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GFA Geotech Report 3
GFA MTERNATIONAIL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 13(Front) N27.223090 W80.294610 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data 9� Depth i !(ts (meters rlcfl�n Ratio,F�R P P+S FR ) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 z 4 b 8 0 20 40 3.3 0.2 40 50 80 1.7 0.4 50 60 100 1.6 0.6 58 70 116 1.4 0.8 50 62 100 1.6 1.0 48 60 96 1.8 1.2 55 68 110 1.6 1.4 5 62 75 124 2.1 1.6 70 90 140 0.9 1.8 70 80 140 0.9 2.0 55 65 110 1.4 2.2 28 40 56 2.8 2.4 30 42 60 2.4 2.6 33 44 66 2.0 2.8 20 30 40 2.6 3.0 10 If 18 26 36 3.7 3.2 lvk 20 30 40 4.6 3.4 11 27 41 54 3.2 3.6 20 33 40 2.6 3.8 20 28 40 2.6 4.0 42 50 84 3.1 4.2 80 100 160 1.7 4.4 80 100 160 1.7 4.6 15 80 100 160 1.7 4.8 80 100 160 1.7 5.0 80 100 160 5.2 i d w ' 20 a A I 25 i I i i e 30 i I I i 35 i i 40 ff II I I I I I I i P:Wrojects12012V 24095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I �I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN il Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 13(Back) N27.223100 W80.294411 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) q` FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 rictiFn Rtio,F6R 8 P P+S (tsf) (me ters) 0 I 27 54 1.2 0.2 45 50 90 1.5 0.4 32 42 64 3.1 0.6 35 50 70 1.9 0.8 60 70 120 1.1 1.0 60 70 120 1.7 1.2 60 75 120 1.7 1.4 55 70 110 1.2 1.6 5 60 70 120 1.3 1.8 50 62 100 2.6 2.0 50 70 100 1.3 2.2 20 30 40 3.0 2.4 22 31 44 2.1 2.6 18 25 36 2.9 2.8 15 23 30 4.4 3.0 10 30 40 60 2.9 3.2 17 30 34 3.9 3.4 38 48 76 1.9 3.6 27 38 54 2.0 3.8 25 33 50 1.8 4.0 28 35 56 0.7 4.2 27 30 54 1.0 4.4 25 29 50 0.8 4.6 15 25 28 50 2.1 4.8 22 30 44 3.0 5.0 45 55 90 5.2 j � I w 20 a d A 25 I 30 i 35 i I 40 P:IProjec1sU012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done' GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 I PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 14(Front) N27.222901 W80.294321 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) U Field Data Depth ' , rlct' n R d ' 6 o F�R p P+S (q}) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 8 0 50 100 0.9 0.2 48 55 96 2.1 0.4 40 55 80 2.1 0.6 52 65 104 2.5 0.8 80 100 160 1.7 1.0 80 100 160 1.7 1.2 70 90 140 1.9 1.4 100 120 200 1.3 1.6 5 110 130 220 0.6 1.8 90 100 180 1.5 2.0 50 70 100 1.7 2.2 22 35 44 1.8 2.4 20 26 40 3.0 2.6 18 27 36 4.4 2.8 18 30 36 4.0 3.0 10 17 28 34 4.7 3.2 20 , 32 40 3.3 3.4 30 40 60 1.5 3.6 jir 48 55 96 1.7 3.8 40 52 80 0.8 4.0 40 45 80 0.8 4.2 40 45 80 0.8 4.4 20 25 40 2.6 4.6 15 30 38 60 1.5 4.8 43 50 86 0.3 5.0 68 70 136 5.2 w .0 20 a � A I i I 25 i 30 I � I 35 LLL I � 40 lfl+ I I I ii i P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Hoines)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I � �I GFA INTEINATIONA L 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Pr ject No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PNI/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 14(Back) N27.222731 W80.294171 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) q` FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 rictin Rtio,F6R 8 P P+S (w) (meters) 0 10 20 4.6 0.2 28 35 56 1.9 0.4 50 58 100 2.0 0.6 40 55 80 2.1 0.8 52 65 104 1.3 1.0 60 70 120 2.2 1.2 70 90 140 1.1 1.4 60 72 120 1.7 1.6 5 55 70 110 1.8 1.8 65 80 130 1.5 2.0 55 70 110 1.0 2.2 { 22 30 44 1.8 2.4 20 26 40 2.6 2.6 15 23 30 3.5 2.8 14 22 28 3.8 3.0 10 15 23 30 2.2 3.2 17 22 34 3.1 3.4 13 21 26 3.6 3.6 15 22 30 1.8 3.8 ' 28 32 56 1.9 4.0 22 30 44 1.5 4.2 25 30 50 2.6 4.4 1 25 35 50 1.3 4.6 15 27 32 54 1.2 4.8 25 30 50 2.1 5.0 32 40 64 5.2 m w 20 a A � . I 25 i i I 30. i j 35 I I 40 P:IProjec1A2012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Hanes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 15(Front) N27.222711 W80.294171 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field DataCone Bearing,qc(tsf) qc FR De�trhs 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 ff rictl n Ritio,F6R 8 ) 0 25 50 2.6 0.2 50 60 100 1.1 0.4 50 58 100 1.5 0.6 37 48 74 1.8 0.8 60 70 120 1.1 1.0 70 80 140 1.9 1.2 70 90 140 1.4 1.4 5 60 75 120 2.0 1.6 52 70 104 1.9 1.8 55 70 110 1.8 2.0 55 70 110 1.2 2.2 30 40 60 3.3 2.4 10 25 20 5.3 2.6 11 19 22 4.2 2.8 17 24 34 3.1 3.0 10 17 25 34 4.3 3.2 7 18 14 5.7 3.4 10 16 20 6.6 3.6 18 28 36 2.9 3.8 15 23 30 7.9 4.0 30 48 60 3.5 4.2 42 58 84 1.9 4.4 35 47 70 2.5 4.6 15 32 45 64 0.8 4.8 48 52 96 1.4 5.0 40 50 80 5.2 m w � 20 a A i i 25 f I i 30 I i i I � 35 i 40 --gift i i i P:Wrojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done I' f it 'I I .I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - Fax:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 15(Back) N27.222711 W80.293711 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data qc Depth Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Frictign Ritio,FR P P+S (tst) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 8 0 13 26 5.1 0.2 40 50 80 1.2 0.4 45 52 90 1.8 0.6 38 50 76 3.5 0.8 60 80 120 2.2 1.0 80 100 160 1.7 1.2 70 90 140 1.4 1.4 5 55 70 110 1.7 1.6 48 62 96 2.3 1.8 j 48 65 96 2.1 2.0 50 65 100 2.0 2.2 55 70 110 2.4 2.4 80 100 160 1.1 2.6 47 60 94 2.5 2.8 22 40 44 3.9 3.0 10 25 38 50 3.2 3.2 40 52 80 2.8 3.4 38 55 76 3.1 3.6 42 60 84 3.1 3.8 32 52 64 2.7 4.0 35 48 70 1.5 4.2 32 40 64 2.1 4.4 15 45 55 90 1.9 4.6 45 58 90 1.2 4.8 40 48 80 2.0 5.0 38 50 76 5.2 w_ 20 A 25 i I 30 i I i 35 TFTTFi 40- H i i P:W rojects12012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoUppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done i i i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORivn 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D Ite: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 16(Front) N27.222391 W80.293631 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade I I Field Data q� Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 �j rictign Rtio,FR 8 P P+S (tsf) (meters) 0 20 40 1.7 0.2 35 40 70 2.3 0.4 33 45 66 2.6 0.6 25 38 50 3.2 0.8 40 52 80 1.7 1.0 60 70 120 1.1 1.2 ' 80 90 160 1.5 1.4 5 42 60 84 1.3 1.6 35 43 70 2.8 1.8 35 50 70 1.9 2.0 60 70 120 2.2 2.2 110 130 220 1.2 2.4 70 90 140 0.9 2.6 40 50 80 2.0 2.8 30 42 60 3.3 3.0 10 35 50 70 3.0 3.2 32 48 64 3.3 3.4 35 51 70 3.0 3.6 35 51 70 1.9 3.8 20 30 40 2.6 4.0 25 33 50 4.0 4.2 35 50 70 2.3 4.4 15 36 48 72 1.7 4.6 28 37 56 3.5 4.8 20 35 40 3.0 5.0 28 37 56 5.2 a� w 20 a d A 'i i 25 I 30 I I I 35 i I 40 Ell- I I I I I I --- ------ I I I I I I I I i P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoUppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I I i i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 16(Back) N27.222380 W80.29360° Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade I Field Data qc FR Depth rict' n R tio,FR 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 ! 6 p p+S 8 (tso (meters) Cone Bearing,qc(tsf)0 i 26 52 1.3 0.2 55 60 110 2.4 0.4 70 90 140 1.9 0.6 80 100 160 1.7 0.8 70 90 140 1.9 1.0 60 80 120 2.0 1.2 52 70 104 2.3 1.4 5 42 60 84 2.7 1.6 35 52 70 3.2 1.8 ell 38 55 76 2.8 2.0 32 48 64 2.5 2.2 25 37 50 2.1 2.4 22 30 44 2.4 2.6 22 30 44 3.6 2.8 20 32 40 3.0 3.0 10 25 34 50 4.8 3.2 32 50 64 2.3 3.4 22 33 44 4.8 3.6 27 43 54 3.7 3.8 32 47 64 2.1 4.0 30 40 60 2.0 4.2 33 42 66 2.0 4.4 15 33 43 66 1.6 4.6 Opp 27 35 54 1.5 4.8 le 27 33 54 2.4 5.0 25 35 50 5.2 2 20 a a� A I 25 I I 30 i I i 35 I i i 40 P:1Projects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(StandardPaciftc Homes)IGeolAppendiceslApp E-CPTSoundings Done I f I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORibn 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 17(Front) N27.222171 W80.293401 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data 9 Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) P PTS (tsC FR (mete s) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 f'ricti n Ritio,F6R 8 0 i 35 70 1.9 0.2 25 35 50 5.3 0.4 60 80 120 1.7 0.6 65 80 130 1.0 0.8 60 70 120 1.7 1.0 55 70 110 2.0 1.2 58 75 116 1.4 1.4 5 58 70 116 1.7 1.6 55 70 110 2.4 1.8 80 100 160 1.7 2.0 110 130 220 1.2 2.2 150 170 300 0.9 2.4 60 80 120 1.9 2.6 35 52 70 3.2 2.8 21 38 42 1.9 3.0 10 27 33 54 3.2 3.2 17 30 34 2.7 3.4 20 27 40 2.3 3.6 20 27 40 1.7 3.8 15 20 30 2.6 4.0 15 21 30 2.2 4.2 15 20 30 2.2 4.4 10 15 20 2.6 4.6 15 14 18 28 2.8 4.8 I 14 20 28 2.8 5.0 17 23 34 5.2 I m w ' 20 d A i I 25 I 30 I I I i ' I 35 I' i I I I I i 40 I I P:W rojectA2012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done f I GFA INTERNATIONAlL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Pr ject No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 17(Back) N27.222241 W80.293661 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) q` FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Yj'ricti n Ratio,F6R 8 P P+S (ts� I (meters) 0 30 60 2.2 0.2 50 60 100 1.3 0.4 50 60 100 2.0 0.6 35 50 70 0.8 0.8 36 40 72 2.0 1.0 22 33 44 3.6 1.2 48 60 96. 1.4 1.4 50 60 100 1.3 1.6 5 50 60 100 2.6 1.8 80 100 160 1.7 2.0 80 100 160 0.8 2.2 100 110 200 1.3 2.4 60 80 120 1.7 2.6 i 35 50 70 3.4 2.8 22 40 44 2.4 3.0 10 40 48 80 2.5 3.2 30 45 60 2.2 3.4 60 70 120 1.1 3.6 60 70 120 1.1 3.8 60 70 120 2.2 4.0 40 60 80 0.8 4.2 33 38 66 1.6 4.4 36 44 72 1.1 4.6 15 32 38 64 1.0 4.8 35 40 70 1.5 5.0 35 43 70 5.2 r I d w 20 a A 25 I i 30 i 35 MIT- t i I i 40 f i P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 ;I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 - PrI ject No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 18(Front) N27.222191 W80.29345° Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade i Field Data qc Depth Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) i �ricgn R4tio,F6R P P+S (tsl) FR (meters) 0 3 6 11.0 0.2 35 40 70 1.9 0.4 40 50 80 2.0 0.6 40 52 80 1.8 0.8 42 53 84 2.7 1.0 43 60 86 2.3 1.2 55 70 110 1.8 1.4 5 55 70 110 2.4 1.6 80 100 160 1.7 1.8 60 80 120 2.2 2.0 70 90 140 1.9 2.2 80 100 160 1.2 2.4 55 70 110 1.6 2.6 42 55 84 1.6 2.8 45 55 90 1.5 3.0 10 35 45 70 2.3 3.2 38 50 76 2.1 3.4 30 42 60 1.1 3.6 35 40 I 70 2.5 3.8 32 45 64 2.1 4.0 32 42 64 2.1 4.2 30 40 60 1.1 4.4 30 35 60 1.1 4.6 15 30 35 60 2.2 4.8 35 45 70 0.9 5.0 30 35 60 5.2 w q 20 a A I 25 I i 30 i r i I I I 35 I i I i I I 40 I i P:IProjeefs12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done I i I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORiDA 34986, PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 ii CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 18(Back) N27.222171 W80.29326° Pa I ge: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade 1 Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) q` FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240. 280 320 ! ricti�n Rtio,F6R 8 P P+S (tst) (meters) I 0 9 18 7.3 0.2 30 40 60 2.4 0.4 37 48 74 1.8 0.6 40 50 80 2.0 0.8 38 50 76 2.1 1.0 40 52 80 2.0 1.2 48 60 96 1.8 1.4 42 55 84 3.5 1.6 5 48 70 96 2.8 1.8 60 80 120 2.2 2.0 100 120 200 0.7 2.2 35 45 70 2.3 2.4 40 52 80 2.0 2.6 48 60 96 2.2 2.8 52 68 104 2.5 3.0 10 48 68 96 2.8 3.2 30 50 60 3.3 3.4 35 50 70 1.9 3.6 I 30 40 60 2.2 3.8 35 45 70 1.3 4.0 35 42 70 2.3 4.2 ' 28 40 56 1.2 4.4 i 30 35 60 1.5 4.6 15 28 35 56 1.4 4.8 22 28 44 3.0 5.0 30 40 60 5.2 m w ' .0 20 G ! A i 25 ' I i i b I 30 f � I i I i 35 I I IL1 I I II I 40 P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendiceslApp H-CPT Soundings Done ! ' I i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 I� CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) j Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D te: 1/28/2014 Pro J ject No.: 12-1095.03 u Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County;FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 19(Front) N27.221200 W80.292530 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data 9� Depth riot' n R tio,F�R p P+S FR 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 ! U 6 8 (tsf) (meters) 0 20 40 1.7 0.2 45 50 90 0.7 0.4 I 25 30 50 2.6 0.6 50 60 100 2.6 0.8 70 90 140 0.9 1.0 90 100 180 1.5 1.2 60 80 120 2.2 1.4 5 60 80 120 1.1 1.6 10 20 20 4.6 1.8 3 10 6 13.2 2.0 9 15 18 7.3 2.2 20 30 40 2.6 2.4 32 40 64 2.1 2.6 35 45 70 1.9 2.8 40 50 80 2.5 3.0 10 45 60 90 2.2 3.2 35 50 70 2.5 3.4 42 55 84 1.4 3.6 38 47 76 2.4 3.8 36 50 72 1.8 4.0 35 45 70 2.3 4.2 23 35 46 2.6 4.4 28 37 56 1.9 4.6 15 30 38 60 1.8 4.8 30 38 60 1.1 5.0 30 35 60 5.2 m ,C 20 a. d A I 25 I I I I 30 j I I I 35 ! I I I 40 IIFFF I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done ' I OF'A INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 1 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) i Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 19(Back) N27.22117° W80.29234° Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data Depth Frlct' n R do F�R P P+S (qt) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 U ' 6 8 0 20 40 2.6 0.2 52 60 104 1.9 0.4 48 63 96 1.1 0.6 62 70 124 1.4 0.8 22 35 44 3.3 1.0 17 28 34 3.9 1.2 30 40 60 1.8 1.4 5 42 50 84 2.4 1.6 55 70 110 1.8 1.8 65 80 130 2.0 2.0 100 120 200 1.3 2.2 100 120 200 1.3 2.4 80 100 160 1.2 2.6 45 60 90 1.8 2.8 i 30 42 60 2.9 3.0 10 35 48 70 2.8 3.2 25 40 50 2.6 3.4 30 40 60 2.2 3.6 32 42 64 1.7 3.8 30 38 60 1.5 4.0 35 42 70 1.9 4.2 32 42 64 1.4 4.4 30 37 60 3.3 4.6 15 30 45 60 2.2 4.8 40 50 80 1.7 5.0 40 50 80 5.2 I d i w � i 20 � r- d j A 25 I _ I i I 30 i i 35 I • I f I ; 40 i I P:IProjectA2012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeot4ppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done I I f GFA. INI'ERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - Fnx:(772)924-3580 ;I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTI l D 3441) I Client: Standard Pacific Homes South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 il . Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 20(Front) N27.221081 W80.292371 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade i Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) I Field Data qC Depth I Yricti n Ritio,F6R FR P P+S (tst) (meters) 0 20 40 5.6 0.2 48 65 96 1.4 0.4 48 58 96 1.4 0.6 55 65 110 1.4 0.8 48 60 96 1.1 1.0 44 32 40 64 2.1 1.2 f 32 42 64 2.5 1.4 j 48 60 96 2.8 1.6 5 80 100 160 0.8 1.8 110 120 220 0.6 2.0 110 120 220 1.0 2.2 38 55 76 2.8 2.4 22 38 44 3.0 2.6 25 35 50 2.6 2.8 22 32 44 1.5 3.0 10 30 35 60 2.2 3.2 20 30 40 1.7 3.4 35 40 70 1.3 3.6 25 32 50 2.1 3.8 30 38 60 1.5 4.0 30 37 60 2.2 4.2 32 42 64 1.7 4.4 32 40 64 1.7 4.6 15 30 38 60 1.1 4.8 27 32 54 1.7 5.0 ; 18 25 36 5.2 � I w .0 20 a. A � i f 25 I I I 30 I I I 35 I I 40 I I I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done i i I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 20(Back) N27.220981 W80.292180 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade R Field Data qc De Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) pth ' P P+S (tsfl FR (meters) 0 40 SO 120 160 200 240 f'rict4m Ritio,F1 280 320 6 8 0 7 14 9.4 0.2 20 30 40 1.7 0.4 35 40 70 1.3 0.6 30 37 60 1.8 0.8 26 34 52 2.0 1.0 25 33 50 1.3 1.2 25 30 50 2.4 1.4 18 27 36 2.9 1.6 5 17 25 34 2.3 1.8 20 26 40 3.6 2.0 17 28 34 3.9 2.2 40 50 80 1.2 2.4 28 35 56 1.7 2.6 20 27 40 2.3 2.8 15 22 30 4.4 3.0 10 20 30 40 2.6 3.2 27 35 54 3.2 3.4 30 43 60 3.3 3.6 30 45 60 3.1 3.8 33 47 66 2.2 4.0 42 53 84 2.4 4.2 40 55 80 1.3 4.4 40 48 80 1.2 4.6 15 40 47 80 1.3 4.8 40 48 80 1.7 5.0 40 50 80 5.2 w 20 A i i 25 f i i 30 I I i i 35 I i 40 P:Wrojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)lGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done i i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 21(Front) N27.220900 W80.292190 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data q` FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 ! fj'rict�n Ritio,F6R 8 P P+S (tst) (meters) 0 i 12 24 4.4 0.2 22 30 44 3.0 0.4 22 32 44 3.0 0.6 30 40 60 2.2 0.8 37 47 74 2.0 1.0 37 48 74 0.9 1.2 22 27 44 2.4 1.4 12 20 24 3.9 1.6 5 13 20 26 2.0 1.8 15 19 30 2.2 2.0 12 17 24 2.8 2.2 9 14 18 1.5 2.4 15 17 30 2.6 2.6 18 24 36 2.2 2.8 24 30 48 2.8 3.0 10 30 40 60 2.2 3.2 35 45 70 2.1 3.4 43 54 86 2.3 3.6 43 58 86 1.8 3.8 45 57 90 1.8 4.0 35 47 70 1.9 4.2 45 55 90 1.8 4.4 15 40 52 80 2.1 4.6 42 55 84 2.4 4.8 43 58 86 1.1 5.0 48 55 96 5.2 d ' w 20 a d A i 25 i I 30 � I I j 35 THT -=i RI i i i 40 I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done it i GEA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:.(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 ProJ ject: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: P P NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 21 (Back) N27.220771 W80.291911 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data q� Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) FR e pth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 �rictign Rtio,F6R 8 P P+S (tst) (De 0 19 38 3.5 0.2 50 60 100 1.3 0.4 80 90 160 0.8 0.6 60 70 120 1.1 0.8 35 45 70 1.3 1.0 20 27 40 1.0 1.2 , 10 13 20 2.6 1.4 5 8 12 16 6.6 1.6 11 19 22 3.6 1.8 14 20 28 4.2 2.0 ILI 15 24 30 5.7 2.2 22 35 44 3.6 2.4 33 45 66 2.6 2.6 IK 27 40 54 3.4 2.8 28 42 56 3.5 3.0 10 30 45 60 2.6 3.2 25 37 50 2.6 3.4 50 60 100 1.7 3.6 32 45 64 1.9 3.8 38 47 76 2.1 4.0 i 48 60 96 2.3 4.2 38 55 76 2.4 4.4 36 50 72 2.8 4.6 15 40 55 80 2.5 4.8 43 58 86 1.1 5.0 35 42 70 5.2 � I m 20 aai A i 25 j I 30 i I 35 i i 40 I P:IProjectsQ012g2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I f i i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 i CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 22(Front) N27.220691 W80.292021 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade I i Field Data q, Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) FR (Depth) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 �ricti�on Rtio,F62 P P+S (tsf) meters 8 0 i 11 22 3.0 0.2 1. 30 35 60 1.5 0.4 28 35 56 2.4 0.6 30 40 60 1.5 0.8 53 60 106 2.5 1.0 50 70 100 2.0 1.2 1.7 40 55 80 1.8 1.4 34 45 68 2.5 1.6 5 35 48 70 1.3 1.8 33 40 66 3.0 2.0 25 40 50 2.4 2.2 14 23 28 2.4 2.4 19 24 38 2.1 2.6 20 26 40 1.3 2.8 20 24 40 4.0 3.0 10 18 30 36 1.8 3.2 40 45 80 1.7 3.4 30 40 60 2.0 3.6 33 42 66 0.4 3.8 38 40 76 2.6 4.0 38 53 76 1.7 4.2 40 50 80 1.7 4.4 32 42 64 2.5 4.6 15 22 34 44 3.6 4.8 34 46 68 2.9 5.0 35 50 70 5.2 d � w � 20 w d A i I 25 I I i I 30 I I I 35 i i i i i f 40 I P:Wrojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done i i I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 it CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D te: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Fii ld Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 22(Back) N27.220541 W80.291831 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade j Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data qC Depth I Yricgn Ritio,FR 8 P P+S (tsf) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 # 0 15 30 3.1 0.2 28 35 56 4.0 0.4 20 37 40 2.3 0.6 j 15 22 30 4.4 0.8 35 45 70 1.5 1.0 52 60 104 1.7 1.2 45 58 90 1.8 1.4 5 40 52 80 1.8 1.6 37 48 74 1.8 1.8 40 50 80 1.3 2.0 30 38 60 1.8 2.2 20 28 40 2.3 2.4 17 24 34 3.5 2.6 20 29 40 2.3 2.8 17 24 34 3.5 3.0 10 f 15 24 30 4.4 3.2 40 50 80 2.6 3.4 Mr 22 38 44 5.4 3.6 25 43 50 4.5 3.8 28 45 56 3.1 4.0 30 43 60 2.6 4.2 29 41 58 1.8 4.4 15 30 38 60 4.0 4.6 30 48 60 2.6 4.8 38 50 76 1.7 5.0 f 38 48 76 5.2 I d w 20 a a I i I 25 30 i I I 35 i i i I i 40 P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done f I I I I I GFA. INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) J Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL FielL d Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 23(Front) N27.220340 W80.291940 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) 9` FR Depth o ao 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Yj rictign Ritio,F6R 8 P P+S (ts1) (meters) 0 17 34 1.9 0.2 30 35 60 1.5 0.4 91111 25 32 50 3.4 0.6 35 48 70 2.5 0.8 50 63 100 2.4 1.0 40 58 80 1.3 1.2 19 27 38 2.1 1.4 5 17 23 34 2.7 1.6 18 25 36 2.2 1.8 15 21 30 2.6 2.0 12 18 24 5.5 2.2 18 28 36 3.7 2.4 25 35 50 2.6 2.6 30 40 60 2.2 2.8 55 65 110 1.4 3.0 10 I 50 62 100 1.8 3.2 32 46 64 2.7 3.4 I 27 40 54 2.2 3.6 28 37 56 3.1 3.8 27 40 54 2.4 4.0 30 40 60 3.3 4.2 20 35 40 4.0 4.4 25 37 50 4.0 4.6 15 35 50 70 1.9 4.8 32 42 64 1.4 5.0 30 37 60 5.2 d w 20 a d A I 25 I i I 30 I ! � I 35 I I 40 P:Wro3ects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done! I i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580' CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 ! Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL ! Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 23(Back) N27.220241 W80.291711 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) q` FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240, 280 320 �rictign R tio,F6R 8 P P+S (w) (meters) 0 � 9 18 7.3 0.2 -21 20 30 40 3.6 0.4 32 43 64 2.5 0.6 40 52 80 1.7 0.8 so 60 100 1.3 1.0 70 80 140 1.2 1.2 37 50 74 2.1 1.4 5 28 40 56 2.4 1.6 40 50 80 2.5 1.8 40 55 80 1.7 2.0 40 50 80 2.1 2.2 30 43 60 2.2 2.4 30 40 60 1.5 2.6 18 25 36 1.8 2.8 5 10 10 5.3 3.0 10 7 11 14 5.7 3.2 22 28 44 3.6 3.4 22 34 44 2.7 3.6 28 37 56 1.4 3.8 22 28 44 3.0 4.0 18 28 36 3.7 4.2 25 35 50 2.6 4.4 15 20 30 40 2.3 4.6 27 34 54 2.4 4.8 30 40 60 1.8 5.0 30 38 60 5.2 i r I d ; w_ 20 a A i 25 I i i 30 i i t 35 -- -------t--�7[71-717-1 91-- JL 40 r I P:IProjectA2012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)lGeoWppendiceAApp E-CPT Soundings Done i I GF'A INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Proj ect No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL ! Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 24(Front) N27.220211 W80.292630 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tst) I Field Data q� Depth j ' n R tio,FR P P+S (ts� FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 rict 6 8 0 f 8 16 8.3 0.2 30 40 60 1.5 0.4 35 42 70 1.5 0.6 32 40 64 1.7 0.8 27 35 54 2.4 1.0 25 35 50 3.2 1.2 30 42 60 3.1 1.4 36 50 72 2.8 1.6 5 50 65 100 1.6 1.8 55 67 110 2.2 2.0 j 52 70 104 2.5 2.2 45 65 90 1.9 2.4 32 45 64 1.9 2.6 28 37 56 0.2 2.8 42 43 84 1.4 3.0 10 28 37 56 2.8 3.2 j 25 37 50 3.4 3.4 28 41 56 3.5 3.6 35 50 70 2.5 3.8 45 58 90 2.1 4.0 43 57 86 1.7 4.2 42 53 84 2.4 4.4 25 40 50 2.6 4.6 15 20 30 40 2.3 4.8 55 62 110 2.4 5.0 60 80 120 5.2 i I d f w ,= 20 a � A _ i 25 I i ' 30 I i f I I I 35 40 i P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done i i - i i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580' II CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) j i Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 'I . Proj ect No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN , Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 24(Back) N27.220280 W80.292820 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data q� Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) (Depth rict' n R tio,FR P P+S (w) (Dmeters) 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240, 280 320 i 6 8 11 22 3.6 0.2 34 40 68 1.6 0.4 27 35 54 2.4 0.6 50 60 100 2.0 0.8 48 63 96 2.1 1.0 45 60 90 1.5 1.2 40 50 80 2.5 1.4 40 55 80 2.5 1.6 5 45 60 90 2.2 1.8 50 65 100 1.5 2.0 52 63 104 2.5 2.2 80 100 160 1.7 2.4 60 80 120 2.4 2.6 48 70 96 1.7 2.8 40 52 80 2.0 3.0 10 35 47 70 1.5 3.2 35 43 70 0.4 3.4 38 40 76 2.3 3.6 27 40 54 3.4 3.8 33 47 66 2.0 4.0 40 50 80 2.0 4.2 j 35 47 70 2.5 4.4 I S 32 45 64 3.1 4.6 37 52 74 1.8 4.8 35 45 70 1.7 5.0 38 47 76 5.2 i d w I 20 I r.+ A � 25 I I i I 35 i i I i 40 i I I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)lGeot4ppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done ; i i I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE',PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 25(Front) N27.220371 W80.292711 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade I Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data q, Depth ! rictign Ritio,F6R p p+S FR 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 8 (tsf) (meters) 0 i I 7 14 6.6 0.2 18 25 36 2.9 0.4 35 43 70 1.5 0.6 35 43 70 1.5 0.8 20 28 40 1.7 1.0 12 17 24 1.1 1.2 4 6 8 5.0 1.4 5 5 8 10 13.2 1.6 20 30 40 6.6 1.8 i 50 70 100 2.6 2.0 70 90 140 1.1 2.2 48 60 96 2.5 2.4 42 60 84 2.0 2.6 30 43 60 2.6 2.8 25 37 50 2.1 3.0 10 52 60 104 2.3 3.2 30 48 60 2.4 3.4 37 48 74 2.5 3.6 36 50 72 2.6 3.8 39 53 78 2.2 4.0 37 50 74 1.8 4.2 10 35 45 70 1.7 4.4 15 33 42 66 2.0 4.6 32 42 64 1.4 4.8 38 45 76 0.9 5.0 40 45 80 5.2 I f 41 I 20 d A � F I 25 i I' I 30 I 35 i i i 40 I i P:IProjectA2012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeo UppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I I i i GFA INI'ERNAT'I®NAIL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D Ite: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL I Field Crew: PM/WN il Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 25(Back) N27.220570 W80.292821 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade j i Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Field Data qC Depth riet n R tio,FR P P+S (tsf) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 2401 280 320 b 8 0 22 44 3.0 0.2 40 50 80 1.7 0.4 60 70 120 1.7 0.6 55 70 110 1.6 0.8 45 58 90 1.5 1.0 40 50 80 2.0 1.2 40 52 80 3.0 1.4 5 52 70 104 2.5 1.6 80 100 160 1.7 1.8 70 90 140 1.4 2.0 65 80 130 1.6 2.2 36 52 72 2.2 2.4 30 42 60 1.8 2.6 27 35 54 2.0 2.8 28 36 56 2.4 3.0 10 40 50 80 1.3 3.2 30 38 60 1.1 3.4 35 40 70 1.3 3.6 36 43 72 1.8 3.8 32 42 64 1.7 4.0 35 43 70 2.8 4.2 33 48 66 2.0 4.4 I S j 45 55 90 1.5 4.6 45 55 90 1.0 4.8 I 48 55 96 1.7 5.0 48 60 96 5.2 y i w i 20 a A ' I i 25 I j i I. I 30 f i 35 ` i I i 40 i I P:WrojectsQ012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done, I f i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 , i� CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida I Dte: 1/28/2014 Pr!ject No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 26(Front) N27.220850 W80.292910 Pdge: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade j Field Data qC P Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Yricti n Ritio,F6R P P+S (tsf) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 2401 280 320 8 0 9 18 7.3 0.2 30 40 60 1.8 0.4 37 45 74 1.4 0.6 37 45 74 1.8 0.8 38 48 76 2.1 1.0 33 45 66 1.0 1.2 4 9 8 8.3 1.4 10 15 20 4.6 1.6 5 20 27 40 3.0 1.8 18 27 36 2.6 2.0 20 27 40 1.7 2.2 30 35 60 2.2 2.4 40 50 80 1.2 2.6 38 45 76 2.3 2.8 32 45 64 2.5 3.0 10 30 42 60 1.5 3.2 38 45 76 1.4 3.4 42 50 84 1.3 3.6 40 48 80 2.0 3.8 33 45 66 2.0 4.0 35 45 70 1.5 4.2 ZZ 52 60 104 0.9 4.4 48 55 96 1.4 4.6 15 45 55 90 0.7 4.8 40 45 80 1.2 5.0 25 32 50 5.2 i d " w 20 a d A I i 25 i I i 30 I I I I 35 i I I i i 40 I i i i P:IProjects12012W-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendiceslApp E•-CPT Soundings Done i � i GFA INTERNATIONAL, 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D Ite: 1/28/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL 1 Field Crew: PM/WN 11 Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 26(Back) N27.220901 W80.293061 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade i Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) I Field Data 9� Depth j rlcf n R4tio,FR P P+S (ts}) FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 I T 4 b 8 r 7 14 4.7 0.2 30 35 60 1.8 0.4 i 32 40 64 2.1 0.6 32 42 64 2.1 0.8 30 40 60 2.9 1.0 30 43 60 3.3 1.2 65 80 130 2.0 1.4 5 80 100 160 1.7 1.6 80 100 160 1.2 1.8 55 70 110 '1.8 2.0 40 55 80 0.8 2.2 25 30 50 2.6 2.4 25 35 50 1.3 2.6 30 35 60 2.9 2.8 32 45 64 2.5 3.0 10 38 50 76 2.8 3.2 32 48 64 3.5 3.4 25 42 50 3.4 3.6 32 45 64 1.7 3.8 40 48 80 1.7 4.0 35 45 70 2.8 4.2 38 53 76 1.4 4.4 38 46 76 1.7 4.6 15 22 32 44 3.0 4.8 70 80 140 1.9 5.0 80 100 160 5.2 d w � .J 20 � f A i I 25 I I I 30 j i I 35 i J 40 I i P:W rojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendices App E-CPT Soundings Done I I li GF'A INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAH:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 27(Front) N27.221700 W80.293630 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S meters q� (Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 (tsfj ) 0 I 15 30 3.5 0.2 40 48 80 1.7 0.4 50 60 100 2.6 0.6 70 90 140 1.9 0.8 70 90 140 1.9 1.0 80 100 160 1.7 1.2 100 120 200 1.3 1.4 5 100 120 200 1.3 1.6 80 100 160 1.7 1.8 90 110 180 1.5 2.0 150 170 300 0.9 2.2 60 80 120 1.1 2.4 50 60 100 2.4 2.6 27 45 54 3.7 2.8 35 50 70 2.3 3.0 10 40 52 80 2.5 3.2 40 55 80 2.0 3.4 28 40 56 3.5 3.6 25 40 50 2.9 3.8 25 36 50 2.6 4.0 24 34 48 1.1 4.2 20 24 40 1.3 4.4 15 20 24 40 3.3 4.6 20 30 40 0.7 4.8 33 35 66 6.0 5.0 22 52 44 5.2 -941 as w 20 a � t A i 25 i I I I i 30 I i i j 35 f 40 I i I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)lGeoWppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done it ' I i GFA ETT'EINAT'IONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D Ite: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL I Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 27(Back) N27.221471 W80.293661 Paige: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade c Field Data y� g,9 (is f Friction Ratio,FR p p+S (41� FR (metes) Cone Bearing,0 40 80 120 160 200 240' 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 i 12 24 4.4 0.2 IL 32 40 64 2.1 0.4 45 55 90 1.9 0.6 52 65 104 1.5 0.8 50 62 100 2.2 1.0 48 65 96 2.5 1.2 50 68 100 2.2 1.4 5 48 65 96 2.3 1.6 50 67 100 5.0 1.8 32 70 64 4.1 2.0 80 100 160 0.7 2.2 22 30 44 3.0 2.4 20 30 40 3.3 2.6 30 40 60 1.5 2.8 35 42 70 2.3 3.0 10 35 47 70 3.4 3.2 42 60 84 1.9 3.4 30 42 60 2.9 3.6 32 45 64 2.7 3.8 45 58 90 2.1 4.0 38 52 76 3.0 4.2 45 62 90 1.0 4.4 45 52 90 1.5 4.6 15 55 65 110 1.8 4.8 45 60 90 2.9 5.0 60 80 120 5.2 w_ .0 20 a A i 25 I I i 30 I j 35 i I i I 40 i i P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendicesWpp E-CPT So:mdings Done I i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTIVI D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 28(Front) N27.221481 W80.293811 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR qe Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240, 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 P P+S (tsf) (meters) j 0 24 48 1.4 0.2 30 35 60 2.2 0.4 50 60 100 2.6 0.6 70 90 140 1.9 0.8 70 90 140 1.9 1.0 10 70 90 140 1.9 1.2 60 80 120 1.7 1.4 5 55 70 110 2.4 1.6 60 80 120 2.2 1.8 70 90 140 1.4 2.0 65 80 130 2.3 2.2 27 50 54 2.9 2.4 28 40 56 2.4 2.6 32 42 64 2.7 2.8 22 35 44 3.6 3.0 10___'_ 25 37 50 3.4 3.2 22 35 44 4.5 3.4 27 42 54 3.2 3.6 32 45 64 1.7 3.8 35 43 70 1.3 4.0 35 42 70 1.1 4.2 42 48 84 2.0 4.4 15 20 33 40 3.3 4.6 48 58 96 2.8 4.8 70 90 140 1.9 5.0 110 130 220 5.2 w a 20 A I I � 25 I 30 I. i 35 I i I 40 i i P:lProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)lGeoWppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done I �I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 i CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 28(Back) N27.221260 W80.293850 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing, c is Field Data g'9 ( fl I i Friction Ratio,FR q� Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 1 0 2 4 6 8 P P+S (tsf) (meters) 0 25 50 2.1 0.2 42 50 84 2.0 0.4 42 55 84 1.6 0.6 50 60 100 1.7 0.8 45 58 90 1.9 1.0 42 55 84 2.0 1.2 52 65 104 2.5 1.4 5 60 80 120 2.2 1.6 90 110 180 1.5 1.8 50 70 100 3.0 2.0 25 48 50 2.6 2.2 20 30 40 5.0 2.4 25 40 50 4.8 2.6 32 50 64 2.9 2.8 43 57 86 1.5 3.0 10 i 45 55 90 2.9 3.2 28 48 56 3.1 3.4 42 55 84 2.8 3.6 40 58 80 2.0 3.8 40 52 80 1.3 4.0 39 47 78 2.4 4.2 Ai 28 42 56 2.4 4.4 70 80 140 0.9 4.6 15 80 90 160 1.7 4.8 120 140 240 1.1 5.0 140 160 280 5.2 III � I d W s'. 20 CL d A 25 ! i I I I. 30 I I I I 35 i i I I 40 HRET-Ift-El 11.1 111111 I P:IProjects12012V 2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done � I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-35801 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTIVI D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Pr1 ject No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 29(Front) N27.221291 W80.294041 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade - I Field Data De th Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S (q}) (Depth 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240, 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 20 40 3.3 0.2 40 50 80 1.7 0.4 j 45 55 90 2.2 0.6 40 55 80 2.8 0.8 35 52 70 3.8 1.0 80 100 160 1.7 1.2 100 120 200 1.3 1.4 5 120 140 240 1.1 1.6 70 90 140 1.6 1.8 28 45 56 3.5 2.0 20 35 40 2.3 2.2 20 27 40 2.6 2.4 30 38 60 2.9 2.6 27 40 54 2.0 2.8 32 40 64 2.5 3.0 10 30 42 60 4.0 3.2 32 50 64 3.5 3.4 35 52 70 2.5 3.6 32 45 64 1.7 3.8 35 43 70 1.9 4.0 35 45 70 1.1 4.2 30 36 60 2.6 4.4 30 42 60 4.4 4.6 15 80 100 160 1.7 4.8 150 170 300 0.9 5.0 170 190 340 5.2 � I q 20 I A I I I 25 I r � I I ' I 30 f I I I 35 i I I 40-4-- ---FFMITI - ------- P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoUppendicest4pp E-CPT Soundings Done, I� i i GF'A ViTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORWA 3,1986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580' .I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTIVI D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL ! Field Crew: PM/WN Rilg ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 29(Back) N27.221101 W80.294011 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data 4� Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) i Friction Ratio,FR P P+S (ts� meters) FR (Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 � 0 9 18 7.3 0.2 40 50 80 2.5 0.4 65 80 130 1.5 0.6 65 80 130 1.0 0.8 60 70 120 1.1 1.0 60 70 120 1.9 1.2 48 65 96 1.8 1.4 5 27 40 54 2.7 1.6 24 35 48 1.4 1.8 43 48 86 2.6 2.0 25 42 50 5.3 2.2 25 45 50 5.3 2.4 i 32 52 64 4.1 2.6 22 42 44 4.2 2.8 26 40 52 2.0 3.0 10 ' 32 40 64 2.3 3.2 35 46 70 1.5 3.4 35 43 70 1.5 3.6 35 43 70 1.3 3.8 28 35 56 2.4 4.0 20 30 40 3.3 4.2 40 50 80 5.3 4.4 28 60 56 2.4 4.6 15 80 90 160 1.7 4.8 80 100 160 1.7 5.0 70 90 140 5.2 ai w v � 20 j q I 25 I i I I 30 I I i 35 I 40 i P:Wrojects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done J i I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580' CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D'te: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Fii ld Crew: PNI/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 30(Front) N27.221080 W80.294201 Page: 10 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing, is Field Data 9c( � Friction Ratio,FR p+S (q. FR (mete s) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 � 18 36 3.7 0.2 30 40 60 2.2 0.4 60 70 120 2.2 0.6 80 100 160 1.7 0.8 80 100 160 0.8 1.0 1 70 80 140 1.9 1.2 70 90 140 1.9 1.4 5 90 110 180 1.1 1.6 65 80 130 2.0 1.8 1-4 100 120 200 0.7 2.0 j 100 110 200 0.7 2.2 22 33 44 3.0 2.4 20 30 40 3.0 2.6 22 31 44 3.0 2.8 20 30 40 3.6 3.0 10 19 30 38 4.5 3.2 30 43 60 1.5 3.4 i 30 37 60 1.1 3.6 30 35 60 1.5 3.8 35 42 70 0.9 4.0 35 40 70 1.9 4.2 30 40 60 2.2 4.4 80 90 160 1.7 4.6 15 80 100 160 1.7 4.8 80 100 160 1.7 5.0 i 90 110 180 5.2 I Ed w_ 20 a � A i 25 I. 30 i 35 i I i 40 I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Hom es)lGeoUppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done � i I / I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D�Ite: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL i Fill ld Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 30(Back) N27.220881 W80.294201 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade _ I , Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR P P+S (qfl FR (meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240, 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 15 30 4.4 0.2 j 40 50 80 1.7 0.4 55 65 110 2.6 0.6 58 80 116 2.3 0.8 50 70 100 2.4 1.0 52 70 104 1.9 1.2 65 80 130 1.0 1.4 5 80 90 160 1.7 1.6 35 55 70 1.9 1.8 50 60 100 2.6 2.0 80 100 160 1.2 2.2 32 46 64 1.7 2.4 30 38 60 2.2 2.6 30 40 60 3.3 2.8 20 35 40 6.9 3.0 10 27 48 54 2.9 3.2 11 33 45 66 2.0 3.4 35 45 70 1.9 3.6 32 42 64 1.7 3.8 25 33 50 1.8 4.0 25 32 50 2.6 4.2 40 50 80 1.7 4.4 55 65 110 1.2 4.6 15 110 120 220 0.6 4.8 120 130 240 1.1 5.0 120 140 240 5.2 w I 20 A � I I S 25 f I I I f 30 I I 35 i I 40 ' f P:IProjects12 M12-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeolAppendiceslApp E-CPT Soundings Done t I I GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 I PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 'I CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTk D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida Date: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 31 (Front) N27.220841 W80.294381 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade j Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR q` FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240, 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 p p+S- ( � (meters) 0 14 28 2.4 0.2 20 25 40 3.3 0.4 40 50 80 1.7 0.6 60 70 120 1.3 0.8 58 70 116 1.1 1.0 60 70 120 2.0 1.2 i 62 80 124 2.1 1.4 5 80 100 160 1.5 1.6 22 40 44 3.0 '1.8 45 55 90 1.5 2.0 21 40 50 80 3.0 2.2 62 80 124 1.1 2.4 30 40 60 3.1 2.6 28 42 56 0.7 2.8 45 48 90 0.3 3.0 10 ; 45 47 90 1.9 3.2 37 50 74 2.1 3.4 43 55 86 1.8 3.6 I 18 30 36 4.0 3.8 32 43 64 2.9 4.0 33 47 66 2.0 4.2 30 40 60 2.6 4.4 15 30 42 60 2.9 4.6 57 70 114 1.7 4.8 65 80 130 1.5 5.0 65 80 130 5.2 w 20 d A f i 25 I I I. I f I I 30 i i 35 i 40 � i P:WrojectsQ01M-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoUppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done I i I GF A INTERNATIONAL, 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580' CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D 3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D te: 2/4/2014 Prioject No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: 'NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field:I Crew: PM/WN ,I Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 31 (Back) N27.220590 W80.294350 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) I Friction Ratio,FR Field Data P P+S (qf) ( FR Depth 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 is meters) I 0 I 10 20 3.3 0.2 27 32 54 2.4 0.4 40 50 80 3.3 0.6 70 90 140 1.4 0.8 65 80 130 1.5 1.0 45 60 90 2.5 1.2 38 55 76 1.7 1.4 5 45 55 90 2.2 1.6 65 80 130 1.7 1.8 45 62 90 1.8 2.0 40 52 80 0.3 2.2 25 27 50 2.6 2.4 22 32 44 3.0 2.6 20 30 40 1.7 2.8 15 20 30 4.4 3.0 10 15 25 30 4:4 3.2 32 42 64 2.1 3.4 35 45 70 1.9 3.6 30 40 60 1.5 3.8 28 35 56 1.2 4.0 20 25 40 2.3 4.2 28 35 56 2.4 4.4 15 50 60 100 2.6 4.6 70 90 140 0.9 4.8 60 70 120 2.2 5.0 50 70 100 5.2 � I ' 20 a fd A 25 I. i i I i 30 i I I I � 35 j i 40 P:IProjectsQ012U2-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesUpp E-CPT Soundings Done i GFA INTERNATIONAL 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLOUIDA 34986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx:(772)924-3580 it CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING ASTM D 3441 Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D'ate: 2/4/2014 P oject No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 32(Front) N27.220510 W80.294390 P ge: 10 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data Cone Bearing,qc(tsf) Friction Ratio,FR q�` FR (me P P+S ( tes 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 ) 0 I 8 16 5.8 0.2 28 35 56 2.4 0.4 38 48 76 1.9 0.6 42 53 84 2.0 0.8 37 50 74 1.8 1.0 33 43 66 3:0 1.2 ' 45 60 90 2.9 1.4 5 80 100 160 1.7 1.6 130 150 260 1.0 1.8 70 90 140 1.7 2.0 42 60 84 2.4 2.2 33 48 66 2.6 2.4 34 47 68 1.7 2.6 33 42 66 1.6 2.8 34 42 68 1.4 3.0 10 33 40 66 2.0 3.2 40 50 80 1.3 3.4 42 50 84 1.6 3.6 45 55 90 1.6 3.8 + 41 52 82 1.3 4.0 42 50 84 0.9 4.2 32 38 64 2.7 4.4 35 48 70 2.8 4.6 15 55 70 110 1.6 4.8 52 65 104 2.5 5.0 70 90 140 5.2 d � w a 20 A I I I 25 ! ` i 30 j I 35 I i I 40 I P:IProjects12012112-1095.03 Riverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoUppendicesUpp H-CPT Soundings Done I I I GFA INTERNATIONAL I 521 N.W.ENTERPRISE DRIVE,PORT ST.LUCIE,FLORIDA 3,1986 PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAX:(772)924-35801 CONE PENETRATION SOUNDING (ASTM D3441) Client: Standard Pacific Homes,South Florida D Ate: 2/4/2014 Project No.: 12-1095.03 Project: Proposed Riverbend Development:Lots 1-47 Lab No.: NE Corner of Gilson Rd&NW Turnabout Ln,St.Lucie County,FL Field Crew: PM/WN Rig ID: OshKosh Location: CPT @ Lot 32(Back) N27.220381 W80.294331 Page: 1 of 1 Elevation: Existing Grade Field Data y, Cone Bearing,gc,(tsf) I Friction Ratio,FR P P+S (ts}) FR Depth(meters) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 2 4 6 8 0 9 18 7.3 0.2 40 50 80 3.0 0.4 12 30 24 2.8 0.6 20 25 40 1.0 0.8 17 20 34 1.9 1.0 15 20 30 3.1 1.2 35 42 70 2.5 1.4 5 20 33 40 2.3 1.6 20 27 40 3.6 1.8 22 33 44 2.4 2.0 30 38 60 2.6 2.2 31 43 62 0.9 2.4 48 52 96 2.1 2.6 35 50 70 3.2 2.8 40 57 80 3.0 3.0 10 38 56 76 3.5 3.2 45 65 90 2.1 3.4 43 57 86 2.8 3.6 52 70 104 1.9 3.8 50 65 100 4.9 4.0 i 28 65 56 2.4 4.2 40 50 80 1.2 4.4 35 42 70 2.1 4.6 15 37 48 74 2.3 4.8 52 65 104 2.5 5.0 70 90 140 5.2 d i w q 20 m I A I j I 25 I f 30 I 35 i 40 i i P:Wrojects12012U2-1095.03 2iverbend(Standard Pacific Homes)IGeoWppendicesWpp E-CPT Soundings Done I ;