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Prafessi 1. Product,Approval
US¢R Public,Uses
1'� � PioA rr gpjpmval&Ipn,Y'>P1ndiPc or Apnllcatlon Saarrh>A(�pjtratlnn'P4cr>,pppl(ntio�Detail.
Application Type Revision
Code.Version 2014
Application'Statusi e
Acctioed �,
ProductAanufacturer East,Coast Metals;.'Inc.
.Address%Phone/Email 2301;West 8 Lane,
MIaIeah;"FL 3301Q
(305)885 0991
Authorized Signature Tom Castellanos,
Technical Representative. Tom:Castellanos
Address%Phom Email 2301>-WeSt 8 Lane.
QMIN'Assurance Represeitative, Howard,Callender;]r:
Address)PhonOlTmaii. 2301.West 8,Lane
Hialeah,FL 3301.0
Category: Roofing'
Subcategory Roofing Acces§dHes that:are an Integral Part of theA 4bg$ystem
Compliance.—Method Evaluation'Report from a Florida Registered Architect or z Licensed Florida
t Evaluation Report—Hardcopy Received
Florida'Eng oeer of Architect Name who.developed,.the Robert Nleminen:,
Evaluation Report
Florida,License: PE=59166
Quality.Assurance;`tr tity` Architect6ral7esting,'Inc.;
quality-Assurance Contract Expiration Date' 12Z31/.2018
`Validated By' John W;KrfezeVich,.P.E
4�"°Validation Checklist Hardcopy Received.
C6gt ficate of Independence FL5 74.R4 C.01 2015 01 CQL Nie.,,: n dk,
Referenced.Standard and Yean(of'Standard) Standard, Year,
FRSA/TRI April 2d12(0412): 2012
RAS 1:1& 1995
RAS 119 1995
RAS 120. log 5
SBCCI:SSTD 11 1997
TAs 101 1995
htips:%/tioridabuilding.orglpdpe app dtl.aspx?paranj w gyXQwtDgtVSv8n7QDFXfTAzV6GMEbl1m121vSHOuoY°load July 2,3015
Florida Building,Code Online. __ _ Page 2 of 2
Equivalence of Product Standards
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method-1 Option 0
Date:Submitted 03/17/26. 15
Date vandited 03/25J2015'
Date Pending FBG ApprovaF 03/29%2015
Date-Approved 06/232015
5uniMary of Products
FC# Model,Number or Name Descrtptiot
5374A. East Coasi,'i4ietais:Chann"el=Metals Pe6fo'rnled netal chanrnels.designed for use as a:hip ridge
base=to which,roof tiles are":bonded.
urnits ouluse Installatioti'-Instruc#ions:
Approved for_use In HVHZ Yes- FL5V4 R4 II 20i S'03 FINAL ER=.E M Trim"o Fl 5374'-
Approyed.for<use"outside HVHZs Yes R4Tudf
impact Resi "stant N/A Verified By:Robert Nlenilnen,PE-50166
Llesign pressure +N%A/-1Z8 Created by Independent Third Party.Yes,
Other=1.)Refer to Evaluation Report Sections 5.2-and 53 for Evaluation;Reports
imits of Use in.HVIi and:non-HVH2:.jurisdictions,: Ii A R4 AE" 2015 03 FINAL ER'ECM Trim-lock
Trimock F" 374
;non HVHZ'jurisdirespectively.2,)'T he design pressure herein pertainslo use In R4vodf
ctions;in conjunction witti:"Table 1A of Created.by ZndependentThird_:Party:.Yes
;FRSAM,, i April 2012(64.12) Refer to,Tables 2A and:2B in the
;Evaluation Report for:ail options.and associated allowable
4esign pressures,
Oack "taext:
`{'ririfFirh lic;;,tq:in'Rtnrtfi Mnnrna ctrwaf T IIahA¢e�+.PI:773QO�Phnnr+"R5(1-487-1 R74
The state of,Florida is.,arw*W EO:employer s 'tatwnr Flnrtdn Privar;s sraro nr,'Arrnc:��l�[y�ct to nant- Refund 9Mtorn,ri
Undec.Florlda law,emall addresses are pubile records.If;you do not vrant your:e-meii address released in response to a public-remrds;request,d6 not send etectranic'
mail to-this entity,Instead,contact the office by phono or by t adiUonaI mall If yau"'' any"questions,please contact 850.487.i345. Pursuant to Section
4sS.275(1),Florida siatutes,;effec&e October 1 2032;Iicenseeslicensed under Chapter'4sS,F.S.must provide-.the Department with;an email address EF they have'
• ono 'nte"emaIN provided"may be used for official communication with;thq ticensee.-Howeveremait addresses are public record.I►you# wis
h sh to uiiply a personal.
aQdre'ss,please provide the"Department wlih ari.fmali:address which can be`tnade ivallableto ihe:publlc Tedetermine if you'are a lcensee under Chapter 955;:F:S,,:
please dlck:heMs.
P.teductApproval ACutPtw
sccurit'.'ti trires
hripsa(floridabuilding.orglpr/pr_app dU aspx?param=wIGEVXQwtDgtVSv8n70DFXfTAzV6GMEblJm121vSHOuoY%3i1 Juiy:`2,"2015
' Certiftcate of Autho4zatiort.0503.
East'CoaA Metals;Inc: Eva_ luation Repgrt-E10240.08.08-R4
2301:West,8-Lane FL5374-114
Hialeah,Ft 93010' Date;'of Issuance:09/03/2008
'Revision 4 '03/17/2015
This Evaluation Report.is issued under Rule 61(5204-.and -ihe.applicable rules. and regulations governing:the use,of
construction materials inahestate of Florida:The.documentatlon'submitted has been reviewed by`;R'beet Nieminen; R.E.for
useof the product under the Florida Building Code;_and Florida Building'Co le;..Residential Volume. The products:.described
hereinfiave.been evaluatedfor compliance with the 5t"Edition(2014)Florida Building.Code,sections noted herein.
D.EssRIPTioMu East Coast MetaKthannel Metals
LAscukd; abeling,shall-be in accordance with-the requirements the'Accredited,Quality Assurance-Agency noted herein.
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named products)changes, the referenced
quality Assurance documentation'-:changes;or provisions of ttie Code that relate to the product change. :Acceptance of this:
Evaluation Report.by the named client const tutes.agreement to:notifV Robert N eminen,P'E. if the product changes or the
referenced:CQuality Assurance.documentation changes. TrinitVIERD requrres a complete.review of this Evaluation Report
relative to:updated;eddeaequirements with each Code Cycle:,
ADVERTISEMENT: The 'Evaluation',Report,:number,preceded by the words rTrinity:[ERD Evaluated'' may be:'displ'_ d'_in;
advertising literature. If anyportion 01 the:EvaluationIReport is-displayed,-thgn,itshall.he done in its entirety.
1NSPELTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation:,R;eport,sh 11 be;p"'Dulled to-the 6 er°by.the manufacturer or its
distributors;and shah 6e available for;inspect an at the job site,at the request of`the Building Offid 1i
ThisEvaluation Report:consists of pages l;through Z.
Prepared by:
Robert l M Nieminen,P E. The fadiri ices al appearingwas authorized by Robert Niemmen
_ ,,FS� P.E.on 0347/2015 This does not serve as an electronicaity,signed
ffof/tleRegistrottohNo5.9166,fto�tdoDCAA_NE1983 � �, py�ttit<<�':: documenc9igned,seatedhardrnpiusliavetteeneransmittedtothg
k ProduttAppr, IAdministrator and t_o,the,named client
1 1rinity(ERb'does not haver,'nor°does it'intendto acquire or"will it acquire;a::'financial interest,'in any company manufacturing or
distributing-products it evaluates:_
2. TrimtyjERD'isno-* owned,.operate..dorcontrolled.byany.companymanufacturing`ordisteibutingproductst:evaluates.
3: ,Robert Ni,emmeri,.P.E.does•not have nor will acquire;a financial interest'in any°company manufacturing or distributing products for-
•which the.evaluatori reports,are being issued:
4. ;Robert Nieminen,•P:E:does not.have,not willsacquire,,a financial in m tetest any other-,:entity'invoived:in the:approval process,, f3he
.pr'oduct:. _ .
5 This is a building,code evaluation: Neither TrinitylERD nor Robert N eminen, P.E.are, in any wey,`the Designer:of Record for any.,
project on which.this.Evaluation Report,.or previous versions;thereof„is/was;used forpermitting>or-design guidance unless retained
specifica lly-forthat'purpose:
I _
1. SCOPE:'
ProducKategory: Roofng;
Sub•Category: Roofing Accessories that are an Integral:Paft of the Roofing System.
Compliance Statement:: East Coast Metals Channet:Metals;as produced by East.Coast Metals,have demonstrated compliance,
with'the following sections of'the Flo ridaBuilding.;Code through:testingan;accordance with.fhe following Standards. '.compliance•
is subject to the Installation Requirements:and Urnitations/Conditions of:Useset forth herein..
Section'; Pro e" Standard; xgaf
1507.3 7; Instailafion;non-HVHZ FRS,A/TRI April!'0 (D4'-12) 20.
ISiB$;1, Instaliat6n;HVHZ RAS 11%,119 W,120._ 1995
1523 6:5.2;2 Static Upiift;Resistance TAS 101' 1995
171-1.21 Static Upllkhes stance. SBCCI SSTD-11• 195T
Entity Examination Reference: Date
ERD(TST6644j• Static Uplift Resistance E42730.0813: 08123/2013:
ERD(TST6049j: Static plif[R Uesistance ECM-SC6795,12.A4=1 02/27/2015
ERD(TST6049), Static Uplift Resistance, E(M=SC679S121472, :02/27/2015
Flonda;TEC(TST73.43) TAS101 5107628R 10/27/2010
PRI(TST58Z8)- TAS 101 ECM-001=02 01 09/h/1001
PRI(TST5878): TAS 101' ECM.
003.02-61 06/13/2008.
POI(TST5878) TAS.1Ql ECM-00"2-01 O6J13/2008
PRL(TS7S$78) TAS 101 ECMMS 02-01 d6/.43/2008
.PRI(TST58781 TAS 101. ECM-006-02-01 96/13/2008
PRI(TST5878) TAS_161 ECM-007702-01, O6J 3/2008
PRI(TST5878) TAS'.101 ECM 008-02-01 06/13/2008
Florida 861idi6'g,Code Attachment Requirements- F.R5AJ1RLApri12012(04-12) 04/2412
Fiorida'Building Code ,HVHZ AttachmentRequirements` RAS118,119;and 120• 199$
East:Coast Metals: Metal"Cluality Mi1CCertifications Various
AIrchitectural Testing(ClUA1844) Quality Control Participation Letter Exp V31/2018
4 1 Hip"& Ridge`Channel'Metal::;Pre-formed metal;channel'
designed for use as'a:hlp and ridge base-to which r'ooftiles
•are bonded in,FBC Approved roof qle adhesive.
Hip&Ridge Channel Metal isavallable in 119WS-inch(± .
3/8-irch)length by 2.5;.3,3 S,4;5,6 or 7=inch(+3J8 incfi) j
heights.With 151nch.(+1/16 inch)deck-flanges.
I Ij
Enterior:Research andbelsign;L1C. EValuation Report E10240.08.0844
Cdd lcate"ofAUth"lhatlon'#9503 FL5374R4
Revilon 4:03J17J2015
Page 2 of 7.
42 trim Lock Channel Metal• .Pre-farmed metal' channel.,
,designed foruse,as:a NO and ridge base to which'roof tiles
are bonded in,FBC Approved'raof the adhesive Trim.Lock;
Channel NOW is, 'characterized by its profiled" and
perforated upper horizontal flange'designed'to receive
and'allow for interlock witfi the overiying,tiie"adhesive.:
Trim Lock Channel."etal is:available in 119=3%8'inch:,
3/81 length by`3;3i5,4,5 or:6-inch (±3/8-inch) heights,
with-15 Irich..(±1/16-inch)deck=flanges:
42 Trim Lock'Pius`channei Metai.P,re-formed metal channel
.designed for-use,as,a.hip and:ridge base to which.roof"tiles:
are bonded in'.EBC Approved roof the:adhesive Trim.Lock
Plus Channel Metal is charactenzetl by,its profiled and: �/\
perforated upper horizontal flange designed to receive. I
and allow for.Interlock wtth'the overlying tile;adhesive
;andAts•perforated"deck flanges,:designed far installation; -
atop the roof underlayment via placement' in Fet=
Approved roof the,adhesive, which flows-through ,and
interlocks with the underiyinga,Asive: k
� a
Trim Lock Plus.Channel Metal is available in 119-3/8 inch,
L 3/8"}length„by 3;3 5,4,5 or°6 inch(+t3/8 inch}heights
with 1:5-inch(±1/16-inch};deck=flanges `
4.4 Eastcoast MetalsChannel Metals are-fabricated of the:followrng;metals
10 Galvanized Steel::Min.0 019 b.002 inch;ASTIVi M 3(0790),.min.33;KSI;
Galvalume Steel: min 0;019±0;0024nch,ASTM'A792,AZSS min 35.KSI'.
➢. 'Aluminum: Mim 0.032±0 Q02 nch,•ASTM 8209;3003-H14,;nrk.,21 KSL
➢ Stainless Steel. Min Q.019:±0.0024kh,ASTM A240/A480,T304,min.:35 KSi.
S. L MqI ,TiONS'-
5.1 This is,at building,code evaluation Neither TeinitylfRD`\nor Robert Nleininen, P.E.•-are,.in any.way,"the Designer:of
Record`for any proIOC, n which this Evaluation Report, or previous vers..ion's thereof,".is/was used for permitting or
txtedor'Researchand Desfgn,LIC. Evaluation Report E10346.08.08-R4
Cawfloare a(ApOodiddan#ism FL5374-R4
Revision 403/17/2015
Page 3 of.7
5.2.1 For Hip &Ridge=Channel Metal or Trim Lock Ghannei`;Metal,;refer,to.FBC RA5 118;Drawing 1% Detail 3 RA5:119;
Drawing 12, Detail,1:or RAS'120, Drawing15, Detail I For Trim Lock.Plus Channel Metal; referto-the installation
instructions herein.
51.2 For HVHZ jurisdictions,installations of Hip&Ridge,Channel Meta[and Trim Lock are prescriptive .RAS 118;119 and -
,10,and`the.data.in Tables 1A and 16 is supplemental to these prescriptive allowances..
,installations of Triin'Lock Plus-are limited to projects,having a requited moment resistance:(M,)or uplift resistance'(Fi),
as determined:in accordance with RAS 127;riot greater than the following values.
Refer_to the-tile adhesive manufactumnpublished installation instructions foradhesive:'paddy placement details::
D "`INDEPENDENT" paddy"placenient.means OachT individual'We is bonded to the.Channel Metal in its;own,single
:foam paddy tile head laps are not bonded: This, method is limited to' 2=part tUe adhesives. Allowable
performance data below,far"INDEPENDENT"paddy placement already has,,a 1,to-1 margin of.safety applied to
INTERDEPENDENT"paddyplace merit"means each individual.tile is bonded to the Channel Metal in a-,foam paddy,
and a second foam paddy:;bonds the tile head lap, or two-.t les are bonded•to'the-Channel'Metal using.a single
foam paddy. Allowable performance data belowfor"INTERDEPENDENT"paddy placement already has.a 410 1
margin of safetyapplied to ultimate performance.,
,,: .,, ` `{ � °.�i2tolMAtt�INof5Afk7YAtREAOY,tPPitEo) . � =•
HIP/Ridge Metal Adhesive Allowable Performance
Pulp Metaf Type Tile Type Placement Moment Based Uplift Based'
Mf ft-lbfl' F(ib
.Hip&Ridge - clay:or 3M"'•2-,Component Foam
"Channel.Metal galvanized -concrete . Roof TileAdheslveAH-16p Independent 1ZT 169:
galvanized,Galvalumell, ciay.or 3W 2-Component Foam
Trim Lock Independent 1.71
aluminurn.or stainless steel concrete _ Roof TileAdhesive'AH160
galvanized.,,Galvalume®, clay or 3M'"2=Component Foam
Trim lock Plus. Independent 127
aluminum.or,stainless steel concrete Roof Tile Adhesive AH-160
t` r
(4TAI AfARG►NOF3(afErl i LWAD Ar{'tIED) `
Hip/Ridge:Metaf Adhesive: Allowable.Performance:.
n Metal Type Tile Moment Based Uplift-Based
Design_ y Type Placement:
M,(ft4bf): F,'(160
Tnm°:LockorTrim gaivanized,Gaivalume®„ daygr 3M'"27Cgmponent.Foa.m
Lock,Plus _ aluminum orstainiess"steel concrete R6ofTiteAdhesive:AHA60 Interdependent; 95` 88;
galvanized,GalvalbMe•,., clayor; 3M"'Roof Tile Adhesive
Trim Lock: . - Interdependent 99 94.
stainless,steel concrete RTA-1 .
clay of 3M-Foam lloof Tile
Tt m'Lock aluminum Interdependent 90 :84'
concrete Adhesive RTA;1
galvanized,Gaivalumem clayor 3M'"'Foam RooETile
Trim Lock Plus, Interdependent, .90. '84'•
aluminum or stainless steel concrete Adhesive RTA-1:
galvanized,Galvalume®or clay or TILE BOND-Roof Tile
Trim Lock Interdependent 123 117`
stainless steel: concrete Adhesive
clay:or TILE B.ONV" Roof Tile
Trim ock alurriinum interdependent 79'` 73
concrete Adhesive
galvanized Gah@IUme°; clayor TILE BOND'"RobfTile
Trim Lock Plus interdependent 79 73
aluminum or sfainlesssteel concrete Adhesive
galvanized,Galvalume°'or, clayor Touch'n SealStormliond stainless steel concrete Roof Tile Adhesive; Interdependent 146 139
clay'or Touch'nSeal StormBond
Trim Lock Aluminum'• interdependent 58. 54
concrete -Roof Tile Adhesive
galvanized,,Gaivalume°, clay Touch'n Seal Sto�rn8 nd
Trim Lock - ., Interdependent 58 54
aluniinumorstainless teel concrete RoofTdeAdhesive
Exterior.Research"anii Design,FLC `Evaluation Report E10240.08.08-R4.
Certijtcote of Apthor1M16n 1195,,03. •FL5374-R4
Revision 4:03/17/201s-
Page 4 of'.T
5.u— For.0&,•Ridge Channel Metal or Trim-Lock Channel;Metal, refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12).•, for.Trim-Lock Plus
Channel Metal,refecto the installation instructions-herein_
51.2 For'non-HVHZ, installations are limited to projeets.having hip and ridge-design pressure requirements,determined in
A/ . p ( ),
accordance with Table 3A of FIRS TRI A ril'2012 04-12 not greater than the.following values: .Refer to the the
adhesive manufacturer's published'installation instructions for adhesive paddy placement:details:,.
"'INDEPENDENT paddy piacementmeans:each;individual the is bonded to the Chanel.-Metal in its own;.single
foam paddy;Aile head laps are not bonded;This method is limited to 2-part the adhesives. This method its limited
to 2=part ble,adhesives. Allowable.performance.data below "INDEPENDENT"paddy.placement already has a2
to 1 margin-of;safety applied to ultimate performance.
Y' -INTERDEPENDENT"paddy;'piacement means each individual,tileit-bonded toahe Channel Metal in a;foam paddy;
.and a second foam paddy`bonds-the tile-head lap,.,or,twaailes�aie:bonded,to,the.Channel m etal.using a single
foam paddy.;:Allowable performancedata-below for"INTERDEPENDENT"paddy:placement already.has a 4 to 1'
marginof''safety applied:to..ultimate performance:
Hip/Ridge"Metal Adhesive
Tile' Allowable Uplift
Design; Metal TVpe Type Placement 1psf)
Hip&Ridge, galvanized clay or 3M'is 2-Component-Foam Roof Independent 169
Charinel_iNetaC concrete Tile'Adhesive AH-160
Trim Lock galvanized,Gaivaiumee,aluminurri or "clayor 3M"'2 Component foam Roof Independent 173r
stainless steel: concrete: Tile Adhesive AH-160,
Trim.Lock Plus. galvanized,Galval 11 umeg'aluminum or day or Component,Foam Roof Independent 178
stainless steel 'concrete Tile Adhesive AH=16Q
,.(4 ra104. ..M....oF�a�rr�itirF!1cYapP,tiF+�
flip/Ridge Metal Tile Adhesive Allowab.WUpiift'•
Design, Metal TVpe Type Placement (psf)
Trlm Lock or Trim'. galvanized,Galvalume@;aluminum or clay at 3M'"2-Component FoamRooY interdependent 98
Lock;Plus. stainlesssteef concrete Tile:AdhesiveAH=160
galvanized,Gavaiume°'orrstainiess clay or 3MTM Foam Roof Tile Adhesive
Trim Lock steel concrete RTA-1 Interdependent 110
Trim Lock" aluhiinun day-or 3M'"Foam Roofmli,aA I dhesivel Interdependent 93`
-" concrete �. _RTA-1 - -
galvanized,GalvalutneP al-minuet or y
Trim,Lock,Plu5 da br 3M'r'Foam Roof TileAdhesive Interdependent. 93'
stainless.steel concrete RTA-1
Trim;Lack,` ateel.nized,Gaivalume�or stainless clay or TILE BOND. Roof Tile=Adhesive 'Interdependent: 152
concrete -
Trim.lockr aluminum: clay or, TILE BOND"'Roaf Tile Adhesive Interd
concrete ependent. S2
- -
galvanized,Galvalumee,aluminum or clay or
Trim Lock Plus TILE BOND-Roof The Adhesive Interdependent 82,
stainless steel concrete
Trlm'Lock' galvanized.Galvaiume",orstainless: clay or touch'ir5ealStormBondRo
..of Interdependent' 1 1.48
steel concrete' Tile:Adhesive
clay or Touch'nSealStormBondRoof
Trim Lock Aluminum: concrete file Adhesive Interdependent 61
1'rimaack Plus galvanized,Gaivalume°,aluminum:or clayor ToucH'.Seal I t".m and"Roof . Interdependent 61
stainless steel; concrete Tile Adhesive
Exterior Research and Design,LLC_ Evaluation Report E10240.08.04-114.
fertfJlcate oJAuthorization p9503 Fi5374 R4
Revision 4:03/17/2015
Page 5 of,7
6: Imstau anog
61 The roof deck shall be rninimurrr15133-inch plywood(hon-HVLZ)or minimum 19132-inch plywood(HUHZ):atfached'in
,accordance with FBC,Chapter 23 to.the satisfaction of the-AH1
6 2 Hip&,Ridge Channel Metal and Trim Lock Channel Metal-shall,be'installed using min il:ga:x'lY-innch long x 3/flinch
head diarrieter galvanized annular ring shank nails spaced 6-inch o.c: along both deck:flange's. ;Fasteners shall:be
positioned'/-inch from the outside edge of each.deck-flange,set'ln a bed plastic roof cement For FBC HUHZ;refer to.
FBE RAS.118;Drawing 13,Detail:3,RA5:119,DraWing 12;Detail 3;_or RA5---12o,Drawing_15,Detail 3;
6.1 Trim Lock PIus,Channel Meta[shall:be installed atop;the;Approved;roof.underlayment`in continuous,Vfich,Wide elbbons
of tilt adhesive centered beneath each<1;5-inch v✓ide;deck.flan'ge. Place the Trim Lock.Plus.6 nel Nletal;'into'he wet;
adhesive and,allow.it to-setmuV.prior toinstallatidn of toof tiles
View of Polyset AH360 Placement for Trim Lock Plus Channel(tAetai instaliation
631: it is critical that the;:bond between:the Trim Lock'Plus Channel;Nletal,.the tilt adheswe:and the,underlayment is riot
disturbed,prior:to or;durmg placement of the ridge tiles:
6,.JI Approved underlayments are ttie.codified'30190`.system=or otherFBC Approved;roof underlayments listing approved'
:use of the subject We adhesive,
Exterior:Research and,0esign,LLG Evaluation Report E10240.08:08 R4
tOVflcoteof..Authoiliadon#9SO3 F.t5374 R+1
Revision 4LOVi7f 2o1's
Page 6;of 7
6.4 Tile shall-be instalied:atop the-66hiiei'Metal in accordance with'the tile:adhesive manufecturer's,Approved,published
installation instructions,subject to the limitations outiined`in Section 5-herein. The:exposed edges-shall be packed and
pointed-with Approved mortar or weather'blockingadhesive''in accordance With'FRSA/.TRi April 2012(0412) or:RAS
118,RAS'119;RAS 120.requirements.
..-- __.. .::,� Hip/Rid'ge Tile
Tile Adhesive,
Trim'lpgc Plus
A '
�g S
Mortar or Weather Block
r ' + Adhesive.
Tile Adhesive:
t, •' +, esive
View of Trim Lock Phis Channel.Metal Installation after Weather Mocked:
6.4.1 Channel Metal'shail be free of dust,debds,oils or`other''bond-breaking subsfance prior to`placement oNdhesive:
As'required,bythe;Buiidirig'Official orAuthority Having lurisdictioMh—order to"properly evaluate the installation'of this product..
Contact the;named,C1A entity=for,manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C.Rule r61G20 3 QA requirements.
Architectural,Testing;Inc. —QUA1844;;(717)764-7700
Exterior Resea 6h and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report E10240.o8.08=R4
Cerfipcate'ofAuth'orlrotion 99503, FL5374R4
Revision&O 17/2015
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