HomeMy WebLinkAboutchange of electric- --J,_ PLANNING & .DEVELOPMENT SERVICE S BUILDING & ZONING DIVISION ' 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772) 462-1553 FAX 462-1578 CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTUk ()R CANCELLAT1n1` r _hILUg S'lfi Ivy CHANGE OF Cpti-I'I2ACTQR -- ('}1i;nee n f Conte:•tour is to be sigrte[t and nc�tarirecl by the Property owne and the nc>t contractor of lecord for the current permit. A neu contractor iltfo�nattnc. i1 ttew Notice, and sin permit application must also be Completed With rtem, OF Comrnencentent rMW be filed In Elie new contractor', name fnr Job %d1LICS gresler than S2,500 (S7.500 if A.-C Change-ottt}. A recorded ccrp5' must be submitted conitttiencing any work There is a $5o,00 fee for the Change or C:orttt-actor. x d prior to . N CUANGE UI" SUBCONTRAC I'012 Subcontractru- chatlgei rzFf✓ to l)c colttjlleied by the !;eneral coarrac The ncty sabr~ontt;tctor must till out a Sttbcorttrac;tor A4�reement I-'orrn• There is s 550.00 fee for the Change Contractor, tot. ,e of Sub- t'ion. o f .f.I„ it IOt\ qF 1'1:11 �41� — 7 he cxrtceliario[t of a pct•ttut is accel,table onty 11 net ,�vrk has hccn don c n cellatioll of permit r; f to s,g,t�•ti ;1nd lli)Yar17c(1 t14' tiDl}t tilt UL4nC[ and giralificr clt record. 'There is no canccltatinn of the permit fee For Date: perntit Ntttnher: � Ji ._ Site Aticlreas: _ _ Uriginitl (i{..,subcontractor 01 rntinct 1-tlrlltfcr Slate License lVcw (;(.•, Stthe0)f,I tt 1 SUlfe L-icen eV.��� 7 � �yvSLCi-iccnse Reason fut Cin1, cl13t10;I T � The unc}crsi};gcd dnec l,ercb} agree to n[d:n,nify,lnd hold hirmless Sr Lacie C'ol[nty, its uflicers. ar;et~t1d cmi,loyers Frnm a casts, Fees o, daltil tcx arr,rn�; irr,rll arty alld al; clans, rlfac-ri[tn for any reason, which all arix as ;t rcxrlt ut fins ch.lu �t�nlracwrfstrbwnnau�rr r+r rincctlaiwn ufPeltnl[ A perrnit atnnot t>r cane rd if ►Tort; ltas been Performed. 11 3 gl trl' . 16T'N%rt'RL r,I-[31hVf R {nr ,ur�Yhuillfrrj .4ti v.�l U[t C IE:4E CY]\ rrt,�S "rI]i2 for ncu�( r. le apl,lii:,b cf $.ulc orf'IarulS, [:r,rtoty of Sr [-uut i6,trt,,IIEW."T NAME- w �—` TII: ?.7[I.unrgltur.pc t,�.I.,Lrux •1cJ c�th:4If,nudu; W��' ..., m7�],.'1'> it {•el�o:lbllS lrkrrAs wltar r T P� h �as S I Ato , 0 rllrC Qf ivAf8r1' hate E.00 �e'�7r�' ubliC Stale W Flt,r,daHannah E Moore MYCumm9stonHH�. ERpreelll.Ot 9b rZ024 11Ar: cif Flxvrn. [.ow.h, of ti, Lfw �I: Crnl `r?' rI'`: fJ[1Rh1:1�; Ln.t;IlnJ�'nl uac , i —dbyni dgrl� bdwt: me9� 11 My rhHy f.:,,ix7r In 1 r wWblk bax pr d T...L a, Ip. YS(21 lure of ;safarp Date ;a+�" •f4r� Notary NMI: State d Flof.da Hannah E Moore ¢'_ • My i :nn-iss+on HH 01709E ''poi P- E.p�res [17-01r2024 PERMIT ff ! I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ehman Electrical Contractor, LLC _ have agreed to be (Company NameOlndividual Name) w_ the __ Electrical _ _ _ Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwesl Florida, INC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax 1D 11) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. a CONTRACTOR SJGiNATI RE {Q fiery W Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATIOI K ti1BER - -- Stale of Florida, Counts of St Lucie The foregoing Instrument t+as signed before me this { day of ,20p_ by W: Bryan Adams who is personafly known Y. or has produced a Revised 11. 16..2016 STAMP sPRA S A44r ,��i VIC 27 S x ; e #lfi 106177 * � St R.CONTRAcTOR SIGNATURE LQualiferj Timothy L Ehman PRAT NAME 31748 __ CO INICATTV CERTIFlO_,'q Nl'SIBER ' — sure of Florida, Chanty of ST LUCIE The foregoing Instrument was Signed before me this day of !a(k4-?- .,2oZ4.j�y.Timothy L Ehman Who is personally known X or has produced ■ Issildleallillce ion. STAMP Siggat�ayr�r,ofNotarp P�bile t� 1a 1_� Prlgl Name of notary Publir or►*•�e_ Notary Public State of Florida e `� Laura Townsend v•� f MyCommission HN 176435 bjm�o� Exp.911312025