoo., used as the investigative tools within the bprihg... SPT 'tests were, perf6rmpd 16 substantial ;accordanc:With ASI-M..Procedure . 04. "Penetration and "plil:Barrel ... Sampli4j..rdfSoils" . The SIPTUtt P.rdb6dUtd consists of;Afivin' g--a14AifichTD'split=tube sampler into W" d'. N� Inph The.p rn :4-610 1vpw",fQQ(i thow proftleul i J*. sing. a'.4...�ppqq. f6r%thd,.66d6hd,bnd thlrd'A-Ifidh jn'df6Meht,. ls:afi indication of soil strengfti. The tthe. . borlwer y1sva. y, -_4i­ Oepntheir is ,illustrated inAppendi D Record'. bfTest Borings", If6bbUld be noted thatsod d diti6h§: might jq are shown,. Vary, W��On, the � tfrotoi4kfOpo%� WN ;b, �The spif boring data, rdfliedf ion :specific - t'... 1, t.. 1 .1 ­._ . es Aakjjr(g.' ltom.a�(Odatibribrily. stlocations..* 4, to.was .not provided ,forour field exploration The indicated :dpo on of eac h. test was aporoXimsted based ,upon 'existing ..�:qra-&.°'estimated..'distancesand T 0 1ps� Ao*-.00v.iqp§ 1, on ..... landmarks. The :boring depths'O"e'r"e,confih4d..'tb'',the, bbhoi of: d I 10(y, to be ti essed,. by "the 1co y zoJI& now edgeol"vidijit 2,4 Laboratory Analysis ',clt ,, U laboratory ere, they Sod :samples' recovered ftbftv our field .exploration were'16.Wrnie 6 6 t rator,"i th" were :visually qxaMAnqO 0 -wero(AP f&-,evaIudtdd;46, tibfa�O�qce, with ASTM 13,424 I -- soi:,pro 01i Dp;:qjn fhoe 'l ­_'_p4, . . ift Woccurate, und1or$tarv!:f1Og;,o(2 thorough visual examination ofthe recbV666d site soils' ;no laboratory,.tes ting deemed necessary agsam:psamples Of,(hpsoil encountered p .be held. in our l6bbgto.y for your1nspedtionfor 30 days -and Oft&I9� rdod;vn1061we-Aro. nOtifiiedotherwise "in: The recovered samples were. not ekdinihed either; visudliy: of ain"Alo, ioaoy, for;:dhomic6f. �Comp si lqq prx r.v*t�qnt -.. I.a, z­a­r­d-s-.. G­FA.; I.would .be: pleased to p ifbrm these :services iddtftf an additional fee., Wre'q uAre0d, 2.4 Geomorphic ..Conditions TOP,gedlo0y, of the. ,66 * site ,USDA '.*'Su*i,*'V."O'Y..*'L:ib"dit'Lmi.'hti'sti§ofC*b,ihd,�,i6riil."'fiti6 .p-as mapped �on' the, S7A Soil no 0 T4 . pp ,organic i11 thduldbe, noted that the Soil iNaygenerally extends to, maximum de-pIft of 00 "inches '(ap 'im bot"i diOOV -.offteo .'s'o*l .p OC6 i -con, i ions.: rpx _*jy,,OY-4f0et).:b,elo tgTovp surface a n w, GFR ;PiOOd§e.dI:Three -7Stbi '66 Story 06616�id 790D:S-,.'Oc ..D?.." L' V1. Di6ffidfid SMd$}St. Lucie �:Cod FL 2016 ii ,,GFA P N& 164294 00, Page 7.4f:12 Jdogs derived fOm our "I'W%Oexplorationare presq6ted Pin. Appendix V"Record :6f Test 3 $&th01bring to0,depict the observed suds in rpp loA tan The SARndorp Penetration; Test b6fings indicate.i.1 ft� lJehetkatl6h f6d6ttinde, &.N;V I- clu-11-fig- the clfillft .,And sampling" Oivf sRhoc 000W And 40PH000 nsshown '01.tihe logs :are gpnpfpi)ybased upon t!Liai;.Oh'a'r,4ittd.t.129fibh6,.--..of, the:. (OodViefed to $041 Wbplds. AIL' toil samp - s re A6pict6d and -..qla§*ifjpd in: qrp :gq orql-ppq d nm, with the CwtifloatIO4 System;. in4m 6d as ..necessary ossaryto:0e 00: tYpical Florida ,conditions;.See Appendix T.isoussim',of Soll.&O"--ih detailed description '.qpsI.I- for a'. A f6 a Onbfovandus sbit-Odups'.. . Add6r6lng 'to th6.site .plan :,ahid' b"IbseirvAtIOnt.'at th61106: of, drilling, 'the:p.-bun d at the, tion was about +7 feet NA q 'e*'nc'oUtiti§ti6d�:.,at,,thi6.6!tib -bppqg!p,6a-'. .V :Tb.6.6,ubs'.u*'ff'a*c'e.soil'..i'�' hd*6 ons generally. -consist; . .'ro +1 to.4;5IoefNA'VD*! I-pose.,,06nspsand ➢ d +; P *5 -26 fbOte�Mi. AVD: -.6, ium.deft-96. idd NJ (S.,) -26to =$6f66tNAVD-,Loose/soft .'�' d' andsi-Itk.;(SIV1,1VIL-) sand - (15FY Please refer to Appendix D -' Record `bf T BoringsT to 'a detailed account "Wea �bqrjn - 24. HydrogeollogicaUCondition t On. the the groundwater table was :encountered from -apprpyjrqat6ly lfpet below the e)s,ppggrqund surface: The g,rp un water ta-ble- will'. fluctuate seasonally depending local rainfall and other site specific ppolor local influences including the water level, ih:f e,:. nearby, AtIghtid, 0066h Wiih 'iIddafA'hflU0h0,os. wBri6f: Obhdiho'bf stormwOtor may occur across thesite-after -heavy, rains., No 'addition �W'work , in relation `to the 'Wdt, -§46tdh6U, 0 W JA may ,10, 0ORP9 .,.water t. groundwater g qmfty,�. elf. flolic high e :.Is, nb eve s WOMpr6hoiis.,water o �,+.analysis 1v 6 c ss ry, e e guidance.. 3 0' ENGINEERING EVALUATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 31 lF6iiiid6tibO:R666ihhii6ihdiitibft,- 134hWa-I The .residential' structure (oir portion t hdrdoQ -will 1561600t0d; :east of the COAMW Construction Control L i 9 e; (0.,, P, i therefore pile supported ditldh Fv-464 leddi F' .ground' �and Ih Fail !9 Oorted foundation gi. 9 un 'floor :.,stabs ,and ' *gr000 levelWaj MAY be Pie SVPPOr0dor supporte don footings n:ac�cordar5re: with hil6t.!a'n"d,"re;g+'u'laflo'n.§-,.(to bb�dbtefffiih byAdts), GfA j%idi) SOceanDr.:(L&, f Diamond Sands), St. LuCMCdun(y. FL. 4646,24,:2016 OAk Project "NO., 16A29.01.2.00 Page 4;2. Rile Foundation; f6t daf '6? TheJ611 'J. design GFA.:'used.,, .6116 t6ebtft6h idn ...Pw als�, . , .0111 parainetews Vis ed " lob J J Vation �%Oftorriof :> f,6t',CCCL WhsteUdIldh tho, M#RhAsr6stab b �,a, C year s Orm e, ev ..(,o 411. or fpO.*N�.qVQ (depends 66, 16661ibh fortruct' .01! member); of I WAY Uro W4tt. Lucie co > For. CCCL construction, the FDEP has established a 1.00ryear 'storm . erosion elevation: of t -ievafi6ni6f+* NO 0,*fqr.ajl t-, WOP :County: (design �scpur� V -k- th b.-wsoOur A+ ldsis.ofsoi tuppon,bew. een. a.; 6#6116. �..bf IdWdst structural, Memberand'de esig :elevation (427 feet NGVD):W*, included fizb ,t6 We d e e6l pil :capacity analyses:..: WdassUthe :the residence, will have ;be supporter an' tblUmbs, terr*aifing On pile caps-,09,11#y. '. b@!PW46­ "grow, "Popr, elevation 6a filiIiii)-VO, before instdi irig'.1ho: pile, Oury eons, Carl bd 1,166d t �6� r near de -be Ordrj, " 1, "I'Vo d 6 '- --cl. top b Id '15' 't+.+6.5 f6et,.NAVD. d le u be: but8f NGVD/ Atthis- time; GFA ;recommends.th6.deeOJbfjftdaitId (ACIP)'; Additional lateral d capacity may � Oog In pqthat the; piles: will "hang a :mmiffi,M of 1% steel. rilulf emerit. for ihe,_40*0es A.CjP Piloinstallation; . procedures should'be. pbrfo'r'm­ed in 'aidbordairice.'w-ith- the", 'guidelines lirdtdht6d in the: lbtd§t,: 6'0ii n's: In#'It Cast 9 'the, ;Deep Qt ;.Apme., 0+0 1 "Pile ,Manual . The )ate 1, and: pile 0 4.0, f pi InIh software A...-4y capacities for a: 14--in KA Me pTpr . 'p, pile qpppp,;. p 6 ter. APAP, Me's, is Presented 6; y fojlq MOAN w GFA assumed ;that the piles will have a minimum bV1,T36: steel reinforcement for *the*, analyses. ly'sbs. Augerpost pfo,s should be tceO aver their entire Isngth,tension ,capac ity The f6iiiWcemdritit"had If. bd'­as S*`,deit ig"he"d by th; ' r :e 8 dtUt Engineer:. If piles, of lesser o[° gceater:capacities :than those mentioned, ,r! the table; above are required, OFAwould b -plop qjApproNOO�fqqherpeqpm ".0, request; ­­q , ...s '11'. - M6060prip: q Proposed Three StoryPesldence Gectechnical `Rep6d 7900 S Ocean Dr fLot4 bramnd"Sands),: St Iueie County,. FL. .June 24, 20+16 "GFA Pro�ectNp l6=7`29f.00 Page 9 of 12 The following; additional: notes are ;applicable to he pile -'design; Structural stresses 'in th;e piles may impose=a more severe limitation on the desrgn: ca�paerity, therefer%.'we recommend the; allowable stresses: be verified: for the. selected..pile section:. -� The pile rernorcement is sufficiently em�beddecl..in the;. pile,. cap .so as to afford a: fxed end, connection if required. "35; Pile; 'nstatlation Rile design; arid, installation 'shall be in` 'accordance with the ;appUcable sections; of. the Florida; :Building Code and other applicable federal, state and locar requirements:' In addition'; pile's. should;be installed in accordance with.the following; 1. Pile Length. The proposed 14-inch-diameter piles should be installed as determined try the inspecting Geotechnical Engineer., 2:. Spacing- Pdes installed in_groups should be spaced:at a center to -center distance of not Jdss4hari 3 pile di-ffie ecs. 3: Plan Location The center of the top of any pile at cut-off should be displaced laterally no more than;'3 inches frotri'the position showm:on the plans; This applies :to botfsingle: piles.and piles, installed in groups: "Vertical Aiidnment The v6dicai ali&Mn't of the piling should! no't..deviate *b.fh the. ;plumb by more than;114 inch per foot of length: 5 Reinforcing Cage. Pos►tloning The top of the :reinforcing cages installed ih the piling shouifl not be more`than 6 ;inches: above;.and no more than .3=inches ;below the positions howry in the pighs. The `reiriforcirtg cages should be positioned concentrically withih. th"e: grouted pile shaft The grout cover over longitudinal reinforcing barsahou(d not be less. , than 3;in6hes,: Reinforcing centralizers shall be. placed'at maximum spacing of 1,5 feet at,. the lower portion of the pile:and at 5 feet'from theYcage's .top. 6 Adracent Piles A -minimum time period of 12 hours should ;be specified :for ihe. installation of piles located within 5 feet,'center to -center, of each other. 7:. `Grout.Factor-The:irirnimurri acceptable grouYfactb. 1. acfual;grout".volume diuided by .'theoretical grout volume} should be 1 1.: 34 Yib;ration;l,�lonitoring The proposed construction may be within close proximity to residential structures;and roadways. feat maybe susceptible to damage: from yibrafion generated_ ;at the :site We recommend that° during all aspects, of .construction; :the bordering landmarks ba monitored `using a;seismograpti- tr?; determine the extent of vibration absorption that: #hese features" wall be subJect to The., seisrriogiapFi used to:monitor'at this<site shouid have theF::capaflityto measure-ground.veloeites C,FA Prqpcibeid, -Thk6#-Stdry;R6'Nd6he& ,66tech»tcal Rett 790D,-,&Otkw-ZO(L,df-I Dh§076nd Sdhds), St.LijcW',C-Oun(Y,FL ,GFWPtq&,dt,,N6, -1,64291.-00. POO 19&,12 ... structural along veruba.t.j, transverse, and longitudinal 4xes�� The protect s ruc Ural. engineer: Viddld -establish allowable fadillfias,qgn� To VVI hQ, 4 *y--wi t q 'any damage;, n . b , 10� , ft"A tognd.t i Footings.. m --al Oil .09 -psf.: Shallow be., designed: �psihg­oq­ (qWAOIa: �pj .bearing, pressure of 2M.O.' .1, P b foundations shoir)d lie embedded a mi�aitiium of 12 inches below flrial :grade: T.Tfij*6.6embedment sha!V,bq mpipl.spreO from the -jo wqs. 't ­z0facent grade, 1 010100.! column footings should be at.!;Ieast least fg:inches :. 'as 24'ji!ch,esAhI,M4dfh and inuous, width at � st regardless 6 ;�8�, f ,g : dontbdt 0.66sUrd.- Onda;:_titeprepgrathon.has boonpefffo aln,,accordance, th: 10 ns4906bed in this: ;report,. the wl:shbuld readily ,suppprt: the;' ­ resti,og 'on a shal low foundation ss am. tshave beep PEofa tad1q6e� inch total and: MnOft diff6r6htial. `Allf fibo'fing's :.bad ..cibilUmn's' should .be structurally 'separated .from thivfiddf tlab, as: they will be !PqOed differently --and .,a , dfferen iM)p%:,kjn t t t ­.9polithip-mat. foup4ption isdes: less, a, �m ig.06d. 0 Orpono Floor. mab (F rangible) The - .. ground,floor- s!abg may be supported :4jreq'tly;, on the !existing, grade or on grppplar, fill: following the ,*,fpuo,04fi.9n.�site ..preporot'idn..,�':atid. fill uro.;�-outlined in, this ,,re ppill. W s. per cubic ind :may e: .For pUripoiseis"-dif design, 'a do'effidie''n't.-ofsO gfide pounds 'Of - bid - h b- so . The- ground. flI oor slab . . should be; qqipr.ajlyseparated all wails and zdlpMijs fip� allow for 1 �iki, 6 001 walory a vapor likely -j­jrqu p : 01 40, gh.jhq. gr nqjqr�'f 9,,Oco beneath the base i6f1he -nd rise "' ** * of * ' floor slats, If MO-W t. slab' is hbt� ddsltabh§,,gn� impermeable-46mbfaii * J * thwid:b; m ne. iWallpo'eft the 004 09#9m:l subgrade interface; !- IT Sito Preparation require . menit f . of thisp*d- 6M,e,ebdmm'eti-ds,.th6,,foi!oWingl-d"tt'ie)iI 06°:qf:a- da, "Proctor Building PAd Fill ............ ........ ........ q:,kw,d.f.Of MddifIOd'f.P`tbdtor! Modified : Proctor The .compaction percentages, pre.sbirted. above are based 'upon, "maximum : dry density as : determrrred7:.b. "modified prq0o?-' test 0-11557).. 4�1 density 11941d. be y a �!rr, . . . - - W, y, �te ts, h d: Odif-01716d. I A� depth of I bieldw, stripped 00. ocef ". an 2-feet Ow boiforrr` of footings All .d6jitilty:-;tests .�.sh6ii1d �ba, perfidn"hod u - sirk . q the. nuclear method ',(ASTT' D. 2922)- the soor. Hand P rpmator: method (Nridcone met" 60, Vi tests. Our rrapommonOtippip for preparation of the site are i . presented bel"ow,This approach to improving aj��i�he s1to soiftas �000,foqndfi�b SuccessfulPfolepisihi similar toll c`bhdItl6hi.- GFA Proposed Three=Story Residence Geo#ech�tica! Repot! ,79.00S JAM.6 24, 20.16 GFA Project No: '16429,t.00 Page ftbf 12, I '41-Aa 'I situ l' preparation should ppnsis t�ofperforming*-* -. stripping (removing, :sur' v.egbt*W' h, near surface roots, and other '000doup matter}: and This should dobb."Within" P, and of fe'dt: 1 eyon. e. perimeter b building footprint (including :exterior�'*�lidleitedc6lpM-.,nip'),;:.Foundations and any 4plO.w grqqo remains of. any structures that pxemoved, and utility linesghou-'Idbb,;r'e'm"* removed or' 'p'rdp'q**rly`*abandoned'If, th .to, Mj hot, Wddt', structures: d �K .1 a p foundation;: b , n6fifii as, the recommendations.- 2. FollbWthg site stripping: artd prior110placement ;:of t; 'areas o-f. sw tdaU4awd:(not. exposed "limestone) should te co padt J (Ppr6dUtolkd"),hd'tbgfddWe recommend "no a steel "dr.t';m: vibratory q1tor with j and vibratory impact t adhWV6 the � r6qulrequitedcompaction. M. ns , ity tests - :should ;wpOuld! be: perforated oly" th- eproo o. surface, *a fre que Cy 0 R-bfthr6d ttiS'whichever is confirmod bythOrbfect 6eotech6 placed heb 3- Pill material Mythen be :' 440-d in inggg.a.1n-1,i (classified c.,.-I..I- as �sI S. .PI SW.-NGjP0: GIW. 2, S more than. weight) fires rn:excess of 12°lo should not t not less: than one test W. 2,500..;e46ar6,:fi three (3)'tests per lift, A!'OPMO.S. prop! gaited. 'The fill. material Id be 4,.G.W-GPvGP�GM) containing not materials with -galtIclop-size soil placedbe 0'6$,' w. tt aIhd*noo� A, For n tb bottom any f r c f "dhdll be .examined by the engineer 1 geologist or his IN to � determinen, i0on.-Pf thi co ' limestone, The limestone: shall be probed for i� gihd. 1d6s6L'pdbk6t6..Oftbh& :Such areas shall. horizontal.4' npiwand 4a'qKTIlI0O withith Jean , For ;footings Vappd. on structural till .or 'qoMpoq.*tq.d native,, granular bottom of soils, the, b all fobtin . gs. shall. tested 16t� compaction b-nd, dxam-ined"ey' 16 e,.e I ng . ji , hee . r ge .o. " logist or, his representative to determine if the --soil free of organic and/or cldlit6ridUs material. D " a ' — � t., Density tests ' OU6, 6, h Ap� I lost should Operform -e at not l0iw an sit. .y. per each isolated cdUrfih -166tirig and: one III, test :per each ,seventy #S::'of: Wall ngs�e 'i�0'1 stg1l4tI�pil-ign ' pi construction, "the p ,15. VOpo completion ;of p p 99 p, oajp and :pppq should, be *156didill6d in :.6. W-S'. inch lifts and. bbmpad6d. to, At least 4 :of the.#Wirlojd Proctormaximum?Im4M Ory,okn (APT_ P 1 -f(h'61:c'dfttirsand.,g�o,d66.z�atli6.ttdbl-i.,�ti6d.6.y,,i'' T Thatdritra-et6t sh6uld,tAkdjhtd account he plan when executing hisbackfll{rig and compaotionoperations.4 Using vibtdtPYI.".qmppcompaction h equipment; qnat.th'ssite maY; dist"rb • adjacent stdt&6 sWe recommend that you monitor noorOY16frurtures, before and during proof compaction pp, Ar— op0'.00Three -Stoy'RDgideftoGeotebbbidal Bt&rt 7900.S.4c6St. June '24,1016:- OFA PrdiONVO, 16-1291-,00 P '12- Of, A, representative of GFA- InteftflohaU.; can -the' .vibration disturbance.. of 6qjkerit ,structures - A'pr!.D .posal far:v►braton monitoring : d' 00. supplied , g Qn on'. OPreitiloMip n ,VOW fecrequest... 4.0 REP0111MUMIT-AtiONS Tfiki consulting re-po'd,he's been' 'd.fi' Ibi 0 li- prepare. -or' eexcusi.veUt#,6tthd,buerehtproject owrteirt�,nd .other: members bf-IMAOsl�n tearrijbir the Proposed R'66140 located t6d pt-Iq'qdean, Dr,, m OPO odd Q!,S' 0 1 Djarn S: St' cie County. Florida.. - This% report has been; prepared. in IocaL;geotechnical engmeenngIpractices, . no :other ,'W"'atra- hit `.is #xprps.§qj or implied The-,tv-416atlbn submitted ih Ihi' ­ro-ft, Is basedin p@rt. upon. the slate col lected field exploration, 00, : OWOV An :extent t of. 'vOriAtJOn hdutcib�. sUbsurfbd6. profilemay no becomeevideht: :until the ;time; of construction, If'varidi , ions the evident, may be necessary Appear Y! P. to reevaluate; inprmption on sgioF' n nj rwas :provided "d' ions ihlhi§;eepott� esigh',b-Ho'datit"' ' bfthd ',skuptipre;,� tjh I rr,, ro pihibno=ntaln proposed, qpvaluoll P.. 0 InIhis report 04: not considered; oofvcwsiow�i6 or V 000h.'Volt'i - 6 'ld" Vali, , unlessChong A ing y G,FA hitem"dML* sdout elievatlons:- used in 0116 calculations are thwe PrOVI e Adtd- 0Y'. thti. Aon'6 bi4i',,f r .cdastal construction, but adequate for actual scour 0116y6fibrii in hurrippiri event(s),t4t e. -Oxogoo ft:M R assumptions ump t not t.— Th erefore, ope. FA I 0 analysis Is. limited.: to Ahat.Ptovideid DEPAOUr elevation; M& .scout� �a analysis: * s hot: , o 1* t included lfi, cilUt ,Aqppq-q,f, work, 5.0�:BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS The analysis, lhOd anif.t,046rb fi6 d e data from ffidnda . ns) so mi. 0, ,44 thisOp i dd i0n:th. 41 a: o , a ".1p This: at -the locations ind►sated on the attached figure �,�pppvo! k report does not rof[ect anivada i hich ;b on borings. Whileihotoringer-jar6 on iw. which occur-etwo representative.:..df the: subsurface conditions,W:'theie t0600btiVd. ldbafibdk; and far .. their vilida reaches; local variations , chgraqW0c-of'the -s of the prep p fe IIIOdu ntered'. T I eri6ybew in tWeenooll typesown on the soil � gsls��appro and thd.;' 43�.criotbricrepresents , . bur .1 interpretation 1 .1bffh6subsurface.eonditions the,' goate 6si' d d. Oonrig locations on'the ;particular Any thud pqrty reliance, ofour tqeq 9hn!O, report or thereof is; strictly prohibited without the00( sped written consent of OFA ita na The applicable We, PT-met6odOvoy 'D-458&.),,CPT' irfidthoddidgy,(ASTM. D34.41:),And Auger er"Ig6ir'ling "m"e'tho'.do-lo'g:v,tAS.TM"-.b.*'-l�452 used in, performing .our borings and sounding; and for determrnm g penetr ation and resistance is specific to the samp In tools utilized and °does: not reflect the ease :o`r. difficulty to CFA Appendix A-Vicinity"Ma.0 Gf Appendix ;Q Test Location Plan T-66t Locatibn. Pla*n*.,- IWO:& Oceoo Dr (Lot! Diamond - Sands), :s­ Luciez County;' 53- m �5 V! NNW �F .4 IWO-' Wi. iD ith6teM "StAOrd Penetration iToo -,(sp-Ty L6 Otioh., Appendix-, C - Notes, Related to`Borings. Gf� "NOTES. RELATED TO A 0 Ito "§i 6001[N&AN g 6 . m GENEXtWZIKP'S.UBSURFACE;PR"O'F'IL.E Gfpuhd*Ater I&M. Was encountered- And i&b'fde&( ' it-"sho,wn) i6fl6whig',the completion . of the. soil' test'wring.on- -tiie',dii6i�ica'terd.Flii'tuatiorisi;n:;gro'u'nd*'' . I rl,00�;nrpc6mm qp;.co niut:r6poftjeiitfbfadiscds§ioii: 2. Th'e:boring locaiipn'ivas identified.in the,f'eld by.offsejting. from existing reference marks and us�ng,a Jane y and survey: th.. "., 3. 'The,'boreholewas,backfilled:io:.si'tegrade,,follqwlng.boring wmpktion, and pafcbcd-,,*ith,asp'hdli,!zqlopatch mix: when pa�emeiitwaa 66c,bb,hf CWe-K4pc§r4 of Te§f*r1rig.t0meftts our,. jilt erpretatioh of field conditionsebased on engineefiqg-examination of the.soil samples. -5.. 'The:Rqcpr4pf Test I Boring is Subject to th-e Ii-ii0i1ii-i i6ns;;obclbsions afid1iibnmeidfiti019-P "In the -ff: text. 6. -'Field Test baW11'shown on the Record O. Test Boring indicated. as, f 1/6 refers to the Standa.rcl,Penetratioti Tiif (SPT)and means IT'hammekbloWs-A the Oam&F-'o itfches;'SPT-, uses, a 140wpp -h ,,iii.edn ,7.. The -,N-,V6W&-froffi.'rh6 SPT is the, -suffi4,th.Whidffimer ObWs required to'd niv6,,ibe sampler the second and ,'third 6�. -in'cb;JnJcrem.ents;. ,8. The,wil/iock stipta.,interflicessh6vib on the Reg'Oids'.6f Te* 13 ... * rik are aor6kimiite ';kn'd 'fibin '' h Tqy, vary. , those o :shown: The soil/mck.'ndit'ibtis'sh6.w.n.bn"the'f'tecords of Test 6or'lhg,.refcr to , �co ndi6ons. , atific.speciIia toe'ali'On Wro ' ' ' d' — - ' ' * "' bT "" 'locations.' ,44;,sio _bkc6n idons,Mqy,,yikiy, qWqptitem SPT CPT. SANDS/GRAVELS.,. SPT CPT" SILTS/CLAYS BLOWS/170 &CILC—M .—R13LATIVEDENSITY RLDKS/F00T,' CY *046 Very1oose IM 0-3 . Very'soff .,04 :54 0 -17-40: Loose* 24,. Soft: . YWO 41.126 Medium Dense: 54 7-12 firm 3 1=50 Dense . . %is, 13-25 Stiff, 1-5o+- over 200 I iy Dense: .Z-50 WAY stiff. .100- ��30 -5-501i Hard 10. Grain sizeAescrititions .,am, fQllbws NAW M91im -Boulder- 121fiches of more. Cobbles Ito 12 In6hes. Coarse Gravel "Wtb, 3 Inches 'Fine:GTAvel ,Coarse Sand'' 0 to No. 4:gieve, I Medium,Sand; :No. 4UidNo: I0sieve. 1,No._-200_tqNo'.40'W6v.6, Fines I 'Smaller than No. 200sieve H.. Definitions rehited- to,,adjective:s used in,s6M6ok denAptions: T ,PROPORTION: ADJECTIVE,,, APPROXIMATE ,'ROOT..DIAMETER., .ADJECTIVE Trace- Lass4han 1/32Y 'Fine ro6ti .5%to-1'20/6 ,Little:' 1132" to 1/4", "Small roots, 12% to 30% ',,Sorne, 'Medium roofs: ,10%40 so%- And Gicatethan P Lai ergots'. 0tganrc Soils Soilscontaining V.6SetabWtigWcr.,6. variobs.itages!of dcoomposition,that has a fibrous.to amorphous texturq,� usually a dar"k,'15rown'to black i6o"14,46d art 0.rgitiic odbr. I Y,: Slfght y4o,flighl.Or anid;;2Ao to Muck;::45,D/c:;Pcat, Appendix 0:,-.Record: df'TiDsit,Borin:g;s, GF� 1 1 1 GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N:W, ENTERPRISE DRIVE, Poll STI 1,U�C16, F1 plttnn 34986 PHON1 _ (772)924,35?..5 Fnx:(7?2) 924 358fF STANDARD PENETRAT IQN TEST: BUtING (A,STIVi D=1586j Client: P;I omax walty 1ltoines: Pralec xo 164,29100; :Lab -No° PXoieety. 7900 S Ocean, ll!r (%ot 1 b�atnond Sands); Page 8G Lucte county Florida Date:. 6 6/.2616; • Elevation Existing'16 ae: °Dull Rig :. Simco-2`4:: Water Ievel; 38 feet after U:hours=rillmg Fluid cvmrienced.a"t deptt> of 8 feet; Field Paiy :)t MlJS7ES . TESP LOGIOIV .. ;PT 1 32Q:85° W8.,0 226,9.;7` Laboratory, Test' Depth' (feek) Blowsi 6 iq N VA1ue Sample 1Vo. La er Y�gsing From/to� . Us CS Descrtpt%n-. hio.200 'Mo)atute COMM:. Orgaa�e �.CobtenN U .. 1. .• 0:.:2 z SP Brown fineaand;:trace.silt 1. 2 Z_ 7 ...... 12 -`14 _ 2%; 1,0; SP' Light blown finesand 4 :10 .. -- 14- 5. _ 25 �12- ,37 ., 3. 6:. 17 7 .12r. 9 12 _ 15 IF` 5 -- -r2 ........... 14 9 -12- .. 1'3Yi 15 Si' Light brawri;fine sand, some 'shell fragments -1s 12 24- 6 19 12 18?7z .2U SP "five, Gray fine send trae;shell fragments r. oject . .00' -of -3; ;Date: 616/ZQ16 DAII*R,i&- Simco44 WHO,. 40, oii Gray"fifie.sandand'silt WOH=Wefg�fflammc .11: . Client, Abihi t`Reatly� O*is:. i'rojog 7900 S.Q.;ceau Dr;iI.flt 1 I)iamoad Sands St:.Luti� County; Flo{itla :.Elevation bIsdug trade: Pnojecx No.:16429140 I.,ats';lY�,t Page; 3 of.:3: 'pater 6/6/2016 ;Drtll"Rig:: $ mco=24 w.ater-t ever Jan et. et. alter u: hours Y111ing #luid commenced at dea the of 8 feet Field Party PAvis/ES TEST LOCATION;; .. $PT,� Y NL7, 32085a W8.0 22697° Lahoratory'�ests Depth Blows/ N 5stmple Lajer Bassin A7o►sture. ; Organica llS.CS Descri � t►ou s (fe@t) Gin: Vahte No From/to P Na. 2ba Content " content 40 Appondix'' E—Discussion vfSoll'Groups, DISCUSSION Qf $OIL.:.GRPVPS COARSE G. RAI N 9D SO I LS GUY and SW GROUPS S. Th.0" groups;compri_se well --graded ,grgy.ell.' and sandy -soils having '-little bf,'nb the e N6,200,M6, uOth.6t., - ti, The"''i-i" dftheflhdtM -no.ceaby*�.ch'ang.e�'i�h,-,str--''th,'',gt' presence 0 ch aoteti 011ie q"rWVmJlOad friptiom and904 not; with.it'sFftep rainkng; characteristics. :GP'and :.SP,GROUPS, Poorly graded :gravers and *9,-.a.'nd' 'containing little of n6l plasticNines '(less thanSpord66passing. the b o6-20O.eye Ot .classed; in Q# * ' Y0:ca , and �.SP groups: The ". ricl14 may prm.gravqls, unjf6rTn..-.sa d non uniform mixtu"r'es of q kleO uniform arse A very: 'd d6 AWdalt, and very "n sand, with :intermediate. sizes j(sometimes called skip lo graoedljpap, igraded r step-: b t iijni-, which -g' Vb[ Vr-lkdbd)� last group often results frorn w IP" 0..... 1 prro.. m Ox .1c gravel. 'P layers.and sand are: ZM'.and '.;.SK*dRbUP, .I I th" ­6 1 , 1 W, 6. w -- ' * ' ' - S gonerW., e`' . and gr,.ups,mp.nse:grtiv6ls,or .-sandaf,with gnes,,, '(More- than 11percent. tine :N'70'. ld s' ---,having aow ,,or, no plostidit*y The plasticityd 'and 1i -d limit A 'M - "" ' ' , -h'k*'i- plot: liquid imi b wftlri.ft �n group: should d below -'. he W line on: the plasticitychart., 7 of a "o. material: isli. t ,considered significant, arkj-bath, well,apl poorly rp q GO. and .SG GROMPS, In general,: the,,and $0 groups: comprise gravelly 9 com sp'or, sandy r Ah.an,42 percent IN6'j-2Q0:sldV6Which. , hav T liquidlimit'0nd: 10s#01ty, i n.ex Abo Id p 0 v the lime, can the, eplasticity lj' -'st ity FINEGRAIINEb':SOILS IOL and MH h !P.ROUP&. the symbol. M has b- used 46 been usd designate" pre , oninan The $Yboo L;an,H represent :and high liquid limits, respect+yely, and: an aritrary qjViing line A '1 .at . d Mit-1,of 50- 'rfie.ik04l§4f the MLdnd,:'M**'H groups are sandy clayey silts .,or inorganic,. silltww relatively plasticity: A.' c.0.4 oage' OftrOlobtly low P1 Is included odsoils: and ,rock flours;, - CL a.nd. CM ORQVPP11 c 1:44w groypp,lb-0 PrOOP 0004 f r...lay; with L and high 401 Iml s, wi H denoti'ng';l'o'w' brhl h with "the divid.ing[Alne, -Apin tot -AUA INUld of -0 'h rily-,organle'd '5 � The soils MMAI plasticity clays are.: classified -a _L, 6.00 are usually _y.p. clays, sandy d4y YwdIA vs . e:me ii'un'adhii'gh PI -d to,cassiffed"asCH' TheseAncludO:the fat: cIOys:qQm6O clay Arto sAme volcanic c GF� by .. .... gF'opp nieO the' f h'*^ 'th -061, ox 0 -�i gc color, J e syr 'I and clays are classifiad'n ppp"pqa;qrqr 1pip odor or ence ,1M., PS. .these u The At6dals",a ;plasticity range: corresponds with the ML and HIGHLY iQRGpNI�=$O1LS The highly organic' ;soils are :usually very 'soft `;and 1-compressible" -and Piave ve ::undesirable construction characteristics, Particles, of leaves, grasses; branches, ar=other fbrous vegetable matter are common omp rents. of these rsoils. thl :are not';subdivded>and are .classified into ey p; withAh PT. p '00 humus; and swamp . . . . . . . . . ......typical . . . . . . .......... group. Gf�