HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) File Copy RE.CEIV D JUL 06 2017 Professional RequIcItIon FIOrp3Rtnenlr!, tiC18:Homo Cogtn I,Userttegistratlon.f MatTo�cs I Sub mlcSurcfiarge I ;@tits;&Facts I :PUWImUo� i FBC-Staff OCIS.SttclWp I links I'Searcn i Busines Professi-PaIr USER, ct.Apprcval �1��]USeR:VuWICUsac 3e g ulation \i-` � u ";'uct Anu>'Pr Qr Aop(icattQn'SRBtch.>.AeMicatiDn LfSC>,AppllC�tlen COtdl I `F17804-0 Fl:# Application_typg: Revision. Code Version 2014 Applicatlor=staws Approved F Comments .Archived` 4 Product.MifitlfidUret Entegra.Roof Tile;,I,nc Address/Phone/Small! 1289 NE,9th Avenue Okeechobee,,:Ft,'34972. (003):467-0042 'Ext 1228. o!j s. Oroottlle,com i i4pthorized;Sfgnature.. Terryi Johnson 1 .tjahnson.C�roofflle:caim, Technical:Representative: Jilt Deyactnond Address/Phone/Ernail 1289'NE 9th Avenue; Okeechobee;.FL 34072 (863)�467-004Z f)Deyarmond@rooftilexgm, Quality Assurance Reptesentative. Terry 3otitison Address%Phone%Email' 819:South Fede I.Hwy Suite300.. %Sfuart,fL 34994 • f tfohnsan@rooftile:com • Ol:egory ;Roofing: Subcategory- Roofing;Tles Compliance-Method Evaluation Report'from:a Florida Registered Architect or.a Ucensed Benda.ftfesMonai'Engineer l E4aluati66.Re66tt-Hardcopy Recelyed Florida Engineer or.Architect Name who developed' Robert Nlefi*6 i; +the:Evafuatlon Report. Florida Ucense PE59166 Quailty Assurance Entity PRI Construction;MaterialsiTechnologles'i_LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration-Date i1O%i/2016. VefI bled By 3ohh'W: Kneievich__PE Vatidatton l CheckllSt Nardcopy Received i Certtincate of Independence: Fueo R9 C611 2616 bi CAI MgIIZJ�;odf. Referenced Standard and:Year.(of5tandard) ysar ASTM E1492 2003. FRSAFTRI April 2012 2012' SSTD 11 1997 I TAS lO0 1995 TINS,101 ,1995 i TAS 102. 199§ 'TAS,102(A) 1995 i TAS..112 :1995' Egulyalence_of:Produd Standards`. Certified:By' 4 'Sections from,'.the;Code i 1 ;Product,Approiiai Method" Method S Option D i bki subrnitfed 04/19/2016 t)ate.Vatidated. 04/20/2016 Date Pending;FBC Approvai, 04/24/2016 Date Approved; Q6/08/2016 i suinma. of Products # mor Nb .e Des:riptionMode r . _ .�_. 780d 1. Entegra,Concr_ete RoofTlles'fHVHZ Cdrjcrete.Roof V6 1 ` " jurisdictions). 131rtlts of Use: Insta{latiori Instructions, _.., � Approved for use in,HVHZ,"Yes', -Eg78DA R9 I 2016 01NAL ER FNTE�RA FC7804- Approved:lorusec4tsido-HVHZ:'-No R9 HVHZ.adf ImpacEReslstanti N/A Verif{ed.By:;RobertNieminen PE-S9166- pestgn Pressure N/A Created by,lndependent;.T,hird'Party'Yes Other•Reterto ER:Section 5 for Limits of Use' Referto ER_ Evaluation Reports. Section 6:far Installation. FL7804 R9 'AE 2016 04.FiNAI ER'ENTEGRA FL-7804 � R9_HVH_7 odf r i Created by IndependgntThird`Party:;Yes: 7804:2 Entegra Concrete Roof Tiles(non- Concrete Root HV The _ HZ�urlsdlctions) IJinits of UstS: 'Installa'tion"instructions. .Approv_eddor,use'In=HVHZF No, Ft7804 R9 II 2016 04' FiNAL:ER ENTEGRA FL7804- Approved for uso,outside HVHZ Yes R9 NON-HVHZ.odf: Impact;Reslstant N/'A -Verified By:,Robert Nieminem•PE-59i66 Design Pressure:•fV/A Created by Independent Third Party:'Yesi Other Refer",to ER Section 5`for Lfmlts-of.Use. Refet1o:ER EvaluationRepolts. Sec$on 6 for;Instaliation: F],7864 R9 AE 2Q16r 64:FINAL ER ENTEGRA FL7804- tt Q,9--NON-HVHZ.odf', Created.by Independent'Third Party.:Yes: ' Back Next if_ontaci�Usa 144o`Nnrfh Man -etreet.Tallah+Sme FL 32399 Ph6nri'850.48i=1824• llie,'State'or'Fto(fdb'(s an AA/EEO employs..Coovrlaht.2007.2033 5tate'ofMdda..,PA4acy Statement;:A=Wbility Statement, Refund Statement, i . under flod�a`iaw,omaN ara,publle reoofdS 1t ybu do not vrant your a-mall eildncas eelcaacd In response to a puWlc rernids requcit,ifo rwf send•electioMc 1,mallto tMs dntlty' Ma[t.the ottice'.trypho�or Ey, to Section 55Cte2012,Ilcan3eessIftheyhave.The emidetie used for offitlal:communlcdtton ivlN the Ilxnsee.-NowevM;emall addressesam putdlc.reconi:If.,you do:nat wish to supply,;a: personal:address;picnx proWde 1hp DeparimeM-With an email=address.wrilih can t c'made dvaitaWe to tt 7�iblk:To detertninC if you area 1ltensea urWo chapter - 455,F.S:.pleaio dlck f,�gr _ piadriet Approval Accepts. scwrih•atr9iuL�• i l C EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,I.I.C. Certifcare.of Aurhorfrotion#9503 iTi .353 CHRISTIAN STREET,:UNIT#13 RINI�(ERD. OXFORD,CT 66.478 PHONE::;(203)262-9245. FM (2b3)262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT �i,.�l.. . . Elegra Roof_:Tile,MC Evaluation Report E39310.11.11-'Z44 1�111`L.,GRA -1289`NE.9`I'Menue FL7804-R9 R a Q' F T tr E Okeechobee,F1 349.72 Qate of Issuance 11/02/2011. (i Revision 4 04/18/2016 SCOPE This Evaluation Report is,issued:under Rule 61G20.3:and the applicable: rules and regulations governing.the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The'documentation submitted has been.reviewed. by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of:the product under the Florida gtMding:'Code and Florida Building Code,, Residential Volume.. The: ;products descr.11 ed herein::have been evaluated fbr compliance;with the:5`h Edition.(2014)-Florida_Building Gode(non HVHZ)sections noted herein,. DESCRIPTION., Entegra Concrete Roof Tles:(non-HVHZ jurisdictions) IABEUNG; Labeling shall fie in accordance with,the,requirements the .Accred,ited Ctuality Assurance'Agency noted` herein. j CONTINUED._COMPLIANCE ,hi, .EValuati0n, Report IS V21id until, such ,time,,as. the named product(s�, changes, the i referenced.,Ctuality:-Assurance:documentation'changes;:or provisions of the..Code that relate to the product change:; Acceptance ogthis Evaluation Report by th.-amed client constitutes agreprnen o notify Robert Niern nen, F.E.if the product than es.or the referenced Civali Assurance documentation;than es. Trintyi ERD; requires a complete: review c f this Evaluation'Report""relative-to'updated:Code:requirements with each"Code'Cycle: AQVERTISEMENT The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words"Ihnityl ERD.Evaluated" may:be displayed-in advertising literature. If any pgrtion of the-Evaluation::Report is displayed;then'it`shall be done in Ifs.entirety: INSPECTION �Upon_Irequ .st,a7copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be„provided to.the,user by the;manufacturer.or its distributors and shall be.available for at tM j&.tite at the re.quest_bf the.Building Official. i, This Evaluation Report con§sts.of pziges.I through-6. Prepared b:y ` t,�iitr,, - - - i ,sKv,S74t9 �. Robert.I M.Nieminen,P.E. D:E on 04J18/20!appeazing wps author@ed'by RohcrYNkininen, � Ss� �+ Thefarslmiksea 16 This does not ry see as an electronically signed Fforr'do Registrphgn No.59166,.Flor�da DEA ANE1983 ;rO,SS/�u l�s a�+; document Signed;sealed.hardeoples have been transmitted io the: I' - �4.rnHi'tN Product., r,ION_._ Approval Administrator and tv the named client,client,CERTIFICAT OF INOEPENOENCE: 1,.; `Trinity(ERQ does not have, nor does:it intend;to acquire or will it acquire a;'financial interest.,in,any company manufacturing'o distributing products,it evaluates. 2. Trinity)ERQ is.not owned;6pe.rated or controlledtiy any.compony manufecturing;or distributing products it evaluates: 3 Robert Nieminen;P.E does nbt.have nor uvill-acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which:thelevaluatiort t* orts.arebeing issued: 4. Robert Nieminen;P E does not,haV%noF`will acquire;,a financial interest.in any other entity.involVed in the approval process,of the product: 5: This its a'building code._evaluation., NeitherTrinityiERD nor Robert:Nieminen; P Er"are,.in any way.the Designee of Record for any l . . project 6n which this Evaluation Repgrt;;orprevious.versions thereof;is/was used for:permitting,ordesign guidance d I �etaine - speci{ically fort hat purpose,: Ile` i I i. 1 1 1 i t TRINIIY I ERA ROOFING SMEM EVALUATION 1. $COPE:: 1. Produc(6tegory:_ Roofing i Sub-Category: Roofing ,Tiles, Compliance Statement Entegra Concrete Roof.Tiles, as produced 6y_Enteg( Roof. Tile,:LLC,.have demonstrated- comphance-withahe following sectlons of the,Elonda,Building:code through testing i.n accordance-with-the following; Standards: Compliance:isauf jest tq the,In"staQation."Requirements>:and Limitations /Conditions-of Use set:fortes herein: I 2-. STANDARDS: I .- _.. Section. Property, standard °Year`, f507 3.5;R905 3 S Physical Properties ASTM 61441 2003 2507 3.7,R90S 3.7 AttathmentRequirements FASA/TRI April'2612 jQ4-12) 20'12 71121_ -Overturning Moment SSTD 1.1 1997 3 REFERENCES: Entity Examination Reference Date: ATL,(TST3782) Physical Properties RT0615 01-11 06%28/2i71_ ATL(TST3783); Phys ciLpropert es RT0615.0241 06%28/2011 ATL(7ST3782) Physical Properties RTU635 03 11 Q6/ZS%201] ATL(TST3781) Physical properties RT0615.04-11 06/28/2011 ATL(TST3782): Physical Properties: RT0615 OS=11 06/.28j2011:: ATL(1$T3782), Physical Properties RT0316:01-12 OS/,3,1/2012, ATL(T5r 3782) PhYsicaf Properties RT1103 6T-15 11/07/2015 ATL(TS73782) Physical Properties R71103 02.25 11/07/2015 ATL(TST 3782). Physical Properties RT1103 03-15 11J07J2015 A L(TS7,3782) Physical Properties RT1103 04 15', 11/OZJ2015 .ATL(TST3782) Physical Properties, RTI103,05-15 11/07/2015 PRI(TST5878), RhysicaI Properties E51-001 02,-Q1 -11/06/2006 PRI(TST5878) Physical Properties: ESI=002 02-01 11/06J2006 'PRI(TST5878) Physical Properties ES1-003 02 U1 11/66/2006 p�t1 T'S:T:78)' Physical Properties: ESI-004 02 01_ li/06%2006 PRl(TST11—-- Physical Properties ES1-005-02=01 12/12/2DQ6 P.RI(TST5878) physical-Oroperties.. HRT-023 02-01 11J19%2007 PRI(TST5878). Physical Properties HRT-026 02-01 Ol/08/2008 Tfle Raof Institute- SSTD>ll Membership Confirmation Current PRI(QUA9110) Quality Assurance. Inspection Report 1i/04/2015 1 i i S t i 3 21 f I 1} ifk f 1t(I f b4er(6r Research and pesign LLE. • ,..., . .. . Evaluation Aeport E39330.1111=2-R4i Ce'H&-I to 040thor$oHdn#9503 FU804 R9 � Revislon'4:04/18/2016: ,. Pa9e,2 uf,6: i l I t s i t TRINITY f ERD 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: {A BERMUDA FIAT,'PLANTATION FIAT-and HoRizoN FLAT are ASTM C1492 Type'lll:(low-profile).concrete-roof tiles. d t i �•. , .'16•��,�r { .L S 1 1/4 j lo•; F f 2 l G i i Bermuda"Flat F F S i Plantatloi .Flat' 17='1W 1 13., t . . Horizbn Flat ipp Exterior Research.and Design;llC Evaluation:Report.1393 :11 10 11,2=R4 C-1wRoM 604thorizctl6n#.063 FL7804R9 Re41slo64 04/18/1016 l Page 3-of 6 I ! 4 i TTR UNi [Y'ERD 4.2 BmA—HIGH"S",;ESTATE"S":and.,HAWENDA a[e,ASTM-.Dl492,Type II(medium-p[ofile):;co,ncrete;;roof'tiles:, i i t i ' P. i ' Bella High"S" 1 1 NA Holes. i i - s Estate t"".:. 6 i - 1 t F f f l f 'Hacienda' i t I F } S } F i Exterior Research and Design;i1G Evaluation Repplt E39310.1111 2 ft4 Cerditra a ofAut Dd;oUoO a9903 FL7804 R9 e RevisWh*04/18/2016 Page 4.of;6 's i i Q0 T . NI�Y ERA. 4.3` GA tuASanNISH"S"and REGaL.are:;ASTM C14$Z Type 1(high-profiile)concrete roof tiles. 5 ' 1;7" Galena Spanish"S"" k E9 8 v, .Regal 5 LIMITATIONS: 5�1 This is a.building,,code;evaluation. Ne►ther`Trinity)'ERD nor`Robert.Nieminem P.E are, in any-way, the { Designer of Record forany projecton which this Evaluation,Report;or prey:ous ve-rsions thereof;,1. was'.used. for.permitting or,design guidance-unloss..retained specifically for that purpose,. 5!2 -This Evaluation Report'is,.not fortise in the'HVHZ. 5!3 Fire classification'is_not_part of.this evaluations refer td:FBC$eetion.:1505,Exception-2 or°current Approved 3 Roofing;,Mite rials Directory for firerating of this products 514 Underlayment:shall be that approved by Entegra;Roof Tile, which hold's.Florida Local or'Statewide.Product: ! ;Approval for use with the roofing systems. The-underlayment Product Approval-shall"specify allowable methods) of,tile j l., installation (mechanical'attachment, mortar-set and/or adhesive set) for use, with the, specific uriderlaymen, For mortar set or adhesive=set tile:roofing applications,.the underlayment Product:.. i Approval shall specify attachment methods for the underlayMent.system;to resist wind uplift design loads in accordance with`Table!A-,of FRSA/TRl April2Q12(0:4=12). 5`5 All products m the:roof assemblYshall have:-quality:assurance audit in accordance:With-the Florida=:Building Code and:.F A.G:Rule.61G20=3. Exted6r.kesearch and design,Lit. Evaluation=Repart:E39310.11 11-2-R4. Certilkate ofAuthorization#9503 FV804 R9 Me st_on 4ta4[i8%20i6 P,.ageS'of 6 4 i i T NITYjER RI 6.;. :INSTALLATION: 6:1 Entegra.Concrete Roof _.,,es'may .6 mechanically fastened mortar=set'or adhesive=set Iristailation shall �.. comply With'. manufacturei'S current published instructions, but not less than the requirements,;of FBC: Section 1507.3,the:FRSA/TRI Florida,Nigh:Wind toncreh!and Clay Tle lnstgllatron NTanuol, 5`h Edition and,. for mortar=set,.or.adhesive=setapplicat►ons;the mortar or adhesive manufacturer's.Product 4pproval.. 6.2 Attachment: Mechanicallv:AtfachedTile;:: Wind load resistance.shall be In accordancewith:Table 3 of:FRSA¢1RI April 2012 (04-12)'to resist-.the Up{ift` t Moment determined`in Table 2A or 2B of FRSA/TRI April 2012(04 12) Mortar Set:orAdhesive Set Tile Wind load"resistance shall be in accordance:With FBC Section 16095 3"in conjunction with the-mortar-'or ;adhesive mane faciurer's Product Approval; No and Ridge Tile: Tle.shall bee Installed in aced'fdance With:FRSA/TRL April 2012(04=T2): For hip:°antl ridge-tile insiailaiions atop; hip'and edge metal,_fefer fo'the hip and ridge metal:manufacturer's Product;Approval (e g.;,'FL5374)or test` report in accordance--with_SSTD 11 for-allowable loads to:resist those:determined`in accordance with Table. lA:of:FRSA TRI Aptjl 2012.(04-12). 7 IABEIiNG: i 7:1 Each unit-shall bear the imprint and/or identifiable_ marking of the;manufacturer's,name or;10go. Tile lots;: shall be labeled in:accordance.with the requirements of the Accredited ,Quality Assurance�:Agency noted :herein. i . BUILDING.PERm REQUIREMENTS: As required`by the Building,J 0116l or,Authority Having jurlsdiction>n order;to:propedy evaluate tfierrnstallafion:of` this:product • °9,. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: is Contact the noted 'QA. agency for information; jon, product 'locations covered 'for F.A.C. Rule 61G203 QA requirements: t Q. QUALITY ASSURANCEIENTITy:<: PIRI:Construction Materials Technologies,LLG::—QUA9316,"(843)621.077` l END OF EVALUATION.REPORT i i. C t Exteri Y Research and Oesign;LG Evaluation Report E3931011:112 R4 CZ,fl oteofAuthorkadon-OIS03 : 0804-R9 • Revisi0n'4::OA/18/2016 Page_6bf6. i