HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Exterior Doors 7-9-15file:///C•/Users/BRYNNW :,1/ pPD,ata/LocaYT,,emg/Low/T6KGZGBU.htm 7/29Y2015 file:/UG:/ JsersBRYNNWµ11AppDao% ocaUTemp%I ow/T6KCZ 13U..hUu 7/29/201:5 Florida But Cpde al?�r✓ Page 3:.of 4 . s Lirrilts of Use - Cert�cation A en Certificate Approved for use in NVHza Yes FLiS371>`R2 `CgCAGyi8xi6 Garage Door t1mi CA 0317 051 As roved for use outside HVHZ Ye : wa d49 2a odf impact Resistant Yes£ £Quality Assurance;Contract.Frrpirat,on iDate ^ Design Pressure t55/ 64 03/10/2018 Other See attached IrmitaUonsof use fonlnstailation 'Instailation instructions .; irtstrucUons EUS R2 II 1616 Garage id LMI f15 0317 OS) dwa " FL15371`-R2 Il limitationsOf Use bdf „ <.- By gMfa erifled ml :Dade t3CC0 CER en4dertt Third tad tin ?ndeop ird Party C E uatto Rep �� •, Created by IndeperidentT.hlyd,Party„ ; 15371 6 tiurrtcrie MlasterMbdel 824/811 4arge missfle impact resistant48' 2 x 16' steel sectional '+ -. 5teeh$ecdonaiGarage,Dpor;18 2" 'garagedol Al w%r:Wiridaw:Uke t)ptiop" Limits of Use „ Cerlr%rwtion Agenry Certit(cate 3Approve l far use in HVHZ Yes, �11§371 • 0C7CAC J8X16 Garage poor LMI t15-0317 Oil ` Approved ;for use'ou"lde HVHZ Yes dwa OS-03 odf ;'; ftoatt Res isU,_ ,Quality "Assurance Contract;Expiration Date:, _Yes Design Pressure +40/ 44 03/24/2017 Other See attached IlrnlWUons of use far nstallatldn InstallationrInstructions instructions.., , 4115371'R2-II,48ki6 Garage Doarl`MT 11S=0317.01) dwa': ' w. OS 0•;"odf FL1537-i` R2 II Limitakions-O'f Use.bdfa .:Verified By Miami 'Dade BCCO CER " •�Crea%db'yIndependentThi�b'.Party;' Evaluation Re orts_ Created by,'IndependentThird•Party 153717 Hurricaq. Master Model 6241811 Large missile impact resistant 9 4 x 16' steel sectional 5ted'Secfionai Garage Door'9 4 garage door Wide w/ WindoW i Ite Option; k umrts of Use Gertiflcation Agariey Certificate ; ro Appved for use Yes in HVHZ FL1571 `R2 C CAt �Sxi6 Caraae poor LMI (i 03i7 02) Approved for use outside AVHZ Yes - iiwo 0i=09.odf " 2m`paa Res�starrt Yes Quality Assurance Contract'Expiration Date " Design Pressure °�08/09/2016 YCther See attached IimitaUons of use for Installation I.hstailatioa Instructions instructions .`FLi5371•.`R2 II 9x16 Garage+Door LMI 45 0317A2) dwa,_ 01 09 adf'i '-�: ; FL15371. -R2- li Limltations'df Use odF, Ver ed By' Mlaml Bade 13CC0 CER . - Cre to oy I de n a d n pe dent Third Party Evaluatiop Reports , ,, , `=Creaked by Independent Third: Party iS371 8 Hurricane Master Mode1-824/811 -' large mI" Ile impact resistant 9 4" x 16': steel5ectional Steel Sectional Garage Door 9' 4° garage door Wlde w/ Wlndow Ltte O Uon`; f Liniitsof Use Certification Agency Certificat'a Approved for use in HVHZa Yes FLiS371-. R2 dk sri�6 Garage Doar j�I f15 0317 04) ;. � Approved for use outside HVHZ Yes -. dwg 01 Modf - Impact Resistant. Yes Quality Assurance Contract Exprradron Data Design Pressure +6Z/ 70 ,1010412016 Other See attached limitations of use fortnstallaGon Iastattation instructtonsr instructions 15371 -itZ II 9x16 Garage°boor LMI t15 0317,04) dwd <, ".FLiS371 R2 tt-Ltmitakibns'Of Use - - - : _ _ :Vei'ifled By Miami=,Dade BGCG CER , ;+- ..Created.by independentThiCd`Party - .. tvaluahon lte Dike „> ' Created ,by independent Third Parley .- ,. _' 15371 9' '< � Mode182a�Steet Sectional Garage ' ,large missile�impact resistant. 2' 4 x 18 steei sectional • Dogr=12' 4 wide w, ;garage door ._.x „ Limits of Us® s Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ Yes FLi5371'`R2 C CAC'12XIB Garage boor LMI f15.0317 06) Approved fosse duWdqMV9ii.Yes dwa 04-di:ndf Impact Resistant: Yes ugh Assurance Contract Expirat- pate . D'e3tgtl,PresSure +601 65 07/14 2020 Z� OtherrSee attached tiryrftations.of use for installatlon instaitation hnstructions In'structfons "' iFL15371>> R2 Ii 1.2z18 GraQe Door 1MI t 15=0317:06)' dwd Created by Independent Third:Party- Evaluation Reports. Created by ?ndepenlent Third, Party; file:%//C:/Users/.BRYNN-W�-l/AppDatalLacal/'Temp/T.ow/ t zG' BU.' htin 7/29/2015