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Product Approval' r'� j�f V f 1 J�I l l j� ,f 7
1 rofessi al.: 99 USER:,.Public.User 0U�I� fi.6 .� 'J �.�1 S >' Ai T1,l��ll�llEi9{;.
& � Product Approval-Menu,>Product or Aoolluition Search>.naoHcation Llst>Application Dotoil r 1,� �.,
.�° FL# FL9777=R7 ij(7t�1R!'l,rTOR0FPFORD
;Application Type; Revision
Code Versldh� 2014
Appiicatign Status Approved THESE "i ANG AINIC "'L PROPOSED WORK
Product Manufacturer. Owens Corning aF.. 4? ,r1011 ff, VYTI H-sL N. PLIC.AL CODES"
A_ddresslPhoneAm'all_ One:Owens Corning Parkway
Toledo] OH 43659.
(A )404-7829
,Authorized Signature- Greg Keeler
gre j:keeler�owenscotning.com
Technical Re resentatiue. � ��V�'< �
p S d.UTC�' 0J.?rT Y M u o --N n1 V1 S!vN
Adtlr.""ess/Phone(Email, ;7 �;T*V-,' t1 TO C Li2:CE
Quality Assurance Representative. DATE
Address/Phone/Emafi; r,1j BLS A' M �% Trr�'I T YjS BE PMPT�;_N TC�D
Category koofing.
Subcategory` Underlayrnents;
.Compliance Method Evaluation Report fi om"a Florida':Registered Architect or;a Licensed'
Florda.Professional Engineer.
IJ Evaluation Report Hardcopy%;Received,
orida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Zachary R. Priest
the EValuation Report
Florida License OE-74621
Quality'Assurance Entity' UL LLC_
Quality Assurance Contract Eiipiration_Date 12/31/3020"
Validated By Locke Bowden
L✓� Validation Checklist-Hardcopy.Received,
Certiflcate:of lnde endence
P FL9777•R7 COI OCRP4002 4A FBC ci14 Fyaluaiion°R port Weath'efldck
hLon-HVHZ- 1.adf
Referenced Standard;and,Year(of;Standard) Standard Year
ASTM D 1970 2609
ASTM G 155'. 2005
TAS 101 1995
UL1897 2004:
Equivalence,of Product;Standards'
Sections_fronr the Code
Product Approval Metttiod Me-thod"A Option 0
" Date%Submitted 04/19/2016
Date.Validated :04/20/2016
Date'Pestling:FBC Approval 04/21/2016
` Date Approved 06/00/206
Summa ':of Products
FL ik Model,Number or Name Description
'077.1 1Neathedbck G` -Weatherproofing Underlay—
Omits of Use. Installation.Instructions
Approved for use iti:HVHZ:No FU777 R7 II 0CR�4042-4A FBC 2614 Evaluation Report.
.Approved for.use-outside HVHZ`Y.es Weatherlock Non-HVHZ final.odf
Impact:Resistarite.N/A. Verified By: tachary,Rr Priest 74021'
'Design Pressurdt•.N/A Createtl by Independent Third Party Yes
Other._See'evaluation report:for llbrilts of use. 'EvaluatI "Reports
FL9777 R7 AE OCR14002:4A FBC 20i4`Evaluation Report
:Weatherlock Non-HVHZ final.odf
Created.by Independent:Third Party;,Yes
9777;-2' Weatherlock:MAT Waterproofing Underlayment
Limits of Use` Instaliation'Instructions,
Approved'for use In HVHZ:No .FA-077 R7'II OCR140024A FBC'2014 val a lon Report-
.Approvedforuse outside HVHZ rYes Weatherlock--Non-HVHZ_final odf
Impact Resistant:N/A: Verified By: Zachary;R. Priest-7402i
Design pressure•,N/A Created'by;Independent Third.Party-Yes;
Other See evaluation repor�tfor limits;.of Use: Eyaluation,Repotts
F"L9777 RT AE 09,R14002 4A FBG Z014 EValua'on Reo"rf
yyeath ock Non-HVHZ-.finaLgdf:
Created by,Independent Third.Party:Yes
,9777 3; WeatfierWek::Metal Weatherproofing Underlayrnent
.Omits of bse: Installation Instructloris:
Approvedrforuse:in HVHZ_No 'FL9777 R7`II OCR14002 4A FBC 201 valUation Reoor`t
Aliproved'for use,outside HVHZ!'Yes Weatherlock"Non-HVHZ-final odf'
Impact Resistant*-NA, Verified By.' Zachary R. Priest PE-74021.
Design Pressure•NJA Created by Iridepenr i nt Third Party.Yes
Other:See evaluation report fortirriits,of use. Evaluation Reports
FL9777 R7 AE OC1114002-4 F13C>2a14 Fy-1 6ti6i'Reo?t,
Weatherlock•N'on=HVHZ-final odf'
Created by-IndepencientThird Party:Ye$.,
9777;4 1Neatherlock'Metaf Weatherproofing U.nderiayment
Lirnits of Use, Installation"Instructions
Approved for use In HVHZ-Yes EQ777 RZ 11 OCR14002 46 FBC 7014.valuation ReoorY'
—Approved for use.outside H_VHZ:;:No. Weatherlock.Metal'HVHZ-'final odf
Impect.Resistant:N%A Verifled;.By: Zachary R.,Priest PE-7,4021
Design Pressure:N(A' Created by Independent Third Party:Yes_
Other See:evaluation report:for Ifrnit§of use.• _Evaluation Reports:
F1O77 R7 At Regprt
WeatherlockAetai HVHZ-final odf
Created'by Independent Third Party:Yes:
97775 Vl/eatherLock Specialty Tile&Metal 1Neatherprooflng lJbderlayment.
Limits of Use Installation_Instructions
Approvedlbri us's in HVHZ:'No F19777"R7 II1OCRt'-662:4A FBC' bA yeltt-tion-Re 6
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes. Weatherlock Non-HVHZ-final odf
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By: Zachary`R.'Priest 74021
Design Pressure +0/-105 ''Created by Independent Third Partyi`Yes
Other -see.evaluation,.report for,limits of Use. .Evaluation Reports
F!9777 R7 AE OCR14002 4A FBC_ 014 EVaWafion Rebo
i Weatherlock Non-HVHZ-"final.odf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
track Next;
COMM Us•::1940 NOMIN0 dP Street Tafth6e ,%'3'+ 9-ptioh6;,e%-4s7-Itt24
The Stawor Florida Ir an`AA/EEO:.employer.'C,opvrioM'2f10F2p13 State aF Florida :Pdvacv.Statement AhiIIN'Sta-em nt- Refuridttbteriienf
l i f
Certificated Authorization No. 29624.
REEK Edinburgh Drive-
Manufacturer: OWENS CORNING ROOFING.AN.D ASPHALT:_LLC" Issued Apffl,1'9,.2616,
1 Owens:Coming Parkway
Toledo;,PH 43657'
.www.owenscorn ihd.com
Manufacturing Location: Bientwobd,,,NH
QualityAssu.rance:' UL LLG,(QUA9625)
Category Roofing,
Subcategory: ..Underlayments
Code Sections: 1504.3.1,1 507:2 4, 1507 2.6,,1S07 2 6 2, 15Q7'3:3,:1507:4 5,1.'50Z.4:5:2;.1507,5 3,
1,507$.3.2; 1507 7.3; 1507.7.3 2
,Properties:. Physical properties
Enti Report-No Standard Year
PRI Construction:Materials`Technologies(.TST6049), NEI=039=02 01 ASTM D 1970 2009:
.PRI Construction Materials.Technologies(TST6049) NEI=042-02-01REV2. ASTM DAM 2009
PRI Construction;Materials Technologies.(TST6049) NEI-045 02=01 TA$103 1995'
PRI Construction Materials Technoiogies(TST6049) NEI'=045=02=01 ASTM:O 155, 20056
PRi Construction.Materials Technologies(TST6049) NE1=053-02=01 TAS!103 1'995'
-PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) NE"5M2-01 ASTM 6 155. 20056
PRI Construction'Mated616Technolo&i (TST6049); NEI=093 02-,& ASTM D"1970: 2009.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6649): OCF 2t3 62`401: ASTM D:1623 2009
:PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) QCF=23M2=01 UL 1897 2004
P,RI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878). OCF-252.02-01 ASTM D 4798. 2001
,PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) 0CF-252 W-01 ASTM D 1970 2009
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5876) OCF-25$02-02' ASTM D`1.970' 20019
-_PRI Construction`Materials'Technologies(TST6049). OCF=272-02-01 TAS`103 1995
WeatherL-ock(b G WeatherLock®G:is an.ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive undedayment constructed from SBS
modified asphalt,'a -fiberglass malt: ;reinforcement aria surfaced with granules. The.
product is suPplied:in;2-sq.`rolls with_nominaI'dimensions:.of"3-ft:x-66.7_..`
WeatherLockO 6 is:permitted to be-used.with mechanically fastened asphalt shingles,
Wood shakespir shingles, and_slate roofing as prescribed in the FBC Exposure on.thee
roof:deck,shail•be:limited to a„maximum;.30:days:
WeatherLock®Mat WeatherLocko Mat'is an;ASTM D :1970 self-adhesive underlayment constructed from
SBS-modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat:reinforcement. The product is supplied.in 1=
sq.rolls with=minal dimen,sioris 6f'3-ft kM.3-ft;and.2 sq::rolls.with nominal dimensions
of 3-ftx 66 74
WeatherLockO)Mat is.permitfed`to be.used with,mechanically fastened asphalt-shingles,.
wood shakes:or shingles,,and slate roofing:as prescribed imahe FBC. Exposure on the'
roof deck shall be invited to"a°maximum 30 days:
OCR14002:4A. FL97,77-R7 Page 1 of 4_
This evaluation report is provided for State of-Flonda_pioduct,approval;under-Rule>61G20=3. 'The:manufacturershall'notify CREEK.
Techrncal..Services,LLC of any product changes or quality.assurance changes throughout the duration'for which this report is valid.:
This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,.recommended=.use,;or other product:;attnliutes that are.nof
specifically=addressed herein_ _
EK Weathei•,Loc�Self-Se,aling Ice&Water Barriers
`WeatherLock®Metal WeatherLock®Metal is4 an;ASTM:D;1970:self-adhesive<:underlayment constructed#rom
SBS modified asphalt with a fiberglass,.mat remforcemerit and plastic film surface. The
product is;supplied in 2.Qsq:rolls:with nomin' dimensions:of S3 ft x66.74.
WeatherLocW Metal is permitted to be used with mechanically fastened asphalt
shingles metal roof parip-, e.:o ingles, wood shakes orshingles;.and slate roofrig as
prescn etl fn;the FBC. Exposure-on the 'roof deck Shall't a limited"to a,maximum. 90
<WeatherLock® WeatherLock®Specialty Tile & Metal is an:,ASTM,D 1970'self adhesive underiaymdnt-
Specialty Tile:&Metal constructed from SBS.modified asphalt and surfaced with a non woven polyester fabric_;
The product_is upplied in2.14sq.611§.with'n6minal dimensions of:3=ftx'71'.3-ft.
WeatherL60k0;Specialty Tile&Metal,is permitted to-be used with mechanically;fastened,
asphalt shingles,clay or concrete file, metal,roof panels 6r shingles, wood shakes:or
shingles an0 late>roofing.as prescribed in the EBC. Weathertock®.SpecialtyTile &
Metal is permittedto be used With adhered clay.or concrete:tile,roofng using either aWm.
2=Component.Foam Rooi"Tiie Adhesive AH-160(3M Company) or TILE BONDTM'Roof-
Tile_Adhesive:(The'Dow Chemical Co
mpanyj; Exposure onah e roof`deck°shall be.limifed
to a=maxim*um 90-'days.
The maximum roof"slope shall be 6`.,12 when:used—th,. I,p . r,con-retetile installations
without.battens Tile shalf.'be stored on.battens for-roof'Slopes-greater than_612. Tiles,
shail.not be-stacked greater.10 tiles per stack:.
Min. Roof Slope: 212`or in°accordance in with:FBC
Application:: Deck'substn3#es shalt be clean, dry, and:free from any irregularities and. debris:. A#
fasteners�n•ttie declrshall be.checked for protrusron andcorrected prior to 6 d'H *- enf�.
application; ,Prior to beginnrng Ir stallatton, `the underlayment 'shall ba,unrolled.and
allowed.tarelax fora minimum of3-5.mInutes.
The>undedayment shall 661ristalled with the'release backer removed and:pressed firmly
Into•place to ensure complete contact with the decks The underlayrrient shall. be.installed
Wi t h---thei roll;length parallel tolhe save, starting,at the eave, and.with minimum 3",side
laps and minimum 6" end taps staggeretl_;6 ft 'from preceding course.: End laps.for
WeatherLock.Specialty Tile& Metal:shall'be primed with ASTM 01 41 primer or sealed
wit h-.asphalt:roof'cement a_minimum'of 3-4 inches across.;the.width.of theaap:.
It'is permissible to nail the underlayment 18-inche' 'bh-center as needed (nails-.shall be
inst6ilb.d.,oi6r'p!'-di6iiia:r1 to deck with the nail heads flush to the top surface of the.
underlayment). WeatherLock® :Specialty Tile i3<. Metal.shall'be back nailed when_-
instatled_on roof'slopes greaterthan°31 11 2.
For valley, applications,.the roll shall be; applied centered along, the valley prior to.-
installing the undedayment at the eave,. F.or eave protection;ahe underlayment should
extend to.a:point 24=inches inside the exterior wall.
The underlayment shall be installed" metal drip edge at-the eave,:and under the drip
edge:at the rake or valley pan when.used as a valley liner.. Alternately, it is;perrriissible
to install the,underiayment under the:drip edge in accordance'Secttop 1507.2 93.
Min.Application 40°F;Contacfthe manufacturer,when instaping.at;temperafures below the minimum
Temperature:; application temperature.
QCR1400::AA FL9777 RT Page2.of-4
This evaluation,report is.provided for:State of Florida.prod uct_approv.•al under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacfurershall notify,CREEK
Technical 5ennces,'ELC of any product changes or qualRyassurance changesahroughout the duration for which this rep-66 is valid.
This evaluation report does'no.-express•nor imply warranty,installation;recommended use;or•other product attributes that=,are::not
specifically addres§ed herein.
i - -
Weathe"rl:ock®Self-Sealing Ice.&;Water Barriers
The ressures shown below were calculated using a 21 rrtargin.of safetyper F.Bt 8ection"1504.9:.
Undedayment,system No t'
Roof Deck: Min,15/39 inch COX plywood attached 10 wood':supports spaced a maximum'24 o C.
Undedayment: WeatherLoeko. Specialty, IN & Metal shall be applied in accordance: with
manufacturer's installation:instructions to the fastened, deck and backnailed along:the
selvage with minimum 120., 1 1/4-inch galvanized ring shank,roofing:na►ls through
optionally primed, -32ga.. x 1-5/&inch- 0 tin -caps spaced, .72" o c. The: applied
underlayment,shalt.be..lolled with :A minimum 7514 steel roller immediately=following
Maximum Design, -106"psf;
1).. This evaluation reportis''not use`in ttie HVHZ..
2) Fire:Classification'is:notwithin-the scope of this'evaluation:
3) 'Installation of the`eyaluated protluctshall comply,with:this report;the FRC' and'ithe manufacturers published
•application'instructions:. Where;discrepancies,exist between;these sources;:th;e more.restrictive and.FBC
compliant installation detail shall prevail:
The roof'deck shall be;constructed of clgsely fitted plywood sheathing for new or existing cons4ructi'on:.
5), The sp ace underthe 'deck area shall,be propedy;ventiiated m accordance with`the FBC requirements.
6). Ali�side lap seams shell'be msf61164.to shed=wat®rfrom the:deck.
7) The underlayment may bei used as described�m other curreint.FBC product approval documents:.
8) ;;Design Wind load pressures,thai ll'be:=detemiined.for components and cladding in accordance with FBC
9) The roof deck shall be.designed by others in accordance with FBC requirements to,resistahe design wind
load pressures`f' components-and cladding.
10):Maximum Design Pressures for a,given underlayment shall` meet or exceed the design: wind-. loads
deten ined.for the roof asseni6iy..
11) All products listed in,this.report shall be,h!6nufactured'undera..quality assurance program incompliance with
Rule 61G20-3.
. . .
0C914002.4 FL9777=,R7 Page.3 of 4
This.evaluation report Is provided for State of Florida:praductapproval under Rule:61G20-3': The manufacturershall notify CREEK
assurance changes throughout,fhe duration#or which'thsreport;is'-vaiid..
Tphis evaluation eport d esan't express not 9 ply warrantya in tailation recommended use,or otk'er.product. *16utes,that are not.,
s ecificall addressed herein.
CR5EK Weathe-rLocWSelt-Seallng Ice A Water.Barriers"
The.:producis evaluated,herein by Zachary R Pn6sl(j,P.,E fidVe dbrh6h§trAtdd coifiblidiri6d with the Floricta'Building
Qbde�5 'Editioih"(Al )as jhL
4. Ihe-referenmd rn docuents,'submitted Wft.named manufacturer,_-
rj- .2016. 4a 1 -9
_ %j r
'b�* 'clEN&I-M .14,
• N 6
0. STATE. OF •-4
do . . k
lachary k Onest,
'��''S l7lbrida-Registratio
r ONA 1-Organization'No...ANIE9641.14021
LLC.d6es,not have,nor will ft acquire,-a,financial_i iterestin-any.company
manufacturing or distributing
.prbdU6ts,under this evaluatiom
CREEK--Techhica-1!§,drviceis 'L C.1shpto,4 ed:o bra 1 n ed,by.anycQmp ny anribu.tipg products-.under
L. _,te ,or do troll a m ufacturidgor-dist
,Zqc:ZacharyR.jp a P'E does not have; nor,wilt acquire;aArvant;ial,interest in
man act ng[rp.r disbln§.Orqdqcks
,under:this evWuation.
Zachary R-,-,Pri1esL P E.does not,hays,nor will:kqu ire,_a_financlal,interest in any other entity involved iti-ths.apptoVal.ijedcetia:of`thb-
77 R7
FL97 Page 4 of4'.
evaluation reportis provided 1or,State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20.-3. The Thanufacturer shall-notify CREEK:
Tqchn jcalLServlces,.LLC-'oUanYr product changes dr'qU'allt*y7 assurance':.chOrigos throughout the-duration for which this:repOK is valid:
This evaluation�report does not express
-other producFattribulds that'ar6,66t
specifically addre 6(ad 0 ommended use.,or