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PROFLEX® Products, Inc.
1603 Grove Ave
Haines City, FL 33844
Telephone: 863-937-9623
Toll Free: 877-577-6353
Fax: 863-937-9624
Internet: www.proflex.us
PROFLEX®MSC is a 90 mil composite underlayment consisting of a rubberized membrane laminated to a high strength reinforcing
fabric on the face and a release sheet on the adhesive side.
PROFLEX®MSC is specially designed to be used under approved thinsets,mortars,and adhesives for interior and exterior
applications of ceramic tile,stone,and brick,and for interior applications of wood flooring to eliminate the transmission of cracks and
sound.Other applications also may be suitable.Contact Technical Support for further information.To eliminate cracks in finished
floor work, the product should be applied to the entire substrate prior to the installation of the finished flooring.
●Easy and fast to install with standard tools
●Ready for tiling immediately after installation
●Crack and joint isolation up to ⅜”
●Moisture Vapor Protection up to 5#-1000sqft-24hr
CaCl test (see installation instructions)
●Sound Control
Suitable Substrates
●Concrete (Poured, Prestressed, Precast)
●Cured Mortar beds
●Patching and Self Leveling Compounds
●Lightweight Gypsum Concrete (Gyp-Crete®)
●Exterior-grade plywood
●Cement backer-board
●Other substrates, contact Technical Support
100 sq. ft/roll, 20 rolls per pallet
PROFLEX®MSC:Factory-sealed containers of this product are to be of first quality for one (1)year if stored at temperatures
between 40°F and 95°F
Companion Products
PR-series Primer
RST - Rubber Seam Tape
PIB - Perimeter Isolation Barrier
Cautions and Limitations
●Substrate must be primed with PROFLEX® Primer.
●PROFLEX®shall be installed in compliance with the most current edition of the following publications:PROFLEX®
Installation Instructions,ANSI (American National Standards Institute)TCNA (Tile Council of North America)handbook for
ceramic tile Installation,MIA (Marble Institute of America)Dimension Stone Design Manual,NWFA (National Wood
Flooring Association).
●PROFLEX®requires consultation with your selected manufacturer of Thinsets,Mortars,and adhesives to ensure selected
product is suitable for use with PROFLEX®elastomeric membranes.Mortars should be at a minimum ANSI 118.11
●Not for use over expansion joints (structural design joints)or structural (out-of-plane)movement cracks.Use of this
product does not eliminate the need for movement joints,including perimeter joints within the tiled surface.Perimeter
expansion of 1/4”minimum must be maintained for warranty.Movement joints shall be installed within the industry
standards in the publications listed in point 2 of the Cautions and Limitations section of this publication.
●Not recommended for use on concrete floors when hydrostatic pressure is present.PROFLEX®recommends testing the
substrate prior to installation of product using a Calcium-Chloride (CaCl)test kit,and /or concrete test for relative humidity
Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.proflex.us 41718
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●Impervious tile (less than 0.5%absorption)may require a 48-hour cure prior to grouting.The mortar will be sandwiched
between two non absorptive materials and will require additional cure time.
●Cooler weather will also increase set time.
●Protect Primers from freezing.
Property Test Method Result
Total Thickness 90 mil.
Fabric Thickness 6 mil.
Elongation ASTM D882 350% min.
Tensile MD ASTM D1682 1270 psi
Pliability ASTM D146 Pass-25
Adhesion to Plywood ASTM D1790 8 lb/in.
Adhesion to Primed Concrete ASTM D903 10 lb/in.
Impact Insulation Class (IIC) ASTM E989-89
ASTM E492-90
Sound Transmission Class (STC) ASTM E90-02 72*
*Sound testing performed as to ASTM E90-02,ASTM E989-89,ASTM E492-90.Test conducted on 8”concrete slab with a
suspended drywall ceiling.
APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM International (ASTM) ANSI American National Standard Institute
●ASTM C627 “A standard test method for evaluating ceramic floor tile installation systems using the robinson-type floor
tester: rated “extra heavy”.
●ANSI 118.12 “ANSI specifications for crack isolation membranes for thin-set ceramic tile and dimension stone installation.
Meets or exceeds ANSI 118.12.
●ANSI 118.10 “ANSI specification for load bearing ,bonded,waterproof membranes for thin-set ceramic tile and dimension
stone installation meets or exceeds ANSI 118.10.
Applications Instructions
PROFLEX®elastomeric membranes,when properly installed in accordance with the following installation guidelines,will provide
years of protection for finish flooring installations.In addition to these instructions,installers shall also refer to the most current
edition of the following publications:American National Standards Institute (ANSI)publications.Tile Council of North America
(TCNA)Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installations The Marble Institute of America (MIA)Dimension Stone Design Manual,NWFA
(National Wood Flooring Association).Manufacturer's instructions of selected setting materials,substrates,sub-floors,or other
manufacturers being used in the total,or any part of,an installed flooring system with PROFLEX®Consult your selected
manufacturer of these above mentioned components to ensure selected products are compatible with PROFLEX®elastomeric
PROFLEX®should not be installed without contacting technical support for including,but not limited to,the following conditions:
Expansion or structural design joints in concrete slabs,Out of plane,or structural movement cracks.Horizontal cracks that exceed
⅜”(10mm)Areas where moisture vapor or hydrostatic pressure exceeds 5#-1000sqft-24hrs,as tested using a Calcium Chloride
(CaCl)test.Substrates installed not in compliance with industry standards.Substrates that have not been approved by PROFLEX®
in this document, or by written authorization from a PROFLEX® representative.
Surface Preparation of Selected Substrates
Concrete Substrates shall be in place a minimum of 28 days.Concrete shall be installed in compliance with industry standards,
and concrete manufacturer’s instructions.The surface shall have a smooth finish and be free from voids,sharp protrusions,and
Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.proflex.us 41718
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loose aggregate.Substrate temperatures should be between 40oF and 90oF Concrete shall be structurally sound,dry,clean,and
free of dirt,oils,grease,paint,concrete sealers or curing compounds,cement laitance,and other similar bond inhibiting materials.
Rough or uneven surfaces should be made smooth with a Latex Portland cement underlayment to provide a wood float or better
finish.Do not level with asphalt based products.Concrete should be tested for both moisture vapor transmission and hydrostatic
pressure,by use of a Calcium-Chloride (CaCl)test.Consult technical support if test readings indicate a reading greater than 5 #per
1000 sqft-24hours.Existing joint openings larger than 3/16”must be prepared and filled with an approved caulking or sealant prior to
the application of PROFLEX®.
Patching,Self Leveling Compounds,Lightweight Gypsum Concrete (Gyp-Crete®)shall cured to the minimum manufactures
requirement for moisture sensitive installations.The surface shall have a smooth finish and be free from voids,sharp protrusions,
and loose aggregate.Substrate temperatures should be between 40oF and 90oF and shall be structurally sound,dry,clean,and
free of dirt, oils, grease, paint, sealers or curing compounds.
Plywood must be a minimum of two (2)layers 5/8”exterior grade plywood.Plywood shall be securely fastened in accordance with
industry standards.Maintain a 1/8”gap between plywood sheets and all surfaces they abut.Joints in the top layer should be offset
from the joints on the bottom layer.It is the responsibility of the installer to verify the deflection of the floor structure and sub-floor
does not exceed L/360 of the span under combined live or dead loads.The substrate should be tested for both moisture vapor
transmission and hydrostatic pressure,by use of a Calcium-Chloride (CaCl)test.Consult technical support if test readings indicate a
reading greater than 5 # per 1000 sqft-24hours
Other Substrates
All other substrates and or sub-flooring systems shall be installed in a manner approved by both the product manufacturer and using
an appropriate installation method as recommended in the most current edition of the publications mentioned in page 1,of
Application Instructions.Concrete Patching and Leveling compounds should be applied only after a consultation with PROFLEX®
technical staff.(1-877-577-6353)or at technical@proflex.us.Substrates should be tested for both moisture vapor transmission and
hydrostatic pressure,by use of a Calcium-Chloride (CaCl)test.Consult technical support if test readings indicate a reading greater
than 5 # per 1000 sqft-24hours.
For floors, interior applications, Ceramic Tile, Porcelain Tile, Marble or Stone, engineered wood, hardwood floors.
Priming:Stir or shake PROFLEX®Primer thoroughly.Apply primer with a long nap roller,brush,or spray application.Apply evenly
at 300-400 sq.ft.per gallon,with 100%surface coverage.The PROFLEX®Primer has dried satisfactorily when the surface is tacky,
but does not transfer when touched.(Note:The primer does not serve as an adhesive,over-application of the product will increase
drying times and may compromise the overall bondability of PROFLEX® membranes to the substrate)
Membrane Application
If PROFLEX®is to be used as a vapor barrier,apply Rubber Seam Tape (PROFLEX®RST)beneath all seams,after the surface
has been primed.The 4”rubber seam tape should be centered under every seam.The RST will need to be pre-positioned and
installed prior to the installation of the PROFLEX®membrane.Place PROFLEX®Membrane with release paper still attached over
the area to be treated.Unroll the membrane and cut leaving a 2”-3”excess at one end.PROFLEX®Hydra-Seal may be used in lieu
of the RST at seams for waterproofing applications.Hydra-Seal and mesh may also be used with the membranes for flashing up the
sides of the walls to the top of the membrane.
Method 1:Fold membrane lengthwise.Peel ½of the release paper from the leading edge of the membrane and slowly pull the
release paper toward you,exposing the tacky surface of the membrane and carefully attaching the membrane onto the primed
surface, avoiding wrinkles and bubbles.
Method 2:Roll up ½of the membrane,leaving the other half unrolled.Cut the release paper from the portion of the membrane and
slowly pull the release paper toward you,exposing the tacky surface of the membrane and carefully attaching the membrane onto
the primed surface, avoiding wrinkles and bubbles. Repeat the procedure with the unrolled portion of the membrane.
Additional Instructions on membrane application
For full coverage application,carefully butt edges (overlapping will cause the floor to become uneven,but not affect performance).
Immediately after installation press membrane into place working out from the center of the membrane by applying heavy pressure
with the flat side of the trowel,or use a 75-100#roller.Protect exposed membrane and companion products from dirt,traffic,and
harmful elements until flooring is installed, grouted, and cured.
Setting Materials
All mortars and thin-sets must meet or exceed ANSI 118.11.Urethane Wood adhesives may be used for wood installations,consult
manufacturer for product suitability and approval for use with PROFLEX®elastomeric membranes Consult selected mortar or
thinset manufacturer for product suitability and approval for use with PROFLEX®elastomeric membranes Use appropriate notched
trowel for application of setting materials in compliance with ANSI,TCNA,MIA,NWFA,and setting materials guidelines and
Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.proflex.us 41718
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recommendations.Visit our website at www.proflex.us and click to our link listing our approved setting materials that have been
approved for use.
Finish Surface Installation
Apply finish flooring in compliance with the publications listed in Applications Instructions,for methods of installation over
crack-isolation membranes.Do not install any defective,damaged,or any finish flooring surface not for its intended use.The
installation of this product does not eliminate the need for movement joints,including perimeter joints with a tiled surface.Perimeter
expansion of ¼”must be maintained at all times.Use PROFLEX®PIB (Perimeter Isolation Barrier)to assist in maintaining the
expansion gap.Consult the TCNA handbook for other movement joint applications EJ171.The product is not for use over expansion
joints, or structural (out –of –plane) movement cracks.
PROFLEX® Products are available nationwide.
To locate Proflex products in your area, please contact:
Phone: 877-577-6353
Website: www.proflex.us
5 year,10 year and Limited Lifetime warranties are available.Contact PROFLEX®Technical Services for specific warranty
information. PROFLEX® Products warrants that this product meets applicable ANSI standards in force at the time of manufacture.
None required,but installation performance and durability may depend on properly maintaining products supplied by other
Technical assistance
Information is available by calling the Technical Support
Toll Free: 877-577-6353
Fax: 863-937-9624
Technical and safety literature
To acquire technical and safety literature, please visit our website www.proflex.us
Division 9
Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.proflex.us 41718
PROFLEX™ 90 MSC is a 90 mil composite underlay-
ment consisting of a rubberized membrane laminated to
a high strength reinforcing fabric on the face and a sili-
conized release sheet on the adhesive side.
PROFLEX™ 90 MSC is specially designed to be used
under approved thin-sets, mortars, and adhesives for
interior and exterior applications of ceramic tile, stone,
and brick, and for interior applications of wood flooring
to eliminate the transmission of cracks and to reduce
sound transmission. Other applications also may be
suitable. Contact Technical Support for further informa-
tion. To eliminate cracks in finished floor work, the prod-
uct should be applied to the entire substrate prior to the
installation of the finished flooring.
• PR-series Primer • RST- Seaming tape• PIB – Isola-
tion Barrier.
• Easy and fast to install with standard tools
• Ready for tiling immediately after installation
• Crack and joint isolation up to 3/8”
• Moisture Vapor Protection up to 5#-1000sqft-24hr-
CaCl test (see installation instructions)
• Approved for limited waterproofing applications (see
specific waterproofing instructions)
• Concrete • Cured Mortar beds • Cement terrazzo
• Exterior-grade plywood • Cement backer board
• Other Substrates: Contact Technical Support for addi-
tional information.
PROFLEX™ 90 MSC: Factory-sealed containers of this
product are guaranteed to be of first quality for one (1)
year if stored at temperatures between 40°F and 95°F.
• Substrate must be primed with PROFLEX™ Primer.
• Proflex shall be installed in compliance with the most current
edition of the following publications: Proflex Installation Instruc-
tions, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) TCNA
(Tile Council of North America) handbook for ceramic tile In-
stallation, MIA (Marble Institute of America) Dimension Stone
Design Manual .
• Proflex requires consultation with your selected manufacturer
of Thinsets, Mortars, and adhesives to ensure selected product
is suitable for use with Proflex elastomeric membranes.
Mortars should be at a minimum ANSI 118.11 specifica-
• Not for use over expansion joints (structural design joints) or
structural (out-of-plane) movement cracks. Use of this product
does not eliminate the need for movement joints, including
perimeter joints within the tiled surface. Perimeter expansion
of 1/4” minimum must be maintained for warranty. Movement
joints shall be installed within the industry standards in the
publications listed in point 2 of the Cautions and Limitations
section of this publication.
• Not recommended for use on concrete floors when hydro-
static pressure is present. Proflex recommends testing the
substrate prior to installation of product using a Calcium-
Chloride (CaCl) test kit, and /or concrete test for relative hu-
midity (Rh)
• Impervious tile (less than 0.5% absorption) may require a 48-
hour cure prior to grouting. The mortar will be sandwiched
between two nonabsorptive materials and will require addi-
tional cure time.
• Cooler weather will also increase set time.
• Protect Primers from freezing.
• This product should not be stored in direct sunlight.
Total thickness 90 mil
Fabric thickness 6 mil
Elongation ASTM D882 350% min
Tensile MD ASTM D1682 1270 psi
Pliability ASTM D146 Pass-25
Adhesion to ASTMD1790 8 lb/in
Adhesion to ASTM D903 10 lb/in
primed concrete
Impact insulation ASTM E989-89 68
ASTM E492-90
Sound Transmission ASTM E90-02 72
Robinson test ASTM C627 Heavy-duty
Sound testing performed as to ASTM E90-02, E989-89, and E492-90,
test conducted on 8” concrete slab with acoustic ceiling.
Phone: 877-5PROFLEX
Fax: 239-403-0714
Web: www.proflex.us
Application Instructions:
ProflexTM elastomeric membranes, when properly installed in accordance with the following installation guidelines, will provide years of
protection for finish flooring installations. In addition to these instructions, installers shall also refer to the most current edition of the fol-
lowing publications: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) publications. Tile Council of America (TCA) Handbook for Ceramic
Tile Installations The Marble Institute of America (MIA) Dimension Stone Design Manual. Manufacturers instructions of selected setting
materials, substrates, sub-floors, or other manufacturers being used in the total, or any part of, an installed flooring system with Pro-
flexTM Consult your selected manufacturer of these above mentioned components to ensure selected products are compatible with Pro-
flexTM elsatomeric membranes. Or visit our website at www.proflex.us and click to our link listing our approved setting materials that have
been approved for use with Proflex
Exclusions: ProflexTM should not be installed without contacting technical support for including, but not limited to, the following condi-
tions: Expansion or structural design joints in concrete slabs, Out of plane, or structural movement cracks. Horizontal cracks that exceed
3/8 (10mm) Areas where moisture vapor or hydrostatic pressure exceeds 5#-1000sqft-24hrs, as tested using a Calcium Chloride (CaCl)
test. Substrates installed not in compliance with industry standards. Substrates that have not been approved by Proflex in this document,
or by written authorization from a Proflex representative.
Surface Preparation of selected substrates:
Concrete Substrates Concrete shall be in place a minimum of 28 days. Concrete shall be installed in compliance with industry standards,
and concrete manufacturer’s instructions. The surface shall have a smooth finish and be free from voids, sharp protrusions, and loose
aggregate. Substrate temperatures should be between 40oF and 90oF Concrete shall be structurally sound, dry, clean, and free of dirt,
oils, grease, loose peeling paint, concrete sealers or curing compounds, cement laitance, and other similar bond inhibiting materials.
Rough or uneven surfaces should be made smooth with a Latex Portland cement underlayment to provide a wood float or better finish. Do
not level with asphalt based products. Concrete should be tested for both moisture vapor transmission and hydrostatic pressure, by use of
a Calcium-Chloride (CaCl) test. Consult technical support if test readings indicate a reading greater than 5 # per 1000sqft-24hours. Exist-
ing joint openings larger than 3/16” must be prepared and filled with an approved caulking or sealant prior to the applicatio n of Proflex.
Plywood Substrates Plywood must be a minimum of two (2) layers 5/8” exterior grade plywood. Plywood shall be securely fastened in
accordance with industry standards. Maintain a 1/8” gap between plywood sheets and all surfaces they abut. Joints in the top layer
should be offset from the joints on the bottom layer. It is the responsibility of the installer to verify the deflection of the floor structure and
sub-floor does not exceed L/360 of the span under combined live or dead loads. The substrate should be tested for both moisture vapor
transmission and hydrostatic pressure, by use of a Calcium-Chloride (CaCl) test. Consult technical support if test readings indicate a read-
ing greater than 5 # per 1000sqft-24hours
Other Substrates All other substrates and or sub-flooring systems shall be installed in a manor approved by both the product manufac-
turer and using an appropriate installation method as recommended in the most current edition of the publications mentioned in page 1, of
Application Instructions. Concrete Patching and Leveling compounds should be applied only after a consultation with Proflex technical
staff. (1-877-577-6353) or at technical@proflex.us Substrates should be tested for both moisture vapor transmission and hydrostatic
pressure, by use of a Calcium-Chloride (CaCl) test. Consult technical support if test readings indicate a reading greater than 5 # per
Installation of Proflex Membranes:
For floors, interior applications, Ceramic Tile, Porcelain Tile, Marble or Stone, engineered wood, hardwood floors.
Priming: Stir or shake ProflexTM Primer thoroughly. Apply primer with a long nap roller, brush, or spray application. Apply evenly at 300-
400sq.ft. per gallon, with 100% surface coverage. The Proflex TM Primer has dried satisfactorily (20min – 45min) when the surface is tacky,
but does not transfer when touched. (Note: The primer does not serve as and adhesive, over-application of the product will increase dry-
ing times and may compromise the overall bondability of ProflexTM membranes to the substrate)
Membrane Application:If Proflex is to be used as a vapor barrier, apply Rubber Seam Tape ( Proflex TM RST) beneath all seams, after the
surface has been primed. The 4” rubber seam tape should be centered under every seam. The RST will need to be pre -positioned and
installed prior to the installation of the Proflex membrane. Place Proflex TM Membrane with release paper still attached over the area to be
treated. Unroll the membrane and cut leaving a 2”-3” excess at one end.
Method 1: Fold membrane lengthwise. Peel ½ of the release paper from the leading edge of the membrane and slowly pull the release
paper toward you, exposing the tacky surface of the membrane and carefully attaching the membrane onto the primed surface, avoiding
wrinkles and bubbles.
Method 2: Roll up ½ of the membrane, leaving the other half unrolled. Cut the release paper from the portion of the membrane and slowly
pull the release paper toward you, exposing the tacky surface of the membrane and carefully attaching the membrane onto the primed
surface, avoiding wrinkles and bubbles. Repeat the procedure with the unrolled portion of the membrane.
Additional Instructions on membrane application: For full coverage application, carefully butt edges (overlapping will cause the floor to
become uneven, but not affect performance). Immediately after installation, apply firm pressure to insure good contact with the surface.
Work from the center of membrane to the edges. Bubbles and wrinkles should be slit with a razor type blade and flattened smooth. Protect
exposed membrane and companion products from dirt, traffic, and harmful elements until flooring is installed, grouted, and cured.
Setting Materials All mortars and thin-sets must meet or exceed ANSI 118.11. Urethane Wood adhesives may be used for wood
installations, consult manufacturer for product suitability and approval for use with Proflex elastomeric membranes Consult selected
mortar or thin-set manufacturer for product suitability and approval for use with Proflex elastomeric membranes Use appropriate notched
trowel for application of setting materials in compliance with ANSI, TCNA, MIA, NWFA, and setting materials guidelines and recommen-
dations. Visit our website at www.proflex.us and click to our link listing our approved setting materials that have been approved for use
Finish Surface Installation Apply finish flooring in compliance with the publications listed in page 1 under installation instructions, for
methods of installation over crack-isolation membranes. Do not install any defective, damaged, or any finish flooring surface not for its
intended use. The installation of this product does not eliminate the need for need for movement joints, including perimeter joints with a
tiled surface. Perimeter expansion of ¼” must be maintained at all times. Use Proflex PIB (Perimeter Isolation Barrier) to as sist in main-
taining the expansion gap. Consult the TCNA handbook for other movement joint applications. The product is not for use over ex-
pansion joints, or structural (out –of –plane) movement cracks.
Health and Safety: Read before use. Refer to MSDS for additional information
Caution: May cause slight irritation. Contains: Asphalt CAS# 8052-42-4, Petroleum Oil CAS# 64742-04-7, Styrene Butadiene Polymer
CAS# 90003-55-8, Proprietary ingredient, polyester fill. Repeated skin contact with rubberized asphalt may result in slight irritation. Avoid
prolonged or repeated exposure to skin. Eye contact with residue on hands may cause irritation.
Discharge and Disposal Waste from this product is not defined as hazardous. Dispose of waste in accordance with applicable Fed-
eral, State, and Local Regulations.
For additional information contact Proflex TM Products Inc.
1-877-5 PROFLEX, or www.proflex.us
Safety Data Sheet 2 of 2
Exposure Guidelines: Not applicable. No exposure to components should occur during normal use.
Appropriate Engineering Controls: No special controls are required. Respiratory
Protection: None required for normal use or installation . Gloves: Thermally
protective gloves recommended for heat application. .
Eye Protection: Safety glasses recommended for installation.
Other Protective Equipment: Normal work clothing.
Appearance And Odor: Solid membranes, various colors, with or without sand or roofing granules..
Water Solubility: Insoluble
Not reactive. Stable under conditions of storage and use. For thermal decomposition product, see Section 5.
These products are articles and do not release hazardous chemicals during normal use. Exposure to decomposition products from over-heating during
application will cause eye and respiratory irritation.
These products are insoluble and inert. No adverse effects on the environment are expected, however, do not discard product in waterways.
Waste Disposal Method: Dispose in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations.
Not a hazardous material or dangerous good for any mode of transport.
SARA Hazard Category (311/312): Non-hazardous article
EPA SARA 313: These products are articles and not subject to reporting.
CERCLA Hazardous Substances (Section 103)/RQ: These products are articles and not subject to reporting.
Many states have more stringent release reporting requirements. Report spills required under federal, state and local regulations.
Toxic Substances Control Act: These products are articles and not subject to TSCA.
California Proposition 65
Substances listed under California Proposition 65
NFPA Rating:
Health = 0
Fire = 1
Instability = 0
HMIS Rating: Health = 0 Fire = 1 Physical Hazard = 0
PSDS Date of Preparation: 07/06/2015
Revision Summary:New PSDS.
This above information is believed to be correct but does not propose to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. PROFLEX® shall not be held liable for any damage
resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. This information relates only to the product designated herein and does not relate to its use in combination with
any other material or process.
Safety Data Sheet 1 of 2
Product Name: PROFLEX® Elastomeric Membranes
Recommended Use: Flooring underlayment
Restriction on Use: None
Manufacturer / Supplier: PROFLEX® Products, Inc.
1603 Grove Ave
Haines City, FL 33844
Emergency Contact: (800) 424-9300 CHEMTREC (USA)
Hazard Classification: These products are classified as Articles under the US OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29CFR
1910.1200, Canada WHMIS and the GHS. A Safety Data Sheet is not required for these products. The following information is provided
to assist in the safe use of our products.
Membranes consist of a top and bottom compound of asphalt and polyethylene, polypropylene or styrene-butadiene- styrene resins, a fiberglass
or polyester mat, and a top and bottom surface of plastic film, sand or granules.
The membranes may be self-adhered, heat applied using a torch or hot air gun or applied with an adhesive.
Under normal conditions of use, these products will not release hazardous chemicals. Any sand or roofing granules that may fall off during
installation are not respirable and will not present a hazard to workers. The installation, use and removal of these products will not create
respirable dust from these surface treatments.
In general, no first aid is required after handling these membranes. If burns occur from installation with a hot air gun or torch, quickly immerse
the burned area in cold water and get medical attention for treatment of the burn if needed.
Eyes: If particles from surface coating enter the eye, flush eyes with water while lifting the upper and lower lids. Get medical attention if
irritation persists.
Extinguishing Media: In general water is most effective for ordinary combustibles.
Special Protective Equipment and Precautions for Fire-fighters: Firefighters should wear full emergency equipment and NIOSH
approved positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus.
Specific Hazards Arising from the Chemical: This product is not easily ignited and burns with difficulty. Combustion products may
include oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and irritating smoke.
Pick up and use or dispose of properly.
No special handling or storage is required.
1603 Grove Avenue
Haines City, Florida 33844
Reference: Unmarked Proflex membranes
To whom it may concern,
Due to raw material shortages and the rising demand for Proflex peel and stick membranes, Proflex
has ordered unmarked fabric facer and unmarked boxes until we receive our printed fabric and
boxes. This was due to our suppliers being unable to keep up with our demand. They have assured
us that this is a temporary issue, and we should be back to all printed materials within the next couple
of weeks. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Thank You,
Timothy Abbott
Chief Executive Officer
Proflex Products Inc.
Office 863-937-9623
Fax 863-937-9624