HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Calculation Form & Manual J's (2) i i s Pro ect SummaryJob: -�- wrightsoft° � � '; Date: Nov07,2017 Entire House By: DiFrancesco Construction Prozect Information For. 5203 Sunset,Jarvis Residence 5203 Sunset,Fort Pierce,FI NOV 2 0 1017 Notes: PERMITTING St. Lucie County, FL i ' I Design Information i i Weather. Fort Pierce,FL,US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD ! 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 grAb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 17258 Btuh Structure 11899 Btuh Ducts 2042 Btuh .Duds 1430 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 ci ) 0 Btuh Humnone idification 0 Btuh Blower e) 1707 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 19300 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiprier 0.95 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 14284 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average I i Fireplaces 0 Structure 2328- Btuh, Ducts 1176 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heatingg Cool' (none) Area(fF) 1074 1074 Equipment latent load 3504 Btuh Volume(fF) 10791 10791 Air changes/hour 0.45 0.23 Equipment total load 17788 Btuh Equiv AVF (cfm) 81 41 Req.total capa*at 0.75 SHR 1.6 ton Heating Equipment-Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Make Camer i Trade Trade CARRIERAIR CONDITIONING Model Cond CA16NW0180000A0 AHRI ref Coil FB4CNP025L AHRI ref 920,1027 Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 13.5 EER,16 SEER Heating input 5.7 kW Sensible cooling_ 13200 Btuh Heating output 19345 Btuh Latent cooling 4400 Btuh Temperature rise 50 OF Total cooling 17600 Btuh Actual air flow 352 cfm Actual air flow 587 cfm Airflow factor 0.018 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor ! 0.044 cim/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure ! 0.10 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.81. i I ' Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrigllttse gr, 201717.0.17 RSU06570 + 2017-t�v 1412.3321 Page 1 J:\TrmsfwWmuaIJ15203aunset-j3rvb.rup Cat=WS Frontl)=faces:E i i j -wrightsoft° Right-M Worksheet Date: Entire House Date: IYovOT,2077 I By: DiFrancesco Construction I I 1 Room name Entre House bedrm 2 2 Exposed wal 158.0 ft 50.0 ft 3 .Room height 10.0 It 9.0 ft heatIcool 4 Room dwnensons 16.0 x 14.0 ft 5 Room area 1074.0 V 224.0 fF i Ty Construction LLvalue Or HTM Area (T) Load Areal (ft) Load number (BtuhflF-°F) (Btuha2) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perirneter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat i Cool Gross' I NIP/S Fleet Cool 6 W 12C Osw 0.091 n 255 218 171 150 382 328 0 0 0 0 _D 11130 0.290 n 812 BA1 21 21 171 177 0 0 0 0 V,V 13AB-Cfcs 0.183 n 5.12 3.64 261 245 12551 892 �126 110 564 401 Y-G 4A5-2ov 0.470 n 13.16 13.55 16 0 211 217 16 0 211 217 11 w 12C-0sw 0.091 a Z55 2-18 .45 45 115 j 98 45 45 115 98 ViV 13AB-Ofcs 0.183 a 5.12 3.64 309 263 1348 958 9 9 46 33 ILA--�G 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 31.71 9 4 118 285 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 1355 16 32 209 215 0 0 0 0 D 11 PO 0.290 a 8.12 8.41 21 21 171 177 0 0 0 0 J-G 13AB-Ofcs 0.183 s 5.12 3.64477 M 2005 1425 -. ;126 .110 664 401 1013-v 0.490 s 13.72 9.84 34 68` -066 ` 335 i 0 '10 - 0 0 4A5-2ov '' 0.470 s 13.16 13.55 4 8 53 54 0 0 0 D 4A5-2ov 0.470 s 13.16 13.55 48 95 6281 646 . 16 16 209 215 W 13AB-0fcs 0.183 w 5.12 3.64 279 263 1348 958 144 144 738 524 L-G 4A5-2ov 0.470 w 13.16 29.15 16 11 211 466 0 0 0 0 C 16X19-0_and 0.408 - 1.59 1.49 1074 1074 1703 1596 224 224 355 333 F 22A-tpl 0.9m - 27.69 0.00 1074 158 4375 0 224 50 1385 0 i 6 c)AEDexcursion 0 53 Envelope loss/gain 14768 8827 4186 2169 12 a) Inf l atbn 2490 682 727 199 b) Roomventlatbn 0 0 0 0 13 Internalgans: Occupants@ 230 3 690 1 230 Appliances/other 1700 j 0 Subtotal(Ines 6 to 13) 17258 11899 j 4913 259E Less external bad 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 10 10 14 Subtotal 17258 11899 4923 2607 15 Duct bads 12% 12% 2042 1430 112% 12% 582 313 Total mom bad 19300 13329 55M 2921 Ar requied(cfm) 352 587 100 129 I Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. .-� 4 wrights®ft" 2017-Nov 1412.33.21 RghtSute®Unaersa1201717.0.17 RSU06570 i Paw 1 ACCA J:\Transfer\ManualJ\5203Sunsd-jarvhrup Cab=MJ8 FrontDoorf�E I Al-wlrightsoft' Right-M Worksheet Job; Entire House Babe: Noy 07'Zap' By: Wrancesco Construction 1 Room name mstr bedrm m bath 2 Exposedwal 28.0 ft 6.0 It 3 Room height 9.0 ft heaUcool 9.0 It heaticool 4 Rocmdsnvvsws 15.0 x 13.0 ftl 9.0 x 6.0 ft 5 Room area 195.0 fe! 54.0 T Ty Construction Uvakie Or HTM Area (fP) Load Area (IF) Load number (Btuh/Fe-°F) (Bbrhffe) or perimeter (ft) (Bb h or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross WP/S Heat cool Gross NP/S Heat Cool 6 .W 1260sw 0.0M -n 166 218 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 -D 11 PO,. 0 290 . n 8.12 8.41 Q 0 0 0 0 p p ,'. ,0 v� 13AB-0hs 0.183 n 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0. 4A5-Zov 0.470 n 13.16 13.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 W, 12C-0sw :, 0.091 6. 255 2.18 0 0 0 ' 0 0 ':0.: 0 0 VVV,,,UUU 13AB-0fcs 0.183 a 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 31.71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 13.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290 _,. D 11PO 0 a 8.12 8.41 0 0. 0 0 0 -. 0..,.. 0 0 13AB-0trs 0183. s1 5.12 , 3.64 117 85 437" 310 54 50 ,256 182 10D v 0.490 s. 13.72 9.84 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 4A5 2ov " pA70 s 13.16 13.55 0 0 0 p i 4 4 53 54 4AS 2ov '' 0.470. s` 13.16 13.55 ;32 32 418 I 431 i 0 0 0 0 {N 13AB-0fis 0.183 w 5.12 3.64 135 119 610 433 0 0 0 0 I--a 4P5.2av 0.470 w 13.16 29.15 16 5 211 466 0 0 0 0 C 16 40rid 0:408 1.59 .•, 1,49 ;,'195 _;- .° 195 ',' 309 i 290 ; 54 i,541 86 130' F. .. 22A-tpl. . 0.989 27.69 . .. 0.00 195 28 775 0 54 6 166 .. .0 i . 6 c)AEDexcursion 180 -7 Envelope bss/gain 2760 2111 561 310 12 a) Intibation 407 Ill 87 24 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Intemalgahs: Occupants@ 230 2 460 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subtotal(lines 6 to 13) 3167 26M 648 334 Less extemalbad 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redstrbubn 34 31 0 0 14 Subtotal 3201 2714 648 334 15 Duct bads 12%- 12% 379 326 �12% 12% 77 40 Total room bad 3580 3040 724 374 Air required(cim) 65 134 13 16 Calculations approved by ACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. - - wrightsef ' Rtht,uto�)Universd20l7l7.0.17 RSU06570 2017-Nov 1412Pamge P 2 ACC.J:1TrarsferWanual.16203 Sunset kvis.rup Cab=MJ8 Front Door faces:E i awrightsoft Rig ht-J®Worksheet Job. . Date: Nov 07,2017 Enure House By. DiFrancesco Construction name Vk h 2 EExpomseddwal O ft O ft 3 Room height9.0 ft heaUcool 9.0 ft heat/cool 4 Roomd'mensiarvs 6.0 x 6.0 i' 4.0 x 113.0 ft 5 Room area 36.0 fR 76.0 f? Ty construction Uvabe Or HTM Area (f?) Load Areal (fir?) Load number (BiuNFLoF) (BbihflP) or perimeter (ft) (Btah) or perimeter (ft) (Btrh) Heat Cool Gross IJIP/S Heat l Cool Gross NlP/S Heat Cool 6 W 12C Osw 0.09i n 255 218 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 �-D 11P0.: :, 0:290 . n 8.12 8.41 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 . 0 0 yJ 13AB-0fcs 0.183 n 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,,_ 4A5-2oq,,. 0.470_ n 13.16 13.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 W 12C 0sw,. 0.091 a 2.66 2.18 0 0• -,0 ! 0 0 0 0 _ , 0 W 13AB-C fcs 0.183 a 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 31.71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 13.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D'11PO 0.290 a 8.12 8.41 0 _.. 0 0 . . .0_ 0 0 0 0 13A6 Ofos` 0183 s 5.12 , 3.64 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 101)-v 0.49D s 13.72 9.84 0 0 0 0 -0 . 0 D r0 � .4A5-2ov, 0A70 _s, 13.16 13.55 0 0 0 0.` 0 0 0 0 -C 4A5.2ov. A.470 s; 13:16 13.55 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 1N 13AB-Oks 0.183 w 5.12 3.640 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1-G 4A5.2ov 0.470 _w 13.16 29.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C,. : 16X19 Gird 0 i -. 1;:59 1.49 96 36 57 53 76 76 121 113 F. 22A 1p1. . 0.989 ,- 27.69 0.00 36 0. 0 0 76 0 0 0 6 c)AEDexcursion -1 -2 Envelope bss/gan 57 52 121 111 12 a) Inflation 0 0 0 0 b) Room ventlathn 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gaits: Occupants @ 230 0, 0 0 0 Appiances/other 0 0 Subtotal(Gres 6 to 13) 57 52 121 ill Less extemal bad 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistrbufon 16 14 -121 -111 14 Subtotal 73 67 0 0 15 Duct bads 12% 12% 9 8 .12% 12% 0 0 Total room bad 81 75 0 0 AF required(cfm) 1 3 1 0 0 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrigflttsoft, R'ght-Sut&Unkersd20l7l7.0.17RSU06570 2017-Nw1412Page3 ACCK J.WrarsferWanual JN5203 Sunset-prvb rup Cab=MJ8 Front Door faces:E i i - -wrrightsof#- Right-M Worksheet 1J°b: Enure House Date: Novo7,Zo,7 By: DiFrancesco Construction j 1 Room name uhjty ! hbath 2 Exposed oral 10.0 It 9.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft heaticool j 9.0 ft heatfcool 4 Room dmensions 6.0 x 10.0 ft! 6.0 x 9.0 ft 5 Room area 60.0 W 54.0 fie Ty Construction Uvabe Or FITM Area (T) Load Area's (T) Load number (BtuhlR;°F) (BluhAF) or perimeter (ft) (Btuti) or perimeter (ft) (Stuh) Float Cool Gross NFIS Heat i Cool Gross MP!S Heat Cool 6 W 12C-0sw `0.091 n 2.55 =218 s90 69 176 ! 151' 1,81 81 206 177 L-D 11 PO. 0.290,-n 8.12 8A1 21 21 171 !` 177' 0 0 0 0 ViV 13AB-01cs 0.183 n 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r G 4A5-2ov 0.470 n 13.16 13.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 `W 12G-0sw i0.091 a 2.55 -2.18 0 .0! : 0 0 0 0 0 0 VV,,VV 13AB-0[cs 0.183 a 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 31.71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11--G 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 13.55 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 PO , 0290 a 8.12 6.41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13AB-Ofcs:,_ 0.183 's 512 3.64 0 0 0 0 ; 0; .0 0 0 10R-v , 0.490 's 1372 9.84 - 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov,'; 0.470 s 13,16 13.55 0 0 0 0' ; i 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov -; _ OAM a', .13.16 13.55 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 W 13AB-0frs. 0.183 w 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 L-C 4A5 2ov 0470 w 13.16 29.15 0 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 0 C 16X19-0md, : 0.408, 1,59 1.49' 6D 60 95 89 54 54 ' 86 80 F 22A ipl 0,989 - 27.69 0,00 60 10 277 I, 0 54 9 2.Q 0 � I I �I ' >I j 6 c)A®excursion -19 6 Envelope loss/gain 718 397 541 251 12 a) Infiltration 145 40 131 36 b) Room ventilation 0 1 0 0 0 13 Intemalgairs: Occupants@ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 500 0 Subtotal(Ines 6 to 13) 864 937 j 672 287 Less external bad 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 j 0 0 0 Redistribution 26 1 24 24 22 14 Subtotal 890 j 961 696 309 1151 Duct bads 12% 12%1 10511 116 12% 12% 82 37 Totalroombad 995 i 1077 778 346 Af required(cfm) 18 j 47 14 15 I Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements ofIManual J tim Ed. 2017-Nov-1412.3321 Wri9hts0ft" Rght-Subg&Unaersaa1201717.0.17RSU06570 Pkp4 J:1TransferVanual J15203 Sunset Avis rup Cab=MJ8 Front Door faces:E 'I 3 -wrightsoft° Right-J®Worksheet °b Enure House Dafm: Nov 07,2017 By: DiFrancesco Construction 1 Room name kithen wg 2 Exposed wal 26.0 ft 29.0 ft 3 Room height 12.0 ft heatfcool 12.0 ft heattcool 4 Room dinensons 11.0 x 15.0 ft 14.0 x 15.0 R 5 Room area 165.0 fl2 210.0 iP Ty Construction U-Vabe Or HTM Area OF) Load' Areal (tE) Load number (BtuhAF--F) (BtuhAF) or perimeter (ft) (Btufi) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross WP/S Pleat Cool Gross WPl,4 Heat Cool 6'W, 12C-0sw. 0.091 `n` 2.55 "218 0 0 0 0 0 =0 0. 0 L=[) 11P0 0290 n 8:12 8.41 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 D_ .0 V�V 13AEWfcs 0.183 n 5.12 3.64 135 135 692 492 0 0 0 0 -G. 4A5-2ov .- 0.470 n. 1a16 13.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 11 W ;. 12C 0sw „ 0,091 a 2.55,;`. 218 0 _ 0 0 0 p p D 0' 13AB-Ofcs 0.183 a 5.12 3.64 132 123 630 448 168 131 672 477 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 31.71 9 2 118 265 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov 0.470 a 13.16 11% 0 0 0 0 16 16 209 215 0 11PO 0290 a .. 8.12 8.41 0 0 -0 0 21 21 171 _. 177 13AB Ofcs 0.183 s 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 0 180 146 748 532 -G 10D-v. 0.490' .s 13.72 9.84 0 0 0 0 34 34 466 335 G 4A5 2ov p.470 s 13.16 13% 0 0 0 D 0 0 D 0 4A5.2ov 0,470'. s .. 13.16 _.13.56 - _:,0' 0, 0 0 .0 0 D ' 0 UV 13AB-0fts 0.183 w 5.12 3.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I-G 4A5-2ov 0.470 w 13.16 29.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 16X19-0md 0.408 1,59 1.-Q 165 165 262 245' 210 210 333 312 F ., 22A-tpl 0:989 - 27.69 0.00 165 26 720 0 MO 29 803 .... 0 i 6 c)A®excursion -47 -44 Envebpe bsstgah 2422 14231 3402 2004 12 a) Intitration 431 118 562 154 b) Room vant➢atpn 0 0 0 0 13 Intemalgans: Occupants@ 230 0 0 0 0 Applanceslother 1200 0 Subtotal(Ines 6 to 13) 2853 2741 3964 2157 Less external bad 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistrbuthn 10 10 0 0 14 Sultal 2864 2750 3964 2157 15 Duct bads 12% 12% 339 331 12% 12% 469 259 Total room bad 3203 30811 4433 2417 Air reg4ed(cfn) 58 136 81 106 Calculations approved byACCAto meet aH requirements ofi Manual J 8th Ed. A4- wrightsoft" Rbht Suk@Un'iversa1201717.0.17 RSU06570 2017-Fbv-1412.3321 Page 5 .MCP.J:1TrarsferWlanuaIJ6203 Sunset-prvi-.mp Cab=MJ8 Front Door foes:E \ N Sheet 1 bedrm 2 I 12x12 129 cfm 12 x81 129Allcn 12x12 8x4 T� 154 cfm 7 14 47cfm ,6, ility 9 ' � mstr bedrm Ox20 5 cff@ 10x6 134 din \ 9,1 \ 4" 8x4 4" hbathl5 c m bat 4wic x4 8x4 6-1 16 cfrn 3 cfm 6" 10x6 106 cfrrt 1 ` living kitch n 10x6 136 cfm I Job#: DiFrancesco Construction Scaler 1 :73 Performed for: Page 1 5203 Sunset MghtSuite®Universal 2017 5203 Sunset 17.0.17 FZSLW570 Fort Pierce,R 201744ov-1412:33:45 Manual J\5203 Sunset jam' nip I I Manual S Compliance Report Job:wrights®ft� oift: Nov 07,2017 Entire House B t e ou y: DiFrancesco Construction I ':I Project t • • I I For. 5203 Sunset,Jarvis Residence 5203 Sunset,Fort Pieroe,FI • • • e • Design Conditions ! Outdoor design DB: 90.0°F Sensible gain: 15036 Btuh j Entering coil DB: 77.9°F Outdoor design WB: 78.0°F Latent gain: 3504 Btuh Entering coil WB: 64.0°F Indoordesign DB: 75.0°F Total gain: 18539 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimated airflow: 587 chn • I Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipmenttype: SpIitAC Manufacturer. Carrier Model: CAI 6NW0180000AO+FB4CNP025L Actual airflow: 587 cfm Sensible capacity: 13200 Btuh 88%of load Latent capacity: 4400 Btuh 126%of load j Total capacity. 17600 Btuh 95%of load SHR: 75% Heating!Equilpment Design Conditions li ! Outdoor design DB: 42.0°F Heat loss: 19300 Btuh Entering coil DB: 69.7°F Indoor design DB: 70.0°F I ;i I Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipmenttype: Elec strip Manufacturer. Model: j Actual airflow: 352 chn Output capacity: 5.7 kW 100%of load Temp.rise: 50 °F I >I I I s it I Meets are all requirements ofACCAManual S. j `.i 2017-Nov-14123322 I wmrlghtsoft' Rght•Sute@Unhresd2017l7.0.17RSUW570 Pagel i-xTradawmua1J15203sunsd-juvbrup cab=NW8 FrmtDoorboes:E I I it -F}�- vr<,rrights�f Duct System Summary Job: Date: Nov 07,2017 Entire House By: DiFranmco Construction I I • - InformAtion. For. 5203 Sunset,Jarvis Residence 5203 Sunset,Fort Pierce,FI Heating Cooling External static pressure 0 in H2O 0.10 in H2O Pressure losses 0 in H2O 0, in H2O Available static pressure 0 in H2O ! 0.16, in H2O Supply/return available pressure 0.000/0.000 in H2O 0.059/0.041 j in H2O Lowest friction rate 0 in/100ft 0.044; in/100ft Actual airflow 352 cfm 5871 cfm Total effective length(TEL) 227 ft Stipply Branch Detail Table I Design Htg Clg Design Diam H x W; Duct Actual Ftg.Egv Name (Btuh) (dm) (dm) FR (in) (in) Mat Ln(ft) Ln(ft) Trunk Uedn 2 c 2921 100 129 0.056 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx .110.8 95.0 hbdh c 346 14 15 0.060 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 1 3.6 95.0 When c 3081 58 136 0.052 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 118.0 95.0 klhs c 2417 81 106 0.044 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 19.4 115.0 st2 m mm c 374 13 16 0.045 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 17.5 115.0 st2 mstr beam c 3040 65 134 0.045 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 15.2 115.0 st2 utIty c 1077 18 47 0.060 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 4.0 95.0 we c 75 1 3 0.045 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 15.7 115.0 st2 I ® • y TrunR Detail Table, I I Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st2 PeakAVF 161 260 0.044 589 9.0 0 x 0 VinlFtx I I I . I - Urrn:Branch De Tabldtal I I Grille Htg Clg TEL Design Veloc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Duct Name Size(in) (dm) (cfm) (ft) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening(in) Matl Trunk rb3 Ox 0 80 154 91.1 . 0.045 575 7.0 Ox 0 VIFx rt1 rb2 Ox 0 100 129 93.1 0.044 655 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx rt1 rb1 Ox 0 172 305 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 VIFx Boldfitalic values have been nanualty overridden I 2017-Nov-141233:22 A: + wrightSOft" Rijht-Sutella unkusd20l7l7.0.17RSUG6570Page 1 ACCK J:1TradetfianualJ15203%nset p*.jup Cab=WS Frmt Door fac :E I I i Return Trunk .Detail I it Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FR (ipm) (in) (in) Material Trunk rt1 PeakAVF 180 282 0.044 639 9.0 0 x 0 �, VinlFlx I I I I I i I i i i �I I i t I I - I I i i Boldldalic values have been rrenualty overridden .� wri htSOft' zo17-ram-1a1zRW2 9 Rght-S'ule®Unr��a1201717.0.17RSU06570 �2 ACCk J:lTransfaVNanualJl5203Sunsd-jev"s.rup Cab=MJB Front Door faces:E � I