HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of ContractorPLANNING;& DEVELOPMENT 5tgVICI~, �h t` �SUILDING & ZONING:DIVISION G 2NO VIRGINIA AVE CO FORT PIERCE, FL 3499 '�- (772)-_462 ],553 ..FAX 462.1578 ;t! T_ GHANGG OF CONTRACTOR $UBCUNTRAGTOR`UR CAh'CELLAT[ON°OF PERIVIT U� _ :. . ;a V :.PLEASESELECT QNE OF TH�`FOGLOW[NG7+ `= CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR -:Change; of Contractor is to be signed and:nokirized by'the property owner; ;and'the new contractor of record for the current permit Anew permit application mush°"also bt ;completed with new -:contractor infoimatton and signature. A -new Notice; of Commencement must_be filed ifthe..new contractors name. ::for fob, values greater than $2,500 ($7;500 if A/C Change -out) A recorded copy .must be submitted pnor,: o, I; commencing any`'worl. There is a $50 00 fee for the Change of oin raetor., ... ./"4R �'l�Tl•.Ti Al1T.. [:1iif l�AATTN,�'l�TAT [�.:L .a... -�a� r changes are to: lie completed by tfie general: contractor: nt f orm{ There,is,a $$0;00 fee forahe„Change of Sub_" of a permit is acceptabte.,ci if no'workrha§;been;done the owner and ggalifi6 of record There isno fee for v-.'vni��,rJa.,i.,rt`iivi� yr rrntvui:".-. ttwwncvtaauuu, Cancellaiion of permit is to be signed and,notariicd&by both 'cancellatton:of the p¢rinit: f Date Permit . State , icense ,_ SLt; f icensc a New GG subcontractor..: _- /y.. Itcason for Cancellatian�WQ F'� t! Ct �� S14hP.r r The undersigned does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless St Lucie Countyns,o iicers;,pgents ariil ernployees from _a1L costs ;fees or damages ans�ng Crom.any, and all'claims ofaction focany re�so ch aris uft of thissh"_ange;of. eontracto;/subcortractoc,oecuncellation of Eertni(Apermit eannot'be c _ e d v_or_ en performd: e, - PSIGunTURCDF,g1VNER(o%owncr/bmldcr) SIG GGNE CON 1CTOR`(ornewGCasappLentilej PRINT NAME c. 1'RINTNANtE"' �4 StatcafFlartda Countyoi� Kt cnc;Coanty^ State;ofElonda CoiunyofSt LLc�eCoutty! The Yolloa�ng mswment was acigwwiedged before me this . toilowtng msliument wasuk mvledge``ji fore me this dayof _20=.6}t dliyof "�C�Li�;.?OL t>}1��! wfiu personall} lrnownto me C i i l Sl�✓1 who ersonaliy Ano gar Wl has b6duiiw u ID: _ has produced as ID - - C - t 1 nl �rir ..,,. . '� Signaturc;of N i ury . Date' ySlgnatur Ravised._041.YSf16'. Y�G'. o1�t JENNIFE'RJONNSON:; � Commisalon # OG 115612:'.; ; dam 00fes June ls, 202t ��fFL�Q BOfVdidThnl8YQa11t1t1f11Jr8ltYk6tl;