HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlower Door Test_ Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 40 2300 Virginia Ave, Rm 201 • Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: 772-462-2165 Fax: 772-462-6443 BLOWER DOOR TEST FORM House Infiltration Test Certification Prescriptive and Performance Method Date: 4/19/18 Contractor: Renar Builders LLC Job Address: 9309 Permit #: 1711-0569 e Dr., Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Construction: (}�) New Construction — Complete ( ) Existing —A / �. House Infiltration Test Results SLC Climate Zone 2 CFM (50) = Test Date: 4/19/18 Volume = ACH (50) = CFM (50) x 60 / Volume = 41 3 chanica/ Ventilation required h Passing results must be & ACH (50) or less) Pass ( ) Fail 1 FBC, Energy I The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not hour in Climate Zone 1, 2 and 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 throughi8. Testing s blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inches w. g. (50 Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by eith Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.1 approved third party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party provided to the code official. Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all per thermal envelope. FBC, Residential Where the air infiltration rate of a dwelling unit is less than 5 air changes per hour when to pressure of 0.2 inch w. c. (50 Pa) in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 of the Florida Build, the dwelling unit shall be provided with whole -house mechanical ventilation in accordance Testing Company Company Name: Florida Energy Testing, LLC Address: PO Box 880624, P I hereby certify that the above House Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FBC requirements in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 Climate Zone 2. 1 Signature: Printed Name: Scott Roos License/Certification #: 5055303 Addition than 5 ACH ceeding 7 air changes per II be conducted with a individuals as defined in i (3)(f), (g) or (i) or an iducting the test and rations of the building ?d with a blower door at a r Code, Energy Conservation ith Section M1507.3. L, FL 34988-0624 rgy Conservation PlanningA Devel,oprilent S,ervi4e.s RECEIVED Building StCode,Regulation Division 1.300.Virginla.Ave, Rm 213.1 APR 2 4 2018 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ST: p r, L: uc,e C, ST, Lucie county, permitting Phone: 771-461-1165 Fax: 712-462-6443 BLOWER DOOR-TESI'FORM House lttfiltration:Test?Certification Pirescriptive, and Performance Mpthq4 Date: 4/l 9/1,8 Permitl: 1711r0569. .Contractor: 'Ronar Builders LLC Job Address- 'M9'PbtWde. Dr., Fort Pierce,.. FL 34945 Construction: 1XI I New Construction — Complete )'Existing — Houselinfiltration Test Results SLC. Cllimate'Zo.ne,2 CFM (50) Test Date: 4/191,181 Volume: = AIM (50) "_ ffK(59)1x60 / Voifiuniei 3, Mechanical Ventildtion'Tequiret Passing results,must be & ACH (50) or less jPass, Fail FBC,,Energy The building ordwelling uhit'shll.,b6,teste.d.-and ,.verified ashaVing,a.n,air leakage rate ofnot hour in-Climate-Zone,1, 2 and,3,,ainchanges per'hour in,Climate ZQhes.3 through 8.7esting,s blower door at a pressure ,of,10.2 ihiches',W. &45P _13,asicals). Testing g shall be conducted by eith Section 553.993(5)-or-(7), Florida Staiuies.-orindiv'[duals licensed '.asset forth i"n,Selction48'9.'3 approved :third party; -written report of the r6s61ts, bf-the test shall signed b" th, A s.igne j y _e party;i provided'A the code official. Testing -shall pi4rfprmediat,ao,,y-',time�aftee�(;reatioh-�of all,ppn P.. I I fficiI thermal.envelopo. I FBC-j Residential Where the air infiltration rate of dw6llihg' L(bit.iskss.fliah 5.'a.ir changes p�ef'h,6&;when test presspre of 6.2j ch 'W. (50. Pa) in accordance with Section 11402.4.1.2 of.tther Florida Buildin wacco -rd,ance`v theAWelfin&uriii�'shall-bi� prciAded,withvhblerhouse' rnechani.cal V66tila'ti­ fi' I P Testing Company. Company -'Name Florida: Energy Testing, LLC P01 B6,X: Address. Addition than :5AtH, cqeding Z.air changes per 11 be,c6nd ucted With a indivic14als*_1as defined'in (3)'ffi, 1(k) or,.(!):br an idUcti_hg`ftfe test -and rai., , ions,of the bdilding With a blbwer.do-or At a ode; Ehergyt6nservafidn 'Setticin.M1507.3. P 'I FL 349� 88- SL.- -0624 I hereby, certify t hat the -above House infiltration results demonstrate cornpl ianc el with FBC-, requirernents,ifi accordance with Section R4d�,.4..l-.,2-;Climate:2rdkeCbpy PARTIAL APPROVAL Signature: JV. Printed Name: Scott Roos License/.Certification #: .50.55303 U pig Planning& Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia.Ave, Rm 201 • Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phone:772-462-2165 Fax:772-462-6443 BLOWER DOOR TEST FORM House InfiltrationTest Certification. Prescriptive and Performance Method Date: 4/19/18 Contractor: Renar Builders LLC Permit #: 1711-0569 Job Address: 9309 Portode Dr., Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Construction: O New Construction — Complete ( ) Existing —A House'Infiltration Test Results SLC Climate Zone 2 CFM (50) = Test Date: 4/1.9/18 Volume ACH (50) = CFM (50) x 60 / Volume = 3 Mechanical Ventilation required h Passing results must be & ACH (50) or less { ) Pass ( } Fail FBC, Energy The building'or;dwelling unit shall be tested -and verified as having.an air leakage rate of not hour in.Climate Zone 1, 2 and 3, air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8. Testing s blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inchessw. g (50, Pascals). Testing.shall be: conducted by 6ith Section 553.993(5) or (7). Florida Statutes or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.1 approved third. party. A written report of the `results bof the test shall be "signed by the party provided to.the code official, Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all pen thermal envelope. FBC, Residential Where the air infiltration rate of a dwelling unit is less than 5 air changes per hour when to ,pressure of•0.2'inch w. c. (50 .Pa) in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 of the, Florida Build the -dwelling unit shall:b.e provided with whole -house mechanical ventilation, in accordance Testine:Gompany II Company Name: Floncla Energy Testing, ,LLC Address: PO Box 880624, P i I hereby certify that.the above House'Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FBC requirements, in accordance with Section-R402.4.1.2 Climate Zone 2. Signature:, Printed Name: SCOtt•RQ0.s_. r License/Certification #: 5055303' PA R rIA Addition than S ACH :eeding 1-air-changes per. I be;conducted-with a individuals as defined in (3)(f); (g).or (i) or an ducting the test and 'ations of..the building, I with a blower door at a Code, Energy,Conservation :h Section M1507.3. L, FL 34088-0624 Conservation e COPY APpROVAi4 Plannit Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave, Rm 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phone:772-462-2165 Fax:772-462-6443 BLOWER DOOR TEST FORM House Infiltration Test Certification Prescriptive and Performance Method Date: 4/19/18 Contractor: Renar Builders LLC Permit #: 1711-0569 Job Address: 9309 Portside Dr., Fort Pierce, FL 34945 �) RECEIVED APR ,14, 7010 Construction: (New Construction — Complete ( ) Existing — After Addition House Infiltration Test Results CFM (50) = Volume = ACH (50) = CFM (50) x 60 / Volume = Passing results must be & ACH (50) or less SLC Climate Zone 2 Test Date: 4119/18 Mechanical Ventilation required less than 5 ACH ( ) Pass ( ) Fail FBC, Energy The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of notlexceeding 7 air changes per hour in Climate Zone 1, 2 and-3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8. Testing shall be conducted with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inches w. g. (50 Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105 (3)(f), (g) or (i) or an approved third party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official. Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all pe i etrations of the building thermal envelope. FBC, Residential Where the air infiltration rate of a dwelling unit is less than 5 air changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inch w. c. (50 Pa) in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation the dwelling unit shall be provided with whole -house mechanical ventilation in;accordance with Section M1507.3. Testing Comuanv Company Name: Florida Energy Testing, LLC Address: PO Box. 880624, Pk, FL 34988-0624 I hereby certify that the above House Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FBC'�Energy Conservation requirements in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 Climate Zone 2. Signature: Printed Name: Scott License/Certification #: 5055303 ppP R�V��